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package pipez.internal
import pipez.internal.Definitions.{ Context, Result }
import pipez.internal.ProductCaseGeneration.{ inputNameMatchesOutputName, setAccessor }
import scala.annotation.nowarn
import scala.collection.immutable.ListMap
import scala.util.chaining.*
@nowarn("msg=The outer reference in this type test cannot be checked at run time.")
private[internal] trait ProductCaseGeneration[Pipe[_, _], In, Out] {
self: Definitions[Pipe, In, Out] & Generators[Pipe, In, Out] =>
/** True iff `A` is a tuple */
def isTuple[A: Type]: Boolean
/** True iff `A` is defined as `case class`, is NOT abstract and has a public constructor */
def isCaseClass[A: Type]: Boolean
/** True iff `A` is defined as `case object`, and is public.
* Exception's are Scala 3's cases without parameters - Scala 3 sees then as vals and Scala as non-case modules
def isCaseObject[A: Type]: Boolean
/** True iff `A` has a (public) default constructor and at least one (public) method starting with `set`.
* The exceptions are Java Beans compiled with Scala 3 which expose `@BeanProperty var a: Int` as `var` as opposed to
* pair of `getA` and `setA` - for that reason we need a special handling of Scala 3's beans
def isJavaBean[A: Type]: Boolean
/** Whether `Out` type could be constructed as "product case" */
final def isUsableAsProductOutput: Boolean =
isCaseClass[Out] || isCaseObject[Out] || isJavaBean[Out]
/** Should create `Out` expression from the constructor arguments grouped in parameter lists */
type Constructor = List[List[Expr[Any]]] => Expr[Out]
/** Stores information how each attribute/getter could be extracted from `In` value */
final case class ProductInData(getters: ListMap[String, ProductInData.Getter[?]]) {
def findGetter(
inParamName: String,
outParamName: String,
caseInsensitiveSearch: Boolean
): DerivationResult[ProductInData.Getter[?]] =
getters.collectFirst {
case (_, getter) if inputNameMatchesOutputName(, inParamName, caseInsensitiveSearch) => getter
def findIndex(index: Int, outParamName: String): DerivationResult[ProductInData.Getter[?]] =
object ProductInData {
final case class Getter[InField](
name: String,
tpe: Type[InField],
get: Expr[In] => Expr[InField],
path: Path
) {
override def toString: String = s"Getter($name : ${previewType(tpe)})"
/** Stores information how `Out` value could be constructed from values of constructor parameters/passed to setters */
sealed trait ProductOutData extends Product with Serializable
object ProductOutData {
final case class ConstructorParam[OutField](
name: String,
tpe: Type[OutField],
default: Option[Expr[OutField]]
final case class CaseClass(
caller: Constructor,
params: List[ListMap[String, ConstructorParam[?]]]
) extends ProductOutData {
override def toString: String = s"CaseClass${ { list =>
"(" + { case (n, p) => s"$n : ${previewType(p.tpe)}" }.mkString(", ") + ")"
final case class Setter[OutField](
name: String,
tpe: Type[OutField],
set: (Expr[Out], Expr[OutField]) => Expr[Unit]
) {
override def toString: String = s"Setter($name : ${previewType(tpe)})"
final case class JavaBean(
defaultConstructor: Expr[Out],
setters: ListMap[String, Setter[?]]
) extends ProductOutData {
override def toString: String = s"JavaBean(${ { case (n, p) => s"$n : $p" }.mkString(", ")})"
/** Value generation strategy for a particular output parameter/setter */
sealed trait OutFieldLogic[OutField] extends Product with Serializable
object OutFieldLogic {
final case class DefaultField[OutField]() extends OutFieldLogic[OutField]
final case class FieldAdded[OutField](
pipe: Expr[Pipe[In, OutField]]
) extends OutFieldLogic[OutField] {
override def toString: String = s"FieldAdded(${previewCode(pipe)})"
final case class FieldRenamed[InField, OutField](
inField: String,
inFieldType: Type[InField]
) extends OutFieldLogic[OutField] {
override def toString: String = s"FieldRenamed($inField : ${previewType(inFieldType)})"
final case class PipeProvided[InField, OutField](
inField: String,
inFieldType: Type[InField],
pipe: Expr[Pipe[InField, OutField]]
) extends OutFieldLogic[OutField] {
override def toString: String = s"PipeProvided($inField : ${previewType(inFieldType)}, ${previewCode(pipe)})"
private def resolve[OutField: Type](
settings: Settings,
outFieldName: String
): OutFieldLogic[OutField] = {
import Path.*
import ConfigEntry.*
// outFieldName matches what we found as setter/constructor param
// outFieldGetter in matter matching, what we got from config - user might have used JavaBeans' getter!
settings.resolve[OutFieldLogic[OutField]](DefaultField()) {
case AddField(Field(Root, outFieldGetter), outFieldType, pipe)
if inputNameMatchesOutputName(outFieldGetter, outFieldName, settings.isFieldCaseInsensitive) =>
// TODO: validate that Out <:< outFieldType is correct
FieldAdded(pipe.asInstanceOf[Expr[Pipe[In, OutField]]])
case RenameField(Field(Root, inName), in, Field(Root, outFieldGetter), out)
if inputNameMatchesOutputName(outFieldGetter, outFieldName, settings.isFieldCaseInsensitive) =>
// TODO: validate that Out <:< outFieldType is correct
FieldRenamed(inName, In)
case PlugInField(Field(Root, inName), in, Field(Root, outFieldGetter), out, pipe)
if inputNameMatchesOutputName(outFieldGetter, outFieldName, settings.isFieldCaseInsensitive) =>
// TODO: validate that Out <:< outFieldType is correct
PipeProvided[Any, OutField](inName, in.asInstanceOf[Type[Any]], pipe.asInstanceOf[Expr[Pipe[Any, OutField]]])
type InField
def resolveField[OutField: Type](
settings: Settings,
inData: ProductInData,
outParamName: String,
indexOpt: Option[Int],
default: Option[Expr[OutField]]
): DerivationResult[ProductGeneratorData.OutputValue] = resolve[OutField](settings, outParamName) match {
case DefaultField() =>
// if inField (same name as out - same index if tuple) not found then error
// else if inField <:< outField then (in, ctx) => pure(in : OutField)
// else (in, ctx) => unlift(summon[InField, OutField])(in.outParamName, updateContext(ctx, path)) : Result[OutField]
.fold {
inData.findGetter(outParamName, outParamName, settings.isFieldCaseInsensitive) // match by name
} { index =>
inData.findIndex(index, outParamName) // match by index
.flatMap { getter =>
implicit val tpe: Type[InField] = getter.tpe
fromFieldConstructorParam[InField, OutField](getter, settings)
.orElse(fallbackOnDefault(outParamName, default, settings))
s"Field $outParamName uses default resolution (${
if (indexOpt.isEmpty) "matching input name" else "matching field position"
}, summoning)"
case FieldAdded(pipe) =>
// (in, ctx) => unlift(pipe)(in, ctx) : Result[OutField]
.log(s"Field $outParamName considered added to output, uses provided pipe")
case FieldRenamed(inFieldName, _) =>
// if inField (name provided) not found then error
// else if inField <:< outField then (in, ctx) => pure(in : OutField)
// else (in, ctx) => unlift(summon[InField, OutField])(in.inFieldName, updateContext(ctx, path)) : Result[OutField]
.findGetter(inFieldName, outParamName, settings.isFieldCaseInsensitive)
.flatMap { getter =>
implicit val tpe: Type[InField] = getter.tpe
fromFieldConstructorParam[InField, OutField](getter, settings)
.log(s"Field $outParamName is considered renamed from $inFieldName, uses summoning if types differ")
case PipeProvided(inFieldName, _, pipe) =>
// if inField (name provided) not found then error
// else (in, ctx) => unlift(summon[InField, OutField])(in.used, updateContext(ctx, path)) : Result[OutField]
.findGetter(inFieldName, outParamName, settings.isFieldCaseInsensitive)
.map { getter =>
implicit val tpe: Type[InField] = getter.tpe
pipeProvidedConstructorParam[InField, OutField](getter, pipe.asInstanceOf[Expr[Pipe[InField, OutField]]])
.log(s"Field $outParamName converted from $inFieldName using provided pipe")
/** Final platform-independent result of matching inputs with outputs using resolved strategies */
sealed trait ProductGeneratorData extends Product with Serializable
object ProductGeneratorData {
sealed trait OutputValue extends Product with Serializable
object OutputValue {
final case class Pure[A](
tpe: Type[A],
caller: (Expr[In], Expr[Context]) => Expr[A]
) extends OutputValue {
override def toString: String = s"Pure { (${previewType[In]}, Context) => ${previewType(tpe)} }"
final case class Result[A](
tpe: Type[A],
caller: (Expr[In], Expr[Context]) => Expr[Definitions.Result[A]]
) extends OutputValue {
override def toString: String = s"Result { (${previewType[In]}, Context) => ${previewType(tpe)} }"
final case class CaseClass(
constructor: Constructor,
output: List[List[OutputValue]]
) extends ProductGeneratorData {
override def toString: String = s"CaseClass${ => "(" + list.mkString(", ") + ")").mkString}"
final case class JavaBean(
defaultConstructor: Expr[Out],
output: List[(OutputValue, ProductOutData.Setter[?])]
) extends ProductGeneratorData {
override def toString: String = s"JavaBean(${output.mkString(", ")})"
object ProductTypeConversion {
final def unapply(settings: Settings): Option[DerivationResult[Expr[Pipe[In, Out]]]] =
if (isUsableAsProductOutput) Some(attemptProductRendering(settings)) else None
/** Platform-specific way of parsing `In` data
* Should:
* - obtain all methods which are Scala's getters (vals, nullary defs)
* - obtain all methods which are Java Bean getters (starting with is- or get-)
* - for each create an `InField` factory which takes `In` argument and returns `InField` expression
* - form obtained collection into `ProductInData`
def extractProductInData(settings: Settings): DerivationResult[ProductInData]
/** Platform-specific way of parsing `Out` data
* Should:
* - verify whether output is a case class, a case object or a Java Bean
* - obtain respectively:
* - a constructor taking all arguments
* - expression containing case object value
* - a default constructor and collection of setters respectively
* - form obtained data into `ProductOutData`
def extractProductOutData(settings: Settings): DerivationResult[ProductOutData]
/** Platform-specific way of generating code from resolved information
* For case class output should generate code like:
* {{{
* pipeDerivation.lift { (in: In, ctx: pipeDerivation.Context) =>
* pipeDerivation.mergeResult(
* ctx,
* pipeDerivation.mergeResult(
* ctx,
* pipeDerivation.pure(Array[Any](2)),
* pipeDerivation.unlift(fooPipe,, pipeDerivation.updateContext(ctx, Path.root.field("foo"))),
* { (left, right) =>
* left(0) = right
* left
* }
* ),
* pipeDerivation.unlift(barPipe,, pipeDerivation.updateContext(ctx, Path.root.field("bar"))),
* { (left, right) =>
* left(1) = right
* new Out(
* foo = left(0).asInstanceOf[Foo2],
* bar = left(1).asInstanceOf[Bar2],
* )
* }
* )
* }
* }}}
* For case object output should generate code like:
* {{{
* pipeDerivation.lift { (in: In, ctx: pipeDerivation.Context) =>
* pipeDerivation.pure(CaseObject)
* }
* }}}
* For Java Bean should generate code like:
* {{{
* pipeDerivation.lift { (in: In, ctx: pipeDerivation.Context) =>
* pipeDerivation.mergeResult(
* ctx,
* pipeDerivation.mergeResult(
* ctx,
* pipeDerivation.pure {
* val result = new Out()
* result
* },
* pipeDerivation.unlift(fooPipe,, pipeDerivation.updateContext(ctx, Path.root.field("foo"))),
* { (left, right) =>
* left.setFoo(right)
* left
* }
* ),
* pipeDerivation.unlift(barPipe,, pipeDerivation.updateContext(ctx, Path.root.field("bar"))),
* { (left, right) =>
* left.setBar(right)
* left
* }
* )
* }
* }}}
def generateProductCode(generatorData: ProductGeneratorData): DerivationResult[Expr[Pipe[In, Out]]]
private def attemptProductRendering(settings: Settings): DerivationResult[Expr[Pipe[In, Out]]] =
for {
data <- extractProductInData(settings) zip extractProductOutData(settings)
(inData, outData) = data
generatorData <-
if (isTuple[In] || isTuple[Out]) matchFieldsByPosition(inData, outData, settings)
else matchFieldsByName(inData, outData, settings)
code <- generateProductCode(generatorData)
} yield code
// In the product derivation, the logic is driven by `Out` type:
// - every field of Out should have an assigned value
// - so we are iterating over the list of fields in Out and check the configuration for them
// - additional fields in In can be safely ignored
// - field by default are matched by their name
private def matchFieldsByName(
inData: ProductInData,
outData: ProductOutData,
settings: Settings
): DerivationResult[ProductGeneratorData] = outData match {
case ProductOutData.CaseClass(caller, listOfParamsList) =>
.map { case ProductOutData.ConstructorParam(outParamName, outParamType, default) =>
OutFieldLogic.resolveField(settings, inData, outParamName, None, default)(outParamType)
.map(ProductGeneratorData.CaseClass(caller, _))
.logSuccess(gen => s"Case generation: $gen")
case ProductOutData.JavaBean(defaultConstructor, setters) =>
.map { case setter @ ProductOutData.Setter(outSetterName, outSetterType, _) =>
OutFieldLogic.resolveField(settings, inData, outSetterName, None, None)(outSetterType).map(_ -> setter)
.map(ProductGeneratorData.JavaBean(defaultConstructor, _))
.logSuccess(gen => s"Case generation: $gen")
// In the product derivation, the logic is driven by `Out` type:
// - every field of Out should have an assigned value
// - so we are iterating over the list of fields in Out and check the configuration for them
// - additional fields in In can be safely ignored
// - field by default are matched by their position
private def matchFieldsByPosition(
inData: ProductInData,
outData: ProductOutData,
settings: Settings
): DerivationResult[ProductGeneratorData] = outData match {
case ProductOutData.CaseClass(caller, listOfParamsList) =>
.map { case (ProductOutData.ConstructorParam(outParamName, outParamType, default), index) =>
OutFieldLogic.resolveField(settings, inData, outParamName, Some(index), default)(outParamType)
.map(ProductGeneratorData.CaseClass(caller, _))
.logSuccess(gen => s"Case generation: $gen")
case ProductOutData.JavaBean(_, _) =>
"Conversion from tuple can only be performed into another tuple or case class"
// if inField <:< outField then (in, ctx) => pure(in : OutField)
// else (in, ctx) => unlift(summon[InField, OutField])(in.inField, updateContext(ctx, path)) : Result[OutField]
private def fromFieldConstructorParam[InField: Type, OutField: Type](
getter: ProductInData.Getter[InField],
settings: Settings
): DerivationResult[ProductGeneratorData.OutputValue] =
if (isSubtype[InField, OutField]) {
(in, _) => getter.get(in)
} else {
summonOrDerive[InField, OutField](settings, alwaysAllowDerivation = false).map {
(pipe: Expr[Pipe[InField, OutField]]) =>
(in, ctx) => unlift[InField, OutField](pipe, getter.get(in), updateContext(ctx, pathCode(getter.path)))
// (in, ctx) => unlift(pipe)(in, ctx) : Result[OutField]
private def fieldAddedConstructorParam[OutField: Type](
pipe: Expr[Pipe[In, OutField]]
): ProductGeneratorData.OutputValue = ProductGeneratorData.OutputValue.Result(
(in, ctx) => unlift[In, OutField](pipe, in, ctx)
// (in, ctx) => unlift(summon[InField, OutField])(in.used, updateContext(ctx, path)) : Result[OutField]
private def pipeProvidedConstructorParam[InField: Type, OutField: Type](
getter: ProductInData.Getter[InField],
pipe: Expr[Pipe[InField, OutField]]
): ProductGeneratorData.OutputValue =
(in, ctx) => unlift[InField, OutField](pipe, getter.get(in), updateContext(ctx, pathCode(getter.path)))
private def fallbackOnDefault[OutField: Type](
outParamName: String,
default: Option[Expr[OutField]],
settings: Settings
): DerivationResult[ProductGeneratorData.OutputValue] =
if (settings.isFallbackToDefaultEnabled)
s"No default defined for $outParamName, fallback on default is impossible"
.map(code => ProductGeneratorData.OutputValue.Pure(typeOf[OutField], (_, _) => code))
else if (default.isDefined)
s"No value could be resolve for field $outParamName, although it has a default so you might try enableFallbackToDefaults option"
DerivationError.InvalidInput(s"Couldn't fallback on default value for $outParamName")
object ProductCaseGeneration {
private val getAccessor = raw"(?i)get(.)(.*)".r
private val isAccessor = raw"(?i)is(.)(.*)".r
private val dropGetIs: String => String = {
case getAccessor(head, tail) => head.toLowerCase + tail
case isAccessor(head, tail) => head.toLowerCase + tail
case other => other
val isGetterName: String => Boolean = name => getAccessor.matches(name) || isAccessor.matches(name)
private val setAccessor = raw"(?i)set(.)(.*)".r
private val dropSet: String => String = {
case setAccessor(head, tail) => head.toLowerCase + tail
case other => other
val isSetterName: String => Boolean = name => setAccessor.matches(name)
private def inputNameMatchesOutputName(
inFieldName: String,
outFieldName: String,
caseInsensitive: Boolean
): Boolean = {
val in = Set(inFieldName, dropGetIs(inFieldName))
val out = Set(outFieldName, dropSet(outFieldName))
if (caseInsensitive) in.exists(a => out.exists(b => a.equalsIgnoreCase(b)))
else in.intersect(out).nonEmpty