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package com.juul.krayon.hierarchy
public class Node internal constructor(
/** Data associated with this node. */
public val data: T,
layout: L,
/** The parent node, if any. */
public val parent: Node? = null,
) {
/** Layout value. Null when initially created, but can be changed by using a tree-map or similar. */
public var layout: L = layout
internal set
/** Child nodes. If this is a leaf, then this list is empty. */
public var children: List> = emptyList()
internal set
/** Weight associated with this item. Note that this defaults to 0, and must be explicitly set via [sum] or [count]. */
internal var weight: Float = 0f
/** Number of parents before hitting the root [Node]. If this is the root, then this is 0. */
public val Node.depth: Int
get() = if (parent == null) 0 else parent.depth + 1
/** Maximum number of children before hitting a leaf [Node]. If this is a leaf, then this is 0. */
public val Node.height: Int
get() = children.maxOfOrNull { it.height + 1 } ?: 0
/** Returns `true` if this node has no children. */
public val Node.isLeaf: Boolean
get() = children.isEmpty()
/** Returns ancestor nodes, starting with `this` and then following the [Node.parent] chain. */
public fun Node.ancestors(): Sequence> = sequence {
var current: Node? = this@ancestors
while (current != null) {
current = parent
/** Returns descendant nodes, starting with `this` and then following the [Node.children] chain in a breadth-first traversal. */
public fun Node.traverseBreadthFirst(): Sequence> =
sequence {
val remaining = ArrayDeque(listOf(this@traverseBreadthFirst))
while (remaining.isNotEmpty()) {
val current = remaining.removeFirst()
/** Returns descendant nodes, starting with `this` and then following the [Node.children] chain in a depth-first traversal. */
public fun Node.traversePreOrder(): Sequence> =
sequence {
for (child in children) {
/** Returns descendant nodes, starting with the [Node.children] chain in a depth-first traversal, and ending with `this`. */
public fun Node.traversePostOrder(): Sequence> =
sequence {
for (child in children) {
public inline fun Node.sum(
crossinline value: (T) -> Float,
): Node = eachAfter { node -> node.weight = value( + node.children.sumOf { it.weight } }
public fun Node.count(): Node = sum { 1f }
public fun Node.sort(
comparator: Comparator,
): Node = eachBefore { node ->
node.children = node.children.sortedWith { left, right ->,
public inline fun Node.each(
crossinline action: (Node) -> Unit,
): Node = apply { traverseBreadthFirst().forEach(action) }
public inline fun Node.eachAfter(
crossinline action: (Node) -> Unit,
): Node = apply { traversePostOrder().forEach(action) }
public inline fun Node.eachBefore(
crossinline action: (Node) -> Unit,
): Node = apply { traversePreOrder().forEach(action) }
public inline fun Node.eachIndexed(
crossinline action: (Int, Node) -> Unit,
): Node = apply { traverseBreadthFirst().forEachIndexed(action) }
public inline fun Node.eachAfterIndexed(
crossinline action: (Int, Node) -> Unit,
): Node = apply { traversePostOrder().forEachIndexed(action) }
public inline fun Node.eachBeforeIndexed(
crossinline action: (Int, Node) -> Unit,
): Node = apply { traversePreOrder().forEachIndexed(action) }
* Returns a breadth-first traversal of nodes, removing those with null data, and pairing the data to the layout.
* Especially useful with [flatHierarchy] after performing a layout, before feeding into selection data.
public fun Node.removeHierarchy(): Sequence> =
.filter { != null }
.map { checkNotNull( to it.layout }