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package mau
import cats.effect.{Concurrent, Fiber, Resource, Timer}
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.implicits._
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
abstract class RefreshRef[F[_], V] {
* Cancel polling and remove data from memory
* @return true if there was data and polling, false if it's empty
def cancel: F[Boolean]
* Simply gets the data from memory
* @return Some(v) if exists, None if not
def get: F[Option[V]]
protected def get(
period: FiniteDuration,
staleTimeoutO: Option[FiniteDuration]
)(fetch: F[V]
)(errorHandler: PartialFunction[Throwable, F[Unit]]
): F[V]
* Either gets the data from the memory if available, or use the `fetch` to retrieve the data, and setup
* a polling every `period` to update the data in memory using `fetch`. Hence the first call to `ref.getOrFetch` will take longer
* to actually load the data from upstream to memory. Subsequent call will always return the data from memory.
* When any exception occurs during `getDataFromUpstream`, the refresh stops, and the data is removed from the memory.
* All subsequent requests will incure effect in `fetch`, whose failure will be surfaced, until
* it succeeds.
* @param period if set to zero will simply return `fetch`
* @param fetch
* @return
def getOrFetch(period: FiniteDuration)(fetch: F[V]): F[V] =
get(period, None)(fetch)(PartialFunction.empty)
* Like `getOrFetch(period: FiniteDuration)(fetch: F[V])` but with added resilency against failures in `fetch`.
* After `staleTimeout` of continuous polling failures, the polling will stop and data removed.
* A success `fetch` resets the timer.
* @param period if set to zero will simply return `fetch`
* @param staleTimeout timeout after the last successful `fetch`
* @param fetch
* @param errorHandler
* @return
def getOrFetch(
period: FiniteDuration,
staleTimeout: FiniteDuration
)(fetch: F[V]
)(errorHandler: PartialFunction[Throwable, F[Unit]]
): F[V] =
get(period, Some(staleTimeout))(fetch)(errorHandler)
object RefreshRef {
private type Instant = Long
private case class Item[F[_], V](
v: V,
refresh: Fiber[F, Unit],
lastFetch: Instant)
def create[F[_], V](
onRefreshed: V => F[Unit]
)(implicit F: Concurrent[F],
T: Timer[F]
): F[RefreshRef[F, V]] =
Ref.of(none[Item[F, V]]).map { ref =>
new RefreshRef[F, V] {
def cancel: F[Boolean] =
ref.modify {
case None => (None, F.pure(false))
case Some(Item(_, f, _)) => (None, f.cancel *> F.pure(true))
* Simply gets the data from memory
* @return Some(v) if exists, None if not
def get: F[Option[V]] =
protected def get(
period: FiniteDuration,
staleTimeoutO: Option[FiniteDuration]
)(fetch: F[V]
)(errorHandler: PartialFunction[Throwable, F[Unit]]
): F[V] = {
def startRefresh: F[V] = {
def onFetchError(e: Throwable): F[Unit] = {
def isStale: F[Boolean] =
staleTimeoutO.fold(F.pure(false)) { timeout =>
for {
itemO <- ref.get
now <- nowF
} yield itemO
.fold(false)(_.lastFetch < (now - timeout.toNanos))
errorHandler.lift(e) match {
case None =>
case Some(fu) =>
(fu >> isStale)
.flatMap { stale =>
if (stale) cancel.void
else loop
.handleErrorWith(_ => cancel.void)
def loop: F[Unit] =
Timer[F].sleep(period) >>
fetch.attempt.flatMap {
case Left(e) => onFetchError(e)
case Right(v) =>
for {
_ <- onRefreshed(v)
now <- nowF
_ <- ref.tryUpdate( = v, lastFetch = now)))
_ <- loop
} yield ()
for {
initialV <- fetch
fiber <- F.start(F.suspend(loop))
now <- nowF
registeredO <- ref.tryModify {
case None => (Some(Item(initialV, fiber, now)), true)
case e @ Some(_) => (e, false)
_ <- if (registeredO.fold(false)(identity)) F.unit
fiber.cancel //cancel if setting refresh fails
} yield initialV
if (period.toNanos == 0L) fetch
ref.get.flatMap {
case Some(Item(v, _, _)) => v.pure[F]
case None => startRefresh
private val nowF: F[Instant] =
* Cancel itself after use
def resource[F[_]: Concurrent: Timer, V](
onRefreshed: V => F[Unit]
): Resource[F, RefreshRef[F, V]] =
Resource.make(create[F, V](onRefreshed))(_.cancel.void)
def resource[F[_]: Concurrent: Timer, V]: Resource[F, RefreshRef[F, V]] =
resource[F, V]((_: V) => Concurrent[F].unit)