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com.justai.jaicf.BotEngine.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.justai.jaicf
import com.justai.jaicf.activator.ActivationContext
import com.justai.jaicf.activator.Activator
import com.justai.jaicf.activator.ActivatorFactory
import com.justai.jaicf.activator.catchall.CatchAllActivator
import com.justai.jaicf.activator.event.BaseEventActivator
import com.justai.jaicf.activator.intent.BaseIntentActivator
import com.justai.jaicf.activator.selection.ActivationSelector
import com.justai.jaicf.activator.strict.ButtonActivator
import com.justai.jaicf.api.BotApi
import com.justai.jaicf.api.BotRequest
import com.justai.jaicf.context.*
import com.justai.jaicf.context.manager.BotContextManager
import com.justai.jaicf.context.manager.InMemoryBotContextManager
import com.justai.jaicf.exceptions.*
import com.justai.jaicf.helpers.logging.WithLogger
import com.justai.jaicf.hook.*
import com.justai.jaicf.logging.ConversationLogger
import com.justai.jaicf.logging.Slf4jConversationLogger
import com.justai.jaicf.model.scenario.Scenario
import com.justai.jaicf.model.state.State
import com.justai.jaicf.reactions.Reactions
import com.justai.jaicf.reactions.ResponseReactions
import com.justai.jaicf.slotfilling.*
* Default [BotApi] implementation.
* You can use it passing the [Scenario] of your bot, [BotContextManager] that manages the bot's state data and an array of [ActivatorFactory]. See params description below.
* Here is an example of usage:
* ```
* val helloWorldBot = BotEngine(
* model = HelloWorldScenario.model,
* activators = arrayOf(
* RegexActivator
* )
* )
* ```
* @param scenario bot scenario. Every bot should serve some scenario that implements a business logic of the bot.
* @param defaultContextManager the default manager that manages a bot's context during the request execution. Can be overriden by the channel itself fot every user's request.
* @param activators an array of used activator that can handle a request. Note that an order is matter: lower activators won't be called if top-level activator handles a request and a corresponding state is found in scenario.
* @param activationSelector a selector that is used for selecting the most relevant [ActivationSelector] from all possible.
* @param slotReactor an entity to react to filling specified slot.
* @param conversationLoggers an array conversation loggers, all of which will log conversation information after request is processed.
* @see BotApi
* @see com.justai.jaicf.builder.ScenarioBuilder
* @see BotContextManager
* @see BotContext
* @see ActivatorFactory
* @see SlotReactor
* @see ConversationLogger
class BotEngine(
scenario: Scenario,
val defaultContextManager: BotContextManager = InMemoryBotContextManager,
activators: Array = emptyArray(),
private val activationSelector: ActivationSelector = ActivationSelector.default,
private val slotReactor: SlotReactor? = null,
private val conversationLoggers: Array = arrayOf(Slf4jConversationLogger())
) : BotApi, WithLogger {
val model = scenario.model.verify()
private val activators = { it.create(model) }.addBuiltinActivators()
private fun List.addBuiltinActivators(): List {
fun MutableList.removeIfPresent(a: Activator) = removeIf { == }
fun MutableList.pushToTheEnd(a: Activator) = find { == } ?: add(a)
val builtinActivators =
listOf(BaseEventActivator, BaseIntentActivator, CatchAllActivator).map { it.create(model) }
val strictActivators = mutableListOf(ButtonActivator).map { it.create(model) }
return strictActivators + toMutableList().apply {
builtinActivators.forEach {
* A [BotHook] handler.
* You can register your own listener that handles particular phase of the request execution process.
* @see BotHook
val hooks = BotHookHandler().also { handler ->
handler.actions.putAll(model.hooks.groupBy { it.klass }.mapValues { it.value.toMutableList() })
override fun process(
request: BotRequest,
reactions: Reactions,
requestContext: RequestContext,
contextManager: BotContextManager?
) {
try {
val manager = contextManager ?: defaultContextManager
val botContext = manager.loadContext(request, requestContext)
val executionContext = ExecutionContext(requestContext, null, botContext, request)
reactions.executionContext = executionContext
reactions.botContext = botContext
processContext(botContext, requestContext)
try {
withHook(BotRequestHook(botContext, request, reactions)) {
processRequest(botContext, request, requestContext, reactions, executionContext)
} catch (e: BotException) {
tryHandleWithHook(AnyErrorHook(botContext, request, reactions, e), executionContext, false)
} catch (e: Exception) {
val exception = BotExecutionException(e, botContext.currentState)
tryHandleWithHook(AnyErrorHook(botContext, request, reactions, exception), executionContext, false)
conversationLoggers.forEach { it.obfuscateAndLog(executionContext) }
saveContext(manager, botContext, request, reactions, requestContext)
} catch (e: Exception) {
logger.error("", e)
throw e
private fun processRequest(
botContext: BotContext,
request: BotRequest,
requestContext: RequestContext,
reactions: Reactions,
executionContext: ExecutionContext
) {
val slotFillingContext = if (isActiveSlotFilling(botContext)) {
} else {
withHook(BeforeActivationHook(botContext, request, reactions))
selectActivation(botContext, request)?.let {
startSlotFilling(botContext, it)
} ?: run {
logger.warn("No state selected to handle a request $request")
with(slotFillingContext) {
val res = activator.fillSlots(request, reactions, botContext, activatorContext, slotReactor)
when (res) {
is SlotFillingInProgress -> return
is SlotFillingInterrupted -> {
if (res.shouldReprocess) {
processRequest(botContext, request, requestContext, reactions, executionContext)
is SlotFillingFinished -> {
val activation = finishSlotFilling(botContext, res)
executionContext.activationContext = activation
internal fun getActivatorForName(activatorName: String) = activators.find { == activatorName }
private inline fun withHook(hook: BotHook, block: () -> Unit = {}) {
try {
} catch (e: BotHookException) {
logger.error("Hook $hook interrupted a request processing", e)
private inline fun tryHandleWithHook(
hook: T,
executionContext: ExecutionContext,
rethrow: Boolean
) = when (hooks.hasHook()) {
true -> withHook(hook)
false -> {
logger.error("Unhandled exception for ${T::class.simpleName} handler: ", hook.exception.scenarioCause)
if (rethrow) throw hook.exception else executionContext.scenarioException = hook.exception
private fun processContext(botContext: BotContext, requestContext: RequestContext) {
if (requestContext.newSession) {
private fun selectActivation(botContext: BotContext, request: BotRequest): ActivationContext? {
activators.filter { it.canHandle(request) }.forEach { a ->
val activation = try {
a.activate(botContext, request, activationSelector)
} catch (e: Exception) {
throw ActivationException(e, botContext.currentState, a)
if (activation != null) {
return ActivationContext(a, activation)
return null
private fun processStates(context: ProcessContext) = with(context) {
val activator = activationContext.activation.context
val dc = botContext.dialogContext
dc.nextState = activationContext.activation.state
var lastState = dc.nextState
withHook(BeforeProcessHook(botContext, request, reactions, activator)) {
while (dc.nextState() != null) {
val state = model.states[dc.currentState]
?: throw NoStateFoundException(requireNotNull(lastState), dc.currentState)
withHook(BeforeActionHook(botContext, request, reactions, activator, state)) {
executeAction(state, dc, activator)
lastState = dc.currentState
withHook(AfterProcessHook(botContext, request, reactions, activationContext.activation.context))
private fun ProcessContext.executeAction(
state: State,
dc: DialogContext,
activator: ActivatorContext
) {
if (state.action == null) {
logger.warn("No action on state ${dc.currentState}")
try {
logger.trace("Executing state: $state")
withHook(AfterActionHook(botContext, request, reactions, activator, state))
} catch (e: Exception) {
val exception = ActionException(e, state.toString())
val hook = ActionErrorHook(botContext, request, reactions, activator, state, exception)
try {
tryHandleWithHook(hook, reactions.executionContext, rethrow = true)
} catch (e: BotHookException) {
reactions.executionContext.scenarioException = BotExecutionException(e, dc.currentState)
throw e
private fun saveContext(
cm: BotContextManager,
botContext: BotContext,
request: BotRequest,
reactions: Reactions,
requestContext: RequestContext
) = cm.saveContext(botContext, request, (reactions as? ResponseReactions<*>)?.response, requestContext)
private val BotContext.currentState: String
get() = dialogContext.currentState