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com.jtransc.gen.haxe.HaxeTarget.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.jtransc.gen.haxe
import com.jtransc.ConfigOutputFile
import com.jtransc.ConfigSubtarget
import com.jtransc.ConfigTargetDirectory
import com.jtransc.JTranscVersion
import com.jtransc.annotation.JTranscKeep
import com.jtransc.annotation.haxe.*
import com.jtransc.ast.*
import com.jtransc.ast.feature.method.GotosFeature
import com.jtransc.ast.feature.method.SwitchFeature
import com.jtransc.ast.transform.reduceSwitch
import com.jtransc.ds.concatNotNull
import com.jtransc.ds.getOrPut2
import com.jtransc.ds.split
import com.jtransc.gen.GenTargetDescriptor
import com.jtransc.gen.TargetBuildTarget
import com.jtransc.gen.common.*
import com.jtransc.injector.Injector
import com.jtransc.injector.Singleton
import com.jtransc.io.ProcessResult2
import com.jtransc.io.ProcessUtils
import com.jtransc.log.log
import com.jtransc.sourcemaps.Sourcemaps
import com.jtransc.template.Minitemplate
import com.jtransc.text.Indenter
import com.jtransc.text.quote
import com.jtransc.time.measureProcess
import com.jtransc.vfs.*
import java.io.File
import java.util.*
class HaxeTarget : GenTargetDescriptor() {
override val priority = 1000
override val name = "haxe"
override val longName = "Haxe"
override val sourceExtension = "hx"
override val outputExtension = "bin"
override val extraLibraries = listOf()
override val extraClasses = listOf()
override val runningAvailable: Boolean = true
override val buildTargets: List = listOf(
TargetBuildTarget("haxeJs", "haxe:js", "program.js", minimizeNames = true),
TargetBuildTarget("swf", "haxe:swf", "program.swf"),
TargetBuildTarget("haxeCpp", "haxe:cpp", "program.exe"),
TargetBuildTarget("neko", "haxe:neko", "program.n"),
TargetBuildTarget("php", "haxe:php", "program.php")
override fun getGenerator(injector: Injector): CommonGenerator {
val program = injector.get()
val configTargetDirectory = injector.get()
val configSubtarget = injector.get()
val settings = injector.get()
val targetDirectory = configTargetDirectory.targetDirectory
val outputFileBaseName = injector.get().outputFileBaseName
val targetFolder = LocalVfsEnsureDirs(File("$targetDirectory/jtransc-haxe"))
val actualSubtargetName = configSubtarget.subtarget
val availableHaxeSubtargets: List = program.allAnnotations
.map { it.toObject() ?: it.toObject() }
.flatMap {
if (it == null) listOf() else when (it) {
is HaxeAddSubtargetList -> it.value.toList()
is HaxeAddSubtarget -> listOf(it)
else -> listOf()
injector.mapInstance(ConfigHaxeAddSubtarget(availableHaxeSubtargets.last { it.name == actualSubtargetName || actualSubtargetName in it.alias }))
injector.mapInstance(CommonGenFolders(settings.assets.map { LocalVfs(it) }))
return injector.get()
override fun getTargetByExtension(ext: String): String? = when (ext) {
"js" -> "haxe:js"
"php" -> "haxe:php"
"exe" -> "haxe:cpp"
"swf" -> "haxe:swf"
else -> null
class HaxeGenerator(injector: Injector) : CommonGenerator(injector) {
override val SINGLE_FILE: Boolean = false
val haxeConfigMergedAssetsFolder: HaxeConfigMergedAssetsFolder? = injector.getOrNull()
val configHaxeAddSubtarget: ConfigHaxeAddSubtarget? = injector.getOrNull()
//val unreflective = "@:unreflective"
val unreflective = ""
override val outputFile2 = File(super.outputFile2.parentFile, "program.${configHaxeAddSubtarget?.subtarget?.extension ?: "out"}")
companion object {
//const val ENABLE_HXCPP_GOTO_HACK = true
const val ENABLE_HXCPP_GOTO_HACK = false
val subtarget = injector.get().subtarget
override val methodFeatures = if (ENABLE_HXCPP_GOTO_HACK && (subtarget in setOf("cpp", "windows", "linux", "mac", "android"))) {
super.methodFeatures + setOf(SwitchFeature::class.java, GotosFeature::class.java)
} else {
super.methodFeatures + setOf(SwitchFeature::class.java)
override val keywords = super.keywords + setOf(
"haxe", "Dynamic", "Void", "java", "package", "import",
"class", "interface", "extends", "implements",
"internal", "private", "protected", "final",
"function", "var", "const",
"if", "else", "switch", "case", "default",
"do", "while", "for", "each", "in",
"try", "catch", "finally",
"break", "continue",
"int", "uint", "void", "goto",
"z", // used for package
"N", // used for Haxe Natives
"HAXE_CLASS_INIT", // Information about the class
"HAXE_CLASS_NAME", // Information about the class
"OVERFLOW", // iphone sdk
"UNDERFLOW", // iphone sdk
"toString", "hashCode"
override val stringPoolType = StringPool.Type.PER_CLASS
override val defaultGenStmSwitchHasBreaks = false
val actualSubtarget = configHaxeAddSubtarget?.subtarget
//override val tempdir = configTargetDirectory.targetDirectory
val mergedAssetsFolder = haxeConfigMergedAssetsFolder?.mergedAssetsFolder
val mergedAssetsVfs by lazy { LocalVfs(mergedAssetsFolder!!) }
//override val outputFile2 = configOutputFile2.file
override fun writeProgramAndFiles() {
fun haxeCopyEmbeddedResourcesToFolder(assetsFolder: File?) {
val files = program.allAnnotationsList.getAllTyped().flatMap { it.value.toList() }
val resourcesVfs = program.resourcesVfs
log("GenTargetInfo.haxeCopyResourcesToAssetsFolder: $assetsFolder")
if (assetsFolder != null) {
val outputVfs = com.jtransc.vfs.LocalVfs(assetsFolder)
for (file in files) {
log("GenTargetInfo.haxeCopyResourcesToAssetsFolder.copy: $file")
outputVfs[file] = resourcesVfs[file]
//override fun genStmSwitch(stm: AstStm.SWITCH): Indenter = if (stm.cases.size > MAX_SWITCH_SIZE) {
// this.genStm2(stm.reduceSwitch(maxChunkSize = 10))
//} else {
// super.genStmSwitch(stm)
//val BUILD_COMMAND = listOf("haxelib", "run", "lime", "@@SWITCHES", "build", "@@SUBTARGET")
override fun compileAndRun(redirect: Boolean): ProcessResult2 {
return _compileRun(run = true, redirect = redirect)
override fun compile(): ProcessResult2 {
return _compileRun(run = false, redirect = false)
fun _compileRun(run: Boolean, redirect: Boolean): ProcessResult2 {
log("haxe.build (" + JTranscVersion.getVersion() + ") source path: " + srcFolder.realpathOS)
log("Copying assets... ")
for (asset in settings.assets) LocalVfs(asset).copyTreeTo(mergedAssetsVfs, doLog = true)
log("Compiling... ")
val buildVfs = srcFolder.parent.jail()
val copyFilesBeforeBuildTemplate = program.classes.flatMap { it.annotationsList.getTyped()?.value?.toList() ?: listOf() }
for (file in copyFilesBeforeBuildTemplate) buildVfs[file] = gen(program.resourcesVfs[file].readString())
val buildAndRunAsASingleCommand = run && program.allAnnotationsList.contains()
val lines = if (buildAndRunAsASingleCommand) {
(program.allAnnotationsList.getTyped()?.value?.toList() ?: listOf("{{ defaultBuildCommand() }}")).map { it.trim() }
} else {
(program.allAnnotationsList.getTyped()?.value?.toList() ?: listOf("{{ defaultBuildCommand() }}")).map { it.trim() }
val lines2 = lines.map {
if (it.startsWith("@")) {
} else {
val cmdAll = gen(lines2.joinToString("\n")).split("\n").map { it.trim() }.filter { it.isNotEmpty() && !it.startsWith("#") }
val cmdList = cmdAll.split("----").filter { it.isNotEmpty() }
log("Commands to execute (buildAndRunAsASingleCommand=$buildAndRunAsASingleCommand):")
for (cmd in cmdList) {
log("- ${cmd.joinToString(" ")}")
for (cmd in cmdList) {
val commandRaw = cmd.first()
val cmdArgs = cmd.drop(1)
val command = when (commandRaw) {
"haxe" -> cmpvfs["haxe"].realpathOS
"haxelib" -> cmpvfs["haxelib"].realpathOS
else -> commandRaw
val processResult = log.logAndTime("Executing: $command ${cmdArgs.joinToString(" ")}") {
ProcessUtils.runAndRedirect(buildVfs.realfile, command, cmdArgs, env = HaxeCompiler.getExtraEnvs())
if (!processResult.success) return ProcessResult2(processResult.exitValue)
return if (run && !buildAndRunAsASingleCommand) this.run(redirect) else ProcessResult2(0)
override fun run(redirect: Boolean): ProcessResult2 {
if (!outputFile2.exists()) {
return ProcessResult2(-1, "file $outputFile2 doesn't exist")
val fileSize = outputFile2.length()
log("run: ${outputFile2.absolutePath} ($fileSize bytes)")
val parentDir = outputFile2.parentFile
val runner = actualSubtarget!!.interpreter
val arguments = listOf(outputFile2.absolutePath + actualSubtarget.interpreterSuffix)
log.info("Running: $runner ${arguments.joinToString(" ")}")
return measureProcess("Running") {
ProcessUtils.run(parentDir, runner, arguments, options = ExecOptions(passthru = redirect))
internal fun _write() {
val vfs = srcFolder
for (clazz in program.classes.filter { !it.isNative }) {
if (clazz.implCode != null) {
vfs[clazz.name.targetFilePath] = clazz.implCode!!
} else {
//try {
writeClass(clazz, vfs)
//} catch (e: InvalidOperationException) {
// invalidOp("${e.message} while generating $context", e)
val copyFilesRaw = program.classes.flatMap { it.annotationsList.getTyped()?.value?.toList() ?: listOf() }
val copyFilesTemplate = program.classes.flatMap {
val template = it.annotationsList.getTyped()
if (template != null) {
val baseFile = File(template.base)
template.value.toList().map { it to File(it).relativeTo(baseFile).path }
} else {
for (file in copyFilesRaw) vfs[file] = program.resourcesVfs[file]
for ((src, dst) in copyFilesTemplate) {
vfs[dst] = gen(program.resourcesVfs[src].readString(), context, "copyFilesTemplate")
val mainClassFq = program.entrypoint
val mainClassFqName = mainClassFq.targetClassFqName
val mainClass = program[mainClassFq]
val mainMethod = mainClass.getMethod("main", types.build { METHOD(VOID, ARRAY(STRING)) }.desc)!!.targetName
entryPointClass = FqName(mainClassFq.fqname + "_EntryPoint")
entryPointFilePath = entryPointClass.targetFilePath
val entryPointFqName = entryPointClass.targetGeneratedFqName
val entryPointSimpleName = entryPointClass.targetSimpleName
val entryPointPackage = entryPointFqName.packagePath
fun inits() = Indenter.gen {
val customMain = program.allAnnotationsList.getTyped()?.value
val plainMain = Indenter.genString {
line("package {{ entryPointPackage }};")
line("class {{ entryPointSimpleName }}") {
line("@:unreflective static public function main()") {
line("{{ inits }}")
line("{{ mainClass }}.{{ mainMethod }}(N.strArray(N.args()));")
log("Using ... " + if (customMain != null) "customMain" else "plainMain")
"entryPointPackage" to entryPointPackage,
"entryPointSimpleName" to entryPointSimpleName,
"mainClass" to mainClassFqName,
"mainClass2" to mainClassFq.fqname,
"mainMethod" to mainMethod,
"inits" to inits().toString()
vfs[entryPointFilePath] = gen(customMain ?: plainMain)
override fun N_AGET_T(arrayType: AstType.ARRAY, elementType: AstType, array: String, index: String): String {
val get = when (elementType) {
AstType.BOOL -> "getBool"
else -> "get"
return "$array.$get($index)"
override fun N_ASET_T(arrayType: AstType.ARRAY, elementType: AstType, array: String, index: String, value: String): String {
val set = when (elementType) {
AstType.BOOL -> "setBool"
else -> "set"
return "$array.$set($index, $value);"
override fun genStmTryCatch(stm: AstStm.TRY_CATCH) = indent {
line("try") {
line("catch (J__i__exception__: Dynamic)") {
line("J__exception__ = J__i__exception__;")
override fun genStmRethrow(stm: AstStm.RETHROW) = indent { line("""throw J__i__exception__;""") }
override val AstLocal.decl: String get() = "var ${this.targetName}: ${this.type.targetName} = ${this.type.nativeDefaultString};"
override fun genBodyTrapsPrefix(): Indenter = indent { line("var J__exception__:Dynamic = null;") }
override fun genBodyStaticInitPrefix(clazzRef: AstType.REF, reasons: ArrayList) = indent {
override fun genExprThis(e: AstExpr.THIS): String = "this"
private fun getStringId(id: Int) = "__str$id"
override val String.escapeString: String get() = getStringId(allocString(context.clazz.name, this))
override fun genExprArrayLength(e: AstExpr.ARRAY_LENGTH): String {
val type = e.array.type
return if (type is AstType.ARRAY) {
} else {
"cast(${e.array.genNotNull()}, $BaseArrayType).length"
override fun convertToFromTarget(type: AstType, text: String, toTarget: Boolean): String {
if (type is AstType.ARRAY) {
return (if (toTarget) "N.unbox($text)" else "cast(N.box($text), ${type.targetName})")
if (type is AstType.REF) {
val conversion = program[type.name].annotationsList.getTyped()
if (conversion != null) {
return (if (toTarget) conversion.toHaxe else conversion.toJava).replace("@self", text)
return text
//"Std.is(${e.expr.genExpr()}, ${e.checkType.targetTypeCast})"
//override fun N_is(a: String, b: String) = "N.is($a, $b)"
override fun N_is(a: String, b: String) = "Std.is($a, $b)"
override fun N_z2i(str: String) = "N.z2i($str)"
override fun N_i(str: String) = "(($str)|0)"
override fun N_i2z(str: String) = "(($str)!=0)"
override fun N_i2b(str: String) = "N.i2b($str)"
override fun N_i2c(str: String) = "(($str)&0xFFFF)"
override fun N_i2s(str: String) = "N.i2s($str)"
override fun N_f2i(str: String) = "Std.int($str)"
override fun N_i2i(str: String) = N_i(str)
override fun N_i2j(str: String) = "N.intToLong($str)"
override fun N_i2f(str: String) = "($str)"
override fun N_i2d(str: String) = "($str)"
override fun N_f2f(str: String) = "($str)"
override fun N_f2d(str: String) = "($str)"
override fun N_d2f(str: String) = "(($str))"
override fun N_d2d(str: String) = "($str)"
override fun N_d2i(str: String) = "Std.int($str)"
override fun N_l2i(str: String) = "(($str).low)"
override fun N_l2l(str: String) = "($str)"
override fun N_l2f(str: String) = "N.longToFloat($str)"
override fun N_l2d(str: String) = "N.longToFloat($str)"
override fun N_getFunction(str: String) = "N.getFunction($str)"
override fun N_c(str: String, from: AstType, to: AstType) = "N.c($str, ${to.targetName})"
override fun N_idiv(l: String, r: String): String = "N.idiv($l, $r)"
override fun N_imul(l: String, r: String): String = "N.imul($l, $r)"
override fun N_ishl(l: String, r: String): String = "N.ishl($l, $r)"
override fun N_ishr(l: String, r: String): String = "N.ishr($l, $r)"
override fun N_iushr(l: String, r: String): String = "N.iushr($l, $r)"
override fun N_obj_eq(l: String, r: String): String = "N.eq($l, $r)"
override fun N_obj_ne(l: String, r: String): String = "N.ne($l, $r)"
// @TODO: Use this.annotationsList.getTypedList
private fun AstMethod.getHaxeNativeBodyList(): List {
val bodyList = this.annotationsList.getTyped()
val bodyEntry = this.annotationsList.getTyped()
val bodies = listOf(bodyList?.value?.toList(), listOf(bodyEntry)).concatNotNull()
return bodies
private fun AstMethod.hasHaxeNativeBody(): Boolean = this.annotationsList.contains() || this.annotationsList.contains()
private fun AstMethod.getHaxeNativeBody(defaultContentGen: () -> Indenter): Indenter {
val method = this
val bodies = this.getHaxeNativeBodyList()
return if (bodies.isNotEmpty()) {
val pre = method.annotationsList.getTyped()?.value ?: ""
val post = method.annotationsList.getTyped()?.value ?: ""
val bodiesmap = bodies.map { it.target to it.value }.toMap()
val defaultbody: Indenter = if ("" in bodiesmap) Indenter.gen { line(bodiesmap[""]!!) } else defaultContentGen()
val extrabodies = bodiesmap.filterKeys { it != "" }
Indenter.gen {
if (extrabodies.isEmpty()) {
} else {
var first = true
for ((target, extrabody) in extrabodies) {
line((if (first) "#if" else "#elseif") + " ($target) $extrabody")
first = false
} else {
fun writeClass(clazz: AstClass, vfs: SyncVfsFile) {
val isRootObject = clazz.name.fqname == "java.lang.Object"
val isInterface = clazz.isInterface
val isAbstract = clazz.isAbstract
val classType = if (isInterface) "interface" else "class"
val simpleClassName = clazz.name.targetSimpleName
fun getInterfaceList(keyword: String) = (if (clazz.implementing.isNotEmpty()) " $keyword " else "") + clazz.implementing.map { it.targetClassFqName }.joinToString(" $keyword ")
if (!clazz.extending?.fqname.isNullOrEmpty()) refs.add(AstType.REF(clazz.extending!!))
for (impl in clazz.implementing) refs.add(AstType.REF(impl))
fun writeField(field: AstField, isInterface: Boolean): Indenter = Indenter.gen {
val static = if (field.isStatic) "static " else ""
val visibility = if (isInterface) " " else "public"
val fieldType = field.type
val defaultValue: Any? = if (field.hasConstantValue) field.constantValue else fieldType.nativeDefault
val fieldName = field.targetName
if (!field.annotationsList.contains()) {
val keep = if (field.annotationsList.contains()) "@:keep " else ""
line("$keep$static$visibility var $fieldName:${fieldType.targetName} = ${defaultValue.escapedConstantOfType(fieldType)};")
fun writeMethod(method: AstMethod, isInterface: Boolean): Indenter {
return Indenter.gen {
val static = if (method.isStatic) "static " else ""
val visibility = if (isInterface) " " else "public"
val margs = method.methodType.args.map { it.name + ":" + it.type.targetName }
val override = if (method.targetIsOverriding) "override " else ""
val inline = if (method.isInline) "inline " else ""
val rettype = if (method.methodVoidReturnThis) method.containingClass.astType else method.methodType.ret
val decl = try {
"$unreflective $static $visibility $inline $override function ${method.targetName}/*${method.name}*/(${margs.joinToString(", ")}):${rettype.targetName}".trim()
} catch (e: RuntimeException) {
println("@TODO abstract interface not referenced: ${method.containingClass.fqname} :: ${method.name} : $e")
throw e
if (isInterface) {
if (!method.isImplementing) line("$decl;")
} else {
val meta = method.annotationsList.getTyped()?.value
if (meta != null) line(meta)
val rbody = if (method.body != null) method.body else if (method.bodyRef != null) program[method.bodyRef!!]?.body else null
line(decl) {
try {
// @TODO: Do not hardcode this!
if (method.name == "throwParameterIsNullException") line("N.debugger();")
line(method.getHaxeNativeBody { rbody?.genBodyWithFeatures(method) ?: Indenter("throw 'No method body';") }.toString().template())
if (method.methodVoidReturnThis) line("return this;")
} catch (e: Throwable) {
log.warn("WARNING haxe_gen.writeMethod:" + e.message)
line("N.debugger(); throw " + "Errored method: ${clazz.name}.${method.name} :: ${method.desc} :: ${e.message}".quote() + ";")
fun addClassInit(clazz: AstClass) = Indenter.gen {
for (e in getClassStrings(clazz.name)) {
line("$unreflective static private var ${getStringId(e.id)}:$JAVA_LANG_STRING;")
line("$unreflective static public function SI()") {
for (e in getClassStrings(clazz.name)) line("${getStringId(e.id)} = N.strLit(${e.str.quote()});")
if (clazz.hasStaticInit) {
val methodName = clazz.staticInitMethod!!.targetName
val classCodeIndenter = Indenter.gen {
line("package ${clazz.name.targetGeneratedFqPackage};")
if (isAbstract) line("// ABSTRACT")
var declaration = "$classType $simpleClassName"
if (isInterface) {
if (clazz.implementing.isNotEmpty()) declaration += getInterfaceList("extends")
} else {
val clazzExtending = clazz.extending
if (clazzExtending != null && clazz.name.fqname != "java.lang.Object") declaration += " extends ${clazzExtending.targetClassFqName}"
if (clazz.implementing.isNotEmpty()) declaration += getInterfaceList("implements")
// Additional imports!
val imports = clazz.annotationsList.getTyped()?.value
if (imports != null) for (i in imports) line(i)
val meta = clazz.annotationsList.getTyped()?.value
val availableOnTargets = clazz.annotationsList.getTyped()?.value
if (availableOnTargets != null) {
//println("availableOnTargets:" + availableOnTargets.joinToString(" || "))
line("#if (" + availableOnTargets.joinToString(" || ") + ")")
if (meta != null) line(meta)
line(declaration) {
if (!isInterface) {
if (isRootObject) {
line("public var _CLASS_ID__HX:Int;")
line("$unreflective public function new()") {
line(if (isRootObject) "" else "super();")
line("this._CLASS_ID__HX = ${clazz.classId};")
val nativeMembers = clazz.annotationsList.getTyped()?.value?.toList() ?: listOf()
for (member in nativeMembers) line(member.template())
if (!isInterface) {
for (field in clazz.fields) {
line(writeField(field, isInterface))
for (method in clazz.methods) {
if (isInterface && method.isStatic) continue
line(writeMethod(method, isInterface))
if (isRootObject) {
line("$unreflective public function toString():String { return N.toNativeString(this.$toStringTargetName()); }")
line("$unreflective public function hashCode():Int { return this.$hashCodeTargetName(); }")
if (!isInterface) {
if (availableOnTargets != null) {
if (isInterface) {
line("$unreflective class ${simpleClassName}_IFields") {
line("$unreflective public function new() {}")
for (field in clazz.fields) line(writeField(field, isInterface = false))
for (method in clazz.methods.filter { it.isStatic }) line(writeMethod(method, isInterface = false))
val lineMappings = hashMapOf()
val fileStr = classCodeIndenter.toString { sb, line, data ->
if (data is AstStm.LINE) lineMappings[line] = data.line
val haxeFilePath = clazz.name.targetFilePath
vfs[haxeFilePath] = fileStr
vfs["$haxeFilePath.map"] = Sourcemaps.encodeFile(vfs[haxeFilePath].realpathOS, fileStr, clazz.source, lineMappings)
override fun buildStaticInit(clazzName: FqName) = null
override val FqName.targetNameForStatic: String get() {
val clazz = program[this]
val simpleName = this.targetSimpleName
val suffix = if (clazz.isInterface) ".${simpleName}_IFields" else ""
return clazz.name.targetClassFqName + suffix
override val FqName.targetName: String get() = this.targetClassFqName
override fun buildTemplateClass(clazz: FqName): String = clazz.targetClassFqName
val minClassPrefix = "z."
private fun _getHaxeFqName(name: FqName): FqName {
val realclass = if (name in program) program[name] else null
return FqName(classNames.getOrPut2(name) {
if (realclass?.nativeName != null) {
} else if (ENABLED_MINIFY_CLASSES && !realclass.keepName) {
minClassPrefix + allocClassName()
} else {
FqName(name.packageParts.map { if (it in keywords) "${it}_" else it }.map(String::decapitalize), "${name.simpleName.replace('$', '_')}_".capitalize()).fqname
override var baseElementPrefix = "jt_"
override val FqName.targetFilePath: String get() = this.targetGeneratedFqName.internalFqname + ".hx"
override val FqName.targetGeneratedFqPackage: String get() = _getHaxeFqName(this).packagePath
override val FqName.targetGeneratedFqName: FqName get() = _getHaxeFqName(this)
override val FqName.targetSimpleName: String get() = _getHaxeFqName(this).simpleName
override val FqName.targetClassFqName: String get() = program.getOrNull(this)?.nativeName ?: this.targetGeneratedFqName.fqname
override val NullType = "Dynamic"
override val VoidType = "Void"
override val BoolType = "Bool"
override val IntType = "Int"
override val FloatType = "Float32"
override val DoubleType = "Float64"
override val LongType = "haxe.Int64"
override val BaseArrayType = "JA_0"
override val BoolArrayType = "JA_Z"
override val ByteArrayType = "JA_B"
override val CharArrayType = "JA_C"
override val ShortArrayType = "JA_S"
override val IntArrayType = "JA_I"
override val LongArrayType = "JA_J"
override val FloatArrayType = "JA_F"
override val DoubleArrayType = "JA_D"
override val ObjectArrayType = "JA_L"
override val NegativeInfinityString = "Math.NEGATIVE_INFINITY"
override val PositiveInfinityString = "Math.POSITIVE_INFINITY"
override val NanString = "Math.NaN"
//val actualSubtarget = configActualSubtarget.subtarget
override val srcFolder = HaxeGenTools.getSrcFolder(tempdir)
val mergedAssetsDir = haxeConfigMergedAssetsFolder?.mergedAssetsFolder
init {
if (actualSubtarget != null) {
params["defaultBuildCommand"] = {
{{ srcFolder }}
{{ entryPointFile }}
{% if debug %}
{% end %}
{{ actualSubtarget.cmdSwitch }}
{{ outputFile }}
{% for flag in haxeExtraFlags %}
{{ flag.first }}
{{ flag.second }}
{% end %}
{% for define in haxeExtraDefines %}
{% end %}
params["actualSubtarget"] = actualSubtarget
params["tempAssetsDir"] = mergedAssetsDir?.absolutePath // @deprecated
params["mergedAssetsDir"] = mergedAssetsDir?.absolutePath
params["srcFolder"] = srcFolder.realpathOS
params["buildFolder"] = srcFolder.parent.realpathOS
params["haxeExtraFlags"] = program.haxeExtraFlags(settings)
params["haxeExtraDefines"] = program.haxeExtraDefines(settings)
//override val AstMethod.targetIsOverriding: Boolean get() = this.isOverriding && !this.isInstanceInit
override val AstType.localDeclType: String get() = "var"
data class ConfigHaxeAddSubtarget(val subtarget: HaxeAddSubtarget)
private val HAXE_LIBS_KEY = UserKey>()
fun AstProgram.haxeLibs(settings: AstBuildSettings): List = this.getCached(HAXE_LIBS_KEY) {
.map { it.annotationsList.getTyped()?.value }
.flatMap { it.toList() }
.map { HaxeLib.LibraryRef.fromVersion(it) }
fun AstProgram.haxeExtraFlags(settings: AstBuildSettings): List> = this.haxeLibs(settings).map { "-lib" to it.nameWithVersion }
fun AstProgram.haxeExtraDefines(settings: AstBuildSettings): List = if (settings.analyzer) listOf() else listOf("no-analyzer")
fun AstProgram.haxeInstallRequiredLibs(settings: AstBuildSettings) {
val libs = this.haxeLibs(settings)
log(":: REFERENCED LIBS: $libs")
for (lib in libs) {
object HaxeGenTools {
fun getSrcFolder(tempdir: String): SyncVfsFile {
val baseDir = "$tempdir/jtransc-haxe"
log("Temporal haxe files: $baseDir")
return LocalVfs(File(baseDir)).ensuredir()["src"]
val cmpvfs: SyncVfsFile by lazy { HaxeCompiler.ensureHaxeCompilerVfs() }
class HaxeConfigMergedAssetsFolder(configTargetDirectory: ConfigTargetDirectory) {
val targetDirectory = configTargetDirectory.targetDirectory
val mergedAssetsFolder: File get() = File("$targetDirectory/merged-assets")
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