com.landawn.abacus.util.Maps Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2019 HaiYang Li
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package com.landawn.abacus.util;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import com.landawn.abacus.DirtyMarker;
import com.landawn.abacus.core.DirtyMarkerUtil;
import com.landawn.abacus.parser.ParserUtil;
import com.landawn.abacus.parser.ParserUtil.EntityInfo;
import com.landawn.abacus.parser.ParserUtil.PropInfo;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.Fn.Suppliers;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.u.Nullable;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.function.BiFunction;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.function.BinaryOperator;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.function.IntFunction;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.function.Supplier;
* Note: This class includes codes copied from Apache Commons Lang, Google Guava and other open source projects under the Apache License 2.0.
* The methods copied from other libraries/frameworks/projects may be modified in this class.
public final class Maps {
private Maps() {
// Utility class.
* @param
* @param the key type
* @param
* @param c
* @param keyMapper
* @return
* @throws E the e
public static Map newMap(Collection extends T> c, final Throwables.Function super T, ? extends K, E> keyMapper)
throws E {
if (N.isNullOrEmpty(c)) {
return new HashMap<>();
final Map result = N.newHashMap(c.size());
for (T e : c) {
result.put(keyMapper.apply(e), e);
return result;
* @param
* @param the key type
* @param the value type
* @param
* @param
* @param c
* @param keyMapper
* @param valueExtractor
* @return
* @throws E the e
* @throws E2 the e2
public static Map newMap(Collection extends T> c,
final Throwables.Function super T, ? extends K, E> keyMapper, final Throwables.Function super T, ? extends V, E2> valueExtractor) throws E, E2 {
if (N.isNullOrEmpty(c)) {
return new HashMap<>();
final Map result = N.newHashMap(c.size());
for (T e : c) {
result.put(keyMapper.apply(e), valueExtractor.apply(e));
return result;
* @param
* @param the key type
* @param the value type
* @param
* @param
* @param
* @param c
* @param keyMapper
* @param valueExtractor
* @param mapSupplier
* @return
* @throws E the e
* @throws E2 the e2
public static , E extends Exception, E2 extends Exception> M newMap(Collection extends T> c,
final Throwables.Function super T, ? extends K, E> keyMapper, final Throwables.Function super T, ? extends V, E2> valueExtractor,
final IntFunction extends M> mapSupplier) throws E, E2 {
if (N.isNullOrEmpty(c)) {
return mapSupplier.apply(0);
final M result = mapSupplier.apply(c.size());
for (T e : c) {
result.put(keyMapper.apply(e), valueExtractor.apply(e));
return result;
* @param
* @param the key type
* @param
* @param iter
* @param keyMapper
* @return
* @throws E the e
public static Map newMap(final Iterator extends T> iter, final Throwables.Function super T, K, E> keyMapper)
throws E {
if (iter == null) {
return new HashMap<>();
final Map result = new HashMap<>();
T e = null;
while (iter.hasNext()) {
e =;
result.put(keyMapper.apply(e), e);
return result;
* @param
* @param the key type
* @param the value type
* @param
* @param
* @param iter
* @param keyMapper
* @param valueExtractor
* @return
* @throws E the e
* @throws E2 the e2
public static Map newMap(final Iterator extends T> iter,
final Throwables.Function super T, K, E> keyMapper, final Throwables.Function super T, ? extends V, E2> valueExtractor) throws E, E2 {
if (iter == null) {
return new HashMap<>();
final Map result = new HashMap<>();
T e = null;
while (iter.hasNext()) {
e =;
result.put(keyMapper.apply(e), valueExtractor.apply(e));
return result;
* @param
* @param the key type
* @param the value type
* @param
* @param
* @param
* @param iter
* @param keyMapper
* @param valueExtractor
* @param mapSupplier
* @return
* @throws E the e
* @throws E2 the e2
public static , E extends Exception, E2 extends Exception> M newMap(final Iterator extends T> iter,
final Throwables.Function super T, K, E> keyMapper, final Throwables.Function super T, ? extends V, E2> valueExtractor,
final Supplier extends M> mapSupplier) throws E, E2 {
if (iter == null) {
return mapSupplier.get();
final M result = mapSupplier.get();
T e = null;
while (iter.hasNext()) {
e =;
result.put(keyMapper.apply(e), valueExtractor.apply(e));
return result;
* New target map.
* @param m
* @return
static Map newTargetMap(Map, ?> m) {
return newTargetMap(m, m == null ? 0 : m.size());
* New target map.
* @param m
* @param size
* @return
static Map newTargetMap(Map, ?> m, int size) {
if (m == null) {
return new HashMap<>();
Map res = null;
if (HashMap.class.equals(m.getClass())) {
res = N.newHashMap(size);
} else if (m instanceof SortedMap) {
res = new TreeMap<>(((SortedMap) m).comparator());
} else if (m instanceof IdentityHashMap) {
res = N.newIdentityHashMap(size);
} else if (m instanceof LinkedHashMap) {
res = N.newLinkedHashMap(size);
} else if (m instanceof ImmutableMap) {
res = N.newLinkedHashMap(size);
} else {
try {
res = N.newInstance(m.getClass());
} catch (Exception e) {
res = N.newLinkedHashMap(size);
return res;
* New ordering map.
* @param m
* @return
static Map newOrderingMap(Map, ?> m) {
if (m == null) {
return new HashMap<>();
Map res = null;
if (HashMap.class.equals(m.getClass())) {
res = N.newHashMap(m.size());
} else if (m instanceof SortedMap) {
res = N.newLinkedHashMap(m.size());
} else if (m instanceof IdentityHashMap) {
res = N.newIdentityHashMap(m.size());
} else if (m instanceof LinkedHashMap) {
res = N.newLinkedHashMap(m.size());
} else if (m instanceof ImmutableMap) {
res = N.newLinkedHashMap(m.size());
} else {
try {
res = N.newInstance(m.getClass());
} catch (Exception e) {
res = N.newLinkedHashMap(m.size());
return res;
* @param
* @param
* @param key
* @param value
* @return
* @deprecated replaced by {@link N#newEntry(Object, Object)}
public static Map.Entry newEntry(final K key, final V value) {
return N.newEntry(key, value);
* @param
* @param
* @param key
* @param value
* @return
* @deprecated replaced by {@link N#newImmutableEntry(Object, Object)}
public static ImmutableEntry newImmutableEntry(final K key, final V value) {
return N.newImmutableEntry(key, value);
public static Map zip(final Collection extends K> keys, final Collection extends V> values) {
if (N.isNullOrEmpty(keys) || N.isNullOrEmpty(values)) {
return new HashMap<>();
final Iterator extends K> keyIter = keys.iterator();
final Iterator extends V> valueIter = values.iterator();
final int minLen = N.min(keys.size(), values.size());
final Map result = N.newHashMap(minLen);
for (int i = 0; i < minLen; i++) {
return result;
public static > Map zip(final Collection extends K> keys, final Collection extends V> values,
final IntFunction extends M> mapSupplier) {
if (N.isNullOrEmpty(keys) || N.isNullOrEmpty(values)) {
return new HashMap<>();
final Iterator extends K> keyIter = keys.iterator();
final Iterator extends V> valueIter = values.iterator();
final int minLen = N.min(keys.size(), values.size());
final Map result = mapSupplier.apply(minLen);
for (int i = 0; i < minLen; i++) {
return result;
public static > Map zip(final Collection extends K> keys, final Collection extends V> values,
final BinaryOperator mergeFunction, final IntFunction extends M> mapSupplier) {
if (N.isNullOrEmpty(keys) || N.isNullOrEmpty(values)) {
return new HashMap<>();
final Iterator extends K> keyIter = keys.iterator();
final Iterator extends V> valueIter = values.iterator();
final int minLen = N.min(keys.size(), values.size());
final Map result = mapSupplier.apply(minLen);
for (int i = 0; i < minLen; i++) {
result.merge(,, mergeFunction);
return result;
* @param the key type
* @param the value type
* @param map
* @param key
* @return
public static Nullable get(final Map map, final Object key) {
if (N.isNullOrEmpty(map)) {
return Nullable.empty();
final V val = map.get(key);
if (val != null || map.containsKey(key)) {
return Nullable.of(val);
} else {
return Nullable.empty();
* Returns a list of values of the keys which exist in the specified Map
* If the key dosn't exist in the Map
, No value will be added into the returned list.
* @param the key type
* @param the value type
* @param map
* @param keys
* @return
public static List getIfPresentForEach(final Map map, final Collection> keys) {
if (N.isNullOrEmpty(map) || N.isNullOrEmpty(keys)) {
return new ArrayList<>(0);
final List result = new ArrayList<>(keys.size());
V val = null;
for (Object key : keys) {
val = map.get(key);
if (val != null || map.containsKey(key)) {
return result;
* Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped, or {@code defaultValue} if this map contains no mapping for the key.
* @param the key type
* @param the value type
* @param map
* @param key
* @param defaultValue
* @return
public static V getOrDefault(final Map map, final Object key, final V defaultValue) {
if (N.isNullOrEmpty(map)) {
return defaultValue;
final V val = map.get(key);
if (val != null || map.containsKey(key)) {
return val;
} else {
return defaultValue;
* Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped if it's not {@code null},
* or {@code defaultForNull} if this map contains no mapping for the key or it's {@code null}.
* @param
* @param
* @param map
* @param key
* @param defaultForNull to return if the specified {@code map} doesn't contain the specified {@code key} or the mapped value is {@code null}.
* @return
public static V getOrDefaultIfNull(final Map map, final Object key, final V defaultForNull) {
if (N.isNullOrEmpty(map)) {
return defaultForNull;
final V val = map.get(key);
if (val == null) {
return defaultForNull;
} else {
return val;
public static Boolean getBoolean(final Map super K, ?> map, final Object key) {
if (N.isNullOrEmpty(map)) {
return null;
final Object val = map.get(key);
if (val == null) {
return null;
} else if (val instanceof Boolean) {
return (Boolean) val;
} else {
return N.parseBoolean(N.toString(val));
* Returns the mapped {@code boolean} or a boolean converted from String.
* {@code defaultForNull} is returned if the specified {@code map} doesn't contain the specified {@code key} or the mapped value is {@code null}.
* @param
* @param map
* @param key
* @param defaultForNull to return if the specified {@code map} doesn't contain the specified {@code key} or the mapped value is {@code null}.
* @return
public static boolean getBoolean(final Map super K, ?> map, final Object key, final boolean defaultForNull) {
if (N.isNullOrEmpty(map)) {
return defaultForNull;
final Object val = map.get(key);
if (val == null) {
return defaultForNull;
} else if (val instanceof Boolean) {
return (Boolean) val;
} else {
return N.parseBoolean(N.toString(val));
public static Character getChar(final Map super K, ?> map, final Object key) {
if (N.isNullOrEmpty(map)) {
return null;
final Object val = map.get(key);
if (val == null) {
return null;
} else if (val instanceof Character) {
return (Character) val;
} else {
return N.parseChar(N.toString(val));
* Returns the mapped {@code char} or a char converted from String.
* {@code defaultForNull} is returned if the specified {@code map} doesn't contain the specified {@code key} or the mapped value is {@code null}.
* @param
* @param map
* @param key
* @param defaultForNull to return if the specified {@code map} doesn't contain the specified {@code key} or the mapped value is {@code null}.
* @return
public static char getChar(final Map super K, ?> map, final Object key, final char defaultForNull) {
if (N.isNullOrEmpty(map)) {
return defaultForNull;
final Object val = map.get(key);
if (val == null) {
return defaultForNull;
} else if (val instanceof Character) {
return (Character) val;
} else {
return N.parseChar(N.toString(val));
public static Byte getByte(final Map super K, ?> map, final Object key) {
if (N.isNullOrEmpty(map)) {
return null;
final Object val = map.get(key);
if (val == null) {
return null;
} else if (val instanceof Number) {
return ((Number) val).byteValue();
} else {
return Numbers.toByte(N.toString(val));
* Returns the mapped {@code byte} or a byte converted from String.
* {@code defaultForNull} is returned if the specified {@code map} doesn't contain the specified {@code key} or the mapped value is {@code null}.
* @param
* @param map
* @param key
* @param defaultForNull to return if the specified {@code map} doesn't contain the specified {@code key} or the mapped value is {@code null}.
* @return
public static byte getByte(final Map super K, ?> map, final Object key, final byte defaultForNull) {
if (N.isNullOrEmpty(map)) {
return defaultForNull;
final Object val = map.get(key);
if (val == null) {
return defaultForNull;
} else if (val instanceof Number) {
return ((Number) val).byteValue();
} else {
return Numbers.toByte(N.toString(val));
public static Short getShort(final Map super K, ?> map, final Object key) {
if (N.isNullOrEmpty(map)) {
return null;
final Object val = map.get(key);
if (val == null) {
return null;
} else if (val instanceof Number) {
return ((Number) val).shortValue();
} else {
return Numbers.toShort(N.toString(val));
* Returns the mapped {@code short} or a short converted from String.
* {@code defaultForNull} is returned if the specified {@code map} doesn't contain the specified {@code key} or the mapped value is {@code null}.
* @param
* @param map
* @param key
* @param defaultForNull to return if the specified {@code map} doesn't contain the specified {@code key} or the mapped value is {@code null}.
* @return
public static short getShort(final Map super K, ?> map, final Object key, final short defaultForNull) {
if (N.isNullOrEmpty(map)) {
return defaultForNull;
final Object val = map.get(key);
if (val == null) {
return defaultForNull;
} else if (val instanceof Number) {
return ((Number) val).shortValue();
} else {
return Numbers.toShort(N.toString(val));
public static Integer getInt(final Map super K, ?> map, final Object key) {
if (N.isNullOrEmpty(map)) {
return null;
final Object val = map.get(key);
if (val == null) {
return null;
} else if (val instanceof Number) {
return ((Number) val).intValue();
} else {
return Numbers.toInt(N.toString(val));
* Returns the mapped {@code integer} or an integer converted from String.
* {@code defaultForNull} is returned if the specified {@code map} doesn't contain the specified {@code key} or the mapped value is {@code null}.
* @param
* @param map
* @param key
* @param defaultForNull to return if the specified {@code map} doesn't contain the specified {@code key} or the mapped value is {@code null}.
* @return
public static int getInt(final Map super K, ?> map, final Object key, final int defaultForNull) {
if (N.isNullOrEmpty(map)) {
return defaultForNull;
final Object val = map.get(key);
if (val == null) {
return defaultForNull;
} else if (val instanceof Number) {
return ((Number) val).intValue();
} else {
return Numbers.toInt(N.toString(val));
public static Long getLong(final Map super K, ?> map, final Object key) {
if (N.isNullOrEmpty(map)) {
return null;
final Object val = map.get(key);
if (val == null) {
return null;
} else if (val instanceof Number) {
return ((Number) val).longValue();
} else {
return Numbers.toLong(N.toString(val));
* Returns the mapped {@code long} or a long converted from String.
* {@code defaultForNull} is returned if the specified {@code map} doesn't contain the specified {@code key} or the mapped value is {@code null}.
* @param
* @param map
* @param key
* @param defaultForNull to return if the specified {@code map} doesn't contain the specified {@code key} or the mapped value is {@code null}.
* @return
public static long getLong(final Map super K, ?> map, final Object key, final long defaultForNull) {
if (N.isNullOrEmpty(map)) {
return defaultForNull;
final Object val = map.get(key);
if (val == null) {
return defaultForNull;
} else if (val instanceof Number) {
return ((Number) val).longValue();
} else {
return Numbers.toLong(N.toString(val));
public static Float getFloat(final Map super K, ?> map, final Object key) {
if (N.isNullOrEmpty(map)) {
return null;
final Object val = map.get(key);
if (val == null) {
return null;
} else if (val instanceof Number) {
return ((Number) val).floatValue();
} else {
return Numbers.toFloat(N.toString(val));
* Returns the mapped {@code float} or a float converted from String.
* {@code defaultForNull} is returned if the specified {@code map} doesn't contain the specified {@code key} or the mapped value is {@code null}.
* @param
* @param map
* @param key
* @param defaultForNull to return if the specified {@code map} doesn't contain the specified {@code key} or the mapped value is {@code null}.
* @return
public static float getFloat(final Map super K, ?> map, final Object key, final float defaultForNull) {
if (N.isNullOrEmpty(map)) {
return defaultForNull;
final Object val = map.get(key);
if (val == null) {
return defaultForNull;
} else if (val instanceof Number) {
return ((Number) val).floatValue();
} else {
return Numbers.toFloat(N.toString(val));
public static Double getDouble(final Map super K, ?> map, final Object key) {
if (N.isNullOrEmpty(map)) {
return null;
final Object val = map.get(key);
if (val == null) {
return null;
} else if (val instanceof Number) {
return ((Number) val).doubleValue();
} else {
return Numbers.toDouble(N.toString(val));
* Returns the mapped {@code double} or a double converted from String.
* {@code defaultForNull} is returned if the specified {@code map} doesn't contain the specified {@code key} or the mapped value is {@code null}.
* @param
* @param map
* @param key
* @param defaultForNull to return if the specified {@code map} doesn't contain the specified {@code key} or the mapped value is {@code null}.
* @return
public static double getDouble(final Map super K, ?> map, final Object key, final double defaultForNull) {
if (N.isNullOrEmpty(map)) {
return defaultForNull;
final Object val = map.get(key);
if (val == null) {
return defaultForNull;
} else if (val instanceof Number) {
return ((Number) val).doubleValue();
} else {
return Numbers.toDouble(N.toString(val));
* Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped, or
* an empty immutable {@code List} if this map contains no mapping for the key.
* @param the key type
* @param
* @param the value type
* @param map
* @param key
* @return
public static > List getOrEmptyList(final Map map, final Object key) {
if (N.isNullOrEmpty(map)) {
return N. emptyList();
final V val = map.get(key);
if (val != null || map.containsKey(key)) {
return val;
} else {
return N.emptyList();
* Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped, or
* an empty immutable {@code Set} if this map contains no mapping for the key.
* @param the key type
* @param
* @param the value type
* @param map
* @param key
* @return
public static > Set getOrEmptySet(final Map map, final Object key) {
if (N.isNullOrEmpty(map)) {
return N. emptySet();
final V val = map.get(key);
if (val != null || map.containsKey(key)) {
return val;
} else {
return N.emptySet();
* Gets the or default for each.
* @param the key type
* @param the value type
* @param map
* @param keys
* @param defaultValue
* @return
public static List getOrDefaultForEach(final Map map, final Collection> keys, final V defaultValue) {
if (N.isNullOrEmpty(keys)) {
return new ArrayList<>(0);
} else if (N.isNullOrEmpty(map)) {
return N.repeat(defaultValue, keys.size());
final List result = new ArrayList<>(keys.size());
V val = null;
for (Object key : keys) {
val = map.get(key);
if (val != null || map.containsKey(key)) {
} else {
return result;
* Returns the value associated with the specified {@code key} if it exists in the specified {@code map} contains, or the new put {@code List} if it's absent.
* @param the key type
* @param
* @param map
* @param key
* @return
public static List getAndPutListIfAbsent(final Map> map, final K key) {
List v = map.get(key);
if (v == null) {
v = new ArrayList<>();
v = map.put(key, v);
return v;
* Returns the value associated with the specified {@code key} if it exists in the specified {@code map} contains, or the new put {@code Set} if it's absent.
* @param the key type
* @param
* @param map
* @param key
* @return
public static Set getAndPutSetIfAbsent(final Map> map, final K key) {
Set v = map.get(key);
if (v == null) {
v = N.newHashSet();
v = map.put(key, v);
return v;
* Returns the value associated with the specified {@code key} if it exists in the specified {@code map} contains, or the new put {@code Set} if it's absent.
* @param the key type
* @param
* @param map
* @param key
* @return
public static Set getAndPutLinkedHashSetIfAbsent(final Map> map, final K key) {
Set v = map.get(key);
if (v == null) {
v = N.newLinkedHashSet();
v = map.put(key, v);
return v;
* Returns the value associated with the specified {@code key} if it exists in the specified {@code map} contains, or the new put {@code Map} if it's absent.
* @param the key type
* @param
* @param
* @param map
* @param key
* @return
public static Map getAndPutMapIfAbsent(final Map> map, final K key) {
Map v = map.get(key);
if (v == null) {
v = new HashMap<>();
v = map.put(key, v);
return v;
* Check if the specified Map
contains the specified Entry
* @param map
* @param entry
* @return
public static boolean contains(final Map, ?> map, final Map.Entry, ?> entry) {
return contains(map, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
* @param map
* @param key
* @param value
* @return
public static boolean contains(final Map, ?> map, final Object key, final Object value) {
if (N.isNullOrEmpty(map)) {
return false;
final Object val = map.get(key);
return val == null ? value == null && map.containsKey(key) : N.equals(val, value);
* @param the key type
* @param the value type
* @param map
* @param map2
* @return
public static Map intersection(final Map map, final Map extends K, ? extends V> map2) {
if (N.isNullOrEmpty(map) || N.isNullOrEmpty(map2)) {
return new LinkedHashMap<>();
final Map result = map instanceof IdentityHashMap ? new IdentityHashMap<>() : new LinkedHashMap<>();
Object val = null;
for (Map.Entry entry : map.entrySet()) {
val = map2.get(entry.getKey());
if ((val != null && N.equals(val, entry.getValue())) || (entry.getValue() == null && map.containsKey(entry.getKey()))) {
result.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
return result;
* @param the key type
* @param the value type
* @param map
* @param map2
* @return
public static Map>> difference(final Map map, final Map map2) {
if (N.isNullOrEmpty(map)) {
return new LinkedHashMap<>();
final Map>> result = map instanceof IdentityHashMap ? new IdentityHashMap<>() : new LinkedHashMap<>();
if (N.isNullOrEmpty(map2)) {
for (Map.Entry entry : map.entrySet()) {
result.put(entry.getKey(), Pair.of(entry.getValue(), Nullable. empty()));
} else {
V val = null;
for (Map.Entry entry : map.entrySet()) {
val = map2.get(entry.getKey());
if (val == null && map2.containsKey(entry.getKey()) == false) {
result.put(entry.getKey(), Pair.of(entry.getValue(), Nullable. empty()));
} else if (N.equals(val, entry.getValue()) == false) {
result.put(entry.getKey(), Pair.of(entry.getValue(), Nullable.of(val)));
return result;
* @param the key type
* @param the value type
* @param map
* @param map2
* @return
public static Map, Nullable>> symmetricDifference(final Map map, final Map map2) {
final boolean isIdentityHashMap = (N.notNullOrEmpty(map) && map instanceof IdentityHashMap)
|| (N.notNullOrEmpty(map2) && map2 instanceof IdentityHashMap);
final Map, Nullable>> result = isIdentityHashMap ? new IdentityHashMap<>() : new LinkedHashMap<>();
if (N.notNullOrEmpty(map)) {
if (N.isNullOrEmpty(map2)) {
for (Map.Entry entry : map.entrySet()) {
result.put(entry.getKey(), Pair.of(Nullable.of(entry.getValue()), Nullable. empty()));
} else {
K key = null;
V val2 = null;
for (Map.Entry entry : map.entrySet()) {
key = entry.getKey();
val2 = map2.get(key);
if (val2 == null && map2.containsKey(key) == false) {
result.put(key, Pair.of(Nullable.of(entry.getValue()), Nullable. empty()));
} else if (N.equals(val2, entry.getValue()) == false) {
result.put(key, Pair.of(Nullable.of(entry.getValue()), Nullable.of(val2)));
if (N.notNullOrEmpty(map2)) {
if (N.isNullOrEmpty(map)) {
for (Map.Entry entry : map2.entrySet()) {
result.put(entry.getKey(), Pair.of(Nullable. empty(), Nullable.of(entry.getValue())));
} else {
for (Map.Entry entry : map2.entrySet()) {
if (map.containsKey(entry.getKey()) == false) {
result.put(entry.getKey(), Pair.of(Nullable. empty(), Nullable.of(entry.getValue())));
return result;
* Put if absent.
* @param the key type
* @param the value type
* @param map
* @param key
* @param value
* @return
public static V putIfAbsent(final Map map, K key, final V value) {
V v = map.get(key);
if (v == null) {
v = map.put(key, value);
return v;
* Put if absent.
* @param the key type
* @param the value type
* @param map
* @param key
* @param supplier
* @return
public static V putIfAbsent(final Map map, K key, final Supplier supplier) {
V v = map.get(key);
if (v == null) {
v = map.put(key, supplier.get());
return v;
* Removes the specified entry.
* @param the key type
* @param the value type
* @param map
* @param entry
* @return
public static boolean remove(final Map map, Map.Entry, ?> entry) {
return remove(map, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
* @param the key type
* @param the value type
* @param map
* @param key
* @param value
* @return
public static boolean remove(final Map map, final Object key, final Object value) {
if (N.isNullOrEmpty(map)) {
return false;
final Object curValue = map.get(key);
if (!N.equals(curValue, value) || (curValue == null && !map.containsKey(key))) {
return false;
return true;
* Removes the keys.
* @param map
* @param keysToRemove
* @return true
if any key/value was removed, otherwise false
public static boolean removeKeys(final Map, ?> map, final Collection> keysToRemove) {
if (N.isNullOrEmpty(map) || N.isNullOrEmpty(keysToRemove)) {
return false;
final int originalSize = map.size();
for (Object key : keysToRemove) {
return map.size() < originalSize;
* The the entries from the specified Map
* @param map
* @param entriesToRemove
* @return true
if any key/value was removed, otherwise false
public static boolean removeEntries(final Map, ?> map, final Map, ?> entriesToRemove) {
if (N.isNullOrEmpty(map) || N.isNullOrEmpty(entriesToRemove)) {
return false;
final int originalSize = map.size();
for (Map.Entry, ?> entry : entriesToRemove.entrySet()) {
if (N.equals(map.get(entry.getKey()), entry.getValue())) {
return map.size() < originalSize;
* Removes entries from the specified {@code map} by the the specified {@code filter}.
* @param the key type
* @param the value type
* @param
* @param map
* @param filter
* @return {@code true} if there are one or more than one entries removed from the specified map.
* @throws E the e
public static boolean removeIf(final Map map, final Throwables.Predicate super Map.Entry, E> filter) throws E {
List keysToRemove = null;
for (Map.Entry entry : map.entrySet()) {
if (filter.test(entry)) {
if (keysToRemove == null) {
keysToRemove = new ArrayList<>(7);
if (N.notNullOrEmpty(keysToRemove)) {
for (K key : keysToRemove) {
return true;
return false;
* Removes entries from the specified {@code map} by the the specified {@code filter}.
* @param the key type
* @param the value type
* @param
* @param map
* @param filter
* @return {@code true} if there are one or more than one entries removed from the specified map.
* @throws E the e
public static boolean removeIfKey(final Map map, final Throwables.Predicate super K, E> filter) throws E {
List keysToRemove = null;
for (Map.Entry entry : map.entrySet()) {
if (filter.test(entry.getKey())) {
if (keysToRemove == null) {
keysToRemove = new ArrayList<>(7);
if (N.notNullOrEmpty(keysToRemove)) {
for (K key : keysToRemove) {
return true;
return false;
* Removes entries from the specified {@code map} by the the specified {@code filter}.
* @param the key type
* @param the value type
* @param
* @param map
* @param filter
* @return {@code true} if there are one or more than one entries removed from the specified map.
* @throws E the e
public static boolean removeIfValue(final Map map, final Throwables.Predicate super V, E> filter) throws E {
List keysToRemove = null;
for (Map.Entry entry : map.entrySet()) {
if (filter.test(entry.getValue())) {
if (keysToRemove == null) {
keysToRemove = new ArrayList<>(7);
if (N.notNullOrEmpty(keysToRemove)) {
for (K key : keysToRemove) {
return true;
return false;
* @param the key type
* @param the value type
* @param map
* @param key
* @param oldValue
* @param newValue
* @return
public static boolean replace(final Map map, final K key, final V oldValue, final V newValue) {
if (N.isNullOrEmpty(map)) {
return false;
final Object curValue = map.get(key);
if (!N.equals(curValue, oldValue) || (curValue == null && !map.containsKey(key))) {
return false;
map.put(key, newValue);
return true;
* @param the key type
* @param the value type
* @param map
* @param key
* @param newValue
* @return
public static V replace(final Map map, final K key, final V newValue) {
if (N.isNullOrEmpty(map)) {
return null;
V curValue = null;
if (((curValue = map.get(key)) != null) || map.containsKey(key)) {
curValue = map.put(key, newValue);
return curValue;
* @param the key type
* @param the value type
* @param
* @param map
* @param function
* @throws E the e
public static void replaceAll(final Map map, final Throwables.BiFunction super K, ? super V, ? extends V, E> function)
throws E {
if (N.isNullOrEmpty(map)) {
K k = null;
V v = null;
for (Map.Entry entry : map.entrySet()) {
try {
k = entry.getKey();
v = entry.getValue();
} catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
// this usually means the entry is no longer in the map.
throw new ConcurrentModificationException(ise);
// ise thrown from function is not a cme.
v = function.apply(k, v);
try {
} catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
// this usually means the entry is no longer in the map.
throw new ConcurrentModificationException(ise);
public static void forEach(final Map map, final Throwables.Consumer super Map.Entry, E> action) throws E {
if (N.isNullOrEmpty(map)) {
for (Map.Entry entry : map.entrySet()) {
* @param the key type
* @param the value type
* @param
* @param map
* @param action
* @throws E the e
public static void forEach(final Map map, final Throwables.BiConsumer super K, ? super V, E> action) throws E {
if (N.isNullOrEmpty(map)) {
for (Map.Entry entry : map.entrySet()) {
action.accept(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
* @param the key type
* @param the value type
* @param
* @param map
* @param predicate
* @return
* @throws E the e
public static Map