henkan.extractor.extractor.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package henkan.extractor
import alleycats.{Pure, EmptyK}
import cats._
import cats.data.Kleisli
import cats.sequence._
import henkan.{CaseClassDefinition, FieldWithoutDefault, FieldWithDefault, FieldName}
import shapeless._
import shapeless.labelled._
import shapeless.ops.hlist.Mapper
import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound
import scala.annotation.unchecked.{uncheckedVariance ⇒ uV}
import scala.collection.GenTraversableOnce
import scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom
For all fields in ${T} of type FT, there must be an implicit FieldReader[${F}, ${S}, FT].
${F} needs to have instances of cats.FlatMap and cats.Functor.
If case class with default value is needed, ${F} needs to have instances of alleyCats.EmptyK and cats.Monad
To extract hierarchical case classes, you need to have an implicit FieldReader[${F}, ${S}, ${S}], that is,
extract a sub ${S} out of a field of ${S}.
trait Extractor[F[_], S, T] {
def apply(): Kleisli[F, S, T]
def extract(s: S) = apply().run(s)
object Extractor {
trait FieldExtractor[F[_], S, T] {
def apply(fieldName: FieldName): Kleisli[F, S, T]
trait MkFieldExtractor1 {
def apply[F[_], S, T](
fr: FieldReader[F, S, T]
): FieldExtractor[F, S, T] = new FieldExtractor[F, S, T] {
def apply(fieldName: FieldName) = fr.apply(fieldName)
* Intended to provide support for recursively extract high kinded type containing case classes
* This hacky implementation is rather weak and narrow. I can't find a generic solution mostly
* due to the difficulty working with scala unifying types of different kinds. (SI-2712?)
implicit def mkRecursiveExtractorForTraversable[F[_], S, RG[_], G[_], T](
ex: Extractor[F, S, T],
fr: FieldReader[F, S, RG[S]],
unF: Unapply.Aux1[Traverse, G[F[T]], G, F[T]],
evi: RG[S] <:< GenTraversableOnce[S],
ff: cats.Unapply.Aux1[Functor, G[S], G, S],
ua: Unapply.Aux1[Applicative, F[RG[S]], F, RG[S]],
ffm: Unapply.Aux1[FlatMap, F[RG[S]], F, RG[S]],
cb: CanBuildFrom[Nothing, S, G[S @uV]]
): FieldExtractor[F, S, G[T]] = FieldExtractor(fr.flatMapK[G, RG, S, T](ex.extract))
trait MkFieldExtractor0 extends MkFieldExtractor1 {
implicit def mk[F[_], S, T](
fr: FieldReader[F, S, T]
): FieldExtractor[F, S, T] = apply(fr)
object FieldExtractor extends MkFieldExtractor0 {
* Recursively extract sub case class fields
* this intermediate is needed so that compiler can
* set the resolving sequence right
implicit def recursiveFieldExtractor[F[_], S, T](
ex: Extractor[F, S, T],
un: Unapply.Aux1[FlatMap, F[S], F, S],
fr: FieldReader[F, S, S]
): FieldExtractor[F, S, T] = mk
trait lowPriorityMapper extends Poly1 {
import labelled.field
* Used when EmptyK and Pure instances are not available for F
* , in which case, default value will be ignored
implicit def lpCaseFieldWithDefault[K <: Symbol, V, S, F[_]](
fr: FieldExtractor[F, S, V],
wk: Witness.Aux[K]
) = at[FieldWithDefault[K, V]] { f ⇒
trait fieldExtractorMapper0 extends lowPriorityMapper {
import labelled.field
implicit def caseFieldWithoutDefault[K <: Symbol, V, S, F[_]](
fr: FieldExtractor[F, S, V],
wk: Witness.Aux[K]
) = at[FieldWithoutDefault[K, V]] { f ⇒
object fieldExtractorMapper extends fieldExtractorMapper0 {
import labelled.field
implicit def caseFieldWithDefault[K <: Symbol, V, S, F[_]](
fr: FieldExtractor[F, S, V],
wk: Witness.Aux[K],
ue: Unapply.Aux1[EmptyK, F[V], F, V],
up: Unapply.Aux1[Pure, F[V], F, V]
) = at[FieldWithDefault[K, V]] { f ⇒
val extracted = fr(wk.value.name)
field[K](extracted.mapF[F, V] { (fv: F[V]) ⇒
if (fv == ue.TC.empty[V])
implicit def mkExtractor[F[_], S, T, Repr <: HList, FDs <: HList, ReprKleisli <: HList](
ccd: CaseClassDefinition.Aux[T, Repr, FDs],
mapper: Mapper.Aux[fieldExtractorMapper.type, FDs, ReprKleisli],
sequencer: RecordSequencer.Aux[ReprKleisli, Kleisli[F, S, Repr]],
un: Unapply.Aux1[Functor, F[Repr], F, Repr]
): Extractor[F, S, T] = new Extractor[F, S, T] {
def apply(): Kleisli[F, S, T] = {
implicit val functor: Functor[F] = un.TC
def apply[F[_], S, T](implicit ex: Extractor[F, S, T]): Extractor[F, S, T] = ex
trait ExtractorSyntax {
class extractC[F[_], T]() {
def apply[S](s: S)(implicit e: Extractor[F, S, T]): F[T] = e.extract(s)
def extract[F[_], T] = new extractC[F, T]