pipez.dsl.Parser.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package pipez.dsl
import scala.collection.Factory
import scala.collection.immutable.ListMap
/** Conversion of types which allow:
* - failure with error messages
* - choosing between fail-fast and full attempt to gather all errors
* - aggregating errors under path to the field which failed
trait Parser[From, To] {
def parse(from: From, path: Parser.Path, failFast: Parser.ShouldFailFast): Parser.ParsingResult[To]
final def parseFast(from: From): Parser.ParsingResult[To] = parse(from, Vector.empty, failFast = true)
final def parseFull(from: From): Parser.ParsingResult[To] = parse(from, Vector.empty, failFast = false)
object Parser
extends pipez.PipeAutoSupport[Parser]
with pipez.PipeSemiautoConfiguredSupport[Parser]
with ParserInstances0 {
/** Utility to create `Converter` without SAM */
def instance[From, To](f: From => Either[Vector[String], To]): Parser[From, To] =
(from: From, path: Path, _: ShouldFailFast) => f(from).left.map(errors => ListMap(path -> errors))
/** Element of a `Path` to the failed field */
sealed trait PathSegment extends Product with Serializable
object PathSegment {
final case class AtField(name: String) extends PathSegment
final case class MatchType(name: String) extends PathSegment
final case class AtIndex(index: Int) extends PathSegment
final case class AtKey(key: Any) extends PathSegment
final case class WithKey(key: Any) extends PathSegment
type Path = Vector[PathSegment]
type ShouldFailFast = Boolean
type Errors = ListMap[Path, Vector[String]]
type ParsingResult[A] = Either[Errors, A]
implicit val pipeDerivation: pipez.PipeDerivation[Parser] = ParserDerivationDefinition
private[dsl] trait ParserInstances0 extends ParserInstances1 {
implicit def parseEither[FromLeft, FromRight, ToLeft, ToRight, FromEither[L, R] <: Either[L, R]](implicit
left: Parser[FromLeft, ToLeft],
right: Parser[FromRight, ToRight]
): Parser[FromEither[FromLeft, FromRight], Either[ToLeft, ToRight]] =
.derive[Parser, Either[FromLeft, FromRight], Either[ToLeft, ToRight]]
.asInstanceOf[Parser[FromEither[FromLeft, FromRight], Either[ToLeft, ToRight]]]
implicit def parseOption[From, To, FromOption[A] <: Option[A]](implicit
parser: Parser[From, To]
): Parser[FromOption[From], Option[To]] =
pipez.PipeDerivation.derive[Parser, Option[From], Option[To]].asInstanceOf[Parser[FromOption[From], Option[To]]]
implicit def parseCollection[From, To, FromColl[A] <: Iterable[A], ToColl[_]](implicit
parser: Parser[From, To],
ToColl: Factory[To, ToColl[To]]
): Parser[FromColl[From], ToColl[To]] = (fromColl, path, failFast) =>
if (failFast) {
val toBuilder = ToColl.newBuilder
var errorsStore: Parser.Errors = null.asInstanceOf[Parser.Errors]
val iterator = fromColl.iterator.zipWithIndex
var noError = true
while (iterator.hasNext && noError) {
val (from, index) = iterator.next()
parser.parse(from, path :+ Parser.PathSegment.AtIndex(index), failFast) match {
case Left(errors) =>
errorsStore = errors
noError = false
case Right(value) =>
if (noError) Right(toBuilder.result()) else Left(errorsStore)
} else {
val toBuilder = ToColl.newBuilder
val errorsBuilder = ListMap.newBuilder[Parser.Path, Vector[String]]
val iterator = fromColl.iterator.zipWithIndex
var noError = true
while (iterator.hasNext) {
val (from, index) = iterator.next()
parser.parse(from, path :+ Parser.PathSegment.AtIndex(index), failFast) match {
case Left(errors) =>
noError = false
case Right(value) =>
if (noError) {
if (noError) Right(toBuilder.result()) else Left(errorsBuilder.result())
implicit def parseMap[FromKey, FromValue, ToKey, ToValue, FromMap[K, V] <: Map[K, V], ToMap[K, V] <: Map[K, V]](
key: Parser[FromKey, ToKey],
value: Parser[FromValue, ToValue],
ToMap: Factory[(ToKey, ToValue), ToMap[ToKey, ToValue]]
): Parser[FromMap[FromKey, FromValue], ToMap[ToKey, ToValue]] = (fromMap, path, failFast) =>
if (failFast) {
val toBuilder = ToMap.newBuilder
var errorsStore: Parser.Errors = null.asInstanceOf[Parser.Errors]
val iterator = fromMap.iterator
var noError = true
while (iterator.hasNext && noError) {
val (k, v) = iterator.next()
(for {
k <- key.parse(k, path :+ Parser.PathSegment.WithKey(k), failFast)
v <- value.parse(v, path :+ Parser.PathSegment.AtKey(k), failFast)
} yield (k, v)) match {
case Right(pair) =>
case Left(e) =>
errorsStore = e
noError = false
if (noError) Right(toBuilder.result()) else Left(errorsStore)
} else {
val toBuilder = ToMap.newBuilder
val errorsBuilder = ListMap.newBuilder[Parser.Path, Vector[String]]
val iterator = fromMap.iterator
var noError = true
while (iterator.hasNext) {
val (k, v) = iterator.next()
(key.parse(k, path :+ Parser.PathSegment.WithKey(k), failFast),
value.parse(v, path :+ Parser.PathSegment.AtKey(k), failFast)
) match {
case (Right(k2), Right(v2)) =>
toBuilder.addOne(k2, v2)
case (Left(e1), Left(e2)) =>
noError = false
case (Left(e), _) =>
noError = false
case (_, Left(e)) =>
noError = false
if (noError) Right(toBuilder.result()) else Left(errorsBuilder.result())
private[dsl] trait ParserInstances1 extends ParserInstances2 {
implicit def parseToOption[From, To](implicit parser: Parser[From, To]): Parser[From, Option[To]] =
(from, path, failFast) => parser.parse(from, path, failFast).map(Some(_))
private[dsl] trait ParserInstances2 {
implicit def parseFromOption[From, To](implicit parser: Parser[From, To]): Parser[Option[From], To] =
(from, path, failFast) =>
Parser.parseOption[From, To, Option].parse(from, path, failFast) match {
case Right(Some(value)) => Right(value)
case Right(None) => Left(ListMap(path -> Vector("Expected non-empty Option")))
case Left(errors) => Left(errors)
implicit def parseToSelf[A, B >: A]: Parser[A, B] = (a, _, _) => Right(a)
private[dsl] object ParserDerivationDefinition extends pipez.PipeDerivation[Parser] {
import Parser.*
override type Context = (Path, ShouldFailFast)
override type Result[A] = ParsingResult[A]
override def lift[In, Out](f: (In, Context) => Result[Out]): Parser[In, Out] =
(from: In, path: Path, failFast: ShouldFailFast) => f(from, (path, failFast))
override def unlift[In, Out](pipe: Parser[In, Out], in: In, ctx: Context): Result[Out] =
pipe.parse(in, ctx._1, ctx._2)
override def updateContext(context: Context, path: => pipez.Path): Context = {
def fromPath(in: pipez.Path, out: Path): Path = in match {
case pipez.Path.Root => out
case pipez.Path.Field(from, name) => fromPath(from, PathSegment.AtField(name) +: out)
case pipez.Path.Subtype(from, name) => fromPath(from, PathSegment.MatchType(name) +: out)
val append = fromPath(path, Vector.empty)
if (append.isEmpty) context else context.copy(context._1 ++ append)
override def pureResult[A](a: A): Result[A] =
override def mergeResults[A, B, C](context: Context, ra: Result[A], rb: => Result[B], f: (A, B) => C): Result[C] =
if (context._2) {
// should fail fast
for {
a <- ra
b <- rb
} yield f(a, b)
} else {
// should parse everything
(ra, rb) match {
case (Right(a), Right(b)) => Right(f(a, b))
case (Left(e1), Left(e2)) => Left(e1 ++ e2)
case (Left(e), _) => Left(e)
case (_, Left(e)) => Left(e)