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package pipez.internal
import pipez.PipeDerivationConfig
import pipez.internal.Definitions.{ Context, Result }
import scala.annotation.nowarn
import scala.util.chaining.scalaUtilChainingOps
@nowarn("msg=The outer reference in this type test cannot be checked at run time.")
trait Generators[Pipe[_, _], In, Out]
extends AnyValCaseGeneration[Pipe, In, Out]
with ProductCaseGeneration[Pipe, In, Out]
with SumCaseGeneration[Pipe, In, Out] {
self: Definitions[Pipe, In, Out] =>
/** Check is `A <:< B` in a platform-independent code */
def isSubtype[A: Type, B: Type]: Boolean
/** Takes `Settings` and passes them to generators, the first which decides it's their case, attempt generation */
final val resolveConversion: Settings => DerivationResult[Expr[Pipe[In, Out]]] = {
case AnyValConversion(generatedCode) => generatedCode
case ProductTypeConversion(generatedCode) => generatedCode
case SumTypeConversion(generatedCode) => generatedCode
case _ =>
/** Generate message to be displayed by macro on INFO level (if requested by config) */
final def diagnosticsMessage[A](result: DerivationResult[A]): String =
"Macro diagnostics:\n" +" - " + _).mkString("\n")
/** Should use platform-specific way of reporting information from macro on INFO level */
def reportDiagnostics[A](result: DerivationResult[A]): Unit
/** Generates error message to be returned from macro on ERROR level */
final def errorMessage(errors: List[DerivationError]): String = {
val pipeType = previewType(PipeOf[In, Out])
def generateErrorsFor(inType: String, outType: String, errors: List[DerivationError]): List[String] = errors
.map {
case DerivationError.MissingPublicConstructor =>
s"$outType is missing a public constructor that could be used to initiate its value"
case DerivationError.RequiredImplicitNotFound(inFieldType, outFieldType) =>
s"Couldn't find implicit of type ${previewType(PipeOf(inFieldType, outFieldType))}"
case DerivationError.RecursiveDerivationFailed(recInType, recOutType, errors) =>
s"Couldn't derive instance of type ${previewType(PipeOf(recInType, recOutType))} due to errors:\n" +
generateErrorsFor(previewType(recInType), previewType(recOutType), errors).map(" " + _).mkString("\n")
case DerivationError.MissingPublicSource(outFieldName) =>
s"Couldn't find a field/method which could be used as a source for $outFieldName from $outType; use config to provide it manually"
case DerivationError.MissingMatchingSubType(inSubtypeType) =>
s"Couldn't find corresponding subtype for $inSubtypeType}"
case DerivationError.MissingMatchingValue(inValue) =>
s"Couldn't find corresponding value for $inValue"
case DerivationError.NotSupportedFieldConversion(inField, inFieldType, outField, outFieldType) =>
s"Couldn't find an implicit value converting ${previewType(inFieldType)} to ${previewType(outFieldType)}, required by $inType.$inField to $outType.$outField conversion; provide the right implicit or configuration"
case DerivationError.NotSupportedEnumConversion(isInSumType, isOutSumType) =>
s"Couldn't convert $inType (${if (isInSumType) "sum type" else "value enumeration"}) into $outType (${
if (isOutSumType) "sum type" else "value enumeration"
case DerivationError.InvalidConfiguration(msg) =>
s"The configuration you provided was incorrect: $msg"
case DerivationError.InvalidInput(msg) =>
case DerivationError.NotYetSupported =>
s"Derivation is only supported for conversions: case class/Java Bean <=> case class/Java Bean, case class <=> tuple, ADT <=> ADT, AnyVal <=> primitives - types $inType => $outType don't match this requirement, consider providing $pipeType yourself"
case DerivationError.NotYetImplemented(msg) =>
s"The functionality \"$msg\" is not yet implemented, this message is intended as diagnostic for library authors and you shouldn't have seen it"
.map(" - " + _)
s"$pipeType couldn't be generated due to errors:\n" + generateErrorsFor(previewType[In], previewType[Out], errors)
/** Should use platform-specific way of reporting errors from macro */
def reportError(errors: List[DerivationError]): Nothing
/** Should generate code `pipeDerivation.lift { (in, ctx) => ... }` */
def lift[I: Type, O: Type](
call: Expr[(I, Context) => Result[O]]
): Expr[Pipe[I, O]]
/** Should generate code `pipeDerivation.unlift(pipe)(in, ctx)` */
def unlift[I: Type, O: Type](
pipe: Expr[Pipe[I, O]],
in: Expr[I],
ctx: Expr[Context]
): Expr[Result[O]]
/** Should generate code `pipeDerivation.updateContext(ctx, path)` */
def updateContext(
context: Expr[Context],
path: Expr[pipez.Path]
): Expr[Context]
/** Should generate code `pipeDerivation.pureResult(a)` */
def pureResult[A: Type](a: Expr[A]): Expr[Result[A]]
/** Should generate code `pipeDerivation.mergeResults(ctx, ra, rb, (a, b) => ...)` */
def mergeResults[A: Type, B: Type, C: Type](
context: Expr[Context],
ra: Expr[Result[A]],
rb: Expr[Result[B]],
f: Expr[(A, B) => C]
): Expr[Result[C]]
/** Used by `derive(Option[Expr[PipeDerivationConfig[Pipe, In, Out]]])` and `derivePipe[Input: Type, Output: Type]` */
def derive(config: Settings): DerivationResult[Expr[Pipe[In, Out]]] = {
val isDiagnosticsEnabled = config.isDiagnosticsEnabled
lazy val startTime =
if (isDiagnosticsEnabled) {
val result = resolveConversion(config)
if (isDiagnosticsEnabled) {
val stopTime =
val duration = java.time.Duration.between(startTime, stopTime)
result.log(f"Derivation took ${duration.getSeconds}%d.${duration.getNano}%09d s")
} else result
private def derive(configurationCode: Option[Expr[PipeDerivationConfig[Pipe, In, Out]]]): Expr[Pipe[In, Out]] = {
var isDiagnosticsEnabled = false
.flatMap { config =>
isDiagnosticsEnabled = config.isDiagnosticsEnabled
.tap { result =>
if (isDiagnosticsEnabled) {
/** Derives using default `Settings` */
final def deriveDefault: Expr[Pipe[In, Out]] = derive(None)
/** Derives using `Settings` parsed from `PipeDerivationConfig[Pipe, In, Out]` expression */
final def deriveConfigured(configurationCode: Expr[PipeDerivationConfig[Pipe, In, Out]]): Expr[Pipe[In, Out]] =