pipez.internal.SumCaseGeneration.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package pipez.internal
import pipez.internal.Definitions.{ Context, Result }
import pipez.internal.SumCaseGeneration.inputNameMatchesOutputName
import scala.annotation.nowarn
import scala.collection.immutable.ListMap
import scala.util.chaining.*
@nowarn("msg=The outer reference in this type test cannot be checked at run time.")
private[internal] trait SumCaseGeneration[Pipe[_, _], In, Out] {
self: Definitions[Pipe, In, Out] & Generators[Pipe, In, Out] =>
/** True iff `A` is `sealed` */
def isADT[A: Type]: Boolean
/** Check is `A =:= B` in a platform-independent code */
def areSubtypesEqual[A: Type, B: Type]: Boolean
final def isSumType[A: Type]: Boolean =
/** Whether both `In` and `Out` are ADTs/Java Enums */
final def isUsableAsSumTypeConversion: Boolean =
isSumType[In] && isSumType[Out]
/** Stores information from what pieces `Out` is made */
final case class EnumData[A](elements: List[EnumData.Case[? <: A]]) {
def findSubtype(subtypeName: String, caseInsensitiveSearch: Boolean): DerivationResult[EnumData.Case[? <: A]] =
elements.collectFirst {
case sumType @ EnumData.Case(name, _, _, _)
if inputNameMatchesOutputName(name, subtypeName, caseInsensitiveSearch) =>
object EnumData {
final case class Case[A](name: String, tpe: Type[A], isCaseObject: Boolean, path: Path) {
override def toString: String = s"Case($name : ${previewType(tpe)})"
/** Translation strategy for a particular input subtype */
sealed trait InSubtypeLogic[InSubtype <: In] extends Product with Serializable
object InSubtypeLogic {
final case class DefaultSubtype[InSubtype <: In]() extends InSubtypeLogic[InSubtype]
final case class SubtypeRemoved[InSubtype <: In](
pipe: Expr[Pipe[InSubtype, Out]]
) extends InSubtypeLogic[InSubtype] {
override def toString: String = s"SubtypeRemoved(${previewCode(pipe)})"
final case class SubtypeRenamed[InSubtype <: In, OutSubtype <: Out](
outSubtype: Type[OutSubtype]
) extends InSubtypeLogic[InSubtype] {
override def toString: String = s"SubtypeRenamed(${previewType(outSubtype)})"
final case class PipeProvided[InSubtype <: In, OutSubtype <: Out](
outSubtype: Type[OutSubtype],
pipe: Expr[Pipe[InSubtype, OutSubtype]]
) extends InSubtypeLogic[InSubtype] {
override def toString: String = s"PipeProvided(${previewType(outSubtype)}, ${previewCode(pipe)})"
def resolve[InSubtype <: In: Type](settings: Settings): InSubtypeLogic[InSubtype] = {
import ConfigEntry.*
settings.resolve[InSubtypeLogic[InSubtype]](DefaultSubtype()) {
case RemoveSubtype(_, tpe, pipe) if areSubtypesEqual(tpe, typeOf[InSubtype]) =>
SubtypeRemoved(pipe.asInstanceOf[Expr[Pipe[InSubtype, Out]]])
case RenameSubtype(_, tpe, _, outSubtypeType) if areSubtypesEqual(tpe, typeOf[InSubtype]) =>
case PlugInSubtype(_, tpe, _, outSubtypeType, pipe) if areSubtypesEqual(tpe, typeOf[InSubtype]) =>
PipeProvided[InSubtype, Out](outSubtypeType.asInstanceOf[Type[Out]],
pipe.asInstanceOf[Expr[Pipe[InSubtype, Out]]]
type OutSubtype <: Out
def resolveSubtype[InSubtype <: In: Type](
settings: Settings,
outData: EnumData[Out],
inSubtypeName: String,
path: Path
): DerivationResult[EnumGeneratorData.InputSubtype] = resolve[InSubtype](settings) match {
// OutSubtype - the same (simple) name as InSubtype
// (in, ctx) => in match { i: InSubtype => unlift(summon[InSubtype, OutSubtype), in, ctx): Result[OutSubtype] }
case DefaultSubtype() =>
.findSubtype(inSubtypeName, settings.isEnumCaseInsensitive)
.flatMap(outSubtype => fromOutputSubtype(settings, path)(typeOf[InSubtype], outSubtype.tpe))
.log(s"Subtype ${previewType(typeOf[InSubtype])} uses default resolution (matching output name, summoning)")
case SubtypeRemoved(pipe) =>
// (in, ctx) => in match { i: InSubtype => unlift(pipe, in, ctx): Result[Out] }
fromMissingPipe[InSubtype](pipe, path).log(
s"Subtype ${previewType(typeOf[InSubtype])} considered removed from input, uses provided pipe"
case SubtypeRenamed(outSubtypeType) =>
// OutSubtype - name provided
// (in, ctx) => in match { i: InSubtype => unlift(summon[InSubtype, OutSubtype), in, ctx): Result[OutSubtype] }
fromOutputSubtype(settings, path)(typeOf[InSubtype], outSubtypeType).log(
s"Subtype ${previewType(typeOf[InSubtype])} considered renamed to $outSubtypeType, uses summoning"
case PipeProvided(outSubtypeType, pipe) =>
// OutSubtype - name provided
// (in, ctx) => in match { i: InSubtype => unlift(pipe, in, ctx): Result[OutSubtype] }
fromOutputPipe(pipe, path)(typeOf[InSubtype], outSubtypeType).log(
s"Subtype ${previewType(typeOf[InSubtype])} converted to $outSubtypeType using provided pipe"
/** Final platform-independent result of matching inputs with outputs using resolved strategies */
final case class EnumGeneratorData(subtypes: ListMap[String, EnumGeneratorData.InputSubtype])
object EnumGeneratorData {
type InSubtype <: In
type OutSubtype <: Out
sealed trait InputSubtype extends Product with Serializable {
def unlifted: (Expr[In], Expr[Context]) => Expr[Result[Out]] = this match {
case convert @ InputSubtype.Convert(_, _, _, _) =>
val InputSubtype.Convert(inSubtype, outSubtype, pipe, path) =
convert.asInstanceOf[InputSubtype.Convert[InSubtype, OutSubtype]]
(in: Expr[In], ctx: Expr[Context]) =>
unlift[InSubtype, OutSubtype](pipe, in.asInstanceOf[Expr[InSubtype]], updateContext(ctx, pathCode(path)))(
case handle @ InputSubtype.Handle(_, _, _) =>
val InputSubtype.Handle(inSubtype, pipe, path) = handle.asInstanceOf[InputSubtype.Handle[InSubtype]]
(in: Expr[In], ctx: Expr[Context]) =>
unlift[InSubtype, Out](pipe, in.asInstanceOf[Expr[InSubtype]], updateContext(ctx, pathCode(path)))(
object InputSubtype {
final case class Convert[InSubtype <: In, OutSubtype <: Out](
inSubtype: Type[InSubtype],
outSubtype: Type[OutSubtype],
pipe: Expr[Pipe[InSubtype, OutSubtype]],
path: Path
) extends InputSubtype {
override def toString: String =
s"Convert(${previewType(inSubtype)}, ${previewType(outSubtype)}, ${previewCode(pipe)})"
final case class Handle[InSubtype <: In](
inSubtype: Type[InSubtype],
pipe: Expr[Pipe[InSubtype, Out]],
path: Path
) extends InputSubtype {
override def toString: String = s"Handle(${previewType(inSubtype)}, ${previewCode(pipe)})"
object SumTypeConversion {
final def unapply(settings: Settings): Option[DerivationResult[Expr[Pipe[In, Out]]]] =
if (isUsableAsSumTypeConversion) Some(attemptEnumRendering(settings)) else None
/** Platform-specific way of parsing `In` data
* Should:
* - obtain a lift of subtypes OR enumeration values
* - form it into `EnumData[In]`
def extractEnumInData: DerivationResult[EnumData[In]]
/** Platform-specific way of parsing `Out` data
* Should:
* - obtain a lift of subtypes OR enumeration values
* - form it into `EnumData[In]`
def extractEnumOutData: DerivationResult[EnumData[Out]]
/** Platform-specific way of generating code from resolved information
* For subtype input should generate code like:
* {{{
* pipeDerivation.lift { (in: In, ctx: pipeDerivation.Context) =>
* in match {
* case inSubtype: In.Foo => pipeDerivation.unlift(fooPipe, inSubtype, updateContext(ctx, path))
* case inSubtype: In.Bar => pipeDerivation.unlift(barPipe, inSubtype, updateContext(ctx, path))
* }
* }
* }}}
def generateEnumCode(generatorData: EnumGeneratorData): DerivationResult[Expr[Pipe[In, Out]]]
private def attemptEnumRendering(settings: Settings): DerivationResult[Expr[Pipe[In, Out]]] =
for {
data <- extractEnumInData zip extractEnumOutData
(inData, outData) = data
generatorData <- matchEnums(inData, outData, settings)
code <- generateEnumCode(generatorData)
} yield code
type InSubtype <: In
// In the enum derivation, the logic in driven by In type:
// - every input subtype/value should be handled
// - so we are iterating over the list of possible values of In and check the configuration for them
// - additional subtypes/values in Out can be safely ignored
private def matchEnums(
inData: EnumData[In],
outData: EnumData[Out],
settings: Settings
): DerivationResult[EnumGeneratorData] = (inData, outData) match {
case (EnumData(inSubtypes), outData) =>
.map { case EnumData.Case(inSubtypeName, inSubtypeType, _, path) =>
implicit val inSubtypeTpe: Type[InSubtype] = inSubtypeType
InSubtypeLogic.resolveSubtype[InSubtype](settings, outData, inSubtypeName, path).map(inSubtypeName -> _)
// OutSubtype - name provided
// (in, ctx) => in match { i: InSubtype => unlift(summon[InSubtype, OutSubtype), in, updateContext(ctx, path)): Result[OutSubtype] }
private def fromOutputSubtype[InSubtype <: In: Type, OutSubtype <: Out: Type](
settings: Settings,
path: Path
): DerivationResult[
] = summonOrDerive[InSubtype, OutSubtype](settings, alwaysAllowDerivation = true).map(
EnumGeneratorData.InputSubtype.Convert(typeOf[InSubtype], typeOf[OutSubtype], _, path)
// OutSubtype - name provided
// (in, ctx) => in match { i: InSubtype => unlift(pipe, in, updateContext(ctx, path)): Result[OutSubtype] }
private def fromOutputPipe[InSubtype <: In: Type, OutSubtype <: Out: Type](
pipe: Expr[Pipe[InSubtype, OutSubtype]],
path: Path
): DerivationResult[EnumGeneratorData.InputSubtype] = DerivationResult.pure(
EnumGeneratorData.InputSubtype.Convert(typeOf[InSubtype], typeOf[OutSubtype], pipe, path)
// (in, ctx) => in match { i: InSubtype => unlift(pipe, in, updateContext(ctx, path)): Result[Out] }
private def fromMissingPipe[InSubtype <: In: Type](
pipe: Expr[Pipe[InSubtype, Out]],
path: Path
): DerivationResult[EnumGeneratorData.InputSubtype] =
DerivationResult.pure(EnumGeneratorData.InputSubtype.Handle(typeOf[InSubtype], pipe, path))
object SumCaseGeneration {
def inputNameMatchesOutputName(inSubtype: String, outSubtype: String, caseInsensitiveSearch: Boolean): Boolean =
if (caseInsensitiveSearch) inSubtype equalsIgnoreCase outSubtype else inSubtype == outSubtype