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com.jtransc.backend.asm2.AsmToAst2.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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JVM AOT compiler currently generating JavaScript, C++, Haxe, with initial focus on Kotlin and games.
package com.jtransc.backend.asm2
import com.jtransc.ast.*
import com.jtransc.ast.optimize.optimize
import com.jtransc.backend.BaseAsmToAst
import com.jtransc.backend.asm1.disasm
import com.jtransc.backend.isStatic
import com.jtransc.ds.cast
import com.jtransc.ds.hasFlag
import com.jtransc.injector.Singleton
import java.util.*
import kotlin.collections.set
class AsmToAst2(types: AstTypes) : BaseAsmToAst(types) {
override val expandFrames = true
override fun genBody(classRef: AstType.REF, methodNode: MethodNode, types: AstTypes, source: String): AstBody {
return AsmToAstMethodBody2(classRef, methodNode, types, source)
data class PHIOption(val branch: AbstractInsnNode, val op: Operand)
class LocalBox(var local: Local)
interface Operand {
val type: AstType
data class Local(override val type: AstType, val index: Int) : Operand {
override fun toString(): String = "\$$index:$type"
class Box(var local: Local)
fun = Local.Box(this)
data class Constant(override val type: AstType, val v: Any?) : Operand {
override fun toString(): String = "$v"
data class Param(override val type: AstType, val index: Int) : Operand {
override fun toString(): String = "p$index"
data class This(val clazz: AstType.REF) : Operand {
override val type = clazz
override fun toString(): String = "this"
data class CatchException(override val type: AstType) : Operand {
override fun toString(): String = "exception"
class Definition {
// Simple and Efficient Construction of Static Single Assignment Form
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// PASS1: Build untyped Basic Blocks with simple constant clean ups
// PASS2: SSA-Form
// PASS3: Type locals
// PASS4: Construct AstStm + AstExpr
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
fun AsmToAstMethodBody2(clazz: AstType.REF, method: MethodNode, types: AstTypes, source: String = ""): AstBody {
//val body = BasicBlockBuilder(types)
val methodType = types.demangleMethod(method.desc)
val methodInstructions = method.instructions
val referencedLabels = hashSetOf()
// Find referenced labels
for (f in methodInstructions) {
when (f) {
is JumpInsnNode -> referencedLabels += f.label.label
is LookupSwitchInsnNode -> {
referencedLabels += f.dflt.label
referencedLabels += { it.label }
is TableSwitchInsnNode -> {
referencedLabels += f.dflt.label
referencedLabels += { it.label }
for (tcb in method.tryCatchBlocks) {
referencedLabels += tcb.start.label
referencedLabels += tcb.end.label
referencedLabels += tcb.handler.label
// Remove unused labels
for (f in methodInstructions.toArray().toList()) {
if (f is LabelNode) {
if (f.label !in referencedLabels) {
//println("---------------------------\n".repeat(10)); for (i in method.instructions.toArray().toList()) println(i.disasm())
val entryLocals = LocalsBuilder()
var varIndex = 0
if (!method.isStatic()) {
entryLocals.setLocalType(varIndex, clazz)
for (arg in methodType.args) {
entryLocals.setLocalType(varIndex, arg.type)
varIndex += if (arg.type.isLongOrDouble()) 2 else 1
val builder = MethodBlocks(clazz, method, types)
val context = builder.blockContext
builder.buildTree(methodInstructions.first, BasicFrame(ArrayList(entryLocals.locals), listOf()))
for (tcb in method.tryCatchBlocks) {
val exceptionType = if (tcb.type != null) types.REF_INT(tcb.type) else AstType.THROWABLE
val startBlock = builder.startToBlocks[tcb.start]!!
builder.buildTree(tcb.handler, BasicFrame(ArrayList(startBlock.inputFrame.locals), listOf(CatchException(exceptionType))))
//for (i in method.instructions.toArray().toList()) {
// if (i in builder.startToBlocks) {
// println("-----")
// println(builder.startToBlocks[i]!!.stms.toList().joinToString("\n"))
// }
// Create SSA form
// Remove PHI nodes
val tirToStm = TirToStm(methodType, context, types)
for (i in method.instructions.toArray().toList()) {
if (i in builder.startToBlocks) {
val outStms = tirToStm.stms
//for (stm in outStms) println(stm)
val tryCatchBlocks = method.tryCatchBlocks.cast()
return AstBody(
tirToStm.locals.values.toList(), {
start = context.label(it.start),
end = context.label(it.end),
handler = context.label(it.handler),
exception = if (it.type != null) types.REF_INT2(it.type) else AstType.OBJECT
AstBodyFlags(strictfp = method.access.hasFlag(Opcodes.ACC_STRICT), types = types, hasDynamicInvoke = context.hasInvokeDynamic)
class DefinitionInfo {
var decl: TIR? = null
var uses = arrayListOf()
interface DefinitionProcessor {
fun use(tir: TIR, c: Operand): Unit
fun def(tir: TIR, c: Local): Unit
class SSABuilder(val blocks: MethodBlocks) : DefinitionProcessor {
val visited = hashSetOf()
override fun use(tir: TIR, c: Operand) {
override fun def(tir: TIR, c: Local) {
fun build() {
private fun build(bb: BasicBlock) {
if (bb in visited) return
visited += bb
for (stm in bb.stms.toList()) {
for (s in bb.allSuccessors) build(blocks.startToBlocks[s]!!)
class BlockContext {
var hasInvokeDynamic = false
var tempId = 1000
val labels = hashMapOf()
val inputFrames = hashMapOf()
fun createTemp(type: AstType) = Local(type, tempId++)
fun getVar(type: AstType, v: Int) = Local(type, v)
fun label(label: Label): AstLabel = labels.getOrPut(label) { AstLabel("$label") }
fun label(label: LabelNode): AstLabel = label(label.label)
class MethodBlocks(val clazz: AstType.REF, val method: MethodNode, val types: AstTypes) {
val blockContext = BlockContext()
val startToBlocks = hashMapOf()
lateinit var first: BasicBlock
fun buildTree(start: AbstractInsnNode, initialFrame: BasicFrame) {
first = build(start, onePredecessor = null, inputFrame = initialFrame)
private fun build(start: AbstractInsnNode, onePredecessor: BasicBlock?, inputFrame: BasicFrame): BasicBlock {
val bbb1 = startToBlocks[start]
if (bbb1 == null) { // Not processed yet!
val bbb = BasicBlock(types, blockContext, clazz, method, inputFrame).apply {
decodeBlock(start, onePredecessor)
startToBlocks[start] = bbb
for (successor in bbb.allSuccessors) {
build(successor, onePredecessor = bbb, inputFrame = bbb.outputFrame)
return startToBlocks[start]!!
fun removePHI() {
for (block in startToBlocks.values) {
fun removePHI(items: List) {
//for ((n, item) in items.withIndex()) {
// if (item is TIR.PHI) {
// val phi = item
// for (param in phi.params) {
// val predecessorStms = startToBlocks[param.branch]!!.first!!.toList()
// // @TODO: Use linkedlist nodes to totally avoid searching
// val placeHolderIndex = predecessorStms.indexOfLast { it is TIR.PHI_PLACEHOLDER }
// if (placeHolderIndex >= 0) {
// predecessorStms[placeHolderIndex] = TIR.MOV(phi.dst, param.op)
// } else {
// println("Not found PHI placeholder")
// }
// }
// items[n] = TIR.NOP(false)
// }