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* Declarative X(HT)ML templates engine. First thing first: declarative part. This templates engine is indeed declarative. It
* does not embed programming language into (X)HTML code. And this - beside being much easier to learn and use - comes with important
* consequence: a complete separation of logic and data. Declarative nature forces view to deal only with presentation, there is no
* chance for developer to mix-in business logic - see code samples.
* <ul data-list="contacts">
* <li><span data-text="name" /> - <span data-text="phone" /></li>
* </ul>
* Below is a typical templates engine using embedded Groovy. For a user interface developer seasoned with HTML this code may
* look a little more difficult to grasp. But the real thing is concern separation: user interface developer need not to know contacts
* comes from an instance named client
and that field name is contact
. And because the language allows it, is
* possible to alter model object values from templates which is bad.
* <ul>
* #{list contacts:client.contacts, as:'contact'}
* <li>${contact.name} - ${contact.phone}</li>
* #{/list}
* </ul>
* - natural template
- strict separation of view from business logic
- simple syntax that can be understood by graphic designers
* Temples engine overview
* A template is an X(HT)ML file that contains templates operators. An operator is declared
* into and operates on an {@link js.dom.Element} and has an opcode and exactly one operand. The most common operator is
* setter which takes care to set element text content or attribute. A short example may clarify:
* // model object
* class Person {
* String description = "person description";
* Picture picture = new Picture("images/person.png");
* };
* // template fragment
* <p data-text="description"></p>
* <img data-attr="src:picture;title:description;" />
* Templates engine enacts data-text and data-attr operators that set paragraph text to Person
* description, image source to picture and image tooltip, i.e. its title attribute, also to description.
* <p>person description</p>
* <img src="images/person.png" title="person description" />
* Templates operators are declared using standard X(HT)ML attributes and uses next syntax:
* operator := 'data' '-' opcode '=' '"' operand '"'
* opcode := see operators list
* operand := propertyPath | expression
* propertyPath := see object property path
* expression := evaluated by operator
* One may notice operator opcode is prefixed with data-. This is indeed on purpose: HTML5 allows for element attributes
* extensions and extensions name start exactly with that prefix.
* Since instruction syntax is a subset of supporting template syntax it can be kept into resulting document. This comes with a
* big advantage: the same instructions can be used to extract model object from documents generated by templates processor.
* This can be seen as an object oriented alternative to micro-formats. So templates processor can be used for both injection
* and extraction of the model object into/from documents.
* When processing templates, the DOM tree is traversed in synchro with model object graph. DOM is a tree of elements and
* model is a tree of values; model tree is mapped on elements tree. This does necessarily means those trees are congruent, elements
* tree can and usually is more complex but its overall structure resemble model tree.
* e1
* /
* m1 e
* / / \
* m0 e0 e
* \ \
* m2 \
* e2
* Templates engine define a function TE: m -> e defined on model with values on elements, in other words model is domain whereas
* elements tree is codomain. Note that TE is not surjective, that is, not for every element e in the codomain there
* is an m in the domain such that TE(m) = e.
* Templates operators list
* Templates engine algorithm is generic and operates on operator types, that is, groups of operators. This way adding new operators
* does not require algorithm update. This operators list is displayed using that types hierarchy.
* 1. CONDITIONAL - include or exclude DOM branches based on some condition:
* {@link js.template.xhtml.IfOperator if}
* if value is empty element branch is not included in resulting document
* {@link js.template.xhtml.ExcludeOperator exclude}
* exclude element and its descendants from resulting document; implementation may choose to hide or completely remove the branch
* 2. ATTRIBUTE - set specified attribute to value extracted from content:
* {@link js.template.xhtml.AttrOperator attr}
* set attributes values; both attributes name and value are specified into expression operand
* {@link js.template.xhtml.IdOperator id}
* convenient attribute setter for element ID
* {@link js.template.xhtml.SrcOperator src}
* convenient attribute setter for image source
* {@link js.template.xhtml.HrefOperator href}
* convenient attribute setter for hyper-references; element should be an anchor or a resource link
* {@link js.template.xhtml.TitleOperator title}
* convenient attribute setter for tooltips
* {@link js.template.xhtml.ValueOperator value}
* convenient attribute setter for element value; element should be an input or textarea
* 3. CONTENT - operates upon element content be it text content or generated children elements:
* {@link js.template.xhtml.ObjectOperator object}
* current element is an object with many properties and should have child elements
* {@link js.template.xhtml.TextOperator text}
* set element text content
* {@link js.template.xhtml.HtmlOperator html}
* set element inner HTML, useful for text formatted with HTML tags
* {@link js.template.xhtml.NumberingOperator numbering}
* set element text content accordingly numbering format and item index
* {@link js.template.xhtml.ListOperator list}
* current element is a list and should have a child element that is processed as list item
* {@link js.template.xhtml.OListOperator olist}
* ordered variant of {@link js.template.xhtml.Opcode#LIST}, that is, list with numbering
* {@link js.template.xhtml.MapOperator map}
* current element is a map and should have two child elements: first processed as map key and the second as value
* {@link js.template.xhtml.OMapOperator omap}
* ordered variant of {@link js.template.xhtml.Opcode#MAP}, that is, map with numbering
* 4. FORMATTING - set format instance used to prepare content value before actual insertion:
* {@link js.template.xhtml.FormatOperator format}
* set formatter for value and text content setters
* Operators precedence is controller by their types in next order: conditional, inline, attribute, content and scope operators.
Object property path
* Basically templates operators inject values from content into target document. In order to identify the right
* piece of information content is regarded as a tree of values; every value can be reached traversing the three,
* from node to node following a unique path.
* class Person {
* String name;
* Address address {
* Locality locality {
* String name;
* }
* }
* }
* In above pseudo-code person and locality names are values; locality name path is .address.locality.name whereas person
* name is simple .name. Both exemplified paths starts with dot, meaning they are absolute path. Is also possible to use
* relative paths, but we need a reference named scope object or simply scope. So, if scope is Address, locality name path
* is locality.name; note missing dot from path start. For this reason all operators receive a scope object into parameters
* list. Also, template scanning starts with scope root, in our case Person instance; there is a scope operator used to change current scope.
* Templates implementations
* There are two templates engine implementations: serializer and injector. A serializer traverses DOM tree using
* depth-first algorithm and serialize every node to a given writer. If current node contains templates operators
* execute them. Operator execution act upon model object and result is also serialized to stream.
* ^
* |
* An injector templates engine also traverses source DOM using depth-first but model object values are injected directly into
* source DOM, altering it.
* |<-----|
* v |
* ^
* |
* Currently server side implementation is a serializer and client side is an injector for obvious rationales: server should send back
* to client documents generated on the fly, serialized on Servlet writer whereas client side should update loaded DOM in order to update
* user interface. But both support the same operators with exactly the same behavior so that documents generated on server side or on
* client look exactly the same, of course if generated from the same template.
* Experimental Solution
* Uses namespace for operators prefix and o:load operator to load content from server.
* <tr xmlns:o="http://js-lib.com/dom" o:load="/rest/contradiction">
* <td><img o:src="image" o:title="name" /></td>
* <td o:object="tasks.0" o:css-class="tasks.0:active">
* <p o:text="start" o:format="js.format.StandardDateTime"></p>
* . . .
* @author Iulian Rotaru
* @version 1.0
package js.template.xhtml;