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package com.jtransc.vfs
import com.jtransc.util.getBits
import com.jtransc.util.toIntClamp
import com.jtransc.util.toUInt
import java.util.*
fun ZipVfs(file: File) = ZipVfs(, LocalVfs(file))
fun ZipVfs(file: String) = ZipVfs(File(file))
fun ZipVfs(data: ByteArray, zipFile: SyncVfsFile? = null) = ZipVfs(, zipFile)
fun ZipVfs(s: RAStream, zipFile: SyncVfsFile? = null): SyncVfsFile {
//val s =
var endBytes = ByteArray(0)
val PK_END = byteArrayOf(0x50, 0x4B, 0x05, 0x06)
var pk_endIndex = -1
for (chunkSize in listOf(0x16, 0x100, 0x1000, 0x10000)) {
s.position = Math.max(0L, s.getLength() - chunkSize)
endBytes = s.readBytesExact(Math.max(chunkSize, s.getAvailable().toIntClamp()))
pk_endIndex = endBytes.indexOf(PK_END)
if (pk_endIndex >= 0) break
if (pk_endIndex < 0) throw IllegalArgumentException("Not a zip file")
val data = Arrays.copyOfRange(endBytes, pk_endIndex, endBytes.size).open()
fun String.normalizeName() = this.trim('/')
class ZipEntry(
val path: String,
val compressionMethod: Int,
val isDirectory: Boolean,
val time: DosFileDateTime,
val offset: Int,
val inode: Long,
val headerEntry: RAStream,
val compressedSize: Long,
val uncompressedSize: Long
fun ZipEntry?.toStat(file: SyncVfsFile): SyncVfsStat {
val vfs = file.vfs
return if (this != null) {
SyncVfsStat(file, isDirectory = isDirectory, size = uncompressedSize, inode = inode, mtime = this.time.javaDate, exists = true, isSymlink = false, mode = FileMode.FULL_ACCESS)
} else {
val files = LinkedHashMap()
val filesPerFolder = LinkedHashMap>()
data.apply {
if (readS32_BE() != 0x504B_0506) throw IllegalStateException("Not a zip file")
val diskNumber = readU16_LE()
val startDiskNumber = readU16_LE()
val entriesOnDisk = readU16_LE()
val entriesInDirectory = readU16_LE()
val directorySize = readS32_LE()
val directoryOffset = readS32_LE()
val commentLength = readU16_LE()
//println("Zip: $entriesInDirectory")
val ds = s.sliceWithSize(directoryOffset.toLong(), directorySize.toLong()).readAvailableBytes().open()
ds.apply {
for (n in 0 until entriesInDirectory) {
if (readS32_BE() != 0x504B_0102) throw IllegalStateException("Not a zip file record")
val versionMade = readU16_LE()
val versionExtract = readU16_LE()
val flags = readU16_LE()
val compressionMethod = readU16_LE()
val fileTime = readU16_LE()
val fileDate = readU16_LE()
val crc = readS32_LE()
val compressedSize = readS32_LE()
val uncompressedSize = readS32_LE()
val fileNameLength = readU16_LE()
val extraLength = readU16_LE()
val fileCommentLength = readU16_LE()
val diskNumberStart = readU16_LE()
val internalAttributes = readU16_LE()
val externalAttributes = readS32_LE()
val headerOffset = readS32_LE()
val name = readStringz(fileNameLength, Charsets.UTF_8)
val extra = readBytes(extraLength)
val isDirectory = name.endsWith("/")
val normalizedName = name.normalizeName()
val baseFolder = normalizedName.substringBeforeLast('/', "")
val baseName = normalizedName.substringAfterLast('/')
val folder = filesPerFolder.getOrPut(baseFolder) { LinkedHashMap() }
val entry = ZipEntry(
path = name,
compressionMethod = compressionMethod,
isDirectory = isDirectory,
time = DosFileDateTime(fileTime, fileDate),
inode = n.toLong(),
offset = headerOffset,
headerEntry = s.sliceAvailable(headerOffset.toUInt()),
compressedSize = compressedSize.toUInt(),
uncompressedSize = uncompressedSize.toUInt()
val components = listOf("") + PathInfo(normalizedName).getFullComponents()
for (m in 1 until components.size) {
val f = components[m - 1]
val c = components[m]
if (c !in files) {
val folder2 = filesPerFolder.getOrPut(f) { LinkedHashMap() }
val entry2 = ZipEntry(path = c, compressionMethod = 0, isDirectory = true, time = DosFileDateTime(0, 0), inode = 0L, offset = 0, headerEntry = byteArrayOf().open(), compressedSize = 0L, uncompressedSize = 0L)
folder2[PathInfo(c).basename] = entry2
files[c] = entry2
folder[baseName] = entry
files[normalizedName] = entry
files[""] = ZipEntry(path = "", compressionMethod = 0, isDirectory = true, time = DosFileDateTime(0, 0), inode = 0L, offset = 0, headerEntry = byteArrayOf().open(), compressedSize = 0L, uncompressedSize = 0L)
//for (folder in files) println(folder)
class Impl : SyncVfs() {
val vfs = this
override val absolutePath: String get() = zipFile?.realpathOS ?: ""
override fun read(path: String): ByteArray {
val entry = files[path.normalizeName()] ?: throw FileNotFoundException("Path: '$path'")
val base = entry.headerEntry.slice()
return {
if (this.available < 16) throw IllegalStateException("Chunk to small to be a ZIP chunk")
if (readS32_BE() != 0x504B_0304) throw IllegalStateException("Not a zip file")
val version = readU16_LE()
val flags = readU16_LE()
val compressionType = readU16_LE()
val fileTime = readU16_LE()
val fileDate = readU16_LE()
val crc = readS32_LE()
val compressedSize = readS32_LE()
val uncompressedSize = readS32_LE()
val fileNameLength = readU16_LE()
val extraLength = readU16_LE()
val name = readStringz(fileNameLength, Charsets.UTF_8)
val extra = readBytesExact(extraLength)
val compressedData = readBytesExact(entry.compressedSize.toInt())
when (entry.compressionMethod) {
// Uncompressed
0 -> compressedData
// Deflate
8 -> //InflaterInputStream(ByteArrayInputStream(compressedData), Inflater(true)).readBytes()
InflaterInputStream(ByteArrayInputStream(compressedData), Inflater(true)).readExactBytes(entry.uncompressedSize.toInt())
else -> TODO("Not implemented zip method ${entry.compressionMethod}")
private fun open(path: String): RAStream {
val entry = files[path.normalizeName()] ?: throw FileNotFoundException("Path: '$path'")
val base = entry.headerEntry.slice()
return {
if (this.available < 16) throw IllegalStateException("Chunk to small to be a ZIP chunk")
if (readS32_BE() != 0x504B_0304) throw IllegalStateException("Not a zip file")
val version = readU16_LE()
val flags = readU16_LE()
val compressionType = readU16_LE()
val fileTime = readU16_LE()
val fileDate = readU16_LE()
val crc = readS32_LE()
val compressedSize = readS32_LE()
val uncompressedSize = readS32_LE()
val fileNameLength = readU16_LE()
val extraLength = readU16_LE()
val name = readStringz(fileNameLength, Charsets.UTF_8)
val extra = readBytes(extraLength)
val compressedData = readSlice(entry.compressedSize)
when (entry.compressionMethod) {
// Uncompressed
0 -> compressedData
// Deflate
8 -> InflateRAStream(compressedData, Inflater(true), uncompressedSize.toLong())
else -> TODO("Not implemented zip method ${entry.compressionMethod}")
override fun stat(path: String): SyncVfsStat {
return files[path.normalizeName()].toStat(this@Impl[path])
override fun listdir(path: String): Iterable {
val items = filesPerFolder[path.normalizeName()] ?: LinkedHashMap()
val base = vfs[path]
return { it.value.toStat(base[it.key]) }
override fun toString(): String = "ZipVfs($zipFile)"
return Impl().root()
private class DosFileDateTime(var time: Int, var date: Int) {
val seconds: Int get() = 2 * date.getBits(0, 5)
val minutes: Int get() = 2 * date.getBits(5, 6)
val hours: Int get() = 2 * date.getBits(11, 5)
val day: Int get() = date.getBits(0, 5)
val month: Int get() = date.getBits(5, 4)
val year: Int get() = 1980 + date.getBits(9, 7)
val utcTimestamp: Long by lazy { Date.UTC(year - 1900, month - 1, day, hours, minutes, seconds) }
val javaDate: Date by lazy { Date(utcTimestamp) }
fun SyncVfsFile.openAsZip() = ZipVfs(, this)
class InflateRAStream(val base: RASlice, val inflater: Inflater, val uncompressedSize: Long? = null) : RAStream() {
override fun write(position: Long, ref: ByteArray?, pos: Int, len: Int) {
TODO("not implemented") //To change body of created functions use File | Settings | File Templates.
override fun read(position: Long, ref: ByteArray, pos: Int, len: Int): Int {
if (inflater.needsInput()) {
return inflater.inflate(ref, pos, len)
override fun setLength(value: Long) = throw UnsupportedOperationException()
override fun getLength(): Long = uncompressedSize ?: throw UnsupportedOperationException()
override fun close() {