com.dominodatalab.api.invoker.ApiClient Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Domino Data Lab API v4
* This API is going to provide access to all the Domino functions available in the user interface. To authenticate your requests, include your API Key (which you can find on your account page) with the header X-Domino-Api-Key.
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 4.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
package com.dominodatalab.api.invoker;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializationFeature;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype.jsr310.JavaTimeModule;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.OffsetDateTime;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.StringJoiner;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
* Configuration and utility class for API clients.
* This class can be constructed and modified, then used to instantiate the
* various API classes. The API classes use the settings in this class to
* configure themselves, but otherwise do not store a link to this class.
* This class is mutable and not synchronized, so it is not thread-safe.
* The API classes generated from this are immutable and thread-safe.
* The setter methods of this class return the current object to facilitate
* a fluent style of configuration.
@javax.annotation.Generated(value = "org.openapitools.codegen.languages.JavaClientCodegen", date = "2023-10-17T15:20:46.682098100-04:00[America/New_York]")
public class ApiClient {
private HttpClient.Builder builder;
private ObjectMapper mapper;
private String scheme;
private String host;
private int port;
private String basePath;
private Consumer interceptor;
private Consumer> responseInterceptor;
private Consumer> asyncResponseInterceptor;
private Duration readTimeout;
private Duration connectTimeout;
private static String valueToString(Object value) {
if (value == null) {
return "";
if (value instanceof OffsetDateTime) {
return ((OffsetDateTime) value).format(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_OFFSET_DATE_TIME);
return value.toString();
* URL encode a string in the UTF-8 encoding.
* @param s String to encode.
* @return URL-encoded representation of the input string.
public static String urlEncode(String s) {
return URLEncoder.encode(s, UTF_8).replaceAll("\\+", "%20");
* Convert a URL query name/value parameter to a list of encoded {@link Pair}
* objects.
* The value can be null, in which case an empty list is returned.
* @param name The query name parameter.
* @param value The query value, which may not be a collection but may be
* null.
* @return A singleton list of the {@link Pair} objects representing the input
* parameters, which is encoded for use in a URL. If the value is null, an
* empty list is returned.
public static List parameterToPairs(String name, Object value) {
if (name == null || name.isEmpty() || value == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
return Collections.singletonList(new Pair(urlEncode(name), urlEncode(valueToString(value))));
* Convert a URL query name/collection parameter to a list of encoded
* {@link Pair} objects.
* @param collectionFormat The swagger collectionFormat string (csv, tsv, etc).
* @param name The query name parameter.
* @param values A collection of values for the given query name, which may be
* null.
* @return A list of {@link Pair} objects representing the input parameters,
* which is encoded for use in a URL. If the values collection is null, an
* empty list is returned.
public static List parameterToPairs(
String collectionFormat, String name, Collection> values) {
if (name == null || name.isEmpty() || values == null || values.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.emptyList();
// get the collection format (default: csv)
String format = collectionFormat == null || collectionFormat.isEmpty() ? "csv" : collectionFormat;
// create the params based on the collection format
if ("multi".equals(format)) {
.map(value -> new Pair(urlEncode(name), urlEncode(valueToString(value))))
String delimiter;
switch(format) {
case "csv":
delimiter = urlEncode(",");
case "ssv":
delimiter = urlEncode(" ");
case "tsv":
delimiter = urlEncode("\t");
case "pipes":
delimiter = urlEncode("|");
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal collection format: " + collectionFormat);
StringJoiner joiner = new StringJoiner(delimiter);
for (Object value : values) {
return Collections.singletonList(new Pair(urlEncode(name), joiner.toString()));
* Create an instance of ApiClient.
public ApiClient() {
this.builder = createDefaultHttpClientBuilder();
this.mapper = createDefaultObjectMapper();
interceptor = null;
readTimeout = null;
connectTimeout = null;
responseInterceptor = null;
asyncResponseInterceptor = null;
* Create an instance of ApiClient.
* @param builder Http client builder.
* @param mapper Object mapper.
* @param baseUri Base URI
public ApiClient(HttpClient.Builder builder, ObjectMapper mapper, String baseUri) {
this.builder = builder;
this.mapper = mapper;
updateBaseUri(baseUri != null ? baseUri : getDefaultBaseUri());
interceptor = null;
readTimeout = null;
connectTimeout = null;
responseInterceptor = null;
asyncResponseInterceptor = null;
protected ObjectMapper createDefaultObjectMapper() {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false);
mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_INVALID_SUBTYPE, false);
mapper.registerModule(new JavaTimeModule());
return mapper;
protected String getDefaultBaseUri() {
return "/v4";
protected HttpClient.Builder createDefaultHttpClientBuilder() {
return HttpClient.newBuilder();
public void updateBaseUri(String baseUri) {
URI uri = URI.create(baseUri);
scheme = uri.getScheme();
host = uri.getHost();
port = uri.getPort();
basePath = uri.getRawPath();
* Set a custom {@link HttpClient.Builder} object to use when creating the
* {@link HttpClient} that is used by the API client.
* @param builder Custom client builder.
* @return This object.
public ApiClient setHttpClientBuilder(HttpClient.Builder builder) {
this.builder = builder;
return this;
* Get an {@link HttpClient} based on the current {@link HttpClient.Builder}.
* The returned object is immutable and thread-safe.
* @return The HTTP client.
public HttpClient getHttpClient() {
* Set a custom {@link ObjectMapper} to serialize and deserialize the request
* and response bodies.
* @param mapper Custom object mapper.
* @return This object.
public ApiClient setObjectMapper(ObjectMapper mapper) {
this.mapper = mapper;
return this;
* Get a copy of the current {@link ObjectMapper}.
* @return A copy of the current object mapper.
public ObjectMapper getObjectMapper() {
return mapper.copy();
* Set a custom host name for the target service.
* @param host The host name of the target service.
* @return This object.
public ApiClient setHost(String host) { = host;
return this;
* Set a custom port number for the target service.
* @param port The port of the target service. Set this to -1 to reset the
* value to the default for the scheme.
* @return This object.
public ApiClient setPort(int port) {
this.port = port;
return this;
* Set a custom base path for the target service, for example '/v2'.
* @param basePath The base path against which the rest of the path is
* resolved.
* @return This object.
public ApiClient setBasePath(String basePath) {
this.basePath = basePath;
return this;
* Get the base URI to resolve the endpoint paths against.
* @return The complete base URI that the rest of the API parameters are
* resolved against.
public String getBaseUri() {
return scheme + "://" + host + (port == -1 ? "" : ":" + port) + basePath;
* Set a custom scheme for the target service, for example 'https'.
* @param scheme The scheme of the target service
* @return This object.
public ApiClient setScheme(String scheme){
this.scheme = scheme;
return this;
* Set a custom request interceptor.
* A request interceptor is a mechanism for altering each request before it
* is sent. After the request has been fully configured but not yet built, the
* request builder is passed into this function for further modification,
* after which it is sent out.
* This is useful for altering the requests in a custom manner, such as
* adding headers. It could also be used for logging and monitoring.
* @param interceptor A function invoked before creating each request. A value
* of null resets the interceptor to a no-op.
* @return This object.
public ApiClient setRequestInterceptor(Consumer interceptor) {
this.interceptor = interceptor;
return this;
* Get the custom interceptor.
* @return The custom interceptor that was set, or null if there isn't any.
public Consumer getRequestInterceptor() {
return interceptor;
* Set a custom response interceptor.
* This is useful for logging, monitoring or extraction of header variables
* @param interceptor A function invoked before creating each request. A value
* of null resets the interceptor to a no-op.
* @return This object.
public ApiClient setResponseInterceptor(Consumer> interceptor) {
this.responseInterceptor = interceptor;
return this;
* Get the custom response interceptor.
* @return The custom interceptor that was set, or null if there isn't any.
public Consumer> getResponseInterceptor() {
return responseInterceptor;
* Set a custom async response interceptor. Use this interceptor when asyncNative is set to 'true'.
* This is useful for logging, monitoring or extraction of header variables
* @param interceptor A function invoked before creating each request. A value
* of null resets the interceptor to a no-op.
* @return This object.
public ApiClient setAsyncResponseInterceptor(Consumer> interceptor) {
this.asyncResponseInterceptor = interceptor;
return this;
* Get the custom async response interceptor. Use this interceptor when asyncNative is set to 'true'.
* @return The custom interceptor that was set, or null if there isn't any.
public Consumer> getAsyncResponseInterceptor() {
return asyncResponseInterceptor;
* Set the read timeout for the http client.
* This is the value used by default for each request, though it can be
* overridden on a per-request basis with a request interceptor.
* @param readTimeout The read timeout used by default by the http client.
* Setting this value to null resets the timeout to an
* effectively infinite value.
* @return This object.
public ApiClient setReadTimeout(Duration readTimeout) {
this.readTimeout = readTimeout;
return this;
* Get the read timeout that was set.
* @return The read timeout, or null if no timeout was set. Null represents
* an infinite wait time.
public Duration getReadTimeout() {
return readTimeout;
* Sets the connect timeout (in milliseconds) for the http client.
* In the case where a new connection needs to be established, if
* the connection cannot be established within the given {@code
* duration}, then {@link HttpClient#send(HttpRequest,BodyHandler)
* HttpClient::send} throws an {@link HttpConnectTimeoutException}, or
* {@link HttpClient#sendAsync(HttpRequest,BodyHandler)
* HttpClient::sendAsync} completes exceptionally with an
* {@code HttpConnectTimeoutException}. If a new connection does not
* need to be established, for example if a connection can be reused
* from a previous request, then this timeout duration has no effect.
* @param connectTimeout connection timeout in milliseconds
* @return This object.
public ApiClient setConnectTimeout(Duration connectTimeout) {
this.connectTimeout = connectTimeout;
return this;
* Get connection timeout (in milliseconds).
* @return Timeout in milliseconds
public Duration getConnectTimeout() {
return connectTimeout;