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pipez.internal.PlatformProductCaseGeneration.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package pipez.internal
import pipez.internal.Definitions.{ Context, Result }
import scala.annotation.nowarn
import scala.collection.immutable.ListMap
import scala.util.chaining.*
import scala.language.existentials
@nowarn("msg=The outer reference in this type test cannot be checked at run time.")
private[internal] trait PlatformProductCaseGeneration[Pipe[_, _], In, Out]
extends ProductCaseGeneration[Pipe, In, Out] {
self: PlatformDefinitions[Pipe, In, Out] & PlatformGenerators[Pipe, In, Out] =>
import c.universe.*
final def isTuple[A: Type]: Boolean =
final def isCaseClass[A: Type]: Boolean = {
val sym = typeOf[A].typeSymbol
val mem = typeOf[A].members
sym.isClass && sym.asClass.isCaseClass && !sym.isAbstract && mem.exists(m => m.isConstructor && m.isPublic)
final def isCaseObject[A: Type]: Boolean = {
val sym = typeOf[A].typeSymbol
// removed check for sym.asClass.isCaseClass since Scala 3 enums' without parameters didn't fulfill it
sym.isModuleClass && sym.isPublic
final def isJavaBean[A: Type]: Boolean = {
val sym = typeOf[A].typeSymbol
val mem = typeOf[A].members
sym.isClass && !sym.isAbstract && mem.exists(isDefaultConstructor) &&
(mem.exists(isJavaSetter) || mem.exists(isVar))
private def isDefaultConstructor(ctor: Symbol): Boolean =
ctor.isConstructor && ctor.asMethod.paramLists.flatten.isEmpty && ctor.isPublic
private def isCaseClassField(field: Symbol): Boolean =
field.isMethod && field.asMethod.isGetter
private def isJavaGetter(getter: Symbol): Boolean =
getter.isMethod &&
ProductCaseGeneration.isGetterName( &&
getter.asMethod.paramLists.flatten.isEmpty &&
private def isJavaSetter(setter: Symbol): Boolean =
setter.isMethod &&
ProductCaseGeneration.isSetterName( &&
setter.asMethod.paramLists.flatten.size == 1 &&
private def isVar(setter: Symbol): Boolean =
setter.isTerm &&"_$eq") && setter.isPublic
final def extractProductInData(settings: Settings): DerivationResult[ProductInData] =
.filter(m => isCaseClassField(m) || isJavaGetter(m))
.map { getter =>
val name =
val termName =
name -> ProductInData.Getter[Any](
name = name,
tpe = returnTypeOf(In, getter).asInstanceOf[Type[Any]],
get =
if (getter.asMethod.paramLists.isEmpty) (in: Expr[In]) => c.Expr[Any](q"$in.$termName")
else (in: Expr[In]) => c.Expr[Any](q"$in.$termName()"),
path = Path.Field(Path.Root, name)
.logSuccess(data => s"Resolved input: $data")
final def extractProductOutData(settings: Settings): DerivationResult[ProductOutData] =
if (isJavaBean[Out]) {
// Java Bean case
val defaultConstructor = DerivationResult.fromOption(
Out.decls.filterNot(isGarbage).find(isDefaultConstructor).map(_ => c.Expr[Out](q"new $Out()"))
val setters = Out.decls
.filter(s => isJavaSetter(s) || isVar(s))
.map { setter =>
val name = { n =>
// Scala 3's JB setters _are_ methods neding with _= due to change in @BeanProperty behavior.
// We have to drop that suffix to align names, so that comparing is possible.
if (isVar(setter)) n.substring(0, n.length - "_$eq".length) else n
val termName =
name -> ProductOutData.Setter(
name = name,
tpe = paramListsOf(Out, setter).flatten.head.typeSignature.asInstanceOf[Type[Any]],
set = (out: Expr[Out], value: Expr[Any]) => c.Expr[Unit](q"$out.$termName($value)")
.map2(setters)(ProductOutData.JavaBean(_, _))
.logSuccess(data => s"Resolved Java Bean output: $data")
} else if (isCaseObject[Out]) {
// case object case
caller = params => c.Expr(q"${Out.typeSymbol.asClass.module}"),
params = List.empty
.logSuccess(data => s"Resolved case object output: $data")
} else {
// case class case
(for {
primaryConstructor <- DerivationResult.fromOption( => m.isPublic && m.isConstructor)
// default value for case class field n (1 indexed) is obtained from Companion.apply$default$n
defaults = primaryConstructor.typeSignature.paramLists.headOption.toList.flatten.zipWithIndex.collect {
case (param, idx) if param.asTerm.isParamWithDefault => -> c.Expr[Any](q"${Out.typeSymbol.companion}.${TermName("apply$default$" + (idx + 1))}")
} yield ProductOutData.CaseClass(
caller = params => c.Expr(q"new $Out(...$params)"),
params = paramListsOf(Out, primaryConstructor).map { params =>
.map { param =>
val name =
name -> ProductOutData.ConstructorParam(
name = name,
tpe = param.typeSignature.asInstanceOf[Type[Any]],
default = defaults.get(name)
)).logSuccess(data => s"Resolved case class output: $data")
final def generateProductCode(generatorData: ProductGeneratorData): DerivationResult[Expr[Pipe[In, Out]]] =
generatorData match {
case ProductGeneratorData.CaseClass(caller, results) => generateCaseClass(caller, results)
case ProductGeneratorData.JavaBean(defaultConstructor, results) => generateJavaBean(defaultConstructor, results)
private def generateCaseClass(
constructor: Constructor,
outputParameterLists: List[List[ProductGeneratorData.OutputValue]]
): DerivationResult[Expr[Pipe[In, Out]]] = {
val paramToIdx: Map[ProductGeneratorData.OutputValue.Result[?], Constant] = outputParameterLists.flatten
.collect { case result: ProductGeneratorData.OutputValue.Result[?] => result }
.map { case (result, idx) => result -> Constant(idx) }
def constructorParams(in: Expr[In], ctx: Expr[Context], arr: Expr[Array[Any]]): List[List[Expr[?]]] = {
case ProductGeneratorData.OutputValue.Pure(_, caller) =>
caller(in, ctx)
case r @ ProductGeneratorData.OutputValue.Result(tpe, _) =>
val arrSize = Constant(paramToIdx.size)
val initialValue: Expr[Result[Array[Any]]] = pureResult(c.Expr(q"scala.Array.ofDim[scala.Any]($arrSize)"))
def generateBody(
in: Expr[In],
ctx: Expr[Context],
arrayResult: Expr[Result[Array[Any]]],
params: List[(ProductGeneratorData.OutputValue.Result[?], Constant)]
): Expr[Result[Out]] =
params match {
// all values are taken directly from input and wrapped in Result
case Nil =>
pureResult(constructor(constructorParams(in, ctx, null)))
// last param - after adding the last value to array we extract all values from it into constructor
case (param, idx) :: Nil =>
val rightCode = param.caller(in, ctx).asInstanceOf[Expr[Result[Any]]]
val left = c.freshName(TermName("left"))
val right = c.freshName(TermName("right"))
val fun: Expr[(Array[Any], Any) => Out] = c.Expr[(Array[Any], Any) => Out](
($left : scala.Array[scala.Any], $right : ${param.tpe}) => {
$left($idx) = $right
${constructor(constructorParams(in, ctx, c.Expr[Array[Any]](q"$left")))}
mergeResults(ctx, arrayResult, rightCode, fun)
// we combine Array's Result with a param's Result, store param in array and iterate further
case (param, idx) :: tail =>
val rightCode = param.caller(in, ctx).asInstanceOf[Expr[Result[Any]]]
val left = c.freshName(TermName("left"))
val right = c.freshName(TermName("right"))
val fun = c.Expr[(Array[Any], Any) => Array[Any]](
($left : scala.Array[scala.Any], $right : ${param.tpe}) => {
$left($idx) = $right
generateBody(in, ctx, mergeResults(ctx, arrayResult, rightCode, fun), tail)
val body: Expr[Pipe[In, Out]] = {
val in = c.freshName(TermName("in"))
val ctx = c.freshName(TermName("ctx"))
lift[In, Out](
c.Expr[(In, Context) => Result[Out]](
($in : $In, $ctx : $Context) =>
${generateBody(c.Expr[In](q"$in"), c.Expr[Context](q"$ctx"), initialValue, paramToIdx.toList)}
.log(s"Case class derivation, constructor params: $outputParameterLists")
.logSuccess(code => s"Generated code: ${previewCode(code)}")
private def generateJavaBean(
defaultConstructor: Expr[Out],
outputSettersList: List[(ProductGeneratorData.OutputValue, ProductOutData.Setter[?])]
): DerivationResult[Expr[Pipe[In, Out]]] = {
def pureValues(in: Expr[In], ctx: Expr[Context], result: Expr[Out]): List[Expr[Unit]] =
outputSettersList.collect { case (ProductGeneratorData.OutputValue.Pure(_, caller), setter) =>
setter.asInstanceOf[ProductOutData.Setter[Any]].set(result, caller(in, ctx))
val resultValues: List[(ProductGeneratorData.OutputValue.Result[?], ProductOutData.Setter[?])] =
outputSettersList.collect { case (r: ProductGeneratorData.OutputValue.Result[?], s: ProductOutData.Setter[?]) =>
r -> s
def initialValue(in: Expr[In], ctx: Expr[Context]): Expr[Result[Out]] = {
val result = c.freshName(TermName("result"))
val $result: $Out = $defaultConstructor
..${pureValues(in, ctx, c.Expr[Out](q"$result"))}
def generateBody(
in: Expr[In],
ctx: Expr[Context],
outResult: Expr[Result[Out]],
params: List[(ProductGeneratorData.OutputValue.Result[?], ProductOutData.Setter[?])]
): Expr[Result[Out]] =
params match {
// all values are taken directly from input and wrapped in Result
case Nil =>
// we have Out object on left and value to put into setter on right
case (param, setter) :: tail =>
val rightCode = param.caller(in, ctx).asInstanceOf[Expr[Result[Any]]]
val left = c.freshName(TermName("left"))
val right = c.freshName(TermName("right"))
val fun = c.Expr[(Out, Any) => Out](
($left : $Out, $right : ${param.tpe}) => {
${setter.asInstanceOf[ProductOutData.Setter[Any]].set(c.Expr(q"$left"), c.Expr(q"$right"))}
generateBody(in, ctx, mergeResults(ctx, outResult, rightCode, fun), tail)
val body: Expr[Pipe[In, Out]] = {
val in = c.freshName(TermName("in"))
val ctx = c.freshName(TermName("ctx"))
lift[In, Out](
c.Expr[(In, Context) => Result[Out]](
($in : $In, $ctx : $Context) =>
initialValue(c.Expr[In](q"$in"), c.Expr[Context](q"$ctx")),
.log(s"Java Beans derivation, setters: $outputSettersList")
.logSuccess(code => s"Generated code: ${previewCode(code)}")