playground.smithyql.parser.SourceParser.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package playground.smithyql.parser
import cats.kernel.Eq
import cats.parse.Parser
import cats.parse.Parser.Expectation.EndOfString
import cats.parse.Parser.Expectation.InRange
import cats.parse.Parser.Expectation.OneOfStr
import cats.parse.Parser.Expectation.WithContext
import cats.parse.Parser0
import cats.syntax.all.*
import playground.smithyql.*
trait SourceParser[Alg[_[_]]] {
def parse(
s: String
): Either[ParsingFailure, Alg[WithSource]]
def map[Alg2[_[_]]](
f: Alg[WithSource] => Alg2[WithSource]
): SourceParser[Alg2] = parse(_).map(f)
object SourceParser {
def apply[Alg[_[_]]](
implicit F: SourceParser[Alg]
): SourceParser[Alg] = F
def fromCatsParseParser[Alg[_[_]]](
parser: Parser0[Alg[WithSource]]
): SourceParser[Alg] =
s =>
.leftMap(ParsingFailure(_, s))
implicit val useClauseParser: SourceParser[UseClause] = fromCatsParseParser(
implicit val preludeParser: SourceParser[Prelude] = fromCatsParseParser(
implicit val qonParser: SourceParser[QueryOperationName] = fromCatsParseParser(
implicit val listedParser: SourceParser[Listed] = fromCatsParseParser(Parsers.parsers.listed)
implicit val structParser: SourceParser[Struct] = fromCatsParseParser(Parsers.parsers.struct)
implicit val queryParser: SourceParser[Query] = fromCatsParseParser(Parsers.parsers.query)
implicit val sourceFileParser: SourceParser[SourceFile] = fromCatsParseParser(
case class ParsingFailure(
underlying: Parser.Error,
text: String,
) extends Exception {
override def getMessage: String = msg
private def showExpectation(
verbose: Boolean,
e: Parser.Expectation,
): String =
e match {
case OneOfStr(_, List(str)) => prep(str)
case OneOfStr(_, strs) =>" OR ")
case InRange(_, 'A', 'Z') => "an uppercase letter"
case InRange(_, 'a', 'z') => "a lowercase letter"
case InRange(_, '0', '9') => "digit"
case InRange(_, from, to) if from === to => prep(from.toString)
case InRange(_, from, to) => s"one of ${prep(from.toString)} - ${prep(to.toString)}"
case EndOfString(_, _) => "end of string"
case WithContext(contextStr, underlying) if verbose =>
s"in ${Console.MAGENTA}$contextStr${Console.RESET}: ${showExpectation(verbose, underlying)}"
case WithContext(_, underlying) => showExpectation(verbose, underlying)
case e => e.toString
def expectationString(
verbose: Boolean
): String = underlying
.map(showExpectation(verbose, _))
.mkString_(" OR ")
private def prep(
s: String
): String = s.replace(' ', '·').replace("\n", "⏎\n")
private def messageInternal(
verbose: Boolean
): String = {
val (valid, failed) = text.splitAt(
s"${Console.GREEN}${prep(valid)}${Console.RESET}${Console.YELLOW}${prep(failed)}${Console.RESET} - expected ${expectationString(verbose)} at offset ${underlying.failedAtOffset}"
def msg: String = messageInternal(verbose = false)
def debug: String = messageInternal(verbose = true)
object ParsingFailure {
implicit val eq: Eq[ParsingFailure] = Eq.fromUniversalEquals