com.kauailabs.navx.frc.AHRS Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* Copyright (c) Kauai Labs 2015. All Rights Reserved. */
/* */
/* Created in support of Team 2465 (Kauaibots). Go Purple Wave! */
/* */
/* Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. Any */
/* modifications to this code must be accompanied by the \License.txt file */
/* in the root directory of the project. */
package com.kauailabs.navx.frc;
import com.kauailabs.navx.AHRSProtocol;
import com.kauailabs.navx.AHRSProtocol.AHRSPosUpdate;
import com.kauailabs.navx.AHRSProtocol.BoardID;
import com.kauailabs.navx.IMUProtocol.YPRUpdate;
import edu.wpi.first.networktables.NetworkTable;
import edu.wpi.first.networktables.NetworkTableEntry;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.I2C;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.PIDSource;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.PIDSourceType;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.SPI;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.SerialPort;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.tables.ITable;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Timer;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.SendableBase;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Sendable;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.smartdashboard.SendableBuilder;
* The AHRS class provides an interface to AHRS capabilities
* of the KauaiLabs navX Robotics Navigation Sensor via SPI, I2C and
* Serial (TTL UART and USB) communications interfaces on the RoboRIO.
* The AHRS class enables access to basic connectivity and state information,
* as well as key 6-axis and 9-axis orientation information (yaw, pitch, roll,
* compass heading, fused (9-axis) heading and magnetic disturbance detection.
* Additionally, the ARHS class also provides access to extended information
* including linear acceleration, motion detection, rotation detection and sensor
* temperature.
* If used with the navX Aero, the AHRS class also provides access to
* altitude, barometric pressure and pressure sensor temperature data
* @author Scott
public class AHRS extends SendableBase implements PIDSource, Sendable {
* Identifies one of the three sensing axes on the navX sensor board. Note that these axes are
* board-relative ("Board Frame"), and are not necessarily the same as the logical axes of the
* chassis on which the sensor is mounted.
* For more information on sensor orientation, please see the navX sensor Orientation page.
public enum BoardAxis {
private int value;
private BoardAxis(int value) {
this.value = value;
public int getValue() {
return this.value;
* Indicates which sensor board axis is used as the "yaw" (gravity) axis.
* This selection may be modified via the Omnimount feature.
static public class BoardYawAxis
public BoardAxis board_axis;
public boolean up;
* For use with serial communications, the SerialDataType specifies the
* type of data to be streamed from the sensor. Due to limitations in the
* streaming bandwidth on some serial interfaces, only a subset of all
* available data can be streamed.
* Note that if communicating over I2C/SPI, all available data can be
* retrieved, so the SerialDataType need only be specified if using
* serial communications.
public enum SerialDataType {
* (default): 6 and 9-axis processed data
* unprocessed data from each individual sensor
private int value;
private SerialDataType(int value){
this.value = value;
public int getValue(){
return this.value;
static final byte NAVX_DEFAULT_UPDATE_RATE_HZ = 60;
static final int YAW_HISTORY_LENGTH = 10;
static final short DEFAULT_ACCEL_FSR_G = 2;
static final short DEFAULT_GYRO_FSR_DPS = 2000;
static final float QUATERNION_HISTORY_SECONDS = 5.0f;
/* Processed Data */
volatile float yaw;
volatile float pitch;
volatile float roll;
volatile float compass_heading;
volatile float world_linear_accel_x;
volatile float world_linear_accel_y;
volatile float world_linear_accel_z;
volatile float mpu_temp_c;
volatile float fused_heading;
volatile float altitude;
volatile float baro_pressure;
volatile boolean is_moving;
volatile boolean is_rotating;
volatile float baro_sensor_temp_c;
volatile boolean altitude_valid;
volatile boolean is_magnetometer_calibrated;
volatile boolean magnetic_disturbance;
volatile float quaternionW;
volatile float quaternionX;
volatile float quaternionY;
volatile float quaternionZ;
/* Integrated Data */
float velocity[] = new float[3];
float displacement[] = new float[3];
/* Raw Data */
volatile short raw_gyro_x;
volatile short raw_gyro_y;
volatile short raw_gyro_z;
volatile short raw_accel_x;
volatile short raw_accel_y;
volatile short raw_accel_z;
volatile short cal_mag_x;
volatile short cal_mag_y;
volatile short cal_mag_z;
/* Configuration/Status */
volatile byte update_rate_hz;
volatile short accel_fsr_g = DEFAULT_ACCEL_FSR_G;
volatile short gyro_fsr_dps = DEFAULT_GYRO_FSR_DPS;
volatile short capability_flags;
volatile byte op_status;
volatile short sensor_status;
volatile byte cal_status;
volatile byte selftest_status;
/* Board ID */
volatile byte board_type;
volatile byte hw_rev;
volatile byte fw_ver_major;
volatile byte fw_ver_minor;
long last_sensor_timestamp;
double last_update_time;
InertialDataIntegrator integrator;
ContinuousAngleTracker yaw_angle_tracker;
OffsetTracker yaw_offset_tracker;
IIOProvider io;
BoardCapabilities board_capabilities;
IOCompleteNotification io_complete_sink;
IOThread io_thread;
PIDSourceType pid_source_type = PIDSourceType.kDisplacement;
private ITimestampedDataSubscriber callbacks[];
private Object callback_contexts[];
private final int MAX_NUM_CALLBACKS = 3;
/* Public Interface Implementation */
* Constructs the AHRS class using SPI communication, overriding the
* default update rate with a custom rate which may be from 4 to 200,
* representing the number of updates per second sent by the sensor.
* This constructor should be used if communicating via SPI.
* Note that increasing the update rate may increase the
* CPU utilization.
* @param spi_port_id SPI Port to use
* @param update_rate_hz Custom Update Rate (Hz)
public AHRS(SPI.Port spi_port_id, byte update_rate_hz) {
io = new RegisterIO(new RegisterIO_SPI(new SPI(spi_port_id)), update_rate_hz, io_complete_sink, board_capabilities);
* The AHRS class provides an interface to AHRS capabilities
* of the KauaiLabs navX Robotics Navigation Sensor via SPI, I2C and
* Serial (TTL UART and USB) communications interfaces on the RoboRIO.
* The AHRS class enables access to basic connectivity and state information,
* as well as key 6-axis and 9-axis orientation information (yaw, pitch, roll,
* compass heading, fused (9-axis) heading and magnetic disturbance detection.
* Additionally, the ARHS class also provides access to extended information
* including linear acceleration, motion detection, rotation detection and sensor
* temperature.
* If used with the navX Aero, the AHRS class also provides access to
* altitude, barometric pressure and pressure sensor temperature data
* This constructor allows the specification of a custom SPI bitrate, in bits/second.
* @param spi_port_id SPI Port to use
* @param spi_bitrate SPI bitrate (Maximum: 2,000,000)
* @param update_rate_hz Custom Update Rate (Hz)
public AHRS(SPI.Port spi_port_id, int spi_bitrate, byte update_rate_hz) {
io = new RegisterIO(new RegisterIO_SPI(new SPI(spi_port_id), spi_bitrate), update_rate_hz, io_complete_sink, board_capabilities);
* Constructs the AHRS class using I2C communication, overriding the
* default update rate with a custom rate which may be from 4 to 200,
* representing the number of updates per second sent by the sensor.
* This constructor should be used if communicating via I2C.
* Note that increasing the update rate may increase the
* CPU utilization.
* @param i2c_port_id I2C Port to use
* @param update_rate_hz Custom Update Rate (Hz)
public AHRS(I2C.Port i2c_port_id, byte update_rate_hz) {
io = new RegisterIO(new RegisterIO_I2C(new I2C(i2c_port_id, 0x32)), update_rate_hz, io_complete_sink, board_capabilities);
* Constructs the AHRS class using serial communication, overriding the
* default update rate with a custom rate which may be from 4 to 200,
* representing the number of updates per second sent by the sensor.
* This constructor should be used if communicating via either
* TTL UART or USB Serial interface.
* Note that the serial interfaces can communicate either
* processed data, or raw data, but not both simultaneously.
* If simultaneous processed and raw data are needed, use
* one of the register-based interfaces (SPI or I2C).
* Note that increasing the update rate may increase the
* CPU utilization.
* @param serial_port_id SerialPort to use
* @param data_type either kProcessedData or kRawData
* @param update_rate_hz Custom Update Rate (Hz)
public AHRS(SerialPort.Port serial_port_id, SerialDataType data_type, byte update_rate_hz) {
boolean processed_data = (data_type == SerialDataType.kProcessedData);
io = new SerialIO(serial_port_id, update_rate_hz, processed_data, io_complete_sink, board_capabilities);
* Constructs the AHRS class using SPI communication and the default update rate.
* This constructor should be used if communicating via SPI.
* @param spi_port_id SPI port to use.
public AHRS(SPI.Port spi_port_id) {
this(spi_port_id, NAVX_DEFAULT_UPDATE_RATE_HZ);
* Constructs the AHRS class using I2C communication and the default update rate.
* This constructor should be used if communicating via I2C.
* @param i2c_port_id I2C port to use
public AHRS(I2C.Port i2c_port_id) {
this(i2c_port_id, NAVX_DEFAULT_UPDATE_RATE_HZ);
* Constructs the AHRS class using serial communication and the default update rate,
* and returning processed (rather than raw) data.
* This constructor should be used if communicating via either
* TTL UART or USB Serial interface.
* @param serial_port_id SerialPort to use
public AHRS(SerialPort.Port serial_port_id) {
this(serial_port_id, SerialDataType.kProcessedData, NAVX_DEFAULT_UPDATE_RATE_HZ);
* Returns the current pitch value (in degrees, from -180 to 180)
* reported by the sensor. Pitch is a measure of rotation around
* the X Axis.
* @return The current pitch value in degrees (-180 to 180).
public float getPitch() {
return pitch;
* Returns the current roll value (in degrees, from -180 to 180)
* reported by the sensor. Roll is a measure of rotation around
* the X Axis.
* @return The current roll value in degrees (-180 to 180).
public float getRoll() {
return roll;
* Returns the current yaw value (in degrees, from -180 to 180)
* reported by the sensor. Yaw is a measure of rotation around
* the Z Axis (which is perpendicular to the earth).
* Note that the returned yaw value will be offset by a user-specified
* offset value; this user-specified offset value is set by
* invoking the zeroYaw() method.
* @return The current yaw value in degrees (-180 to 180).
public float getYaw() {
if ( board_capabilities.isBoardYawResetSupported() ) {
return this.yaw;
} else {
return (float) yaw_offset_tracker.applyOffset(this.yaw);
* Returns the current tilt-compensated compass heading
* value (in degrees, from 0 to 360) reported by the sensor.
* Note that this value is sensed by a magnetometer,
* which can be affected by nearby magnetic fields (e.g., the
* magnetic fields generated by nearby motors).
* Before using this value, ensure that (a) the magnetometer
* has been calibrated and (b) that a magnetic disturbance is
* not taking place at the instant when the compass heading
* was generated.
* @return The current tilt-compensated compass heading, in degrees (0-360).
public float getCompassHeading() {
return compass_heading;
* Sets the user-specified yaw offset to the current
* yaw value reported by the sensor.
* This user-specified yaw offset is automatically
* subtracted from subsequent yaw values reported by
* the getYaw() method.
public void zeroYaw() {
if ( board_capabilities.isBoardYawResetSupported() ) {
/* Notification is deferred until action is complete. */
} else {
/* Notification occurs immediately. */
* Returns true if the sensor is currently performing automatic
* gyro/accelerometer calibration. Automatic calibration occurs
* when the sensor is initially powered on, during which time the
* sensor should be held still, with the Z-axis pointing up
* (perpendicular to the earth).
* NOTE: During this automatic calibration, the yaw, pitch and roll
* values returned may not be accurate.
* Once calibration is complete, the sensor will automatically remove
* an internal yaw offset value from all reported values.
* @return Returns true if the sensor is currently automatically
* calibrating the gyro and accelerometer sensors.
public boolean isCalibrating() {
return !((cal_status &
* Indicates whether the sensor is currently connected
* to the host computer. A connection is considered established
* whenever communication with the sensor has occurred recently.
* @return Returns true if a valid update has been recently received
* from the sensor.
public boolean isConnected() {
return io.isConnected();
* Returns the count in bytes of data received from the
* sensor. This could can be useful for diagnosing
* connectivity issues.
* If the byte count is increasing, but the update count
* (see getUpdateCount()) is not, this indicates a software
* misconfiguration.
* @return The number of bytes received from the sensor.
public double getByteCount() {
return io.getByteCount();
* Returns the navX-Model device's currently configured update
* rate. Note that the update rate that can actually be realized
* is a value evenly divisible by the navX-Model device's internal
* motion processor sample clock (200Hz). Therefore, the rate that
* is returned may be lower than the requested sample rate.
* The actual sample rate is rounded down to the nearest integer
* that is divisible by the number of Digital Motion Processor clock
* ticks. For instance, a request for 58 Hertz will result in
* an actual rate of 66Hz (200 / (200 / 58), using integer
* math.
* @return Returns the current actual update rate in Hz
* (cycles per second).
public int getActualUpdateRate() {
byte actual_update_rate = getActualUpdateRateInternal((byte)getRequestedUpdateRate());
return (int)(actual_update_rate & 0xFF);
private byte getActualUpdateRateInternal(byte update_rate) {
int integer_update_rate = (int)(update_rate & 0xFF);
int realized_update_rate = NAVX_MOTION_PROCESSOR_UPDATE_RATE_HZ /
return (byte)realized_update_rate;
* Returns the currently requested update rate.
* rate. Note that not every update rate can actually be realized,
* since the actual update rate must be a value evenly divisible by
* the navX-Model device's internal motion processor sample clock (200Hz).
* To determine the actual update rate, use the
* {@link #getActualUpdateRate()} method.
* @return Returns the requested update rate in Hz
* (cycles per second).
public int getRequestedUpdateRate() {
return (int)(this.update_rate_hz & 0xFF);
* Returns the count of valid updates which have
* been received from the sensor. This count should increase
* at the same rate indicated by the configured update rate.
* @return The number of valid updates received from the sensor.
public double getUpdateCount() {
return io.getUpdateCount();
* Returns the sensor timestamp corresponding to the
* last sample retrieved from the sensor. Note that this
* sensor timestamp is only provided when the Register-based
* IO methods (SPI, I2C) are used; sensor timestamps are not
* provided when Serial-based IO methods (TTL UART, USB)
* are used.
* @return The sensor timestamp corresponding to the current AHRS sensor data.
public long getLastSensorTimestamp() {
return this.last_sensor_timestamp;
* Returns the current linear acceleration in the X-axis (in G).
* World linear acceleration refers to raw acceleration data, which
* has had the gravity component removed, and which has been rotated to
* the same reference frame as the current yaw value. The resulting
* value represents the current acceleration in the x-axis of the
* body (e.g., the robot) on which the sensor is mounted.
* @return Current world linear acceleration in the X-axis (in G).
public float getWorldLinearAccelX()
return this.world_linear_accel_x;
* Returns the current linear acceleration in the Y-axis (in G).
* World linear acceleration refers to raw acceleration data, which
* has had the gravity component removed, and which has been rotated to
* the same reference frame as the current yaw value. The resulting
* value represents the current acceleration in the Y-axis of the
* body (e.g., the robot) on which the sensor is mounted.
* @return Current world linear acceleration in the Y-axis (in G).
public float getWorldLinearAccelY()
return this.world_linear_accel_y;
* Returns the current linear acceleration in the Z-axis (in G).
* World linear acceleration refers to raw acceleration data, which
* has had the gravity component removed, and which has been rotated to
* the same reference frame as the current yaw value. The resulting
* value represents the current acceleration in the Z-axis of the
* body (e.g., the robot) on which the sensor is mounted.
* @return Current world linear acceleration in the Z-axis (in G).
public float getWorldLinearAccelZ()
return this.world_linear_accel_z;
* Indicates if the sensor is currently detecting motion,
* based upon the X and Y-axis world linear acceleration values.
* If the sum of the absolute values of the X and Y axis exceed
* a "motion threshold", the motion state is indicated.
* @return Returns true if the sensor is currently detecting motion.
public boolean isMoving()
return is_moving;
* Indicates if the sensor is currently detecting yaw rotation,
* based upon whether the change in yaw over the last second
* exceeds the "Rotation Threshold."
* Yaw Rotation can occur either when the sensor is rotating, or
* when the sensor is not rotating AND the current gyro calibration
* is insufficiently calibrated to yield the standard yaw drift rate.
* @return Returns true if the sensor is currently detecting motion.
public boolean isRotating()
return is_rotating;
* Returns the current barometric pressure, based upon calibrated readings
* from the onboard pressure sensor. This value is in units of millibar.
* NOTE: This value is only valid for a navX Aero. To determine
* whether this value is valid, see isAltitudeValid().
* @return Returns current barometric pressure (navX Aero only).
public float getBarometricPressure()
return baro_pressure;
* Returns the current altitude, based upon calibrated readings
* from a barometric pressure sensor, and the currently-configured
* sea-level barometric pressure [navX Aero only]. This value is in units of meters.
* NOTE: This value is only valid sensors including a pressure
* sensor. To determine whether this value is valid, see
* isAltitudeValid().
* @return Returns current altitude in meters (as long as the sensor includes
* an installed on-board pressure sensor).
public float getAltitude()
return altitude;
* Indicates whether the current altitude (and barometric pressure) data is
* valid. This value will only be true for a sensor with an onboard
* pressure sensor installed.
* If this value is false for a board with an installed pressure sensor,
* this indicates a malfunction of the onboard pressure sensor.
* @return Returns true if a working pressure sensor is installed.
public boolean isAltitudeValid()
return this.altitude_valid;
* Returns the "fused" (9-axis) heading.
* The 9-axis heading is the fusion of the yaw angle, the tilt-corrected
* compass heading, and magnetic disturbance detection. Note that the
* magnetometer calibration procedure is required in order to
* achieve valid 9-axis headings.
* The 9-axis Heading represents the sensor's best estimate of current heading,
* based upon the last known valid Compass Angle, and updated by the change in the
* Yaw Angle since the last known valid Compass Angle. The last known valid Compass
* Angle is updated whenever a Calibrated Compass Angle is read and the sensor
* has recently rotated less than the Compass Noise Bandwidth (~2 degrees).
* @return Fused Heading in Degrees (range 0-360)
public float getFusedHeading()
return fused_heading;
* Indicates whether the current magnetic field strength diverges from the
* calibrated value for the earth's magnetic field by more than the currently-
* configured Magnetic Disturbance Ratio.
* This function will always return false if the sensor's magnetometer has
* not yet been calibrated; see isMagnetometerCalibrated().
* @return true if a magnetic disturbance is detected (or the magnetometer is uncalibrated).
public boolean isMagneticDisturbance()
return magnetic_disturbance;
* Indicates whether the magnetometer has been calibrated.
* Magnetometer Calibration must be performed by the user.
* Note that if this function does indicate the magnetometer is calibrated,
* this does not necessarily mean that the calibration quality is sufficient
* to yield valid compass headings.
* @return Returns true if magnetometer calibration has been performed.
public boolean isMagnetometerCalibrated()
return is_magnetometer_calibrated;
/* Unit Quaternions */
* Returns the imaginary portion (W) of the Orientation Quaternion which
* fully describes the current sensor orientation with respect to the
* reference angle defined as the angle at which the yaw was last "zeroed".
* Each quaternion value (W,X,Y,Z) is expressed as a value ranging from -2
* to 2. This total range (4) can be associated with a unit circle, since
* each circle is comprised of 4 PI Radians.
* For more information on Quaternions and their use, please see this definition.
* @return Returns the imaginary portion (W) of the quaternion.
public float getQuaternionW() {
return quaternionW;
* Returns the real portion (X axis) of the Orientation Quaternion which
* fully describes the current sensor orientation with respect to the
* reference angle defined as the angle at which the yaw was last "zeroed".
* Each quaternion value (W,X,Y,Z) is expressed as a value ranging from -2
* to 2. This total range (4) can be associated with a unit circle, since
* each circle is comprised of 4 PI Radians.
* For more information on Quaternions and their use, please see this description.
* @return Returns the real portion (X) of the quaternion.
public float getQuaternionX() {
return quaternionX;
* Returns the real portion (X axis) of the Orientation Quaternion which
* fully describes the current sensor orientation with respect to the
* reference angle defined as the angle at which the yaw was last "zeroed".
* Each quaternion value (W,X,Y,Z) is expressed as a value ranging from -2
* to 2. This total range (4) can be associated with a unit circle, since
* each circle is comprised of 4 PI Radians.
* For more information on Quaternions and their use, please see:
* @return Returns the real portion (X) of the quaternion.
public float getQuaternionY() {
return quaternionY;
* Returns the real portion (X axis) of the Orientation Quaternion which
* fully describes the current sensor orientation with respect to the
* reference angle defined as the angle at which the yaw was last "zeroed".
* Each quaternion value (W,X,Y,Z) is expressed as a value ranging from -2
* to 2. This total range (4) can be associated with a unit circle, since
* each circle is comprised of 4 PI Radians.
* For more information on Quaternions and their use, please see:
* @return Returns the real portion (X) of the quaternion.
public float getQuaternionZ() {
return quaternionZ;
* Zeros the displacement integration variables. Invoke this at the moment when
* integration begins.
public void resetDisplacement() {
if ( board_capabilities.isDisplacementSupported() ) {
else {
* Each time new linear acceleration samples are received, this function should be invoked.
* This function transforms acceleration in G to meters/sec^2, then converts this value to
* Velocity in meters/sec (based upon velocity in the previous sample). Finally, this value
* is converted to displacement in meters, and integrated.
* @return none.
private void updateDisplacement( float accel_x_g, float accel_y_g,
int update_rate_hz, boolean is_moving ) {
integrator.updateDisplacement(accel_x_g, accel_y_g, update_rate_hz, is_moving);
* Returns the velocity (in meters/sec) of the X axis [Experimental].
* NOTE: This feature is experimental. Velocity measures rely on integration
* of acceleration values from MEMS accelerometers which yield "noisy" values. The
* resulting velocities are not known to be very accurate.
* @return Current Velocity (in meters/squared).
public float getVelocityX() {
return (board_capabilities.isDisplacementSupported() ? velocity[0] : integrator.getVelocityX());
* Returns the velocity (in meters/sec) of the Y axis [Experimental].
* NOTE: This feature is experimental. Velocity measures rely on integration
* of acceleration values from MEMS accelerometers which yield "noisy" values. The
* resulting velocities are not known to be very accurate.
* @return Current Velocity (in meters/squared).
public float getVelocityY() {
return (board_capabilities.isDisplacementSupported() ? velocity[1] : integrator.getVelocityY());
* Returns the velocity (in meters/sec) of the Z axis [Experimental].
* NOTE: This feature is experimental. Velocity measures rely on integration
* of acceleration values from MEMS accelerometers which yield "noisy" values. The
* resulting velocities are not known to be very accurate.
* @return Current Velocity (in meters/squared).
public float getVelocityZ() {
return (board_capabilities.isDisplacementSupported() ? velocity[2] : 0.f);
* Returns the displacement (in meters) of the X axis since resetDisplacement()
* was last invoked [Experimental].
* NOTE: This feature is experimental. Displacement measures rely on double-integration
* of acceleration values from MEMS accelerometers which yield "noisy" values. The
* resulting displacement are not known to be very accurate, and the amount of error
* increases quickly as time progresses.
* @return Displacement since last reset (in meters).
public float getDisplacementX() {
return (board_capabilities.isDisplacementSupported() ? displacement[0] : integrator.getDisplacementX());
* Returns the displacement (in meters) of the Y axis since resetDisplacement()
* was last invoked [Experimental].
* NOTE: This feature is experimental. Displacement measures rely on double-integration
* of acceleration values from MEMS accelerometers which yield "noisy" values. The
* resulting displacement are not known to be very accurate, and the amount of error
* increases quickly as time progresses.
* @return Displacement since last reset (in meters).
public float getDisplacementY() {
return (board_capabilities.isDisplacementSupported() ? displacement[1] : integrator.getDisplacementY());
* Returns the displacement (in meters) of the Z axis since resetDisplacement()
* was last invoked [Experimental].
* NOTE: This feature is experimental. Displacement measures rely on double-integration
* of acceleration values from MEMS accelerometers which yield "noisy" values. The
* resulting displacement are not known to be very accurate, and the amount of error
* increases quickly as time progresses.
* @return Displacement since last reset (in meters).
public float getDisplacementZ() {
return (board_capabilities.isDisplacementSupported() ? displacement[2] : 0.f);
* Registers a callback interface. This interface
* will be called back when new data is available,
* based upon a change in the sensor timestamp.
* Note that this callback will occur within the context of the
* device IO thread, which is not the same thread context the
* caller typically executes in.
public boolean registerCallback( ITimestampedDataSubscriber callback, Object callback_context) {
boolean registered = false;
for ( int i = 0; i < this.callbacks.length; i++ ) {
if (this.callbacks[i] == null) {
this.callbacks[i] = callback;
this.callback_contexts[i] = callback_context;
registered = true;
return registered;
* Deregisters a previously registered callback interface.
* Be sure to deregister any callback which have been
* previously registered, to ensure that the object
* implementing the callback interface does not continue
* to be accessed when no longer necessary.
public boolean deregisterCallback( ITimestampedDataSubscriber callback ) {
boolean deregistered = false;
for ( int i = 0; i < this.callbacks.length; i++ ) {
if (this.callbacks[i] == callback) {
this.callbacks[i] = null;
deregistered = true;
return deregistered;
/* Internal Implementation */
private void commonInit( byte update_rate_hz ) {
this.board_capabilities = new BoardCapabilities();
this.io_complete_sink = new IOCompleteNotification();
this.io_thread = new IOThread();
this.update_rate_hz = update_rate_hz;
integrator = new InertialDataIntegrator();
yaw_offset_tracker = new OffsetTracker(YAW_HISTORY_LENGTH);
yaw_angle_tracker = new ContinuousAngleTracker();
this.callbacks = new ITimestampedDataSubscriber[MAX_NUM_CALLBACKS];
this.callback_contexts = new Object[MAX_NUM_CALLBACKS];
/* PIDSource Interface Implementation */
public PIDSourceType getPIDSourceType() {
return pid_source_type;
public void setPIDSourceType(PIDSourceType type) {
pid_source_type = type;
* Returns the current yaw value reported by the sensor. This
* yaw value is useful for implementing features including "auto rotate
* to a known angle".
* @return The current yaw angle in degrees (-180 to 180).
public double pidGet() {
if ( pid_source_type == PIDSourceType.kRate ) {
return getRate();
} else {
return getYaw();
* Returns the total accumulated yaw angle (Z Axis, in degrees)
* reported by the sensor.
* NOTE: The angle is continuous, meaning it's range is beyond 360 degrees.
* This ensures that algorithms that wouldn't want to see a discontinuity
* in the gyro output as it sweeps past 0 on the second time around.
* Note that the returned yaw value will be offset by a user-specified
* offset value; this user-specified offset value is set by
* invoking the zeroYaw() method.
* @return The current total accumulated yaw angle (Z axis) of the robot
* in degrees. This heading is based on integration of the returned rate
* from the Z-axis (yaw) gyro.
public double getAngle() {
return yaw_angle_tracker.getAngle();
* Return the rate of rotation of the yaw (Z-axis) gyro, in degrees per second.
* The rate is based on the most recent reading of the yaw gyro angle.
* @return The current rate of change in yaw angle (in degrees per second)
public double getRate() {
return yaw_angle_tracker.getRate();
* Sets an amount of angle to be automatically added before returning a
* angle from the getAngle() method. This allows users of the getAngle() method
* to logically rotate the sensor by a given amount of degrees.
* NOTE 1: The adjustment angle is only applied to the value returned
* from getAngle() - it does not adjust the value returned from getYaw(), nor
* any of the quaternion values.
* NOTE 2: The adjustment angle is notautomatically cleared whenever the
* sensor yaw angle is reset.
* If not set, the default adjustment angle is 0 degrees (no adjustment).
* @param adjustment, in degrees (range: -360 to 360)
public void setAngleAdjustment(double adjustment) {
* Returns the currently configured adjustment angle. See
* setAngleAdjustment() for more details.
* If this method returns 0 degrees, no adjustment to the value returned
* via getAngle() will occur.
* @return adjustment, in degrees (range: -360 to 360)
public double getAngleAdjustment() {
return yaw_angle_tracker.getAngleAdjustment();
* Reset the Yaw gyro.
* Resets the Gyro Z (Yaw) axis to a heading of zero. This can be used if
* there is significant drift in the gyro and it needs to be recalibrated
* after it has been running.
public void reset() {
private final float DEV_UNITS_MAX = 32768.0f;
* Returns the current raw (unprocessed) X-axis gyro rotation rate (in degrees/sec). NOTE: this
* value is un-processed, and should only be accessed by advanced users.
* Typically, rotation about the X Axis is referred to as "Pitch". Calibrated
* and Integrated Pitch data is accessible via the {@link #getPitch()} method.
* @return Returns the current rotation rate (in degrees/sec).
public float getRawGyroX() {
return this.raw_gyro_x / (DEV_UNITS_MAX / (float)gyro_fsr_dps);
* Returns the current raw (unprocessed) Y-axis gyro rotation rate (in degrees/sec). NOTE: this
* value is un-processed, and should only be accessed by advanced users.
* Typically, rotation about the T Axis is referred to as "Roll". Calibrated
* and Integrated Pitch data is accessible via the {@link #getRoll()} method.
* @return Returns the current rotation rate (in degrees/sec).
public float getRawGyroY() {
return this.raw_gyro_y / (DEV_UNITS_MAX / (float)gyro_fsr_dps);
* Returns the current raw (unprocessed) Z-axis gyro rotation rate (in degrees/sec). NOTE: this
* value is un-processed, and should only be accessed by advanced users.
* Typically, rotation about the T Axis is referred to as "Yaw". Calibrated
* and Integrated Pitch data is accessible via the {@link #getYaw()} method.
* @return Returns the current rotation rate (in degrees/sec).
public float getRawGyroZ() {
return this.raw_gyro_z / (DEV_UNITS_MAX / (float)gyro_fsr_dps);
* Returns the current raw (unprocessed) X-axis acceleration rate (in G). NOTE: this
* value is unprocessed, and should only be accessed by advanced users. This raw value
* has not had acceleration due to gravity removed from it, and has not been rotated to
* the world reference frame. Gravity-corrected, world reference frame-corrected
* X axis acceleration data is accessible via the {@link #getWorldLinearAccelX()} method.
* @return Returns the current acceleration rate (in G).
public float getRawAccelX() {
return this.raw_accel_x / (DEV_UNITS_MAX / (float)accel_fsr_g);
* Returns the current raw (unprocessed) Y-axis acceleration rate (in G). NOTE: this
* value is unprocessed, and should only be accessed by advanced users. This raw value
* has not had acceleration due to gravity removed from it, and has not been rotated to
* the world reference frame. Gravity-corrected, world reference frame-corrected
* Y axis acceleration data is accessible via the {@link #getWorldLinearAccelY()} method.
* @return Returns the current acceleration rate (in G).
public float getRawAccelY() {
return this.raw_accel_y / (DEV_UNITS_MAX / (float)accel_fsr_g);
* Returns the current raw (unprocessed) Z-axis acceleration rate (in G). NOTE: this
* value is unprocessed, and should only be accessed by advanced users. This raw value
* has not had acceleration due to gravity removed from it, and has not been rotated to
* the world reference frame. Gravity-corrected, world reference frame-corrected
* Z axis acceleration data is accessible via the {@link #getWorldLinearAccelZ()} method.
* @return Returns the current acceleration rate (in G).
public float getRawAccelZ() {
return this.raw_accel_z / (DEV_UNITS_MAX / (float)accel_fsr_g);
private final float UTESLA_PER_DEV_UNIT = 0.15f;
* Returns the current raw (unprocessed) X-axis magnetometer reading (in uTesla). NOTE:
* this value is unprocessed, and should only be accessed by advanced users. This raw value
* has not been tilt-corrected, and has not been combined with the other magnetometer axis
* data to yield a compass heading. Tilt-corrected compass heading data is accessible
* via the {@link #getCompassHeading()} method.
* @return Returns the mag field strength (in uTesla).
public float getRawMagX() {
return this.cal_mag_x / UTESLA_PER_DEV_UNIT;
* Returns the current raw (unprocessed) Y-axis magnetometer reading (in uTesla). NOTE:
* this value is unprocessed, and should only be accessed by advanced users. This raw value
* has not been tilt-corrected, and has not been combined with the other magnetometer axis
* data to yield a compass heading. Tilt-corrected compass heading data is accessible
* via the {@link #getCompassHeading()} method.
* @return Returns the mag field strength (in uTesla).
public float getRawMagY() {
return this.cal_mag_y / UTESLA_PER_DEV_UNIT;
* Returns the current raw (unprocessed) Z-axis magnetometer reading (in uTesla). NOTE:
* this value is unprocessed, and should only be accessed by advanced users. This raw value
* has not been tilt-corrected, and has not been combined with the other magnetometer axis
* data to yield a compass heading. Tilt-corrected compass heading data is accessible
* via the {@link #getCompassHeading()} method.
* @return Returns the mag field strength (in uTesla).
public float getRawMagZ() {
return this.cal_mag_z / UTESLA_PER_DEV_UNIT;
* Returns the current barometric pressure (in millibar) [navX Aero only].
*This value is valid only if a barometric pressure sensor is onboard.
* @return Returns the current barometric pressure (in millibar).
public float getPressure() {
// TODO implement for navX-Aero.
return 0;
* Returns the current temperature (in degrees centigrade) reported by
* the sensor's gyro/accelerometer circuit.
* This value may be useful in order to perform advanced temperature-
* correction of raw gyroscope and accelerometer values.
* @return The current temperature (in degrees centigrade).
public float getTempC()
return this.mpu_temp_c;
* Returns information regarding which sensor board axis (X,Y or Z) and
* direction (up/down) is currently configured to report Yaw (Z) angle
* values. NOTE: If the board firmware supports Omnimount, the board yaw
* axis/direction are configurable.
* For more information on Omnimount, please see:
* @return The currently-configured board yaw axis/direction.
public BoardYawAxis getBoardYawAxis() {
BoardYawAxis yaw_axis = new BoardYawAxis();
short yaw_axis_info = (short)(capability_flags >> 3);
yaw_axis_info &= 7;
if ( yaw_axis_info == AHRSProtocol.OMNIMOUNT_DEFAULT) {
yaw_axis.up = true;
yaw_axis.board_axis = BoardAxis.kBoardAxisZ;
} else {
yaw_axis.up = (((yaw_axis_info & 0x01) != 0) ? true : false);
yaw_axis_info >>= 1;
switch ( (byte)yaw_axis_info ) {
case 0:
yaw_axis.board_axis = BoardAxis.kBoardAxisX;
case 1:
yaw_axis.board_axis = BoardAxis.kBoardAxisY;
case 2:
yaw_axis.board_axis = BoardAxis.kBoardAxisZ;
return yaw_axis;
* Returns the version number of the firmware currently executing
* on the sensor.
* To update the firmware to the latest version, please see:
* @return The firmware version in the format [MajorVersion].[MinorVersion]
public String getFirmwareVersion() {
double version_number = (double)fw_ver_major;
version_number += ((double)fw_ver_minor / 10);
String fw_version = Double.toString(version_number);
return fw_version;
* Enables or disables logging (via Console I/O) of AHRS library internal
* behaviors, including events such as transient communication errors.
* @param enable
public void enableLogging(boolean enable) {
if ( != null) {
public short getGyroFullScaleRangeDPS() { return this.gyro_fsr_dps; }
public short getAccelFullScaleRangeG() { return this.accel_fsr_g; }
/* Runnable Interface Implementation */
class IOThread implements Runnable {
Thread m_thread;
boolean stop;
public void start() {
m_thread = new Thread(null, this, "navXIOThread");
public void run() {;
public void stop() {
/* IBoardCapabilities Interface Implementation */
class BoardCapabilities implements IBoardCapabilities {
public boolean isOmniMountSupported()
return (((capability_flags & AHRSProtocol.NAVX_CAPABILITY_FLAG_OMNIMOUNT) !=0) ? true : false);
public boolean isBoardYawResetSupported()
return (((capability_flags & AHRSProtocol.NAVX_CAPABILITY_FLAG_YAW_RESET) != 0) ? true : false);
public boolean isDisplacementSupported()
return (((capability_flags & AHRSProtocol.NAVX_CAPABILITY_FLAG_VEL_AND_DISP) != 0) ? true : false);
public boolean isAHRSPosTimestampSupported()
return (((capability_flags & AHRSProtocol.NAVX_CAPABILITY_FLAG_AHRSPOS_TS) != 0) ? true : false);
/* IIOCompleteNotification Interface Implementation */
class IOCompleteNotification implements IIOCompleteNotification {
public void setYawPitchRoll(YPRUpdate ypr_update, long sensor_timestamp) {
AHRS.this.yaw = ypr_update.yaw;
AHRS.this.pitch = ypr_update.pitch;
AHRS.this.roll = ypr_update.roll;
AHRS.this.compass_heading = ypr_update.compass_heading;
AHRS.this.last_sensor_timestamp = sensor_timestamp;
public void setAHRSPosData(AHRSPosUpdate ahrs_update, long sensor_timestamp) {
/* Update base IMU class variables */
AHRS.this.yaw = ahrs_update.yaw;
AHRS.this.pitch = ahrs_update.pitch;
AHRS.this.roll = ahrs_update.roll;
AHRS.this.compass_heading = ahrs_update.compass_heading;
/* Update AHRS class variables */
// 9-axis data
AHRS.this.fused_heading = ahrs_update.fused_heading;
// Gravity-corrected linear acceleration (world-frame)
AHRS.this.world_linear_accel_x = ahrs_update.linear_accel_x;
AHRS.this.world_linear_accel_y = ahrs_update.linear_accel_y;
AHRS.this.world_linear_accel_z = ahrs_update.linear_accel_z;
// Gyro/Accelerometer Die Temperature
AHRS.this.mpu_temp_c = ahrs_update.mpu_temp;
// Barometric Pressure/Altitude
AHRS.this.altitude = ahrs_update.altitude;
AHRS.this.baro_pressure = ahrs_update.barometric_pressure;
// Status/Motion Detection
AHRS.this.is_moving =
(((ahrs_update.sensor_status &
? true : false);
AHRS.this.is_rotating =
(((ahrs_update.sensor_status &
? false : true);
AHRS.this.altitude_valid =
(((ahrs_update.sensor_status &
? true : false);
AHRS.this.is_magnetometer_calibrated =
(((ahrs_update.cal_status &
? true : false);
AHRS.this.magnetic_disturbance =
(((ahrs_update.sensor_status &
? true : false);
AHRS.this.quaternionW = ahrs_update.quat_w;
AHRS.this.quaternionX = ahrs_update.quat_x;
AHRS.this.quaternionY = ahrs_update.quat_y;
AHRS.this.quaternionZ = ahrs_update.quat_z;
AHRS.this.last_sensor_timestamp = sensor_timestamp;
velocity[0] = ahrs_update.vel_x;
velocity[1] = ahrs_update.vel_y;
velocity[2] = ahrs_update.vel_z;
displacement[0] = ahrs_update.disp_x;
displacement[1] = ahrs_update.disp_y;
displacement[2] = ahrs_update.disp_z;
/* Notify external data arrival subscribers, if any. */
for (int i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++) {
ITimestampedDataSubscriber callback = callbacks[i];
if (callback != null) {
long system_timestamp = (long)(Timer.getFPGATimestamp() * 1000);
public void setRawData(AHRSProtocol.GyroUpdate raw_data_update, long sensor_timestamp) {
AHRS.this.raw_gyro_x = raw_data_update.gyro_x;
AHRS.this.raw_gyro_y = raw_data_update.gyro_y;
AHRS.this.raw_gyro_z = raw_data_update.gyro_z;
AHRS.this.raw_accel_x = raw_data_update.accel_x;
AHRS.this.raw_accel_y = raw_data_update.accel_y;
AHRS.this.raw_accel_z = raw_data_update.accel_z;
AHRS.this.cal_mag_x = raw_data_update.mag_x;
AHRS.this.cal_mag_y = raw_data_update.mag_y;
AHRS.this.cal_mag_z = raw_data_update.mag_z;
AHRS.this.mpu_temp_c = raw_data_update.temp_c;
AHRS.this.last_sensor_timestamp = sensor_timestamp;
public void setAHRSData(AHRSProtocol.AHRSUpdate ahrs_update, long sensor_timestamp) {
/* Update base IMU class variables */
AHRS.this.yaw = ahrs_update.yaw;
AHRS.this.pitch = ahrs_update.pitch;
AHRS.this.roll = ahrs_update.roll;
AHRS.this.compass_heading = ahrs_update.compass_heading;
/* Update AHRS class variables */
// 9-axis data
AHRS.this.fused_heading = ahrs_update.fused_heading;
// Gravity-corrected linear acceleration (world-frame)
AHRS.this.world_linear_accel_x = ahrs_update.linear_accel_x;
AHRS.this.world_linear_accel_y = ahrs_update.linear_accel_y;
AHRS.this.world_linear_accel_z = ahrs_update.linear_accel_z;
// Gyro/Accelerometer Die Temperature
AHRS.this.mpu_temp_c = ahrs_update.mpu_temp;
// Barometric Pressure/Altitude
AHRS.this.altitude = ahrs_update.altitude;
AHRS.this.baro_pressure = ahrs_update.barometric_pressure;
// Magnetometer Data
AHRS.this.cal_mag_x = ahrs_update.cal_mag_x;
AHRS.this.cal_mag_y = ahrs_update.cal_mag_y;
AHRS.this.cal_mag_z = ahrs_update.cal_mag_z;
// Status/Motion Detection
AHRS.this.is_moving =
(((ahrs_update.sensor_status &
? true : false);
AHRS.this.is_rotating =
(((ahrs_update.sensor_status &
? false : true);
AHRS.this.altitude_valid =
(((ahrs_update.sensor_status &
? true : false);
AHRS.this.is_magnetometer_calibrated =
(((ahrs_update.cal_status &
? true : false);
AHRS.this.magnetic_disturbance =
(((ahrs_update.sensor_status &
? true : false);
AHRS.this.quaternionW = ahrs_update.quat_w;
AHRS.this.quaternionX = ahrs_update.quat_x;
AHRS.this.quaternionY = ahrs_update.quat_y;
AHRS.this.quaternionZ = ahrs_update.quat_z;
AHRS.this.last_sensor_timestamp = sensor_timestamp;
updateDisplacement( AHRS.this.world_linear_accel_x,
/* Notify external data arrival subscribers, if any. */
for (int i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++) {
ITimestampedDataSubscriber callback = callbacks[i];
if (callback != null) {
long system_timestamp = (long)(Timer.getFPGATimestamp() * 1000);
public void setBoardID(BoardID board_id) {
board_type = board_id.type;
hw_rev = board_id.hw_rev;
fw_ver_major = board_id.fw_ver_major;
fw_ver_minor = board_id.fw_ver_minor;
public void setBoardState(BoardState board_state) {
update_rate_hz = board_state.update_rate_hz;
accel_fsr_g = board_state.accel_fsr_g;
gyro_fsr_dps = board_state.gyro_fsr_dps;
capability_flags = board_state.capability_flags;
op_status = board_state.op_status;
sensor_status = board_state.sensor_status;
cal_status = board_state.cal_status;
selftest_status = board_state.selftest_status;
public void yawResetComplete() {
/* Sendable Interface Implementation */
public void initSendable(SendableBuilder builder) {
builder.addDoubleProperty("Value", this::getYaw, null);