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defaultOptions =
  # How long should it take for the bar to animate to a new
  # point after receiving it
  catchupTime: 100

  # How quickly should the bar be moving before it has any progress
  # info from a new source in %/ms
  initialRate: .03

  # What is the minimum amount of time the bar should be on the
  # screen.  Irrespective of this number, the bar will always be on screen for
  # 33 * (100 / maxProgressPerFrame) + ghostTime ms.
  minTime: 250

  # What is the minimum amount of time the bar should sit after the last
  # update before disappearing
  ghostTime: 100

  # Its easy for a bunch of the bar to be eaten in the first few frames
  # before we know how much there is to load.  This limits how much of
  # the bar can be used per frame
  maxProgressPerFrame: 20

  # This tweaks the animation easing
  easeFactor: 1.25

  # Should pace automatically start when the page is loaded, or should it wait for `start` to
  # be called?  Always false if pace is loaded with AMD or CommonJS.
  startOnPageLoad: true

  # Should we restart the browser when pushState or replaceState is called?  (Generally
  # means ajax navigation has occured)
  restartOnPushState: true

  # Should we show the progress bar for every ajax request (not just regular or ajax-y page
  # navigation)? Set to false to disable.
  # If so, how many ms does the request have to be running for before we show the progress?
  restartOnRequestAfter: 500

  # What element should the pace element be appended to on the page?
  target: 'body'

    # How frequently in ms should we check for the elements being tested for
    # using the element monitor?
    checkInterval: 100

    # What elements should we wait for before deciding the page is fully loaded (not required)
    selectors: ['body']

    # When we first start measuring event lag, not much is going on in the browser yet, so it's
    # not uncommon for the numbers to be abnormally low for the first few samples.  This configures
    # how many samples we need before we consider a low number to mean completion.
    minSamples: 10

    # How many samples should we average to decide what the current lag is?
    sampleCount: 3

    # Above how many ms of lag is the CPU considered busy?
    lagThreshold: 3

    # Which HTTP methods should we track?
    trackMethods: ['GET']

    # Should we track web socket connections?
    trackWebSockets: true

    # A list of regular expressions or substrings of URLS we should ignore (for both tracking and restarting)
    ignoreURLs: []

now = ->
  performance?.now?() ? +new Date

requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame or window.mozRequestAnimationFrame or
                        window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame or window.msRequestAnimationFrame

cancelAnimationFrame = window.cancelAnimationFrame or window.mozCancelAnimationFrame

if not requestAnimationFrame?
  requestAnimationFrame = (fn) ->
    setTimeout fn, 50

  cancelAnimationFrame = (id) ->
    clearTimeout id

runAnimation = (fn) ->
  last = now()
  tick = ->
    diff = now() - last

    if diff >= 33
      # Don't run faster than 30 fps

      last = now()
      fn diff, ->
        requestAnimationFrame tick
      setTimeout tick, (33 - diff)


result = (obj, key, args...) ->
  if typeof obj[key] is 'function'

extend = (out, sources...) ->
  for source in sources when source
    for own key, val of source
      if out[key]? and typeof out[key] is 'object' and val? and typeof val is 'object'
        extend(out[key], val)
        out[key] = val

avgAmplitude = (arr) ->
  sum = count = 0
  for v in arr
    sum += Math.abs(v)

  sum / count

getFromDOM = (key='options', json=true) ->
  el = document.querySelector "[data-pace-#{ key }]"

  return unless el

  data = el.getAttribute "data-pace-#{ key }"

  return data if not json

    return JSON.parse data
  catch e
    console?.error "Error parsing inline pace options", e

class Evented
  on: (event, handler, ctx, once=false) ->
    @bindings ?= {}
    @bindings[event] ?= []
    @bindings[event].push {handler, ctx, once}

  once: (event, handler, ctx) ->
    @on(event, handler, ctx, true)

  off: (event, handler) ->
    return unless @bindings?[event]?

    if not handler?
      delete @bindings[event]
      i = 0
      while i < @bindings[event].length
        if @bindings[event][i].handler is handler
          @bindings[event].splice i, 1

  trigger: (event, args...) ->
    if @bindings?[event]
      i = 0
      while i < @bindings[event].length
        {handler, ctx, once} = @bindings[event][i]

        handler.apply(ctx ? @, args)

        if once
          @bindings[event].splice i, 1

Pace = window.Pace or {}
window.Pace = Pace

extend Pace, Evented::

options = Pace.options = extend {}, defaultOptions, window.paceOptions, getFromDOM()

for source in ['ajax', 'document', 'eventLag', 'elements']
  # true enables them without configuration, so we grab the config from the defaults
  if options[source] is true
    options[source] = defaultOptions[source]

class NoTargetError extends Error

class Bar
  constructor: ->
    @progress = 0

  getElement: ->
    if not @el?
      targetElement = document.querySelector

      if not targetElement
        throw new NoTargetError

      @el = document.createElement 'div'
      @el.className = "pace pace-active"

      document.body.className = document.body.className.replace /pace-done/g, ''
      document.body.className += ' pace-running'

      @el.innerHTML = '''
''' if targetElement.firstChild? targetElement.insertBefore @el, targetElement.firstChild else targetElement.appendChild @el @el finish: -> el = @getElement() el.className = el.className.replace 'pace-active', '' el.className += ' pace-inactive' document.body.className = document.body.className.replace 'pace-running', '' document.body.className += ' pace-done' update: (prog) -> @progress = prog do @render destroy: -> try @getElement().parentNode.removeChild(@getElement()) catch NoTargetError @el = undefined render: -> if not document.querySelector( return false el = @getElement() transform = "translate3d(#{ @progress }%, 0, 0)" for key in ['webkitTransform', 'msTransform', 'transform'] el.children[0].style[key] = transform if not @lastRenderedProgress or @lastRenderedProgress|0 != @progress|0 # The whole-part of the number has changed el.children[0].setAttribute 'data-progress-text', "#{ @progress|0 }%" if @progress >= 100 # We cap it at 99 so we can use prefix-based attribute selectors progressStr = '99' else progressStr = if @progress < 10 then "0" else "" progressStr += @progress|0 el.children[0].setAttribute 'data-progress', "#{ progressStr }" @lastRenderedProgress = @progress done: -> @progress >= 100 class Events constructor: -> @bindings = {} trigger: (name, val) -> if @bindings[name]? for binding in @bindings[name] @, val on: (name, fn) -> @bindings[name] ?= [] @bindings[name].push fn _XMLHttpRequest = window.XMLHttpRequest _XDomainRequest = window.XDomainRequest _WebSocket = window.WebSocket extendNative = (to, from) -> for key of from:: try if not to[key]? and typeof from[key] isnt 'function' if typeof Object.defineProperty is 'function' Object.defineProperty(to, key, { get: -> return from::[key]; , configurable: true, enumerable: true }) else to[key] = from::[key] catch e ignoreStack = [] Pace.ignore = (fn, args...) -> ignoreStack.unshift 'ignore' ret = fn(args...) ignoreStack.shift() ret Pace.track = (fn, args...) -> ignoreStack.unshift 'track' ret = fn(args...) ignoreStack.shift() ret shouldTrack = (method='GET') -> if ignoreStack[0] is 'track' return 'force' if not ignoreStack.length and options.ajax if method is 'socket' and options.ajax.trackWebSockets return true else if method.toUpperCase() in options.ajax.trackMethods return true return false # We should only ever instantiate one of these class RequestIntercept extends Events constructor: -> super monitorXHR = (req) => _open = = (type, url, async) => if shouldTrack(type) @trigger 'request', {type, url, request: req} _open.apply req, arguments window.XMLHttpRequest = (flags) -> req = new _XMLHttpRequest(flags) monitorXHR req req try extendNative window.XMLHttpRequest, _XMLHttpRequest if _XDomainRequest? window.XDomainRequest = -> req = new _XDomainRequest monitorXHR req req try extendNative window.XDomainRequest, _XDomainRequest if _WebSocket? and options.ajax.trackWebSockets window.WebSocket = (url, protocols) => if protocols? req = new _WebSocket(url, protocols) else req = new _WebSocket(url) if shouldTrack('socket') @trigger 'request', {type: 'socket', url, protocols, request: req} req try extendNative window.WebSocket, _WebSocket _intercept = null getIntercept = -> if not _intercept? _intercept = new RequestIntercept _intercept shouldIgnoreURL = (url) -> for pattern in options.ajax.ignoreURLs if typeof pattern is 'string' if url.indexOf(pattern) isnt -1 return true else if pattern.test(url) return true return false # If we want to start the progress bar # on every request, we need to hear the request # and then inject it into the new ajax monitor # start will have created. getIntercept().on 'request', ({type, request, url}) -> return if shouldIgnoreURL(url) if not Pace.running and (options.restartOnRequestAfter isnt false or shouldTrack(type) is 'force') args = arguments after = options.restartOnRequestAfter or 0 if typeof after is 'boolean' after = 0 setTimeout -> if type is 'socket' stillActive = request.readyState < 2 else stillActive = 0 < request.readyState < 4 if stillActive Pace.restart() for source in Pace.sources if source instanceof AjaxMonitor args... break , after class AjaxMonitor constructor: -> @elements = [] getIntercept().on 'request', => @watch arguments... watch: ({type, request, url}) -> return if shouldIgnoreURL(url) if type is 'socket' tracker = new SocketRequestTracker(request) else tracker = new XHRRequestTracker(request) @elements.push tracker class XHRRequestTracker constructor: (request) -> @progress = 0 if window.ProgressEvent? # We're dealing with a modern browser with progress event support size = null request.addEventListener 'progress', (evt) => if evt.lengthComputable @progress = 100 * evt.loaded / else # If it's chunked encoding, we have no way of knowing the total length of the # response, all we can do is increment the progress with backoff such that we # never hit 100% until it's done. @progress = @progress + (100 - @progress) / 2 , false for event in ['load', 'abort', 'timeout', 'error'] request.addEventListener event, => @progress = 100 , false else _onreadystatechange = request.onreadystatechange request.onreadystatechange = => if request.readyState in [0, 4] @progress = 100 else if request.readyState is 3 @progress = 50 _onreadystatechange?(arguments...) class SocketRequestTracker constructor: (request) -> @progress = 0 for event in ['error', 'open'] request.addEventListener event, => @progress = 100 , false class ElementMonitor constructor: (options={}) -> @elements = [] options.selectors ?= [] for selector in options.selectors @elements.push new ElementTracker selector class ElementTracker constructor: (@selector) -> @progress = 0 @check() check: -> if document.querySelector(@selector) @done() else setTimeout (=> @check()), options.elements.checkInterval done: -> @progress = 100 class DocumentMonitor states: loading: 0 interactive: 50 complete: 100 constructor: -> @progress = @states[document.readyState] ? 100 _onreadystatechange = document.onreadystatechange document.onreadystatechange = => if @states[document.readyState]? @progress = @states[document.readyState] _onreadystatechange?(arguments...) class EventLagMonitor constructor: -> @progress = 0 avg = 0 samples = [] points = 0 last = now() interval = setInterval => diff = now() - last - 50 last = now() samples.push diff if samples.length > options.eventLag.sampleCount samples.shift() avg = avgAmplitude samples if ++points >= options.eventLag.minSamples and avg < options.eventLag.lagThreshold @progress = 100 clearInterval interval else @progress = 100 * (3 / (avg + 3)) , 50 class Scaler constructor: (@source) -> @last = @sinceLastUpdate = 0 @rate = options.initialRate @catchup = 0 @progress = @lastProgress = 0 if @source? @progress = result(@source, 'progress') tick: (frameTime, val) -> val ?= result(@source, 'progress') if val >= 100 @done = true if val == @last @sinceLastUpdate += frameTime else if @sinceLastUpdate @rate = (val - @last) / @sinceLastUpdate @catchup = (val - @progress) / options.catchupTime @sinceLastUpdate = 0 @last = val if val > @progress # After we've got a datapoint, we have catchupTime to # get the progress bar to reflect that new data @progress += @catchup * frameTime scaling = (1 - Math.pow(@progress / 100, options.easeFactor)) # Based on the rate of the last update, we preemptively update # the progress bar, scaling it so it can never hit 100% until we # know it's done. @progress += scaling * @rate * frameTime @progress = Math.min(@lastProgress + options.maxProgressPerFrame, @progress) @progress = Math.max(0, @progress) @progress = Math.min(100, @progress) @lastProgress = @progress @progress sources = null scalers = null bar = null uniScaler = null animation = null cancelAnimation = null Pace.running = false handlePushState = -> if options.restartOnPushState Pace.restart() # We reset the bar whenever it looks like an ajax navigation has occured. if window.history.pushState? _pushState = window.history.pushState window.history.pushState = -> handlePushState() _pushState.apply window.history, arguments if window.history.replaceState? _replaceState = window.history.replaceState window.history.replaceState = -> handlePushState() _replaceState.apply window.history, arguments SOURCE_KEYS = ajax: AjaxMonitor elements: ElementMonitor document: DocumentMonitor eventLag: EventLagMonitor do init = -> Pace.sources = sources = [] for type in ['ajax', 'elements', 'document', 'eventLag'] if options[type] isnt false sources.push new SOURCE_KEYS[type](options[type]) for source in options.extraSources ? [] sources.push new source(options) = bar = new Bar # Each source of progress data has it's own scaler to smooth its output scalers = [] # We have an extra scaler for the final output to keep things looking nice as we add and # remove sources uniScaler = new Scaler Pace.stop = -> Pace.trigger 'stop' Pace.running = false bar.destroy() # Not all browsers support cancelAnimationFrame cancelAnimation = true if animation? cancelAnimationFrame? animation animation = null init() Pace.restart = -> Pace.trigger 'restart' Pace.stop() Pace.start() Pace.go = -> Pace.running = true bar.render() start = now() cancelAnimation = false animation = runAnimation (frameTime, enqueueNextFrame) -> # Every source gives us a progress number from 0 - 100 # It's up to us to figure out how to turn that into a smoothly moving bar # # Their progress numbers can only increment. We try to interpolate # between the numbers. remaining = 100 - bar.progress count = sum = 0 done = true # A source is composed of a bunch of elements, each with a raw, unscaled progress for source, i in sources scalerList = scalers[i] ?= [] elements = source.elements ? [source] # Each element is given it's own scaler, which turns its value into something # smoothed for display for element, j in elements scaler = scalerList[j] ?= new Scaler element done &= scaler.done continue if scaler.done count++ sum += scaler.tick(frameTime) avg = sum / count bar.update uniScaler.tick(frameTime, avg) if bar.done() or done or cancelAnimation bar.update 100 Pace.trigger 'done' setTimeout -> bar.finish() Pace.running = false Pace.trigger 'hide' , Math.max(options.ghostTime, Math.max(options.minTime - (now() - start), 0)) else enqueueNextFrame() Pace.start = (_options) -> extend options, _options Pace.running = true try bar.render() catch NoTargetError # It's usually possible to render a bit before the document declares itself ready if not document.querySelector('.pace') setTimeout Pace.start, 50 else Pace.trigger 'start' Pace.go() if typeof define is 'function' and define.amd # AMD define ['pace'], -> Pace else if typeof exports is 'object' # CommonJS module.exports = Pace else # Global if options.startOnPageLoad Pace.start()

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