playground.DynamicServiceProxy.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package playground
import cats.MonadThrow
import cats.syntax.all.*
import smithy4s.Document
import smithy4s.Endpoint
import smithy4s.Service
import smithy4s.kinds.*
import smithy4s.schema.Schema
class DynamicServiceProxy[Alg[_[_, _, _, _, _]], Op[_, _, _, _, _]](
service: Service.Aux[Alg, Op]
) {
def tryProxy[AlgStatic[_[_, _, _, _, _]], OpStatic[_, _, _, _, _], F[_]: MonadThrow](
interp: FunctorAlgebra[AlgStatic, F]
implicit serviceStatic: Service.Aux[AlgStatic, OpStatic]
): Option[FunctorInterpreter[Op, F]] =
Option.when( ==
def proxy[AlgStatic[_[_, _, _, _, _]], OpStatic[_, _, _, _, _], F[_]: MonadThrow](
interp: FunctorAlgebra[AlgStatic, F]
serviceStatic: Service.Aux[AlgStatic, OpStatic]
): FunctorInterpreter[Op, F] = {
val grp = serviceStatic.endpoints.groupBy(
type Proxy[I, E, O, SE, EO] = I => F[O]
def makeProxy[A, B](
schemaIn: Schema[A],
schemaOut: Schema[B],
): A => F[B] = {
val inputEncoder = Document.Encoder.fromSchema(schemaIn)
val outputDecoder = Document.Decoder.fromSchema(schemaOut)
in => outputDecoder.decode(inputEncoder.encode(in)).liftTo[F]
val endpointMapping =
new smithy4s.kinds.PolyFunction5[Endpoint[Op, *, *, *, *, *], Proxy] {
private val trans = serviceStatic.toPolyFunction(interp)
private def applyWithStatic[I, E, O, SI, SO, STI, STE, STO, STSI, STSO](
endpoint: Endpoint[Op, I, E, O, SI, SO],
endpointStatic: Endpoint[OpStatic, STI, STE, STO, STSI, STSO],
): I => F[O] = {
val mapInput = makeProxy(endpoint.input, endpointStatic.input)
val mapOutput = makeProxy(endpointStatic.output, endpoint.output)
def errorMapper[A]: Throwable => F[A] =
endpointStatic.error match {
case None => _.raiseError[F, A]
case Some(errorableStatic) =>
val errorable = endpoint.error.get // should be there at this point
val mapError = makeProxy(errorableStatic.schema, errorable.schema)
e =>
errorableStatic.liftError(e) match {
case None => e.raiseError[F, A]
case Some(liftedStatic) =>
.flatMap(errorable.unliftError(_).raiseError[F, A])
input =>
def apply[I, E, O, SI, SO](
endpoint: Endpoint[Op, I, E, O, SI, SO]
): I => F[O] = applyWithStatic(endpoint, grp(