com.stripe.rainier.sampler.LeapFrog.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.stripe.rainier.sampler
final class LeapFrog(density: DensityFunction, statsWindow: Int) {
var stats = new Stats(statsWindow)
def resetStats(): Stats = {
val oldStats = stats
stats = new Stats(statsWindow)
//Compute the acceptance probability for a single step at this stepSize without
//re-initializing the ps, or modifying params
def tryStepping(params: Array[Double],
stepSize: Double,
mass: MassMatrix): Double = {
copy(params, pqBuf)
initialHalfThenFullStep(stepSize, mass)
val deltaH = energy(pqBuf, mass) - energy(params, mass)
def takeSteps(l: Int, stepSize: Double, mass: MassMatrix): Unit = {
initialHalfThenFullStep(stepSize, mass)
var i = 1
while (i < l) {
twoFullSteps(stepSize, mass)
i += 1
def isUTurn(params: Array[Double]): Boolean = {
var out = 0.0
var i = 0
while (i < nVars) {
out += (pqBuf(i + nVars) - params(i + nVars)) * pqBuf(i)
i += 1
if (out.isNaN)
out < 0
var iterationStartTime: Long = _
var iterationStartGrads: Long = _
var prevH: Double = _
def startIteration(params: Array[Double], mass: MassMatrix)(
implicit rng: RNG): Unit = {
prevH = energy(params, mass)
initializePs(params, mass)
copy(params, pqBuf)
iterationStartTime = System.nanoTime()
iterationStartGrads = stats.gradientEvaluations
def finishIteration(params: Array[Double], mass: MassMatrix)(
implicit rng: RNG): Double = {
val startH = energy(params, mass)
val endH = energy(pqBuf, mass)
val deltaH = endH - startH
val a = logAcceptanceProb(deltaH)
if (a > Math.log(rng.standardUniform)) {
copy(pqBuf, params)
stats.energyTransitions2 += Math.pow(endH - prevH, 2)
} else {
stats.energyTransitions2 += Math.pow(startH - prevH, 2)
stats.iterations += 1
stats.iterationTimes.add((System.nanoTime() - iterationStartTime).toDouble)
(stats.gradientEvaluations - iterationStartGrads).toDouble)
def snapshot(out: Array[Double]): Unit =
copy(pqBuf, out)
def restore(in: Array[Double]): Unit =
copy(in, pqBuf)
// extract q
def variables(params: Array[Double], out: Array[Double]): Unit = {
var i = 0
while (i < nVars) {
out(i) = params(i + nVars)
i += 1
//we want the invariant that a params array always has the potential which
//matches the qs. That means when we initialize a new one
//we need to compute the potential.
def initialize(mass: MassMatrix)(implicit rng: RNG): Array[Double] = {
val params = new Array[Double](inputOutputSize)
java.util.Arrays.fill(pqBuf, 0.0)
var i = nVars
val j = nVars * 2
while (i < j) {
pqBuf(i) = rng.standardNormal
i += 1
pqBuf(potentialIndex) = density.density * -1
copy(pqBuf, params)
initializePs(params, mass)
Params layout:
array(0..(n-1)) == ps
array(n..(n*2-1)) == qs
array(n*2) == potential
val nVars = density.nVars
val potentialIndex = nVars * 2
val inputOutputSize = potentialIndex + 1
private val pqBuf = new Array[Double](inputOutputSize)
private val buf = new Array[Double](nVars)
private def energy(params: Array[Double], mass: MassMatrix): Double = {
val potential = params(potentialIndex)
velocity(params, buf, mass)
val kinetic = dot(buf, params) / 2.0
potential + kinetic
private def logAcceptanceProb(deltaH: Double): Double =
if (deltaH.isNaN)
private def newQs(stepSize: Double, mass: MassMatrix): Unit = {
velocity(pqBuf, buf, mass)
var i = 0
while (i < nVars) {
pqBuf(i + nVars) += (stepSize * buf(i))
i += 1
private def halfPsNewQs(stepSize: Double, mass: MassMatrix): Unit = {
fullPs(stepSize / 2.0)
newQs(stepSize, mass)
private def initialHalfThenFullStep(stepSize: Double,
mass: MassMatrix): Unit = {
halfPsNewQs(stepSize, mass)
pqBuf(potentialIndex) = density.density * -1
private def fullPs(stepSize: Double): Unit = {
var i = 0
val j = nVars
while (i < j) {
pqBuf(i) += stepSize * density.gradient(i)
i += 1
private def fullPsNewQs(stepSize: Double, mass: MassMatrix): Unit = {
newQs(stepSize, mass)
private def twoFullSteps(stepSize: Double, mass: MassMatrix): Unit = {
fullPsNewQs(stepSize, mass)
pqBuf(potentialIndex) = density.density * -1
private def finalHalfStep(stepSize: Double): Unit = {
fullPs(stepSize / 2.0)
private def copy(sourceArray: Array[Double],
targetArray: Array[Double]): Unit =
System.arraycopy(sourceArray, 0, targetArray, 0, inputOutputSize)
private def copyQsAndUpdateDensity(): Unit = {
System.arraycopy(pqBuf, nVars, buf, 0, nVars)
val t = System.nanoTime()
stats.gradientTimes.add((System.nanoTime() - t).toDouble)
stats.gradientEvaluations += 1
private def velocity(in: Array[Double],
out: Array[Double],
mass: MassMatrix): Unit =
mass match {
case IdentityMassMatrix =>
System.arraycopy(in, 0, out, 0, out.size)
case DiagonalMassMatrix(elements) =>
var i = 0
while (i < out.size) {
out(i) = in(i) * elements(i)
i += 1
case DenseMassMatrix(elements) =>
DenseMassMatrix.squareMultiply(elements, in, out)
private def dot(x: Array[Double], y: Array[Double]): Double = {
var k = 0.0
var i = 0
val n = x.size
while (i < n) {
k += (x(i) * y(i))
i += 1
private def initializePs(params: Array[Double], mass: MassMatrix)(
implicit rng: RNG): Unit = {
var i = 0
while (i < nVars) {
buf(i) = rng.standardNormal
i += 1
mass match {
case IdentityMassMatrix =>
System.arraycopy(buf, 0, params, 0, nVars)
case d: DiagonalMassMatrix =>
val stdDevs = d.stdDevs
i = 0
while (i < nVars) {
params(i) = buf(i) / stdDevs(i)
i += 1
case f: DenseMassMatrix =>
val u = f.choleskyUpperTriangular
DenseMassMatrix.upperTriangularSolve(u, buf, params)
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