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com.jtransc.ast.ast.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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JVM AOT compiler currently generating JavaScript, C++, Haxe, with initial focus on Kotlin and games.

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 * Copyright 2016 Carlos Ballesteros Velasco
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.jtransc.ast

import com.jtransc.*
import com.jtransc.annotation.*
import com.jtransc.annotation.haxe.HaxeMethodBodyList
import com.jtransc.ast.dependency.AstDependencyAnalyzer
import com.jtransc.ast.optimize.AstOptimizer
import com.jtransc.ds.cast
import com.jtransc.ds.clearFlags
import com.jtransc.ds.hasFlag
import com.jtransc.error.InvalidOperationException
import com.jtransc.error.invalidOp
import com.jtransc.gen.TargetName
import com.jtransc.injector.Injector
import com.jtransc.injector.Singleton
import com.jtransc.lang.putIfAbsentJre7
import com.jtransc.maven.MavenLocalRepository
import com.jtransc.text.quote
import com.jtransc.util.dependencySorter
import com.jtransc.vfs.IUserData
import com.jtransc.vfs.UserData
import java.util.*
import kotlin.reflect.KMutableProperty1

data class ConfigCompile(val compile: Boolean = true)
data class ConfigMinimizeNames(val minimizeNames: Boolean = false)
data class ConfigTreeShaking(val treeShaking: Boolean = false, val trace: Boolean = false)
//data class ConfigInitialSize(val width: Int = 1280, val height: Int = 720)

data class AstBuildSettings(
	var jtranscVersion: String = JTranscVersion.getVersion(),
	var title: String = "App Title",
	var name: String = "AppName",
	var version: String = "0.0.0",
	var company: String = "My Company",
	var package_: String = "com.example",
	var embedResources: Boolean = false,
	var libraries: List = listOf(),
	var assets: List = listOf(),
	var debug: Boolean = true,
	var initialWidth: Int = 1280,
	var initialHeight: Int = 720,
	var vsync: Boolean = true,
	var resizable: Boolean = true,
	var borderless: Boolean = false,
	var fullscreen: Boolean = false,
	var icon: String? = null,
	var orientation: AstBuildSettings.Orientation = AstBuildSettings.Orientation.AUTO,
	val relooper: Boolean = false,
	val analyzer: Boolean = false,
	val extra: Map = mapOf(),
	val rtAndRtCore: List = MavenLocalRepository.locateJars(BaseRuntimeArtifactsForVersion(jtranscVersion).toListString())
) {
	companion object {
		val DEFAULT = AstBuildSettings()

	val release: Boolean get() = !debug

	data class Library(val name: String, val version: String?) {
		companion object {
			fun fromInfo(info: String): Library {
				val parts = info.split(':')
				val name = parts.getOrNull(0)
				val version = parts.getOrNull(1)
				return Library(name!!, version)

	enum class Orientation {

		val lowName: String = name.toLowerCase()

		companion object {
			fun fromString(str: String): Orientation = when (str.toLowerCase()) {
				"portrait" -> PORTRAIT
				"landscape" -> LANDSCAPE
				"auto" -> AUTO
				else -> AUTO

interface AstClassGenerator {
	fun generateClass(program: AstProgram, fqname: FqName): AstClass

interface AstResolver {
	operator fun get(ref: AstMethodRef): AstMethod?
	operator fun get(ref: AstFieldRef): AstField?
	operator fun get(name: FqName): AstClass?
	operator fun contains(name: FqName): Boolean

operator fun AstResolver.get(ref: AstType.REF): AstClass? = this[]

fun AstResolver.get3(ref: AstType.REF): AstClass = this[]!!

interface LocateRightClass {
	fun locateRightClass(field: AstFieldRef): AstType.REF
	fun locateRightClass(method: AstMethodRef): AstType.REF

fun LocateRightClass.locateRightField(field: AstFieldRef): AstFieldRef {
	val clazz = locateRightClass(field)
	return if (clazz == field.classRef) field else AstFieldRef(,, field.type)

fun LocateRightClass.locateRightMethod(method: AstMethodRef): AstMethodRef {
	val clazz = locateRightClass(method)
	return if (clazz == method.classRef) method else AstMethodRef(,, method.type)

class AstGenContext {
	lateinit var clazz: AstClass
	lateinit var _method: AstMethod
	var positionString = ""
	var method: AstMethod
		set(value) {
			_method = value
			positionString = "L" + (clazz.fqname + "::" +
		get() = _method
	val useUnsafeArrays: Boolean get() = method.useUnsafeArrays

	inline fun  rethrowWithContext(callback: () -> T): T {
		try {
			return callback()
		} catch (e: InvalidOperationException) {
			throw InvalidOperationException("${e.message} with context $this", e)

	override fun toString() = try {
	} catch (e: Throwable) {
		try {
		} catch (e: Throwable) {

class AstProgram(
	val configResourcesVfs: ConfigResourcesVfs,
	val configEntrypoint: ConfigEntryPoint,
	val types: AstTypes,
	val injector: Injector
) : IUserData by UserData(), AstResolver, LocateRightClass {
	val resourcesVfs = configResourcesVfs.resourcesVfs
	val entrypoint = configEntrypoint.entrypoint
	var lastClassId = 0
	var lastMethodId = 0
	var lastFieldId = 0
	val staticInitsSorted = LinkedHashSet()
	private val _classes = arrayListOf()
	private val _classesByFqname = hashMapOf()

	fun getExtraKeywords(target: String) = classes
		.map { it.annotationsList.getTyped() }.filterNotNull()
		.filter { TargetName.matches(, target) }.flatMap { it.value.toList() }

	val classes: List get() = _classes

	private val classesToGenerate = LinkedList()
	private val referencedClasses = hashSetOf()
	private val referencedClassBy = hashMapOf()

	fun hasClassToGenerate() = classesToGenerate.isNotEmpty()

	fun getClassBytes(clazz: FqName): ByteArray {
		try {
			return resourcesVfs[clazz.internalFqname + ".class"].readBytes()
		} catch (e: Throwable) {
			throw IOException(e.message + " referenced by " + referencedClassBy[AstType.REF(clazz)], e)

	fun readClassToGenerate(): AstType.REF = classesToGenerate.remove()

	fun addReference(clazz: AstType.REF, referencedBy: AstType.REF) {
		if (clazz !in referencedClasses) {
			classesToGenerate += clazz
			referencedClasses += clazz
			referencedClassBy[clazz] = referencedBy

	override operator fun contains(name: FqName) = name.fqname in _classesByFqname
	//operator fun get(name: FqName) = classesByFqname[name.fqname] ?: throw RuntimeException("AstProgram. Can't find class '$name'")

	fun getOrNull(name: FqName): AstClass? {
		return _classesByFqname[name.fqname]

	override operator fun get(name: FqName): AstClass {
		val result = getOrNull(name)
		if (result == null) {
			val classFile = name.internalFqname + ".class"
			println("AstProgram. Can't find class '$name'")
			println("AstProgram. ClassFile: $classFile")
			println("AstProgram. File exists: " + resourcesVfs[classFile].exists)

			throw InvalidOperationException("AstProgram. Can't find class '$name'")
		} else {
			return result

	private var finished = false

	fun add(clazz: AstClass) {
		if (finished) invalidOp("Can't add more classes to a finished program")
		_classesByFqname[clazz.fqname] = clazz

	fun finish() {
		finished = true

	val allAnnotations by lazy {
		classes.flatMap {
			it.annotations + it.methods.flatMap { it.annotations + it.parameterAnnotations.flatMap { it } } + it.fields.flatMap { it.annotations }

	val allAnnotationsList by lazy { AstAnnotationList(AstProgramRef, allAnnotations) }

	override operator fun get(ref: AstMethodRef): AstMethod? = this[ref.containingClass].getMethodInAncestorsAndInterfaces(ref.nameDesc)
	//override operator fun get(ref: AstFieldRef): AstField = this[ref.containingClass][ref]
	override operator fun get(ref: AstFieldRef): AstField = this[ref.containingClass].get(ref.withoutClass)
	operator fun get(ref: FieldRef): AstField = this[ref.ref.containingClass].get(ref.ref.withoutClass)

	operator fun get(ref: AstFieldWithoutTypeRef): AstField = this[ref.containingClass].get(ref)

	fun getInterfaces(clazz: AstClass) = { this[it] }

	fun getAllInterfaces(clazz: AstClass): Set {
		val thisInterfaces = getInterfaces(clazz).flatMap { listOf(it) + getAllInterfaces(it) }.toSet()
		if (clazz.extending == null) {
			return thisInterfaces
		} else {
			return getAllInterfaces(this[clazz.extending]) + thisInterfaces

	fun isImplementing(clazz: AstClass, implementingClazz: String): Boolean {
		return (implementingClazz.fqname in this) && (this[implementingClazz.fqname] in getAllInterfaces(clazz))

	override fun locateRightClass(field: AstFieldRef): AstType.REF {
		return field.classRef

	override fun locateRightClass(method: AstMethodRef): AstType.REF {
		return method.classRef

inline fun  KMutableProperty1.locate(program: AstProgram) = program[].fieldsByName[name] ?: invalidOp("Can't find field ${}.$name")

fun AstProgram.containsMethod(fqname: FqName, name: String) = this.getOrNull(fqname)?.getMethodWithoutOverrides(name) != null

enum class AstVisibility { PUBLIC, PROTECTED, PRIVATE }
enum class AstClassType { CLASS, ABSTRACT, INTERFACE }

class UniqueNames {
	private val names = hashMapOf()

	fun alloc(name: String): String {
		var id = 0
		var tryName = name
		while (true) {
			if (tryName !in names) {
				names[tryName] = 0
				return tryName
			} else {
				tryName = name + id++

open class AstAnnotatedElement(
	val program: AstProgram,
	val elementRef: AstRef,
	override val annotations: List
) : AstAnnotated {
	var extraKeep: Boolean? = null
	var extraVisible: Boolean? = null
	val keep: Boolean get() = extraKeep ?: annotationsList.contains()
	//val visible: Boolean get() = annotationsList.contains() || !annotationsList.contains()
	val visible: Boolean get() = extraVisible ?: !annotationsList.contains()
	val invisible: Boolean get() = !visible
	override val annotationsList = AstAnnotationList(elementRef, annotations)
	val runtimeAnnotations = annotations.filter { it.runtimeVisible }

val AstAnnotated?.keepName: Boolean get() = this?.annotationsList?.contains() ?: false

class AstClass(
	val source: String,
	program: AstProgram,
	val name: FqName,
	val modifiers: AstModifiers,
	val extending: FqName? = null,
	val implementing: List = listOf(),
	annotations: List = listOf(),
	val classId: Int = program.lastClassId++
) : AstAnnotatedElement(program, name.ref, annotations), IUserData by UserData() {
	val THIS: AstExpr get() = AstExpr.THIS(name)
	//var lastMethodId = 0
	//var lastFieldId = 0
	val uniqueNames = UniqueNames()

	val ref = AstType.REF(name)
	val astType = AstType.REF(
	val classType: AstClassType = modifiers.classType
	val visibility: AstVisibility = modifiers.visibility
	val fields = arrayListOf()
	val methods = arrayListOf()
	val methodsWithoutConstructors: List by lazy { methods.filter { !it.isClassOrInstanceInit } }
	val constructors: List get() = methods.filter { it.isInstanceInit }

	val hasStaticInit: Boolean get() = staticInitMethod != null
	val staticInitMethod: AstMethod? by lazy { methodsByName[""]?.firstOrNull() }
	val staticConstructor: AstMethod? get() = staticInitMethod
	//val staticConstructor: AstMethod? get() = methods.firstOrNull { it.isClassInit }

	val methodsByName = hashMapOf>()
	val methodsByNameDescInterfaces = hashMapOf()
	val methodsByNameDesc = hashMapOf()
	//val fieldsByName = hashMapOf()
	val fieldsByInfo = hashMapOf()
	val fieldsByName = hashMapOf()
	val hasFFI = implementing.contains(FqName("com.sun.jna.Library"))

	//val allImplementing: List get() = parentClass?.all

	fun locateField(name: String): AstField? = fieldsByName[name] ?: parentClass?.locateField(name)

	fun getMethodWithoutOverrides(name: String): AstMethod? {
		val out = methodsByName[name]
		if (out != null && out.size != 1) invalidOp("Method '$name' in class '${}' exists but has several overloads")
		return out?.first()

	//fun getDirectInterfaces(): List = { program[it] }
	val directInterfaces: List by lazy { { program[it] } }

	val parentClass: AstClass? by lazy { if (extending != null) program[extending] else null }

	val parentClassList by lazy { listOf(parentClass).filterNotNull() }
	//fun getParentClass(): AstClass? = if (extending != null) program[extending] else null

	val allDirectInterfaces: List by lazy {
		val out = arrayListOf()
		val sets = hashSetOf()
		val queue: Queue = LinkedList()
		queue += this
		while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
			val item = queue.remove()
			if (item.isInterface && item != this) out += item
			for (i in item.directInterfaces) {
				if (i !in sets) {
					sets += i
					queue += i

	fun extends(name: FqName) = thisAndAncestors.firstOrNull { == name } != null

	fun extendsOrImplements(name: FqName) = thisAncestorsAndInterfaces.firstOrNull { == name } != null

	fun implements(name: FqName) = allInterfacesInAncestors.firstOrNull { == name } != null

	val allInterfacesInAncestors: List by lazy {
		(allDirectInterfaces + (parentClass?.allInterfacesInAncestors ?: listOf())).distinct()

	val allMethodsToImplement: List by lazy {
		val allInterfacesIncludingThis = (if (isInterface) listOf(this) else listOf()) + this.allDirectInterfaces
		allInterfacesIncludingThis.distinct().flatMap { it.methods }.filter { !it.isStatic }.distinct().map { it.ref.withoutClass }.distinct()

	fun add(field: AstField) {
		if (finished) invalidOp("Finished class")
		fieldsByInfo[field.refWithoutClass] = field
		fieldsByName[] = field

	fun add(method: AstMethod) {
		if (finished) invalidOp("Finished class")
		if ( !in methodsByName) methodsByName[] = arrayListOf()
		val methodDesc = AstMethodWithoutClassRef(, method.methodType)
		methodsByNameDescInterfaces[methodDesc] = method
		methodsByNameDesc[methodDesc] = method

	private var finished = false

	fun finish() {
		finished = true

	//val dependencies: AstReferences = AstReferences()
	val implCode by lazy { annotationsList.getTyped()?.value }
	val nativeName: String? by lazy {
		annotationsList.getTyped()?.value ?: annotationsList.getTyped()?.value

	val isNormal: Boolean get() = classType == AstClassType.CLASS
	val isInterface: Boolean get() = classType == AstClassType.INTERFACE
	val isAbstract: Boolean get() = classType == AstClassType.ABSTRACT
	val fqname: String = name.fqname

	val classAndFieldAndMethodAnnotations by lazy {
		annotations + methods.flatMap { it.annotations } + fields.flatMap { it.annotations }

	fun getMethods(name: String): List = methodsByName[name] ?: listOf()
	fun getMethod(name: String, desc: String): AstMethod? = methodsByName[name]?.firstOrNull { it.desc == desc }
	fun getMethod(nameDesc: AstMethodWithoutClassRef): AstMethod? = methodsByName[]?.firstOrNull { it.desc == nameDesc.desc }

	fun getMethodsInAncestorsAndInterfaces(name: String): List {
		val methods = hashMapOf()
		for (m in thisAncestorsAndInterfaces.flatMap { it.getMethods(name) }) {
			methods.putIfAbsentJre7(m.ref.withoutClass, m)
		return methods.values.toList()

	fun isMethodOverloaded(name: String): Boolean = getMethodsInAncestorsAndInterfaces(name).count() > 1

	fun getMethodInAncestors(nameDesc: AstMethodWithoutClassRef): AstMethod? = methodsByNameDesc.getOrPut(nameDesc) {

	// Do not call it until type is fully completed!
	val childrenClasses by lazy {
		program.classes.filter { it.extending == || in it.implementing }

	val descendantClasses by lazy { childrenClasses.flatMap { it.childrenClasses } }

	fun getMethodInAncestorsAndInterfaces(nameDesc: AstMethodWithoutClassRef): AstMethod? {
		var result = methodsByNameDescInterfaces[nameDesc]
		if (result == null) {
			result = parentClass?.getMethodInAncestorsAndInterfaces(nameDesc)
		if (result == null) {
			for (it in directInterfaces) {
				result = it.getMethodInAncestorsAndInterfaces(nameDesc)
				if (result != null) break
		methodsByNameDescInterfaces[nameDesc] = result
		return result
		//return methodsByNameDesc[nameDesc] ?: parentClass?.getMethodInAncestors(nameDesc)

	fun getMethodSure(name: String, desc: String): AstMethod {
		return getMethod(name, desc) ?: throw InvalidOperationException("Can't find method ${}:$name:$desc")

	// Methods
	operator fun get(ref: AstMethodRef): AstMethod = getMethodSure(, ref.desc)

	operator fun get(ref: AstMethodWithoutClassRef): AstMethod? = getMethod(, ref.desc)

	// Fields
	operator fun get(ref: AstFieldRef): AstField = fieldsByInfo[ref.withoutClass] ?:
		invalidOp("Can't find field $ref")

	operator fun get(ref: AstFieldWithoutClassRef): AstField = fieldsByInfo[ref] ?: parentClass?.get(ref) ?:
		invalidOp("Can't find field $ref on ancestors")

	operator fun get(ref: AstFieldWithoutTypeRef): AstField = fieldsByName[] ?: parentClass?.get(ref) ?:
		invalidOp("Can't find field $ref on ancestors")

	val allDependencies: Set by lazy {
		val out = hashSetOf()
		if (extending != null) out.add(AstType.REF(extending))
		for (i in implementing) out.add(AstType.REF(i))
		for (f in fields) for (ref in f.type.getRefClasses()) out.add(ref)
		for (m in methods) {
			for (dep in m.bodyDependencies.methods) {
			for (dep in m.bodyDependencies.fields) {
			for (dep in m.bodyDependencies.classes) {

	val classDependencies: Set by lazy {

	//override fun toString() = "AstClass($name)"
	override fun toString() = "$name"

	val thisAndAncestors: List by lazy {
		if (extending == null) {
		} else {
			listOf(this) + program[extending].thisAndAncestors

	fun getAllRelatedTypes() = (thisAndAncestors + allInterfacesInAncestors).distinct()

	fun getAllRelatedTypesIdsWithout0AtEnd() = getAllRelatedTypes().distinct().map { it.classId }.filterNotNull()
	fun getAllRelatedTypesIdsWith0AtEnd() = getAllRelatedTypes().distinct().map { it.classId }.filterNotNull() + listOf(0)

	val ancestors: List by lazy { thisAndAncestors.drop(1) }
	val thisAncestorsAndInterfaces: List by lazy { thisAndAncestors + allDirectInterfaces }

	val isJavaLangObject: Boolean = this.fqname == "java.lang.Object"

val AstClass?.isNative: Boolean get() = (this?.nativeName != null)

fun List.sortedByExtending(): List {
	val list = this
	return list.dependencySorter(allowCycles = false) {
		listOf(it.parentClass).filterNotNull() + it.directInterfaces

fun List.sortedByDependencies(): List {
	val classes = this.associateBy { }
	fun resolveClassRef(ref: AstType.REF) = classes[ref.fqname]!!
	fun resolveMethodRef(ref: AstMethodRef) = resolveClassRef(ref.classRef)[ref]

	return this.dependencySorter(allowCycles = true) {
		val extending = it.extending?.fqname
		val implementing = { classes[it.fqname]!! }
		val ext = if (extending != null) classes[extending] else null
		val ext2 = if (ext != null) listOf(ext) else listOf()
		val ext3 = it.staticInitMethod?.bodyDependencies?.allClasses?.map { classes[it.fqname]!! } ?: listOf()

		fun checkMethodsRecursive(method: AstMethod, explored: MutableSet = hashSetOf()): MutableSet {
			if (method !in explored) {
				for (m in method.bodyDependencies.methods) {
					checkMethodsRecursive(resolveMethodRef(m), explored)
			return explored

		val ext4 = if (it.staticInitMethod != null) {
			checkMethodsRecursive(it.staticInitMethod!!).toList().flatMap { it.bodyDependencies.allClasses }.map { classes[it.fqname]!! }
		} else {
		//val ext3 = it.methods.flatMap { { classes[it.fqname]!! } }
		// @TODO: Check fields too!
		ext2 + implementing + ext3 + ext4

fun AstType.getRefClasses(): List = this.getRefTypesFqName().map { AstType.REF(it) }

data class AstReferences(
	val program: AstProgram?,
	val allSortedRefs: Set = setOf(),
	val allSortedRefsStaticInit: Set = setOf(),
	val classes: Set = setOf(),
	val methods: Set = setOf(),
	val fields: Set = setOf()
) {
	val allClasses: Set by lazy {
		classes + methods.flatMap { it.allClassRefs } + fields.flatMap { listOf(it.classRef) }

	val fields2 by lazy { { program!![it] } }

interface AstAnnotated {
	val annotations: List
	val annotationsList: AstAnnotationList

open class AstMember(
	val containingClass: AstClass,
	val name: String,
	val type: AstType,
	val genericType: AstType,
	val isStatic: Boolean = false,
	val visibility: AstVisibility = AstVisibility.PUBLIC,
	elementRef: AstMemberRef,
	annotations: List = listOf()
) : AstAnnotatedElement(containingClass.program, elementRef, annotations), IUserData by UserData() {

	val nativeName: String? by lazy { annotationsList.getTyped()?.value }

interface MethodRef {
	val ref: AstMethodRef

interface FieldRef {
	val ref: AstFieldRef

class AstField(
	containingClass: AstClass,
	val id: Int = containingClass.program.lastFieldId++,
	name: String,
	type: AstType,
	val modifiers: AstModifiers,
	val desc: String,
	annotations: List,
	val genericSignature: String?,
	val constantValue: Any? = null,
	val types: AstTypes,
	override val ref: AstFieldRef = AstFieldRef(, name, type)
) : AstMember(containingClass, name, type, if (genericSignature != null) types.demangle(genericSignature) else type, modifiers.isStatic, modifiers.visibility, ref, annotations), FieldRef {
	val uniqueName = containingClass.uniqueNames.alloc(name)
	val isFinal: Boolean = modifiers.isFinal
	val refWithoutClass: AstFieldWithoutClassRef by lazy { AstFieldWithoutClassRef(, this.type) }
	val hasConstantValue = constantValue != null
	val isWeak by lazy { annotationsList.contains() }
	override fun toString() = "AstField(" + ref.toString() + ")"

class AstMethod(
	containingClass: AstClass,
	val id: Int = containingClass.program.lastMethodId++,
	name: String,
	methodType: AstType.METHOD,
	annotations: List,
	val signature: String,
	val genericSignature: String?,
	val defaultTag: Any?,
	val modifiers: AstModifiers,
	var generateBody: () -> AstBody?,
	val bodyRef: AstMethodRef? = null,
	val parameterAnnotations: List> = listOf(),
	val types: AstTypes,
	override val ref: AstMethodRef = AstMethodRef(, name, methodType)
	//val isOverriding: Boolean = overridingMethod != null,
) : AstMember(containingClass, name, methodType, if (genericSignature != null) types.demangleMethod(genericSignature) else methodType, modifiers.isStatic, modifiers.visibility, ref, annotations), MethodRef {
	val parameterAnnotationsList: List = { AstAnnotationList(ref, it) }

	init {
		if (id < 0) {
			println("Invalid method id: $id")

	val isNative: Boolean = modifiers.isNative

	private var generatedBody: Boolean = false
	private var generatedBodyBody: AstBody? = null

	val body: AstBody? get() {
		if (!generatedBody) {
			generatedBody = true
			generatedBodyBody = generateBody()
		return generatedBodyBody
	val hasBody: Boolean get() = body != null

	fun replaceBody(stmGen: () -> AstStm) {
		this.generateBody = { AstBody(types, stmGen(), methodType) }
		calculatedBodyDependencies = null
		generatedBody = false

	fun replaceBodyOpt(stmGen: () -> AstStm) {
		this.generateBody = {
			val body = AstBody(types, stmGen(), methodType)
			AstOptimizer(AstBodyFlags(false, types)).visit(body)
		calculatedBodyDependencies = null
		generatedBody = false

	fun replaceBodyOptBuild(stmGen: AstBuilder2.(args: List) -> Unit) {
		this.generateBody = {
			val builder = AstBuilder2(types)
			val body = AstBody(types, builder.genstm(), methodType)
			AstOptimizer(AstBodyFlags(false, types)).visit(body)
		calculatedBodyDependencies = null
		generatedBody = false

	fun replaceBody(stm: AstStm) {
		this.generateBody = { AstBody(types, stm, methodType) }
		calculatedBodyDependencies = null
		generatedBody = false

	val methodType: AstType.METHOD = methodType
	val genericMethodType: AstType.METHOD = genericType as AstType.METHOD
	val desc = methodType.desc

	var calculatedBodyDependencies: AstReferences? = null

	fun hasDependenciesInBody(targetName: TargetName): Boolean {
		var dependenciesInBody = true

		if (targetName.matches("haxe")) {
			for (methodBody in annotationsList.getTypedList(HaxeMethodBodyList::value)) {
				if (targetName.haxeMatches( {
					//addTemplateReferences(methodBody.value, "methodBody=$newmethod")
					dependenciesInBody = false

		for (methodBody in annotationsList.getBodiesForTarget(targetName)) {
			//addTemplateReferences(methodBody.value.joinToString("\n"), "methodBody=$newmethod")
			if (methodBody.cond.isNullOrEmpty()) {
				dependenciesInBody = false

		return dependenciesInBody

	// @TODO: Use hasDependenciesInBody?
	val bodyDependencies: AstReferences get() {
		if (calculatedBodyDependencies == null) {
			calculatedBodyDependencies = AstDependencyAnalyzer.analyze(containingClass.program, body, name)
		return calculatedBodyDependencies!!

	val getterField: String? by lazy { annotationsList.getTyped()?.value }
	val setterField: String? by lazy { annotationsList.getTyped()?.value }
	val nativeMethod: String? by lazy { annotationsList.getTyped()?.value }
	val isInline: Boolean by lazy { annotationsList.contains() }
	val useUnsafeArrays: Boolean by lazy { annotationsList.contains() }

	val isInstanceInit: Boolean get() = name == ""
	val isClassInit: Boolean get() = name == ""
	val isClassOrInstanceInit: Boolean get() = isInstanceInit || isClassInit
	val methodVoidReturnThis: Boolean get() = isInstanceInit

	val returnTypeWithThis: AstType get() = if (methodVoidReturnThis) containingClass.astType else this.methodType.ret

	val isOverloaded: Boolean by lazy { containingClass.isMethodOverloaded( }
	val isOverriding: Boolean by lazy { containingClass.ancestors.any { it[ref.withoutClass] != null } }
	val isImplementing: Boolean by lazy { containingClass.allDirectInterfaces.any { it.getMethod(, this.desc) != null } }

	override fun toString(): String = "AstMethod(${containingClass.fqname}:$name:$desc)"

val AstMethodRef.isInstanceInit: Boolean get() = name == ""
val AstMethodRef.isClassInit: Boolean get() = name == ""
val AstMethodRef.isClassOrInstanceInit: Boolean get() = isInstanceInit || isClassInit

data class AstModifiers(val acc: Int) {
	companion object {
		fun withFlags(vararg flags: Int): AstModifiers {
			var out = 0
			for (f in flags) out = out or f
			return AstModifiers(out)

		const val ACC_PUBLIC = 0x0001          // class, field, method
		const val ACC_PRIVATE = 0x0002         // class, field, method
		const val ACC_PROTECTED = 0x0004       // class, field, method
		const val ACC_STATIC = 0x0008          // field, method
		const val ACC_FINAL = 0x0010           // class, field, method, parameter
		const val ACC_SUPER = 0x0020           // class
		const val ACC_SYNCHRONIZED = 0x0020    // method
		const val ACC_VOLATILE = 0x0040        // field
		const val ACC_BRIDGE = 0x0040          // method
		const val ACC_VARARGS = 0x0080         // method
		const val ACC_TRANSIENT = 0x0080       // field
		const val ACC_NATIVE = 0x0100          // method
		const val ACC_INTERFACE = 0x0200       // class
		const val ACC_ABSTRACT = 0x0400        // class, method
		const val ACC_STRICT = 0x0800          // method
		const val ACC_SYNTHETIC = 0x1000       // class, field, method, parameter
		const val ACC_ANNOTATION = 0x2000      // class
		const val ACC_ENUM = 0x4000            // class(?) field inner
		const val ACC_MANDATED = 0x8000        // parameter

	val isPublic: Boolean get() = acc hasFlag ACC_PUBLIC
	val isPrivate: Boolean get() = acc hasFlag ACC_PRIVATE
	val isProtected: Boolean get() = acc hasFlag ACC_PROTECTED
	val isStatic: Boolean get() = acc hasFlag ACC_STATIC
	val isFinal: Boolean get() = acc hasFlag ACC_FINAL
	val isSuper: Boolean get() = acc hasFlag ACC_SUPER
	val isSynchronized: Boolean get() = acc hasFlag ACC_SYNCHRONIZED
	val isVolatile: Boolean get() = acc hasFlag ACC_VOLATILE
	val isBridge: Boolean get() = acc hasFlag ACC_BRIDGE
	val isVarargs: Boolean get() = acc hasFlag ACC_VARARGS
	val isTransient: Boolean get() = acc hasFlag ACC_TRANSIENT
	val isNative: Boolean get() = acc hasFlag ACC_NATIVE
	val isInterface: Boolean get() = acc hasFlag ACC_INTERFACE
	val isAbstract: Boolean get() = acc hasFlag ACC_ABSTRACT
	val isStrict: Boolean get() = acc hasFlag ACC_STRICT
	val isSynthetic: Boolean get() = acc hasFlag ACC_SYNTHETIC
	val isAnnotation: Boolean get() = acc hasFlag ACC_ANNOTATION
	val isEnum: Boolean get() = acc hasFlag ACC_ENUM
	val isMandated: Boolean get() = acc hasFlag ACC_MANDATED
	val isConcrete: Boolean get() = !isNative && !isAbstract

	val visibility: AstVisibility get() = if (isPublic) {
	} else if (isProtected) {
	} else {

	val classType: AstClassType get() = if (isInterface) {
	} else if (isAbstract) {
	} else {

	fun withVisibility(visibility: AstVisibility) = AstModifiers(
		(acc clearFlags (ACC_PUBLIC or ACC_PROTECTED or ACC_PRIVATE)) or when (visibility) {
			AstVisibility.PUBLIC -> ACC_PUBLIC
			AstVisibility.PRIVATE -> ACC_PRIVATE
			else -> invalidOp

	override fun toString(): String = "$acc"

fun ARRAY(type: AstClass) = AstType.ARRAY(type.astType)

fun getCommonTypePrim(a: AstType.Primitive, b: AstType.Primitive): AstType.Primitive {
	return if (a.priority < b.priority) a else b

fun getCommonTypePrim(types: List): AstType.Primitive {
	return if (types.isEmpty()) AstType.INT else types.fold(types.first()) { a, b -> getCommonTypePrim(a, b) }

fun AstProgram.getCommonType(a: AstType.REF, b: AstType.REF): AstType.REF {
	val program = this
	val ac = program[a]
	val bc = program[b]
	val aAncestors = (ac!!.getAllRelatedTypes() + program[AstType.OBJECT]!!).toSet()
	val bAncestors = (bc!!.getAllRelatedTypes() + program[AstType.OBJECT]!!).toSet()
	return aAncestors.intersect(bAncestors).first().ref // @TODO: try to select best one

fun AstProgram.getCommonType(a: AstType, b: AstType): AstType {
	if (a is AstType.Primitive && b is AstType.Primitive) {
		return getCommonTypePrim(a, b)
	} else {
		return getCommonType(a as AstType.REF, b as AstType.REF)

fun AstProgram.getCommonType(types: List): AstType {
	return types.fold(types.first()) { a, b -> getCommonType(a, b) }

fun AstType.resolve(program: AstProgram): AstType = when (this) {
	is AstType.COMMON -> {
		if (this.single != null) {
		} else {
			val items = this.elements.toList()
	else -> this

fun AstType.simplify(): AstType = when (this) {
	is AstType.MUTABLE -> this.ref.simplify()
	is AstType.COMMON -> {
		if (this.single != null) {
		} else {
			val items = HashSet( { it.simplify() })
			if (items.size == 1) {
			} else {
				if (items.all { it is AstType.Primitive }) {
					val primElements = this.elements.cast()
					this.elements += primElements.fold(primElements.first(), { a, b -> getCommonTypePrim(a, b) })
				} else {
	else -> this

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