playground.smithyql.format.Formatter.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package playground.smithyql.format
import cats.kernel.Order.catsKernelOrderingForOrder
import cats.syntax.all.*
import org.typelevel.paiges.Doc
import org.typelevel.paiges.instances.*
import playground.smithyql.*
trait Formatter[-Alg[_[_]]] {
def format(
repr: Alg[WithSource],
width: Int,
): String
object Formatter {
def apply[Alg[_[_]]](
implicit F: Formatter[Alg]
): Formatter[Alg] = F
val writeDoc: Formatter[AST] = FormattingVisitor(_).renderTrim(_)
implicit val fileFormatter: Formatter[SourceFile] = writeDoc
implicit val queryFormatter: Formatter[Query] = writeDoc
implicit val useClauseFormatter: Formatter[UseClause] = writeDoc
implicit val preludeFormatter: Formatter[Prelude] = writeDoc
implicit val qonFormatter: Formatter[QueryOperationName] = writeDoc
implicit val inputNodeFormatter: Formatter[InputNode] = writeDoc
implicit val structFormatter: Formatter[Struct] = writeDoc
implicit val listedFormatter: Formatter[Listed] = writeDoc
def writeIdentifier(
ident: QualifiedIdentifier,
width: Int,
): String = FormattingVisitor.writeIdent(ident).renderTrim(width)
private[format] object FormattingVisitor extends ASTVisitor[WithSource, Doc] { visit =>
private def printWithComments[A](
ast: WithSource[A]
printA: A => Doc
) = {
val commentsLHS = printComments(ast.commentsLeft)
val commentsRHS = printComments(ast.commentsRight)
val internal = printA(ast.value)
val commentsLHSSep =
if (internal.nonEmpty && commentsLHS.nonEmpty)
val commentsRHSSep =
ast.commentsRight.length match {
case 0 => Doc.empty
case 1 => Doc.lineOrSpace
case _ => Doc.hardLine
commentsLHS +
commentsLHSSep +
internal +
commentsRHSSep +
private def printGeneric(
ast: WithSource[AST[WithSource]]
) = printWithComments(ast)(visit)
override def sourceFile(
prelude: Prelude[WithSource],
statements: WithSource[List[Statement[WithSource]]],
): Doc = List(
override def prelude(
useClauses: List[WithSource[UseClause[WithSource]]]
): Doc = useClauses
// keeping range here to avoid merging duplicate entries when formatting
.sortBy(ws => (ws.value.identifier.value, ws.range))
override def operationName(
text: String
): Doc = Doc.text(text)
override def useClause(
identifier: WithSource[QualifiedIdentifier]
): Doc =
// comments in clause are not allowed so we can ignore them when printing
override def runQuery(
query: WithSource[Query[WithSource]]
): Doc = printGeneric(query)
override def struct(
fields: WithSource[Struct.Fields[WithSource]]
): Doc = writeBracketed('{'), Doc.char('}'))(writeField)
private def forceLineAfterTrailingComments[A](
printer: WithSource[A] => Doc
): WithSource[A] => Doc =
v =>
if (v.commentsRight.nonEmpty)
printer(v) + Doc.hardLine
override def listed(
values: WithSource[List[WithSource[InputNode[WithSource]]]]
): Doc =
writeBracketed(values)(Doc.char('['), Doc.char(']')) {
override def intLiteral(
value: String
): Doc = Doc.text(value)
override def stringLiteral(
value: String
): Doc = Doc.text(writeStringLiteral(value))
override def booleanLiteral(
value: Boolean
): Doc = Doc.text(
override val nullLiteral: Doc = Doc.text("null")
private def writeKey(
k: WithSource[Identifier]
): Doc = printWithComments(k)(v => Doc.text(v.text))
private def writeField(
binding: Binding[WithSource]
): Doc = {
val k = binding.identifier
val v = binding.value
forceLineAfterTrailingComments(writeKey)(k) +
Doc.str(": ") +
private def writeValue(
v: WithSource[InputNode[WithSource]]
): Doc =
v.value.kind match {
// Structs and sequences introduce their own nesting, so we don't add it here.
// however, if such a node occurs that has leading comments,
// these comments will already force a hard line (see `printComments`).
// That warrants an extra indent on such a node, so we fall through to the other case of this match.
case NodeKind.Struct | NodeKind.Listed if v.commentsLeft.isEmpty => printGeneric(v)
case _ => printGeneric(v).nested(2).grouped
private def writeFields[T](
fields: List[T]
renderField: T => Doc
): Doc =
// Force newlines between fields
private def writeBracketed[T](
items: WithSource[List[T]]
before: Doc,
after: Doc,
renderItem: T => Doc
): Doc =
before + Doc.hardLine +
printWithComments(items)(writeFields(_)(renderItem(_) + Doc.comma))
.indent(2) +
Doc.hardLine +
def writeIdent(
ident: QualifiedIdentifier
): Doc = Doc.text(ident.render)
private def writeStringLiteral(
s: String
) = "\"" + s + "\""
private def printComments(
lines: List[Comment]
): Doc =
private def lineComment(
s: Comment
) = {
def ensureLeadingSpace(
s: String
): String =
if (s.startsWith(" "))
" " + s
Doc.text("//" + ensureLeadingSpace(s.text))
override def queryOperationName(
identifier: Option[WithSource[QualifiedIdentifier]],
operationName: WithSource[OperationName[WithSource]],
): Doc =
// Comments inside this whole node are not allowed, but we use this anyway
identifier.foldMap(printWithComments(_)(writeIdent(_) + Doc.char('.'))) +
override def query(
operationName: WithSource[QueryOperationName[WithSource]],
input: WithSource[Struct[WithSource]],
): Doc = {
val nameInputSeparator =
if (operationName.commentsRight.isEmpty)
Doc.text(" ")
// If there are comments on the RHS of the op name, we're guaranteed a line break
// so a space is redundant (it would've been part of the comment, in fact).
printGeneric(_) + nameInputSeparator
)(operationName) + printGeneric(input)
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