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com.landawn.abacus.core.RowDataSet Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
 * Copyright (c) 2015, Haiyang Li. All rights reserved.

package com.landawn.abacus.core;

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;

import com.landawn.abacus.DataSet;
import com.landawn.abacus.DirtyMarker;
import com.landawn.abacus.PaginatedDataSet;
import com.landawn.abacus.exception.UncheckedIOException;
import com.landawn.abacus.parser.JSONParser;
import com.landawn.abacus.parser.JSONSerializationConfig;
import com.landawn.abacus.parser.JSONSerializationConfig.JSC;
import com.landawn.abacus.parser.KryoParser;
import com.landawn.abacus.parser.Parser;
import com.landawn.abacus.parser.ParserFactory;
import com.landawn.abacus.parser.XMLConstants;
import com.landawn.abacus.parser.XMLParser;
import com.landawn.abacus.parser.XMLSerializationConfig;
import com.landawn.abacus.parser.XMLSerializationConfig.XSC;
import com.landawn.abacus.type.Type;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.Array;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.ArrayHashMap;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.ArrayHashSet;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.BiIterator;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.BufferedJSONWriter;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.BufferedWriter;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.BufferedXMLWriter;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.ClassUtil;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.Comparators;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.DateTimeFormat;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.Fn;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.IOUtil;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.ImmutableList;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.Indexed;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.Iterables;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.ListMultimap;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.Multimap;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.Multiset;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.N;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.NoCachingNoUpdating.DisposableObjArray;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.Objectory;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.Pair;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.Properties;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.StringUtil;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.TriIterator;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.Triple;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.Try;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.Try.BiFunction;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.Try.Predicate;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.Try.TriConsumer;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.Try.TriFunction;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.Try.TriPredicate;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.Tuple.Tuple2;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.Tuple.Tuple3;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.WD;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.Wrapper;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.u.Optional;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.function.BiConsumer;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.function.Consumer;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.function.Function;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.function.IndexedConsumer;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.function.IntFunction;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.function.Supplier;

 * It's a row DataSet from logic aspect. But each column is stored in a list.
 * @since 0.8
 * @author Haiyang Li
public class RowDataSet implements DataSet, Cloneable {

    static final String NULL_STRING = "null".intern();
    static final char[] NULL_CHAR_ARRAY = NULL_STRING.toCharArray();
    static final String TRUE = Boolean.TRUE.toString().intern();
    static final char[] TRUE_CHAR_ARRAY = TRUE.toCharArray();
    static final String FALSE = Boolean.FALSE.toString().intern();
    static final char[] FALSE_CHAR_ARRAY = FALSE.toCharArray();
    static final Set> SUPPORTED_COUNT_COLUMN_TYPES = N.asSet((Class) int.class, Integer.class, long.class, Long.class, float.class, Float.class,
            double.class, Double.class);

     * Field CACHED_PROP_NAMES. (value is ""cachedPropNames"")
    public static final String CACHED_PROP_NAMES = "cachedPropNames";

    private static final String ROW = "row";

    private static final JSONParser jsonParser = ParserFactory.createJSONParser();
    private static final XMLParser xmlParser = ParserFactory.isXMLAvailable() ? ParserFactory.createXMLParser() : null;
    private static final KryoParser kryoParser = ParserFactory.isKryoAvailable() ? ParserFactory.createKryoParser() : null;
    private static final JSONSerializationConfig jsc = JSC.create().setDateTimeFormat(DateTimeFormat.ISO_8601_TIMESTAMP);
    private static final XMLSerializationConfig xsc = XSC.create().setDateTimeFormat(DateTimeFormat.ISO_8601_TIMESTAMP);

    private static final Type strType = N.typeOf(String.class);

    private static final Comparator MULTI_COLUMN_COMPARATOR = new Comparator() {
        private final Comparator naturalOrder = Comparators.naturalOrder();

        public int compare(final Object[] o1, final Object[] o2) {
            int rt = 0;

            for (int i = 0, len = o1.length; i < len; i++) {
                rt = o1[i], (Comparable) o2[i]);

                if (rt != 0) {
                    return rt;

            return rt;

    // For Kryo
    private List _columnNameList;
    private List> _columnList;
    private Map _columnIndexMap;
    private int[] _columnIndexes;
    private int _currentRowNum = 0;
    private boolean _isFrozen = false;
    private Properties _properties;

    private transient int modCount = 0;

    // For Kryo
    protected RowDataSet() {

    public RowDataSet(final List columnNameList, final List> columnList) {
        this(columnNameList, columnList, null);

    public RowDataSet(final List columnNameList, final List> columnList, final Properties properties) {
        N.checkArgument(N.hasDuplicates(columnNameList) == false, "Dupliated column names: {}", columnList);
        N.checkArgument(columnNameList.size() == columnList.size(), "the size of column name list: {} is different from the size of column list: {}",
                columnNameList.size(), columnList.size());

        final int size = columnList.size() == 0 ? 0 : columnList.get(0).size();

        for (List column : columnList) {
            N.checkArgument(column.size() == size, "All columns in the specified 'columnList' must have same size.");

        this._columnNameList = columnNameList;

        this._columnList = columnList;

        this._properties = properties;

    //    @Override
    //    public String entityName() {
    //        return _entityName;
    //    }
    //    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
    //    @Override
    //    public  Class entityClass() {
    //        return (Class) _entityClass;
    //    }

    public ImmutableList columnNameList() {
        // return _columnNameList;

        return ImmutableList.of(_columnNameList);

    public String getColumnName(final int columnIndex) {
        return _columnNameList.get(columnIndex);

    public int getColumnIndex(final String columnName) {
        if (_columnIndexMap == null) {
            _columnIndexMap = new HashMap<>();

            int i = 0;
            for (String e : _columnNameList) {
                _columnIndexMap.put(e, i++);

        Integer columnIndex = _columnIndexMap.get(columnName);

        if (columnIndex == null /* && NameUtil.isCanonicalName(_entityName, columnName)*/) {
            columnIndex = _columnIndexMap.get(NameUtil.getSimpleName(columnName));

        return (columnIndex == null) ? -1 : columnIndex;

    public int[] getColumnIndexes(final Collection columnNames) {
        int[] columnIndexes = new int[columnNames.size()];
        int i = 0;

        for (String columnName : columnNames) {
            columnIndexes[i++] = getColumnIndex(columnName);

        return columnIndexes;

    public boolean containsColumn(final String columnName) {
        return getColumnIndex(columnName) >= 0;

    public boolean containsAllColumns(final Collection columnNames) {
        for (String columnName : columnNames) {
            if (containsColumn(columnName) == false) {
                return false;

        return true;

    public void renameColumn(final String columnName, final String newColumnName) {

        int idx = checkColumnName(columnName);

        if (columnName.equals(newColumnName)) {
            // ignore.
        } else {
            if (_columnNameList.contains(newColumnName)) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The new property name is already included: " + _columnNameList + ". ");

            if (_columnIndexMap != null) {
                _columnIndexMap.put(newColumnName, _columnIndexMap.remove(_columnNameList.get(idx)));

            _columnNameList.set(idx, newColumnName);


    public void renameColumns(final Map oldNewNames) {

        if (N.hasDuplicates(oldNewNames.values())) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Duplicated new column names: " + oldNewNames.values());

        for (Map.Entry entry : oldNewNames.entrySet()) {

            if (_columnNameList.contains(entry.getValue()) && !entry.getKey().equals(entry.getValue())) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The new property name is already included: " + _columnNameList + ". ");

        for (Map.Entry entry : oldNewNames.entrySet()) {
            renameColumn(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

    public  void renameColumn(final String columnName, final Try.Function func) throws E {
        renameColumn(columnName, func.apply(columnName));

    public  void renameColumns(final Collection columnNames, final Try.Function func) throws E {

        final Map map = N.newHashMap(N.initHashCapacity(columnNames.size()));

        for (String columnName : columnNames) {
            map.put(columnName, func.apply(columnName));


    public  void renameColumns(final Try.Function func) throws E {
        renameColumns(_columnNameList, func);

    public void moveColumn(final String columnName, int newPosition) {

        int idx = checkColumnName(columnName);

        if (newPosition < 0 || newPosition >= _columnNameList.size()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The new column index must be >= 0 and < " + _columnNameList.size());

        if (idx == newPosition) {
            // ignore.
        } else {
            _columnNameList.add(newPosition, _columnNameList.remove(idx));
            _columnList.add(newPosition, _columnList.remove(idx));

            _columnIndexMap = null;
            _columnIndexes = null;


    public void moveColumns(Map columnNameNewPositionMap) {

        final List> entries = new ArrayList<>(columnNameNewPositionMap.size());

        for (Map.Entry entry : columnNameNewPositionMap.entrySet()) {

            if (entry.getValue().intValue() < 0 || entry.getValue().intValue() >= _columnNameList.size()) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The new column index must be >= 0 and < " + _columnNameList.size());


        N.sort(entries, new Comparator>() {
            public int compare(Map.Entry o1, Map.Entry o2) {
                return, o2.getValue());

        for (Map.Entry entry : entries) {
            int currentColumnIndex = checkColumnName(entry.getKey());

            if (currentColumnIndex == entry.getValue().intValue()) {
                // ignore.
            } else {
                _columnNameList.add(entry.getValue().intValue(), _columnNameList.remove(currentColumnIndex));
                _columnList.add(entry.getValue().intValue(), _columnList.remove(currentColumnIndex));

                _columnIndexMap = null;


    public void swapColumns(String columnNameA, String columnNameB) {

        int columnIndexA = checkColumnName(columnNameA);
        int columnIndexB = checkColumnName(columnNameB);

        if (columnNameA.equals(columnNameB)) {

        final String tmpColumnNameA = _columnNameList.get(columnIndexA);
        _columnNameList.set(columnIndexA, _columnNameList.get(columnIndexB));
        _columnNameList.set(columnIndexB, tmpColumnNameA);

        final List tmpColumnA = _columnList.get(columnIndexA);
        _columnList.set(columnIndexA, _columnList.get(columnIndexB));
        _columnList.set(columnIndexB, tmpColumnA);

        if (N.notNullOrEmpty(_columnIndexMap)) {
            _columnIndexMap.put(columnNameA, columnIndexB);
            _columnIndexMap.put(columnNameB, columnIndexA);


    public void moveRow(int rowIndex, int newRowIndex) {


        if (rowIndex == newRowIndex) {

        for (List column : _columnList) {
            column.add(newRowIndex, column.remove(rowIndex));


    public void swapRows(int rowIndexA, int rowIndexB) {


        if (rowIndexA == rowIndexB) {

        Object tmp = null;

        for (List column : _columnList) {
            tmp = column.get(rowIndexA);
            column.set(rowIndexA, column.get(rowIndexB));
            column.set(rowIndexB, tmp);


    public  T get(final int rowIndex, final int columnIndex) {
        return (T) _columnList.get(columnIndex).get(rowIndex);

    public  T get(final Class targetType, final int rowIndex, final int columnIndex) {
        T rt = (T) _columnList.get(columnIndex).get(rowIndex);

        return (rt == null) ? N.defaultValueOf(targetType) : rt;

    public void set(final int rowIndex, final int columnIndex, final Object element) {

        _columnList.get(columnIndex).set(rowIndex, element);


    public boolean isNull(final int rowIndex, final int columnIndex) {
        return get(rowIndex, columnIndex) == null;

    public  T get(final int columnIndex) {
        return (T) _columnList.get(columnIndex).get(_currentRowNum);

    public  T get(final Class targetType, final int columnIndex) {
        T rt = get(columnIndex);

        return (rt == null) ? N.defaultValueOf(targetType) : rt;

    public  T get(final String columnName) {
        return (T) get(checkColumnName(columnName));

    public  T get(final Class targetType, final String columnName) {
        return get(targetType, checkColumnName(columnName));

    public  T getOrDefault(int columnIndex, T defaultValue) {
        return columnIndex < 0 ? defaultValue : (T) get(columnIndex);

    public  T getOrDefault(final String columnName, T defaultValue) {
        return getOrDefault(getColumnIndex(columnName), defaultValue);

    public boolean getBoolean(final int columnIndex) {
        Boolean rt = get(boolean.class, columnIndex);

        return (rt == null) ? false : rt;

    public boolean getBoolean(final String columnName) {
        return getBoolean(checkColumnName(columnName));

    public char getChar(final int columnIndex) {
        Character rt = get(columnIndex);

        return (rt == null) ? 0 : rt;

    public char getChar(final String columnName) {
        return getChar(checkColumnName(columnName));

    public byte getByte(final int columnIndex) {
        Number rt = get(columnIndex);

        return (rt == null) ? 0 : rt.byteValue();

    public byte getByte(final String columnName) {
        return getByte(checkColumnName(columnName));

    public short getShort(final int columnIndex) {
        Number rt = get(columnIndex);

        return (rt == null) ? 0 : rt.shortValue();

    public short getShort(final String columnName) {
        return getShort(checkColumnName(columnName));

    public int getInt(final int columnIndex) {
        Number rt = get(columnIndex);

        return (rt == null) ? 0 : rt.intValue();

    public int getInt(final String columnName) {
        return getInt(checkColumnName(columnName));

    public long getLong(final int columnIndex) {
        Number rt = get(columnIndex);

        return (rt == null) ? 0L : rt.longValue();

    public long getLong(final String columnName) {
        return getLong(checkColumnName(columnName));

    public float getFloat(final int columnIndex) {
        Number rt = get(columnIndex);

        return (rt == null) ? 0f : rt.floatValue();

    public float getFloat(final String columnName) {
        return getFloat(checkColumnName(columnName));

    public double getDouble(final int columnIndex) {
        Number rt = get(columnIndex);

        return (rt == null) ? 0d : rt.doubleValue();

    public double getDouble(final String columnName) {
        return getDouble(checkColumnName(columnName));

    public boolean isNull(final int columnIndex) {
        return get(columnIndex) == null;

    public boolean isNull(final String columnName) {
        return get(columnName) == null;

    public void set(final int columnIndex, final Object value) {

        _columnList.get(columnIndex).set(_currentRowNum, value);


    public void set(final String columnName, final Object value) {
        set(checkColumnName(columnName), value);

    @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
    public  ImmutableList getColumn(final int columnIndex) {
        // return (List) _columnList.get(columnIndex);
        return ImmutableList.of((List) _columnList.get(columnIndex));

    public  ImmutableList getColumn(final String columnName) {
        return getColumn(checkColumnName(columnName));

    public  List copyOfColumn(final String columnName) {
        return new ArrayList<>((List) _columnList.get(checkColumnName(columnName)));

    public void addColumn(final String columnName, final List column) {
        addColumn(_columnList.size(), columnName, column);

    public void addColumn(final int columnIndex, final String columnName, final List column) {

        if (columnIndex < 0 || columnIndex > _columnNameList.size()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid column index: " + columnIndex + ". It must be >= 0 and <= " + _columnNameList.size());

        if (containsColumn(columnName)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Column(" + columnName + ") is already included in this DataSet.");

        if (N.notNullOrEmpty(column) && column.size() != size()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The specified column size[" + column.size() + "] must be same as the this DataSet size[" + size() + "]. ");

        _columnNameList.add(columnIndex, columnName);

        if (N.isNullOrEmpty(column)) {
            _columnList.add(columnIndex, N.repeat(null, size()));
        } else {
            _columnList.add(columnIndex, new ArrayList<>(column));

        updateColumnIndex(columnIndex, columnName);


    public  void addColumn(String newColumnName, String fromColumnName, Try.Function func) throws E {
        addColumn(_columnList.size(), newColumnName, fromColumnName, func);

    public  void addColumn(int columnIndex, final String newColumnName, String fromColumnName, Try.Function func) throws E {

        if (columnIndex < 0 || columnIndex > _columnNameList.size()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid column index: " + columnIndex + ". It must be >= 0 and <= " + _columnNameList.size());

        if (containsColumn(newColumnName)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Column(" + newColumnName + ") is already included in this DataSet.");

        final List newColumn = new ArrayList<>(size());
        final Try.Function mapper2 = (Try.Function) func;
        final List column = _columnList.get(checkColumnName(fromColumnName));

        for (Object val : column) {

        _columnNameList.add(columnIndex, newColumnName);
        _columnList.add(columnIndex, newColumn);

        updateColumnIndex(columnIndex, newColumnName);


    public  void addColumn(String newColumnName, Collection fromColumnNames, Try.Function func)
            throws E {
        addColumn(_columnList.size(), newColumnName, fromColumnNames, func);

    public  void addColumn(int columnIndex, final String newColumnName, Collection fromColumnNames,
            Try.Function func) throws E {

        if (containsColumn(newColumnName)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Column(" + newColumnName + ") is already included in this DataSet.");

        final int size = size();
        final int[] fromColumnIndexes = checkColumnName(fromColumnNames);
        final Try.Function mapper2 = (Try.Function) func;
        final List newColumn = new ArrayList<>(size);
        final Object[] row = new Object[fromColumnIndexes.length];
        final DisposableObjArray disposableArray = DisposableObjArray.wrap(row);

        for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < size; rowIndex++) {
            for (int i = 0, len = fromColumnIndexes.length; i < len; i++) {
                row[i] = _columnList.get(fromColumnIndexes[i]).get(rowIndex);


        _columnNameList.add(columnIndex, newColumnName);
        _columnList.add(columnIndex, newColumn);

        updateColumnIndex(columnIndex, newColumnName);


    private void updateColumnIndex(int columnIndex, final String newColumnName) {
        if (_columnIndexMap != null && columnIndex == _columnIndexMap.size()) {
            _columnIndexMap.put(newColumnName, columnIndex);
        } else {
            _columnIndexMap = null;

        if (_columnIndexes != null && columnIndex == _columnIndexes.length) {
            _columnIndexes = N.copyOf(_columnIndexes, _columnIndexes.length + 1);
            _columnIndexes[columnIndex] = columnIndex;
        } else {
            _columnIndexes = null;

    public  void addColumn(String newColumnName, Tuple2 fromColumnNames, Try.BiFunction func) throws E {
        addColumn(_columnList.size(), newColumnName, fromColumnNames, func);

    public  void addColumn(int columnIndex, final String newColumnName, Tuple2 fromColumnNames,
            Try.BiFunction func) throws E {

        if (containsColumn(newColumnName)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Column(" + newColumnName + ") is already included in this DataSet.");

        final int size = size();
        final List column1 = _columnList.get(checkColumnName(fromColumnNames._1));
        final List column2 = _columnList.get(checkColumnName(fromColumnNames._2));

        final Try.BiFunction mapper2 = (Try.BiFunction) func;
        final List newColumn = new ArrayList<>(size());

        for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < size; rowIndex++) {
            newColumn.add(mapper2.apply(column1.get(rowIndex), column2.get(rowIndex)));

        _columnNameList.add(columnIndex, newColumnName);
        _columnList.add(columnIndex, newColumn);

        updateColumnIndex(columnIndex, newColumnName);


    public  void addColumn(String newColumnName, Tuple3 fromColumnNames, TriFunction func)
            throws E {
        addColumn(_columnList.size(), newColumnName, fromColumnNames, func);

    public  void addColumn(int columnIndex, final String newColumnName, Tuple3 fromColumnNames,
            TriFunction func) throws E {

        if (containsColumn(newColumnName)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Column(" + newColumnName + ") is already included in this DataSet.");

        final int size = size();
        final List column1 = _columnList.get(checkColumnName(fromColumnNames._1));
        final List column2 = _columnList.get(checkColumnName(fromColumnNames._2));
        final List column3 = _columnList.get(checkColumnName(fromColumnNames._3));
        final Try.TriFunction mapper2 = (Try.TriFunction) func;
        final List newColumn = new ArrayList<>(size());

        for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < size; rowIndex++) {
            newColumn.add(mapper2.apply(column1.get(rowIndex), column2.get(rowIndex), column3.get(rowIndex)));

        _columnNameList.add(columnIndex, newColumnName);
        _columnList.add(columnIndex, newColumn);

        updateColumnIndex(columnIndex, newColumnName);


    public  List removeColumn(final String columnName) {

        final int columnIndex = checkColumnName(columnName);

        _columnIndexMap = null;
        _columnIndexes = null;

        final List removedColumn = _columnList.remove(columnIndex);


        return (List) removedColumn;

    public void removeColumns(final Collection columnNames) {

        final int[] columnIndexes = checkColumnName(columnNames);

        for (int i = 0, len = columnIndexes.length; i < len; i++) {
            _columnNameList.remove(columnIndexes[i] - i);
            _columnList.remove(columnIndexes[i] - i);

        _columnIndexMap = null;
        _columnIndexes = null;


    public  void removeColumns(Predicate filter) throws E {
        removeColumns(N.filter(_columnNameList, filter));

    public  void removeColumnsIf(Predicate filter) throws E {

    public void convertColumn(final String columnName, final Class targetType) {

        convertColumnType(checkColumnName(columnName), targetType);

    public void convertColumns(final Map> columnTargetTypes) {


        for (Map.Entry> entry : columnTargetTypes.entrySet()) {
            convertColumnType(checkColumnName(entry.getKey()), entry.getValue());

    public  void updateColumn(final String columnName, final Try.Function func) throws E {

        final Try.Function func2 = (Try.Function) func;
        final List column = _columnList.get(checkColumnName(columnName));

        for (int i = 0, len = size(); i < len; i++) {
            column.set(i, func2.apply(column.get(i)));


    public  void updateColumns(final Collection columnNames, final Try.Function func) throws E {

        final Try.Function func2 = (Try.Function) func;

        for (String columnName : columnNames) {
            final List column = _columnList.get(checkColumnName(columnName));

            for (int i = 0, len = size(); i < len; i++) {
                column.set(i, func2.apply(column.get(i)));


    private void convertColumnType(final int columnIndex, final Class targetType) {
        final List column = _columnList.get(columnIndex);

        Object newValue = null;
        for (int i = 0, len = size(); i < len; i++) {
            newValue = N.convert(column.get(i), targetType);

            column.set(i, newValue);


    public void combineColumns(final Collection columnNames, final String newColumnName, final Class newColumnClass) {

        final List newColumn = toList(newColumnClass, columnNames, 0, size());


        addColumn(newColumnName, newColumn);

    public  void combineColumns(Collection columnNames, final String newColumnName,
            Try.Function combineFunc) throws E {
        addColumn(newColumnName, columnNames, combineFunc);


    public  void combineColumns(Try.Predicate columnNameFilter, final String newColumnName, Class newColumnClass) throws E {
        combineColumns(N.filter(_columnNameList, columnNameFilter), newColumnName, newColumnClass);

    public  void combineColumns(Try.Predicate columnNameFilter, final String newColumnName,
            Try.Function combineFunc) throws E, E2 {
        combineColumns(N.filter(_columnNameList, columnNameFilter), newColumnName, combineFunc);

    public  void combineColumns(Tuple2 columnNames, final String newColumnName, Try.BiFunction combineFunc)
            throws E {
        addColumn(newColumnName, columnNames, combineFunc);

        removeColumns(Arrays.asList(columnNames._1, columnNames._2));

    public  void combineColumns(Tuple3 columnNames, final String newColumnName,
            Try.TriFunction combineFunc) throws E {
        addColumn(newColumnName, columnNames, combineFunc);

        removeColumns(Arrays.asList(columnNames._1, columnNames._2, columnNames._3));

    public  void divideColumn(final String columnName, Collection newColumnNames,
            Try.Function, E> divideFunc) throws E {

        final int columnIndex = this.checkColumnName(columnName);

        if (N.isNullOrEmpty(newColumnNames)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("New column names can't be null or empty.");

        if (N.disjoint(_columnNameList, newColumnNames) == false) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Column names: " + N.intersection(_columnNameList, newColumnNames) + " already are included in this data set.");

        final Try.Function, E> divideFunc2 = (Try.Function) divideFunc;
        final int newColumnsLen = newColumnNames.size();
        final List> newColumns = new ArrayList<>(newColumnsLen);

        for (int i = 0; i < newColumnsLen; i++) {
            newColumns.add(new ArrayList<>(size()));

        final List column = _columnList.get(columnIndex);

        for (Object val : column) {
            final List newVals = divideFunc2.apply(val);

            for (int i = 0; i < newColumnsLen; i++) {

        _columnNameList.addAll(columnIndex, newColumnNames);

        _columnList.addAll(columnIndex, newColumns);

        _columnIndexMap = null;
        _columnIndexes = null;


    public  void divideColumn(final String columnName, Collection newColumnNames, Try.BiConsumer output)
            throws E {

        final int columnIndex = this.checkColumnName(columnName);

        if (N.isNullOrEmpty(newColumnNames)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("New column names can't be null or empty.");

        if (N.disjoint(_columnNameList, newColumnNames) == false) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Column names: " + N.intersection(_columnNameList, newColumnNames) + " already are included in this data set.");

        final Try.BiConsumer output2 = (Try.BiConsumer) output;
        final int newColumnsLen = newColumnNames.size();
        final List> newColumns = new ArrayList<>(newColumnsLen);

        for (int i = 0; i < newColumnsLen; i++) {
            newColumns.add(new ArrayList<>(size()));

        final List column = _columnList.get(columnIndex);
        final Object[] tmp = new Object[newColumnsLen];

        for (Object val : column) {
            output2.accept(val, tmp);

            for (int i = 0; i < newColumnsLen; i++) {

        _columnNameList.addAll(columnIndex, newColumnNames);

        _columnList.addAll(columnIndex, newColumns);

        _columnIndexMap = null;
        _columnIndexes = null;


    public  void divideColumn(final String columnName, final Tuple2 newColumnNames,
            final Try.BiConsumer, E> output) throws E {

        final int columnIndex = this.checkColumnName(columnName);

        final Try.BiConsumer, E> output2 = (Try.BiConsumer) output;
        final List newColumn1 = new ArrayList<>(size());
        final List newColumn2 = new ArrayList<>(size());

        final List column = _columnList.get(columnIndex);
        final Pair tmp = new Pair<>();

        for (Object val : column) {
            output2.accept(val, tmp);


        _columnNameList.addAll(columnIndex, Arrays.asList(newColumnNames._1, newColumnNames._2));

        _columnList.addAll(columnIndex, Arrays.asList(newColumn1, newColumn2));

        _columnIndexMap = null;
        _columnIndexes = null;


    public  void divideColumn(final String columnName, final Tuple3 newColumnNames,
            final Try.BiConsumer, E> output) throws E {

        final int columnIndex = this.checkColumnName(columnName);

        final Try.BiConsumer, E> output2 = (Try.BiConsumer) output;
        final List newColumn1 = new ArrayList<>(size());
        final List newColumn2 = new ArrayList<>(size());
        final List newColumn3 = new ArrayList<>(size());

        final List column = _columnList.get(columnIndex);
        final Triple tmp = new Triple<>();

        for (Object val : column) {
            output2.accept(val, tmp);


        _columnNameList.addAll(columnIndex, Arrays.asList(newColumnNames._1, newColumnNames._2, newColumnNames._3));

        _columnList.addAll(columnIndex, Arrays.asList(newColumn1, newColumn2, newColumn3));

        _columnIndexMap = null;
        _columnIndexes = null;


    public void addRow(final Object row) {
        addRow(size(), row);

    public void addRow(final int rowIndex, final Object row) {

        if ((rowIndex < 0) || (rowIndex > size())) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid row index: " + rowIndex + ". It must be >= 0 and <= " + size());

        final Class rowClass = row.getClass();
        final Type rowType = N.typeOf(rowClass);

        if (rowType.isObjectArray()) {
            final Object[] a = (Object[]) row;

            if (a.length < this._columnNameList.size()) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "The size of array (" + a.length + ") is less than the size of column (" + this._columnNameList.size() + ")");

            if (rowIndex == size()) {
                for (int i = 0, len = this._columnNameList.size(); i < len; i++) {
            } else {
                for (int i = 0, len = this._columnNameList.size(); i < len; i++) {
                    _columnList.get(i).add(rowIndex, a[i]);
        } else if (rowType.isCollection()) {
            final Collection c = (Collection) row;

            if (c.size() < this._columnNameList.size()) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "The size of collection (" + c.size() + ") is less than the size of column (" + this._columnNameList.size() + ")");

            final Iterator it = c.iterator();

            if (rowIndex == size()) {
                for (int i = 0, len = this._columnNameList.size(); i < len; i++) {
            } else {
                for (int i = 0, len = this._columnNameList.size(); i < len; i++) {
        } else if (rowType.isMap()) {
            final Map map = (Map) row;
            final Object[] a = new Object[this._columnNameList.size()];

            int idx = 0;
            for (String columnName : this._columnNameList) {
                a[idx] = map.get(columnName);

                if (a[idx] == null && map.containsKey(columnName) == false) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Column (" + columnName + ") is not found in map (" + map.keySet() + ")");


            if (rowIndex == size()) {
                for (int i = 0, len = this._columnNameList.size(); i < len; i++) {
            } else {
                for (int i = 0, len = this._columnNameList.size(); i < len; i++) {
                    _columnList.get(i).add(rowIndex, a[i]);
        } else if (rowType.isEntity()) {
            final Object[] a = new Object[this._columnNameList.size()];
            Method propGetMethod = null;
            int idx = 0;

            for (String columnName : this._columnNameList) {
                propGetMethod = ClassUtil.getPropGetMethod(rowClass, columnName);

                if (propGetMethod == null) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Column (" + columnName + ") is not found in entity (" + rowClass + ")");

                a[idx++] = ClassUtil.getPropValue(row, propGetMethod);

            if (rowIndex == size()) {
                for (int i = 0, len = this._columnNameList.size(); i < len; i++) {
            } else {
                for (int i = 0, len = this._columnNameList.size(); i < len; i++) {
                    _columnList.get(i).add(rowIndex, a[i]);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Unsupported row type: " + ClassUtil.getCanonicalClassName(rowClass) + ". Only Array, List/Set, Map and entity class are supported");


    public void removeRow(final int rowIndex) {


        for (int i = 0, len = this._columnList.size(); i < len; i++) {


    public final void removeRows(int... indices) {

        for (int rowIndex : indices) {

        for (int i = 0, len = this._columnList.size(); i < len; i++) {
            N.deleteAll(_columnList.get(i), indices);


    public void removeRowRange(int inclusiveFromRowIndex, int exclusiveToRowIndex) {

        this.checkRowIndex(inclusiveFromRowIndex, exclusiveToRowIndex);

        for (int i = 0, len = this._columnList.size(); i < len; i++) {
            _columnList.get(i).subList(inclusiveFromRowIndex, exclusiveToRowIndex).clear();


    public  void updateRow(int rowIndex, Try.Function func) throws E {


        final Try.Function func2 = (Try.Function) func;

        for (List column : _columnList) {
            column.set(rowIndex, func2.apply(column.get(rowIndex)));


    public  void updateRows(int[] indices, Try.Function func) throws E {

        for (int rowIndex : indices) {

        final Try.Function func2 = (Try.Function) func;

        for (List column : _columnList) {
            for (int rowIndex : indices) {
                column.set(rowIndex, func2.apply(column.get(rowIndex)));


    public  void updateAll(Try.Function func) throws E {

        final Try.Function func2 = (Try.Function) func;
        final int size = size();

        for (List column : _columnList) {
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                column.set(i, func2.apply(column.get(i)));


    public  void replaceIf(Try.Predicate predicate, Object newValue) throws E {

        final Try.Predicate Predicate2 = (Try.Predicate) predicate;
        final int size = size();
        Object val = null;

        for (List column : _columnList) {
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                val = column.get(i);

                column.set(i, Predicate2.test(val) ? newValue : val);


    public int currentRowNum() {
        return _currentRowNum;

    public DataSet absolute(final int rowNum) {

        _currentRowNum = rowNum;

        return this;

    public Object[] getRow(final int rowNum) {
        return getRow(Object[].class, rowNum);

    public  T getRow(final Class rowClass, final int rowNum) {
        return getRow(rowClass, _columnNameList, rowNum);

    public  T getRow(final Class rowClass, final Collection columnNames, final int rowNum) {

        final Type rowType = N.typeOf(rowClass);
        final boolean isAbstractRowClass = Modifier.isAbstract(rowClass.getModifiers());
        final Constructor intConstructor = isAbstractRowClass ? null : ClassUtil.getDeclaredConstructor(rowClass, int.class);
        final Constructor constructor = isAbstractRowClass ? null : ClassUtil.getDeclaredConstructor(rowClass);
        final int columnCount = columnNames.size();

        Object result = null;
        if (rowType.isObjectArray()) {
            result = N.newArray(rowClass.getComponentType(), columnCount);

        } else if (rowType.isList() || rowType.isSet()) {
            if (isAbstractRowClass) {
                result = (rowType.isList() ? new ArrayList<>(columnCount) : new HashSet<>(N.initHashCapacity(columnCount)));
            } else {
                if (intConstructor == null) {
                    result = ClassUtil.invokeConstructor(constructor);
                } else {
                    result = ClassUtil.invokeConstructor(intConstructor, columnCount);

        } else if (rowType.isMap()) {
            if (isAbstractRowClass) {
                result = new HashMap<>(N.initHashCapacity(columnCount));
            } else {
                if (intConstructor == null) {
                    result = ClassUtil.invokeConstructor(constructor);
                } else {
                    result = ClassUtil.invokeConstructor(intConstructor, N.initHashCapacity(columnCount));
        } else if (rowType.isEntity()) {
            result = N.newInstance(rowClass);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Unsupported row type: " + ClassUtil.getCanonicalClassName(rowClass) + ". Only Array, List/Set, Map and entity class are supported");

        getRow(rowType, result, checkColumnName(columnNames), columnNames, rowNum);

        return (T) result;

    public  T getRow(IntFunction rowSupplier, int rowNum) {
        return getRow(rowSupplier, _columnNameList, rowNum);

    public  T getRow(IntFunction rowSupplier, Collection columnNames, int rowNum) {

        final T row = rowSupplier.apply(columnNames.size());

        getRow(N.typeOf(row.getClass()), row, checkColumnName(columnNames), columnNames, rowNum);

        return row;

    public Optional firstRow() {
        return firstRow(Object[].class);

    public  Optional firstRow(final Class rowClass) {
        return firstRow(rowClass, _columnNameList);

    public  Optional firstRow(final Class rowClass, final Collection columnNames) {
        return size() == 0 ? (Optional) Optional.empty() : Optional.of(getRow(rowClass, columnNames, 0));

    public  Optional firstRow(IntFunction rowSupplier) {
        return firstRow(rowSupplier, _columnNameList);

    public  Optional firstRow(IntFunction rowSupplier, Collection columnNames) {
        if (size() == 0) {
            return Optional.empty();

        final T row = rowSupplier.apply(columnNames.size());

        getRow(N.typeOf(row.getClass()), row, checkColumnName(columnNames), columnNames, 0);

        return Optional.of(row);

    public Optional lastRow() {
        return lastRow(Object[].class);

    public  Optional lastRow(final Class rowClass) {
        return lastRow(rowClass, _columnNameList);

    public  Optional lastRow(final Class rowClass, final Collection columnNames) {
        return size() == 0 ? (Optional) Optional.empty() : Optional.of(getRow(rowClass, columnNames, size() - 1));

    private void getRow(final Type rowType, final Object output, int[] columnIndexes, final Collection columnNames, final int rowNum) {

        if (columnIndexes == null) {
            columnIndexes = checkColumnName(columnNames);

        final int columnCount = columnIndexes.length;

        if (rowType.isObjectArray()) {
            final Object[] result = (Object[]) output;

            for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
                result[i] = _columnList.get(columnIndexes[i]).get(rowNum);
        } else if (rowType.isCollection()) {
            final Collection result = (Collection) output;

            for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {

        } else if (rowType.isMap()) {
            final Map result = (Map) output;

            for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
                result.put(_columnNameList.get(columnIndexes[i]), _columnList.get(columnIndexes[i]).get(rowNum));

        } else if (rowType.isEntity()) {
            final boolean ignoreUnknownProperty = columnNames == _columnNameList;
            Object result = output;
            String propName = null;
            Object propValue = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
                propName = _columnNameList.get(columnIndexes[i]);
                propValue = _columnList.get(columnIndexes[i]).get(rowNum);

                ClassUtil.setPropValue(result, propName, propValue, ignoreUnknownProperty);

            if (result instanceof DirtyMarker) {
                ((DirtyMarker) result).markDirty(false);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Unsupported row type: " + rowType.clazz().getCanonicalName() + ". Only Array, Collection, Map and entity class are supported");

    public  Optional lastRow(IntFunction rowSupplier) {
        return lastRow(rowSupplier, _columnNameList);

    public  Optional lastRow(IntFunction rowSupplier, Collection columnNames) {
        if (size() == 0) {
            return Optional.empty();

        final T row = rowSupplier.apply(columnNames.size());

        getRow(N.typeOf(row.getClass()), row, checkColumnName(columnNames), columnNames, size() - 1);

        return Optional.of(row);

    public  BiIterator iterator(final String columnNameA, final String columnNameB) {
        return iterator(columnNameA, columnNameB, 0, size());

    public  BiIterator iterator(final String columnNameA, final String columnNameB, final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex) {
        this.checkRowIndex(fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);
        final List columnA = _columnList.get(checkColumnName(columnNameA));
        final List columnB = _columnList.get(checkColumnName(columnNameB));

        final IndexedConsumer> output = new IndexedConsumer>() {
            private final int expectedModCount = modCount;

            public void accept(int rowIndex, Pair output) {
                if (modCount != expectedModCount) {
                    throw new ConcurrentModificationException();

                output.set((A) columnA.get(rowIndex), (B) columnB.get(rowIndex));

        return BiIterator.generate(fromRowIndex, toRowIndex, output);

    public  TriIterator iterator(final String columnNameA, final String columnNameB, final String columnNameC) {
        return iterator(columnNameA, columnNameB, columnNameC, 0, size());

    public  TriIterator iterator(final String columnNameA, final String columnNameB, final String columnNameC, final int fromRowIndex,
            final int toRowIndex) {
        this.checkRowIndex(fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);
        final List columnA = _columnList.get(checkColumnName(columnNameA));
        final List columnB = _columnList.get(checkColumnName(columnNameB));
        final List columnC = _columnList.get(checkColumnName(columnNameC));

        final IndexedConsumer> output = new IndexedConsumer>() {
            private final int expectedModCount = modCount;

            public void accept(int rowIndex, Triple output) {
                if (modCount != expectedModCount) {
                    throw new ConcurrentModificationException();

                output.set((A) columnA.get(rowIndex), (B) columnB.get(rowIndex), (C) columnC.get(rowIndex));

        return TriIterator.generate(fromRowIndex, toRowIndex, output);

    public  void forEach(final Try.Consumer action) throws E {
        forEach(this._columnNameList, action);

    public  void forEach(final Collection columnNames, final Try.Consumer action) throws E {
        forEach(columnNames, 0, size(), action);

    public  void forEach(final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex, final Try.Consumer action) throws E {
        forEach(this._columnNameList, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex, action);

    public  void forEach(final Collection columnNames, final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex,
            final Try.Consumer action) throws E {
        final int[] columnIndexes = checkColumnName(columnNames);
        checkRowIndex(fromRowIndex < toRowIndex ? fromRowIndex : (toRowIndex == -1 ? 0 : toRowIndex), fromRowIndex < toRowIndex ? toRowIndex : fromRowIndex);

        if (size() == 0) {

        final int columnCount = columnIndexes.length;
        final Object[] row = new Object[columnCount];
        final DisposableObjArray disposableArray = DisposableObjArray.wrap(row);

        if (fromRowIndex <= toRowIndex) {
            for (int rowIndex = fromRowIndex; rowIndex < toRowIndex; rowIndex++) {
                for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
                    row[i] = _columnList.get(columnIndexes[i]).get(rowIndex);

        } else {
            for (int rowIndex = N.min(size() - 1, fromRowIndex); rowIndex > toRowIndex; rowIndex--) {
                for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
                    row[i] = _columnList.get(columnIndexes[i]).get(rowIndex);


    public  void forEach(Tuple2 columnNames, Try.BiConsumer action) throws E {
        forEach(columnNames, 0, size(), action);

    public  void forEach(Tuple2 columnNames, int fromRowIndex, int toRowIndex, Try.BiConsumer action) throws E {
        final List column1 = _columnList.get(checkColumnName(columnNames._1));
        final List column2 = _columnList.get(checkColumnName(columnNames._2));

        checkRowIndex(fromRowIndex < toRowIndex ? fromRowIndex : (toRowIndex == -1 ? 0 : toRowIndex), fromRowIndex < toRowIndex ? toRowIndex : fromRowIndex);

        if (size() == 0) {

        final Try.BiConsumer action2 = (Try.BiConsumer) action;

        if (fromRowIndex <= toRowIndex) {
            for (int rowIndex = fromRowIndex; rowIndex < toRowIndex; rowIndex++) {
                action2.accept(column1.get(rowIndex), column2.get(rowIndex));
        } else {
            for (int rowIndex = N.min(size() - 1, fromRowIndex); rowIndex > toRowIndex; rowIndex--) {
                action2.accept(column1.get(rowIndex), column2.get(rowIndex));

    public  void forEach(Tuple3 columnNames, TriConsumer action) throws E {
        forEach(columnNames, 0, size(), action);

    public  void forEach(Tuple3 columnNames, int fromRowIndex, int toRowIndex, TriConsumer action)
            throws E {
        final List column1 = _columnList.get(checkColumnName(columnNames._1));
        final List column2 = _columnList.get(checkColumnName(columnNames._2));
        final List column3 = _columnList.get(checkColumnName(columnNames._3));

        checkRowIndex(fromRowIndex < toRowIndex ? fromRowIndex : (toRowIndex == -1 ? 0 : toRowIndex), fromRowIndex < toRowIndex ? toRowIndex : fromRowIndex);

        if (size() == 0) {

        final Try.TriConsumer action2 = (Try.TriConsumer) action;

        if (fromRowIndex <= toRowIndex) {
            for (int rowIndex = fromRowIndex; rowIndex < toRowIndex; rowIndex++) {
                action2.accept(column1.get(rowIndex), column2.get(rowIndex), column3.get(rowIndex));
        } else {
            for (int rowIndex = N.min(size() - 1, fromRowIndex); rowIndex > toRowIndex; rowIndex--) {
                action2.accept(column1.get(rowIndex), column2.get(rowIndex), column3.get(rowIndex));

    public List toList() {
        return toList(Object[].class);

    public List toList(final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex) {
        return toList(Object[].class, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);

    public  List toList(final Class rowClass) {
        return toList(rowClass, 0, size());

    public  List toList(final Class rowClass, final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex) {
        return toList(rowClass, this._columnNameList, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);

    public  List toList(final Class rowClass, final Collection columnNames) {
        return toList(rowClass, columnNames, 0, size());

    @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "deprecation" })
    public  List toList(final Class rowClass, final Collection columnNames, final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex) {
        checkRowIndex(fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);

        final List rowList = new ArrayList<>(toRowIndex - fromRowIndex);
        final int[] columnIndexes = checkColumnName(columnNames);
        final int columnCount = columnIndexes.length;

        if (fromRowIndex == toRowIndex) {
            return (List) rowList;

        final Type rowType = N.typeOf(rowClass);

        if (rowType.isObjectArray()) {
            final Class componentType = rowClass.getComponentType();
            Object[] row = null;

            for (int rowIndex = fromRowIndex; rowIndex < toRowIndex; rowIndex++) {
                row = N.newArray(componentType, columnCount);

                for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
                    row[i] = _columnList.get(columnIndexes[i]).get(rowIndex);

        } else if (rowType.isList() || rowType.isSet()) {
            final boolean isAbstractRowClass = Modifier.isAbstract(rowClass.getModifiers());
            final Constructor intConstructor = isAbstractRowClass ? null : ClassUtil.getDeclaredConstructor(rowClass, int.class);
            final Constructor constructor = isAbstractRowClass ? null : ClassUtil.getDeclaredConstructor(rowClass);

            Collection row = null;

            for (int rowIndex = fromRowIndex; rowIndex < toRowIndex; rowIndex++) {
                row = (Collection) (isAbstractRowClass
                        ? (rowType.isList() ? new ArrayList<>(columnCount) : new HashSet<>(N.initHashCapacity(columnCount)))
                        : ((intConstructor == null) ? ClassUtil.invokeConstructor(constructor) : ClassUtil.invokeConstructor(intConstructor, columnCount)));

                for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {

        } else if (rowType.isMap()) {
            final String[] mapKeyNames = new String[columnCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
                mapKeyNames[i] = _columnNameList.get(columnIndexes[i]);

            final boolean isAbstractRowClass = Modifier.isAbstract(rowClass.getModifiers());
            final Constructor intConstructor = isAbstractRowClass ? null : ClassUtil.getDeclaredConstructor(rowClass, int.class);
            final Constructor constructor = isAbstractRowClass ? null : ClassUtil.getDeclaredConstructor(rowClass);

            Map row = null;

            for (int rowIndex = fromRowIndex; rowIndex < toRowIndex; rowIndex++) {
                row = (Map) (isAbstractRowClass ? new HashMap<>(N.initHashCapacity(columnCount))
                        : (intConstructor == null ? ClassUtil.invokeConstructor(constructor)
                                : ClassUtil.invokeConstructor(intConstructor, N.initHashCapacity(columnCount))));

                for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
                    row.put(mapKeyNames[i], _columnList.get(columnIndexes[i]).get(rowIndex));

        } else if (rowType.isEntity()) {
            for (int rowNum = fromRowIndex; rowNum < toRowIndex; rowNum++) {

            final boolean ignoreUnknownProperty = columnNames == _columnNameList;
            String propName = null;
            Method method = null;

            for (int columnIndex : columnIndexes) {
                propName = _columnNameList.get(columnIndexes[columnIndex]);
                method = ClassUtil.getPropSetMethod(rowClass, propName);

                if (method == null) {
                    method = ClassUtil.getPropGetMethod(rowClass, propName);

                    if (method != null) {
                        for (int rowIndex = fromRowIndex; rowIndex < toRowIndex; rowIndex++) {
                            ClassUtil.setPropValueByGet(rowList.get(rowIndex - fromRowIndex), method, _columnList.get(columnIndex).get(rowIndex));
                    } else {
                        for (int rowIndex = fromRowIndex; rowIndex < toRowIndex; rowIndex++) {
                            if (ClassUtil.setPropValue(rowList.get(rowIndex - fromRowIndex), propName, _columnList.get(columnIndex).get(rowIndex),
                                    ignoreUnknownProperty) == false) {
                } else {
                    for (int rowIndex = fromRowIndex; rowIndex < toRowIndex; rowIndex++) {
                        ClassUtil.setPropValue(rowList.get(rowIndex - fromRowIndex), method, _columnList.get(columnIndex).get(rowIndex));

            if ((rowList.size() > 0) && rowList.get(0) instanceof DirtyMarker) {
                for (Object e : rowList) {
                    ((DirtyMarker) e).markDirty(false);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Unsupported row type: " + ClassUtil.getCanonicalClassName(rowClass) + ". Only Array, List/Set, Map and entity class are supported");

        return (List) rowList;

    public  List toList(IntFunction rowSupplier) {
        return toList(rowSupplier, this._columnNameList);

    public  List toList(IntFunction rowSupplier, int fromRowIndex, int toRowIndex) {
        return toList(rowSupplier, this._columnNameList, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);

    public  List toList(IntFunction rowSupplier, Collection columnNames) {
        return toList(rowSupplier, columnNames, 0, size());

    public  List toList(IntFunction rowSupplier, Collection columnNames, int fromRowIndex, int toRowIndex) {
        checkRowIndex(fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);

        final List rowList = new ArrayList<>(toRowIndex - fromRowIndex);
        final int[] columnIndexes = checkColumnName(columnNames);
        final int columnCount = columnIndexes.length;

        if (fromRowIndex == toRowIndex) {
            return (List) rowList;

        final Class rowClass = (Class) rowSupplier.apply(0).getClass();
        final Type rowType = N.typeOf(rowClass);

        if (rowType.isObjectArray()) {
            Object[] row = null;

            for (int rowIndex = fromRowIndex; rowIndex < toRowIndex; rowIndex++) {
                row = (Object[]) rowSupplier.apply(columnCount);

                for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
                    row[i] = _columnList.get(columnIndexes[i]).get(rowIndex);

        } else if (rowType.isList() || rowType.isSet()) {
            Collection row = null;

            for (int rowIndex = fromRowIndex; rowIndex < toRowIndex; rowIndex++) {
                row = (Collection) rowSupplier.apply(columnCount);

                for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {

        } else if (rowType.isMap()) {
            final String[] mapKeyNames = new String[columnCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
                mapKeyNames[i] = _columnNameList.get(columnIndexes[i]);

            Map row = null;

            for (int rowIndex = fromRowIndex; rowIndex < toRowIndex; rowIndex++) {
                row = (Map) rowSupplier.apply(columnCount);

                for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
                    row.put(mapKeyNames[i], _columnList.get(columnIndexes[i]).get(rowIndex));

        } else if (rowType.isEntity()) {
            for (int rowNum = fromRowIndex; rowNum < toRowIndex; rowNum++) {

            final boolean ignoreUnknownProperty = columnNames == _columnNameList;
            String propName = null;
            Method method = null;

            for (int columnIndex : columnIndexes) {
                propName = _columnNameList.get(columnIndexes[columnIndex]);
                method = ClassUtil.getPropSetMethod(rowClass, propName);

                if (method == null) {
                    method = ClassUtil.getPropGetMethod(rowClass, propName);

                    if (method != null) {
                        for (int rowIndex = fromRowIndex; rowIndex < toRowIndex; rowIndex++) {
                            ClassUtil.setPropValueByGet(rowList.get(rowIndex - fromRowIndex), method, _columnList.get(columnIndex).get(rowIndex));
                    } else {
                        for (int rowIndex = fromRowIndex; rowIndex < toRowIndex; rowIndex++) {
                            if (ClassUtil.setPropValue(rowList.get(rowIndex - fromRowIndex), propName, _columnList.get(columnIndex).get(rowIndex),
                                    ignoreUnknownProperty) == false) {
                } else {
                    for (int rowIndex = fromRowIndex; rowIndex < toRowIndex; rowIndex++) {
                        ClassUtil.setPropValue(rowList.get(rowIndex - fromRowIndex), method, _columnList.get(columnIndex).get(rowIndex));

            if ((rowList.size() > 0) && rowList.get(0) instanceof DirtyMarker) {
                for (Object e : rowList) {
                    ((DirtyMarker) e).markDirty(false);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Unsupported row type: " + ClassUtil.getCanonicalClassName(rowClass) + ". Only Array, List/Set, Map and entity class are supported");

        return (List) rowList;

    public  Map toMap(final String keyColumnName, final String valueColumnName) {
        return toMap(keyColumnName, valueColumnName, 0, size());

    public  Map toMap(final String keyColumnName, final String valueColumnName, final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex) {
        return toMap(keyColumnName, valueColumnName, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex, new IntFunction>() {
            public Map apply(int len) {
                return new LinkedHashMap<>(N.initHashCapacity(len));

    public > M toMap(String keyColumnName, String valueColumnName, int fromRowIndex, int toRowIndex,
            IntFunction supplier) {
        checkRowIndex(fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);

        final int keyColumnIndex = checkColumnName(keyColumnName);
        final int valueColumnIndex = checkColumnName(valueColumnName);

        final M resultMap = supplier.apply(toRowIndex - fromRowIndex);

        for (int rowIndex = fromRowIndex; rowIndex < toRowIndex; rowIndex++) {
            resultMap.put((K) _columnList.get(keyColumnIndex).get(rowIndex), (V) _columnList.get(valueColumnIndex).get(rowIndex));

        return resultMap;

    public  Map toMap(final Class rowClass, final String keyColumnName, final Collection valueColumnNames) {
        return toMap(rowClass, keyColumnName, valueColumnNames, 0, size());

    public  Map toMap(final Class rowClass, final String keyColumnName, final Collection valueColumnNames,
            final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex) {
        return toMap(rowClass, keyColumnName, valueColumnNames, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex, new IntFunction>() {
            public Map apply(int len) {
                return new LinkedHashMap<>(N.initHashCapacity(len));

    public > M toMap(Class rowClass, String keyColumnName, Collection valueColumnNames, int fromRowIndex,
            int toRowIndex, IntFunction supplier) {
        checkRowIndex(fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);

        final int keyColumnIndex = checkColumnName(keyColumnName);
        final int[] valueColumnIndexes = checkColumnName(valueColumnNames);

        final Type valueType = N.typeOf(rowClass);
        final int valueColumnCount = valueColumnIndexes.length;
        final Map resultMap = (Map) supplier.apply(toRowIndex - fromRowIndex);

        if (valueType.isObjectArray()) {
            Object[] value = null;

            for (int rowIndex = fromRowIndex; rowIndex < toRowIndex; rowIndex++) {
                value = N.newArray(rowClass.getComponentType(), valueColumnCount);

                for (int i = 0; i < valueColumnCount; i++) {
                    value[i] = _columnList.get(valueColumnIndexes[i]).get(rowIndex);

                resultMap.put(_columnList.get(keyColumnIndex).get(rowIndex), value);
        } else if (valueType.isList() || valueType.isSet()) {
            final boolean isAbstractRowClass = Modifier.isAbstract(rowClass.getModifiers());
            final Constructor intConstructor = isAbstractRowClass ? null : ClassUtil.getDeclaredConstructor(rowClass, int.class);
            final Constructor constructor = isAbstractRowClass ? null : ClassUtil.getDeclaredConstructor(rowClass);
            Collection value = null;

            for (int rowIndex = fromRowIndex; rowIndex < toRowIndex; rowIndex++) {
                value = (Collection) (isAbstractRowClass
                        ? (valueType.isList() ? new ArrayList<>(valueColumnCount) : new HashSet<>(N.initHashCapacity(valueColumnCount)))
                        : ((intConstructor == null) ? ClassUtil.invokeConstructor(constructor)
                                : ClassUtil.invokeConstructor(intConstructor, valueColumnCount)));

                for (int columIndex : valueColumnIndexes) {

                resultMap.put(_columnList.get(keyColumnIndex).get(rowIndex), value);
        } else if (valueType.isMap()) {
            final boolean isAbstractRowClass = Modifier.isAbstract(rowClass.getModifiers());
            final Constructor intConstructor = isAbstractRowClass ? null : ClassUtil.getDeclaredConstructor(rowClass, int.class);
            final Constructor constructor = isAbstractRowClass ? null : ClassUtil.getDeclaredConstructor(rowClass);
            Map value = null;

            for (int rowIndex = fromRowIndex; rowIndex < toRowIndex; rowIndex++) {
                value = (Map) (isAbstractRowClass ? new HashMap<>(N.initHashCapacity(valueColumnCount))
                        : (intConstructor == null ? ClassUtil.invokeConstructor(constructor)
                                : ClassUtil.invokeConstructor(intConstructor, N.initHashCapacity(valueColumnCount))));

                for (int columIndex : valueColumnIndexes) {
                    value.put(_columnNameList.get(columIndex), _columnList.get(columIndex).get(rowIndex));

                resultMap.put(_columnList.get(keyColumnIndex).get(rowIndex), value);
        } else if (valueType.isEntity()) {
            final boolean ignoreUnknownProperty = valueColumnNames == _columnNameList;
            final boolean isDirtyMarker = ClassUtil.isDirtyMarker(rowClass);
            Object value = null;
            String propName = null;

            for (int rowIndex = fromRowIndex; rowIndex < toRowIndex; rowIndex++) {
                value = N.newInstance(rowClass);

                for (int columIndex : valueColumnIndexes) {
                    propName = _columnNameList.get(columIndex);

                    ClassUtil.setPropValue(value, propName, _columnList.get(columIndex).get(rowIndex), ignoreUnknownProperty);

                if (isDirtyMarker) {
                    ((DirtyMarker) value).markDirty(false);

                resultMap.put(_columnList.get(keyColumnIndex).get(rowIndex), value);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Unsupported row type: " + rowClass.getCanonicalName() + ". Only Array, List/Set, Map and entity class are supported");

        return (M) resultMap;

    public  Map toMap(IntFunction rowSupplier, String keyColumnName, Collection valueColumnNames) {
        return toMap(rowSupplier, keyColumnName, valueColumnNames, 0, size());

    public  Map toMap(IntFunction rowSupplier, String keyColumnName, Collection valueColumnNames, int fromRowIndex,
            int toRowIndex) {
        return toMap(rowSupplier, keyColumnName, valueColumnNames, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex, new IntFunction>() {
            public Map apply(int len) {
                return new LinkedHashMap<>(N.initHashCapacity(len));

    public > M toMap(IntFunction rowSupplier, String keyColumnName, Collection valueColumnNames,
            int fromRowIndex, int toRowIndex, IntFunction supplier) {
        checkRowIndex(fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);

        final int keyColumnIndex = checkColumnName(keyColumnName);
        final int[] valueColumnIndexes = checkColumnName(valueColumnNames);

        final Class rowClass = (Class) rowSupplier.apply(0).getClass();
        final Type valueType = N.typeOf(rowClass);
        final int valueColumnCount = valueColumnIndexes.length;
        final Map resultMap = (Map) supplier.apply(toRowIndex - fromRowIndex);

        if (valueType.isObjectArray()) {
            Object[] value = null;

            for (int rowIndex = fromRowIndex; rowIndex < toRowIndex; rowIndex++) {
                value = (Object[]) rowSupplier.apply(valueColumnCount);

                for (int i = 0; i < valueColumnCount; i++) {
                    value[i] = _columnList.get(valueColumnIndexes[i]).get(rowIndex);

                resultMap.put(_columnList.get(keyColumnIndex).get(rowIndex), value);
        } else if (valueType.isList() || valueType.isSet()) {
            Collection value = null;

            for (int rowIndex = fromRowIndex; rowIndex < toRowIndex; rowIndex++) {
                value = (Collection) rowSupplier.apply(valueColumnCount);

                for (int columIndex : valueColumnIndexes) {

                resultMap.put(_columnList.get(keyColumnIndex).get(rowIndex), value);
        } else if (valueType.isMap()) {
            Map value = null;

            for (int rowIndex = fromRowIndex; rowIndex < toRowIndex; rowIndex++) {
                value = (Map) rowSupplier.apply(valueColumnCount);

                for (int columIndex : valueColumnIndexes) {
                    value.put(_columnNameList.get(columIndex), _columnList.get(columIndex).get(rowIndex));

                resultMap.put(_columnList.get(keyColumnIndex).get(rowIndex), value);
        } else if (valueType.isEntity()) {
            final boolean ignoreUnknownProperty = valueColumnNames == _columnNameList;
            final boolean isDirtyMarker = ClassUtil.isDirtyMarker(rowClass);
            Object value = null;
            String propName = null;

            for (int rowIndex = fromRowIndex; rowIndex < toRowIndex; rowIndex++) {
                value = rowSupplier.apply(valueColumnCount);

                for (int columIndex : valueColumnIndexes) {
                    propName = _columnNameList.get(columIndex);

                    ClassUtil.setPropValue(value, propName, _columnList.get(columIndex).get(rowIndex), ignoreUnknownProperty);

                if (isDirtyMarker) {
                    ((DirtyMarker) value).markDirty(false);

                resultMap.put(_columnList.get(keyColumnIndex).get(rowIndex), value);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Unsupported row type: " + rowClass.getCanonicalName() + ". Only Array, List/Set, Map and entity class are supported");

        return (M) resultMap;

    public  ListMultimap toMultimap(final String keyColumnName, final String valueColumnName) {
        return toMultimap(keyColumnName, valueColumnName, 0, size());

    public  ListMultimap toMultimap(final String keyColumnName, final String valueColumnName, final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex) {
        return toMultimap(keyColumnName, valueColumnName, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex, new IntFunction>() {
            public ListMultimap apply(int len) {
                return N.newListLinkedMultimap();

    public , M extends Multimap> M toMultimap(String keyColumnName, String valueColumnName, int fromRowIndex,
            int toRowIndex, IntFunction supplier) {
        checkRowIndex(fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);

        final M resultMap = supplier.apply(toRowIndex - fromRowIndex);

        final int keyColumnIndex = checkColumnName(keyColumnName);
        final int valueColumnIndex = checkColumnName(valueColumnName);

        for (int rowIndex = fromRowIndex; rowIndex < toRowIndex; rowIndex++) {
            resultMap.put((K) _columnList.get(keyColumnIndex).get(rowIndex), (E) _columnList.get(valueColumnIndex).get(rowIndex));

        return resultMap;

    public  ListMultimap toMultimap(final Class rowClass, final String keyColumnName, final Collection valueColumnNames) {
        return toMultimap(rowClass, keyColumnName, valueColumnNames, 0, size());

    public  ListMultimap toMultimap(final Class rowClass, final String keyColumnName, final Collection valueColumnNames,
            final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex) {
        return toMultimap(rowClass, keyColumnName, valueColumnNames, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex, new IntFunction>() {
            public ListMultimap apply(int len) {
                return N.newListLinkedMultimap();

    public , M extends Multimap> M toMultimap(Class rowClass, String keyColumnName,
            Collection valueColumnNames, int fromRowIndex, int toRowIndex, IntFunction supplier) {
        checkRowIndex(fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);

        final int keyColumnIndex = checkColumnName(keyColumnName);
        final int[] valueColumnIndexes = checkColumnName(valueColumnNames);

        final Type elementType = N.typeOf(rowClass);
        final int valueColumnCount = valueColumnIndexes.length;

        final M resultMap = supplier.apply(toRowIndex - fromRowIndex);

        if (elementType.isObjectArray()) {
            Object[] value = null;

            for (int rowIndex = fromRowIndex; rowIndex < toRowIndex; rowIndex++) {
                value = N.newArray(rowClass.getComponentType(), valueColumnCount);

                for (int i = 0; i < valueColumnCount; i++) {
                    value[i] = _columnList.get(valueColumnIndexes[i]).get(rowIndex);

                resultMap.put((K) _columnList.get(keyColumnIndex).get(rowIndex), (E) value);
        } else if (elementType.isList() || elementType.isSet()) {
            final boolean isAbstractRowClass = Modifier.isAbstract(rowClass.getModifiers());
            final Constructor intConstructor = isAbstractRowClass ? null : ClassUtil.getDeclaredConstructor(rowClass, int.class);
            final Constructor constructor = isAbstractRowClass ? null : ClassUtil.getDeclaredConstructor(rowClass);
            Collection value = null;

            for (int rowIndex = fromRowIndex; rowIndex < toRowIndex; rowIndex++) {
                value = (Collection) (isAbstractRowClass
                        ? (elementType.isList() ? new ArrayList<>(valueColumnCount) : new HashSet<>(N.initHashCapacity(valueColumnCount)))
                        : ((intConstructor == null) ? ClassUtil.invokeConstructor(constructor)
                                : ClassUtil.invokeConstructor(intConstructor, valueColumnCount)));

                for (int columIndex : valueColumnIndexes) {

                resultMap.put((K) _columnList.get(keyColumnIndex).get(rowIndex), (E) value);
        } else if (elementType.isMap()) {
            final boolean isAbstractRowClass = Modifier.isAbstract(rowClass.getModifiers());
            final Constructor intConstructor = isAbstractRowClass ? null : ClassUtil.getDeclaredConstructor(rowClass, int.class);
            final Constructor constructor = isAbstractRowClass ? null : ClassUtil.getDeclaredConstructor(rowClass);
            Map value = null;

            for (int rowIndex = fromRowIndex; rowIndex < toRowIndex; rowIndex++) {
                value = (Map) (isAbstractRowClass ? new HashMap<>(N.initHashCapacity(valueColumnCount))
                        : (intConstructor == null ? ClassUtil.invokeConstructor(constructor)
                                : ClassUtil.invokeConstructor(intConstructor, N.initHashCapacity(valueColumnCount))));

                for (int columIndex : valueColumnIndexes) {
                    value.put(_columnNameList.get(columIndex), _columnList.get(columIndex).get(rowIndex));

                resultMap.put((K) _columnList.get(keyColumnIndex).get(rowIndex), (E) value);
        } else if (elementType.isEntity()) {
            final boolean ignoreUnknownProperty = valueColumnNames == _columnNameList;
            final boolean isDirtyMarker = ClassUtil.isDirtyMarker(rowClass);
            Object value = null;
            String propName = null;

            for (int rowIndex = fromRowIndex; rowIndex < toRowIndex; rowIndex++) {
                value = N.newInstance(rowClass);

                for (int columIndex : valueColumnIndexes) {
                    propName = _columnNameList.get(columIndex);

                    ClassUtil.setPropValue(value, propName, _columnList.get(columIndex).get(rowIndex), ignoreUnknownProperty);

                if (isDirtyMarker) {
                    ((DirtyMarker) value).markDirty(false);

                resultMap.put((K) _columnList.get(keyColumnIndex).get(rowIndex), (E) value);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Unsupported row type: " + rowClass.getCanonicalName() + ". Only Array, List/Set, Map and entity class are supported");

        return resultMap;

    public  ListMultimap toMultimap(IntFunction rowSupplier, String keyColumnName, Collection valueColumnNames) {
        return toMultimap(rowSupplier, keyColumnName, valueColumnNames, 0, size());

    public  ListMultimap toMultimap(IntFunction rowSupplier, String keyColumnName, Collection valueColumnNames,
            int fromRowIndex, int toRowIndex) {
        return toMultimap(rowSupplier, keyColumnName, valueColumnNames, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex, new IntFunction>() {
            public ListMultimap apply(int len) {
                return N.newListLinkedMultimap();

    public , M extends Multimap> M toMultimap(IntFunction rowSupplier, String keyColumnName,
            Collection valueColumnNames, int fromRowIndex, int toRowIndex, IntFunction supplier) {
        checkRowIndex(fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);

        final int keyColumnIndex = checkColumnName(keyColumnName);
        final int[] valueColumnIndexes = checkColumnName(valueColumnNames);

        final Class rowClass = rowSupplier.apply(0).getClass();
        final Type elementType = N.typeOf(rowClass);
        final int valueColumnCount = valueColumnIndexes.length;

        final M resultMap = supplier.apply(toRowIndex - fromRowIndex);

        if (elementType.isObjectArray()) {
            Object[] value = null;

            for (int rowIndex = fromRowIndex; rowIndex < toRowIndex; rowIndex++) {
                value = (Object[]) rowSupplier.apply(valueColumnCount);

                for (int i = 0; i < valueColumnCount; i++) {
                    value[i] = _columnList.get(valueColumnIndexes[i]).get(rowIndex);

                resultMap.put((K) _columnList.get(keyColumnIndex).get(rowIndex), (E) value);
        } else if (elementType.isList() || elementType.isSet()) {
            Collection value = null;

            for (int rowIndex = fromRowIndex; rowIndex < toRowIndex; rowIndex++) {
                value = (Collection) rowSupplier.apply(valueColumnCount);

                for (int columIndex : valueColumnIndexes) {

                resultMap.put((K) _columnList.get(keyColumnIndex).get(rowIndex), (E) value);
        } else if (elementType.isMap()) {
            Map value = null;

            for (int rowIndex = fromRowIndex; rowIndex < toRowIndex; rowIndex++) {
                value = (Map) rowSupplier.apply(valueColumnCount);

                for (int columIndex : valueColumnIndexes) {
                    value.put(_columnNameList.get(columIndex), _columnList.get(columIndex).get(rowIndex));

                resultMap.put((K) _columnList.get(keyColumnIndex).get(rowIndex), (E) value);
        } else if (elementType.isEntity()) {
            final boolean ignoreUnknownProperty = valueColumnNames == _columnNameList;
            final boolean isDirtyMarker = ClassUtil.isDirtyMarker(rowClass);
            Object value = null;
            String propName = null;

            for (int rowIndex = fromRowIndex; rowIndex < toRowIndex; rowIndex++) {
                value = rowSupplier.apply(valueColumnCount);

                for (int columIndex : valueColumnIndexes) {
                    propName = _columnNameList.get(columIndex);

                    ClassUtil.setPropValue(value, propName, _columnList.get(columIndex).get(rowIndex), ignoreUnknownProperty);

                if (isDirtyMarker) {
                    ((DirtyMarker) value).markDirty(false);

                resultMap.put((K) _columnList.get(keyColumnIndex).get(rowIndex), (E) value);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Unsupported row type: " + rowClass.getCanonicalName() + ". Only Array, List/Set, Map and entity class are supported");

        return resultMap;

    public String toJSON() {
        return toJSON(0, size());

    public String toJSON(final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex) {
        return toJSON(this._columnNameList, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);

    public String toJSON(final Collection columnNames, final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex) {
        final BufferedJSONWriter writer = Objectory.createBufferedJSONWriter();

        try {
            toJSON(writer, columnNames, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);

            return writer.toString();
        } finally {

    public void toJSON(final File out) {
        toJSON(out, 0, size());

    public void toJSON(final File out, final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex) {
        toJSON(out, this._columnNameList, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);

    public void toJSON(final File out, final Collection columnNames, final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex) throws UncheckedIOException {
        OutputStream os = null;

        try {
            if (out.exists() == false) {

            os = new FileOutputStream(out);

            toJSON(os, columnNames, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);

        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
        } finally {

    public void toJSON(final OutputStream out) {
        toJSON(out, 0, size());

    public void toJSON(final OutputStream out, final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex) {
        toJSON(out, this._columnNameList, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);

    public void toJSON(final OutputStream out, final Collection columnNames, final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex) throws UncheckedIOException {
        final BufferedJSONWriter writer = Objectory.createBufferedJSONWriter(out);

        try {
            toJSON(writer, columnNames, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);

        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
        } finally {

    public void toJSON(final Writer out) {
        toJSON(out, 0, size());

    public void toJSON(final Writer out, final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex) {
        toJSON(out, this._columnNameList, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);

    public void toJSON(final Writer out, final Collection columnNames, final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex) throws UncheckedIOException {
        checkRowIndex(fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);
        final int[] columnIndexes = checkColumnName(columnNames);
        final int columnCount = columnIndexes.length;

        final char[][] charArrayOfColumnNames = new char[columnCount][];

        for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
            charArrayOfColumnNames[i] = ("\"" + _columnNameList.get(columnIndexes[i]) + "\"").toCharArray();

        final boolean isBufferedWriter = out instanceof BufferedJSONWriter;
        final BufferedJSONWriter bw = isBufferedWriter ? (BufferedJSONWriter) out : Objectory.createBufferedJSONWriter(out);

        try {

            Type type = null;
            Object element = null;

            for (int rowIndex = fromRowIndex; rowIndex < toRowIndex; rowIndex++) {
                if (rowIndex > fromRowIndex) {


                for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
                    element = _columnList.get(columnIndexes[i]).get(rowIndex);

                    type = element == null ? null : N.typeOf(element.getClass());

                    if (i > 0) {


                    if (type == null) {
                    } else {
                        if (type.isSerializable()) {
                            type.writeCharacter(bw, element, jsc);
                        } else {
                            // jsonParser.serialize(bw, element, jsc);

                            try {
                                jsonParser.serialize(bw, element, jsc);
                            } catch (Exception e) {
                                // ignore.

                                strType.writeCharacter(bw, N.toString(element), jsc);



        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
        } finally {
            if (!isBufferedWriter) {

    public String toXML() {
        return toXML(ROW);

    public String toXML(final String rowElementName) {
        return toXML(rowElementName, 0, size());

    public String toXML(final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex) {
        return toXML(ROW, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);

    public String toXML(final String rowElementName, final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex) {
        return toXML(rowElementName, this._columnNameList, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);

    public String toXML(final Collection columnNames, final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex) {
        return toXML(ROW, columnNames, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);

    public String toXML(final String rowElementName, final Collection columnNames, final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex) {
        final BufferedXMLWriter writer = Objectory.createBufferedXMLWriter();

        try {
            toXML(writer, rowElementName, columnNames, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);

            return writer.toString();
        } finally {

    public void toXML(final File out) {
        toXML(out, 0, size());

    public void toXML(final File out, final String rowElementName) {
        toXML(out, rowElementName, 0, size());

    public void toXML(final File out, final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex) {
        toXML(out, ROW, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);

    public void toXML(final File out, final String rowElementName, final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex) {
        toXML(out, rowElementName, this._columnNameList, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);

    public void toXML(final File out, final Collection columnNames, final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex) {
        toXML(out, ROW, columnNames, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);

    public void toXML(final File out, final String rowElementName, final Collection columnNames, final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex)
            throws UncheckedIOException {
        OutputStream os = null;

        try {
            if (out.exists() == false) {

            os = new FileOutputStream(out);

            toXML(os, rowElementName, columnNames, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);

        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
        } finally {

    public void toXML(final OutputStream out) {
        toXML(out, 0, size());

    public void toXML(final OutputStream out, final String rowElementName) {
        toXML(out, rowElementName, 0, size());

    public void toXML(final OutputStream out, final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex) {
        toXML(out, ROW, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);

    public void toXML(final OutputStream out, final String rowElementName, final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex) {
        toXML(out, rowElementName, this._columnNameList, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);

    public void toXML(final OutputStream out, final Collection columnNames, final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex) {
        toXML(out, ROW, columnNames, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);

    public void toXML(final OutputStream out, final String rowElementName, final Collection columnNames, final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex)
            throws UncheckedIOException {
        final BufferedXMLWriter writer = Objectory.createBufferedXMLWriter(out);

        try {
            toXML(writer, rowElementName, columnNames, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);

        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
        } finally {

    public void toXML(final Writer out) {
        toXML(out, 0, size());

    public void toXML(final Writer out, final String rowElementName) {
        toXML(out, rowElementName, 0, size());

    public void toXML(final Writer out, final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex) {
        toXML(out, ROW, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);

    public void toXML(final Writer out, final String rowElementName, final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex) {
        toXML(out, rowElementName, this._columnNameList, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);

    public void toXML(final Writer out, final Collection columnNames, final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex) {
        toXML(out, ROW, columnNames, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);

    public void toXML(final Writer out, final String rowElementName, final Collection columnNames, final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex)
            throws UncheckedIOException {
        checkRowIndex(fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);
        final int[] columnIndexes = checkColumnName(columnNames);
        final int columnCount = columnIndexes.length;

        final char[] rowElementNameHead = ("<" + rowElementName + ">").toCharArray();
        final char[] rowElementNameTail = ("").toCharArray();

        final char[][] charArrayOfColumnNames = new char[columnCount][];

        for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
            charArrayOfColumnNames[i] = _columnNameList.get(columnIndexes[i]).toCharArray();

        final boolean isBufferedWriter = out instanceof BufferedXMLWriter;
        final BufferedXMLWriter bw = isBufferedWriter ? (BufferedXMLWriter) out : Objectory.createBufferedXMLWriter(out);

        try {

            Type type = null;
            Object element = null;

            for (int rowIndex = fromRowIndex; rowIndex < toRowIndex; rowIndex++) {

                for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
                    element = _columnList.get(columnIndexes[i]).get(rowIndex);

                    type = element == null ? null : N.typeOf(element.getClass());


                    if (type == null) {
                    } else {
                        if (type.isSerializable()) {
                            type.writeCharacter(bw, element, xsc);
                        } else {
                            // xmlParser.serialize(bw, element, xsc);

                            try {
                                xmlParser.serialize(bw, element, xsc);
                            } catch (Exception e) {
                                // ignore.

                                strType.writeCharacter(bw, N.toString(element), xsc);




        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
        } finally {
            if (!isBufferedWriter) {

    public String toCSV() {
        return toCSV(this.columnNameList(), 0, size());

    public String toCSV(final Collection columnNames, final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex) {
        return toCSV(columnNames, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex, true, true);

    public String toCSV(final boolean writeTitle, final boolean quoted) {
        return toCSV(columnNameList(), 0, size(), writeTitle, quoted);

    public String toCSV(final Collection columnNames, final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex, final boolean writeTitle, final boolean quoted) {
        final BufferedWriter bw = Objectory.createBufferedWriter();

        try {
            toCSV(bw, columnNames, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex, writeTitle, quoted);

            return bw.toString();
        } finally {

    public void toCSV(final File out) {
        toCSV(out, _columnNameList, 0, size());

    public void toCSV(final File out, final Collection columnNames, final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex) {
        toCSV(out, columnNames, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex, true, true);

    public void toCSV(final File out, final boolean writeTitle, final boolean quoted) {
        toCSV(out, _columnNameList, 0, size(), writeTitle, quoted);

    public void toCSV(final File out, final Collection columnNames, final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex, final boolean writeTitle,
            final boolean quoted) {
        OutputStream os = null;

        try {
            if (!out.exists()) {

            os = new FileOutputStream(out);

            toCSV(os, columnNames, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex, writeTitle, quoted);

        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
        } finally {

    public void toCSV(final OutputStream out) {
        toCSV(out, _columnNameList, 0, size());

    public void toCSV(final OutputStream out, final Collection columnNames, final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex) {
        toCSV(out, columnNames, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex, true, true);

    public void toCSV(final OutputStream out, final boolean writeTitle, final boolean quoted) {
        toCSV(out, _columnNameList, 0, size(), writeTitle, quoted);

    public void toCSV(final OutputStream out, final Collection columnNames, final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex, final boolean writeTitle,
            final boolean quoted) throws UncheckedIOException {
        Writer writer = null;

        try {
            writer = new OutputStreamWriter(out);

            toCSV(writer, columnNames, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex, writeTitle, quoted);

        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new UncheckedIOException(e);

    public void toCSV(final Writer out) {
        toCSV(out, _columnNameList, 0, size());

    public void toCSV(final Writer out, final Collection columnNames, final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex) {
        toCSV(out, columnNames, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex, true, true);

    public void toCSV(final Writer out, final boolean writeTitle, final boolean quoted) {
        toCSV(out, _columnNameList, 0, size(), writeTitle, quoted);

    public void toCSV(final Writer out, final Collection columnNames, final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex, final boolean writeTitle,
            final boolean quoted) throws UncheckedIOException {
        checkRowIndex(fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);

        final int[] columnIndexes = checkColumnName(columnNames);
        final int columnCount = columnIndexes.length;

        final JSONSerializationConfig config = JSC.create();

        if (quoted) {
        } else {
            config.setCharQuotation((char) 0);
            config.setStringQuotation((char) 0);

        final boolean isBufferedWriter = out instanceof BufferedJSONWriter;
        final BufferedJSONWriter bw = isBufferedWriter ? (BufferedJSONWriter) out : Objectory.createBufferedJSONWriter(out);

        try {
            if (writeTitle) {
                for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
                    if (i > 0) {



            Type type = null;
            Object element = null;

            for (int rowIndex = fromRowIndex; rowIndex < toRowIndex; rowIndex++) {
                if (rowIndex > fromRowIndex) {

                for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
                    if (i > 0) {

                    element = _columnList.get(columnIndexes[i]).get(rowIndex);

                    if (element == null) {
                    } else {
                        type = element == null ? null : N.typeOf(element.getClass());

                        if (type.isSerializable()) {
                            type.writeCharacter(bw, element, config);
                        } else {
                            // strType.writeCharacters(bw,
                            // jsonParser.serialize(element, config), config);

                            try {
                                strType.writeCharacter(bw, jsonParser.serialize(element, config), config);
                            } catch (Exception e) {
                                // ignore.

                                strType.writeCharacter(bw, N.toString(element), config);

        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
        } finally {
            if (!isBufferedWriter) {

    public DataSet groupBy(final String columnName) {
        return groupBy(columnName, (Function) null);

    public  DataSet groupBy(final String columnName, String aggregateResultColumnName, String aggregateOnColumnName, final Collector collector) {
        return groupBy(columnName, (Function) null, aggregateResultColumnName, aggregateOnColumnName, collector);

    public DataSet groupBy(final String columnName, String aggregateResultColumnName, Collection aggregateOnColumnNames,
            final Collector collector) {
        return groupBy(columnName, aggregateResultColumnName, aggregateOnColumnNames, CLONE, collector);

    public  DataSet groupBy(final String columnName, String aggregateResultColumnName, Collection aggregateOnColumnNames,
            final Try.Function rowMapper, final Collector collector) throws E {
        return groupBy(columnName, (Function) null, aggregateResultColumnName, aggregateOnColumnNames, rowMapper, collector);

    public  DataSet groupBy(final String columnName, String aggregateResultColumnName, String aggregateOnColumnName,
            final Try.Function, ?, E> func) throws E {
        return groupBy(columnName, (Function) null, aggregateResultColumnName, aggregateOnColumnName, func);

    public  DataSet groupBy(final String columnName, Try.Function keyMapper) throws E {
        final int columnIndex = checkColumnName(columnName);

        final int size = size();
        final int newColumnCount = 1;
        final List newColumnNameList = new ArrayList<>(newColumnCount);

        final List> newColumnList = new ArrayList<>(newColumnCount);

        for (int i = 0; i < newColumnCount; i++) {
            newColumnList.add(new ArrayList<>());

        if (size == 0) {
            return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList);

        final Try.Function keyMapper2 = (Try.Function) (keyMapper == null ? Fn.identity() : keyMapper);
        final List keyColumn = newColumnList.get(0);

        final Set keySet = new HashSet<>();
        final List groupByColumn = _columnList.get(columnIndex);
        Object value = null;

        for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < size; rowIndex++) {
            value = groupByColumn.get(rowIndex);

            if (keySet.add(getHashKey(keyMapper2.apply(value)))) {

        return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList);

    public  DataSet groupBy(final String columnName, Try.Function keyMapper, String aggregateResultColumnName,
            String aggregateOnColumnName, final Collector collector) throws E {
        final int columnIndex = checkColumnName(columnName);
        final int aggOnColumnIndex = checkColumnName(aggregateOnColumnName);

        if (N.equals(columnName, aggregateResultColumnName)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Duplicated Property name: " + aggregateResultColumnName);

        final int size = size();
        final int newColumnCount = 2;
        final List newColumnNameList = new ArrayList<>(newColumnCount);

        final List> newColumnList = new ArrayList<>(newColumnCount);

        for (int i = 0; i < newColumnCount; i++) {
            newColumnList.add(new ArrayList<>());

        if (size == 0) {
            return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList);

        final Try.Function keyMapper2 = (Try.Function) (keyMapper == null ? Fn.identity() : keyMapper);
        final List keyColumn = newColumnList.get(0);
        final List aggResultColumn = newColumnList.get(1);
        final Supplier supplier = (Supplier) collector.supplier();
        final BiConsumer accumulator = (BiConsumer) collector.accumulator();
        final Function finisher = (Function) collector.finisher();

        final Map keyRowIndexMap = new HashMap<>();
        final List groupByColumn = _columnList.get(columnIndex);
        final List aggOnColumn = _columnList.get(aggOnColumnIndex);
        Object key = null;
        Object value = null;
        Integer collectorRowIndex = -1;

        for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < size; rowIndex++) {
            value = groupByColumn.get(rowIndex);
            key = getHashKey(keyMapper2.apply(value));

            collectorRowIndex = keyRowIndexMap.get(key);

            if (collectorRowIndex == null) {
                collectorRowIndex = aggResultColumn.size();
                keyRowIndexMap.put(key, collectorRowIndex);

            accumulator.accept(aggResultColumn.get(collectorRowIndex), aggOnColumn.get(rowIndex));

        for (int i = 0, len = aggResultColumn.size(); i < len; i++) {
            aggResultColumn.set(i, finisher.apply(aggResultColumn.get(i)));

        return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList);

    public  DataSet groupBy(final String columnName, Try.Function keyMapper,
            String aggregateResultColumnName, String aggregateOnColumnName, final Try.Function, ?, E2> func) throws E, E2 {
        final RowDataSet result = (RowDataSet) groupBy(columnName, keyMapper, aggregateResultColumnName, aggregateOnColumnName, Collectors.toList());
        final List column = result._columnList.get(result.getColumnIndex(aggregateResultColumnName));

        for (int i = 0, len = column.size(); i < len; i++) {
            column.set(i, func.apply(Stream.of((List) column.get(i))));

        return result;

    private static final Function CLONE = new Function() {
        public Object[] apply(DisposableObjArray t) {
            return t.clone();

    public  DataSet groupBy(final String columnName, Try.Function keyMapper, String aggregateResultColumnName,
            Collection aggregateOnColumnNames, final Collector collector) throws E {
        return groupBy(columnName, keyMapper, aggregateResultColumnName, aggregateOnColumnNames, CLONE, collector);

    public  DataSet groupBy(final String columnName, Try.Function keyMapper,
            String aggregateResultColumnName, Collection aggregateOnColumnNames, final Try.Function rowMapper,
            final Collector collector) throws E, E2 {
        final int columnIndex = checkColumnName(columnName);
        final int[] aggOnColumnIndexes = checkColumnName(aggregateOnColumnNames);

        if (N.equals(columnName, aggregateResultColumnName)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Duplicated Property name: " + aggregateResultColumnName);

        N.checkArgNotNull(rowMapper, "rowMapper");
        N.checkArgNotNull(collector, "collector");

        final int size = size();
        final int aggOnColumnCount = aggOnColumnIndexes.length;
        final int newColumnCount = 2;
        final List newColumnNameList = new ArrayList<>(newColumnCount);

        final List> newColumnList = new ArrayList<>(newColumnCount);

        for (int i = 0; i < newColumnCount; i++) {
            newColumnList.add(new ArrayList<>());

        if (size == 0) {
            return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList);

        final Try.Function keyMapper2 = (Try.Function) (keyMapper == null ? Fn.identity() : keyMapper);
        final List keyColumn = newColumnList.get(0);
        final List aggResultColumn = newColumnList.get(1);
        final Supplier supplier = (Supplier) collector.supplier();
        final BiConsumer accumulator = (BiConsumer) collector.accumulator();
        final Function finisher = (Function) collector.finisher();

        final Map keyRowIndexMap = new HashMap<>();
        final List groupByColumn = _columnList.get(columnIndex);
        final Object[] aggRow = new Object[aggOnColumnCount];
        final DisposableObjArray disposableArray = DisposableObjArray.wrap(aggRow);
        Object key = null;
        Object value = null;
        Integer collectorRowIndex = -1;

        for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < size; rowIndex++) {
            value = groupByColumn.get(rowIndex);
            key = getHashKey(keyMapper2.apply(value));

            collectorRowIndex = keyRowIndexMap.get(key);

            if (collectorRowIndex == null) {
                collectorRowIndex = aggResultColumn.size();
                keyRowIndexMap.put(key, collectorRowIndex);

            for (int i = 0; i < aggOnColumnCount; i++) {
                aggRow[i] = _columnList.get(aggOnColumnIndexes[i]).get(rowIndex);

            accumulator.accept(aggResultColumn.get(collectorRowIndex), rowMapper.apply(disposableArray));

        for (int i = 0, len = aggResultColumn.size(); i < len; i++) {
            aggResultColumn.set(i, finisher.apply(aggResultColumn.get(i)));

        return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList);

    public DataSet groupBy(final Collection columnNames) {
        return groupBy(columnNames, (Function) null);

    public  DataSet groupBy(Collection columnNames, String aggregateResultColumnName, String aggregateOnColumnName,
            final Collector collector) {
        return groupBy(columnNames, (Function) null, aggregateResultColumnName, aggregateOnColumnName, collector);

    public  DataSet groupBy(Collection columnNames, String aggregateResultColumnName, String aggregateOnColumnName,
            final Try.Function, ?, E> func) throws E {
        return groupBy(columnNames, (Function) null, aggregateResultColumnName, aggregateOnColumnName, func);

    public DataSet groupBy(Collection columnNames, String aggregateResultColumnName, Collection aggregateOnColumnNames,
            final Collector collector) {
        return groupBy(columnNames, aggregateResultColumnName, aggregateOnColumnNames, CLONE, collector);

    public  DataSet groupBy(Collection columnNames, String aggregateResultColumnName, Collection aggregateOnColumnNames,
            final Try.Function rowMapper, final Collector collector) throws E {
        return groupBy(columnNames, (Function) null, aggregateResultColumnName, aggregateOnColumnNames, rowMapper, collector);

    public  DataSet groupBy(final Collection columnNames, final Try.Function keyMapper)
            throws E {
        N.checkArgNotNullOrEmpty(columnNames, "columnNames");

        final boolean isNullOrIdentityKeyMapper = keyMapper == null || keyMapper == Fn.identity();

        if (columnNames.size() == 1 && isNullOrIdentityKeyMapper) {
            return this.groupBy(columnNames.iterator().next(), keyMapper);

        final int size = size();
        final int[] columnIndexes = checkColumnName(columnNames);
        final int columnCount = columnIndexes.length;
        final int newColumnCount = columnIndexes.length;
        final List newColumnNameList = N.newArrayList(columnNames);
        final List> newColumnList = new ArrayList<>(newColumnCount);

        for (int i = 0; i < newColumnCount; i++) {
            newColumnList.add(new ArrayList<>());

        if (size == 0) {
            return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList);

        final Set keyRowSet = new HashSet<>();
        Object[] keyRow = Objectory.createObjectArray(columnCount);
        final DisposableObjArray disposableArray = DisposableObjArray.wrap(keyRow);

        for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < size; rowIndex++) {
            for (int i = 0; i < newColumnCount; i++) {
                keyRow[i] = _columnList.get(columnIndexes[i]).get(rowIndex);

            if (isNullOrIdentityKeyMapper) {
                if (keyRowSet.add(Wrapper.of(keyRow))) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < newColumnCount; i++) {

                    keyRow = Objectory.createObjectArray(columnCount);
            } else {
                if (keyRowSet.add(getHashKey(keyMapper.apply(disposableArray)))) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < newColumnCount; i++) {

        if (keyRow != null) {
            keyRow = null;

        if (isNullOrIdentityKeyMapper) {
            final Set> tmp = (Set) keyRowSet;

            for (Wrapper e : tmp) {

        return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList);

    public  DataSet groupBy(Collection columnNames, final Try.Function keyMapper,
            String aggregateResultColumnName, String aggregateOnColumnName, final Collector collector) throws E {
        N.checkArgNotNullOrEmpty(columnNames, "columnNames");

        if (N.notNullOrEmpty(columnNames) && columnNames.contains(aggregateResultColumnName)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Duplicated Property name: " + aggregateResultColumnName);

        final boolean isNullOrIdentityKeyMapper = keyMapper == null || keyMapper == Fn.identity();

        if (columnNames.size() == 1 && isNullOrIdentityKeyMapper) {
            return groupBy(columnNames.iterator().next(), keyMapper, aggregateResultColumnName, aggregateOnColumnName, collector);

        final int size = size();
        final int[] columnIndexes = checkColumnName(columnNames);
        final int aggOnColumnIndex = checkColumnName(aggregateOnColumnName);
        final int columnCount = columnIndexes.length;
        final int newColumnCount = columnIndexes.length + 1;
        final List newColumnNameList = new ArrayList<>(columnNames);
        final List> newColumnList = new ArrayList<>(newColumnCount);

        for (int i = 0; i < newColumnCount; i++) {
            newColumnList.add(new ArrayList<>());

        if (size == 0) {
            return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList);

        final Supplier supplier = (Supplier) collector.supplier();
        final BiConsumer accumulator = (BiConsumer) collector.accumulator();
        final Function finisher = (Function) collector.finisher();

        final List aggResultColumn = newColumnList.get(newColumnList.size() - 1);
        final List aggOnColumn = _columnList.get(aggOnColumnIndex);
        final Map keyRowIndexMap = new HashMap<>();
        Object[] keyRow = Objectory.createObjectArray(columnCount);
        final DisposableObjArray disposableArray = DisposableObjArray.wrap(keyRow);
        Object key = null;
        Integer collectorRowIndex = -1;

        for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < size; rowIndex++) {
            for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
                keyRow[i] = _columnList.get(columnIndexes[i]).get(rowIndex);

            key = isNullOrIdentityKeyMapper ? Wrapper.of(keyRow) : getHashKey(keyMapper.apply(disposableArray));
            collectorRowIndex = keyRowIndexMap.get(key);

            if (collectorRowIndex == null) {
                collectorRowIndex = aggResultColumn.size();
                keyRowIndexMap.put(key, collectorRowIndex);

                for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {

                keyRow = Objectory.createObjectArray(columnCount);

            accumulator.accept(aggResultColumn.get(collectorRowIndex), aggOnColumn.get(rowIndex));

        for (int i = 0, len = aggResultColumn.size(); i < len; i++) {
            aggResultColumn.set(i, finisher.apply(aggResultColumn.get(i)));

        if (keyRow != null) {
            keyRow = null;

        if (isNullOrIdentityKeyMapper) {
            final Set> tmp = (Set) keyRowIndexMap.keySet();

            for (Wrapper e : tmp) {

        return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList);

    public  DataSet groupBy(Collection columnNames,
            Try.Function keyMapper, String aggregateResultColumnName, String aggregateOnColumnName,
            final Try.Function, ?, E2> func) throws E, E2 {
        final RowDataSet result = (RowDataSet) groupBy(columnNames, keyMapper, aggregateResultColumnName, aggregateOnColumnName, Collectors.toList());
        final List column = result._columnList.get(result.getColumnIndex(aggregateResultColumnName));

        for (int i = 0, len = column.size(); i < len; i++) {
            column.set(i, func.apply(Stream.of((List) column.get(i))));

        return result;

    public  DataSet groupBy(Collection columnNames, Try.Function keyMapper,
            String aggregateResultColumnName, Collection aggregateOnColumnNames, final Collector collector) throws E {
        return groupBy(aggregateOnColumnNames, keyMapper, aggregateResultColumnName, aggregateOnColumnNames, CLONE, collector);

    public  DataSet groupBy(Collection columnNames,
            Try.Function keyMapper, String aggregateResultColumnName, Collection aggregateOnColumnNames,
            final Try.Function rowMapper, final Collector collector) throws E, E2 {
        N.checkArgNotNullOrEmpty(columnNames, "columnNames");

        if (N.notNullOrEmpty(columnNames) && columnNames.contains(aggregateResultColumnName)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Duplicated Property name: " + aggregateResultColumnName);

        N.checkArgNotNull(rowMapper, "rowMapper");
        N.checkArgNotNull(collector, "collector");

        final boolean isNullOrIdentityKeyMapper = keyMapper == null || keyMapper == Fn.identity();

        if (columnNames.size() == 1 && isNullOrIdentityKeyMapper) {
            return groupBy(columnNames.iterator().next(), keyMapper, aggregateResultColumnName, aggregateOnColumnNames, rowMapper, collector);

        final int size = size();
        final int[] columnIndexes = checkColumnName(columnNames);
        final int[] aggOnColumnIndexes = checkColumnName(aggregateOnColumnNames);
        final int columnCount = columnIndexes.length;
        final int newColumnCount = columnIndexes.length + 1;
        final List newColumnNameList = new ArrayList<>(columnNames);

        final List> newColumnList = new ArrayList<>(newColumnCount);

        for (int i = 0; i < newColumnCount; i++) {
            newColumnList.add(new ArrayList<>());

        if (size == 0) {
            return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList);

        final Supplier supplier = (Supplier) collector.supplier();
        final BiConsumer accumulator = (BiConsumer) collector.accumulator();
        final Function finisher = (Function) collector.finisher();

        final int aggOnColumnCount = aggOnColumnIndexes.length;
        final List aggResultColumn = newColumnList.get(newColumnList.size() - 1);
        final Map keyRowIndexMap = new HashMap<>();
        Object[] keyRow = Objectory.createObjectArray(columnCount);
        final DisposableObjArray keyDisposableArray = DisposableObjArray.wrap(keyRow);
        final Object[] aggOnRow = new Object[aggOnColumnCount];
        final DisposableObjArray aggOnRowDisposableArray = DisposableObjArray.wrap(aggOnRow);
        Object key = null;
        Integer collectorRowIndex = -1;

        for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < size; rowIndex++) {
            for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
                keyRow[i] = _columnList.get(columnIndexes[i]).get(rowIndex);

            key = isNullOrIdentityKeyMapper ? Wrapper.of(keyRow) : getHashKey(keyMapper.apply(keyDisposableArray));
            collectorRowIndex = keyRowIndexMap.get(key);

            if (collectorRowIndex == null) {
                collectorRowIndex = aggResultColumn.size();
                keyRowIndexMap.put(key, collectorRowIndex);

                for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {

                keyRow = Objectory.createObjectArray(columnCount);

            for (int i = 0; i < aggOnColumnCount; i++) {
                aggOnRow[i] = _columnList.get(aggOnColumnIndexes[i]).get(rowIndex);

            accumulator.accept(aggResultColumn.get(collectorRowIndex), rowMapper.apply(aggOnRowDisposableArray));

        for (int i = 0, len = aggResultColumn.size(); i < len; i++) {
            aggResultColumn.set(i, finisher.apply(aggResultColumn.get(i)));

        if (keyRow != null) {
            keyRow = null;

        if (isNullOrIdentityKeyMapper) {
            final Set> tmp = (Set) keyRowIndexMap.keySet();

            for (Wrapper e : tmp) {

        return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList);

    public Stream rollup(final Collection columnNames) {
        return Stream.of(Iterables.rollup(columnNames)).reversed().map(new Function, DataSet>() {
            public DataSet apply(final Collection columnNames) {
                return groupBy(columnNames);

    public  Stream rollup(final Collection columnNames, final String aggregateResultColumnName, final String aggregateOnColumnName,
            final Collector collector) {
        return Stream.of(Iterables.rollup(columnNames)).reversed().map(new Function, DataSet>() {
            public DataSet apply(final Collection columnNames) {
                return groupBy(columnNames, aggregateResultColumnName, aggregateOnColumnName, collector);

    public  Stream rollup(final Collection columnNames, final String aggregateResultColumnName,
            final String aggregateOnColumnName, final Try.Function, ?, E> func) {
        return Stream.of(Iterables.rollup(columnNames)).reversed().map(new Function, DataSet>() {
            public DataSet apply(final Collection columnNames) {
                return Callable() {
                    public DataSet call() throws Exception {
                        return groupBy(columnNames, aggregateResultColumnName, aggregateOnColumnName, func);

    public Stream rollup(final Collection columnNames, final String aggregateResultColumnName, final Collection aggregateOnColumnNames,
            final Collector collector) {
        return rollup(columnNames, aggregateResultColumnName, aggregateOnColumnNames, CLONE, collector);

    public  Stream rollup(final Collection columnNames, final String aggregateResultColumnName,
            final Collection aggregateOnColumnNames, final Try.Function rowMapper,
            final Collector collector) {
        return Stream.of(Iterables.rollup(columnNames)).reversed().map(new Function, DataSet>() {
            public DataSet apply(final Collection columnNames) {
                return Callable() {
                    public DataSet call() throws Exception {
                        return groupBy(columnNames, aggregateResultColumnName, aggregateOnColumnNames, rowMapper, collector);

    public  Stream rollup(final Collection columnNames, final Try.Function keyMapper) {
        return Stream.of(Iterables.rollup(columnNames)).reversed().map(new Function, DataSet>() {
            public DataSet apply(final Collection columnNames) {
                return Callable() {
                    public DataSet call() throws Exception {
                        return groupBy(columnNames, keyMapper);

    public  Stream rollup(final Collection columnNames, final Try.Function keyMapper,
            final String aggregateResultColumnName, final String aggregateOnColumnName, final Collector collector) {
        return Stream.of(Iterables.rollup(columnNames)).reversed().map(new Function, DataSet>() {
            public DataSet apply(final Collection columnNames) {
                return Callable() {
                    public DataSet call() throws Exception {
                        return groupBy(columnNames, keyMapper, aggregateResultColumnName, aggregateOnColumnName, collector);

    public  Stream rollup(final Collection columnNames,
            final Try.Function keyMapper, final String aggregateResultColumnName, final String aggregateOnColumnName,
            final Try.Function, ?, E2> func) {
        return Stream.of(Iterables.rollup(columnNames)).reversed().map(new Function, DataSet>() {
            public DataSet apply(final Collection columnNames) {
                return Callable() {
                    public DataSet call() throws Exception {
                        return groupBy(columnNames, keyMapper, aggregateResultColumnName, aggregateOnColumnName, func);

    public  Stream rollup(final Collection columnNames, final Try.Function keyMapper,
            final String aggregateResultColumnName, final Collection aggregateOnColumnNames, final Collector collector) {
        return rollup(columnNames, keyMapper, aggregateResultColumnName, aggregateOnColumnNames, CLONE, collector);

    public  Stream rollup(final Collection columnNames,
            final Try.Function keyMapper, final String aggregateResultColumnName,
            final Collection aggregateOnColumnNames, final Try.Function rowMapper,
            final Collector collector) {
        return Stream.of(Iterables.rollup(columnNames)).reversed().map(new Function, DataSet>() {
            public DataSet apply(final Collection columnNames) {
                return Callable() {
                    public DataSet call() throws Exception {
                        return groupBy(columnNames, keyMapper, aggregateResultColumnName, aggregateOnColumnNames, rowMapper, collector);

    public Stream cube(final Collection columnNames) {
        return cubeSet(columnNames).map(new Function, DataSet>() {
            public DataSet apply(final Collection columnNames) {
                return groupBy(columnNames);

    public  Stream cube(final Collection columnNames, final String aggregateResultColumnName, final String aggregateOnColumnName,
            final Collector collector) {
        return cubeSet(columnNames).map(new Function, DataSet>() {
            public DataSet apply(final Collection columnNames) {
                return groupBy(columnNames, aggregateResultColumnName, aggregateOnColumnName, collector);

    public  Stream cube(final Collection columnNames, final String aggregateResultColumnName,
            final String aggregateOnColumnName, final Try.Function, ?, E> func) {
        return cubeSet(columnNames).map(new Function, DataSet>() {
            public DataSet apply(final Collection columnNames) {
                return Callable() {
                    public DataSet call() throws Exception {
                        return groupBy(columnNames, aggregateResultColumnName, aggregateOnColumnName, func);

    public Stream cube(final Collection columnNames, final String aggregateResultColumnName, final Collection aggregateOnColumnNames,
            final Collector collector) {
        return cube(columnNames, aggregateResultColumnName, aggregateOnColumnNames, CLONE, collector);

    public  Stream cube(final Collection columnNames, final String aggregateResultColumnName,
            final Collection aggregateOnColumnNames, final Try.Function rowMapper,
            final Collector collector) {
        return cubeSet(columnNames).map(new Function, DataSet>() {
            public DataSet apply(final Collection columnNames) {
                return Callable() {
                    public DataSet call() throws Exception {
                        return groupBy(columnNames, aggregateResultColumnName, aggregateOnColumnNames, rowMapper, collector);

    public  Stream cube(final Collection columnNames, final Try.Function keyMapper) {
        return cubeSet(columnNames).map(new Function, DataSet>() {
            public DataSet apply(final Collection columnNames) {
                return Callable() {
                    public DataSet call() throws Exception {
                        return groupBy(columnNames, keyMapper);

    public  Stream cube(final Collection columnNames, final Try.Function keyMapper,
            final String aggregateResultColumnName, final String aggregateOnColumnName, final Collector collector) {
        return cubeSet(columnNames).map(new Function, DataSet>() {
            public DataSet apply(final Collection columnNames) {
                return Callable() {
                    public DataSet call() throws Exception {
                        return groupBy(columnNames, keyMapper, aggregateResultColumnName, aggregateOnColumnName, collector);

    public  Stream cube(final Collection columnNames,
            final Try.Function keyMapper, final String aggregateResultColumnName, final String aggregateOnColumnName,
            final Try.Function, ?, E2> func) {
        return cubeSet(columnNames).map(new Function, DataSet>() {
            public DataSet apply(final Collection columnNames) {
                return Callable() {
                    public DataSet call() throws Exception {
                        return groupBy(columnNames, keyMapper, aggregateResultColumnName, aggregateOnColumnName, func);

    public  Stream cube(final Collection columnNames, final Try.Function keyMapper,
            final String aggregateResultColumnName, final Collection aggregateOnColumnNames, final Collector collector) {
        return cube(columnNames, keyMapper, aggregateResultColumnName, aggregateOnColumnNames, CLONE, collector);

    public  Stream cube(final Collection columnNames,
            final Try.Function keyMapper, final String aggregateResultColumnName,
            final Collection aggregateOnColumnNames, final Try.Function rowMapper,
            final Collector collector) {
        return cubeSet(columnNames).map(new Function, DataSet>() {
            public DataSet apply(final Collection columnNames) {
                return Callable() {
                    public DataSet call() throws Exception {
                        return groupBy(columnNames, keyMapper, aggregateResultColumnName, aggregateOnColumnNames, rowMapper, collector);

    private static final Function, Integer> TO_SIZE_FUNC = new Function, Integer>() {
        public Integer apply(Set t) {
            return t.size();

    private static final Consumer>> REVERSE_ACTION = new Consumer>>() {
        public void accept(List> t) {

    private Stream> cubeSet(final Collection columnNames) {
        return Stream.of(Iterables.powerSet(N.newLinkedHashSet(columnNames)))
                .flattMap(Fn.>> identity())

    public void sortBy(final String columnName) {
        sortBy(columnName, Comparators.naturalOrder());

    public  void sortBy(final String columnName, final Comparator cmp) {
        sort(columnName, cmp, false);

    public void sortBy(final Collection columnNames) {
        sortBy(columnNames, (Comparator) null);

    public void sortBy(final Collection columnNames, final Comparator cmp) {
        sort(columnNames, cmp, false);

    public void sortBy(Collection columnNames, Function keyMapper) {
        sort(columnNames, keyMapper, false);

    public void parallelSortBy(final String columnName) {
        parallelSortBy(columnName, Comparators.naturalOrder());

    public  void parallelSortBy(final String columnName, final Comparator cmp) {
        sort(columnName, cmp, true);

    public void parallelSortBy(final Collection columnNames) {
        parallelSortBy(columnNames, (Comparator) null);

    public void parallelSortBy(final Collection columnNames, final Comparator cmp) {
        sort(columnNames, cmp, true);

    public void parallelSortBy(Collection columnNames, Function keyMapper) {
        sort(columnNames, keyMapper, true);

    private  void sort(final String columnName, final Comparator cmp, final boolean isParallelSort) {

        final int columnIndex = checkColumnName(columnName);
        final int size = size();

        if (size == 0) {

        // TODO too many array objects are created.
        final Indexed[] arrayOfPair = new Indexed[size];
        final List orderByColumn = _columnList.get(columnIndex);

        for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < size; rowIndex++) {
            arrayOfPair[rowIndex] = Indexed.of(orderByColumn.get(rowIndex), rowIndex);

        final Comparator cmp2 = (Comparator) cmp;

        final Comparator> pairCmp = cmp == null ? (Comparator) new Comparator>() {
            public int compare(final Indexed o1, final Indexed o2) {
                return, o2.value());
        } : new Comparator>() {
            public int compare(final Indexed o1, final Indexed o2) {
                return, o2.value());

        sort(arrayOfPair, pairCmp, isParallelSort);

    private void sort(final Collection columnNames, final Comparator cmp, final boolean isParallelSort) {

        final int[] columnIndexes = checkColumnName(columnNames);
        final int size = size();

        if (size == 0) {

        final int sortByColumnCount = columnIndexes.length;
        // TODO too many array objects are created.
        final Indexed[] arrayOfPair = new Indexed[size];

        for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < size; rowIndex++) {
            arrayOfPair[rowIndex] = Indexed.of(Objectory.createObjectArray(sortByColumnCount), rowIndex);

        for (int i = 0; i < sortByColumnCount; i++) {
            final List orderByColumn = _columnList.get(columnIndexes[i]);

            for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < size; rowIndex++) {
                arrayOfPair[rowIndex].value()[i] = orderByColumn.get(rowIndex);

        final Comparator> pairCmp = cmp == null ? (Comparator) new Comparator>() {
            public int compare(final Indexed o1, final Indexed o2) {
                return, o2.value());
        } : new Comparator>() {
            public int compare(final Indexed o1, final Indexed o2) {
                return, o2.value());

        sort(arrayOfPair, pairCmp, isParallelSort);

        for (Indexed p : arrayOfPair) {

    private void sort(final Collection columnNames, final Function keyMapper,
            final boolean isParallelSort) {

        final int[] columnIndexes = checkColumnName(columnNames);
        final int size = size();

        if (size == 0) {

        final int sortByColumnCount = columnIndexes.length;
        final Indexed[] arrayOfPair = new Indexed[size];

        final Object[] sortByRow = new Object[sortByColumnCount];
        final DisposableObjArray disposableArray = DisposableObjArray.wrap(sortByRow);

        for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < size; rowIndex++) {
            for (int i = 0; i < sortByColumnCount; i++) {
                sortByRow[i] = _columnList.get(columnIndexes[i]).get(rowIndex);

            arrayOfPair[rowIndex] = Indexed.of((Comparable) keyMapper.apply(disposableArray), rowIndex);

        final Comparator> pairCmp = Comparators.comparingBy(new Function, Comparable>() {
            public Comparable apply(Indexed t) {
                return t.value();

        sort(arrayOfPair, pairCmp, isParallelSort);

    private  void sort(final Indexed[] arrayOfPair, final Comparator> pairCmp, final boolean isParallelSort) {
        if (isParallelSort) {
            N.parallelSort(arrayOfPair, pairCmp);
        } else {
            N.sort(arrayOfPair, pairCmp);

        final int size = size();
        final int columnCount = _columnNameList.size();
        final Set ordered = new HashSet<>(size);
        final Object[] tempRow = new Object[columnCount];

        for (int i = 0, index = 0; i < size; i++) {
            index = arrayOfPair[i].index();

            if ((index != i) && !ordered.contains(i)) {
                for (int j = 0; j < columnCount; j++) {
                    tempRow[j] = _columnList.get(j).get(i);

                int previous = i;
                int next = index;

                do {
                    for (int j = 0; j < columnCount; j++) {
                        _columnList.get(j).set(previous, _columnList.get(j).get(next));


                    previous = next;
                    next = arrayOfPair[next].index();
                } while (next != i);

                for (int j = 0; j < columnCount; j++) {
                    _columnList.get(j).set(previous, tempRow[j]);



    public DataSet topBy(final String columnName, final int n) {
        return topBy(columnName, n, Comparators.naturalOrder());

    public  DataSet topBy(final String columnName, final int n, final Comparator cmp) {
        if (n < 1) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("'n' can not be less than 1");

        final int columnIndex = checkColumnName(columnName);
        final int size = size();

        if (n >= size) {
            return this.copy();

        final Comparator cmp2 = (Comparator) cmp;
        final Comparator> pairCmp = cmp == null ? (Comparator) new Comparator>() {
            public int compare(final Indexed o1, final Indexed o2) {
                return, o2.value());
        } : new Comparator>() {
            public int compare(final Indexed o1, final Indexed o2) {
                return, o2.value());

        final List orderByColumn = _columnList.get(columnIndex);

        return top(n, pairCmp, new IntFunction() {
            public Object apply(int rowIndex) {
                return orderByColumn.get(rowIndex);

    public DataSet topBy(final Collection columnNames, final int n) {
        return topBy(columnNames, n, (Comparator) null);

    public DataSet topBy(final Collection columnNames, final int n, final Comparator cmp) {
        if (n < 1) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("'n' can not be less than 1");

        final int[] sortByColumnIndexes = checkColumnName(columnNames);
        final int size = size();

        if (n >= size) {
            return this.copy();

        final Comparator> pairCmp = cmp == null ? (Comparator) new Comparator>() {
            public int compare(final Indexed o1, final Indexed o2) {
                return, o2.value());
        } : new Comparator>() {
            public int compare(final Indexed o1, final Indexed o2) {
                return, o2.value());

        final List keyRowList = new ArrayList<>(n);
        final int sortByColumnCount = sortByColumnIndexes.length;

        final DataSet result = top(n, pairCmp, new IntFunction() {
            public Object[] apply(int rowIndex) {
                final Object[] keyRow = Objectory.createObjectArray(sortByColumnCount);

                for (int i = 0; i < sortByColumnCount; i++) {
                    keyRow[i] = _columnList.get(sortByColumnIndexes[i]).get(rowIndex);

                return keyRow;

        for (Object[] a : keyRowList) {

        return result;

    public DataSet topBy(final Collection columnNames, final int n, final Function keyMapper) {
        if (n < 1) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("'n' can not be less than 1");

        final int[] columnIndexes = checkColumnName(columnNames);
        final int size = size();

        if (n >= size) {
            return this.copy();

        final Comparator> pairCmp = Comparators.comparingBy(new Function, Comparable>() {
            public Comparable apply(Indexed t) {
                return t.value();

        final int sortByColumnCount = columnIndexes.length;
        final Object[] keyRow = new Object[sortByColumnCount];
        final DisposableObjArray disposableObjArray = DisposableObjArray.wrap(keyRow);

        return top(n, pairCmp, new IntFunction() {
            public Comparable apply(int rowIndex) {

                for (int i = 0; i < sortByColumnCount; i++) {
                    keyRow[i] = _columnList.get(columnIndexes[i]).get(rowIndex);

                return keyMapper.apply(disposableObjArray);

    private  DataSet top(final int n, final Comparator> pairCmp, final IntFunction keyFunc) {
        final int size = size();
        final Queue> heap = new PriorityQueue<>(n, pairCmp);
        Indexed pair = null;

        for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < size; rowIndex++) {
            pair = Indexed.of(keyFunc.apply(rowIndex), rowIndex);

            if (heap.size() >= n) {
                if (, pair) < 0) {
            } else {

        final Indexed[] arrayOfPair = heap.toArray(new Indexed[heap.size()]);

        N.sort(arrayOfPair, new Comparator>() {
            public int compare(final Indexed o1, final Indexed o2) {
                return o1.index() - o2.index();

        final int columnCount = _columnNameList.size();
        final List newColumnNameList = new ArrayList<>(_columnNameList);
        final List> newColumnList = new ArrayList<>(columnCount);

        for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
            newColumnList.add(new ArrayList<>(arrayOfPair.length));

        int rowIndex = 0;
        for (Indexed e : arrayOfPair) {
            rowIndex = e.index();

            for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {

        final Properties newProperties = N.isNullOrEmpty(_properties) ? null : _properties.copy();

        return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList, newProperties);

    public DataSet distinct() {
        return distinctBy(this._columnNameList);

    public DataSet distinctBy(final String columnName) {
        return distinctBy(columnName, Fn.identity());

    public  DataSet distinctBy(final String columnName, final Try.Function keyMapper) throws E {
        final int columnIndex = checkColumnName(columnName);

        final int size = size();
        final int columnCount = _columnNameList.size();
        final List newColumnNameList = new ArrayList<>(_columnNameList);
        final List> newColumnList = new ArrayList<>(columnCount);

        for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
            newColumnList.add(new ArrayList<>());

        final Properties newProperties = N.isNullOrEmpty(_properties) ? null : _properties.copy();

        if (size == 0) {
            return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList, newProperties);

        final Try.Function keyMapper2 = (Try.Function) keyMapper;
        final Set rowSet = new HashSet<>();
        Object key = null;
        Object value = null;

        for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < size; rowIndex++) {
            value = _columnList.get(columnIndex).get(rowIndex);
            key = getHashKey(keyMapper2 == null ? value : keyMapper2.apply(value));

            if (rowSet.add(key)) {
                for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {

        return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList, newProperties);

    public DataSet distinctBy(final Collection columnNames) {
        return distinctBy(columnNames, (Function) null);

    public  DataSet distinctBy(final Collection columnNames, final Try.Function keyMapper)
            throws E {
        final boolean isNullOrIdentityKeyMapper = keyMapper == null || keyMapper == Fn.identity();

        if (columnNames.size() == 1 && isNullOrIdentityKeyMapper) {
            return distinctBy(columnNames.iterator().next());

        final int size = size();
        final int[] columnIndexes = checkColumnName(columnNames);

        final int columnCount = _columnNameList.size();
        final List newColumnNameList = new ArrayList<>(_columnNameList);
        final List> newColumnList = new ArrayList<>(columnCount);

        for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
            newColumnList.add(new ArrayList<>());

        final Properties newProperties = N.isNullOrEmpty(_properties) ? null : _properties.copy();

        if (size == 0) {
            return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList, newProperties);

        final Set rowSet = new HashSet<>();
        Object[] row = Objectory.createObjectArray(columnCount);
        DisposableObjArray disposableArray = DisposableObjArray.wrap(row);

        for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < size; rowIndex++) {
            for (int i = 0, len = columnIndexes.length; i < len; i++) {
                row[i] = _columnList.get(columnIndexes[i]).get(rowIndex);

            if (isNullOrIdentityKeyMapper) {
                if (rowSet.add(Wrapper.of(row))) {
                    for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < columnCount; columnIndex++) {

                    row = Objectory.createObjectArray(columnCount);
            } else {
                if (rowSet.add(getHashKey(keyMapper.apply(disposableArray)))) {
                    for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < columnCount; columnIndex++) {

        if (row != null) {
            row = null;

        if (isNullOrIdentityKeyMapper) {
            final Set> tmp = (Set) rowSet;

            for (Wrapper e : tmp) {

        return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList, newProperties);

    public  DataSet filter(final Try.Predicate filter) throws E {
        return filter(filter, size());

    public  DataSet filter(Try.Predicate filter, int max) throws E {
        return filter(0, size(), filter);

    public  DataSet filter(final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex, final Try.Predicate filter)
            throws E {
        return filter(fromRowIndex, toRowIndex, filter, size());

    public  DataSet filter(int fromRowIndex, int toRowIndex, Try.Predicate filter, int max) throws E {
        return filter(this._columnNameList, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex, filter, max);

    public  DataSet filter(Tuple2 columnNames, Try.BiPredicate filter) throws E {
        return filter(columnNames, filter, size());

    public  DataSet filter(Tuple2 columnNames, Try.BiPredicate filter, int max) throws E {
        return filter(columnNames, 0, size(), filter, max);

    public  DataSet filter(Tuple2 columnNames, int fromRowIndex, int toRowIndex, Try.BiPredicate filter)
            throws E {
        return filter(columnNames, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex, filter, size());

    public  DataSet filter(Tuple2 columnNames, int fromRowIndex, int toRowIndex, Try.BiPredicate filter, int max)
            throws E {
        final List column1 = _columnList.get(checkColumnName(columnNames._1));
        final List column2 = _columnList.get(checkColumnName(columnNames._2));
        checkRowIndex(fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);

        final Try.BiPredicate filter2 = (Try.BiPredicate) filter;
        final int size = size();
        final int columnCount = _columnNameList.size();
        final List newColumnNameList = new ArrayList<>(_columnNameList);
        final List> newColumnList = new ArrayList<>(columnCount);

        for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
            newColumnList.add(new ArrayList<>(N.min(max, (size == 0) ? 0 : ((int) (size * 0.8) + 1))));

        final Properties newProperties = N.isNullOrEmpty(_properties) ? null : _properties.copy();

        if (size == 0 || max == 0) {
            return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList, newProperties);

        int count = max;

        for (int rowIndex = fromRowIndex; rowIndex < toRowIndex; rowIndex++) {
            if (filter2.test(column1.get(rowIndex), column2.get(rowIndex))) {
                if (--count < 0) {

                for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < columnCount; columnIndex++) {

        return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList, newProperties);

    public  DataSet filter(Tuple3 columnNames, Try.TriPredicate filter) throws E {
        return filter(columnNames, filter, size());

    public  DataSet filter(Tuple3 columnNames, Try.TriPredicate filter, int max) throws E {
        return filter(columnNames, 0, size(), filter, max);

    public  DataSet filter(Tuple3 columnNames, int fromRowIndex, int toRowIndex,
            Try.TriPredicate filter) throws E {
        return filter(columnNames, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex, filter, size());

    public  DataSet filter(final Tuple3 columnNames, final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex,
            final Try.TriPredicate filter, final int max) throws E {
        final List column1 = _columnList.get(checkColumnName(columnNames._1));
        final List column2 = _columnList.get(checkColumnName(columnNames._2));
        final List column3 = _columnList.get(checkColumnName(columnNames._3));

        checkRowIndex(fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);

        final TriPredicate filter2 = (Try.TriPredicate) filter;
        final int size = size();
        final int columnCount = _columnNameList.size();
        final List newColumnNameList = new ArrayList<>(_columnNameList);
        final List> newColumnList = new ArrayList<>(columnCount);

        for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
            newColumnList.add(new ArrayList<>(N.min(max, (size == 0) ? 0 : ((int) (size * 0.8) + 1))));

        final Properties newProperties = N.isNullOrEmpty(_properties) ? null : _properties.copy();

        if (size == 0 || max == 0) {
            return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList, newProperties);

        int count = max;

        for (int rowIndex = fromRowIndex; rowIndex < toRowIndex; rowIndex++) {
            if (filter2.test(column1.get(rowIndex), column2.get(rowIndex), column3.get(rowIndex))) {
                if (--count < 0) {

                for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < columnCount; columnIndex++) {

        return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList, newProperties);

    public  DataSet filter(final String columnName, final Try.Predicate filter) throws E {
        return filter(columnName, filter, size());

    public  DataSet filter(final String columnName, Try.Predicate filter, int max) throws E {
        return filter(columnName, 0, size(), filter, max);

    public  DataSet filter(final String columnName, final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex, final Try.Predicate filter)
            throws E {
        return filter(columnName, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex, filter, size());

    public  DataSet filter(final String columnName, int fromRowIndex, int toRowIndex, Try.Predicate filter, int max) throws E {
        final int filterColumnIndex = checkColumnName(columnName);
        checkRowIndex(fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);
        N.checkArgNotNull(filter, "filter");
        N.checkArgNotNegative(max, "max");

        final int size = size();
        final int columnCount = _columnNameList.size();
        final List newColumnNameList = new ArrayList<>(_columnNameList);
        final List> newColumnList = new ArrayList<>(columnCount);

        for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
            newColumnList.add(new ArrayList<>(N.min(max, (size == 0) ? 0 : ((int) (size * 0.8) + 1))));

        final Properties newProperties = N.isNullOrEmpty(_properties) ? null : _properties.copy();

        if (size == 0) {
            return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList, newProperties);

        for (int rowIndex = fromRowIndex; rowIndex < toRowIndex; rowIndex++) {
            if (filter.test((T) _columnList.get(filterColumnIndex).get(rowIndex))) {
                if (--max < 0) {

                for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < columnCount; columnIndex++) {

        return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList, newProperties);

    public  DataSet filter(final Collection columnNames, final Try.Predicate filter) throws E {
        return filter(columnNames, filter, size());

    public  DataSet filter(Collection columnNames, Try.Predicate filter, int max) throws E {
        return filter(columnNames, 0, size(), filter, max);

    public  DataSet filter(final Collection columnNames, final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex,
            final Try.Predicate filter) throws E {
        return filter(columnNames, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex, filter, size());

    public  DataSet filter(Collection columnNames, int fromRowIndex, int toRowIndex,
            Try.Predicate filter, int max) throws E {
        final int[] filterColumnIndexes = checkColumnName(columnNames);
        checkRowIndex(fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);
        N.checkArgNotNull(filter, "filter");
        N.checkArgNotNegative(max, "max");

        final int size = size();
        final int columnCount = _columnNameList.size();
        final List newColumnNameList = new ArrayList<>(_columnNameList);
        final List> newColumnList = new ArrayList<>(columnCount);

        for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
            newColumnList.add(new ArrayList<>(N.min(max, (size == 0) ? 0 : ((int) (size * 0.8) + 1))));

        final Properties newProperties = N.isNullOrEmpty(_properties) ? null : _properties.copy();

        if (size == 0) {
            return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList, newProperties);

        final int filterColumnCount = filterColumnIndexes.length;
        final Object[] values = new Object[filterColumnCount];
        final DisposableObjArray disposableArray = DisposableObjArray.wrap(values);

        for (int rowIndex = fromRowIndex; rowIndex < toRowIndex; rowIndex++) {
            for (int i = 0; i < filterColumnCount; i++) {
                values[i] = _columnList.get(filterColumnIndexes[i]).get(rowIndex);

            if (filter.test(disposableArray)) {
                if (--max < 0) {

                for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < columnCount; columnIndex++) {

        return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList, newProperties);

    public  DataSet map(final String fromColumnName, final Try.Function func, final String newColumnName,
            final String copyingColumnName) throws E {
        return map(fromColumnName, func, newColumnName, Array.asList(copyingColumnName));

    public  DataSet map(final String fromColumnName, final Try.Function func, final String newColumnName,
            final Collection copyingColumnNames) throws E {
        N.checkArgNotNull(func, "func");
        final int fromColumnIndex = checkColumnName(fromColumnName);
        final int[] copyingColumnIndices = N.isNullOrEmpty(copyingColumnNames) ? N.EMPTY_INT_ARRAY : checkColumnName(copyingColumnNames);

        final Try.Function mapper = (Try.Function) func;
        final int size = size();
        final int copyingColumnCount = copyingColumnIndices.length;

        final List mappedColumn = new ArrayList<>(size);

        for (Object val : _columnList.get(fromColumnIndex)) {

        final List newColumnNameList = new ArrayList<>(copyingColumnCount + 1);

        final List> newColumnList = new ArrayList<>(copyingColumnCount + 1);

        if (N.notNullOrEmpty(copyingColumnNames)) {

            for (int columnIndex : copyingColumnIndices) {
                newColumnList.add(new ArrayList<>(_columnList.get(columnIndex)));

        return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList);

    public  DataSet map(final Tuple2 fromColumnNames, final BiFunction func, final String newColumnName,
            final Collection copyingColumnNames) throws E {
        N.checkArgNotNull(func, "func");
        final List fromColumn1 = _columnList.get(checkColumnName(fromColumnNames._1));
        final List fromColumn2 = _columnList.get(checkColumnName(fromColumnNames._2));
        final int[] copyingColumnIndices = N.isNullOrEmpty(copyingColumnNames) ? N.EMPTY_INT_ARRAY : checkColumnName(copyingColumnNames);

        final Try.BiFunction mapper = (Try.BiFunction) func;
        final int size = size();
        final int copyingColumnCount = copyingColumnIndices.length;

        final List mappedColumn = new ArrayList<>(size);

        for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < size; rowIndex++) {
            mappedColumn.add(mapper.apply(fromColumn1.get(rowIndex), fromColumn2.get(rowIndex)));

        final List newColumnNameList = new ArrayList<>(copyingColumnCount + 1);

        final List> newColumnList = new ArrayList<>(copyingColumnCount + 1);

        if (N.notNullOrEmpty(copyingColumnNames)) {

            for (int columnIndex : copyingColumnIndices) {
                newColumnList.add(new ArrayList<>(_columnList.get(columnIndex)));

        return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList);

    public  DataSet map(final Tuple3 fromColumnNames, final TriFunction func,
            final String newColumnName, final Collection copyingColumnNames) throws E {
        N.checkArgNotNull(func, "func");
        final List fromColumn1 = _columnList.get(checkColumnName(fromColumnNames._1));
        final List fromColumn2 = _columnList.get(checkColumnName(fromColumnNames._2));
        final List fromColumn3 = _columnList.get(checkColumnName(fromColumnNames._3));

        final int[] copyingColumnIndices = N.isNullOrEmpty(copyingColumnNames) ? N.EMPTY_INT_ARRAY : checkColumnName(copyingColumnNames);

        final Try.TriFunction mapper = (Try.TriFunction) func;
        final int size = size();
        final int copyingColumnCount = copyingColumnIndices.length;

        final List mappedColumn = new ArrayList<>(size);

        for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < size; rowIndex++) {
            mappedColumn.add(mapper.apply(fromColumn1.get(rowIndex), fromColumn2.get(rowIndex), fromColumn3.get(rowIndex)));

        final List newColumnNameList = new ArrayList<>(copyingColumnCount + 1);

        final List> newColumnList = new ArrayList<>(copyingColumnCount + 1);

        if (N.notNullOrEmpty(copyingColumnNames)) {

            for (int columnIndex : copyingColumnIndices) {
                newColumnList.add(new ArrayList<>(_columnList.get(columnIndex)));

        return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList);

    public  DataSet map(final Collection fromColumnNames, final Try.Function func,
            final String newColumnName, final Collection copyingColumnNames) throws E {
        N.checkArgNotNull(func, "func");
        final int[] fromColumnIndices = checkColumnName(fromColumnNames);
        final int[] copyingColumnIndices = N.isNullOrEmpty(copyingColumnNames) ? N.EMPTY_INT_ARRAY : checkColumnName(copyingColumnNames);

        final Try.Function mapper = (Try.Function) func;
        final int size = size();
        final int fromColumnCount = fromColumnIndices.length;
        final int copyingColumnCount = copyingColumnIndices.length;

        final List mappedColumn = new ArrayList<>(size);
        final Object[] tmpRow = new Object[fromColumnCount];
        final DisposableObjArray disposableArray = DisposableObjArray.wrap(tmpRow);

        for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < size; rowIndex++) {
            for (int i = 0; i < fromColumnCount; i++) {
                tmpRow[i] = _columnList.get(fromColumnIndices[i]).get(rowIndex);


        final List newColumnNameList = new ArrayList<>(copyingColumnCount + 1);

        final List> newColumnList = new ArrayList<>(copyingColumnCount + 1);

        if (N.notNullOrEmpty(copyingColumnNames)) {

            for (int columnIndex : copyingColumnIndices) {
                newColumnList.add(new ArrayList<>(_columnList.get(columnIndex)));

        return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList);

    public  DataSet flatMap(final String fromColumnName, final Try.Function, E> func,
            final String newColumnName, final String copyingColumnName) throws E {
        return flatMap(fromColumnName, func, newColumnName, Array.asList(copyingColumnName));

    public  DataSet flatMap(final String fromColumnName, final Try.Function, E> func,
            final String newColumnName, final Collection copyingColumnNames) throws E {
        N.checkArgNotNull(func, "func");
        final int fromColumnIndex = checkColumnName(fromColumnName);
        final int[] copyingColumnIndices = N.isNullOrEmpty(copyingColumnNames) ? N.EMPTY_INT_ARRAY : checkColumnName(copyingColumnNames);

        final Try.Function, E> mapper = (Try.Function, E>) func;
        final int size = size();
        final int copyingColumnCount = copyingColumnIndices.length;

        final List mappedColumn = new ArrayList<>(size);

        final List newColumnNameList = new ArrayList<>(copyingColumnCount + 1);

        final List> newColumnList = new ArrayList<>(copyingColumnCount + 1);

        if (N.isNullOrEmpty(copyingColumnNames)) {
            Collection c = null;

            for (Object val : _columnList.get(fromColumnIndex)) {
                c = mapper.apply(val);

                if (N.notNullOrEmpty(c)) {
        } else {

            for (int i = 0; i < copyingColumnCount; i++) {
                newColumnList.add(new ArrayList<>(size));

            final List fromColumn = _columnList.get(fromColumnIndex);
            Collection c = null;
            List copyingColumn = null;
            Object val = null;

            for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < size; rowIndex++) {
                c = mapper.apply(fromColumn.get(rowIndex));

                if (N.notNullOrEmpty(c)) {

                    for (int i = 0; i < copyingColumnCount; i++) {
                        val = _columnList.get(copyingColumnIndices[i]).get(rowIndex);
                        copyingColumn = newColumnList.get(i + 1);

                        for (int j = 0, len = c.size(); j < len; j++) {

        return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList);

    public  DataSet flatMap(final Tuple2 fromColumnNames, final BiFunction, E> func,
            final String newColumnName, final Collection copyingColumnNames) throws E {
        N.checkArgNotNull(func, "func");
        final List fromColumn1 = _columnList.get(checkColumnName(fromColumnNames._1));
        final List fromColumn2 = _columnList.get(checkColumnName(fromColumnNames._2));

        final int[] copyingColumnIndices = N.isNullOrEmpty(copyingColumnNames) ? N.EMPTY_INT_ARRAY : checkColumnName(copyingColumnNames);

        final Try.BiFunction, E> mapper = (Try.BiFunction, E>) func;
        final int size = size();
        final int copyingColumnCount = copyingColumnIndices.length;

        final List mappedColumn = new ArrayList<>(size);

        final List newColumnNameList = new ArrayList<>(copyingColumnCount + 1);

        final List> newColumnList = new ArrayList<>(copyingColumnCount + 1);

        if (N.isNullOrEmpty(copyingColumnNames)) {
            Collection c = null;

            for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < size; rowIndex++) {
                c = mapper.apply(fromColumn1.get(rowIndex), fromColumn2.get(rowIndex));

                if (N.notNullOrEmpty(c)) {
        } else {

            for (int i = 0; i < copyingColumnCount; i++) {
                newColumnList.add(new ArrayList<>(size));

            Collection c = null;
            List copyingColumn = null;
            Object val = null;

            for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < size; rowIndex++) {
                c = mapper.apply(fromColumn1.get(rowIndex), fromColumn2.get(rowIndex));

                if (N.notNullOrEmpty(c)) {

                    for (int i = 0; i < copyingColumnCount; i++) {
                        val = _columnList.get(copyingColumnIndices[i]).get(rowIndex);
                        copyingColumn = newColumnList.get(i + 1);

                        for (int j = 0, len = c.size(); j < len; j++) {

        return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList);

    public  DataSet flatMap(final Tuple3 fromColumnNames,
            final TriFunction, E> func, final String newColumnName, final Collection copyingColumnNames) throws E {
        N.checkArgNotNull(func, "func");
        final List fromColumn1 = _columnList.get(checkColumnName(fromColumnNames._1));
        final List fromColumn2 = _columnList.get(checkColumnName(fromColumnNames._2));
        final List fromColumn3 = _columnList.get(checkColumnName(fromColumnNames._3));

        final int[] copyingColumnIndices = N.isNullOrEmpty(copyingColumnNames) ? N.EMPTY_INT_ARRAY : checkColumnName(copyingColumnNames);

        final Try.TriFunction, E> mapper = (Try.TriFunction, E>) func;
        final int size = size();
        final int copyingColumnCount = copyingColumnIndices.length;

        final List mappedColumn = new ArrayList<>(size);

        final List newColumnNameList = new ArrayList<>(copyingColumnCount + 1);

        final List> newColumnList = new ArrayList<>(copyingColumnCount + 1);

        if (N.isNullOrEmpty(copyingColumnNames)) {
            Collection c = null;

            for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < size; rowIndex++) {
                c = mapper.apply(fromColumn1.get(rowIndex), fromColumn2.get(rowIndex), fromColumn3.get(rowIndex));

                if (N.notNullOrEmpty(c)) {
        } else {

            for (int i = 0; i < copyingColumnCount; i++) {
                newColumnList.add(new ArrayList<>(size));

            Collection c = null;
            List copyingColumn = null;
            Object val = null;

            for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < size; rowIndex++) {
                c = mapper.apply(fromColumn1.get(rowIndex), fromColumn2.get(rowIndex), fromColumn3.get(rowIndex));

                if (N.notNullOrEmpty(c)) {

                    for (int i = 0; i < copyingColumnCount; i++) {
                        val = _columnList.get(copyingColumnIndices[i]).get(rowIndex);
                        copyingColumn = newColumnList.get(i + 1);

                        for (int j = 0, len = c.size(); j < len; j++) {

        return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList);

    public  DataSet flatMap(final Collection fromColumnNames,
            final Try.Function, E> func, final String newColumnName, final Collection copyingColumnNames)
            throws E {
        N.checkArgNotNull(func, "func");
        final int[] fromColumnIndices = checkColumnName(fromColumnNames);
        final int[] copyingColumnIndices = N.isNullOrEmpty(copyingColumnNames) ? N.EMPTY_INT_ARRAY : checkColumnName(copyingColumnNames);

        final Try.Function, E> mapper = (Try.Function, E>) func;
        final int size = size();
        final int fromColumnCount = fromColumnIndices.length;
        final int copyingColumnCount = copyingColumnIndices.length;

        final List mappedColumn = new ArrayList<>(size);

        final List newColumnNameList = new ArrayList<>(copyingColumnCount + 1);

        final List> newColumnList = new ArrayList<>(copyingColumnCount + 1);

        final Object[] tmpRow = new Object[fromColumnCount];
        final DisposableObjArray disposableArray = DisposableObjArray.wrap(tmpRow);

        if (N.isNullOrEmpty(copyingColumnNames)) {
            Collection c = null;

            for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < size; rowIndex++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < fromColumnCount; j++) {
                    tmpRow[j] = _columnList.get(fromColumnIndices[j]).get(rowIndex);

                c = mapper.apply(disposableArray);

                if (N.notNullOrEmpty(c)) {
        } else {

            for (int i = 0; i < copyingColumnCount; i++) {
                newColumnList.add(new ArrayList<>(size));

            Collection c = null;
            List copyingColumn = null;
            Object val = null;

            for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < size; rowIndex++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < fromColumnCount; j++) {
                    tmpRow[j] = _columnList.get(fromColumnIndices[j]).get(rowIndex);

                c = mapper.apply(disposableArray);

                if (N.notNullOrEmpty(c)) {

                    for (int i = 0; i < copyingColumnCount; i++) {
                        val = _columnList.get(copyingColumnIndices[i]).get(rowIndex);
                        copyingColumn = newColumnList.get(i + 1);

                        for (int j = 0, len = c.size(); j < len; j++) {

        return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList);

    public DataSet copy() {
        return copy(_columnNameList, 0, size());

    public DataSet copy(final Collection columnNames) {
        return copy(columnNames, 0, size());

    public DataSet copy(final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex) {
        return copy(_columnNameList, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);

    public DataSet copy(final Collection columnNames, final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex) {
        return copy(columnNames, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex, true);

    private RowDataSet copy(final Collection columnNames, final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex, final boolean copyProperties) {
        checkRowIndex(fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);

        final List newColumnNameList = new ArrayList<>(columnNames);
        final List> newColumnList = new ArrayList<>(newColumnNameList.size());

        if (fromRowIndex == 0 && toRowIndex == size()) {
            for (String columnName : newColumnNameList) {
                newColumnList.add(new ArrayList<>(_columnList.get(checkColumnName(columnName))));
        } else {
            for (String columnName : newColumnNameList) {
                newColumnList.add(new ArrayList<>(_columnList.get(checkColumnName(columnName)).subList(fromRowIndex, toRowIndex)));

        final Properties newProperties = copyProperties && N.notNullOrEmpty(_properties) ? _properties.copy() : null;

        return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList, newProperties);

    public DataSet clone() {
        return clone(this._isFrozen);

    public DataSet clone(boolean freeze) {
        RowDataSet dataSet = null;

        if (kryoParser != null) {
            dataSet = kryoParser.clone(this);
        } else {
            dataSet = jsonParser.deserialize(RowDataSet.class, jsonParser.serialize(this));

        dataSet._isFrozen = freeze;
        return dataSet;

    public DataSet innerJoin(final DataSet right, final String columnName, final String refColumnName) {
        final Map onColumnNames = N.asMap(columnName, refColumnName);

        return innerJoin(right, onColumnNames);

    public DataSet innerJoin(final DataSet right, final Map onColumnNames) {
        return join(right, onColumnNames, false);

    public DataSet innerJoin(final DataSet right, final Map onColumnNames, final String newColumnName, final Class newColumnClass) {
        return join(right, onColumnNames, newColumnName, newColumnClass, false);

    public DataSet innerJoin(final DataSet right, final Map onColumnNames, final String newColumnName, final Class newColumnClass,
            final IntFunction collSupplier) {
        return join(right, onColumnNames, newColumnName, newColumnClass, collSupplier, false);

    public DataSet leftJoin(final DataSet right, final String columnName, final String refColumnName) {
        final Map onColumnNames = N.asMap(columnName, refColumnName);

        return leftJoin(right, onColumnNames);

    public DataSet leftJoin(final DataSet right, final Map onColumnNames) {
        return join(right, onColumnNames, true);

    private DataSet join(final DataSet right, final Map onColumnNames, final boolean isLeftJoin) {

        if (onColumnNames.size() == 1) {
            final Map.Entry onColumnEntry = onColumnNames.entrySet().iterator().next();
            final int leftJoinColumnIndex = checkColumnName(onColumnEntry.getKey());
            final int rightJoinColumnIndex = checkRefColumnName(right, onColumnEntry.getValue());
            final List rightColumnNames = getRightColumnNames(right, onColumnEntry.getValue());
            final List newColumnNameList = new ArrayList<>(_columnNameList.size() + rightColumnNames.size());
            final List> newColumnList = new ArrayList<>(_columnNameList.size() + rightColumnNames.size());

            initNewColumnList(newColumnNameList, newColumnList, rightColumnNames);

            final List leftJoinColumn = this.getColumn(leftJoinColumnIndex);
            final List rightJoinColumn = right.getColumn(rightJoinColumnIndex);
            final Map> joinColumnRightRowIndexMap = new HashMap<>();
            Object hashKey = null;

            for (int rightRowIndex = 0, rightDataSetSize = right.size(); rightRowIndex < rightDataSetSize; rightRowIndex++) {
                hashKey = getHashKey(rightJoinColumn.get(rightRowIndex));
                putRowIndex(joinColumnRightRowIndexMap, hashKey, rightRowIndex);

            final int[] rightColumnIndexes = right.getColumnIndexes(rightColumnNames);
            List rightRowIndexList = null;

            for (int leftRowIndex = 0, size = size(); leftRowIndex < size; leftRowIndex++) {
                hashKey = getHashKey(leftJoinColumn.get(leftRowIndex));
                rightRowIndexList = joinColumnRightRowIndexMap.get(hashKey);

                join(newColumnList, right, isLeftJoin, leftRowIndex, rightRowIndexList, rightColumnIndexes);

            return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList);
        } else {
            final int[] leftJoinColumnIndexes = new int[onColumnNames.size()];
            final int[] rightJoinColumnIndexes = new int[onColumnNames.size()];
            final List rightColumnNames = new ArrayList<>(right.columnNameList());

            initColumnIndexes(leftJoinColumnIndexes, rightJoinColumnIndexes, right, onColumnNames, rightColumnNames);

            final List newColumnNameList = new ArrayList<>(_columnNameList.size() + rightColumnNames.size());
            final List> newColumnList = new ArrayList<>(_columnNameList.size() + rightColumnNames.size());

            initNewColumnList(newColumnNameList, newColumnList, rightColumnNames);

            final Map> joinColumnRightRowIndexMap = new ArrayHashMap<>();
            Object[] row = null;

            for (int rightRowIndex = 0, rightDataSetSize = right.size(); rightRowIndex < rightDataSetSize; rightRowIndex++) {
                row = row == null ? Objectory.createObjectArray(rightJoinColumnIndexes.length) : row;

                for (int i = 0, len = rightJoinColumnIndexes.length; i < len; i++) {
                    row[i] = right.get(rightRowIndex, rightJoinColumnIndexes[i]);

                row = putRowIndex(joinColumnRightRowIndexMap, row, rightRowIndex);

            if (row != null) {
                row = null;

            final int[] rightColumnIndexes = right.getColumnIndexes(rightColumnNames);
            row = Objectory.createObjectArray(leftJoinColumnIndexes.length);
            List rightRowIndexList = null;

            for (int leftRowIndex = 0, size = size(); leftRowIndex < size; leftRowIndex++) {
                for (int i = 0, len = leftJoinColumnIndexes.length; i < len; i++) {
                    row[i] = this.get(leftRowIndex, leftJoinColumnIndexes[i]);

                rightRowIndexList = joinColumnRightRowIndexMap.get(row);

                join(newColumnList, right, isLeftJoin, leftRowIndex, rightRowIndexList, rightColumnIndexes);

            if (row != null) {
                row = null;

            for (Object[] a : joinColumnRightRowIndexMap.keySet()) {

            return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList);

    private void join(final List> newColumnList, final DataSet right, final boolean isLeftJoin, int leftRowIndex, List rightRowIndexList,
            final int[] rightColumnIndexes) {
        if (N.notNullOrEmpty(rightRowIndexList)) {
            for (int rightRowIndex : rightRowIndexList) {
                for (int i = 0, leftColumnLength = _columnNameList.size(); i < leftColumnLength; i++) {

                for (int i = 0, leftColumnLength = _columnNameList.size(), rightColumnLength = rightColumnIndexes.length; i < rightColumnLength; i++) {
                    newColumnList.get(leftColumnLength + i).add(right.get(rightRowIndex, rightColumnIndexes[i]));
        } else if (isLeftJoin) {
            for (int i = 0, leftColumnLength = _columnNameList.size(); i < leftColumnLength; i++) {

            for (int i = 0, leftColumnLength = _columnNameList.size(), rightColumnLength = rightColumnIndexes.length; i < rightColumnLength; i++) {
                newColumnList.get(leftColumnLength + i).add(null);

    private DataSet join(final DataSet right, final Map onColumnNames, final String newColumnName, final Class newColumnClass,
            final boolean isLeftJoin) {

        if (onColumnNames.size() == 1) {
            final Map.Entry onColumnEntry = onColumnNames.entrySet().iterator().next();
            final int leftJoinColumnIndex = checkColumnName(onColumnEntry.getKey());
            final int rightJoinColumnIndex = checkRefColumnName(right, onColumnEntry.getValue());
            final List newColumnNameList = new ArrayList<>(_columnNameList.size() + 1);
            final List> newColumnList = new ArrayList<>(_columnNameList.size() + 1);

            initNewColumnList(newColumnNameList, newColumnList, newColumnName);

            final List leftJoinColumn = this.getColumn(leftJoinColumnIndex);
            final List rightJoinColumn = right.getColumn(rightJoinColumnIndex);
            final Map> joinColumnRightRowIndexMap = new HashMap<>();
            Object hashKey = null;

            for (int rightRowIndex = 0, rightDataSetSize = right.size(); rightRowIndex < rightDataSetSize; rightRowIndex++) {
                hashKey = getHashKey(rightJoinColumn.get(rightRowIndex));
                putRowIndex(joinColumnRightRowIndexMap, hashKey, rightRowIndex);

            final int newColumnIndex = newColumnList.size() - 1;
            List rightRowIndexList = null;

            for (int leftRowIndex = 0, size = size(); leftRowIndex < size; leftRowIndex++) {
                hashKey = getHashKey(leftJoinColumn.get(leftRowIndex));
                rightRowIndexList = joinColumnRightRowIndexMap.get(hashKey);

                join(newColumnList, right, isLeftJoin, newColumnClass, newColumnIndex, leftRowIndex, rightRowIndexList);

            return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList);
        } else {
            final int[] leftJoinColumnIndexes = new int[onColumnNames.size()];
            final int[] rightJoinColumnIndexes = new int[onColumnNames.size()];

            initColumnIndexes(leftJoinColumnIndexes, rightJoinColumnIndexes, right, onColumnNames);

            final List newColumnNameList = new ArrayList<>(_columnNameList.size() + 1);
            final List> newColumnList = new ArrayList<>(_columnNameList.size() + 1);
            initNewColumnList(newColumnNameList, newColumnList, newColumnName);

            final Map> joinColumnRightRowIndexMap = new ArrayHashMap<>();
            Object[] row = null;

            for (int rightRowIndex = 0, rightDataSetSize = right.size(); rightRowIndex < rightDataSetSize; rightRowIndex++) {
                row = row == null ? Objectory.createObjectArray(rightJoinColumnIndexes.length) : row;

                for (int i = 0, len = rightJoinColumnIndexes.length; i < len; i++) {
                    row[i] = right.get(rightRowIndex, rightJoinColumnIndexes[i]);

                row = putRowIndex(joinColumnRightRowIndexMap, row, rightRowIndex);

            if (row != null) {
                row = null;

            final int newColumnIndex = newColumnList.size() - 1;
            List rightRowIndexList = null;
            row = Objectory.createObjectArray(leftJoinColumnIndexes.length);

            for (int leftRowIndex = 0, size = size(); leftRowIndex < size; leftRowIndex++) {
                for (int i = 0, len = leftJoinColumnIndexes.length; i < len; i++) {
                    row[i] = this.get(leftRowIndex, leftJoinColumnIndexes[i]);

                rightRowIndexList = joinColumnRightRowIndexMap.get(row);

                join(newColumnList, right, isLeftJoin, newColumnClass, newColumnIndex, leftRowIndex, rightRowIndexList);

            if (row != null) {
                row = null;

            for (Object[] a : joinColumnRightRowIndexMap.keySet()) {

            return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList);

    private void join(final List> newColumnList, final DataSet right, final boolean isLeftJoin, final Class newColumnClass,
            final int newColumnIndex, int leftRowIndex, List rightRowIndexList) {
        if (N.notNullOrEmpty(rightRowIndexList)) {
            for (int rightRowIndex : rightRowIndexList) {
                for (int i = 0, leftColumnLength = _columnNameList.size(); i < leftColumnLength; i++) {

                newColumnList.get(newColumnIndex).add(right.getRow(newColumnClass, rightRowIndex));
        } else if (isLeftJoin) {
            for (int i = 0, leftColumnLength = _columnNameList.size(); i < leftColumnLength; i++) {


    private void checkJoinOnColumnNames(final Map onColumnNames) {
        if (N.isNullOrEmpty(onColumnNames)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The joining column names can't be null or empty");

    private int checkRefColumnName(final DataSet right, final String refColumnName) {
        final int rightJoinColumnIndex = right.getColumnIndex(refColumnName);

        if (rightJoinColumnIndex < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The specified column: " + refColumnName + " is not included in the right DataSet " + right.columnNameList());

        return rightJoinColumnIndex;

    private void checkNewColumnName(final String newColumnName) {
        if (this.containsColumn(newColumnName)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The new column: " + newColumnName + " is already included in this DataSet: " + _columnNameList);

    private List getRightColumnNames(final DataSet right, final String refColumnName) {
        final List rightColumnNames = new ArrayList<>(right.columnNameList());

        if (this.containsColumn(refColumnName)) {

        return rightColumnNames;

    private void initColumnIndexes(final int[] leftJoinColumnIndexes, final int[] rightJoinColumnIndexes, final DataSet right,
            final Map onColumnNames, final List rightColumnNames) {
        int i = 0;
        for (Map.Entry entry : onColumnNames.entrySet()) {
            leftJoinColumnIndexes[i] = checkColumnName(entry.getKey());
            rightJoinColumnIndexes[i] = right.getColumnIndex(entry.getValue());

            if (rightJoinColumnIndexes[i] < 0) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "The specified column: " + entry.getValue() + " is not included in the right DataSet " + right.columnNameList());

            if (entry.getKey().equals(entry.getValue())) {


    private void initColumnIndexes(final int[] leftJoinColumnIndexes, final int[] rightJoinColumnIndexes, final DataSet right,
            final Map onColumnNames) {
        int i = 0;
        for (Map.Entry entry : onColumnNames.entrySet()) {
            leftJoinColumnIndexes[i] = checkColumnName(entry.getKey());
            rightJoinColumnIndexes[i] = right.getColumnIndex(entry.getValue());

            if (rightJoinColumnIndexes[i] < 0) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "The specified column: " + entry.getValue() + " is not included in the right DataSet " + right.columnNameList());


    private void initNewColumnList(final List newColumnNameList, final List> newColumnList, final List rightColumnNames) {
        for (int i = 0, len = _columnNameList.size(); i < len; i++) {
            newColumnList.add(new ArrayList<>());

        for (String rightColumnName : rightColumnNames) {
            if (this.containsColumn(rightColumnName)) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "The column in right DataSet: " + rightColumnName + " is already included in this DataSet: " + _columnNameList);

            newColumnList.add(new ArrayList<>());

    private void initNewColumnList(final List newColumnNameList, final List> newColumnList, final String newColumnName) {
        for (int i = 0, len = _columnNameList.size(); i < len; i++) {
            newColumnList.add(new ArrayList<>());

        newColumnList.add(new ArrayList<>());

    private void putRowIndex(final Map> joinColumnRightRowIndexMap, Object hashKey, int rightRowIndex) {
        List rightRowIndexList = joinColumnRightRowIndexMap.get(hashKey);

        if (rightRowIndexList == null) {
            joinColumnRightRowIndexMap.put(hashKey, N.asList(rightRowIndex));
        } else {

    private Object[] putRowIndex(final Map> joinColumnRightRowIndexMap, Object[] row, int rightRowIndex) {
        List rightRowIndexList = joinColumnRightRowIndexMap.get(row);

        if (rightRowIndexList == null) {
            joinColumnRightRowIndexMap.put(row, N.asList(rightRowIndex));
            row = null;
        } else {

        return row;

    public DataSet leftJoin(final DataSet right, final Map onColumnNames, final String newColumnName, final Class newColumnClass) {
        return join(right, onColumnNames, newColumnName, newColumnClass, true);

    public DataSet leftJoin(final DataSet right, final Map onColumnNames, final String newColumnName, final Class newColumnClass,
            final IntFunction collSupplier) {
        return join(right, onColumnNames, newColumnName, newColumnClass, collSupplier, true);

    private DataSet join(final DataSet right, final Map onColumnNames, final String newColumnName, final Class newColumnClass,
            final IntFunction collSupplier, final boolean isLeftJoin) {

        if (onColumnNames.size() == 1) {
            final Map.Entry onColumnEntry = onColumnNames.entrySet().iterator().next();
            final int leftJoinColumnIndex = checkColumnName(onColumnEntry.getKey());
            final int rightJoinColumnIndex = checkRefColumnName(right, onColumnEntry.getValue());

            final List newColumnNameList = new ArrayList<>(_columnNameList.size() + 1);
            final List> newColumnList = new ArrayList<>(_columnNameList.size() + 1);

            initNewColumnList(newColumnNameList, newColumnList, newColumnName);

            final List leftJoinColumn = this.getColumn(leftJoinColumnIndex);
            final List rightJoinColumn = right.getColumn(rightJoinColumnIndex);
            final Map> joinColumnRightRowIndexMap = new HashMap<>();
            List rightRowIndexList = null;
            Object hashKey = null;

            for (int rightRowIndex = 0, rightDataSetSize = right.size(); rightRowIndex < rightDataSetSize; rightRowIndex++) {
                hashKey = getHashKey(rightJoinColumn.get(rightRowIndex));
                putRowIndex(joinColumnRightRowIndexMap, hashKey, rightRowIndex);

            final int newColumnIndex = newColumnList.size() - 1;

            for (int leftRowIndex = 0, size = size(); leftRowIndex < size; leftRowIndex++) {
                hashKey = getHashKey(leftJoinColumn.get(leftRowIndex));
                rightRowIndexList = joinColumnRightRowIndexMap.get(hashKey);

                join(newColumnList, right, isLeftJoin, newColumnClass, collSupplier, newColumnIndex, leftRowIndex, rightRowIndexList);

            return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList);
        } else {
            final int[] leftJoinColumnIndexes = new int[onColumnNames.size()];
            final int[] rightJoinColumnIndexes = new int[onColumnNames.size()];

            initColumnIndexes(leftJoinColumnIndexes, rightJoinColumnIndexes, right, onColumnNames);

            final List newColumnNameList = new ArrayList<>(_columnNameList.size() + 1);
            final List> newColumnList = new ArrayList<>(_columnNameList.size() + 1);
            initNewColumnList(newColumnNameList, newColumnList, newColumnName);

            final Map> joinColumnRightRowIndexMap = new ArrayHashMap<>();
            List rightRowIndexList = null;
            Object[] row = null;

            for (int rightRowIndex = 0, rightDataSetSize = right.size(); rightRowIndex < rightDataSetSize; rightRowIndex++) {
                row = row == null ? Objectory.createObjectArray(rightJoinColumnIndexes.length) : row;

                for (int i = 0, len = rightJoinColumnIndexes.length; i < len; i++) {
                    row[i] = right.get(rightRowIndex, rightJoinColumnIndexes[i]);

                row = putRowIndex(joinColumnRightRowIndexMap, row, rightRowIndex);

            if (row != null) {
                row = null;

            final int newColumnIndex = newColumnList.size() - 1;
            row = Objectory.createObjectArray(leftJoinColumnIndexes.length);

            for (int leftRowIndex = 0, size = size(); leftRowIndex < size; leftRowIndex++) {
                for (int i = 0, len = leftJoinColumnIndexes.length; i < len; i++) {
                    row[i] = get(leftRowIndex, leftJoinColumnIndexes[i]);

                rightRowIndexList = joinColumnRightRowIndexMap.get(row);

                join(newColumnList, right, isLeftJoin, newColumnClass, collSupplier, newColumnIndex, leftRowIndex, rightRowIndexList);

            if (row != null) {
                row = null;

            for (Object[] a : joinColumnRightRowIndexMap.keySet()) {

            return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList);

    private void join(final List> newColumnList, final DataSet right, final boolean isLeftJoin, final Class newColumnClass,
            final IntFunction collSupplier, final int newColumnIndex, int leftRowIndex, List rightRowIndexList) {
        if (N.notNullOrEmpty(rightRowIndexList)) {
            for (int i = 0, leftColumnLength = _columnNameList.size(); i < leftColumnLength; i++) {

            final Collection coll = collSupplier.apply(rightRowIndexList.size());

            for (int rightRowIndex : rightRowIndexList) {
                coll.add(right.getRow(newColumnClass, rightRowIndex));

        } else if (isLeftJoin) {
            for (int i = 0, leftColumnLength = _columnNameList.size(); i < leftColumnLength; i++) {


    public DataSet rightJoin(final DataSet right, final String columnName, final String refColumnName) {
        final Map onColumnNames = N.asMap(columnName, refColumnName);

        return rightJoin(right, onColumnNames);

    public DataSet rightJoin(final DataSet right, final Map onColumnNames) {

        if (onColumnNames.size() == 0) {
            final Map.Entry onColumnEntry = onColumnNames.entrySet().iterator().next();
            final int leftJoinColumnIndex = checkColumnName(onColumnEntry.getKey());
            final int rightJoinColumnIndex = checkRefColumnName(right, onColumnEntry.getValue());
            final List leftColumnNames = getLeftColumnNamesForRightJoin(onColumnEntry.getValue());
            final List rightColumnNames = right.columnNameList();

            final List newColumnNameList = new ArrayList<>(leftColumnNames.size() + rightColumnNames.size());
            final List> newColumnList = new ArrayList<>(leftColumnNames.size() + rightColumnNames.size());

            initNewColumnListForRightJoin(newColumnNameList, newColumnList, right, leftColumnNames, rightColumnNames);

            final List leftJoinColumn = this.getColumn(leftJoinColumnIndex);
            final List rightJoinColumn = right.getColumn(rightJoinColumnIndex);
            final Map> joinColumnLeftRowIndexMap = new HashMap<>();
            List leftRowIndexList = null;
            Object hashKey = null;

            for (int leftRowIndex = 0, leftDataSetSize = this.size(); leftRowIndex < leftDataSetSize; leftRowIndex++) {
                hashKey = getHashKey(leftJoinColumn.get(leftRowIndex));
                putRowIndex(joinColumnLeftRowIndexMap, hashKey, leftRowIndex);

            final int[] leftColumnIndexes = this.getColumnIndexes(leftColumnNames);
            final int[] rightColumnIndexes = right.getColumnIndexes(rightColumnNames);

            for (int rightRowIndex = 0, rightDataSetSize = right.size(); rightRowIndex < rightDataSetSize; rightRowIndex++) {
                hashKey = getHashKey(rightJoinColumn.get(rightRowIndex));
                leftRowIndexList = joinColumnLeftRowIndexMap.get(hashKey);

                rightJoin(newColumnList, right, rightRowIndex, rightColumnIndexes, leftColumnIndexes, leftRowIndexList);

            return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList);
        } else {
            final List leftColumnNames = new ArrayList<>(_columnNameList);
            final List rightColumnNames = right.columnNameList();
            final int[] leftJoinColumnIndexes = new int[onColumnNames.size()];
            final int[] rightJoinColumnIndexes = new int[onColumnNames.size()];

            initColumnIndexesForRightJoin(leftJoinColumnIndexes, rightJoinColumnIndexes, right, onColumnNames, leftColumnNames);

            final List newColumnNameList = new ArrayList<>(leftColumnNames.size() + rightColumnNames.size());
            final List> newColumnList = new ArrayList<>(leftColumnNames.size() + rightColumnNames.size());

            initNewColumnListForRightJoin(newColumnNameList, newColumnList, right, leftColumnNames, rightColumnNames);

            final Map> joinColumnLeftRowIndexMap = new ArrayHashMap<>();
            Object[] row = null;

            for (int leftRowIndex = 0, leftDataSetSize = this.size(); leftRowIndex < leftDataSetSize; leftRowIndex++) {
                row = row == null ? Objectory.createObjectArray(leftJoinColumnIndexes.length) : row;

                for (int i = 0, len = leftJoinColumnIndexes.length; i < len; i++) {
                    row[i] = this.get(leftRowIndex, leftJoinColumnIndexes[i]);

                row = putRowIndex(joinColumnLeftRowIndexMap, row, leftRowIndex);

            if (row != null) {
                row = null;

            final int[] leftColumnIndexes = this.getColumnIndexes(leftColumnNames);
            final int[] rightColumnIndexes = right.getColumnIndexes(rightColumnNames);
            row = Objectory.createObjectArray(rightJoinColumnIndexes.length);
            List leftRowIndexList = null;

            for (int rightRowIndex = 0, rightDataSetSize = right.size(); rightRowIndex < rightDataSetSize; rightRowIndex++) {
                for (int i = 0, len = rightJoinColumnIndexes.length; i < len; i++) {
                    row[i] = right.get(rightRowIndex, rightJoinColumnIndexes[i]);

                leftRowIndexList = joinColumnLeftRowIndexMap.get(row);

                rightJoin(newColumnList, right, rightRowIndex, rightColumnIndexes, leftColumnIndexes, leftRowIndexList);

            if (row != null) {
                row = null;

            for (Object[] a : joinColumnLeftRowIndexMap.keySet()) {

            return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList);

    private void rightJoin(final List> newColumnList, final DataSet right, int rightRowIndex, final int[] rightColumnIndexes,
            final int[] leftColumnIndexes, List leftRowIndexList) {
        if (N.notNullOrEmpty(leftRowIndexList)) {
            for (int leftRowIndex : leftRowIndexList) {
                for (int i = 0, leftColumnLength = leftColumnIndexes.length; i < leftColumnLength; i++) {
                    newColumnList.get(i).add(this.get(leftRowIndex, leftColumnIndexes[i]));

                for (int i = 0, leftColumnLength = leftColumnIndexes.length, rightColumnLength = rightColumnIndexes.length; i < rightColumnLength; i++) {
                    newColumnList.get(i + leftColumnLength).add(right.get(rightRowIndex, rightColumnIndexes[i]));
        } else {
            for (int i = 0, leftColumnLength = leftColumnIndexes.length; i < leftColumnLength; i++) {

            for (int i = 0, leftColumnLength = leftColumnIndexes.length, rightColumnLength = rightColumnIndexes.length; i < rightColumnLength; i++) {
                newColumnList.get(i + leftColumnLength).add(right.get(rightRowIndex, rightColumnIndexes[i]));

    private void initColumnIndexesForRightJoin(final int[] leftJoinColumnIndexes, final int[] rightJoinColumnIndexes, final DataSet right,
            final Map onColumnNames, final List leftColumnNames) {
        int i = 0;
        for (Map.Entry entry : onColumnNames.entrySet()) {
            leftJoinColumnIndexes[i] = checkColumnName(entry.getKey());
            rightJoinColumnIndexes[i] = right.getColumnIndex(entry.getValue());

            if (rightJoinColumnIndexes[i] < 0) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "The specified column: " + entry.getValue() + " is not included in the right DataSet " + right.columnNameList());

            if (entry.getKey().equals(entry.getValue())) {


    private void initNewColumnListForRightJoin(final List newColumnNameList, final List> newColumnList, final DataSet right,
            final List leftColumnNames, final List rightColumnNames) {
        for (String leftColumnName : leftColumnNames) {
            if (right.containsColumn(leftColumnName)) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "The column in this DataSet: " + leftColumnName + " is already included in right DataSet: " + rightColumnNames);

            newColumnList.add(new ArrayList<>());

        for (String rightColumnName : rightColumnNames) {
            newColumnList.add(new ArrayList<>());

    private List getLeftColumnNamesForRightJoin(final String refColumnName) {
        final List leftColumnNames = new ArrayList<>(_columnNameList);

        if (this.containsColumn(refColumnName)) {

        return leftColumnNames;

    public DataSet rightJoin(final DataSet right, final Map onColumnNames, final String newColumnName, final Class newColumnClass) {

        if (onColumnNames.size() == 1) {
            final Map.Entry onColumnEntry = onColumnNames.entrySet().iterator().next();
            final int leftJoinColumnIndex = checkColumnName(onColumnEntry.getKey());
            final int rightJoinColumnIndex = checkRefColumnName(right, onColumnEntry.getValue());

            final List leftColumnNames = new ArrayList<>(_columnNameList);
            final List newColumnNameList = new ArrayList<>(leftColumnNames.size() + 1);
            final List> newColumnList = new ArrayList<>(leftColumnNames.size() + 1);

            initNewColumnListForRightJoin(newColumnNameList, newColumnList, leftColumnNames, newColumnName);

            final List leftJoinColumn = this.getColumn(leftJoinColumnIndex);
            final List rightJoinColumn = right.getColumn(rightJoinColumnIndex);
            final Map> joinColumnLeftRowIndexMap = new HashMap<>();
            Object hashKey = null;

            for (int leftRowIndex = 0, leftDataSetSize = this.size(); leftRowIndex < leftDataSetSize; leftRowIndex++) {
                hashKey = getHashKey(leftJoinColumn.get(leftRowIndex));
                putRowIndex(joinColumnLeftRowIndexMap, hashKey, leftRowIndex);

            final int newColumnIndex = newColumnList.size() - 1;
            final int[] leftColumnIndexes = this.getColumnIndexes(leftColumnNames);
            List leftRowIndexList = null;

            for (int rightRowIndex = 0, rightDataSetSize = right.size(); rightRowIndex < rightDataSetSize; rightRowIndex++) {
                hashKey = getHashKey(rightJoinColumn.get(rightRowIndex));
                leftRowIndexList = joinColumnLeftRowIndexMap.get(hashKey);

                rightJoin(newColumnList, right, newColumnClass, newColumnIndex, rightRowIndex, leftRowIndexList, leftColumnIndexes);

            return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList);
        } else {
            final List leftColumnNames = new ArrayList<>(_columnNameList);
            final int[] leftJoinColumnIndexes = new int[onColumnNames.size()];
            final int[] rightJoinColumnIndexes = new int[onColumnNames.size()];

            initColumnIndexes(leftJoinColumnIndexes, rightJoinColumnIndexes, right, onColumnNames);

            final List newColumnNameList = new ArrayList<>(leftColumnNames.size() + 1);
            final List> newColumnList = new ArrayList<>(leftColumnNames.size() + 1);

            initNewColumnListForRightJoin(newColumnNameList, newColumnList, leftColumnNames, newColumnName);

            final Map> joinColumnLeftRowIndexMap = new ArrayHashMap<>();
            Object[] row = null;

            for (int leftRowIndex = 0, leftDataSetSize = this.size(); leftRowIndex < leftDataSetSize; leftRowIndex++) {
                row = row == null ? Objectory.createObjectArray(leftJoinColumnIndexes.length) : row;

                for (int i = 0, len = leftJoinColumnIndexes.length; i < len; i++) {
                    row[i] = this.get(leftRowIndex, leftJoinColumnIndexes[i]);

                row = putRowIndex(joinColumnLeftRowIndexMap, row, leftRowIndex);

            if (row != null) {
                row = null;

            final int newColumnIndex = newColumnList.size() - 1;
            final int[] leftColumnIndexes = this.getColumnIndexes(leftColumnNames);
            row = Objectory.createObjectArray(rightJoinColumnIndexes.length);
            List leftRowIndexList = null;

            for (int rightRowIndex = 0, rightDataSetSize = right.size(); rightRowIndex < rightDataSetSize; rightRowIndex++) {
                for (int i = 0, len = rightJoinColumnIndexes.length; i < len; i++) {
                    row[i] = right.get(rightRowIndex, rightJoinColumnIndexes[i]);

                leftRowIndexList = joinColumnLeftRowIndexMap.get(row);

                rightJoin(newColumnList, right, newColumnClass, newColumnIndex, rightRowIndex, leftRowIndexList, leftColumnIndexes);

            if (row != null) {
                row = null;

            for (Object[] a : joinColumnLeftRowIndexMap.keySet()) {

            return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList);

    private void rightJoin(final List> newColumnList, final DataSet right, final Class newColumnClass, final int newColumnIndex,
            int rightRowIndex, List leftRowIndexList, final int[] leftColumnIndexes) {
        if (N.notNullOrEmpty(leftRowIndexList)) {
            for (int leftRowIndex : leftRowIndexList) {
                for (int i = 0, leftColumnLength = leftColumnIndexes.length; i < leftColumnLength; i++) {
                    newColumnList.get(i).add(this.get(leftRowIndex, leftColumnIndexes[i]));

                newColumnList.get(newColumnIndex).add(right.getRow(newColumnClass, rightRowIndex));
        } else {
            for (int i = 0, leftColumnLength = leftColumnIndexes.length; i < leftColumnLength; i++) {

            newColumnList.get(newColumnIndex).add(right.getRow(newColumnClass, rightRowIndex));

    private void initNewColumnListForRightJoin(final List newColumnNameList, final List> newColumnList, final List leftColumnNames,
            final String newColumnName) {
        for (String leftColumnName : leftColumnNames) {
            newColumnList.add(new ArrayList<>());

        newColumnList.add(new ArrayList<>());

    public DataSet rightJoin(final DataSet right, final Map onColumnNames, final String newColumnName, final Class newColumnClass,
            final IntFunction collSupplier) {

        if (onColumnNames.size() == 1) {
            final Map.Entry onColumnEntry = onColumnNames.entrySet().iterator().next();
            final int leftJoinColumnIndex = checkColumnName(onColumnEntry.getKey());
            final int rightJoinColumnIndex = checkRefColumnName(right, onColumnEntry.getValue());

            final List leftColumnNames = new ArrayList<>(_columnNameList);
            final List newColumnNameList = new ArrayList<>(leftColumnNames.size() + 1);
            final List> newColumnList = new ArrayList<>(leftColumnNames.size() + 1);

            initNewColumnListForRightJoin(newColumnNameList, newColumnList, leftColumnNames, newColumnName);

            final List leftJoinColumn = this.getColumn(leftJoinColumnIndex);
            final List rightJoinColumn = right.getColumn(rightJoinColumnIndex);
            final Map> joinColumnLeftRowIndexMap = new HashMap<>();
            Object hashKey = null;

            for (int leftRowIndex = 0, leftDataSetSize = this.size(); leftRowIndex < leftDataSetSize; leftRowIndex++) {
                hashKey = getHashKey(leftJoinColumn.get(leftRowIndex));
                putRowIndex(joinColumnLeftRowIndexMap, hashKey, leftRowIndex);

            final Map> joinColumnRightRowIndexMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();

            for (int rightRowIndex = 0, rightDataSetSize = right.size(); rightRowIndex < rightDataSetSize; rightRowIndex++) {
                hashKey = getHashKey(rightJoinColumn.get(rightRowIndex));
                putRowIndex(joinColumnRightRowIndexMap, hashKey, rightRowIndex);

            final int newColumnIndex = newColumnList.size() - 1;
            final int[] leftColumnIndexes = this.getColumnIndexes(leftColumnNames);
            List leftRowIndexList = null;
            List rightRowIndexList = null;

            for (Map.Entry> rightRowIndexEntry : joinColumnRightRowIndexMap.entrySet()) {
                leftRowIndexList = joinColumnLeftRowIndexMap.get(rightRowIndexEntry.getKey());
                rightRowIndexList = rightRowIndexEntry.getValue();

                rightJoin(newColumnList, right, newColumnClass, collSupplier, newColumnIndex, leftColumnIndexes, leftRowIndexList, rightRowIndexList);

            return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList);
        } else {
            final List leftColumnNames = new ArrayList<>(_columnNameList);
            final int[] leftJoinColumnIndexes = new int[onColumnNames.size()];
            final int[] rightJoinColumnIndexes = new int[onColumnNames.size()];

            initColumnIndexes(leftJoinColumnIndexes, rightJoinColumnIndexes, right, onColumnNames);

            final List newColumnNameList = new ArrayList<>(leftColumnNames.size() + 1);
            final List> newColumnList = new ArrayList<>(leftColumnNames.size() + 1);

            initNewColumnListForRightJoin(newColumnNameList, newColumnList, leftColumnNames, newColumnName);

            final Map> joinColumnLeftRowIndexMap = new ArrayHashMap<>();
            Object[] row = null;

            for (int leftRowIndex = 0, leftDataSetSize = this.size(); leftRowIndex < leftDataSetSize; leftRowIndex++) {
                row = row == null ? Objectory.createObjectArray(leftJoinColumnIndexes.length) : row;

                for (int i = 0, len = leftJoinColumnIndexes.length; i < len; i++) {
                    row[i] = this.get(leftRowIndex, leftJoinColumnIndexes[i]);

                row = putRowIndex(joinColumnLeftRowIndexMap, row, leftRowIndex);

            if (row != null) {
                row = null;

            final Map> joinColumnRightRowIndexMap = new ArrayHashMap<>(LinkedHashMap.class);

            for (int rightRowIndex = 0, rightDataSetSize = right.size(); rightRowIndex < rightDataSetSize; rightRowIndex++) {
                row = row == null ? Objectory.createObjectArray(rightJoinColumnIndexes.length) : row;

                for (int i = 0, len = rightJoinColumnIndexes.length; i < len; i++) {
                    row[i] = right.get(rightRowIndex, rightJoinColumnIndexes[i]);

                row = putRowIndex(joinColumnRightRowIndexMap, row, rightRowIndex);

            if (row != null) {
                row = null;

            final int newColumnIndex = newColumnList.size() - 1;
            final int[] leftColumnIndexes = this.getColumnIndexes(leftColumnNames);
            List leftRowIndexList = null;
            List rightRowIndexList = null;

            for (Map.Entry> rightRowIndexEntry : joinColumnRightRowIndexMap.entrySet()) {
                leftRowIndexList = joinColumnLeftRowIndexMap.get(rightRowIndexEntry.getKey());
                rightRowIndexList = rightRowIndexEntry.getValue();

                rightJoin(newColumnList, right, newColumnClass, collSupplier, newColumnIndex, leftColumnIndexes, leftRowIndexList, rightRowIndexList);

            for (Object[] a : joinColumnLeftRowIndexMap.keySet()) {

            for (Object[] a : joinColumnRightRowIndexMap.keySet()) {

            return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList);

    private void rightJoin(final List> newColumnList, final DataSet right, final Class newColumnClass,
            final IntFunction collSupplier, final int newColumnIndex, final int[] leftColumnIndexes, List leftRowIndexList,
            List rightRowIndexList) {
        if (N.notNullOrEmpty(leftRowIndexList)) {
            for (int leftRowIndex : leftRowIndexList) {
                for (int i = 0, leftColumnLength = leftColumnIndexes.length; i < leftColumnLength; i++) {
                    newColumnList.get(i).add(this.get(leftRowIndex, leftColumnIndexes[i]));

                final Collection coll = collSupplier.apply(rightRowIndexList.size());

                for (int righRowIndex : rightRowIndexList) {
                    coll.add(right.getRow(newColumnClass, righRowIndex));

        } else {
            for (int i = 0, leftColumnLength = leftColumnIndexes.length; i < leftColumnLength; i++) {

            final Collection coll = collSupplier.apply(rightRowIndexList.size());

            for (int righRowIndex : rightRowIndexList) {
                coll.add(right.getRow(newColumnClass, righRowIndex));


    public DataSet fullJoin(final DataSet right, final String columnName, final String refColumnName) {
        final Map onColumnNames = N.asMap(columnName, refColumnName);

        return fullJoin(right, onColumnNames);

    public DataSet fullJoin(final DataSet right, final Map onColumnNames) {

        if (onColumnNames.size() == 1) {
            final Map.Entry onColumnEntry = onColumnNames.entrySet().iterator().next();
            final int leftJoinColumnIndex = checkColumnName(onColumnEntry.getKey());
            final int rightJoinColumnIndex = checkRefColumnName(right, onColumnEntry.getValue());
            final List rightColumnNames = getRightColumnNames(right, onColumnEntry.getValue());

            final List newColumnNameList = new ArrayList<>(_columnNameList.size() + rightColumnNames.size());
            final List> newColumnList = new ArrayList<>(_columnNameList.size() + rightColumnNames.size());

            initNewColumnList(newColumnNameList, newColumnList, rightColumnNames);

            final List leftJoinColumn = this.getColumn(leftJoinColumnIndex);
            final List rightJoinColumn = right.getColumn(rightJoinColumnIndex);
            final Map> joinColumnRightRowIndexMap = new HashMap<>();
            List rightRowIndexList = null;
            Object hashKey = null;

            for (int rightRowIndex = 0, rightDataSetSize = right.size(); rightRowIndex < rightDataSetSize; rightRowIndex++) {
                hashKey = getHashKey(rightJoinColumn.get(rightRowIndex));
                putRowIndex(joinColumnRightRowIndexMap, hashKey, rightRowIndex);

            final int[] rightColumnIndexes = right.getColumnIndexes(rightColumnNames);
            final Set joinColumnLeftRowIndexSet = new HashSet<>();

            for (int leftRowIndex = 0, size = size(); leftRowIndex < size; leftRowIndex++) {
                hashKey = getHashKey(leftJoinColumn.get(leftRowIndex));
                rightRowIndexList = joinColumnRightRowIndexMap.get(hashKey);

                fullJoin(newColumnList, right, leftRowIndex, rightRowIndexList, rightColumnIndexes);


            for (Map.Entry> rightRowIndexEntry : joinColumnRightRowIndexMap.entrySet()) {
                if (joinColumnLeftRowIndexSet.contains(rightRowIndexEntry.getKey()) == false) {
                    fullJoin(newColumnList, right, rightRowIndexEntry.getValue(), rightColumnIndexes);

            return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList);
        } else {
            final int[] leftJoinColumnIndexes = new int[onColumnNames.size()];
            final int[] rightJoinColumnIndexes = new int[onColumnNames.size()];
            final List rightColumnNames = new ArrayList<>(right.columnNameList());

            initColumnIndexes(leftJoinColumnIndexes, rightJoinColumnIndexes, right, onColumnNames, rightColumnNames);

            final List newColumnNameList = new ArrayList<>(_columnNameList.size() + rightColumnNames.size());
            final List> newColumnList = new ArrayList<>(_columnNameList.size() + rightColumnNames.size());
            initNewColumnList(newColumnNameList, newColumnList, rightColumnNames);

            final Map> joinColumnRightRowIndexMap = new ArrayHashMap<>(LinkedHashMap.class);
            List rightRowIndexList = null;
            Object[] row = null;

            for (int rightRowIndex = 0, rightDataSetSize = right.size(); rightRowIndex < rightDataSetSize; rightRowIndex++) {
                row = row == null ? Objectory.createObjectArray(rightJoinColumnIndexes.length) : row;

                for (int i = 0, len = rightJoinColumnIndexes.length; i < len; i++) {
                    row[i] = right.get(rightRowIndex, rightJoinColumnIndexes[i]);

                row = putRowIndex(joinColumnRightRowIndexMap, row, rightRowIndex);

            if (row != null) {
                row = null;

            final int[] rightColumnIndexes = right.getColumnIndexes(rightColumnNames);
            final Map joinColumnLeftRowIndexMap = new ArrayHashMap<>();

            for (int leftRowIndex = 0, size = size(); leftRowIndex < size; leftRowIndex++) {
                row = row == null ? Objectory.createObjectArray(rightJoinColumnIndexes.length) : row;

                for (int i = 0, len = leftJoinColumnIndexes.length; i < len; i++) {
                    row[i] = this.get(leftRowIndex, leftJoinColumnIndexes[i]);

                rightRowIndexList = joinColumnRightRowIndexMap.get(row);

                fullJoin(newColumnList, right, leftRowIndex, rightRowIndexList, rightColumnIndexes);

                if (!joinColumnLeftRowIndexMap.containsKey(row)) {
                    joinColumnLeftRowIndexMap.put(row, leftRowIndex);
                    row = null;

            if (row != null) {
                row = null;

            for (Map.Entry> rightRowIndexEntry : joinColumnRightRowIndexMap.entrySet()) {
                if (joinColumnLeftRowIndexMap.containsKey(rightRowIndexEntry.getKey()) == false) {
                    fullJoin(newColumnList, right, rightRowIndexEntry.getValue(), rightColumnIndexes);

            for (Object[] a : joinColumnRightRowIndexMap.keySet()) {

            for (Object[] a : joinColumnLeftRowIndexMap.keySet()) {

            return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList);

    private void fullJoin(final List> newColumnList, final DataSet right, List rightRowIndexList, final int[] rightColumnIndexes) {
        for (int rightRowIndex : rightRowIndexList) {
            for (int i = 0, leftColumnLength = _columnNameList.size(); i < leftColumnLength; i++) {

            for (int i = 0, leftColumnLength = _columnNameList.size(), rightColumnLength = rightColumnIndexes.length; i < rightColumnLength; i++) {
                newColumnList.get(leftColumnLength + i).add(right.get(rightRowIndex, rightColumnIndexes[i]));

    private void fullJoin(final List> newColumnList, final DataSet right, int leftRowIndex, List rightRowIndexList,
            final int[] rightColumnIndexes) {
        if (N.notNullOrEmpty(rightRowIndexList)) {
            for (int rightRowIndex : rightRowIndexList) {
                for (int i = 0, leftColumnLength = _columnNameList.size(); i < leftColumnLength; i++) {

                for (int i = 0, leftColumnLength = _columnNameList.size(), rightColumnLength = rightColumnIndexes.length; i < rightColumnLength; i++) {
                    newColumnList.get(leftColumnLength + i).add(right.get(rightRowIndex, rightColumnIndexes[i]));
        } else {
            for (int i = 0, leftColumnLength = _columnNameList.size(); i < leftColumnLength; i++) {

            for (int i = 0, leftColumnLength = _columnNameList.size(), rightColumnLength = rightColumnIndexes.length; i < rightColumnLength; i++) {
                newColumnList.get(leftColumnLength + i).add(null);

    public DataSet fullJoin(final DataSet right, final Map onColumnNames, final String newColumnName, final Class newColumnClass) {

        if (onColumnNames.size() == 1) {
            final Map.Entry onColumnEntry = onColumnNames.entrySet().iterator().next();
            final int leftJoinColumnIndex = checkColumnName(onColumnEntry.getKey());
            final int rightJoinColumnIndex = checkRefColumnName(right, onColumnEntry.getValue());

            final List newColumnNameList = new ArrayList<>(_columnNameList.size() + 1);
            final List> newColumnList = new ArrayList<>(_columnNameList.size() + 1);

            initNewColumnList(newColumnNameList, newColumnList, newColumnName);

            final List leftJoinColumn = this.getColumn(leftJoinColumnIndex);
            final List rightJoinColumn = right.getColumn(rightJoinColumnIndex);
            final Map> joinColumnRightRowIndexMap = new HashMap<>();
            List rightRowIndexList = null;
            Object hashKey = null;

            for (int rightRowIndex = 0, rightDataSetSize = right.size(); rightRowIndex < rightDataSetSize; rightRowIndex++) {
                hashKey = getHashKey(rightJoinColumn.get(rightRowIndex));
                putRowIndex(joinColumnRightRowIndexMap, hashKey, rightRowIndex);

            final int newColumnIndex = newColumnList.size() - 1;
            final Set joinColumnLeftRowIndexSet = new HashSet<>();

            for (int leftRowIndex = 0, size = size(); leftRowIndex < size; leftRowIndex++) {
                hashKey = getHashKey(leftJoinColumn.get(leftRowIndex));
                rightRowIndexList = joinColumnRightRowIndexMap.get(hashKey);

                fullJoin(newColumnList, right, newColumnClass, newColumnIndex, leftRowIndex, rightRowIndexList);


            for (Map.Entry> rightRowIndexEntry : joinColumnRightRowIndexMap.entrySet()) {
                if (joinColumnLeftRowIndexSet.contains(rightRowIndexEntry.getKey()) == false) {
                    fullJoin(newColumnList, right, newColumnClass, newColumnIndex, rightRowIndexEntry.getValue());

            return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList);
        } else {
            final int[] leftJoinColumnIndexes = new int[onColumnNames.size()];
            final int[] rightJoinColumnIndexes = new int[onColumnNames.size()];

            initColumnIndexes(leftJoinColumnIndexes, rightJoinColumnIndexes, right, onColumnNames);

            final List newColumnNameList = new ArrayList<>(_columnNameList.size() + 1);
            final List> newColumnList = new ArrayList<>(_columnNameList.size() + 1);

            initNewColumnList(newColumnNameList, newColumnList, newColumnName);

            final Map> joinColumnRightRowIndexMap = new ArrayHashMap<>(LinkedHashMap.class);
            List rightRowIndexList = null;
            Object[] row = null;

            for (int rightRowIndex = 0, rightDataSetSize = right.size(); rightRowIndex < rightDataSetSize; rightRowIndex++) {
                row = row == null ? Objectory.createObjectArray(rightJoinColumnIndexes.length) : row;

                for (int i = 0, len = rightJoinColumnIndexes.length; i < len; i++) {
                    row[i] = right.get(rightRowIndex, rightJoinColumnIndexes[i]);

                row = putRowIndex(joinColumnRightRowIndexMap, row, rightRowIndex);

            if (row != null) {
                row = null;

            final int newColumnIndex = newColumnList.size() - 1;
            final Map joinColumnLeftRowIndexMap = new ArrayHashMap<>();

            for (int leftRowIndex = 0, size = size(); leftRowIndex < size; leftRowIndex++) {
                row = row == null ? Objectory.createObjectArray(rightJoinColumnIndexes.length) : row;

                for (int i = 0, len = leftJoinColumnIndexes.length; i < len; i++) {
                    row[i] = this.get(leftRowIndex, leftJoinColumnIndexes[i]);

                rightRowIndexList = joinColumnRightRowIndexMap.get(row);

                fullJoin(newColumnList, right, newColumnClass, newColumnIndex, leftRowIndex, rightRowIndexList);

                if (!joinColumnLeftRowIndexMap.containsKey(row)) {
                    joinColumnLeftRowIndexMap.put(row, leftRowIndex);
                    row = null;

            if (row != null) {
                row = null;

            for (Map.Entry> rightRowIndexEntry : joinColumnRightRowIndexMap.entrySet()) {
                if (joinColumnLeftRowIndexMap.containsKey(rightRowIndexEntry.getKey()) == false) {
                    fullJoin(newColumnList, right, newColumnClass, newColumnIndex, rightRowIndexEntry.getValue());

            for (Object[] a : joinColumnRightRowIndexMap.keySet()) {

            for (Object[] a : joinColumnLeftRowIndexMap.keySet()) {

            return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList);

    private void fullJoin(final List> newColumnList, final DataSet right, final Class newColumnClass, final int newColumnIndex,
            List rightRowIndexList) {
        for (int rightRowIndex : rightRowIndexList) {
            for (int i = 0, leftColumnLength = _columnNameList.size(); i < leftColumnLength; i++) {

            newColumnList.get(newColumnIndex).add(right.getRow(newColumnClass, rightRowIndex));

    private void fullJoin(final List> newColumnList, final DataSet right, final Class newColumnClass, final int newColumnIndex,
            int leftRowIndex, List rightRowIndexList) {
        if (N.notNullOrEmpty(rightRowIndexList)) {
            for (int rightRowIndex : rightRowIndexList) {
                for (int i = 0, leftColumnLength = _columnNameList.size(); i < leftColumnLength; i++) {

                newColumnList.get(newColumnIndex).add(right.getRow(newColumnClass, rightRowIndex));
        } else {
            for (int i = 0, leftColumnLength = _columnNameList.size(); i < leftColumnLength; i++) {


    public DataSet fullJoin(final DataSet right, final Map onColumnNames, final String newColumnName, final Class newColumnClass,
            final IntFunction collSupplier) {

        if (onColumnNames.size() == 1) {
            final Map.Entry onColumnEntry = onColumnNames.entrySet().iterator().next();
            final int leftJoinColumnIndex = checkColumnName(onColumnEntry.getKey());
            final int rightJoinColumnIndex = checkRefColumnName(right, onColumnEntry.getValue());

            final List newColumnNameList = new ArrayList<>(_columnNameList.size() + 1);
            final List> newColumnList = new ArrayList<>(_columnNameList.size() + 1);

            initNewColumnList(newColumnNameList, newColumnList, newColumnName);

            final List leftJoinColumn = this.getColumn(leftJoinColumnIndex);
            final List rightJoinColumn = right.getColumn(rightJoinColumnIndex);
            final Map> joinColumnRightRowIndexMap = new HashMap<>();
            Object hashKey = null;

            for (int rightRowIndex = 0, rightDataSetSize = right.size(); rightRowIndex < rightDataSetSize; rightRowIndex++) {
                hashKey = getHashKey(rightJoinColumn.get(rightRowIndex));
                putRowIndex(joinColumnRightRowIndexMap, hashKey, rightRowIndex);

            final int newColumnIndex = newColumnList.size() - 1;
            final Set joinColumnLeftRowIndexSet = new HashSet<>();
            List rightRowIndexList = null;

            for (int leftRowIndex = 0, size = size(); leftRowIndex < size; leftRowIndex++) {
                hashKey = getHashKey(leftJoinColumn.get(leftRowIndex));
                rightRowIndexList = joinColumnRightRowIndexMap.get(hashKey);

                fullJoin(newColumnList, right, newColumnClass, collSupplier, newColumnIndex, leftRowIndex, rightRowIndexList);


            for (Map.Entry> rightRowIndexEntry : joinColumnRightRowIndexMap.entrySet()) {
                if (joinColumnLeftRowIndexSet.contains(rightRowIndexEntry.getKey()) == false) {
                    fullJoin(newColumnList, right, newColumnClass, collSupplier, newColumnIndex, rightRowIndexEntry.getValue());

            return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList);
        } else {
            final int[] leftJoinColumnIndexes = new int[onColumnNames.size()];
            final int[] rightJoinColumnIndexes = new int[onColumnNames.size()];

            initColumnIndexes(leftJoinColumnIndexes, rightJoinColumnIndexes, right, onColumnNames);

            final List newColumnNameList = new ArrayList<>(_columnNameList.size() + 1);
            final List> newColumnList = new ArrayList<>(_columnNameList.size() + 1);
            initNewColumnList(newColumnNameList, newColumnList, newColumnName);

            final Map> joinColumnRightRowIndexMap = new ArrayHashMap<>(LinkedHashMap.class);
            List rightRowIndexList = null;
            Object[] row = null;

            for (int rightRowIndex = 0, rightDataSetSize = right.size(); rightRowIndex < rightDataSetSize; rightRowIndex++) {
                row = row == null ? Objectory.createObjectArray(rightJoinColumnIndexes.length) : row;

                for (int i = 0, len = rightJoinColumnIndexes.length; i < len; i++) {
                    row[i] = right.get(rightRowIndex, rightJoinColumnIndexes[i]);

                row = putRowIndex(joinColumnRightRowIndexMap, row, rightRowIndex);

            if (row != null) {
                row = null;

            final int newColumnIndex = newColumnList.size() - 1;
            final Map joinColumnLeftRowIndexMap = new ArrayHashMap<>();

            for (int leftRowIndex = 0, size = size(); leftRowIndex < size; leftRowIndex++) {
                row = row == null ? Objectory.createObjectArray(rightJoinColumnIndexes.length) : row;

                for (int i = 0, len = leftJoinColumnIndexes.length; i < len; i++) {
                    row[i] = this.get(leftRowIndex, leftJoinColumnIndexes[i]);

                rightRowIndexList = joinColumnRightRowIndexMap.get(row);

                fullJoin(newColumnList, right, newColumnClass, collSupplier, newColumnIndex, leftRowIndex, rightRowIndexList);

                if (!joinColumnLeftRowIndexMap.containsKey(row)) {
                    joinColumnLeftRowIndexMap.put(row, leftRowIndex);
                    row = null;

            if (row != null) {
                row = null;

            for (Map.Entry> rightRowIndexEntry : joinColumnRightRowIndexMap.entrySet()) {
                if (joinColumnLeftRowIndexMap.containsKey(rightRowIndexEntry.getKey()) == false) {
                    fullJoin(newColumnList, right, newColumnClass, collSupplier, newColumnIndex, rightRowIndexEntry.getValue());

            for (Object[] a : joinColumnRightRowIndexMap.keySet()) {

            for (Object[] a : joinColumnLeftRowIndexMap.keySet()) {

            return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList);

    private void fullJoin(final List> newColumnList, final DataSet right, final Class newColumnClass,
            final IntFunction collSupplier, final int newColumnIndex, final List rightRowIndexList) {
        for (int i = 0, leftColumnLength = _columnNameList.size(); i < leftColumnLength; i++) {

        final Collection coll = collSupplier.apply(rightRowIndexList.size());

        for (int rightRowIndex : rightRowIndexList) {
            coll.add(right.getRow(newColumnClass, rightRowIndex));


    private void fullJoin(final List> newColumnList, final DataSet right, final Class newColumnClass,
            final IntFunction collSupplier, final int newColumnIndex, int leftRowIndex, List rightRowIndexList) {
        if (N.notNullOrEmpty(rightRowIndexList)) {
            for (int i = 0, leftColumnLength = _columnNameList.size(); i < leftColumnLength; i++) {

            final Collection coll = collSupplier.apply(rightRowIndexList.size());

            for (int rightRowIndex : rightRowIndexList) {
                coll.add(right.getRow(newColumnClass, rightRowIndex));

        } else {
            for (int i = 0, leftColumnLength = _columnNameList.size(); i < leftColumnLength; i++) {


    public DataSet union(final DataSet dataSet) {
        // final DataSet result = copy(_columnNameList, 0, size(), false);
        // result.merge(dataSet.difference(result));
        // return result;

        return merge(dataSet.difference(this));

    public DataSet unionAll(final DataSet dataSet) {
        // final DataSet result = copy(_columnNameList, 0, size(), false);
        // result.merge(dataSet);
        // return result;

        return merge(dataSet);

    public DataSet intersection(final DataSet other) {
        return remove(other, true);

    public DataSet difference(final DataSet other) {
        return remove(other, false);

    private DataSet remove(final DataSet other, final boolean retain) {
        final List commonColumnNameList = new ArrayList<>(this._columnNameList);

        if (N.isNullOrEmpty(commonColumnNameList)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("These two DataSets don't have common column names: " + this._columnNameList + ", " + other.columnNameList());

        final int newColumnCount = this.columnNameList().size();
        final List newColumnNameList = new ArrayList<>(this._columnNameList);
        final List> newColumnList = new ArrayList<>(newColumnCount);

        for (int i = 0; i < newColumnCount; i++) {
            newColumnList.add(new ArrayList<>());

        final int size = size();

        if (size == 0) {
            return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList);

        final int commonColumnCount = commonColumnNameList.size();

        if (commonColumnCount == 1) {
            final int columnIndex = this.getColumnIndex(commonColumnNameList.get(0));
            final int otherColumnIndex = other.getColumnIndex(commonColumnNameList.get(0));

            final List column = _columnList.get(columnIndex);
            final Multiset rowSet = new Multiset<>();

            for (Object val : other.getColumn(otherColumnIndex)) {

            for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < size; rowIndex++) {
                if ((rowSet.getAndRemove(getHashKey(column.get(rowIndex))) > 0) == retain) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < newColumnCount; i++) {
        } else {
            final int[] columnIndexes = this.getColumnIndexes(commonColumnNameList);
            final int[] otherColumnIndexes = other.getColumnIndexes(commonColumnNameList);

            final Multiset rowSet = new Multiset<>(ArrayHashMap.class);
            Object[] row = null;

            for (int otherRowIndex = 0, otherSize = other.size(); otherRowIndex < otherSize; otherRowIndex++) {
                row = row == null ? Objectory.createObjectArray(commonColumnCount) : row;

                for (int i = 0; i < commonColumnCount; i++) {
                    row[i] = other.get(otherRowIndex, otherColumnIndexes[i]);

                if (rowSet.getAndAdd(row) == 0) {
                    row = null;

            if (row != null) {
                row = null;

            row = Objectory.createObjectArray(commonColumnCount);

            for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < size; rowIndex++) {
                for (int i = 0; i < commonColumnCount; i++) {
                    row[i] = _columnList.get(columnIndexes[i]).get(rowIndex);

                if ((rowSet.getAndRemove(row) > 0) == retain) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < newColumnCount; i++) {

            row = null;

            for (Object[] a : rowSet) {

        return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList);

    public DataSet symmetricDifference(DataSet dataSet) {
        return this.difference(dataSet).merge(dataSet.difference(this));

    public DataSet intersectAll(final DataSet other) {
        return remove2(other, true);

    public DataSet except(final DataSet other) {
        return remove2(other, false);

    private DataSet remove2(final DataSet other, final boolean retain) {
        final List commonColumnNameList = new ArrayList<>(this._columnNameList);

        if (N.isNullOrEmpty(commonColumnNameList)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("These two DataSets don't have common column names: " + this._columnNameList + ", " + other.columnNameList());

        final int newColumnCount = this.columnNameList().size();
        final List newColumnNameList = new ArrayList<>(this._columnNameList);
        final List> newColumnList = new ArrayList<>(newColumnCount);

        for (int i = 0; i < newColumnCount; i++) {
            newColumnList.add(new ArrayList<>());

        final int size = size();

        if (size == 0) {
            return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList);

        final int commonColumnCount = commonColumnNameList.size();

        if (commonColumnCount == 1) {
            final int columnIndex = this.getColumnIndex(commonColumnNameList.get(0));
            final int otherColumnIndex = other.getColumnIndex(commonColumnNameList.get(0));

            final List column = _columnList.get(columnIndex);
            final Set rowSet = new HashSet<>();

            for (Object e : other.getColumn(otherColumnIndex)) {

            for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < size; rowIndex++) {
                if (rowSet.contains(getHashKey(column.get(rowIndex))) == retain) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < newColumnCount; i++) {
        } else {
            final int[] columnIndexes = this.getColumnIndexes(commonColumnNameList);
            final int[] otherColumnIndexes = other.getColumnIndexes(commonColumnNameList);

            final Set rowSet = new ArrayHashSet<>();
            Object[] row = null;

            for (int otherRowIndex = 0, otherSize = other.size(); otherRowIndex < otherSize; otherRowIndex++) {
                row = row == null ? Objectory.createObjectArray(commonColumnCount) : row;

                for (int i = 0; i < commonColumnCount; i++) {
                    row[i] = other.get(otherRowIndex, otherColumnIndexes[i]);

                if (rowSet.add(row)) {
                    row = null;

            if (row != null) {
                row = null;

            row = Objectory.createObjectArray(commonColumnCount);

            for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < size; rowIndex++) {
                for (int i = 0; i < commonColumnCount; i++) {
                    row[i] = _columnList.get(columnIndexes[i]).get(rowIndex);

                if (rowSet.contains(row) == retain) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < newColumnCount; i++) {

            row = null;

            for (Object[] a : rowSet) {

        return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList);

    public DataSet merge(final DataSet from) {
        return merge(from, from.columnNameList(), 0, from.size());

    public DataSet merge(final DataSet from, final Collection columnNames) {
        return merge(from, columnNames, 0, from.size());

    public DataSet merge(final DataSet from, final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex) {
        return merge(from, from.columnNameList(), fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);

    public DataSet merge(final DataSet from, final Collection columnNames, final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex) {
        checkRowIndex(fromRowIndex, toRowIndex, from.size());

        final RowDataSet result = copy(this._columnNameList, 0, size(), true);
        List column = null;

        for (String columnName : columnNames) {
            if (result.containsColumn(columnName) == false) {
                if (column == null) {
                    column = new ArrayList<>(size() + (toRowIndex - fromRowIndex));
                    N.fill(column, 0, size(), null);

                result.addColumn(columnName, column);

        for (String columnName : result._columnNameList) {
            column = result._columnList.get(result.getColumnIndex(columnName));
            int columnIndex = from.getColumnIndex(columnName);

            if (columnIndex >= 0) {
                if (fromRowIndex == 0 && toRowIndex == from.size()) {
                } else {
                    column.addAll(from.getColumn(columnIndex).subList(fromRowIndex, toRowIndex));
            } else {
                for (int i = fromRowIndex; i < toRowIndex; i++) {

        if (N.notNullOrEmpty( {

        return result;

    public DataSet cartesianProduct(DataSet b) {
        final Collection tmp = N.intersection(this._columnNameList, b.columnNameList());
        if (N.notNullOrEmpty(tmp)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(tmp + " are included in both DataSets: " + this._columnNameList + " : " + b.columnNameList());

        final int aSize = this.size();
        final int bSize = b.size();
        final int aColumnCount = this._columnNameList.size();
        final int bColumnCount = b.columnNameList().size();

        final int newColumnCount = aColumnCount + bColumnCount;
        final int newRowCount = aSize * bSize;

        final List newColumnNameList = new ArrayList<>(newColumnCount);

        final List> newColumnList = new ArrayList<>();

        for (int i = 0; i < newColumnCount; i++) {
            newColumnList.add(new ArrayList<>(newRowCount));

        if (newRowCount == 0) {
            return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList);

        final Object[] tmpArray = new Object[bSize];

        for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < aSize; rowIndex++) {
            for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < aColumnCount; columnIndex++) {
                N.fill(tmpArray, this.get(rowIndex, columnIndex));

            for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < bColumnCount; columnIndex++) {
                newColumnList.get(columnIndex + aColumnCount).addAll(b.getColumn(columnIndex));

        return new RowDataSet(newColumnNameList, newColumnList);

    public Stream split(final int chunkSize) {
        return split(_columnNameList, chunkSize);

    public Stream split(final Collection columnNames, final int chunkSize) {
        N.checkArgPositive(chunkSize, "chunkSize");

        final int expectedModCount = modCount;
        final int totalSize = this.size();

        return IntStream.range(0, totalSize, chunkSize).mapToObj(new IntFunction() {
            public DataSet apply(int from) {
                if (modCount != expectedModCount) {
                    throw new ConcurrentModificationException();

                return RowDataSet.this.copy(columnNames, from, from <= totalSize - chunkSize ? from + chunkSize : totalSize);

    public List splitt(final int chunkSize) {
        return splitt(_columnNameList, chunkSize);

    public List splitt(final Collection columnNames, final int chunkSize) {
        N.checkArgPositive(chunkSize, "chunkSize");

        final List res = new ArrayList<>();

        for (int i = 0, totalSize = size(); i < totalSize; i += chunkSize) {
            res.add(copy(columnNames, i, i <= totalSize - chunkSize ? i + chunkSize : totalSize));

        return res;

    //    @Override
    //    public  List> split(final Class rowClass, final int size) {
    //        return split(rowClass, _columnNameList, size);
    //    }
    //    @Override
    //    public  List> split(final Class rowClass, final Collection columnNames, final int size) {
    //        return split(rowClass, columnNames, 0, size(), size);
    //    }
    //    @Override
    //    public  List> split(final Class rowClass, final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex, final int size) {
    //        return split(rowClass, _columnNameList, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex, size);
    //    }
    //    @Override
    //    public  List> split(final Class rowClass, final Collection columnNames, final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex,
    //            final int size) {
    //        checkRowIndex(fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);
    //        final List list = this.toList(rowClass, columnNames, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);
    //        return N.split(list, size);
    //    }
    //    @Override
    //    public  List> split(IntFunction rowSupplier, int size) {
    //        return split(rowSupplier, _columnNameList, size);
    //    }
    //    @Override
    //    public  List> split(IntFunction rowSupplier, Collection columnNames, int size) {
    //        return split(rowSupplier, columnNames, 0, size(), size);
    //    }
    //    @Override
    //    public  List> split(IntFunction rowSupplier, int fromRowIndex, int toRowIndex, int size) {
    //        return split(rowSupplier, _columnNameList, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex, size);
    //    }
    //    @Override
    //    public  List> split(IntFunction rowSupplier, Collection columnNames, int fromRowIndex, int toRowIndex, int size) {
    //        checkRowIndex(fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);
    //        final List list = this.toList(rowSupplier, columnNames, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);
    //        return N.split(list, size);
    //    }

    public DataSet slice(Collection columnNames) {
        return slice(columnNames, 0, size());

    public DataSet slice(int fromRowIndex, int toRowIndex) {
        return slice(_columnNameList, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);

    public DataSet slice(Collection columnNames, int fromRowIndex, int toRowIndex) {
        N.checkFromToIndex(fromRowIndex, toRowIndex, size());
        DataSet ds = null;

        if (N.isNullOrEmpty(columnNames)) {
            ds = N.newEmptyDataSet();
        } else {
            final int[] columnIndexes = checkColumnName(columnNames);
            final List newColumnNames = new ArrayList<>(columnNames);
            final List> newColumnList = new ArrayList<>(newColumnNames.size());

            for (int columnIndex : columnIndexes) {
                newColumnList.add(_columnList.get(columnIndex).subList(fromRowIndex, toRowIndex));

            ds = new RowDataSet(newColumnNames, newColumnList, _properties);

        return ds;

    public PaginatedDataSet paginate(final int pageSize) {
        return new PaginatedRowDataSet(pageSize);

    //    @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
    //    @Override
    //    public > Map percentiles(final String columnName) {
    //        if (size() == 0) {
    //            throw new AbacusException("The size of dataset is 0");
    //        }
    //        final Object[] columns = getColumn(columnName).toArray();
    //        N.sort(columns);
    //        return (Map) N.percentiles(columns);
    //    }
    //    @Override
    //    public  Map percentiles(final String columnName, final Comparator comparator) {
    //        if (size() == 0) {
    //            throw new AbacusException("The size of dataset is 0");
    //        }
    //        final T[] columns = (T[]) getColumn(columnName).toArray();
    //        N.sort(columns, comparator);
    //        return N.percentiles(columns);
    //    }

    public  Stream stream(String columnName) {
        return stream(columnName, 0, size());

    public  Stream stream(final String columnName, int fromRowIndex, int toRowIndex) {
        this.checkRowIndex(fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);

        return (Stream) Stream.of(_columnList.get(checkColumnName(columnName)), fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);

    //    @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
    //    @Override
    //    public > Map percentiles(final String columnName) {
    //        if (size() == 0) {
    //            throw new AbacusException("The size of dataset is 0");
    //        }
    //        final Object[] columns = getColumn(columnName).toArray();
    //        N.sort(columns);
    //        return (Map) N.percentiles(columns);
    //    }
    //    @Override
    //    public  Map percentiles(final String columnName, final Comparator comparator) {
    //        if (size() == 0) {
    //            throw new AbacusException("The size of dataset is 0");
    //        }
    //        final T[] columns = (T[]) getColumn(columnName).toArray();
    //        N.sort(columns, comparator);
    //        return N.percentiles(columns);
    //    }

    public  Stream stream(final Function rowMapper) {
        return stream(0, size(), rowMapper);

    public  Stream stream(int fromRowIndex, int toRowIndex, final Function rowMapper) {
        return stream(_columnNameList, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex, rowMapper);

    public  Stream stream(Collection columnNames, final Function rowMapper) {
        return stream(columnNames, 0, size(), rowMapper);

    public  Stream stream(final Collection columnNames, final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex,
            final Function rowMapper) {
        final int[] columnIndexes = this.checkColumnName(columnNames);
        checkRowIndex(fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);
        N.checkArgNotNull(rowMapper, "rowMapper");
        final int columnCount = columnNames.size();

        return Stream.of(new ObjIteratorEx() {
            private final Type rowType = N.typeOf(Object[].class);
            private Object[] row = new Object[columnCount];
            private DisposableObjArray disposableRow = DisposableObjArray.wrap(row);
            private final int expectedModCount = modCount;
            private int cursor = fromRowIndex;

            public boolean hasNext() {

                return cursor < toRowIndex;

            public DisposableObjArray next() {

                if (cursor >= toRowIndex) {
                    throw new NoSuchElementException();

                getRow(rowType, row, columnIndexes, columnNames, cursor);


                return disposableRow;

            public long count() {

                return toRowIndex - cursor;

            public void skip(long n) {
                N.checkArgNotNegative(n, "n");


                cursor = n > toRowIndex - cursor ? toRowIndex : (int) n + cursor;

            public  A[] toArray(A[] a) {

                final List rows = RowDataSet.this.toList(Object[].class, columnNames, cursor, toRowIndex);

                a = a.length >= rows.size() ? a : (A[]) N.newArray(a.getClass().getComponentType(), rows.size());


                return a;

            final void checkForComodification() {
                if (modCount != expectedModCount) {
                    throw new ConcurrentModificationException();

    public  Stream stream(Class rowClass) {
        return stream(rowClass, 0, size());

    public  Stream stream(Class rowClass, int fromRowIndex, int toRowIndex) {
        return stream(rowClass, _columnNameList, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);

    public  Stream stream(Class rowClass, Collection columnNames) {
        return stream(rowClass, columnNames, 0, size());

    public  Stream stream(final Class rowClass, final Collection columnNames, final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex) {
        // return Stream.of(toArray(rowClass, columnNames, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex));

        this.checkRowIndex(fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);
        final int[] columnIndexes = this.checkColumnName(columnNames);

        final Type rowType = N.typeOf(rowClass);
        final boolean isAbstractRowClass = Modifier.isAbstract(rowClass.getModifiers());
        final Constructor intConstructor = isAbstractRowClass ? null : ClassUtil.getDeclaredConstructor(rowClass, int.class);
        final Constructor constructor = isAbstractRowClass ? null : ClassUtil.getDeclaredConstructor(rowClass);
        final int columnCount = columnNames.size();

        return Stream.of(new ObjIteratorEx() {
            private final int expectedModCount = modCount;
            private int cursor = fromRowIndex;

            public boolean hasNext() {

                return cursor < toRowIndex;

            public T next() {

                if (cursor >= toRowIndex) {
                    throw new NoSuchElementException();

                Object row = null;
                if (rowType.isObjectArray()) {
                    row = N.newArray(rowClass.getComponentType(), columnCount);
                } else if (rowType.isList() || rowType.isSet()) {
                    if (isAbstractRowClass) {
                        row = (rowType.isList() ? new ArrayList<>(columnCount) : new HashSet<>(N.initHashCapacity(columnCount)));
                    } else {
                        if (intConstructor == null) {
                            row = ClassUtil.invokeConstructor(constructor);
                        } else {
                            row = ClassUtil.invokeConstructor(intConstructor, columnCount);
                } else if (rowType.isMap()) {
                    if (isAbstractRowClass) {
                        row = new HashMap<>(N.initHashCapacity(columnCount));
                    } else {
                        if (intConstructor == null) {
                            row = ClassUtil.invokeConstructor(constructor);
                        } else {
                            row = ClassUtil.invokeConstructor(intConstructor, N.initHashCapacity(columnCount));
                } else if (rowType.isEntity()) {
                    row = N.newInstance(rowClass);
                } else {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported row type: " + ClassUtil.getCanonicalClassName(rowClass)
                            + ". Only Array, List/Set, Map and entity class are supported");

                getRow(rowType, row, columnIndexes, columnNames, cursor);


                return (T) row;

            public long count() {

                return toRowIndex - cursor;

            public void skip(long n) {
                N.checkArgNotNegative(n, "n");


                cursor = n > toRowIndex - cursor ? toRowIndex : (int) n + cursor;

            public  A[] toArray(A[] a) {

                final List rows = RowDataSet.this.toList(rowClass, columnNames, cursor, toRowIndex);

                a = a.length >= rows.size() ? a : (A[]) N.newArray(a.getClass().getComponentType(), rows.size());


                return a;

            final void checkForComodification() {
                if (modCount != expectedModCount) {
                    throw new ConcurrentModificationException();

    public  Stream stream(IntFunction rowSupplier) {
        return stream(rowSupplier, 0, size());

    public  Stream stream(IntFunction rowSupplier, int fromRowIndex, int toRowIndex) {
        return stream(rowSupplier, _columnNameList, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);

    public  Stream stream(IntFunction rowSupplier, Collection columnNames) {
        return stream(rowSupplier, columnNames, 0, size());

    public  Stream stream(final IntFunction rowSupplier, final Collection columnNames, final int fromRowIndex,
            final int toRowIndex) {
        // return Stream.of(toArray(rowClass, columnNames, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex));

        final int[] columnIndexes = this.checkColumnName(columnNames);
        this.checkRowIndex(fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);

        final Class rowClass = rowSupplier.apply(0).getClass();
        final Type rowType = N.typeOf(rowClass);
        final int columnCount = columnNames.size();

        return Stream.of(new ObjIteratorEx() {
            private final int expectedModCount = modCount;
            private int cursor = fromRowIndex;

            public boolean hasNext() {

                return cursor < toRowIndex;

            public T next() {

                if (cursor >= toRowIndex) {
                    throw new NoSuchElementException();

                final Object row = rowSupplier.apply(columnCount);

                getRow(rowType, row, columnIndexes, columnNames, cursor);


                return (T) row;

            public long count() {

                return toRowIndex - cursor;

            public void skip(long n) {
                N.checkArgNotNegative(n, "n");


                cursor = n > toRowIndex - cursor ? toRowIndex : (int) n + cursor;

            public  A[] toArray(A[] a) {

                final List rows = RowDataSet.this.toList(rowSupplier, columnNames, cursor, toRowIndex);

                a = a.length >= rows.size() ? a : (A[]) N.newArray(a.getClass().getComponentType(), rows.size());


                return a;

            final void checkForComodification() {
                if (modCount != expectedModCount) {
                    throw new ConcurrentModificationException();

    //    @Override
    //    public  T getProperty(final String propName) {
    //        return (T) (_properties == null ? null : _properties.get(propName));
    //    }
    //    @Override
    //    public  T setProperty(final String propName, final Object propValue) {
    //        if (_properties == null) {
    //            _properties = new Properties();
    //        }
    //        return (T) _properties.put(propName, propValue);
    //    }
    //    @Override
    //    public  T removeProperty(final String propName) {
    //        if (_properties == null) {
    //            return null;
    //        }
    //        return (T) _properties.remove(propName);
    //    }

    public  R apply(Try.Function func) throws E {
        return func.apply(this);

    public  void accept(Try.Consumer action) throws E {

    public void freeze() {
        _isFrozen = true;

    public boolean frozen() {
        return _isFrozen;

    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return size() == 0;

    public void trimToSize() {
        if (_columnList instanceof ArrayList) {
            ((ArrayList) _columnList).trimToSize();

        for (List column : _columnList) {
            if (column instanceof ArrayList) {
                ((ArrayList) column).trimToSize();

    public int size() {
        return (_columnList.size() == 0) ? 0 : _columnList.get(0).size();

    public void clear() {

        for (int i = 0; i < _columnList.size(); i++) {

        // columnList.clear();

        // Runtime.getRuntime().gc();

    public Properties properties() {
        if (_properties == null) {
            _properties = new Properties<>();

        return _properties;

    //    @Override
    //    public  T getProperty(final String propName) {
    //        return (T) (_properties == null ? null : _properties.get(propName));
    //    }
    //    @Override
    //    public  T setProperty(final String propName, final Object propValue) {
    //        if (_properties == null) {
    //            _properties = new Properties();
    //        }
    //        return (T) _properties.put(propName, propValue);
    //    }
    //    @Override
    //    public  T removeProperty(final String propName) {
    //        if (_properties == null) {
    //            return null;
    //        }
    //        return (T) _properties.remove(propName);
    //    } 

    public Stream columnNames() {
        return Stream.of(_columnNameList);

    public Stream> columns() {
        return IntStream.range(0, this._columnNameList.size()).mapToObj(new IntFunction>() {
            public ImmutableList apply(int columnIndex) {
                return getColumn(columnIndex);

    public Map> columnMap() {
        final Map> result = new LinkedHashMap<>();

        for (String columnName : _columnNameList) {
            result.put(columnName, getColumn(columnName));

        return result;

    //    @Override
    //    public DataSetBuilder builder() {
    //        return Builder.of(this);
    //    }

    public void println() throws UncheckedIOException {
        println(_columnNameList, 0, size());

    public void println(Collection columnNames, int fromRowIndex, int toRowIndex) throws UncheckedIOException {
        println(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out), columnNames, fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);

    public  W println(final W outputWriter) throws UncheckedIOException {
        return println(outputWriter, _columnNameList, 0, size());

    public  W println(final W outputWriter, Collection columnNames, int fromRowIndex, int toRowIndex) throws UncheckedIOException {
        final int[] columnIndexes = N.isNullOrEmpty(columnNames) ? N.EMPTY_INT_ARRAY : checkColumnName(columnNames);
        checkRowIndex(fromRowIndex, toRowIndex);
        N.checkArgNotNull(outputWriter, "outputWriter");

        boolean isBufferedWriter = outputWriter instanceof BufferedWriter || outputWriter instanceof;
        final Writer bw = isBufferedWriter ? outputWriter : Objectory.createBufferedWriter(outputWriter);
        final int rowLen = toRowIndex - fromRowIndex;
        final int columnLen = columnIndexes.length;

        try {
            if (columnLen == 0) {
                bw.write("|   |");
            } else {
                final List columnNameList = new ArrayList<>(columnNames);
                final List> strColumnList = new ArrayList<>(columnLen);
                final int[] maxColumnLens = new int[columnLen];

                for (int i = 0; i < columnLen; i++) {
                    final List column = _columnList.get(columnIndexes[i]);
                    final List strColumn = new ArrayList<>(rowLen);
                    int maxLen = N.len(columnNameList.get(i));
                    String str = null;

                    for (int rowIndex = fromRowIndex; rowIndex < toRowIndex; rowIndex++) {
                        str = N.toString(column.get(rowIndex));
                        maxLen = N.max(maxLen, N.len(str));

                    maxColumnLens[i] = maxLen;

                final char hch = '-';
                final char hchDelta = 2;
                for (int i = 0; i < columnLen; i++) {

                    bw.write(StringUtil.repeat(hch, maxColumnLens[i] + hchDelta));



                for (int i = 0; i < columnLen; i++) {
                    if (i == 0) {
                        bw.write("| ");
                    } else {
                        bw.write(" | ");

                    bw.write(StringUtil.padEnd(columnNameList.get(i), maxColumnLens[i]));

                bw.write(" |");


                for (int i = 0; i < columnLen; i++) {

                    bw.write(StringUtil.repeat(hch, maxColumnLens[i] + hchDelta));


                for (int j = 0; j < rowLen; j++) {

                    for (int i = 0; i < columnLen; i++) {
                        if (i == 0) {
                            bw.write("| ");
                        } else {
                            bw.write(" | ");

                        bw.write(StringUtil.padEnd(strColumnList.get(i).get(j), maxColumnLens[i]));

                    bw.write(" |");

                if (rowLen == 0) {

                    for (int i = 0; i < columnLen; i++) {
                        if (i == 0) {
                            bw.write("| ");
                            bw.write(StringUtil.padEnd("", maxColumnLens[i]));
                        } else {
                            bw.write(StringUtil.padEnd("", maxColumnLens[i] + 3));

                    bw.write(" |");


                for (int i = 0; i < columnLen; i++) {

                    bw.write(StringUtil.repeat(hch, maxColumnLens[i] + hchDelta));



        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
        } finally {
            if (!isBufferedWriter) {
                Objectory.recycle((BufferedWriter) bw);

        return outputWriter;

    public int hashCode() {
        int h = 17;
        h = (h * 31) + _columnNameList.hashCode();
        h = (h * 31) + _columnList.hashCode();

        return h;

    public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
        if (this == obj) {
            return true;

        if (obj instanceof RowDataSet) {
            RowDataSet other = (RowDataSet) obj;

            return (size() == other.size()) && N.equals(_columnNameList, other._columnNameList) && N.equals(_columnList, other._columnList);

        return false;

    public String toString() {
        if (_columnNameList.size() == 0) {
            return "[[]]";

        final BufferedWriter bw = Objectory.createBufferedWriter();

        try {
            toCSV(bw, true, false);

            return bw.toString();
        } finally {

    private void checkFrozen() {
        if (_isFrozen) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("This DataSet is frozen, can't modify it.");

    private int checkColumnName(final String columnName) {
        int columnIndex = getColumnIndex(columnName);

        if (columnIndex < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The specified column(" + columnName + ") is not included in this DataSet " + _columnNameList);

        return columnIndex;

    int[] checkColumnName(final String... columnNames) {
        if (N.isNullOrEmpty(columnNames)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The specified columnNames is null or empty");

        final int length = columnNames.length;
        final int[] columnIndexes = new int[length];

        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            columnIndexes[i] = checkColumnName(columnNames[i]);

        return columnIndexes;

    private int[] checkColumnName(final Collection columnNames) {
        if (N.isNullOrEmpty(columnNames)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The specified columnNames is null or empty");

        if (columnNames == this._columnNameList) {
            if (this._columnIndexes == null) {
                int count = columnNames.size();
                this._columnIndexes = new int[count];

                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                    _columnIndexes[i] = i;

            return _columnIndexes;
        } else {
            final int count = columnNames.size();
            final int[] columnNameIndexes = new int[count];
            final Iterator it = columnNames.iterator();

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                columnNameIndexes[i] = checkColumnName(;

            return columnNameIndexes;

    private void checkRowNum(final int rowNum) {
        if ((rowNum < 0) || (rowNum >= size())) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid row number: " + rowNum + ". It must be >= 0 and < " + size());

    private void checkRowIndex(final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex) {
        checkRowIndex(fromRowIndex, toRowIndex, size());

    private void checkRowIndex(final int fromRowIndex, final int toRowIndex, final int size) {
        if ((fromRowIndex < 0) || (fromRowIndex > toRowIndex) || (toRowIndex > size)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid fromRowIndex : " + fromRowIndex + " or toRowIndex: " + toRowIndex);

    private static Object getHashKey(Object obj) {
        return obj == null || obj.getClass().isArray() == false ? obj : Wrapper.of(obj);

     * @author Haiyang Li
     * @version $Revision: 0.8 $ 07/01/15
    private class PaginatedRowDataSet implements PaginatedDataSet {
        private final int expectedModCount = modCount;
        private final Map pagePool = new HashMap<>();
        private final int pageSize;
        private final int pageCount;
        private int currentPageNum;

        private PaginatedRowDataSet(final int pageSize) {
            this.pageSize = pageSize;

            this.pageCount = ((RowDataSet.this.size() % pageSize) == 0) ? (RowDataSet.this.size() / pageSize) : ((RowDataSet.this.size() / pageSize) + 1);

            currentPageNum = 0;

        public Iterator iterator() {
            return new Itr();

        public boolean hasNext() {
            return currentPageNum < pageCount();

        public DataSet currentPage() {
            return getPage(currentPageNum);

        public DataSet nextPage() {
            return absolute(currentPageNum + 1).currentPage();

        public DataSet previousPage() {
            return absolute(currentPageNum - 1).currentPage();

        public Optional firstPage() {
            return (Optional) (pageCount() == 0 ? Optional.empty() : Optional.of(absolute(0).currentPage()));

        public Optional lastPage() {
            return (Optional) (pageCount() == 0 ? Optional.empty() : Optional.of(absolute(pageCount() - 1).currentPage()));

        public DataSet getPage(final int pageNum) {

            synchronized (pagePool) {
                DataSet page = pagePool.get(pageNum);

                if (page == null) {
                    int offset = pageNum * pageSize;
                    page = RowDataSet.this.copy(RowDataSet.this.columnNameList(), offset, Math.min(offset + pageSize, RowDataSet.this.size()));

                    if (RowDataSet.this.frozen()) {

                    pagePool.put(pageNum, page);

                return page;

        public PaginatedDataSet absolute(final int pageNumber) {

            currentPageNum = pageNumber;

            return this;

        public int currentPageNum() {
            return currentPageNum;

        public int pageSize() {
            return pageSize;

        public int pageCount() {
            return pageCount;

        public Stream stream() {
            return Stream.of(iterator());

        final void checkForComodification() {
            if (modCount != expectedModCount) {
                throw new ConcurrentModificationException();

        private void checkPageNumber(final int pageNumber) {
            if ((pageNumber < 0) || (pageNumber >= pageCount())) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(pageNumber + " out of page index [0, " + pageCount() + ")");

        private class Itr implements Iterator {
            int cursor = 0;

            public boolean hasNext() {
                return cursor < pageCount();

            public DataSet next() {

                try {
                    DataSet next = getPage(cursor);

                    return next;
                } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
                    throw new NoSuchElementException();

            public void remove() {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException();