com.jtransc.ast.ast.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2016 Carlos Ballesteros Velasco
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.jtransc.ast
import com.jtransc.ast.dependency.AstDependencyAnalyzer
import com.jtransc.error.InvalidOperationException
import com.jtransc.error.invalidOp
import com.jtransc.input.SootToAst
import com.jtransc.util.dependencySorter
import com.jtransc.vfs.IUserData
import com.jtransc.vfs.SyncVfsFile
import com.jtransc.vfs.UserData
import jtransc.annotation.*
import java.util.*
data class AstBuildSettings(
var jtranscVersion: String,
var title: String = "App Title",
var name: String = "AppName",
var version: String = "0.0.0",
var company: String = "My Company",
var package_: String = "",
var libraries: List = listOf(),
var assets: List = listOf(),
var debug: Boolean = true,
var initialWidth: Int = 1280,
var initialHeight: Int = 720,
var vsync: Boolean = true,
var resizable: Boolean = true,
var borderless: Boolean = false,
var fullscreen: Boolean = false,
var icon: String? = null,
var orientation: AstBuildSettings.Orientation = AstBuildSettings.Orientation.AUTO
) {
val release: Boolean get() = !debug
data class Library(val name: String, val version: String?) {
companion object {
fun fromInfo(info: String): Library {
val parts = info.split(':')
val name = parts.getOrNull(0)
val version = parts.getOrNull(1)
return Library(name!!, version)
enum class Orientation {
val lowName: String = name.toLowerCase()
companion object {
fun fromString(str: String): Orientation = when (str.toLowerCase()) {
"portrait" -> PORTRAIT
"landscape" -> LANDSCAPE
"auto" -> AUTO
else -> AUTO
interface AstClassGenerator {
fun generateClass(program: AstProgram, fqname: FqName): AstClass
class AstProgram(
val entrypoint: FqName,
val resourcesVfs: SyncVfsFile,
val generator: AstClassGenerator
) : IUserData by UserData() {
private val _classes = arrayListOf()
private val _classesByFqname = hashMapOf()
val classes: List get() = _classes
private val classesToGenerate = LinkedList()
private val referencedClasses = hashSetOf()
fun hasClassToGenerate() = classesToGenerate.isNotEmpty()
fun readClassToGenerate():AstClassRef = classesToGenerate.remove()
fun addReference(clazz: AstClassRef) {
if (clazz !in referencedClasses) {
classesToGenerate += clazz
referencedClasses += clazz
operator fun contains(name: FqName) = name.fqname in _classesByFqname
//operator fun get(name: FqName) = classesByFqname[name.fqname] ?: throw RuntimeException("AstProgram. Can't find class '$name'")
operator fun get(name: FqName): AstClass {
val result = _classesByFqname[name.fqname]
if (result == null) {
val classFile = name.internalFqname + ".class"
println("AstProgram. Can't find class '$name'")
println("AstProgram. ClassFile: $classFile")
println("AstProgram. File exists: " + resourcesVfs[classFile].exists)
//println("AstProgram. Soot exists: " + SootToAst.checkIfClassExists(name))
throw RuntimeException("AstProgram. Can't find class '$name'")
} else {
return result
private var finished = false
fun add(clazz: AstClass) {
if (finished) invalidOp("Can't add more classes to a finished program")
_classesByFqname[clazz.fqname] = clazz
fun finish() {
finished = true
val allAnnotations by lazy {
classes.flatMap {
it.annotations + it.methods.flatMap { it.annotations } + it.fields.flatMap { it.annotations }
operator fun get(ref: AstType.REF): AstClass = this[]
operator fun get(ref: AstClassRef): AstClass = this[]
operator fun get(ref: AstMethodRef): AstMethod? = this[ref.containingClass].getMethodInAncestorsAndInterfaces(ref.nameDesc)
operator fun get(ref: AstFieldRef): AstField = this[ref.containingClass][ref]
// @TODO: Cache all this stuff!
fun getAncestors(clazz: AstClass): List {
var out = arrayListOf()
var current = clazz
while (current != null) {
val extending = current.extending ?: break
if (extending.fqname.isNullOrEmpty()) break
current = this[extending]
return out
fun getInterfaces(clazz: AstClass) = { this[it] }
fun getAllInterfaces(clazz: AstClass): Set {
val thisInterfaces = getInterfaces(clazz).flatMap { listOf(it) + getAllInterfaces(it) }.toSet()
if (clazz.extending == null) {
return thisInterfaces
} else {
return getAllInterfaces(this[clazz.extending]) + thisInterfaces
fun isImplementing(clazz: AstClass, implementingClazz: String): Boolean {
return (implementingClazz.fqname in this) && (this[implementingClazz.fqname] in getAllInterfaces(clazz))
enum class AstVisibility { PUBLIC, PROTECTED, PRIVATE }
enum class AstClassType { CLASS, ABSTRACT, INTERFACE }
class AstClass(
val program: AstProgram,
val name: FqName,
val modifiers: Int,
val classType: AstClassType = AstClassType.CLASS,
val visibility: AstVisibility = AstVisibility.PUBLIC,
val extending: FqName? = null,
val implementing: List = listOf(),
val annotations: List = listOf()
) : IUserData by UserData() {
val fields = arrayListOf()
val methods = arrayListOf()
val methodsByName = hashMapOf>()
val methodsByNameDescInterfaces = hashMapOf()
val methodsByNameDesc = hashMapOf()
val fieldsByName = hashMapOf()
val runtimeAnnotations = annotations.filter { it.runtimeVisible }
//fun getDirectInterfaces(): List = { program[it] }
val directInterfaces: List by lazy { { program[it] } }
val parentClass: AstClass? by lazy { if (extending != null) program[extending] else null }
//fun getParentClass(): AstClass? = if (extending != null) program[extending] else null
val allInterfaces: List by lazy {
val out = arrayListOf()
val sets = hashSetOf()
val queue: Queue = LinkedList()
queue += this
while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val item = queue.remove()
if (item.isInterface && item != this) out += item
for (i in item.directInterfaces) {
if (i !in sets) {
sets += i
queue += i
val allMethodsToImplement: List by lazy {
this.allInterfaces.flatMap { it.methods }.filter { !it.isStatic }.map { it.ref.withoutClass }
fun add(field: AstField) {
if (finished) invalidOp("Finished class")
fieldsByName[] = field
fun add(method: AstMethod) {
if (finished) invalidOp("Finished class")
if ( !in methodsByName) methodsByName[] = arrayListOf()
val methodDesc = AstMethodWithoutClassRef(, method.methodType)
methodsByNameDescInterfaces[methodDesc] = method
methodsByNameDesc[methodDesc] = method
private var finished = false
fun finish() {
finished = true
//val dependencies: AstReferences = AstReferences()
val implCode by lazy { annotations.get(JTranscNativeClassImpl::value) }
val nativeName by lazy { annotations.get(JTranscNativeClass::value) }
val isInterface: Boolean get() = classType == AstClassType.INTERFACE
val isAbstract: Boolean get() = classType == AstClassType.ABSTRACT
val fqname = name.fqname
val isNative by lazy { (nativeName != null) }
val classAndFieldAndMethodAnnotations by lazy {
annotations + methods.flatMap { it.annotations } + fields.flatMap { it.annotations }
fun getMethods(name: String): List = methodsByName[name]!!
fun getMethod(name: String, desc: String): AstMethod? = methodsByName[name]?.firstOrNull { it.desc == desc }
fun getMethodInAncestors(nameDesc: AstMethodWithoutClassRef): AstMethod? {
var result = methodsByNameDesc[nameDesc]
if (result == null) {
result = parentClass?.getMethodInAncestorsAndInterfaces(nameDesc)
methodsByNameDesc[nameDesc] = result
return result
fun getMethodInAncestorsAndInterfaces(nameDesc: AstMethodWithoutClassRef): AstMethod? {
var result = methodsByNameDescInterfaces[nameDesc]
if (result == null) {
result = parentClass?.getMethodInAncestorsAndInterfaces(nameDesc)
if (result == null) {
for (it in directInterfaces) {
result = it.getMethodInAncestorsAndInterfaces(nameDesc)
if (result != null) break
methodsByNameDescInterfaces[nameDesc] = result
return result
//return methodsByNameDesc[nameDesc] ?: parentClass?.getMethodInAncestors(nameDesc)
fun getMethodSure(name: String, desc: String): AstMethod {
return getMethod(name, desc) ?: throw InvalidOperationException("Can't find method ${}:$name:$desc")
operator fun get(ref: AstMethodRef) = getMethodSure(, ref.desc)
operator fun get(ref: AstMethodWithoutClassRef) = getMethod(, ref.desc)
operator fun get(ref: AstFieldRef) = fieldsByName[] ?: invalidOp("Can't find field $ref")
val hasStaticInit: Boolean get() = staticInitMethod != null
val staticInitMethod: AstMethod? by lazy { methodsByName[""]?.firstOrNull() }
val allDependencies: Set by lazy {
var out = hashSetOf()
if (extending != null) out.add(AstClassRef(extending))
for (i in implementing) out.add(AstClassRef(i))
for (f in fields) for (ref in f.type.getRefClasses()) out.add(ref)
for (m in methods) {
for (dep in m.dependencies.methods) {
for (dep in m.dependencies.fields) {
for (dep in m.dependencies.classes) {
val classDependencies: Set by lazy {
override fun toString() = "AstClass($name)"
val thisAndAncestors: List by lazy {
if (extending == null) {
} else {
listOf(this) + program[extending].thisAndAncestors
val ancestors: List by lazy { thisAndAncestors.drop(1) }
fun List.sortedByDependencies(): List {
val classes = this.associateBy { }
fun resolveClassRef(ref: AstClassRef) = classes[ref.fqname]!!
fun resolveMethodRef(ref: AstMethodRef) = resolveClassRef(ref.classRef)[ref]
return this.dependencySorter(allowCycles = true) {
val extending = it.extending?.fqname
val implementing = { classes[it.fqname]!! }
val ext = if (extending != null) classes[extending] else null
val ext2 = if (ext != null) listOf(ext) else listOf()
val ext3 = it.staticInitMethod?.dependencies?.allClasses?.map { classes[it.fqname]!! } ?: listOf()
fun checkMethodsRecursive(method: AstMethod, explored: MutableSet = hashSetOf()): MutableSet {
if (method !in explored) {
for (m in method.dependencies.methods) {
checkMethodsRecursive(resolveMethodRef(m), explored)
return explored
val ext4 = if (it.staticInitMethod != null) {
checkMethodsRecursive(it.staticInitMethod!!).toList().flatMap { it.dependencies.allClasses }.map { classes[it.fqname]!! }
} else {
//val ext3 = it.methods.flatMap { { classes[it.fqname]!! } }
// @TODO: Check fields too!
ext2 + implementing + ext3 + ext4
val AstClass.ref: AstClassRef get() = AstClassRef(
val AstClass.astType: AstType.REF get() = AstType.REF(
fun AstType.getRefClasses(): List = this.getRefTypesFqName().map { AstClassRef(it) }
data class AstReferences(
val program: AstProgram?,
val classes: Set = setOf(),
val methods: Set = setOf(),
val fields: Set = setOf()
) {
val allClasses: Set by lazy {
classes + methods.flatMap { it.allClassRefs } + fields.flatMap { listOf(it.classRef) }
val fields2 by lazy { { program!![it] } }
open class AstMember(
val containingClass: AstClass,
val name: String,
val type: AstType,
val genericType: AstType,
val isStatic: Boolean = false,
val visibility: AstVisibility = AstVisibility.PUBLIC,
val annotations: List = listOf()
) : IUserData by UserData() {
val program = containingClass.program
class AstField(
containingClass: AstClass,
name: String,
type: AstType,
val modifiers: Int,
val descriptor: String,
annotations: List,
val genericSignature: String?,
isStatic: Boolean = false,
val isFinal: Boolean = false,
visibility: AstVisibility = AstVisibility.PUBLIC,
val constantValue: Any? = null
) : AstMember(containingClass, name, type, if (genericSignature != null) AstType.demangle(genericSignature) else type, isStatic, visibility, annotations) {
val ref: AstFieldRef by lazy { AstFieldRef(,, this.type) }
val hasConstantValue = constantValue != null
class AstMethod(
containingClass: AstClass,
name: String,
type: AstType.METHOD_TYPE,
annotations: List,
val signature: String,
val genericSignature: String?,
val defaultTag: Any?,
val modifiers: Int,
val body: AstBody? = null,
isStatic: Boolean = false,
visibility: AstVisibility = AstVisibility.PUBLIC,
val isNative: Boolean = false
//val isOverriding: Boolean = overridingMethod != null,
) : AstMember(containingClass, name, type, if (genericSignature != null) AstType.demangleMethod(genericSignature) else type, isStatic, visibility, annotations) {
val methodType: AstType.METHOD_TYPE = type
val genericMethodType: AstType.METHOD_TYPE = genericType as AstType.METHOD_TYPE
val desc = methodType.desc
val ref: AstMethodRef by lazy { AstMethodRef(, name, methodType) }
val dependencies by lazy { AstDependencyAnalyzer.analyze(containingClass.program, body) }
val getterField: String? by lazy { annotations.get(JTranscGetter::value) }
val setterField: String? by lazy { annotations.get(JTranscSetter::value) }
val nativeMethod: String? by lazy { annotations.get(JTranscMethod::value) }
val isInline: Boolean by lazy { annotations.contains() }
val isOverriding: Boolean by lazy {
containingClass.ancestors.any { it[ref.withoutClass] != null }
val isImplementing: Boolean by lazy {
containingClass.allInterfaces.any { it.getMethod(, this.desc) != null }
override fun toString(): String = "AstMethod(${containingClass.fqname}:$name:$desc)"
fun AstMethodRef.toEmptyMethod(program: AstProgram, isStatic: Boolean = false, visibility: AstVisibility = AstVisibility.PUBLIC): AstMethod {
return AstMethod(
annotations = listOf(),
defaultTag = null,
signature = "()V",
genericSignature = null,
modifiers = 0,
body = null,
isStatic = isStatic,
visibility = AstVisibility.PUBLIC
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