com.jtransc.sourcemaps.base64vlq.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.jtransc.sourcemaps
import com.jtransc.error.invalidOp
import com.jtransc.error.noImpl
import com.jtransc.lang.nullMap
import com.jtransc.text.StrReader
// sourcemaps
object Base64Vlq {
private fun decodeB64Char(c: Char): Int = when (c) {
in 'A'..'Z' -> (c - 'A') + 0;
in 'a'..'z' -> (c - 'a') + 26
in '0'..'9' -> (c - '0') + 52
'+' -> 62
'/' -> 63
else -> invalidOp("Invalid: $c")
private fun encodeB64Char(v: Int): Char = when (v) {
in 0..25 -> ('A' + v - 0).toChar();
in 26..51 -> ('a' + v - 26).toChar();
in 52..61 -> ('0' + v - 52).toChar();
62 -> '+'
63 -> '/'
else -> invalidOp("Invalid: $v")
fun decode(str: String): List {
val out = arrayListOf()
val r = StrReader(str)
while (!r.eof) {
var v = 0
var offset = 0
do {
var c = decodeB64Char(r.readch())
v = v or (c shl offset)
offset += 5
} while (((c ushr 5) and 1) != 0)
val negative = (v and 1) != 0
val absValue = v ushr 1
out.add(if (negative) -absValue else absValue)
return out
private fun encodeOne(item:Int):String {
val negative = (item < 0)
val absValue = Math.abs(item)
val valueToEncode = (absValue shl 1) or, 0)
var v = valueToEncode
var out = ""
do {
val chunk = v and 0x1F
v = v ushr 5
out += encodeB64Char(chunk or (v != 0).map(0x20, 0))
} while (v != 0)
return out
fun encode(items: List): String {
return { encodeOne(it) }.joinToString("")