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com.landawn.abacus.util.Strings Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2015, Haiyang Li.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.landawn.abacus.util;
import static com.landawn.abacus.util.WD._BACKSLASH;
import static com.landawn.abacus.util.WD._QUOTATION_D;
import static com.landawn.abacus.util.WD._QUOTATION_S;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.text.Normalizer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Base64.Decoder;
import java.util.Base64.Encoder;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.RandomAccess;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.IntUnaryOperator;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.lang.model.SourceVersion;
import com.landawn.abacus.annotation.Beta;
import com.landawn.abacus.annotation.MayReturnNull;
import com.landawn.abacus.logging.Logger;
import com.landawn.abacus.logging.LoggerFactory;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.u.Optional;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.u.OptionalChar;
* Note: This class includes codes copied from Apache Commons Lang, Google Guava and other open source projects under the Apache License 2.0.
* The methods copied from other libraries/frameworks/projects may be modified in this class.
* When to throw exception? It's designed to avoid throwing any unnecessary
* exception if the contract defined by method is not broken. for example, if
* user tries to reverse a {@code null} or empty String. the input String will be
* returned. But exception will be thrown if try to add element to a {@code null} Object array or collection.
* An empty String/Array/Collection/Map/Iterator/Iterable/InputStream/Reader will always be a preferred choice than a {@code null} for the return value of a method.
* @see {@code Joiner}, {@code Splitter}
* @see com.landawn.abacus.util.N
* @see com.landawn.abacus.util.Array
* @see com.landawn.abacus.util.Iterables
* @see com.landawn.abacus.util.Iterators
* @see com.landawn.abacus.util.Maps
* @see com.landawn.abacus.util.URLEncodedUtil
* @see com.landawn.abacus.util.AppendableWriter
* @see com.landawn.abacus.util.StringWriter
@SuppressWarnings({ "java:S1694", "UnnecessaryUnicodeEscape" })
public abstract sealed class Strings permits Strings.StringUtil {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Strings.class);
* String with value {@code "null"}.
public static final String NULL_STRING = "null";
* Char array with value {@code "['n', 'u', 'l', 'l']"}.
static final char[] NULL_CHAR_ARRAY = NULL_STRING.toCharArray();
* The empty String {@code ""}.
public static final String EMPTY_STRING = "";
// /**
// * The empty String {@code ""}.
// * @deprecated Use {@link #EMPTY_STRING} instead
// */
// @Deprecated
// public static final String EMPTY = EMPTY_STRING;
* A String for a space character.
public static final String SPACE = WD.SPACE;
* A String for linefeed LF ("\n").
* @see JLF: Escape Sequences
* for Character and String Literals
public static final String LF = "\n";
* A String for carriage return CR ("\r").
* @see JLF: Escape Sequences
* for Character and String Literals
public static final String CR = "\r";
* Carriage return followed by line feed. This is the line ending used on Windows.
public static final String CR_LF = "\r\n";
public static final char CHAR_ZERO = (char) 0;
public static final char CHAR_SPACE = WD._SPACE;
public static final char CHAR_LF = LF.charAt(0);
public static final char CHAR_CR = CR.charAt(0);
* Field COMMA_SPACE (value is {@code ", "})
public static final String COMMA_SPACE = WD.COMMA_SPACE;
* Value is {@code ", "}
public static final String ELEMENT_SEPARATOR = COMMA_SPACE;
static final String TRUE = Boolean.TRUE.toString().intern();
static final char[] TRUE_CHAR_ARRAY = TRUE.toCharArray();
static final String FALSE = Boolean.FALSE.toString().intern();
static final char[] FALSE_CHAR_ARRAY = FALSE.toCharArray();
static final String BACKSLASH_ASTERISK = "*";
static final String STR_FOR_EMPTY_ARRAY = "[]";
* A regex pattern for recognizing blocks of whitespace characters. The
* apparent convolutedness of the pattern serves the purpose of ignoring
* "blocks" consisting of only a single space: the pattern is used only to
* normalize whitespace, condensing "blocks" down to a single space, thus
* matching the same would likely cause a great many noop replacements.
private static final Pattern WHITESPACE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(?: |\\u00A0|\\s|[\\s&&[^ ]])\\s*");//NOSONAR
private static final Splitter lineSplitter = Splitter.forLines();
private static final Splitter trimLineSplitter = Splitter.forLines().trimResults();
private static final Splitter omitEmptyLinesLineSplitter = Splitter.forLines().omitEmptyStrings();
private static final Splitter trimAndOmitEmptyLinesLineSplitter = Splitter.forLines().trimResults().omitEmptyStrings();
// private static final Map splitterPool = new HashMap<>();
// private static final Map trimSplitterPool = new HashMap<>();
// private static final Map preserveSplitterPool = new HashMap<>();
// private static final Map trimPreserveSplitterPool = new HashMap<>();
// static {
// final List delimiters = Array.asList(" ", " ", " ", "\t", "\n", "\r", ",", ", ", ";", "; ", ":", ": ", " : ", "-", " - ", "_", " _ ", "#",
// "##", " # ", "=", "==", " = ", "|", " | ", "||", " || ", "&", "&&", "@", "@@", "$", "$$", "*", "**", "+", "++");
// for (final String delimiter : delimiters) {
// splitterPool.put(delimiter, Splitter.with(delimiter).omitEmptyStrings());
// trimSplitterPool.put(delimiter, Splitter.with(delimiter).omitEmptyStrings().trimResults());
// preserveSplitterPool.put(delimiter, Splitter.with(delimiter));
// trimPreserveSplitterPool.put(delimiter, Splitter.with(delimiter).trimResults());
// if (delimiter.length() == 1) {
// final char delimiterChar = delimiter.charAt(0);
// splitterPool.put(delimiterChar, Splitter.with(delimiterChar).omitEmptyStrings());
// trimSplitterPool.put(delimiterChar, Splitter.with(delimiterChar).omitEmptyStrings().trimResults());
// preserveSplitterPool.put(delimiterChar, Splitter.with(delimiterChar));
// trimPreserveSplitterPool.put(delimiterChar, Splitter.with(delimiterChar).trimResults());
// }
// }
// }
private static final Pattern JAVA_IDENTIFIER_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^([a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z\\d_$]*)$", Pattern.UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS);
private static final Pattern EMAIL_ADDRESS_RFC_5322_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(
private static final Pattern URL_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\\+~#=]{1,256}\\.[a-zA-Z0-9()]{1,6}\\b([-a-zA-Z0-9()@:%_\\+.~#?&//=]*)",
private static final Pattern HTTP_URL_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\\+~#=]{1,256}\\.[a-zA-Z0-9()]{1,6}\\b([-a-zA-Z0-9()@:%_\\+.~#?&//=]*)",
private static final Encoder BASE64_ENCODER = java.util.Base64.getEncoder();
private static final Decoder BASE64_DECODER = java.util.Base64.getDecoder();
private static final Encoder BASE64_URL_ENCODER = java.util.Base64.getUrlEncoder();
private static final Decoder BASE64_URL_DECODER = java.util.Base64.getUrlDecoder();
private Strings() {
// Utility class.
* Returns a new UUID String without '-'.
* @return
* @see UUID#randomUUID().
public static String guid() {
return uuid().replace("-", "");
* Returns a new UUID String.
* @return
* @see UUID#randomUUID().
public static String uuid() {
return UUID.randomUUID().toString();
* Converts the provided character array into a String.
* @param value The character array to be converted. It can be {@code null}.
* @return A String representation of the character array. Returns {@code null} if value is {@code null}.
* @see String#valueOf(char[])
* @see N#toString(Object)
public static String valueOf(final char[] value) {
return value == null ? null : String.valueOf(value);
* Checks if the given CharSequence is a Java keyword.
* @param cs The CharSequence to be checked. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @return {@code true} if the CharSequence is a Java keyword, {@code false} otherwise.
public static boolean isKeyword(final CharSequence cs) {
if (isEmpty(cs)) {
return false;
return SourceVersion.isKeyword(cs);
* Checks if the given CharSequence is a valid Java identifier.
* A valid Java identifier must start with a letter, a currency character ($), or a connecting character such as underscore (_).
* Identifiers cannot start with a number, and they cannot be a Java keyword or boolean literal (true or false).
* @param cs The CharSequence to be checked. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @return {@code true} if the CharSequence is a valid Java identifier, {@code false} otherwise.
public static boolean isValidJavaIdentifier(final CharSequence cs) {
if (isEmpty(cs)) {
return false;
return JAVA_IDENTIFIER_PATTERN.matcher(cs).matches();
* Checks if the given CharSequence is a valid email address.
* This method uses a regular expression (RFC 5322) to validate the email address. It checks for the general form of an email address
* which is "local-part@domain". The local-part can contain alphanumeric characters and special characters like !, #, $, %, &, ', *, +, -, /, =, ?, ^, _, `, {, |, } and ~.
* The domain part contains at least one dot (.) and can contain alphanumeric characters as well as hyphens (-).
* @param cs The CharSequence to be checked. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @return {@code true} if the CharSequence is a valid email address, {@code false} otherwise.
* @see #findFirstEmailAddress(CharSequence)
* @see #findAllEmailAddresses(CharSequence)
public static boolean isValidEmailAddress(final CharSequence cs) {
if (isEmpty(cs)) {
return false;
return EMAIL_ADDRESS_RFC_5322_PATTERN.matcher(cs).matches();
* Checks if the given CharSequence is a valid URL.
* This method uses a regular expression to validate the URL. It checks for the general form of a URL
* which includes protocol, domain, port, path, query parameters, and fragment identifier.
* @param cs The CharSequence to be checked. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @return {@code true} if the CharSequence is a valid URL, {@code false} otherwise.
public static boolean isValidUrl(final CharSequence cs) {
if (isEmpty(cs)) {
return false;
return URL_PATTERN.matcher(cs).matches();
* Checks if the given CharSequence is a valid HTTP URL.
* This method uses a regular expression to validate the URL. It checks for the general form of a URL
* which includes protocol, domain, port, path, query parameters, and fragment identifier.
* The URL must start with http:// or https://.
* @param cs The CharSequence to be checked. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @return {@code true} if the CharSequence is a valid HTTP URL, {@code false} otherwise.
public static boolean isValidHttpUrl(final CharSequence cs) {
if (isEmpty(cs)) {
return false;
return HTTP_URL_PATTERN.matcher(cs).matches();
* Checks if the specified {@code CharSequence} is {@code null} or empty.
* @param cs
* @return
public static boolean isEmpty(final CharSequence cs) {
return (cs == null) || (cs.isEmpty());
* Checks if the given CharSequence is {@code null} or contains only whitespace characters.
* @param cs The CharSequence to be checked. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @return {@code true} if the CharSequence is {@code null} or contains only whitespace characters, {@code false} otherwise.
public static boolean isBlank(final CharSequence cs) {
if (isEmpty(cs)) {
return true;
if (cs instanceof String) {
return ((String) cs).isBlank();
for (int i = 0, len = cs.length(); i < len; i++) {
if (!Character.isWhitespace(cs.charAt(i))) {
return false;
return true;
* Checks if the given CharSequence is not {@code null} and not empty.
* @param cs The CharSequence to be checked. It can be {@code null}.
* @return {@code true} if the CharSequence is not {@code null} and not empty, {@code false} otherwise.
public static boolean isNotEmpty(final CharSequence cs) {
return (cs != null) && (!cs.isEmpty());
* Checks if the given CharSequence is not {@code null} and contains non-whitespace characters.
* @param cs The CharSequence to be checked. It can be {@code null}.
* @return {@code true} if the CharSequence is not {@code null} and contains non-whitespace characters, {@code false} otherwise.
public static boolean isNotBlank(final CharSequence cs) {
return !isBlank(cs);
// /**
// *
// * @param cs
// * @return
// */
// public static boolean notBlank(final CharSequence cs) {
// return !isBlank(cs);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param cs
// * @return
// */
// @Beta
// public static boolean notEmpty(final CharSequence cs) {
// return (cs != null) && (cs.length() > 0);
// }
* Checks if both of the provided CharSequences are empty or {@code null}.
* @param a The first CharSequence to be checked. It can be {@code null}.
* @param b The second CharSequence to be checked. It can be {@code null}.
* @return {@code true} if both CharSequences are {@code null} or empty, {@code false} otherwise.
public static boolean isAllEmpty(final CharSequence a, final CharSequence b) {
return isEmpty(a) && isEmpty(b);
* Checks if all the provided CharSequences are empty or {@code null}.
* @param a The first CharSequence to be checked. It can be {@code null}.
* @param b The second CharSequence to be checked. It can be {@code null}.
* @param c The third CharSequence to be checked. It can be {@code null}.
* @return {@code true} if all CharSequences are {@code null} or empty, {@code false} otherwise.
public static boolean isAllEmpty(final CharSequence a, final CharSequence b, final CharSequence c) {
return isEmpty(a) && isEmpty(b) && isEmpty(c);
* Checks if all the CharSequences are empty ("") or {@code null}.
* Strings.isAllEmpty(null) = true
* Strings.isAllEmpty(null, "") = true
* Strings.isAllEmpty(new String[] {}) = true
* Strings.isAllEmpty(null, "foo") = false
* Strings.isAllEmpty("", "bar") = false
* Strings.isAllEmpty("bob", "") = false
* Strings.isAllEmpty(" bob ", null) = false
* Strings.isAllEmpty(" ", "bar") = false
* Strings.isAllEmpty("foo", "bar") = false
* @param css the CharSequences to check, may be {@code null} or empty
* @return {@code true} if all the CharSequences are empty or null
* @see Strings#isAllEmpty(CharSequence...)
public static boolean isAllEmpty(final CharSequence... css) {
if (N.isEmpty(css)) {
return true;
for (final CharSequence cs : css) {
if (isNotEmpty(cs)) {
return false;
return true;
* Checks if all the provided CharSequences in the Iterable are empty or {@code null}.
* @param css The Iterable of CharSequences to be checked. It can be {@code null}.
* @return {@code true} if all CharSequences in the Iterable are {@code null} or empty, {@code false} otherwise.
public static boolean isAllEmpty(final Iterable extends CharSequence> css) {
if (N.isEmpty(css)) {
return true;
for (final CharSequence cs : css) {
if (isNotEmpty(cs)) {
return false;
return true;
* Checks if both of the provided CharSequences are blank or {@code null}.
* @param a The first CharSequence to be checked. It can be {@code null}.
* @param b The second CharSequence to be checked. It can be {@code null}.
* @return {@code true} if both CharSequences are {@code null} or blank, {@code false} otherwise.
public static boolean isAllBlank(final CharSequence a, final CharSequence b) {
return isBlank(a) && isBlank(b);
* Checks if all the provided CharSequences are blank or {@code null}.
* @param a The first CharSequence to be checked. It can be {@code null}.
* @param b The second CharSequence to be checked. It can be {@code null}.
* @param c The third CharSequence to be checked. It can be {@code null}.
* @return {@code true} if all CharSequences are {@code null} or blank, {@code false} otherwise.
public static boolean isAllBlank(final CharSequence a, final CharSequence b, final CharSequence c) {
return isBlank(a) && isBlank(b) && isBlank(c);
* Checks if all the CharSequences are empty (""), {@code null} or whitespace only.
* Whitespace is defined by {@link Character#isWhitespace(char)}.
* Strings.isAllBlank(null) = true
* Strings.isAllBlank(null, "foo") = false
* Strings.isAllBlank(null, null) = true
* Strings.isAllBlank("", "bar") = false
* Strings.isAllBlank("bob", "") = false
* Strings.isAllBlank(" bob ", null) = false
* Strings.isAllBlank(" ", "bar") = false
* Strings.isAllBlank("foo", "bar") = false
* Strings.isAllBlank(new String[] {}) = true
* @param css the CharSequences to check, may be {@code null} or empty
* @return {@code true} if all the CharSequences are empty or {@code null} or whitespace only
* @see Strings#isAllBlank(CharSequence...)
public static boolean isAllBlank(final CharSequence... css) {
if (N.isEmpty(css)) {
return true;
for (final CharSequence cs : css) {
if (isNotBlank(cs)) {
return false;
return true;
* Checks if all the provided CharSequences in the Iterable are blank or {@code null}.
* @param css The Iterable of CharSequences to be checked. It can be {@code null}.
* @return {@code true} if all CharSequences in the Iterable are {@code null} or blank, {@code false} otherwise.
public static boolean isAllBlank(final Iterable extends CharSequence> css) {
if (N.isEmpty(css)) {
return true;
for (final CharSequence cs : css) {
if (isNotBlank(cs)) {
return false;
return true;
* Checks if any of the provided CharSequences are empty or {@code null}.
* @param a The first CharSequence to be checked. It can be {@code null}.
* @param b The second CharSequence to be checked. It can be {@code null}.
* @return {@code true} if any of the CharSequences are {@code null} or empty, {@code false} otherwise.
public static boolean isAnyEmpty(final CharSequence a, final CharSequence b) {
return isEmpty(a) || isEmpty(b);
* Checks if any of the provided CharSequences are empty or {@code null}.
* @param a The first CharSequence to be checked. It can be {@code null}.
* @param b The second CharSequence to be checked. It can be {@code null}.
* @param c The third CharSequence to be checked. It can be {@code null}.
* @return {@code true} if any of the CharSequences are {@code null} or empty, {@code false} otherwise.
public static boolean isAnyEmpty(final CharSequence a, final CharSequence b, final CharSequence c) {
return isEmpty(a) || isEmpty(b) || isEmpty(c);
* Checks if any of the CharSequences are empty ("") or {@code null}.
* Strings.isAnyEmpty((String) null) = true
* Strings.isAnyEmpty((String[]) null) = false
* Strings.isAnyEmpty(null, "foo") = true
* Strings.isAnyEmpty("", "bar") = true
* Strings.isAnyEmpty("bob", "") = true
* Strings.isAnyEmpty(" bob ", null) = true
* Strings.isAnyEmpty(" ", "bar") = false
* Strings.isAnyEmpty("foo", "bar") = false
* Strings.isAnyEmpty(new String[]{}) = false
* Strings.isAnyEmpty(new String[]{""}) = true
* @param css the CharSequences to check, may be {@code null} or empty
* @return {@code true} if any of the CharSequences are empty or null
* @see Strings#isAnyEmpty(CharSequence...)
public static boolean isAnyEmpty(final CharSequence... css) {
if (N.isEmpty(css)) {
return false;
for (final CharSequence cs : css) {
if (isEmpty(cs)) {
return true;
return false;
* Checks if any of the provided CharSequences in the Iterable are empty or {@code null}.
* @param css The Iterable of CharSequences to be checked. It can be {@code null}.
* @return {@code true} if any CharSequences in the Iterable are {@code null} or empty, {@code false} otherwise.
public static boolean isAnyEmpty(final Iterable extends CharSequence> css) {
if (N.isEmpty(css)) {
return false;
for (final CharSequence cs : css) {
if (isEmpty(cs)) {
return true;
return false;
* Checks if any of the provided CharSequences are blank or {@code null}.
* @param a The first CharSequence to be checked. It can be {@code null}.
* @param b The second CharSequence to be checked. It can be {@code null}.
* @return {@code true} if any of the CharSequences are {@code null} or blank, {@code false} otherwise.
public static boolean isAnyBlank(final CharSequence a, final CharSequence b) {
return isBlank(a) || isBlank(b);
* Checks if any of the provided CharSequences are blank or {@code null}.
* @param a The first CharSequence to be checked. It can be {@code null}.
* @param b The second CharSequence to be checked. It can be {@code null}.
* @param c The third CharSequence to be checked. It can be {@code null}.
* @return {@code true} if any of the CharSequences are {@code null} or blank, {@code false} otherwise.
public static boolean isAnyBlank(final CharSequence a, final CharSequence b, final CharSequence c) {
return isBlank(a) || isBlank(b) || isBlank(c);
* Checks if any of the CharSequences are empty ("") or {@code null} or whitespace only.
* Whitespace is defined by {@link Character#isWhitespace(char)}.
* Strings.isAnyBlank((String) null) = true
* Strings.isAnyBlank((String[]) null) = false
* Strings.isAnyBlank(null, "foo") = true
* Strings.isAnyBlank(null, null) = true
* Strings.isAnyBlank("", "bar") = true
* Strings.isAnyBlank("bob", "") = true
* Strings.isAnyBlank(" bob ", null) = true
* Strings.isAnyBlank(" ", "bar") = true
* Strings.isAnyBlank(new String[] {}) = false
* Strings.isAnyBlank(new String[]{""}) = true
* Strings.isAnyBlank("foo", "bar") = false
* @param css the CharSequences to check, may be {@code null} or empty
* @return {@code true} if any of the CharSequences are empty or {@code null} or whitespace only
* @see Strings#isAnyBlank(CharSequence...)
public static boolean isAnyBlank(final CharSequence... css) {
if (N.isEmpty(css)) {
return false;
for (final CharSequence cs : css) {
if (isBlank(cs)) {
return true;
return false;
* Checks if any of the provided CharSequences in the Iterable are blank or {@code null}.
* @param css The Iterable of CharSequences to be checked. It can be {@code null}.
* @return {@code true} if any CharSequences in the Iterable are {@code null} or blank, {@code false} otherwise.
public static boolean isAnyBlank(final Iterable extends CharSequence> css) {
if (N.isEmpty(css)) {
return false;
for (final CharSequence cs : css) {
if (isBlank(cs)) {
return true;
return false;
* Checks if the input string is wrapped with the specified prefix and suffix string.
* @param str The input string to be checked.
* @param prefixSuffix The string that should be the prefix and suffix of the input string.
* @return {@code true} if the input string starts and ends with the prefixSuffix string, {@code false} otherwise.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if prefixSuffix is empty.
public static boolean isWrappedWith(final String str, final String prefixSuffix) throws IllegalArgumentException {
N.checkArgNotEmpty(prefixSuffix, cs.prefixSuffix);
return str != null && str.length() >= prefixSuffix.length() * 2 && str.startsWith(prefixSuffix) && str.endsWith(prefixSuffix);
* Checks if the input string is wrapped with the specified prefix and suffix string.
* @param str The input string to be checked.
* @param prefix The string that should be the prefix of the input string.
* @param suffix The string that should be the suffix of the input string.
* @return {@code true} if the input string starts with the prefix and ends with the suffix, {@code false} otherwise.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if prefix or suffix is empty.
public static boolean isWrappedWith(final String str, final String prefix, final String suffix) throws IllegalArgumentException {
N.checkArgNotEmpty(prefix, cs.prefix);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(prefix, cs.suffix);
return str != null && str.length() >= prefix.length() + suffix.length() && str.startsWith(prefix) && str.endsWith(suffix);
* Returns the first non-empty CharSequence from the given two CharSequences.
* @param The type of the CharSequence.
* @param a The first CharSequence to be checked. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @param b The second CharSequence to be checked. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @return The first non-empty CharSequence from the given two CharSequences. If both are empty, returns {@code null}.
public static T firstNonEmpty(final T a, final T b) {
return isEmpty(a) ? (isEmpty(b) ? null : b) : a;
* Returns the first non-empty CharSequence from the given three CharSequences.
* @param The type of the CharSequence.
* @param a The first CharSequence to be checked. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @param b The second CharSequence to be checked. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @param c The third CharSequence to be checked. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @return The first non-empty CharSequence from the given three CharSequences. If all are empty, returns {@code null}.
public static T firstNonEmpty(final T a, final T b, final T c) {
return isEmpty(a) ? (isEmpty(b) ? (isEmpty(c) ? null : c) : b) : a;
* Returns the first value in the array which is not empty.
* If all values are empty or the array is {@code null} or empty then {@code null} is returned.
* Strings.firstNonEmpty(null, {@code null}, null) = null
* Strings.firstNonEmpty(null, {@code null}, "") = null
* Strings.firstNonEmpty(null, "", " ") = " "
* Strings.firstNonEmpty("abc") = "abc"
* Strings.firstNonEmpty(null, "xyz") = "xyz"
* Strings.firstNonEmpty("", "xyz") = "xyz"
* Strings.firstNonEmpty(null, "xyz", "abc") = "xyz"
* Strings.firstNonEmpty() = null
* @param the specific kind of CharSequence
* @param css the values to test, may be {@code null} or empty
* @return the first value from {@code css} which is not empty, or {@code null} if there is no non-empty value.
* @see StrUtil#firstNonEmpty(CharSequence...)
public static T firstNonEmpty(final T... css) {
if (N.isEmpty(css)) {
return null;
for (final T val : css) {
if (isNotEmpty(val)) {
return val;
return null;
* Returns the first non-empty CharSequence from the given Iterable of CharSequences.
* @param The type of the CharSequence.
* @param css The Iterable of CharSequences to be checked. It can be {@code null}.
* @return The first non-empty CharSequence from the given Iterable. If all CharSequences are empty or the Iterable is {@code null}, returns {@code null}.
public static T firstNonEmpty(final Iterable extends T> css) {
if (N.isEmpty(css)) {
return null;
for (final T val : css) {
if (isNotEmpty(val)) {
return val;
return null;
* Returns the first non-blank CharSequence from the given two CharSequences.
* @param The type of the CharSequence.
* @param a The first CharSequence to be checked. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @param b The second CharSequence to be checked. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @return The first non-blank CharSequence from the given two CharSequences. If both are blank, returns {@code null}.
public static T firstNonBlank(final T a, final T b) {
return isBlank(a) ? (isBlank(b) ? null : b) : a;
* Returns the first non-blank CharSequence from the given three CharSequences.
* @param The type of the CharSequence.
* @param a The first CharSequence to be checked. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @param b The second CharSequence to be checked. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @param c The third CharSequence to be checked. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @return The first non-blank CharSequence from the given three CharSequences. If all are blank, returns {@code null}.
public static T firstNonBlank(final T a, final T b, final T c) {
return isBlank(a) ? (isBlank(b) ? (isBlank(c) ? null : c) : b) : a;
* Returns the first non-blank CharSequence from the given CharSequences.
* @param The type of the CharSequence.
* @param css The CharSequences to be checked. They can be {@code null} or empty.
* @return The first non-blank CharSequence from the given CharSequences. If all are blank, returns {@code null}.
public static T firstNonBlank(final T... css) {
if (N.isEmpty(css)) {
return null;
for (final T val : css) {
if (isNotBlank(val)) {
return val;
return null;
* Returns the first non-blank CharSequence from the given Iterable of CharSequences, or {@code null} if all CharSequences are blank or the Iterable is {@code null}.
* @param The type of the CharSequence.
* @param css The Iterable of CharSequences to be checked. It can be {@code null}.
* @return The first non-blank CharSequence from the given Iterable. If all CharSequences are blank or the Iterable is {@code null}, returns {@code null}.
public static T firstNonBlank(final Iterable extends T> css) {
if (N.isEmpty(css)) {
return null;
for (final T val : css) {
if (isNotBlank(val)) {
return val;
return null;
* Returns the input CharSequence if it is not empty, otherwise returns the default CharSequence.
* @param The type of the CharSequence.
* @param str The input CharSequence to be checked. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @param defaultStr The default CharSequence to be returned if the input CharSequence is empty.
* @return The input CharSequence if it is not empty, otherwise the default CharSequence.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified default charSequence value is {@code null}.
* @see #firstNonEmpty(CharSequence, CharSequence)
* @see #firstNonBlank(CharSequence, CharSequence)
* @see N#firstNonNull(Object, Object)
public static T defaultIfEmpty(final T str, final T defaultStr) {
N.checkArgNotNull(defaultStr, cs.defaultValue);
return isEmpty(str) ? defaultStr : str;
* Returns the input CharSequence if it is not empty, otherwise returns the result produced by the supplier.
* @param The type of the CharSequence.
* @param str The input CharSequence to be checked. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @param supplierForDefaultValue The supplier to be invoked if the input CharSequence is empty. It cannot be {@code null}.
* @return The input CharSequence if it is not empty, otherwise the result produced by the supplier.
* @see #firstNonEmpty(CharSequence, CharSequence)
* @see #firstNonBlank(CharSequence, CharSequence)
* @see N#firstNonNull(Object, Object)
public static T defaultIfEmpty(final T str, final Supplier extends T> supplierForDefaultValue) {
if (isEmpty(str)) {
return N.requireNonNull(supplierForDefaultValue.get());
return str;
* Returns the input CharSequence if it is not blank, otherwise returns the default CharSequence.
* @param The type of the CharSequence.
* @param str The input CharSequence to be checked. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @param defaultStr The default CharSequence to be returned if the input CharSequence is blank.
* @return The input CharSequence if it is not blank, otherwise the default CharSequence.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified default charSequence value is {@code null}.
* @see #firstNonEmpty(CharSequence, CharSequence)
* @see #firstNonBlank(CharSequence, CharSequence)
* @see N#firstNonNull(Object, Object)
public static T defaultIfBlank(final T str, final T defaultStr) {
N.checkArgNotNull(defaultStr, cs.defaultValue);
return isBlank(str) ? defaultStr : str;
* Returns the input CharSequence if it is not blank, otherwise returns the result produced by the supplier.
* @param The type of the CharSequence.
* @param str The input CharSequence to be checked. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @param supplierForDefaultValue The supplier to be invoked if the input CharSequence is blank. It cannot be {@code null}.
* @return The input CharSequence if it is not blank, otherwise the result produced by the supplier.
* @see #firstNonEmpty(CharSequence, CharSequence)
* @see #firstNonBlank(CharSequence, CharSequence)
* @see N#firstNonNull(Object, Object)
public static T defaultIfBlank(final T str, final Supplier extends T> supplierForDefaultValue) {
if (isBlank(str)) {
return N.requireNonNull(supplierForDefaultValue.get());
return str;
* Converts the specified String to an empty String {@code ""} if it's {@code null}, otherwise returns the original string.
* @param str The input string to be checked. It can be {@code null}.
* @return An empty string if the input string is {@code null}, otherwise the original string.
public static String nullToEmpty(final String str) {
return str == null ? EMPTY_STRING : str;
* Converts each {@code null} String element in the specified String array to an empty String {@code ""}.
* Do nothing if the input array is {@code null} or empty.
* @param strs The input string array to be checked. Each {@code null} element in the array will be converted to an empty string. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @see N#nullToEmpty(String[])
* @see N#nullToEmptyForEach(String[])
public static void nullToEmpty(final String[] strs) {
if (N.isEmpty(strs)) {
for (int i = 0, len = strs.length; i < len; i++) {
strs[i] = strs[i] == null ? EMPTY_STRING : strs[i];
* Converts the specified String to {@code null} if it's empty, otherwise returns the original string.
* @param str The input string to be checked. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @return {@code null} if the input string is empty, otherwise the original string.
public static String emptyToNull(final String str) {
return str == null || str.isEmpty() ? null : str;
* Converts each empty String element in the specified String array to {@code null}.
* Do nothing if the input array is {@code null} or empty.
* @param strs The input string array to be checked. Each empty element in the array will be converted to {@code null}. It can be {@code null} or empty.
public static void emptyToNull(final String[] strs) {
if (N.isEmpty(strs)) {
for (int i = 0, len = strs.length; i < len; i++) {
strs[i] = strs[i] == null || strs[i].isEmpty() ? null : strs[i];
* Converts the specified String to an empty String {@code ""} if it's blank, otherwise returns the original string.
* @param str The input string to be checked. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @return An empty string if the input string is blank, otherwise the original string.
public static String blankToEmpty(final String str) {
return isBlank(str) ? EMPTY_STRING : str;
* Converts each blank String element in the specified String array to an empty String {@code ""}.
* Do nothing if the input array is {@code null} or empty.
* @param strs The input string array to be checked. Each blank element in the array will be converted to an empty string. It can be {@code null} or empty.
public static void blankToEmpty(final String[] strs) {
if (N.isEmpty(strs)) {
for (int i = 0, len = strs.length; i < len; i++) {
strs[i] = isBlank(strs[i]) ? EMPTY_STRING : strs[i];
* Converts the specified String to {@code null} if it's blank, otherwise returns the original string.
* @param str The input string to be checked. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @return {@code null} if the input string is blank, otherwise the original string.
public static String blankToNull(final String str) {
return isBlank(str) ? null : str;
* Converts each blank String element in the specified String array to {@code null}.
* Do nothing if the input array is {@code null} or empty.
* @param strs The input string array to be checked. Each blank element in the array will be converted to {@code null}. It can be {@code null} or empty.
public static void blankToNull(final String[] strs) {
if (N.isEmpty(strs)) {
for (int i = 0, len = strs.length; i < len; i++) {
strs[i] = isBlank(strs[i]) ? null : strs[i];
* Abbreviates a String using ellipses. This will turn
* "Now is the time for all good men" into " the time for..."
* Works like {@code abbreviate(String, int)}, but allows you to specify
* a "left edge" offset. Note that this left edge is not necessarily going to
* be the leftmost character in the result, or the first character following the
* ellipses, but it will appear somewhere in the result.
In no case will it return a String of length greater than
* {@code maxWidth}.
* Strings.abbreviate(null, 0, 4) = null
* Strings.abbreviate("", 0, 4) = ""
* Strings.abbreviate("abcdefghijklmno", -1, 10) = "abcdefg..."
* Strings.abbreviate("abcdefghijklmno", 0, 10) = "abcdefg..."
* Strings.abbreviate("abcdefghijklmno", 1, 10) = "abcdefg..."
* Strings.abbreviate("abcdefghijklmno", 4, 10) = "abcdefg..."
* Strings.abbreviate("abcdefghijklmno", 5, 10) = "...fghi..."
* Strings.abbreviate("abcdefghijklmno", 6, 10) = "...ghij..."
* Strings.abbreviate("abcdefghijklmno", 8, 10) = "...ijklmno"
* Strings.abbreviate("abcdefghijklmno", 10, 10) = "...ijklmno"
* Strings.abbreviate("abcdefghijklmno", 12, 10) = "...ijklmno"
* Strings.abbreviate("abcdefghij", 0, 3) = IllegalArgumentException
* Strings.abbreviate("abcdefghij", 5, 6) = IllegalArgumentException
* @param str the String to check, may be null
* @param offset left edge of source String
* @param maxWidth maximum length of result String, must be at least 4
* @return abbreviated String, {@code null} if {@code null} String input
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the width is too small
* @deprecated
static String abbreviate(final String str, final int offset, final int maxWidth) {
return abbreviate(str, "...", offset, maxWidth);
// Abbreviating
* Abbreviates a String using ellipses. This will turn
* "Now is the time for all good men" into "Now is the time for..."
* Specifically:
* If the number of characters in {@code str} is less than or equal to
* {@code maxWidth}, return {@code str}.
* Else abbreviate it to {@code (substring(str, 0, max-3) + "...")}.
* If {@code maxWidth} is less than {@code 4}, throw an
* {@code IllegalArgumentException}.
* In no case will it return a String of length greater than
* {@code maxWidth}.
* Strings.abbreviate(null, 4) = null
* Strings.abbreviate("", 4) = ""
* Strings.abbreviate("abcdefg", 6) = "abc..."
* Strings.abbreviate("abcdefg", 7) = "abcdefg"
* Strings.abbreviate("abcdefg", 8) = "abcdefg"
* Strings.abbreviate("abcdefg", 4) = "a..."
* Strings.abbreviate("abcdefg", 3) = IllegalArgumentException
* @param str the String to check, may be null
* @param maxWidth maximum length of result String, must be at least 4
* @return abbreviated String
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the width is too small
public static String abbreviate(final String str, final int maxWidth) {
return abbreviate(str, "...", 0, maxWidth);
* Abbreviates a String using another given String as replacement marker. This will turn
* "Now is the time for all good men" into "Now is the time for..." if "..." was defined
* as the replacement marker.
* Specifically:
* If the number of characters in {@code str} is less than or equal to
* {@code maxWidth}, return {@code str}.
* Else abbreviate it to {@code (substring(str, 0, max-abbrevMarker.length) + abbrevMarker)}.
* If {@code maxWidth} is less than {@code abbrevMarker.length + 1}, throw an
* {@code IllegalArgumentException}.
* In no case will it return a String of length greater than
* {@code maxWidth}.
* Strings.abbreviate(null, "...", 4) = null
* Strings.abbreviate("", "...", 4) = ""
* Strings.abbreviate("abcdefg", {@code null}, *) = "abcdefg"
* Strings.abbreviate("abcdefg", ".", 5) = "abcd."
* Strings.abbreviate("abcdefg", ".", 7) = "abcdefg"
* Strings.abbreviate("abcdefg", ".", 8) = "abcdefg"
* Strings.abbreviate("abcdefg", "..", 4) = "ab.."
* Strings.abbreviate("abcdefg", "..", 3) = "a.."
* Strings.abbreviate("abcdefg", "..", 2) = IllegalArgumentException
* Strings.abbreviate("abcdefg", "...", 3) = IllegalArgumentException
* @param str the String to check, may be null
* @param abbrevMarker the String used as replacement marker
* @param maxWidth maximum length of result String, must be at least {@code abbrevMarker.length + 1}
* @return abbreviated String
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the width is too small
public static String abbreviate(final String str, final String abbrevMarker, final int maxWidth) {
return abbreviate(str, abbrevMarker, 0, maxWidth);
* Abbreviates a String using a given replacement marker. This will turn
* "Now is the time for all good men" into " the time for..." if "..." was defined
* as the replacement marker.
* Works like {@code abbreviate(String, String, int)}, but allows you to specify
* a "left edge" offset. Note that this left edge is not necessarily going to
* be the leftmost character in the result, or the first character following the
* replacement marker, but it will appear somewhere in the result.
In no case will it return a String of length greater than {@code maxWidth}.
* Strings.abbreviate(null, "...", 0, 4) = null
* Strings.abbreviate("", "...", 0, 4) = ""
* Strings.abbreviate("abcdefghijklmno", {@code null}, *, *) = "abcdefghijklmno"
* Strings.abbreviate("abcdefghijklmno", "---", -1, 10) = "abcdefg---"
* Strings.abbreviate("abcdefghijklmno", ",", 0, 10) = "abcdefghi,"
* Strings.abbreviate("abcdefghijklmno", ",", 1, 10) = "abcdefghi,"
* Strings.abbreviate("abcdefghijklmno", ",", 2, 10) = "abcdefghi,"
* Strings.abbreviate("abcdefghijklmno", "::", 4, 10) = "::efghij::"
* Strings.abbreviate("abcdefghijklmno", "...", 6, 10) = "...ghij..."
* Strings.abbreviate("abcdefghijklmno", "*", 9, 10) = "*ghijklmno"
* Strings.abbreviate("abcdefghijklmno", "'", 10, 10) = "'ghijklmno"
* Strings.abbreviate("abcdefghijklmno", "!", 12, 10) = "!ghijklmno"
* Strings.abbreviate("abcdefghij", "abra", 0, 4) = IllegalArgumentException
* Strings.abbreviate("abcdefghij", "...", 5, 6) = IllegalArgumentException
* @param str the String to check, may be null
* @param abbrevMarker the String used as replacement marker
* @param offset left edge of source String
* @param maxWidth maximum length of result String, must be at least 4
* @return abbreviated String
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the width is too small
* @deprecated
static String abbreviate(final String str, final String abbrevMarker, int offset, final int maxWidth) {
final int abbrevMarkerLength = N.len(abbrevMarker);
final int minAbbrevWidth = abbrevMarkerLength + 1;
final int minAbbrevWidthOffset = abbrevMarkerLength + abbrevMarkerLength + 1;
if (maxWidth < minAbbrevWidth) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Minimum abbreviation width is %d", minAbbrevWidth));
if (isNotEmpty(str) && EMPTY_STRING.equals(abbrevMarker) && maxWidth > 0) {
return Strings.substring(str, 0, maxWidth);
} else if (isAnyEmpty(str, abbrevMarker)) {
return str;
final int strLen = str.length();
if (strLen <= maxWidth) {
return str;
if (offset > strLen) {
offset = strLen;
if (strLen - offset < maxWidth - abbrevMarkerLength) {
offset = strLen - (maxWidth - abbrevMarkerLength);
if (offset <= abbrevMarkerLength + 1) {
return str.substring(0, maxWidth - abbrevMarkerLength) + abbrevMarker;
if (maxWidth < minAbbrevWidthOffset) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Minimum abbreviation width with offset is %d", minAbbrevWidthOffset));
if (offset + maxWidth - abbrevMarkerLength < strLen) {
return abbrevMarker + abbreviate(str.substring(offset), abbrevMarker, maxWidth - abbrevMarkerLength);
return abbrevMarker + str.substring(strLen - (maxWidth - abbrevMarkerLength));
* Abbreviates a String to the length passed, replacing the middle characters with the supplied
* replacement String.
* This abbreviation only occurs if the following criteria is met:
* Neither the String for abbreviation nor the replacement String are {@code null} or empty
* The length to truncate to is less than the length of the supplied String
* The length to truncate to is greater than 0
* The abbreviated String will have enough room for the length supplied replacement String
* and the first and last characters of the supplied String for abbreviation
* Otherwise, the returned String will be the same as the supplied String for abbreviation.
* Strings.abbreviateMiddle(null, {@code null}, 0) = null
* Strings.abbreviateMiddle("abc", {@code null}, 0) = "abc"
* Strings.abbreviateMiddle("abc", ".", 0) = "abc"
* Strings.abbreviateMiddle("abc", ".", 3) = "abc"
* Strings.abbreviateMiddle("abcdef", ".", 4) = "ab.f"
* @param str the String to abbreviate, may be null
* @param middle the String to replace the middle characters with, may be null
* @param length the length to abbreviate {@code str} to.
* @return the abbreviated String if the above criteria is met, or the original String supplied for abbreviation.
public static String abbreviateMiddle(final String str, final String middle, final int length) {
if (isAnyEmpty(str, middle) || length >= str.length() || length < middle.length() + 2) {
return str;
final int targetSting = length - middle.length();
final int startOffset = targetSting / 2 + targetSting % 2;
final int endOffset = str.length() - targetSting / 2;
return str.substring(0, startOffset) + middle + str.substring(endOffset);
// Centering
* Centers a String in a larger String of size {@code size}
* using the space character (' ').
* If the size is less than the String length, the original String is returned.
Equivalent to {@code center(str, size, " ")}.
*, 4) = " "
*"", 4) = " "
*"ab", 4) = " ab "
*"abcd", 2) = "abcd"
*"a", 4) = " a "
* @param str the String to center, may be null
* @param size the int size of new String
* @return centered String
public static String center(final String str, final int size) {
return center(str, size, ' ');
* Centers a String in a larger String of size {@code size}.
* Uses a supplied character as the value to pad the String with.
* If the size is less than the String length, the String is returned.
*, 4, ' ') = " "
*"", 4, ' ') = " "
*"ab", 4, ' ') = " ab "
*"abcd", 2, ' ') = "abcd"
*"a", 4, ' ') = " a "
*"a", 4, 'y') = "yayy"
* @param str the String to center, may be null
* @param size the int size of new String.
* @param padChar the character to pad the new String with
* @return centered String
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
public static String center(String str, final int size, final char padChar) throws IllegalArgumentException {
N.checkArgNotNegative(size, cs.size);
if (str == null) {
if (str.length() >= size) {
return str;
final int strLen = str.length();
final int pads = size - strLen;
str = padStart(str, strLen + pads / 2, padChar);
return padEnd(str, size, padChar);
* Centers a String in a larger String of size {@code minLength}.
* Uses a supplied String as the value to pad the String with.
* If the size is less than the String length, the String is returned.
*, 4, " ") = " "
*"", 4, " ") = " "
*"ab", 4, " ") = " ab "
*"abcd", 2, " ") = "abcd"
*"a", 4, " ") = " a "
*"a", 4, "yz") = "yzayz"
*"abc", 7, "") = " abc "
* @param str the String to center, may be null
* @param minLength the minimum size of new String.
* @param padStr the String to pad the new String with, must not be {@code null} or empty
* @return centered String
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
public static String center(String str, final int minLength, String padStr) throws IllegalArgumentException {
N.checkArgNotNegative(minLength, cs.minLength);
// N.checkArgNotEmpty(padStr, "padStr");
if (str == null) {
if (str.length() >= minLength) {
return str;
if (isEmpty(padStr)) {
padStr = " ";
final int strLen = str.length();
final int pads = minLength - strLen;
str = padStart(str, strLen + pads / 2, padStr);
return padEnd(str, minLength, padStr);
* Pads the given string from the start (left) with spaces until the string reaches the specified minimum length.
* If the length of the given string is already greater than or equal to the specified minimum length, the original string is returned.
* @param str The string to be padded. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @param minLength The minimum length the string should have after padding. Must be non-negative.
* @return A new string that is a copy of the original string padded with leading spaces so that it reaches the specified minimum length.
* If the original string is already greater than or equal to the specified minimum length, the original string is returned.
public static String padStart(final String str, final int minLength) {
return padStart(str, minLength, WD._SPACE);
* Pads the given string from the start (left) with the specified character until the string reaches the specified minimum length.
* If the length of the given string is already greater than or equal to the specified minimum length, the original string is returned.
* @param str The string to be padded. It can be {@code null}, in which case it will be treated as an empty string.
* @param minLength The minimum length the string should have after padding. Must be non-negative.
* @param padChar The character to be used for padding.
* @return A new string that is a copy of the original string padded with the padChar so that it reaches the specified minimum length.
* If the original string is already greater than or equal to the specified minimum length, the original string is returned.
public static String padStart(String str, final int minLength, final char padChar) {
if (str == null) {
if (str.length() >= minLength) {
return str;
final String padStr = Strings.repeat(padChar, minLength - str.length());
return concat(padStr, str);
* Pads the given string from the start (left) with the specified string until the string reaches the specified minimum length.
* If the length of the given string is already greater than or equal to the specified minimum length, the original string is returned.
* @param str The string to be padded. It can be {@code null}, in which case it will be treated as an empty string.
* @param minLength The minimum length the string should have after padding. Must be non-negative.
* @param padStr The string to be used for padding.
* @return A new string that is a copy of the original string padded with the padStr so that it reaches the specified minimum length.
* If the original string is already greater than or equal to the specified minimum length, the original string is returned.
public static String padStart(String str, final int minLength, final String padStr) {
if (str == null) {
if (str.length() >= minLength) {
return str;
final int delta = ((minLength - str.length()) % padStr.length() == 0) ? ((minLength - str.length()) / padStr.length())
: ((minLength - str.length()) / padStr.length() + 1);
switch (delta) {
case 1:
return padStr + str;
case 2:
return padStr + padStr + str;
case 3:
return padStr + padStr + padStr + str;
default: {
final StringBuilder sb = Objectory.createStringBuilder(str.length() + (padStr.length() * delta));
try {
//noinspection StringRepeatCanBeUsed
for (int i = 0; i < delta; i++) {
return sb.toString();
} finally {
* Pads the given string from the end (right) with spaces until the string reaches the specified minimum length.
* If the length of the given string is already greater than or equal to the specified minimum length, the original string is returned.
* @param str The string to be padded. It can be {@code null}, in which case it will be treated as an empty string.
* @param minLength The minimum length the string should have after padding. Must be non-negative.
* @return A new string that is a copy of the original string padded with trailing spaces so that it reaches the specified minimum length.
* If the original string is already greater than or equal to the specified minimum length, the original string is returned.
public static String padEnd(final String str, final int minLength) {
return padEnd(str, minLength, WD._SPACE);
* Pads the given string from the end (right) with the specified character until the string reaches the specified minimum length.
* If the length of the given string is already greater than or equal to the specified minimum length, the original string is returned.
* @param str The string to be padded. It can be {@code null}, in which case it will be treated as an empty string.
* @param minLength The minimum length the string should have after padding. Must be non-negative.
* @param padChar The character to be used for padding.
* @return A new string that is a copy of the original string padded with the padChar so that it reaches the specified minimum length.
* If the original string is already greater than or equal to the specified minimum length, the original string is returned.
public static String padEnd(String str, final int minLength, final char padChar) {
if (str == null) {
if (str.length() >= minLength) {
return str;
final String padStr = Strings.repeat(padChar, minLength - str.length());
return concat(str, padStr);
* Pads the given string from the end (right) with the specified string until the string reaches the specified minimum length.
* If the length of the given string is already greater than or equal to the specified minimum length, the original string is returned.
* @param str The string to be padded. It can be {@code null}, in which case it will be treated as an empty string.
* @param minLength The minimum length the string should have after padding. Must be non-negative.
* @param padStr The string to be used for padding.
* @return A new string that is a copy of the original string padded with the padStr so that it reaches the specified minimum length.
* If the original string is already greater than or equal to the specified minimum length, the original string is returned.
public static String padEnd(String str, final int minLength, final String padStr) {
if (str == null) {
if (str.length() >= minLength) {
return str;
final int delta = ((minLength - str.length()) % padStr.length() == 0) ? ((minLength - str.length()) / padStr.length())
: ((minLength - str.length()) / padStr.length() + 1);
switch (delta) {
case 1:
return str + padStr;
case 2:
return str + padStr + padStr;
case 3:
return str + padStr + padStr + padStr;
default: {
final StringBuilder sb = Objectory.createStringBuilder(str.length() + (padStr.length() * delta));
try {
//noinspection StringRepeatCanBeUsed
for (int i = 0; i < delta; i++) {
return sb.toString();
} finally {
* Repeats the given character a specified number of times and returns the resulting string.
* @param ch The character to be repeated.
* @param n The number of times the character should be repeated. Must be non-negative.
* @return A string consisting of the given character repeated n times.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if n is negative.
public static String repeat(final char ch, final int n) throws IllegalArgumentException {
N.checkArgNotNegative(n, cs.n);
if (n == 0) {
} else if (n == 1) {
return N.stringOf(ch);
// if (n < 16) {
// final char[] array = new char[n];
// Arrays.fill(array, ch);
// return InternalUtil.newString(array, true);
// } else {
// final char[] array = new char[n];
// array[0] = ch;
// int cnt = 1;
// for (; cnt < n - cnt; cnt <<= 1) {
// N.copy(array, 0, array, cnt, cnt);
// }
// if (cnt < n) {
// N.copy(array, 0, array, cnt, n - cnt);
// }
// return InternalUtil.newString(array, true);
// }
return N.stringOf(ch).repeat(n);
* Repeats the given character a specified number of times, separated by a specified delimiter, and returns the resulting string.
* @param ch The character to be repeated.
* @param n The number of times the character should be repeated. Must be non-negative.
* @param delimiter The character used to separate the repeated characters.
* @return A string consisting of the given character repeated n times, separated by the delimiter.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if n is negative.
* @see #repeat(char, int, char)
* @see #repeat(String, int, String)
public static String repeat(final char ch, final int n, final char delimiter) throws IllegalArgumentException {
N.checkArgNotNegative(n, cs.n);
return repeat(N.stringOf(ch), n, N.stringOf(delimiter));
* Repeats the given string a specified number of times and returns the resulting string.
* @param str The string to be repeated. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @param n The number of times the string should be repeated. Must be non-negative.
* @return A string consisting of the given string repeated n times.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if n is negative.
* @see #repeat(char, int, char)
* @see #repeat(String, int, String)
public static String repeat(final String str, final int n) throws IllegalArgumentException {
N.checkArgNotNegative(n, cs.n);
if (N.isEmpty(str)) {
return str.repeat(n);
* Repeats the given string a specified number of times, separated by a specified delimiter, and returns the resulting string.
* @param str The string to be repeated. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @param n The number of times the string should be repeated. Must be non-negative.
* @param delimiter The string used to separate the repeated strings.
* @return A string consisting of the given string repeated n times, separated by the delimiter.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if n is negative.
public static String repeat(final String str, final int n, final String delimiter) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (N.isEmpty(delimiter)) {
return repeat(str, n);
return repeat(str, n, delimiter, EMPTY_STRING, EMPTY_STRING);
* Repeats the given string a specified number of times, separated by a specified delimiter, and returns the resulting string.
* The resulting string is also prefixed and suffixed with the provided strings.
* @param str The string to be repeated. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @param n The number of times the string should be repeated. Must be non-negative.
* @param delimiter The string used to separate the repeated strings.
* @param prefix The string to be added at the start of the resulting string.
* @param suffix The string to be added at the end of the resulting string.
* @return A string consisting of the prefix, the given string repeated n times separated by the delimiter, and the suffix.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if n is negative.
public static String repeat(String str, final int n, String delimiter, String prefix, String suffix) throws IllegalArgumentException {
N.checkArgNotNegative(n, cs.n);
str = str == null ? EMPTY_STRING : str;
delimiter = delimiter == null ? EMPTY_STRING : delimiter;
prefix = prefix == null ? EMPTY_STRING : prefix;
suffix = suffix == null ? EMPTY_STRING : suffix;
if (n == 0 || (isEmpty(str) && isEmpty(delimiter))) {
return concat(prefix + suffix);
} else if (n == 1) {
return concat(prefix, str, suffix);
return join(Array.repeat(str, n), delimiter, prefix, suffix);
* Returns the byte array returned by {@code String.getBytes()}, or {@code null} if the specified String is {@code null}.
* @param string The input string to be converted. It can be {@code null}.
* @return A byte array representation of the input string using the default charset, or {@code null} if the input string is {@code null}.
public static byte[] getBytes(final String string) {
return string == null ? null : string.getBytes();
* Returns the byte array returned by {@code String#getBytes(Charset)}, or {@code null} if the specified String is {@code null}.
* @param string
* @param charset
* @return the encoded bytes
public static byte[] getBytes(final String string, final Charset charset) {
return string == null ? null : string.getBytes(charset);
* Returns the byte array returned by {@code String#getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8)}, or {@code null} if the specified String is {@code null}.
* @param string
* @return
public static byte[] getBytesUtf8(final String string) {
return getBytes(string, Charsets.UTF_8);
* Returns the char array of the specified CharSequence, or {@code null} if the specified String is {@code null}.
* @param source The input CharSequence to be converted. It can be {@code null}.
* @return A char array representation of the input CharSequence. Returns {@code null} if the input CharSequence is {@code null}.
public static char[] toCharArray(final CharSequence source) {
if (source == null) {
return null; // NOSONAR
} else if (source.isEmpty()) {
} else if (source instanceof String) {
return ((String) source).toCharArray();
final int len = N.len(source);
final char[] array = new char[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
array[i] = source.charAt(i);
return array;
* Converts a {@code CharSequence} into an array of code points.
* Valid pairs of surrogate code units will be converted into a single supplementary
* code point. Isolated surrogate code units (i.e. a high surrogate not followed by a low surrogate or
* a low surrogate not preceded by a high surrogate) will be returned as-is.
* Strings.toCodePoints(null) = null
* Strings.toCodePoints("") = [] // empty array
* @param str the character sequence to convert
* @return
public static int[] toCodePoints(final CharSequence str) {
if (str == null) {
return null; // NOSONAR
} else if (str.isEmpty()) {
final String s = str.toString();
// final int[] result = new int[s.codePointCount(0, s.length())];
// int index = 0;
// for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
// result[i] = s.codePointAt(index);
// index += Character.charCount(result[i]);
// }
// return result;
return s.codePoints().toArray();
// Case conversion
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* To lower case.
* @param ch
* @return
* @see Character#toLowerCase(char)
public static char toLowerCase(final char ch) {
return Character.toLowerCase(ch);
* Converts a String to lower case as per {@link String#toLowerCase()}.
* A {@code null} input String returns {@code null}.
* Strings.toLowerCase(null) = null
* Strings.toLowerCase("") = ""
* Strings.toLowerCase("aBc") = "abc"
* Note: As described in the documentation for
* {@link String#toLowerCase()}, the result of this method is affected by
* the current locale. For platform-independent case transformations, the
* method {@link #toLowerCase(String, Locale)} should be used with a specific
* locale (e.g. {@link Locale#ENGLISH}).
* @param str
* the String to lower case, may be null
* @return the specified String if it's {@code null} or empty.
public static String toLowerCase(final String str) {
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
return str;
return str.toLowerCase();
* Converts a String to lower case as per {@link String#toLowerCase(Locale)}
* .
* A {@code null} input String returns {@code null}.
* Strings.toLowerCase(null, Locale.ENGLISH) = null
* Strings.toLowerCase("", Locale.ENGLISH) = ""
* Strings.toLowerCase("aBc", Locale.ENGLISH) = "abc"
* @param str
* the String to lower case, may be null
* @param locale
* the locale that defines the case transformation rules, must
* not be null
* @return the specified String if it's {@code null} or empty.
public static String toLowerCase(final String str, final Locale locale) {
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
return str;
return str.toLowerCase(locale);
* Converts the given string to lower case with underscores.
* If the input string is {@code null} or empty, it returns the input string.
* @param str the input string to be converted
* @return the converted string in lower case with underscores
public static String toLowerCaseWithUnderscore(final String str) {
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
return str;
final StringBuilder sb = Objectory.createStringBuilder(str.length() + 16);
char ch = 0;
try {
for (int i = 0, len = str.length(); i < len; i++) {
ch = str.charAt(i);
if (Character.isUpperCase(ch)) {
if (i > 0 && (Character.isLowerCase(str.charAt(i - 1)) || (i < len - 1 && Character.isLowerCase(str.charAt(i + 1))))) {
if (!sb.isEmpty() && sb.charAt(sb.length() - 1) != WD._UNDERSCORE) {//NOSONAR
} else {
// if (i > 0 && ((isAsciiNumeric(ch) && !isAsciiNumeric(str.charAt(i - 1))) || (isAsciiNumeric(str.charAt(i - 1)) && !isAsciiNumeric(ch)))) {
// if (sb.length() > 0 && sb.charAt(sb.length() - 1) != WD._UNDERSCORE) {
// sb.append(WD._UNDERSCORE);
// }
// }
return sb.toString();
} finally {
* To upper case.
* @param ch
* @return
* @see Character#toUpperCase(char)
public static char toUpperCase(final char ch) {
return Character.toUpperCase(ch);
* Converts a String to upper case as per {@link String#toUpperCase()}.
* A {@code null} input String returns {@code null}.
* Strings.toUpperCase(null) = null
* Strings.toUpperCase("") = ""
* Strings.toUpperCase("aBc") = "ABC"
* Note: As described in the documentation for
* {@link String#toUpperCase()}, the result of this method is affected by
* the current locale. For platform-independent case transformations, the
* method {@link #toLowerCase(String, Locale)} should be used with a specific
* locale (e.g. {@link Locale#ENGLISH}).
* @param str the String to upper case, may be null
* @return the specified String if it's {@code null} or empty.
public static String toUpperCase(final String str) {
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
return str;
return str.toUpperCase();
* Converts a String to upper case as per {@link String#toUpperCase(Locale)}
* .
* A {@code null} input String returns {@code null}.
* Strings.toUpperCase(null, Locale.ENGLISH) = null
* Strings.toUpperCase("", Locale.ENGLISH) = ""
* Strings.toUpperCase("aBc", Locale.ENGLISH) = "ABC"
* @param str
* the String to upper case, may be null
* @param locale
* the locale that defines the case transformation rules, must
* not be null
* @return the specified String if it's {@code null} or empty.
public static String toUpperCase(final String str, final Locale locale) {
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
return str;
return str.toUpperCase(locale);
* Converts the given string to upper case with underscores.
* If the input string is {@code null} or empty, it returns the input string.
* @param str the input string to be converted
* @return the converted string in upper case with underscores
public static String toUpperCaseWithUnderscore(final String str) {
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
return str;
final StringBuilder sb = Objectory.createStringBuilder(str.length() + 16);
char ch = 0;
try {
for (int i = 0, len = str.length(); i < len; i++) {
ch = str.charAt(i);
if (Character.isUpperCase(ch)) {
if (i > 0 && (Character.isLowerCase(str.charAt(i - 1)) || (i < len - 1 && Character.isLowerCase(str.charAt(i + 1))))) {
if (!sb.isEmpty() && sb.charAt(sb.length() - 1) != WD._UNDERSCORE) {//NOSONAR
} else {
// if (i > 0 && ((isAsciiNumeric(ch) && !isAsciiNumeric(str.charAt(i - 1))) || (isAsciiNumeric(str.charAt(i - 1)) && !isAsciiNumeric(ch)))) {
// if (sb.length() > 0 && sb.charAt(sb.length() - 1) != WD._UNDERSCORE) {
// sb.append(WD._UNDERSCORE);
// }
// }
return sb.toString();
} finally {
* Converts the specified string to camel case.
* @param str The input string to be converted. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @return A camel case representation of the input string. Returns the original string if it's {@code null} or empty.
public static String toCamelCase(final String str) {
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
return str;
if (str.indexOf(WD._UNDERSCORE) >= 0) {
final String[] substrs = Strings.split(str, WD._UNDERSCORE);
final StringBuilder sb = Objectory.createStringBuilder(str.length());
try {
for (final String substr : substrs) {
if (isNotEmpty(substr)) {
if (sb.length() > substr.length()) {
sb.setCharAt(sb.length() - substr.length(), Character.toTitleCase(substr.charAt(0)));
return sb.toString();
} finally {
for (int i = 0, len = str.length(); i < len; i++) {
if (Character.isLowerCase(str.charAt(i))) {
if (i == 1) {
return Strings.uncapitalize(str);
} else if (i > 1) {
return str.substring(0, i - 1).toLowerCase() + str.substring(i - 1);
} else if ((i + 1) == str.length()) {
return str.toLowerCase();
return str;
* Swaps the case of a character changing upper and title case to lower case, and lower case to upper case.
* @param ch The input character to be case-swapped.
* @return The case-swapped representation of the input character.
public static char swapCase(final char ch) {
return Character.isUpperCase(ch) || Character.isTitleCase(ch) ? Character.toLowerCase(ch)
: (Character.isLowerCase(ch) ? Character.toUpperCase(ch) : ch);
* Swaps the case of a String changing upper and title case to lower case, and lower case to upper case.
* Upper case character converts to Lower case
* Title case character converts to Lower case
* Lower case character converts to Upper case
* For a word based algorithm, see
* {@link org.apache.commons.lang3.text.WordUtils#swapCase(String)}. A
* {@code null} input String returns {@code null}.
* Strings.swapCase(null) = null
* Strings.swapCase("") = ""
* Strings.swapCase("The dog has a BONE") = "tHE DOG HAS A bone"
* NOTE: This method changed in Lang version 2.0. It no longer performs a
* word based algorithm. If you only use ASCII, you will notice no change.
* That functionality is available in
* org.apache.commons.lang3.text.WordUtils.
* @param str the String to swap case, may be null
* @return the specified String if it's {@code null} or empty.
public static String swapCase(final String str) {
if (isEmpty(str)) {
return str;
final int strLen = str.length();
final int[] newCodePoints = new int[strLen]; // cannot be longer than the char array
int outOffset = 0;
int oldCodepoint, newCodePoint;
for (int i = 0; i < strLen; i += Character.charCount(newCodePoint)) {
oldCodepoint = str.codePointAt(i);
if (Character.isUpperCase(oldCodepoint) || Character.isTitleCase(oldCodepoint)) {
newCodePoint = Character.toLowerCase(oldCodepoint);
} else if (Character.isLowerCase(oldCodepoint)) {
newCodePoint = Character.toUpperCase(oldCodepoint);
} else {
newCodePoint = oldCodepoint;
newCodePoints[outOffset++] = newCodePoint;
return new String(newCodePoints, 0, outOffset);
// Copied from Apache commons Lang under Apache License v2.
* Converts the first character of the given string to lower case.
* If the string is {@code null} or empty, the original string is returned.
* @param str The string to be uncapitalized. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @return A string with its first character converted to lower case.
* If the original string is already starting with a lower case character, the original string is returned.
public static String uncapitalize(final String str) {
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
return str;
final int firstCodePoint = str.codePointAt(0);
final int newCodePoint = Character.toLowerCase(firstCodePoint);
if (firstCodePoint == newCodePoint) {
// already uncapitalize
return str;
final int strLen = str.length();
final int[] newCodePoints = new int[strLen]; // cannot be longer than the char array
int outOffset = 0;
newCodePoints[outOffset++] = newCodePoint; // copy the first code point
for (int inOffset = Character.charCount(firstCodePoint); inOffset < strLen;) {
final int codePoint = str.codePointAt(inOffset);
newCodePoints[outOffset++] = codePoint; // copy the remaining ones
inOffset += Character.charCount(codePoint);
return new String(newCodePoints, 0, outOffset);
// Copied from Apache commons Lang under Apache License v2.
* Converts the first character of the given string to upper case.
* If the string is {@code null} or empty, the original string is returned.
* @param str The string to be capitalized. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @return A string with its first character converted to upper case.
* If the original string is already starting with an upper case character, the original string is returned.
public static String capitalize(final String str) {
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
return str;
final int firstCodepoint = str.codePointAt(0);
final int newCodePoint = Character.toTitleCase(firstCodepoint);
if (firstCodepoint == newCodePoint) {
// already capitalized
return str;
final int strLen = str.length();
final int[] newCodePoints = new int[strLen]; // cannot be longer than the char array
int outOffset = 0;
newCodePoints[outOffset++] = newCodePoint; // copy the first code point
for (int inOffset = Character.charCount(firstCodepoint); inOffset < strLen;) {
final int codePoint = str.codePointAt(inOffset);
newCodePoints[outOffset++] = codePoint; // copy the remaining ones
inOffset += Character.charCount(codePoint);
return new String(newCodePoints, 0, outOffset);
* Capitalize all the words from the specified split by {@code ' '}.
* @param str
* @return the specified String if it's {@code null} or empty.
public static String capitalizeFully(final String str) {
return capitalizeFully(str, " ");
* Capitalize all the words from the specified split by {@code delimiter}.
* @param str
* @param delimiter
* @return the specified String if it's {@code null} or empty.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* @see #convertWords(String, String, Collection, Function)
public static String capitalizeFully(final String str, final String delimiter) throws IllegalArgumentException {
N.checkArgNotEmpty(delimiter, cs.delimiter); // NOSONAR
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
return str;
final String[] words = splitPreserveAllTokens(str, delimiter);
for (int i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
words[i] = capitalize(words[i]);
return join(words, delimiter);
* Capitalize all the words from the specified split by {@code delimiter}.
* @param str
* @param delimiter
* @param excludedWords
* @return the specified String if it's {@code null} or empty.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* @see #convertWords(String, String, Collection, Function)
public static String capitalizeFully(final String str, final String delimiter, final String... excludedWords) throws IllegalArgumentException {
N.checkArgNotEmpty(delimiter, cs.delimiter); // NOSONAR
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
return str;
if (N.isEmpty(excludedWords)) {
return capitalizeFully(str, delimiter);
return capitalizeFully(str, delimiter, N.toSet(excludedWords));
* Capitalizes all the words in the given string, split by the provided delimiter, excluding the words in the excludedWords collection.
* @param str The string to be processed. If it's {@code null} or empty, the method will return the input string.
* @param delimiter The delimiter used to split the string into words. It must not be empty.
* @param excludedWords A collection of words to be excluded from capitalization. If it's {@code null} or empty, all words will be capitalized.
* @return The processed string with all non-excluded words capitalized.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provided delimiter is empty.
* @see #convertWords(String, String, Collection, Function)
public static String capitalizeFully(final String str, final String delimiter, final Collection excludedWords) throws IllegalArgumentException {
N.checkArgNotEmpty(delimiter, cs.delimiter); // NOSONAR
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
return str;
if (N.isEmpty(excludedWords)) {
return capitalizeFully(str, delimiter);
final String[] words = splitPreserveAllTokens(str, delimiter);
final Collection excludedWordSet = excludedWords instanceof Set || (excludedWords.size() <= 3 && words.length <= 3) ? excludedWords
: N.newHashSet(excludedWords);
for (int i = 0, len = words.length; i < len; i++) {
words[i] = excludedWordSet.contains(words[i]) ? words[i] : capitalize(words[i]);
return join(words, delimiter);
* Converts all the words in the given string using the provided converter function.
* The words are identified by splitting the string on space characters.
* @param str The string to be processed. If it's {@code null} or empty, the method will return the input string.
* @param converter The function used to convert each word. This function should accept a string and return a string.
* @return The processed string with all words converted using the provided converter function.
public static String convertWords(final String str, final Function super String, String> converter) {
return convertWords(str, " ", converter);
* Converts all the words from the specified string, split by the provided delimiter, using the provided converter function.
* @param str The string to be processed. If it's {@code null} or empty, the method will return the input string.
* @param delimiter The delimiter used to split the string into words. It must not be empty.
* @param converter The function used to convert each word.
* @return The processed string with all words converted using the provided converter function.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provided delimiter is empty.
public static String convertWords(final String str, final String delimiter, final Function super String, String> converter)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
N.checkArgNotEmpty(delimiter, cs.delimiter); // NOSONAR
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
return str;
final String[] words = splitPreserveAllTokens(str, delimiter);
for (int i = 0, len = words.length; i < len; i++) {
words[i] = converter.apply(words[i]);
return join(words, delimiter);
* Converts all the words from the specified string, split by the provided delimiter, using the provided converter function.
* Words that are present in the excludedWords collection are not converted.
* @param str The string to be processed. If it's {@code null} or empty, the method will return the input string.
* @param delimiter The delimiter used to split the string into words. It must not be empty.
* @param excludedWords A collection of words to be excluded from conversion. If it's {@code null} or empty, all words will be converted.
* @param converter The function used to convert each word. If a word is in the excludedWords collection, it will not be converted.
* @return The processed string with all non-excluded words converted using the provided converter function.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provided delimiter is empty.
public static String convertWords(final String str, final String delimiter, final Collection excludedWords,
final Function super String, String> converter) throws IllegalArgumentException {
N.checkArgNotEmpty(delimiter, cs.delimiter); // NOSONAR
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
return str;
if (N.isEmpty(excludedWords)) {
return convertWords(str, delimiter, converter);
final String[] words = splitPreserveAllTokens(str, delimiter);
final Collection excludedWordSet = excludedWords instanceof Set || (excludedWords.size() <= 3 && words.length <= 3) ? excludedWords
: N.newHashSet(excludedWords);
for (int i = 0, len = words.length; i < len; i++) {
words[i] = excludedWordSet.contains(words[i]) ? words[i] : converter.apply(words[i]);
return join(words, delimiter);
* Replace ''' or '"' with \' or \" if the previous char of the
* quotation is not '\'. original String is returned if the specified String
* is {@code null} or empty.
* @param str
* @return the specified String if it's {@code null} or empty.
public static String quoteEscaped(final String str) {
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
return str;
final StringBuilder sb = Objectory.createStringBuilder(str.length() + 16);
try {
char ch = 0;
for (int i = 0, len = str.length(); i < len; i++) {
ch = str.charAt(i);
if ((ch == _BACKSLASH) && (i < (len - 1))) {
} else {
if ((ch == _QUOTATION_S) || (ch == _QUOTATION_D)) {
return sb.toString();
} finally {
* Escapes the specified quotation character in the given string if it is not already escaped.
* @param str the input string to be processed, may be {@code null} or empty
* @param quoteChar the quotation character to be escaped, should be either {@code "} or {@code '}
* @return the processed string with the specified quotation character escaped, or the original string if it is {@code null} or empty
public static String quoteEscaped(final String str, final char quoteChar) {
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
return str;
final StringBuilder sb = Objectory.createStringBuilder(str.length() + 16);
try {
char ch = 0;
for (int i = 0, len = str.length(); i < len; i++) {
ch = str.charAt(i);
if ((ch == _BACKSLASH) && (i < (len - 1))) {
} else {
if (ch == quoteChar) {
return sb.toString();
} finally {
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Converts the char to the unicode format '\u0020'.
* This format is the Java source code format.
* Strings.unicodeEscaped(' ') = "\u0020"
* Strings.unicodeEscaped('A') = "\u0041"
* @param ch
* the character to convert
* @return
public static String unicodeEscaped(final char ch) {
if (ch < 0x10) {
return "\\u000" + Integer.toHexString(ch);
} else if (ch < 0x100) {
return "\\u00" + Integer.toHexString(ch);
} else if (ch < 0x1000) {
return "\\u0" + Integer.toHexString(ch);
return "\\u" + Integer.toHexString(ch);
* Similar to
* -space
* The function returns the argument string with whitespace normalized by
* using {@link #trim(String)}
to remove leading and trailing
* whitespace and then replacing sequences of whitespace characters by a
* single space.
* In XML Whitespace characters are the same as those allowed by the S production, which is S
* ::= (#x20 | #x9 | #xD | #xA)+
* Java's regexp pattern \s defines whitespace as [ \t\n\x0B\f\r]
* For reference:
* \x0B = vertical tab
* \f = #xC = form feed
* #x20 = space
* #x9 = \t
* #xA = \n
* #xD = \r
* The difference is that Java's whitespace includes vertical tab and form
* feed, which this functional will also normalize. Additionally
* {@link #trim(String)}
removes control characters (char <=
* 32) from both ends of this String.
* @param str the source String to normalize whitespaces from, may be null
* @return
* {@code null} String input
* @see Pattern
* @see #trim(String)
* @see
public static String normalizeSpace(final String str) {
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
return str;
return WHITESPACE_PATTERN.matcher(str.trim()).replaceAll(WD.SPACE);
* Replaces all occurrences of a String within another String.
* A {@code null} reference passed to this method is a no-op.
* Strings.replaceAll(null, *, *) = null
* Strings.replaceAll("", *, *) = ""
* Strings.replaceAll("any", {@code null}, *) = "any"
* Strings.replaceAll("any", *, null) = "any"
* Strings.replaceAll("any", "", *) = "any"
* Strings.replaceAll("aba", "a", null) = "b"
* Strings.replaceAll("aba", "a", "") = "b"
* Strings.replaceAll("aba", "a", "z") = "zbz"
* @param str text to search and replace in, may be null
* @param target the String to search for, may be null
* @param replacement the String to replace it with, may be null
* @return
public static String replaceAll(final String str, final String target, final String replacement) {
return replaceAll(str, 0, target, replacement);
* Replaces all occurrences of a target string in the input string with a replacement string, starting from a specified index.
* @param str The input string where the replacement should occur. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @param fromIndex The index from which to start the search for the target string. It should be a non-negative integer.
* @param target The string to be replaced. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @param replacement The string to replace the target string. It can be {@code null}.
* @return A new string with all occurrences of the target string replaced with the replacement string, starting from the specified index.
* If the input string is {@code null}, the method returns {@code null}. If the input string is empty, or the target string is not found, the input string is returned unchanged.
public static String replaceAll(final String str, final int fromIndex, final String target, final String replacement) {
return replace(str, fromIndex, target, replacement, -1);
* Replaces the first occurrence of a target string in the input string with a replacement string.
* Strings.replaceFirst(null, *, *) = null
* Strings.replaceFirst("", *, *) = ""
* Strings.replaceFirst("any", {@code null}, *) = "any"
* Strings.replaceFirst("any", *, null) = "any"
* Strings.replaceFirst("any", "", *) = "any"
* Strings.replaceFirst("aba", "a", null) = "ba"
* Strings.replaceFirst("aba", "a", "") = "ba"
* Strings.replaceFirst("aba", "a", "z") = "zba"
* @param str
* @param target
* @param replacement the String to replace with, may be null
* @return the text with any replacements processed,
* {@code null} if {@code null} String input
public static String replaceFirst(final String str, final String target, final String replacement) {
return replaceFirst(str, 0, target, replacement);
* Replaces the first occurrence of a target string in the input string with a replacement string, starting from a specified index.
* @param str The input string where the replacement should occur. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @param fromIndex The index from which to start the search for the target string. It should be a non-negative integer.
* @param target The string to be replaced. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @param replacement The string to replace the target string. It can be {@code null}.
* @return A new string with the first occurrence of the target string replaced with the replacement string, starting from the specified index.
* If the input string is {@code null}, the method returns {@code null}. If the input string is empty, or the target string is not found, the input string is returned unchanged.
public static String replaceFirst(final String str, final int fromIndex, final String target, final String replacement) {
return replace(str, fromIndex, target, replacement, 1);
* Replaces the first occurrence of a target string in the input string with a replacement string.
* Strings.replaceOnce(null, *, *) = null
* Strings.replaceOnce("", *, *) = ""
* Strings.replaceOnce("any", {@code null}, *) = "any"
* Strings.replaceOnce("any", *, null) = "any"
* Strings.replaceOnce("any", "", *) = "any"
* Strings.replaceOnce("aba", "a", null) = "ba"
* Strings.replaceOnce("aba", "a", "") = "ba"
* Strings.replaceOnce("aba", "a", "z") = "zba"
* @param str The input string where the replacement should occur. It can be {@code null}.
* @param target The string to be replaced. It can be {@code null}.
* @param replacement The string to replace the target string. It can be {@code null}.
* @return A new string with the first occurrence of the target string replaced with the replacement string.
* If the input string, target string, or replacement string is {@code null}, the method returns the original string.
* @deprecated Use {@link #replaceFirst(String, String, String)} instead
public static String replaceOnce(final String str, final String target, final String replacement) {
return replaceFirst(str, target, replacement);
* Replaces the first occurrence of a target string in the input string with a replacement string, starting from a specified index.
* @param str
* @param fromIndex
* @param target
* @param replacement
* @return
* @deprecated Use {@link #replaceFirst(String, int, String, String)} instead
public static String replaceOnce(final String str, final int fromIndex, final String target, final String replacement) {
return replaceFirst(str, fromIndex, target, replacement);
* Replaces the last occurrence of a target string in the input string with a replacement string.
* Strings.replaceLast(null, *, *) = null
* Strings.replaceLast("", *, *) = ""
* Strings.replaceLast("any", {@code null}, *) = "any"
* Strings.replaceLast("any", *, null) = "any"
* Strings.replaceLast("any", "", *) = "any"
* Strings.replaceLast("aba", "a", null) = "ab"
* Strings.replaceLast("aba", "a", "") = "ab"
* Strings.replaceLast("aba", "a", "z") = "abz"
* @param str
* @param target
* @param replacement the String to replace with, may be null
* @return A new string with the last occurrence of the target string replaced with the replacement string.
* If the input string is {@code null}, the method returns {@code null}. If the input string is empty, or the target string is not found, the input string is returned unchanged.
public static String replaceLast(final String str, final String target, final String replacement) {
return replaceLast(str, N.len(str), target, replacement);
* Replaces the last occurrence of a target string in the input string with a replacement string, starting from a specified index backward.
* @param str The input string where the replacement should occur. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @param startIndexFromBack The index to start the search from, searching backward.
* @param target The string to be replaced. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @param replacement The string to replace the target string. It can be {@code null}.
* @return A new string with the last occurrence of the target string replaced with the replacement string, starting from the specified index backward.
* If the input string is {@code null}, the method returns {@code null}. If the input string is empty, or the target string is not found, the input string is returned unchanged.
public static String replaceLast(final String str, final int startIndexFromBack, final String target, final String replacement) {
if (isEmpty(str) || isEmpty(target) || startIndexFromBack < 0) {
return str;
final int lastIndex = lastIndexOf(str, target, startIndexFromBack);
if (lastIndex < 0) {
return str;
return Strings.replaceRange(str, lastIndex, lastIndex + N.len(target), replacement);
* Replaces occurrences of a target string in the input string with a replacement string, starting from a specified index and up to a maximum number of replacements.
* A {@code null} reference passed to this method is a no-op.
* replace(null, *, *, *) = null
* replace("", *, *, *) = ""
* replace("any", {@code null}, *, *) = "any"
* replace("any", "", *, *) = "any"
* replace("any", *, *, 0) = "any"
* replace("abaa", 0, "a", {@code null}, -1) = "b"
* replace("abaa", 0, "a", "", -1) = "b"
* replace("abaa", 0, "a", "z", 0) = "abaa"
* replace("abaa", 0, "a", "z", 1) = "zbaa"
* replace("abaa", 0, "a", "z", 2) = "zbza"
* replace("abaa", 0, "a", "z", -1) = "zbzz"
* @param str The input string where the replacement should occur. It can be {@code null}.
* @param fromIndex The index from which to start the search for the target string. It should be a non-negative integer.
* @param target The string to be replaced. It can be {@code null}.
* @param replacement The string to replace the target string. It cannot be {@code null}.
* @param max The maximum number of replacements. If it's -1, all occurrences will be replaced.
* @return A new string with occurrences of the target string replaced with the replacement string, starting from the specified index and up to the maximum number of replacements.
* If the input string is {@code null}, the method returns {@code null}. If the input string is empty, or the target string is not found, the input string is returned unchanged.
public static String replace(final String str, final int fromIndex, final String target, final String replacement, final int max) {
return replace(str, fromIndex, target, replacement, max, false);
* Replaces all occurrences of a target string in the input string with a replacement string, ignoring case considerations.
* @param str The input string where the replacement should occur. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @param target The string to be replaced. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @param replacement The string to replace the target string. It can be {@code null}.
* @return A new string with all occurrences of the target string replaced with the replacement string, ignoring case considerations.
* If the input string is {@code null}, the method returns {@code null}. If the input string is empty, or the target string is not found, the input string is returned unchanged.
public static String replaceAllIgnoreCase(final String str, final String target, final String replacement) {
return replaceAllIgnoreCase(str, 0, target, replacement);
* Replaces all occurrences of a target string in the input string with a replacement string, ignoring case considerations, starting from a specified index.
* @param str The input string where the replacement should occur. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @param fromIndex The index from which to start the search for the target string. It should be a non-negative integer.
* @param target The string to be replaced. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @param replacement The string to replace the target string. It can be {@code null}.
* @return A new string with all occurrences of the target string replaced with the replacement string, ignoring case considerations, starting from the specified index.
* If the input string is {@code null}, the method returns {@code null}. If the input string is empty, or the target string is not found, the input string is returned unchanged.
public static String replaceAllIgnoreCase(final String str, final int fromIndex, final String target, final String replacement) {
return replaceIgnoreCase(str, fromIndex, target, replacement, -1);
* Replaces the first occurrence of a target string in the input string with a replacement string, ignoring case considerations.
* @param str The input string where the replacement should occur. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @param target The string to be replaced. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @param replacement The string to replace the target string. It can be {@code null}.
* @return A new string with the first occurrence of the target string replaced with the replacement string, ignoring case considerations.
* If the input string is {@code null}, the method returns {@code null}. If the input string is empty, or the target string is not found, the input string is returned unchanged.
public static String replaceFirstIgnoreCase(final String str, final String target, final String replacement) {
return replaceFirstIgnoreCase(str, 0, target, replacement);
* Replaces the first occurrence of a target string in the input string with a replacement string, ignoring case considerations, starting from a specified index.
* @param str The input string where the replacement should occur. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @param fromIndex The index from which to start the search for the target string. It should be a non-negative integer.
* @param target The string to be replaced. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @param replacement The string to replace the target string. It can be {@code null}.
* @return A new string with the first occurrence of the target string replaced with the replacement string, ignoring case considerations, starting from the specified index.
* If the input string is {@code null}, the method returns {@code null}. If the input string is empty, or the target string is not found, the input string is returned unchanged.
public static String replaceFirstIgnoreCase(final String str, final int fromIndex, final String target, final String replacement) {
return replaceIgnoreCase(str, fromIndex, target, replacement, 1);
* Replaces the first occurrence of a target string in the input string with a replacement string, ignoring case considerations.
* @param str The input string where the replacement should occur. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @param target The string to be replaced. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @param replacement The string to replace the target string. It can be {@code null}.
* @return A new string with the first occurrence of the target string replaced with the replacement string, ignoring case considerations.
* If the input string is {@code null}, the method returns {@code null}. If the input string is empty, or the target string is not found, the input string is returned unchanged.
* @deprecated Use {@link #replaceFirstIgnoreCase(String, String, String)} instead
public static String replaceOnceIgnoreCase(final String str, final String target, final String replacement) {
return replaceFirstIgnoreCase(str, target, replacement);
* Replaces the first occurrence of a target string in the input string with a replacement string, ignoring case considerations, starting from a specified index.
* @param str The input string where the replacement should occur. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @param fromIndex The index from which to start the search for the target string. It should be a non-negative integer.
* @param target The string to be replaced. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @param replacement The string to replace the target string. It can be {@code null}.
* @return A new string with the first occurrence of the target string replaced with the replacement string, ignoring case considerations, starting from the specified index.
* If the input string is {@code null}, the method returns {@code null}. If the input string is empty, or the target string is not found, the input string is returned unchanged.
* @deprecated Use {@link #replaceFirstIgnoreCase(String, int, String, String)} instead
public static String replaceOnceIgnoreCase(final String str, final int fromIndex, final String target, final String replacement) {
return replaceFirstIgnoreCase(str, fromIndex, target, replacement);
* Replaces occurrences of a target string in the input string with a replacement string, ignoring case considerations, starting from a specified index and up to a maximum number of replacements.
* @param str The input string where the replacement should occur. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @param fromIndex The index from which to start the search for the target string. It should be a non-negative integer.
* @param target The string to be replaced. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @param replacement The string to replace the target string. It can be {@code null}.
* @param max The maximum number of replacements. If it's -1, all occurrences will be replaced.
* @return A new string with occurrences of the target string replaced with the replacement string, ignoring case considerations, starting from the specified index and up to the maximum number of replacements.
* If the input string is {@code null}, the method returns {@code null}. If the input string is empty, or the target string is not found, the input string is returned unchanged.
public static String replaceIgnoreCase(final String str, final int fromIndex, final String target, final String replacement, final int max) {
return replace(str, fromIndex, target, replacement, max, true);
private static String replace(final String str, final int fromIndex, final String target, String replacement, int max, final boolean ignoreCase) {
// if (replacement == null) {
// throw new IllegalArgumentException("Replacement can't be null");
// }
if (isEmpty(str) || isEmpty(target) || max == 0) {
return str;
if (replacement == null) {
replacement = "";
final String searchText = ignoreCase ? str.toLowerCase() : str;
final String searchTarget = ignoreCase ? target.toLowerCase() : target;
int end = searchText.indexOf(searchTarget, fromIndex);
if (end == N.INDEX_NOT_FOUND) {
return str;
final StringBuilder sb = Objectory.createStringBuilder(str.length() + (N.len(replacement) - N.len(target)) * (N.min(16, max)));
final int substrLength = target.length();
sb.append(str, 0, fromIndex);
int start = fromIndex;
try {
while (end != N.INDEX_NOT_FOUND) {
sb.append(str, start, end).append(replacement);
start = end + substrLength;
if (--max == 0) {
end = searchText.indexOf(searchTarget, start);
sb.append(str, start, str.length());
return sb.toString();
} finally {
* Replaces each substring of the source String that matches the given
* regular expression with the given replacement using the
* {@link Pattern#DOTALL} option. DOTALL is also know as single-line mode in
* Perl. This call is also equivalent to:
* {@code source.replaceAll("(?s)" + regex, replacement)}
* {@code Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.DOTALL).filter(source).replaceAll(replacement)}
* @param source
* the source string
* @param regex
* the regular expression to which this string is to be matched
* @param replacement
* the string to be substituted for each match
* @return The resulting {@code String}
* @see String#replaceAll(String, String)
* @see Pattern#DOTALL
public static String replacePattern(final String source, final String regex, final String replacement) {
return Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.DOTALL).matcher(source).replaceAll(replacement);
* Replace the substring specified by the start and end indices with the specified {@code replacement}
* @param str The input string where the replacement should occur. It cannot be {@code null}.
* @param fromIndex The start index of the substring to be replaced. It should be a non-negative integer and less than the length of the input string.
* @param toIndex The end index of the substring to be replaced. It should be a non-negative integer, greater than the start index and less than or equal to the length of the input string.
* @param replacement The string to replace the substring. It cannot be {@code null}.
* @return A new string with the specified substring replaced with the replacement string.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If the start or end index is out of the string bounds.
* @deprecated Use {@link #replaceRange(String, int, int, String)} instead of this method.
* @see #replaceRange(String, int, int, String)
public static String replace(final String str, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final String replacement) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
return replaceRange(str, fromIndex, toIndex, replacement);
* Replaces the substring between two specified delimiters in the given string with a replacement string.
* The delimiters themselves are not included in the replaced substring.
* @param str The string to be processed.
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex The delimiter after which the replacement should start.
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex The delimiter before which the replacement should end.
* @param replacement The string to replace the substring between the delimiters. If it's {@code null}, the substring between the delimiters will be removed.
* @return The processed string with the substring between the delimiters replaced with the replacement string.
* If the input string is {@code null} or either of the delimiters is {@code null}, the original string is returned.
* @see #substringBetween(String, String, String)
public static String replaceBetween(final String str, final String delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex, final String delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex,
final String replacement) {
if (str == null || delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex == null || delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex == null) {
return str;
int startIndex = str.indexOf(delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex);
if (startIndex < 0) {
return str;
startIndex += delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex.length();
final int endIndex = str.indexOf(delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex, startIndex);
if (endIndex < 0) {
return str;
return replace(str, startIndex, endIndex, replacement);
* Replaces the substring after a specified delimiter in the given string with a replacement string.
* The delimiter itself is not included in the replaced substring.
* @param str The string to be processed.
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex The delimiter after which the replacement should start.
* @param replacement The string to replace the substring after the delimiter. If it's {@code null}, the substring after the delimiter will be removed.
* @return The processed string with the substring after the delimiter replaced with the replacement string.
* If the input string is {@code null} or the delimiter is {@code null}, the original string is returned.
public static String replaceAfter(final String str, final String delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex, final String replacement) {
if (str == null || delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex == null) {
return str;
int startIndex = str.indexOf(delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex);
if (startIndex < 0) {
return str;
startIndex += delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex.length();
return replace(str, startIndex, str.length(), replacement);
* Replaces the substring before a specified delimiter in the given string with a replacement string.
* The delimiter itself is not included in the replaced substring.
* @param str The string to be processed.
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex The delimiter before which the replacement should end.
* @param replacement The string to replace the substring before the delimiter. If it's {@code null}, the substring before the delimiter will be removed.
* @return The processed string with the substring before the delimiter replaced with the replacement string.
* If the input string is {@code null} or the delimiter is {@code null}, the original string is returned.
public static String replaceBefore(final String str, final String delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex, final String replacement) {
if (str == null || delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex == null) {
return str;
final int endIndex = str.indexOf(delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex);
if (endIndex < 0) {
return str;
return replace(str, 0, endIndex, replacement);
// Remove
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Removes a substring only if it is at the beginning of a source string,
* otherwise returns the source string.
* A {@code null} source string will return {@code null}. An empty ("")
* source string will return the empty string. A {@code null} search string
* will return the source string.
* Strings.removeStart(null, *) = null
* Strings.removeStart("", *) = ""
* Strings.removeStart(*, null) = *
* Strings.removeStart("", "www.") = ""
* Strings.removeStart("", "www.") = ""
* Strings.removeStart("", "domain") = ""
* Strings.removeStart("abc", "") = "abc"
* @param str
* the source String to search, may be null
* @param removeStr
* the String to search for and remove, may be null
* @return
* {@code null} String input
public static String removeStart(final String str, final String removeStr) {
if (isEmpty(str) || isEmpty(removeStr)) {
return str;
if (str.startsWith(removeStr)) {
return str.substring(removeStr.length());
return str;
* Case-insensitive removal of a substring if it is at the beginning of a
* source string, otherwise returns the source string.
* A {@code null} source string will return {@code null}. An empty ("")
* source string will return the empty string. A {@code null} search string
* will return the source string.
* Strings.removeStartIgnoreCase(null, *) = null
* Strings.removeStartIgnoreCase("", *) = ""
* Strings.removeStartIgnoreCase(*, null) = *
* Strings.removeStartIgnoreCase("", "www.") = ""
* Strings.removeStartIgnoreCase("", "WWW.") = ""
* Strings.removeStartIgnoreCase("", "www.") = ""
* Strings.removeStartIgnoreCase("", "domain") = ""
* Strings.removeStartIgnoreCase("abc", "") = "abc"
* @param str
* the source String to search, may be null
* @param removeStr
* the String to search for (case insensitive) and remove, may be
* null
* @return the specified String if it's {@code null} or empty, or removal String is {@code null} or empty.
public static String removeStartIgnoreCase(final String str, final String removeStr) {
if (isEmpty(str) || isEmpty(removeStr)) {
return str;
if (startsWithIgnoreCase(str, removeStr)) {
return str.substring(removeStr.length());
return str;
* Removes a substring only if it is at the end of a source string,
* otherwise returns the source string.
* A {@code null} source string will return {@code null}. An empty ("")
* source string will return the empty string. A {@code null} search string
* will return the source string.
* Strings.removeEnd(null, *) = null
* Strings.removeEnd("", *) = ""
* Strings.removeEnd(*, null) = *
* Strings.removeEnd("", ".com.") = ""
* Strings.removeEnd("", ".com") = "www.domain"
* Strings.removeEnd("", "domain") = ""
* Strings.removeEnd("abc", "") = "abc"
* @param str
* the source String to search, may be null
* @param removeStr
* the String to search for and remove, may be null
* @return the specified String if it's {@code null} or empty, or removal String is {@code null} or empty.
public static String removeEnd(final String str, final String removeStr) {
if (isEmpty(str) || isEmpty(removeStr)) {
return str;
if (str.endsWith(removeStr)) {
return str.substring(0, str.length() - removeStr.length());
return str;
* Case-insensitive removal of a substring if it is at the end of a source
* string, otherwise returns the source string.
* A {@code null} source string will return {@code null}. An empty ("")
* source string will return the empty string. A {@code null} search string
* will return the source string.
* Strings.removeEndIgnoreCase(null, *) = null
* Strings.removeEndIgnoreCase("", *) = ""
* Strings.removeEndIgnoreCase(*, null) = *
* Strings.removeEndIgnoreCase("", ".com.") = ""
* Strings.removeEndIgnoreCase("", ".com") = "www.domain"
* Strings.removeEndIgnoreCase("", "domain") = ""
* Strings.removeEndIgnoreCase("abc", "") = "abc"
* Strings.removeEndIgnoreCase("", ".COM") = "www.domain")
* Strings.removeEndIgnoreCase("www.domain.COM", ".com") = "www.domain")
* @param str
* the source String to search, may be null
* @param removeStr
* the String to search for (case insensitive) and remove, may be
* null
* @return the specified String if it's {@code null} or empty, or removal String is {@code null} or empty.
public static String removeEndIgnoreCase(final String str, final String removeStr) {
if (isEmpty(str) || isEmpty(removeStr)) {
return str;
if (endsWithIgnoreCase(str, removeStr)) {
return str.substring(0, str.length() - removeStr.length());
return str;
* Removes all occurrences of a character from within the source string.
* A {@code null} source string will return {@code null}. An empty ("")
* source string will return the empty string.
* Strings.remove(null, *) = null
* Strings.remove("", *) = ""
* Strings.remove("queued", 'u') = "qeed"
* Strings.remove("queued", 'z') = "queued"
* @param str
* the source String to search, may be null
* @param removeChar
* the char to search for and remove, may be null
* @return the specified String if it's {@code null} or empty.
public static String removeAll(final String str, final char removeChar) {
return removeAll(str, 0, removeChar);
* Removes all occurrences of a specified character from the input string, starting from a specified index.
* @param str The input string where the removal should occur. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @param fromIndex The index from which to start the removal. It should be a non-negative integer.
* @param removeChar The character to be removed.
* @return A new string with all occurrences of the specified character removed, starting from the specified index.
* If the input string is {@code null}, the method returns {@code null}. If the input string is empty, or the character is not found, the input string is returned unchanged.
public static String removeAll(final String str, final int fromIndex, final char removeChar) {
// N.checkIndex(fromIndex, N.len(str));
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
return str;
final int index = str.indexOf(removeChar, fromIndex);
if (index == N.INDEX_NOT_FOUND) {
return str;
} else {
final char[] cbuf = new char[str.length()];
if (index > 0) {
str.getChars(0, index, cbuf, 0);
int count = index;
char ch = 0;
for (int i = index + 1, len = str.length(); i < len; i++) {
ch = str.charAt(i);
if (ch != removeChar) {
cbuf[count++] = ch;
return count == cbuf.length ? str : new String(cbuf, 0, count);
* Removes all occurrences of a substring from within the source string.
* A {@code null} source string will return {@code null}. An empty ("")
* source string will return the empty string. A {@code null} remove string
* will return the source string. An empty ("") remove string will return
* the source string.
* Strings.removeAll(null, *) = null
* Strings.removeAll("", *) = ""
* Strings.removeAll(*, null) = *
* Strings.removeAll(*, "") = *
* Strings.removeAll("queued", "ue") = "qd"
* Strings.removeAll("queued", "zz") = "queued"
* @param str
* the source String to search, may be null
* @param removeStr
* the String to search for and remove, may be null
* @return the specified String if it's {@code null} or empty.
public static String removeAll(final String str, final String removeStr) {
return removeAll(str, 0, removeStr);
* Removes all occurrences of a specified string from the input string, starting from a specified index.
* @param str The input string where the removal should occur. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @param fromIndex The index from which to start the removal. It should be a non-negative integer.
* @param removeStr The string to be removed. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @return A new string with all occurrences of the specified string removed, starting from the specified index.
* If the input string is {@code null}, the method returns {@code null}. If the input string is empty, or the string to be removed is not found, the input string is returned unchanged.
public static String removeAll(final String str, final int fromIndex, final String removeStr) {
// N.checkIndex(fromIndex, N.len(str));
if (isEmpty(str) || isEmpty(removeStr)) {
return str;
return replace(str, fromIndex, removeStr, EMPTY_STRING, -1);
* Removes each substring of the source String that matches the given
* regular expression using the DOTALL option.
* @param source
* the source string
* @param regex
* the regular expression to which this string is to be matched
* @return The resulting {@code String}
* @see String#replaceAll(String, String)
* @see Pattern#DOTALL
public static String removePattern(final String source, final String regex) {
return replacePattern(source, regex, EMPTY_STRING);
* Splits the given string into an array of substrings, using the specified delimiter character.
* @param str The string to be split.
* @param delimiter The character used as the delimiter for splitting the string.
* @return An array of substrings derived from the input string, split based on the delimiter character.
* If the input string is {@code null} or empty, the method will return an empty String array.
public static String[] split(final String str, final char delimiter) {
if (isEmpty(str)) {
// final Splitter splitter = splitterPool.get(delimiter);
// return (splitter == null ? Splitter.with(delimiter).omitEmptyStrings() : splitter).splitToArray(str);
return splitWorker(str, delimiter, Integer.MAX_VALUE, false, false);
* Splits the given string into an array of substrings, using the specified delimiter character.
* If the trim parameter is {@code true}, it trims leading and trailing whitespace from each substring.
* @param str The string to be split.
* @param delimiter The character used as the delimiter for splitting the string.
* @param trim A boolean that determines whether to trim leading and trailing whitespace from each substring.
* @return An array of substrings derived from the input string, split based on the delimiter character and optionally trimmed.
* If the input string is {@code null} or empty, the method will return an empty String array.
public static String[] split(final String str, final char delimiter, final boolean trim) {
if (isEmpty(str)) {
// if (trim) {
// final Splitter splitter = trimSplitterPool.get(delimiter);
// return (splitter == null ? Splitter.with(delimiter).omitEmptyStrings().trim(trim) : splitter).splitToArray(str);
// } else {
// return split(str, delimiter);
// }
return splitWorker(str, delimiter, Integer.MAX_VALUE, trim, false);
* Splits the given string into an array of substrings, using the specified delimiter string.
* @param str The string to be split.
* @param delimiter The string used as the delimiter for splitting the string. {@code null} for splitting on whitespace.
* @return An array of substrings derived from the input string, split based on the delimiter string.
* If the input string is {@code null} or empty, the method will return an empty String array.
public static String[] split(final String str, final String delimiter) {
if (isEmpty(str)) {
// final Splitter splitter = splitterPool.get(delimiter);
// return (splitter == null ? Splitter.with(delimiter).omitEmptyStrings() : splitter).splitToArray(str);
return splitWorker(str, delimiter, Integer.MAX_VALUE, false, false);
* Splits the given string into an array of substrings, using the specified delimiter string.
* If the trim parameter is {@code true}, it trims leading and trailing whitespace from each substring.
* @param str The string to be split.
* @param delimiter The string used as the delimiter for splitting the string. {@code null} for splitting on whitespace.
* @param trim A boolean that determines whether to trim leading and trailing whitespace from each substring.
* @return An array of substrings derived from the input string, split based on the delimiter string and optionally trimmed.
* If the input string is {@code null} or empty, the method will return an empty String array.
public static String[] split(final String str, final String delimiter, final boolean trim) {
if (isEmpty(str)) {
// if (trim) {
// final Splitter splitter = trimSplitterPool.get(delimiter);
// return (splitter == null ? Splitter.with(delimiter).omitEmptyStrings().trim(trim) : splitter).splitToArray(str);
// } else {
// return split(str, delimiter);
// }
return splitWorker(str, delimiter, Integer.MAX_VALUE, trim, false);
* Splits the given string into an array of substrings, using the specified delimiter string.
* The split operation will stop after reaching the specified maximum limit of substrings.
* @param str The string to be split.
* @param delimiter The string used as the delimiter for splitting the string. {@code null} for splitting on whitespace.
* @param max The maximum number of substrings to be included in the resulting array.
* If the string contains more delimiters, the last substring will contain all remaining text.
* @return An array of substrings derived from the input string, split based on the delimiter string.
* If the input string is {@code null} or empty, the method will return an empty String array.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the max parameter is not a positive integer.
public static String[] split(final String str, final String delimiter, final int max) throws IllegalArgumentException {
N.checkArgPositive(max, cs.max);
if (isEmpty(str)) {
if (max == 1) {
return new String[] { str };
// return Splitter.with(delimiter).omitEmptyStrings().limit(max).splitToArray(str);
return splitWorker(str, delimiter, max, false, false);
* Splits the given string into an array of substrings, using the specified delimiter string.
* The split operation will stop after reaching the specified maximum limit of substrings.
* If the trim parameter is {@code true}, it trims leading and trailing whitespace from each substring.
* @param str The string to be split.
* @param delimiter The string used as the delimiter for splitting the string. {@code null} for splitting on whitespace.
* @param max The maximum number of substrings to be included in the resulting array.
* If the string contains more delimiters, the last substring will contain all remaining text.
* @param trim A boolean that determines whether to trim leading and trailing whitespace from each substring.
* @return An array of substrings derived from the input string, split based on the delimiter string, limited by the max parameter and optionally trimmed.
* If the input string is {@code null} or empty, the method will return an empty String array.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the max parameter is not a positive integer.
public static String[] split(final String str, final String delimiter, final int max, final boolean trim) throws IllegalArgumentException {
N.checkArgPositive(max, cs.max);
if (isEmpty(str)) {
if (max == 1) {
return new String[] { trim ? str.trim() : str };
// return Splitter.with(delimiter).omitEmptyStrings().trim(trim).limit(max).splitToArray(str);
return splitWorker(str, delimiter, max, trim, false);
* Splits the provided text into an array, separator specified,
* preserving all tokens, including empty tokens created by adjacent
* separators. This is an alternative to using StringTokenizer.
* The separator is not included in the returned String array.
* Adjacent separators are treated as separators for empty tokens.
* For more control over the split use the StrTokenizer class.
* An empty String array {@code []} will be returned if the input string {@code null}.
* A String array with single empty String: {@code [""]} will be returned if the input string is empty.
* Strings.splitPreserveAllTokens(null, *) = []
* Strings.splitPreserveAllTokens("", *) = [""]
* Strings.splitPreserveAllTokens("a.b.c", '.') = ["a", "b", "c"]
* Strings.splitPreserveAllTokens("a..b.c", '.') = ["a", "", "b", "c"]
* Strings.splitPreserveAllTokens("a:b:c", '.') = ["a:b:c"]
* Strings.splitPreserveAllTokens("a\tb\nc", null) = ["a", "b", "c"]
* Strings.splitPreserveAllTokens("a b c", ' ') = ["a", "b", "c"]
* Strings.splitPreserveAllTokens("a b c ", ' ') = ["a", "b", "c", ""]
* Strings.splitPreserveAllTokens("a b c ", ' ') = ["a", "b", "c", "", ""]
* Strings.splitPreserveAllTokens(" a b c", ' ') = ["", "a", "b", "c"]
* Strings.splitPreserveAllTokens(" a b c", ' ') = ["", "", "a", "b", "c"]
* Strings.splitPreserveAllTokens(" a b c ", ' ') = ["", "a", "b", "c", ""]
* @param str the String to parse, may be {@code null}
* @param delimiter the character used as the delimite
* @return an array of parsed Strings. An empty String array {@code []} will be returned if the input string {@code null},
* or a String array with single empty String: {@code [""]} will be returned if the input string is empty.
public static String[] splitPreserveAllTokens(final String str, final char delimiter) {
if (str == null) {
} else if (str.isEmpty()) {
return new String[] { EMPTY_STRING };
// final Splitter splitter = preserveSplitterPool.get(delimiter);
// return (splitter == null ? Splitter.with(delimiter) : splitter).splitToArray(str);
return splitWorker(str, delimiter, Integer.MAX_VALUE, false, true);
* Splits the provided text into an array, separator specified,
* preserving all tokens, including empty tokens created by adjacent
* separators. This is an alternative to using StringTokenizer.
* The separator is not included in the returned String array.
* Adjacent separators are treated as separators for empty tokens.
* For more control over the split use the StrTokenizer class.
* An empty String array {@code []} will be returned if the input string {@code null}.
* A String array with single empty String: {@code [""]} will be returned if the input string is empty.
* @param str the String to parse, may be {@code null}
* @param delimiter the character used as the delimiter
* @param trim If {@code true}, leading and trailing whitespace is removed from each substring.
* @return an array of parsed Strings. An empty String array {@code []} will be returned if the input string {@code null},
* or a String array with single empty String: {@code [""]} will be returned if the input string is empty.
public static String[] splitPreserveAllTokens(final String str, final char delimiter, final boolean trim) {
if (str == null) {
} else if (str.isEmpty()) {
return new String[] { EMPTY_STRING };
// if (trim) {
// final Splitter splitter = trimPreserveSplitterPool.get(delimiter);
// return (splitter == null ? Splitter.with(delimiter).trim(trim) : splitter).splitToArray(str);
// } else {
// return splitPreserveAllTokens(str, delimiter);
// }
return splitWorker(str, delimiter, Integer.MAX_VALUE, trim, true);
* Splits the provided text into an array, separators specified,
* preserving all tokens, including empty tokens created by adjacent
* separators. This is an alternative to using StringTokenizer.
* The separator is not included in the returned String array.
* Adjacent separators are treated as separators for empty tokens.
* For more control over the split use the StrTokenizer class.
* A {@code null} input String returns {@code null}. A {@code null} separatorChars splits on whitespace.
* An empty String array {@code []} will be returned if the input string {@code null}.
* A String array with single empty String: {@code [""]} will be returned if the input string is empty.
* Strings.splitPreserveAllTokens(null, *) = []
* Strings.splitPreserveAllTokens("", *) = [""]
* Strings.splitPreserveAllTokens("abc def", null) = ["abc", "def"]
* Strings.splitPreserveAllTokens("abc def", " ") = ["abc", "def"]
* Strings.splitPreserveAllTokens("abc def", " ") = ["abc", "", "def"]
* Strings.splitPreserveAllTokens("ab:cd:ef", ":") = ["ab", "cd", "ef"]
* Strings.splitPreserveAllTokens("ab:cd:ef:", ":") = ["ab", "cd", "ef", ""]
* Strings.splitPreserveAllTokens("ab:cd:ef::", ":") = ["ab", "cd", "ef", "", ""]
* Strings.splitPreserveAllTokens("ab::cd:ef", ":") = ["ab", "", "cd", "ef"]
* Strings.splitPreserveAllTokens(":cd:ef", ":") = ["", "cd", "ef"]
* Strings.splitPreserveAllTokens("::cd:ef", ":") = ["", "", "cd", "ef"]
* Strings.splitPreserveAllTokens(":cd:ef:", ":") = ["", "cd", "ef", ""]
* @param str the String to parse, may be {@code null}
* @param delimiter The string used as the delimiter for splitting the string. {@code null} for splitting on whitespace.
* @return an array of parsed Strings. An empty String array {@code []} will be returned if the input string {@code null},
* or a String array with single empty String: {@code [""]} will be returned if the input string is empty.
public static String[] splitPreserveAllTokens(final String str, final String delimiter) {
if (str == null) {
} else if (str.isEmpty()) {
return new String[] { EMPTY_STRING };
// final Splitter splitter = preserveSplitterPool.get(delimiter);
// return (splitter == null ? Splitter.with(delimiter) : splitter).splitToArray(str);
return splitWorker(str, delimiter, Integer.MAX_VALUE, false, true);
* Splits the provided text into an array, separators specified,
* preserving all tokens, including empty tokens created by adjacent
* separators. This is an alternative to using StringTokenizer.
* The separator is not included in the returned String array.
* Adjacent separators are treated as separators for empty tokens.
* For more control over the split use the StrTokenizer class.
* A {@code null} input String returns {@code null}. A {@code null} separatorChars splits on whitespace.
* An empty String array {@code []} will be returned if the input string {@code null}.
* A String array with single empty String: {@code [""]} will be returned if the input string is empty.
* @param str the String to parse, may be {@code null}
* @param delimiter The string used as the delimiter for splitting the string. {@code null} for splitting on whitespace.
* @param trim If {@code true}, leading and trailing whitespace is removed from each substring.
* @return an array of parsed Strings. An empty String array {@code []} will be returned if the input string {@code null},
* or a String array with single empty String: {@code [""]} will be returned if the input string is empty.
public static String[] splitPreserveAllTokens(final String str, final String delimiter, final boolean trim) {
if (str == null) {
} else if (str.isEmpty()) {
return new String[] { EMPTY_STRING };
// if (trim) {
// final Splitter splitter = trimPreserveSplitterPool.get(delimiter);
// return (splitter == null ? Splitter.with(delimiter).trim(trim) : splitter).splitToArray(str);
// } else {
// return splitPreserveAllTokens(str, delimiter);
// }
return splitWorker(str, delimiter, Integer.MAX_VALUE, trim, true);
* Splits the provided text into an array with a maximum length,
* separators specified.
* The separator is not included in the returned String array.
* Adjacent separators are treated as one separator.
* A {@code null} input String returns {@code null}.
* A {@code null} separatorChars splits on whitespace.
* If more than {@code max} delimited substrings are found, the last
* returned string includes all characters after the first {@code max - 1}
* returned strings (including separator characters).
* A {@code null} input String returns {@code null}. A {@code null} separatorChars splits on whitespace.
* An empty String array {@code []} will be returned if the input string {@code null}.
* A String array with single empty String: {@code [""]} will be returned if the input string is empty.
* @param str the String to parse, may be {@code null}
* @param delimiter The string used as the delimiter for splitting the string. {@code null} for splitting on whitespace.
* @param max The maximum number of substrings to be included in the resulting array.
* @return an array of parsed Strings. An empty String array {@code []} will be returned if the input string {@code null},
* or a String array with single empty String: {@code [""]} will be returned if the input string is empty.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the max parameter is not a positive integer.
public static String[] splitPreserveAllTokens(final String str, final String delimiter, final int max) throws IllegalArgumentException {
N.checkArgPositive(max, cs.max);
if (str == null) {
} else if (str.isEmpty()) {
return new String[] { EMPTY_STRING };
if (max == 1) {
return new String[] { str };
// return Splitter.with(delimiter).limit(max).splitToArray(str);
return splitWorker(str, delimiter, max, false, true);
* Splits the provided text into an array with a maximum length,
* separators specified.
* The separator is not included in the returned String array.
* Adjacent separators are treated as one separator.
* A {@code null} input String returns {@code null}.
* A {@code null} separatorChars splits on whitespace.
* If more than {@code max} delimited substrings are found, the last
* returned string includes all characters after the first {@code max - 1}
* returned strings (including separator characters).
* A {@code null} input String returns {@code null}. A {@code null} separatorChars splits on whitespace.
* An empty String array {@code []} will be returned if the input string {@code null}.
* A String array with single empty String: {@code [""]} will be returned if the input string is empty.
* @param str the String to parse, may be {@code null}
* @param delimiter The string used as the delimiter for splitting the string. {@code null} for splitting on whitespace.
* @param max The maximum number of substrings to be included in the resulting array.
* @param trim If {@code true}, leading and trailing whitespace is removed from each substring.
* @return an array of parsed Strings. An empty String array {@code []} will be returned if the input string {@code null},
* or a String array with single empty String: {@code [""]} will be returned if the input string is empty.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the max parameter is not a positive integer.
public static String[] splitPreserveAllTokens(final String str, final String delimiter, final int max, final boolean trim) throws IllegalArgumentException {
N.checkArgPositive(max, cs.max);
if (str == null) {
} else if (str.isEmpty()) {
return new String[] { EMPTY_STRING };
if (max == 1) {
return new String[] { trim ? str.trim() : str };
// return Splitter.with(delimiter).trim(trim).limit(max).splitToArray(str);
return splitWorker(str, delimiter, max, trim, true);
// Copied from Apache Commons Lang 3.17.0 under Apache License 2.0
private static String[] splitWorker(final String str, final char delimiter, final int max, final boolean trim, final boolean preserveAllTokens)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
N.checkArgPositive(max, cs.max);
if (str == null) {
} else if (str.isEmpty()) {
return preserveAllTokens ? new String[] { EMPTY_STRING } : N.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;
final int len = str.length();
final List substrs = new ArrayList<>();
int sizePlus1 = 1;
int i = 0;
int start = 0;
boolean match = false;
boolean lastMatch = false;
while (i < len) {
if (str.charAt(i) == delimiter) {
if (match || preserveAllTokens) {
lastMatch = true;
if (sizePlus1++ == max) {
i = len;
lastMatch = false;
substrs.add(str.substring(start, i));
match = false;
start = ++i;
lastMatch = false;
match = true;
if (match || preserveAllTokens && lastMatch) {
substrs.add(str.substring(start, i));
final String[] ret = substrs.toArray(N.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY);
if (trim) {
return ret;
// Copied from Apache Commons Lang 3.17.0 under Apache License 2.0
private static String[] splitWorker(final String str, final String delimiter, final int max, final boolean trim, final boolean preserveAllTokens)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
N.checkArgPositive(max, cs.max);
if (str == null) {
} else if (str.isEmpty()) {
return preserveAllTokens ? new String[] { EMPTY_STRING } : N.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;
if (N.len(delimiter) == 1) {
return splitWorker(str, delimiter.charAt(0), max, trim, preserveAllTokens);
final int len = str.length();
final List substrs = new ArrayList<>();
int sizePlus1 = 1;
int i = 0;
int start = 0;
boolean match = false;
boolean lastMatch = false;
if (delimiter == null) {
// Null separator means use whitespace
while (i < len) {
if (Character.isWhitespace(str.charAt(i))) {
if (match || preserveAllTokens) {
lastMatch = true;
if (sizePlus1++ == max) {
i = len;
lastMatch = false;
substrs.add(str.substring(start, i));
match = false;
start = ++i;
lastMatch = false;
match = true;
} else {
// standard case
while (i < len) {
if (delimiter.indexOf(str.charAt(i)) >= 0) {
if (match || preserveAllTokens) {
lastMatch = true;
if (sizePlus1++ == max) {
i = len;
lastMatch = false;
substrs.add(str.substring(start, i));
match = false;
start = ++i;
lastMatch = false;
match = true;
if (match || preserveAllTokens && lastMatch) {
substrs.add(str.substring(start, i));
final String[] ret = substrs.toArray(N.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY);
if (trim) {
return ret;
* Splits the given string into an array of substrings, each of which is a line of text from the original string.
* The string is split at line terminators, which can be the carriage return character ('\r'), the newline character ('\n'), or the carriage return followed immediately by the newline character.
* @param str The string to be split. If it's {@code null}, the method will return an empty String array.
* @return An array of substrings derived from the input string, each of which is a line of text.
* If the input string is {@code null}, return an empty String array. If the input string is empty, return an String array with one empty String inside.
public static String[] splitToLines(final String str) {
if (str == null) {
} else if (str.isEmpty()) {
return new String[] { Strings.EMPTY_STRING };
return lineSplitter.splitToArray(str);
* Splits the given string into an array of substrings, each of which is a line of text from the original string.
* The string is split at line terminators, which can be the carriage return character ('\r'), the newline character ('\n'), or the carriage return followed immediately by the newline character.
* If the trim parameter is {@code true}, leading and trailing whitespace is removed from each line of text.
* If the omitEmptyLines parameter is {@code true}, empty lines (after trimming, if the trim parameter is true) are not included in the resulting array.
* @param str The string to be split.
* @param trim A boolean that determines whether to trim leading and trailing whitespace from each line of text.
* @param omitEmptyLines A boolean that determines whether to omit empty lines from the resulting array.
* @return An array of substrings derived from the input string, each of which is a line of text, optionally trimmed and with empty lines optionally omitted.
* If the input string is {@code null} or {@code str.length() == 0 && omitEmptyLines}, return an empty String array. If the input string is empty, return an String array with one empty String inside.
public static String[] splitToLines(final String str, final boolean trim, final boolean omitEmptyLines) {
if (str == null || (str.isEmpty() && omitEmptyLines)) {
} else if (str.isEmpty()) {
return new String[] { Strings.EMPTY_STRING };
if (trim) {
if (omitEmptyLines) {
return trimAndOmitEmptyLinesLineSplitter.splitToArray(str);
} else {
return trimLineSplitter.splitToArray(str);
} else if (omitEmptyLines) {
return omitEmptyLinesLineSplitter.splitToArray(str);
} else {
return lineSplitter.splitToArray(str);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Removes space characters (char <= 32) from both ends of this String,
* handling {@code null} by returning {@code null}.
* The String is trimmed using {@link String#trim()}. Trim removes start and
* end characters <= 32. To strip whitespace use {@link #strip(String)}.
* To trim your choice of characters, use the {@link #strip(String, String)}
* methods.
* Strings.trim(null) = null
* Strings.trim("") = ""
* Strings.trim(" ") = ""
* Strings.trim("abc") = "abc"
* Strings.trim(" abc ") = "abc"
* @param str
* the String to be trimmed, may be null
* @return
public static String trim(final String str) {
return isEmpty(str) || (str.charAt(0) != ' ' && str.charAt(str.length() - 1) != ' ') ? str : str.trim();
* Trims leading and trailing space characters from each string in the provided array.
* This method uses {@link String#trim()} to remove space characters.
* If the input array is {@code null} or empty, the method does nothing.
* @param strs The array of strings to be trimmed. Each string in the array will be updated in-place.
public static void trim(final String[] strs) {
if (N.isEmpty(strs)) {
for (int i = 0, len = strs.length; i < len; i++) {
strs[i] = trim(strs[i]);
* Removes space characters (char <= 32) from both ends of this String
* returning {@code null} if the String is empty ("") after the trim or if
* it is {@code null}.
* The String is trimmed using {@link String#trim()}. Trim removes start and
* end characters <= 32. To strip whitespace use
* {@link #stripToNull(String)}.
* Strings.trimToNull(null) = null
* Strings.trimToNull("") = null
* Strings.trimToNull(" ") = null
* Strings.trimToNull("abc") = "abc"
* Strings.trimToNull(" abc ") = "abc"
* @param str
* the String to be trimmed, may be null
* @return
* {@code null} String input
public static String trimToNull(String str) {
str = trim(str);
return isEmpty(str) ? null : str;
* Trims leading and trailing whitespace from each string in the provided array and sets the string to {@code null} if it is empty after trimming.
* This method uses {@link String#trim()} to remove whitespace.
* If the input array is {@code null} or empty, the method does nothing.
* @param strs The array of strings to be trimmed. Each string in the array will be updated in-place.
public static void trimToNull(final String[] strs) {
if (N.isEmpty(strs)) {
for (int i = 0, len = strs.length; i < len; i++) {
strs[i] = trimToNull(strs[i]);
* Removes control characters (char <= 32) from both ends of this String
* returning an empty String ("") if the String is empty ("") after the trim
* or if it is {@code null}.
* The String is trimmed using {@link String#trim()}. Trim removes start and
* end characters <= 32. To strip whitespace use
* {@link #stripToEmpty(String)}.
* Strings.trimToEmpty(null) = ""
* Strings.trimToEmpty("") = ""
* Strings.trimToEmpty(" ") = ""
* Strings.trimToEmpty("abc") = "abc"
* Strings.trimToEmpty(" abc ") = "abc"
* @param str
* the String to be trimmed, may be null
* @return
public static String trimToEmpty(final String str) {
return isEmpty(str) ? EMPTY_STRING : str.trim();
* Trims leading and trailing whitespace from each string in the provided array.
* If a string becomes {@code null} after trimming, it is set to empty.
* This method uses {@link String#trim()} to remove whitespace.
* If the input array is {@code null} or empty, the method does nothing.
* @param strs The array of strings to be trimmed. Each string in the array will be updated in-place.
public static void trimToEmpty(final String[] strs) {
if (N.isEmpty(strs)) {
for (int i = 0, len = strs.length; i < len; i++) {
strs[i] = trimToEmpty(strs[i]);
// Stripping
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Strips whitespace from the start and end of a String.
* This is similar to {@link #trim(String)} but removes whitespace.
* Whitespace is defined by {@link Character#isWhitespace(char)}.
* A {@code null} input String returns {@code null}.
* Strings.strip(null) = null
* Strings.strip("") = ""
* Strings.strip(" ") = ""
* Strings.strip("abc") = "abc"
* Strings.strip(" abc") = "abc"
* Strings.strip("abc ") = "abc"
* Strings.strip(" abc ") = "abc"
* Strings.strip(" ab c ") = "ab c"
* @param str
* the String to remove whitespace from, may be null
* @return
public static String strip(final String str) {
return strip(str, null);
* Strips whitespace from the start and end of each string in the provided array.
* This method uses {@link #strip(String)} to remove whitespace.
* If the input array is {@code null} or empty, the method does nothing.
* @param strs The array of strings to be stripped. Each string in the array will be updated in-place.
public static void strip(final String[] strs) {
if (N.isEmpty(strs)) {
for (int i = 0, len = strs.length; i < len; i++) {
strs[i] = strip(strs[i]);
* Strips whitespace from the start and end of a String returning
* {@code null} if the String is empty ("") after the strip.
* This is similar to {@link #trimToNull(String)} but removes whitespace.
* Whitespace is defined by {@link Character#isWhitespace(char)}.
* Strings.stripToNull(null) = null
* Strings.stripToNull("") = null
* Strings.stripToNull(" ") = null
* Strings.stripToNull("abc") = "abc"
* Strings.stripToNull(" abc") = "abc"
* Strings.stripToNull("abc ") = "abc"
* Strings.stripToNull(" abc ") = "abc"
* Strings.stripToNull(" ab c ") = "ab c"
* @param str
* the String to be stripped, may be null
* @return
* String input
public static String stripToNull(String str) {
str = strip(str, null);
return isEmpty(str) ? null : str;
* Strips whitespace from the start and end of each string in the provided array and sets the string to {@code null} if it is empty after stripping.
* This method uses {@link #strip(String)} to remove whitespace.
* If the input array is {@code null} or empty, the method does nothing.
* @param strs The array of strings to be stripped. Each string in the array will be updated in-place.
public static void stripToNull(final String[] strs) {
if (N.isEmpty(strs)) {
for (int i = 0, len = strs.length; i < len; i++) {
strs[i] = stripToNull(strs[i]);
* Strips whitespace from the start and end of a String returning an empty
* String if {@code null} input.
* This is similar to {@link #trimToEmpty(String)} but removes whitespace.
* Whitespace is defined by {@link Character#isWhitespace(char)}.
* Strings.stripToEmpty(null) = ""
* Strings.stripToEmpty("") = ""
* Strings.stripToEmpty(" ") = ""
* Strings.stripToEmpty("abc") = "abc"
* Strings.stripToEmpty(" abc") = "abc"
* Strings.stripToEmpty("abc ") = "abc"
* Strings.stripToEmpty(" abc ") = "abc"
* Strings.stripToEmpty(" ab c ") = "ab c"
* @param str
* the String to be stripped, may be null
* @return
public static String stripToEmpty(final String str) {
return isEmpty(str) ? EMPTY_STRING : strip(str, null);
* Strips leading and trailing whitespace from each string in the provided array.
* If a string becomes {@code null} after stripping, it is set to an empty string.
* This method uses {@link #strip(String)} to remove whitespace.
* If the input array is {@code null} or empty, the method does nothing.
* @param strs The array of strings to be stripped. Each string in the array will be updated in-place.
public static void stripToEmpty(final String[] strs) {
if (N.isEmpty(strs)) {
for (int i = 0, len = strs.length; i < len; i++) {
strs[i] = stripToEmpty(strs[i]);
* Strips any of a set of characters from the start and end of a String.
* This is similar to {@link String#trim()} but allows the characters to be
* stripped to be controlled.
* A {@code null} input String returns {@code null}. An empty string ("")
* input returns the empty string.
* If the stripChars String is {@code null}, whitespace is stripped as
* defined by {@link Character#isWhitespace(char)}. Alternatively use
* {@link #strip(String)}.
* Strings.strip(null, *) = null
* Strings.strip("", *) = ""
* Strings.strip("abc", null) = "abc"
* Strings.strip(" abc", null) = "abc"
* Strings.strip("abc ", null) = "abc"
* Strings.strip(" abc ", null) = "abc"
* Strings.strip(" abcyx", "xyz") = " abc"
* @param str
* the String to remove characters from, may be null
* @param stripChars
* the characters to remove, {@code null} treated as whitespace
* @return the specified String if it's {@code null} or empty.
public static String strip(final String str, final String stripChars) {
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
return str;
return stripEnd(stripStart(str, stripChars), stripChars);
* Strips the specified characters from the start and end of each string in the provided array.
* This method uses {@link #strip(String, String)} to remove the specified characters.
* If the input array is {@code null} or empty, or the stripChars is {@code null}, the method does nothing.
* @param strs The array of strings to be stripped. Each string in the array will be updated in-place.
* @param stripChars The set of characters to be stripped from the strings. If {@code null}, the method behaves as {@link #strip(String)}.
public static void strip(final String[] strs, final String stripChars) {
if (N.isEmpty(strs)) {
for (int i = 0, len = strs.length; i < len; i++) {
strs[i] = strip(strs[i], stripChars);
* Strips any of a set of characters from the start of a String.
* A {@code null} input String returns {@code null}. An empty string ("")
* input returns the empty string.
* If the stripChars String is {@code null}, whitespace is stripped as
* defined by {@link Character#isWhitespace(char)}.
* Strings.stripStart(null, *) = null
* Strings.stripStart("", *) = ""
* Strings.stripStart("abc", "") = "abc"
* Strings.stripStart("abc", null) = "abc"
* Strings.stripStart(" abc", null) = "abc"
* Strings.stripStart("abc ", null) = "abc "
* Strings.stripStart(" abc ", null) = "abc "
* Strings.stripStart("yxabc ", "xyz") = "abc "
* @param str
* the String to remove characters from, may be null
* @param stripChars
* the characters to remove, {@code null} treated as whitespace
* @return the specified String if it's {@code null} or empty.
public static String stripStart(final String str, final String stripChars) {
if (isEmpty(str) || (stripChars != null && stripChars.isEmpty())) {
return str;
final int strLen = str.length();
int start = 0;
if (stripChars == null) {
while (start != strLen && Character.isWhitespace(str.charAt(start))) {
} else {
while (start != strLen && stripChars.indexOf(str.charAt(start)) != N.INDEX_NOT_FOUND) {
return start == 0 ? str : str.substring(start);
* Strips the specified characters from the start of each string in the provided array.
* This method uses {@link #stripStart(String, String)} to remove the specified characters.
* If the input array is {@code null} or empty, or the stripChars is {@code null}, the method does nothing.
* @param strs The array of strings to be stripped. Each string in the array will be updated in-place.
* @param stripChars The set of characters to be stripped from the start of the strings. If {@code null}, the method behaves as {@link #stripStart(String, String)}.
* @see #stripStart(String, String)
public static void stripStart(final String[] strs, final String stripChars) {
if (N.isEmpty(strs)) {
for (int i = 0, len = strs.length; i < len; i++) {
strs[i] = stripStart(strs[i], stripChars);
* Strips any of a set of characters from the end of a String.
* A {@code null} input String returns {@code null}. An empty string ("")
* input returns the empty string.
* If the stripChars String is {@code null}, whitespace is stripped as
* defined by {@link Character#isWhitespace(char)}.
* Strings.stripEnd(null, *) = null
* Strings.stripEnd("", *) = ""
* Strings.stripEnd("abc", "") = "abc"
* Strings.stripEnd("abc", null) = "abc"
* Strings.stripEnd(" abc", null) = " abc"
* Strings.stripEnd("abc ", null) = "abc"
* Strings.stripEnd(" abc ", null) = " abc"
* Strings.stripEnd(" abcyx", "xyz") = " abc"
* Strings.stripEnd("120.00", ".0") = "12"
* @param str
* the String to remove characters from, may be null
* @param stripChars
* the set of characters to remove, {@code null} treated as whitespace
* @return the specified String if it's {@code null} or empty.
public static String stripEnd(final String str, final String stripChars) {
if (isEmpty(str) || (stripChars != null && stripChars.isEmpty())) {
return str;
int end = str.length();
if (stripChars == null) {
while (end > 0 && Character.isWhitespace(str.charAt(end - 1))) {
} else {
while (end > 0 && stripChars.indexOf(str.charAt(end - 1)) != N.INDEX_NOT_FOUND) {
return end == str.length() ? str : str.substring(0, end);
* Strips the specified characters from the end of each string in the provided array.
* This method uses {@link #stripEnd(String, String)} to remove the specified characters.
* If the input array is {@code null} or empty, or the stripChars is {@code null}, the method does nothing.
* @param strs The array of strings to be stripped. Each string in the array will be updated in-place.
* @param stripChars The set of characters to be stripped from the end of the strings. If {@code null}, the method behaves as {@link #stripEnd(String, String)}.
* @see #stripEnd(String, String)
public static void stripEnd(final String[] strs, final String stripChars) {
if (N.isEmpty(strs)) {
for (int i = 0, len = strs.length; i < len; i++) {
strs[i] = stripEnd(strs[i], stripChars);
* Removes diacritics (~= accents) from a string. The case will not be
* altered.
* For instance, à will be replaced by 'a'.
* Note that ligatures will be left as is.
* Strings.stripAccents(null) = null
* Strings.stripAccents("") = ""
* Strings.stripAccents("control") = "control"
* Strings.stripAccents("éclair") = "eclair"
* @param str
* @return
// See also Lucene's ASCIIFoldingFilter (Lucene 2.9) that replaces accented
// characters by their unaccented equivalent (and uncommitted bug fix:
public static String stripAccents(final String str) {
if (str == null) {
return null;
final StringBuilder decomposed = new StringBuilder(Normalizer.normalize(str, Normalizer.Form.NFD));
// Note that this doesn't correctly remove ligatures...
return STRIP_ACCENTS_PATTERN.matcher(decomposed).replaceAll(EMPTY_STRING);
* Pattern used in {@link #stripAccents(String)}.
private static final Pattern STRIP_ACCENTS_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks}+"); //$NON-NLS-1$
private static void convertRemainingAccentCharacters(final StringBuilder decomposed) {
char ch = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < decomposed.length(); i++) {
ch = decomposed.charAt(i);
if (ch == '\u0141') {
decomposed.setCharAt(i, 'L');
} else if (ch == '\u0142') {
decomposed.setCharAt(i, 'l');
* Strips accents from each string in the provided array.
* This method uses {@link #stripAccents(String)} to remove accents.
* If the input array is {@code null} or empty, the method does nothing.
* @param strs The array of strings to be stripped. Each string in the array will be updated in-place.
public static void stripAccents(final String[] strs) {
if (N.isEmpty(strs)) {
for (int i = 0, len = strs.length; i < len; i++) {
strs[i] = stripAccents(strs[i]);
// Chomping
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Removes one newline from end of a String if it's there, otherwise leave
* it alone. A newline is "{@code \n} ", "{@code \r}",
* or "{@code \r\n}".
* NOTE: This method changed in 2.0. It now more closely matches Perl chomp.
* Strings.chomp(null) = null
* Strings.chomp("") = ""
* Strings.chomp("abc \r") = "abc "
* Strings.chomp("abc\n") = "abc"
* Strings.chomp("abc\r\n") = "abc"
* Strings.chomp("abc\r\n\r\n") = "abc\r\n"
* Strings.chomp("abc\n\r") = "abc\n"
* Strings.chomp("abc\n\rabc") = "abc\n\rabc"
* Strings.chomp("\r") = ""
* Strings.chomp("\n") = ""
* Strings.chomp("\r\n") = ""
* @param str
* the String to chomp a newline from, may be null
* @return String without newline, {@code null} if {@code null} String input
public static String chomp(final String str) {
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
return str;
if (str.length() == 1) {
final char ch = str.charAt(0);
if (ch == CHAR_CR || ch == CHAR_LF) {
return str;
int lastIdx = str.length() - 1;
final char last = str.charAt(lastIdx);
if (last == CHAR_LF) {
if (str.charAt(lastIdx - 1) == CHAR_CR) {
} else if (last != CHAR_CR) {
return lastIdx == str.length() ? str : str.substring(0, lastIdx);
* Removes one newline from end of each string in the provided array if it's there, otherwise leaves it alone.
* A newline is "\n", "\r", or "\r\n".
* If the input array is {@code null} or empty, the method does nothing.
* @param strs The array of strings to be chomped. Each string in the array will be updated in-place.
public static void chomp(final String[] strs) {
if (N.isEmpty(strs)) {
for (int i = 0, len = strs.length; i < len; i++) {
strs[i] = chomp(strs[i]);
// Chopping
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Remove the last character from a String.
* If the String ends in {@code \r\n}, then remove both of them.
* Strings.chop(null) = null
* Strings.chop("") = ""
* Strings.chop("abc \r") = "abc "
* Strings.chop("abc\n") = "abc"
* Strings.chop("abc\r\n") = "abc"
* Strings.chop("abc") = "ab"
* Strings.chop("abc\nabc") = "abc\nab"
* Strings.chop("a") = ""
* Strings.chop("\r") = ""
* Strings.chop("\n") = ""
* Strings.chop("\r\n") = ""
* @param str
* the String to chop last character from, may be null
* @return String without last character, {@code null} if {@code null} String input
public static String chop(final String str) {
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
return str;
final int strLen = str.length();
if (strLen < 2) {
final int lastIdx = strLen - 1;
if (str.charAt(lastIdx) == CHAR_LF && str.charAt(lastIdx - 1) == CHAR_CR) {
return str.substring(0, lastIdx - 1);
} else {
return str.substring(0, lastIdx);
* Removes the last character from each string in the provided array.
* If a string in the array ends in "\r\n", both characters are removed.
* If the input array is {@code null} or empty, the method does nothing.
* @param strs The array of strings to be chopped. Each string in the array will be updated in-place.
public static void chop(final String[] strs) {
if (N.isEmpty(strs)) {
for (int i = 0, len = strs.length; i < len; i++) {
strs[i] = chop(strs[i]);
* Truncates a String. This will turn
* "Now is the time for all good men" into "Now is the time for".
* Specifically:
* If {@code str} is less than {@code maxWidth} characters
* long, return it.
* Else truncate it to {@code substring(str, 0, maxWidth)}.
* If {@code maxWidth} is less than {@code 0}, throw an
* {@code IllegalArgumentException}.
* In no case will it return a String of length greater than
* {@code maxWidth}.
* Strings.truncate(null, 0) = null
* Strings.truncate(null, 2) = null
* Strings.truncate("", 4) = ""
* Strings.truncate("abcdefg", 4) = "abcd"
* Strings.truncate("abcdefg", 6) = "abcdef"
* Strings.truncate("abcdefg", 7) = "abcdefg"
* Strings.truncate("abcdefg", 8) = "abcdefg"
* Strings.truncate("abcdefg", -1) = throws an IllegalArgumentException
* @param str the String to truncate, may be null
* @param maxWidth maximum length of result String, must be positive
* @return truncated String, {@code null} if {@code null} String input
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If {@code maxWidth} is less than {@code 0}
public static String truncate(final String str, final int maxWidth) {
return truncate(str, 0, maxWidth);
* Truncates a String. This will turn
* "Now is the time for all good men" into "is the time for all".
* Works like {@code truncate(String, int)}, but allows you to specify
* a "left edge" offset.
* If {@code str} is less than {@code maxWidth} characters
* long, return it.
* Else truncate it to {@code substring(str, offset, maxWidth)}.
* If {@code maxWidth} is less than {@code 0}, throw an
* {@code IllegalArgumentException}.
* If {@code offset} is less than {@code 0}, throw an
* {@code IllegalArgumentException}.
* In no case will it return a String of length greater than
* {@code maxWidth}.
* Strings.truncate(null, 0, 0) = null
* Strings.truncate(null, 2, 4) = null
* Strings.truncate("", 0, 10) = ""
* Strings.truncate("", 2, 10) = ""
* Strings.truncate("abcdefghij", 0, 3) = "abc"
* Strings.truncate("abcdefghij", 5, 6) = "fghij"
* Strings.truncate("raspberry peach", 10, 15) = "peach"
* Strings.truncate("abcdefghijklmno", 0, 10) = "abcdefghij"
* Strings.truncate("abcdefghijklmno", -1, 10) = throws an IllegalArgumentException
* Strings.truncate("abcdefghijklmno", Integer.MIN_VALUE, 10) = throws an IllegalArgumentException
* Strings.truncate("abcdefghijklmno", Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE) = throws an IllegalArgumentException
* Strings.truncate("abcdefghijklmno", 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE) = "abcdefghijklmno"
* Strings.truncate("abcdefghijklmno", 1, 10) = "bcdefghijk"
* Strings.truncate("abcdefghijklmno", 2, 10) = "cdefghijkl"
* Strings.truncate("abcdefghijklmno", 3, 10) = "defghijklm"
* Strings.truncate("abcdefghijklmno", 4, 10) = "efghijklmn"
* Strings.truncate("abcdefghijklmno", 5, 10) = "fghijklmno"
* Strings.truncate("abcdefghijklmno", 5, 5) = "fghij"
* Strings.truncate("abcdefghijklmno", 5, 3) = "fgh"
* Strings.truncate("abcdefghijklmno", 10, 3) = "klm"
* Strings.truncate("abcdefghijklmno", 10, Integer.MAX_VALUE) = "klmno"
* Strings.truncate("abcdefghijklmno", 13, 1) = "n"
* Strings.truncate("abcdefghijklmno", 13, Integer.MAX_VALUE) = "no"
* Strings.truncate("abcdefghijklmno", 14, 1) = "o"
* Strings.truncate("abcdefghijklmno", 14, Integer.MAX_VALUE) = "o"
* Strings.truncate("abcdefghijklmno", 15, 1) = ""
* Strings.truncate("abcdefghijklmno", 15, Integer.MAX_VALUE) = ""
* Strings.truncate("abcdefghijklmno", Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE) = ""
* Strings.truncate("abcdefghij", 3, -1) = throws an IllegalArgumentException
* Strings.truncate("abcdefghij", -2, 4) = throws an IllegalArgumentException
* @param str the String to truncate, may be null
* @param offset left edge of source String
* @param maxWidth maximum length of result String, must be positive
* @return truncated String, {@code null} if {@code null} String input
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If {@code offset} or {@code maxWidth} is less than {@code 0}
public static String truncate(final String str, final int offset, final int maxWidth) throws IllegalArgumentException {
N.checkArgNotNegative(offset, cs.offset);
N.checkArgNotNegative(maxWidth, cs.maxWidth);
if (str == null) {
return null;
} else if (str.length() <= offset || maxWidth == 0) {
} else if (str.length() - offset <= maxWidth) {
return offset == 0 ? str : str.substring(offset);
} else {
return str.substring(offset, offset + maxWidth);
* Truncates each string in the provided array to the specified maximum width.
* If a string in the array has a length less than or equal to the maxWidth, it remains unchanged.
* If a string in the array has a length greater than the maxWidth, it is truncated to the maxWidth.
* If the input array is {@code null} or empty, the method does nothing.
* @param strs The array of strings to be truncated. Each string in the array will be updated in-place.
* @param maxWidth The maximum length for each string. Must be non-negative.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If maxWidth is less than 0.
public static void truncate(final String[] strs, final int maxWidth) {
N.checkArgNotNegative(maxWidth, cs.maxWidth);
if (N.isEmpty(strs)) {
for (int i = 0, len = strs.length; i < len; i++) {
strs[i] = truncate(strs[i], maxWidth);
* Truncates each string in the provided array to the specified maximum width starting from the given offset.
* If a string in the array has a length less than or equal to the maxWidth, it remains unchanged.
* If a string in the array has a length greater than the maxWidth, it is truncated to the maxWidth.
* If the input array is {@code null} or empty, the method does nothing.
* @param strs The array of strings to be truncated. Each string in the array will be updated in-place.
* @param offset The starting index from where the string needs to be truncated.
* @param maxWidth The maximum length for each string starting from the offset. Must be non-negative.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If maxWidth or offset is less than 0.
public static void truncate(final String[] strs, final int offset, final int maxWidth) {
N.checkArgNotNegative(offset, cs.offset);
N.checkArgNotNegative(maxWidth, cs.maxWidth);
if (N.isEmpty(strs)) {
for (int i = 0, len = strs.length; i < len; i++) {
strs[i] = truncate(strs[i], offset, maxWidth);
// Delete
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Deletes all white spaces from a String as defined by
* {@link Character#isWhitespace(char)}.
* Strings.deleteWhitespace(null) = null
* Strings.deleteWhitespace("") = ""
* Strings.deleteWhitespace("abc") = "abc"
* Strings.deleteWhitespace(" ab c ") = "abc"
* @param str
* the String to delete whitespace from, may be null
* @return the specified String if it's {@code null} or empty.
public static String deleteWhitespace(final String str) {
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
return str;
final int len = str.length();
final char[] cbuf = new char[len];
int count = 0;
char ch = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
ch = str.charAt(i);
if (!Character.isWhitespace(ch)) {
cbuf[count++] = ch;
return count == cbuf.length ? str : new String(cbuf, 0, count);
* Deletes all white spaces from each string in the provided array.
* White spaces are determined by {@link Character#isWhitespace(char)}.
* If the input array is {@code null} or empty, the method does nothing.
* @param strs The array of strings to be processed. Each string in the array will be updated in-place.
public static void deleteWhitespace(final String[] strs) {
if (N.isEmpty(strs)) {
for (int i = 0, len = strs.length; i < len; i++) {
strs[i] = deleteWhitespace(strs[i]);
* Appends the specified suffix to the input string if it is not already present at the end of the string.
* If the input string is {@code null} or empty, the suffix is returned as is.
* @param str The string to which the suffix should be appended. May be {@code null} or empty.
* @param suffix The suffix to append to the string. Must not be empty.
* @return The input string with the suffix appended if it was not already present; otherwise, the original string.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the suffix is empty.
public static String appendIfMissing(final String str, final String suffix) throws IllegalArgumentException {
N.checkArgNotEmpty(suffix, cs.suffix);
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
return suffix;
} else if (str.endsWith(suffix)) {
return str;
} else {
return str + suffix;
* Appends the specified suffix to the input string if it is not already present at the end of the string.
* The check for the presence of the suffix is case-insensitive.
* If the input string is {@code null} or empty, the suffix is returned as is.
* @param str The string to which the suffix should be appended. May be {@code null} or empty.
* @param suffix The suffix to append to the string. Must not be empty.
* @return The input string with the suffix appended if it was not already present; otherwise, the original string.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the suffix is empty.
public static String appendIfMissingIgnoreCase(final String str, final String suffix) throws IllegalArgumentException {
N.checkArgNotEmpty(suffix, cs.suffix);
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
return suffix;
} else if (Strings.endsWithIgnoreCase(str, suffix)) {
return str;
} else {
return str + suffix;
* Prepends the specified prefix to the input string if it is not already present at the start of the string.
* If the input string is {@code null} or empty, the prefix is returned as is.
* @param str The string to which the prefix should be prepended. May be {@code null} or empty.
* @param prefix The prefix to prepend to the string. Must not be empty.
* @return The input string with the prefix prepended if it was not already present; otherwise, the original string.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the prefix is empty.
public static String prependIfMissing(final String str, final String prefix) throws IllegalArgumentException {
N.checkArgNotEmpty(prefix, cs.prefix);
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
return prefix;
} else if (str.startsWith(prefix)) {
return str;
} else {
return concat(prefix, str);
* Prepends the specified prefix to the input string if it is not already present at the start of the string.
* The check for the presence of the prefix is case-insensitive.
* If the input string is {@code null} or empty, the prefix is returned as is.
* @param str The string to which the prefix should be prepended. May be {@code null} or empty.
* @param prefix The prefix to prepend to the string. Must not be empty.
* @return The input string with the prefix prepended if it was not already present; otherwise, the original string.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the prefix is empty.
public static String prependIfMissingIgnoreCase(final String str, final String prefix) throws IllegalArgumentException {
N.checkArgNotEmpty(prefix, cs.prefix);
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
return prefix;
} else if (Strings.startsWithIgnoreCase(str, prefix)) {
return str;
} else {
return concat(prefix, str);
* Wraps the input string with the specified prefix and suffix if they are not already present.
* If the input string is {@code null} or empty, the prefix and suffix are concatenated and returned.
* If the input string already starts with the prefix and ends with the suffix, the original string is returned.
* Else if the input string already starts with the prefix but not ends with the suffix, then {@code str + prefixSuffix} is returned.
* Else if the input string ends with the suffix, then {@code prefixSuffix + str} is returned.
* Otherwise, the prefix and suffix are added to the start and end of the string respectively.
* @param str The string to be wrapped. May be {@code null} or empty.
* @param prefixSuffix The string to be used as both the prefix and suffix for wrapping. Must not be empty.
* @return The input string wrapped with the prefixSuffix at both ends if they were not already present; otherwise, the original string.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the prefixSuffix is empty.
public static String wrapIfMissing(final String str, final String prefixSuffix) throws IllegalArgumentException {
N.checkArgNotEmpty(prefixSuffix, cs.prefixSuffix);
return wrapIfMissing(str, prefixSuffix, prefixSuffix);
* Wraps the input string with the specified prefix and suffix if they are not already present.
* If the input string is {@code null} or empty, the prefix and suffix are concatenated and returned.
* If the input string already starts with the prefix and ends with the suffix, the original string is returned.
* Else if the input string already starts with the prefix but not ends with the suffix, then {@code str + suffix} is returned.
* Else if the input string ends with the suffix, then {@code prefix + str} is returned.
* Otherwise, the prefix and suffix are added to the start and end of the string respectively.
* Strings.wrapIfMissing(null, "[", "]") -> "[]"
* Strings.wrapIfMissing("", "[", "]") -> "[]"
* Strings.wrapIfMissing("[", "[", "]") -> "[]"
* Strings.wrapIfMissing("]", "[", "]") -> "[]"
* Strings.wrapIfMissing("abc", "[", "]") -> "[abc]"
* Strings.wrapIfMissing("a", "aa", "aa") -> "aaaaa"
* Strings.wrapIfMissing("aa", "aa", "aa") -> "aaaa"
* Strings.wrapIfMissing("aaa", "aa", "aa") -> "aaaaa"
* Strings.wrapIfMissing("aaaa", "aa", "aa") -> "aaaa"
* @param str The string to be wrapped. May be {@code null} or empty.
* @param prefix The string to be used as the prefix for wrapping. Must not be empty.
* @param suffix The string to be used as the suffix for wrapping. Must not be empty.
* @return The input string wrapped with the prefix and suffix at both ends if they were not already present; otherwise, the original string.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the prefix or suffix is empty.
public static String wrapIfMissing(final String str, final String prefix, final String suffix) throws IllegalArgumentException {
N.checkArgNotEmpty(prefix, cs.prefix);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(prefix, cs.suffix);
if (isEmpty(str)) {
return concat(prefix, suffix);
} else if (str.startsWith(prefix)) {
return (str.length() - prefix.length() >= suffix.length() && str.endsWith(suffix)) ? str : concat(str + suffix);
} else if (str.endsWith(suffix)) {
return concat(prefix, str);
} else {
return concat(prefix, str, suffix);
* Wraps the input string with the specified prefix and suffix.
* If the input string is {@code null}, it will be treated as an empty string.
* @param str The string to be wrapped. May be {@code null}.
* @param prefixSuffix The string to be used as both the prefix and suffix for wrapping. Must not be empty.
* @return The input string wrapped with the prefixSuffix at both ends.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the prefixSuffix is empty.
public static String wrap(final String str, final String prefixSuffix) throws IllegalArgumentException {
N.checkArgNotEmpty(prefixSuffix, cs.prefixSuffix);
return wrap(str, prefixSuffix, prefixSuffix);
* Wraps the input string with the specified prefix and suffix.
* If the input string is {@code null}, it will be treated as an empty string.
* Strings.wrap(null, "[", "]") -> "[]"
* Strings.wrap("", "[", "]") -> "[]"
* Strings.wrap("[", "[", "]") -> "[[]"
* Strings.wrap("]", "[", "]") -> "[]]"
* Strings.wrap("abc", "[", "]") -> "[abc]"
* Strings.wrap("a", "aa", "aa") -> "aaaaa"
* Strings.wrap("aa", "aa", "aa") -> "aaaaaa"
* Strings.wrap("aaa", "aa", "aa") -> "aaaaaaa"
* @param str The string to be wrapped. May be {@code null}.
* @param prefix The string to be used as the prefix for wrapping. Must not be empty.
* @param suffix The string to be used as the suffix for wrapping. Must not be empty.
* @return The input string wrapped with the prefix and suffix at both ends.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the prefix or suffix is empty.
public static String wrap(final String str, final String prefix, final String suffix) throws IllegalArgumentException {
N.checkArgNotEmpty(prefix, cs.prefix);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(prefix, cs.suffix);
if (isEmpty(str)) {
return concat(prefix, suffix);
} else {
return concat(prefix, str, suffix);
* Unwraps the input string if it is wrapped by the specified prefixSuffix at both ends.
* If the input string is {@code null} or empty, the original string is returned.
* If the input string is not wrapped by the prefixSuffix, the original string is returned.
* If the input string is wrapped by the prefixSuffix, the prefixSuffix is removed from both ends.
* @param str The string to be unwrapped. May be {@code null} or empty.
* @param prefixSuffix The string used as both the prefix and suffix for unwrapping. Must not be empty.
* @return The input string with the prefixSuffix removed from both ends if they were present; otherwise, the original string.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the prefixSuffix is empty.
public static String unwrap(final String str, final String prefixSuffix) throws IllegalArgumentException {
N.checkArgNotEmpty(prefixSuffix, cs.prefixSuffix);
return unwrap(str, prefixSuffix, prefixSuffix);
* Unwraps the input string if it is wrapped by the specified prefix and suffix.
* If the input string is {@code null} or empty, the original string is returned.
* If the input string is not wrapped by the prefix and suffix, the original string is returned.
* If the input string is wrapped by the prefix and suffix, the prefix and suffix are removed from both ends.
* Strings.unwrap(null, "[", "]") -> ""
* Strings.unwrap("", "[", "]") -> ""
* Strings.unwrap("[", "[", "]") -> "["
* Strings.unwrap("]", "[", "]") -> "["
* Strings.unwrap("[abc]", "[", "]") -> "abc"
* Strings.unwrap("aaaaa", "aa", "aa") -> "a"
* Strings.unwrap("aa", "aa", "aa") -> "aa"
* Strings.unwrap("aaa", "aa", "aa") -> "aaa"
* Strings.unwrap("aaaa", "aa", "aa") -> ""
* @param str The string to be unwrapped. May be {@code null} or empty.
* @param prefix The string used as the prefix for unwrapping. Must not be empty.
* @param suffix The string used as the suffix for unwrapping. Must not be empty.
* @return The input string with the prefix and suffix removed from both ends if they were present; otherwise, the original string.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the prefix or suffix is empty.
public static String unwrap(final String str, final String prefix, final String suffix) throws IllegalArgumentException {
N.checkArgNotEmpty(prefix, cs.prefix);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(prefix, cs.suffix);
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
return str;
} else if (str.length() - prefix.length() >= suffix.length() && str.startsWith(prefix) && str.endsWith(suffix)) {
return str.substring(prefix.length(), str.length() - suffix.length());
} else {
return str;
* Checks if is lower case.
* @param ch
* @return {@code true} if is lower case
public static boolean isLowerCase(final char ch) {
return Character.isLowerCase(ch);
* Checks if is ascii lower case.
* @param ch
* @return {@code true} if is ascii lower case
public static boolean isAsciiLowerCase(final char ch) {
return (ch >= 'a') && (ch <= 'z');
* Checks if is upper case.
* @param ch
* @return {@code true} if is upper case
public static boolean isUpperCase(final char ch) {
return Character.isUpperCase(ch);
* Checks if is ascii upper case.
* @param ch
* @return {@code true} if is ascii upper case
public static boolean isAsciiUpperCase(final char ch) {
return (ch >= 'A') && (ch <= 'Z');
* Checks if all characters in the given CharSequence are lower case.
* @param cs the CharSequence to check, may be null
* @return {@code true} if all characters are lower case or the CharSequence is empty; {@code false} otherwise
public static boolean isAllLowerCase(final CharSequence cs) {
if (isEmpty(cs)) {
return true;
final int len = cs.length();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (!Character.isLowerCase(cs.charAt(i))) {
return false;
return true;
* Checks if all characters in the given CharSequence are upper case.
* @param cs the CharSequence to check, may be null
* @return {@code true} if all characters are upper case or the CharSequence is empty; {@code false} otherwise
public static boolean isAllUpperCase(final CharSequence cs) {
if (isEmpty(cs)) {
return true;
final int len = cs.length();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (!Character.isUpperCase(cs.charAt(i))) {
return false;
return true;
* Copied from Apache Commons Lang: StringUtils#isMixedCase.
* Checks if the given CharSequence is mixed case.
* A CharSequence is considered mixed case if it contains both uppercase and lowercase characters.
* If the CharSequence is empty or only contains a single character, it is not considered mixed case.
* @param cs The CharSequence to check. It may be {@code null}.
* @return {@code true} if the CharSequence is mixed case, {@code false} otherwise.
public static boolean isMixedCase(final CharSequence cs) {
if (isEmpty(cs) || cs.length() == 1) {
return false;
boolean containsUppercase = false;
boolean containsLowercase = false;
final int len = cs.length();
char ch = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
ch = cs.charAt(i);
if (Character.isUpperCase(ch)) {
containsUppercase = true;
} else if (Character.isLowerCase(ch)) {
containsLowercase = true;
if (containsUppercase && containsLowercase) {
return true;
return false;
* Checks if is digit.
* @param ch
* @return {@code true} if is digit
* @see Character#isDigit(char)
public static boolean isDigit(final char ch) {
return Character.isDigit(ch);
* Checks if is letter.
* @param ch
* @return {@code true} if is letter
* @see Character#isLetter(char)
public static boolean isLetter(final char ch) {
return Character.isLetter(ch);
* Checks if is letter or digit.
* @param ch
* @return {@code true} if is letter or digit
* @see Character#isLetterOrDigit(char)
public static boolean isLetterOrDigit(final char ch) {
return Character.isLetterOrDigit(ch);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Checks whether the character is ASCII 7 bit.
* Strings.isAscii('a') = true
* Strings.isAscii('A') = true
* Strings.isAscii('3') = true
* Strings.isAscii('-') = true
* Strings.isAscii('\n') = true
* Strings.isAscii('©') = false
* @param ch
* the character to check
* @return {@code true} if less than 128
public static boolean isAscii(final char ch) {
return ch < 128;
* Checks whether the character is ASCII 7 bit printable.
* Strings.isAsciiPrintable('a') = true
* Strings.isAsciiPrintable('A') = true
* Strings.isAsciiPrintable('3') = true
* Strings.isAsciiPrintable('-') = true
* Strings.isAsciiPrintable('\n') = false
* Strings.isAsciiPrintable('©') = false
* @param ch
* the character to check
* @return {@code true} if between 32 and 126 inclusive
public static boolean isAsciiPrintable(final char ch) {
return ch > 31 && ch < 127;
* Checks whether the character is ASCII 7 bit control.
* Strings.isAsciiControl('a') = false
* Strings.isAsciiControl('A') = false
* Strings.isAsciiControl('3') = false
* Strings.isAsciiControl('-') = false
* Strings.isAsciiControl('\n') = true
* Strings.isAsciiControl('©') = false
* @param ch
* the character to check
* @return {@code true} if less than 32 or equals 127
public static boolean isAsciiControl(final char ch) {
return ch < 32 || ch == 127;
* Checks whether the character is ASCII 7 bit alphabetic.
* Strings.isAsciiAlpha('a') = true
* Strings.isAsciiAlpha('A') = true
* Strings.isAsciiAlpha('3') = false
* Strings.isAsciiAlpha('-') = false
* Strings.isAsciiAlpha('\n') = false
* Strings.isAsciiAlpha('©') = false
* @param ch
* the character to check
* @return {@code true} if between 65 and 90 or 97 and 122 inclusive
public static boolean isAsciiAlpha(final char ch) {
return isAsciiAlphaUpper(ch) || isAsciiAlphaLower(ch);
* Checks whether the character is ASCII 7 bit alphabetic upper case.
* Strings.isAsciiAlphaUpper('a') = false
* Strings.isAsciiAlphaUpper('A') = true
* Strings.isAsciiAlphaUpper('3') = false
* Strings.isAsciiAlphaUpper('-') = false
* Strings.isAsciiAlphaUpper('\n') = false
* Strings.isAsciiAlphaUpper('©') = false
* @param ch
* the character to check
* @return {@code true} if between 65 and 90 inclusive
public static boolean isAsciiAlphaUpper(final char ch) {
return ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z';
* Checks whether the character is ASCII 7 bit alphabetic lower case.
* Strings.isAsciiAlphaLower('a') = true
* Strings.isAsciiAlphaLower('A') = false
* Strings.isAsciiAlphaLower('3') = false
* Strings.isAsciiAlphaLower('-') = false
* Strings.isAsciiAlphaLower('\n') = false
* Strings.isAsciiAlphaLower('©') = false
* @param ch
* the character to check
* @return {@code true} if between 97 and 122 inclusive
public static boolean isAsciiAlphaLower(final char ch) {
return ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z';
* Checks whether the character is ASCII 7 bit numeric.
* Strings.isAsciiNumeric('a') = false
* Strings.isAsciiNumeric('A') = false
* Strings.isAsciiNumeric('3') = true
* Strings.isAsciiNumeric('-') = false
* Strings.isAsciiNumeric('\n') = false
* Strings.isAsciiNumeric('©') = false
* @param ch
* the character to check
* @return {@code true} if between 48 and 57 inclusive
public static boolean isAsciiNumeric(final char ch) {
return ch >= '0' && ch <= '9';
* Checks whether the character is ASCII 7 bit numeric.
* Strings.isAsciiAlphanumeric('a') = true
* Strings.isAsciiAlphanumeric('A') = true
* Strings.isAsciiAlphanumeric('3') = true
* Strings.isAsciiAlphanumeric('-') = false
* Strings.isAsciiAlphanumeric('\n') = false
* Strings.isAsciiAlphanumeric('©') = false
* @param ch
* the character to check
* @return {@code true} if between 48 and 57 or 65 and 90 or 97 and 122 inclusive
public static boolean isAsciiAlphanumeric(final char ch) {
return isAsciiAlpha(ch) || isAsciiNumeric(ch);
* Checks if the CharSequence contains only ASCII printable characters.
* {@code null} will return {@code false}.
* An empty CharSequence (length()=0) will return {@code true}.
* Strings.isAsciiPrintable(null) = false
* Strings.isAsciiPrintable("") = true
* Strings.isAsciiPrintable(" ") = true
* Strings.isAsciiPrintable("Ceki") = true
* Strings.isAsciiPrintable("ab2c") = true
* Strings.isAsciiPrintable("!ab-c~") = true
* Strings.isAsciiPrintable("\u0020") = true
* Strings.isAsciiPrintable("\u0021") = true
* Strings.isAsciiPrintable("\u007e") = true
* Strings.isAsciiPrintable("\u007f") = false
* Strings.isAsciiPrintable("Ceki G\u00fclc\u00fc") = false
* @param cs
* @return {@code true} if is ascii printable. {@code false} is returned if the specified {@code CharSequence} is {@code null}.
public static boolean isAsciiPrintable(final CharSequence cs) {
if (cs == null) {
return false;
final int len = cs.length();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (!isAsciiPrintable(cs.charAt(i))) {
return false;
return true;
* Checks if is ascii alpha.
* @param cs
* @return {@code true} if is ascii alpha, and is {@code non-null}. {@code false} is returned if the specified {@code CharSequence} is {@code null} or empty.
public static boolean isAsciiAlpha(final CharSequence cs) {
if (isEmpty(cs)) {
return false;
final int len = cs.length();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (!isAsciiAlpha(cs.charAt(i))) {
return false;
return true;
* Checks if is ascii alpha space.
* @param cs
* @return {@code true} if is ascii alpha space, and is {@code non-null}. {@code false} is returned if the specified {@code CharSequence} is {@code null}.
public static boolean isAsciiAlphaSpace(final CharSequence cs) {
if (cs == null) {
return false;
final int len = cs.length();
char ch = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
ch = cs.charAt(i);
if (!isAsciiAlpha(ch) && ch != ' ') {
return false;
return true;
* Checks if is ascii alphanumeric.
* @param cs
* @return {@code true} if is ascii alphanumeric, and is {@code non-null}. {@code false} is returned if the specified {@code CharSequence} is {@code null} or empty.
public static boolean isAsciiAlphanumeric(final CharSequence cs) {
if (isEmpty(cs)) {
return false;
final int len = cs.length();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (!isAsciiAlphanumeric(cs.charAt(i))) {
return false;
return true;
* Checks if is ascii alphanumeric space.
* @param cs
* @return {@code true} if is ascii alphanumeric space, and is {@code non-null}. {@code false} is returned if the specified {@code CharSequence} is {@code null}.
public static boolean isAsciiAlphanumericSpace(final CharSequence cs) {
if (cs == null) {
return false;
final int len = cs.length();
char ch = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
ch = cs.charAt(i);
if (!isAsciiAlphanumeric(ch) && ch != ' ') {
return false;
return true;
* Checks if is ascii numeric.
* @param cs
* @return {@code true} if is ascii numeric, and is {@code non-null}. {@code false} is returned if the specified {@code CharSequence} is {@code null} or empty.
public static boolean isAsciiNumeric(final CharSequence cs) {
if (isEmpty(cs)) {
return false;
final int len = cs.length();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (!isAsciiNumeric(cs.charAt(i))) {
return false;
return true;
// Character Tests
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Checks if the CharSequence contains only Unicode letters.
* {@code null} or empty CharSequence (length()=0) will return {@code false}
* .
* Strings.isAlpha(null) = false
* Strings.isAlpha("") = false
* Strings.isAlpha(" ") = false
* Strings.isAlpha("abc") = true
* Strings.isAlpha("ab2c") = false
* Strings.isAlpha("ab-c") = false
* @param cs
* the CharSequence to check, may be null
* @return {@code true} if only contains letters, and is {@code non-null}. {@code false} is returned if the specified {@code CharSequence} is {@code null} or empty.
* isAlpha(CharSequence)
public static boolean isAlpha(final CharSequence cs) {
if (isEmpty(cs)) {
return false;
final int len = cs.length();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (!Character.isLetter(cs.charAt(i))) {
return false;
return true;
* Checks if the CharSequence contains only Unicode letters and space (' ').
* {@code null} or empty CharSequence (length()=0) will return {@code false}
* .
* Strings.isAlphaSpace(null) = false
* Strings.isAlphaSpace("") = true
* Strings.isAlphaSpace(" ") = true
* Strings.isAlphaSpace("abc") = true
* Strings.isAlphaSpace("ab c") = true
* Strings.isAlphaSpace("ab2c") = false
* Strings.isAlphaSpace("ab-c") = false
* @param cs
* the CharSequence to check, may be null
* @return {@code true} if only contains letters and space, and is {@code non-null}. {@code false} is returned if the specified {@code CharSequence} is {@code null}.
* isAlphaSpace(CharSequence)
public static boolean isAlphaSpace(final CharSequence cs) {
if (cs == null) {
return false;
final int len = cs.length();
char ch = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
ch = cs.charAt(i);
if (!Character.isLetter(ch) && ch != ' ') {
return false;
return true;
* Checks if the CharSequence contains only Unicode letters or digits.
* {@code null} or empty CharSequence (length()=0) will return {@code false}
* .
* Strings.isAlphanumeric(null) = false
* Strings.isAlphanumeric("") = false
* Strings.isAlphanumeric(" ") = false
* Strings.isAlphanumeric("abc") = true
* Strings.isAlphanumeric("ab c") = false
* Strings.isAlphanumeric("ab2c") = true
* Strings.isAlphanumeric("ab-c") = false
* @param cs
* the CharSequence to check, may be null
* @return {@code true} if only contains letters or digits, and is {@code non-null}. {@code false} is returned if the specified {@code CharSequence} is {@code null} or empty.
* isAlphanumeric(CharSequence)
public static boolean isAlphanumeric(final CharSequence cs) {
if (isEmpty(cs)) {
return false;
final int len = cs.length();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (!Character.isLetterOrDigit(cs.charAt(i))) {
return false;
return true;
* Checks if the CharSequence contains only Unicode letters, digits or space
* ({@code ' '}).
* {@code null} or empty CharSequence (length()=0) will return {@code false}
* .
* Strings.isAlphanumericSpace(null) = false
* Strings.isAlphanumericSpace("") = true
* Strings.isAlphanumericSpace(" ") = true
* Strings.isAlphanumericSpace("abc") = true
* Strings.isAlphanumericSpace("ab c") = true
* Strings.isAlphanumericSpace("ab2c") = true
* Strings.isAlphanumericSpace("ab-c") = false
* @param cs
* the CharSequence to check, may be null
* @return {@code true} if only contains letters, digits or space, and is {@code non-null}. {@code false} is returned if the specified {@code CharSequence} is {@code null}.
* isAlphanumericSpace(CharSequence)
public static boolean isAlphanumericSpace(final CharSequence cs) {
if (cs == null) {
return false;
final int len = cs.length();
char ch = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
ch = cs.charAt(i);
if (!Character.isLetterOrDigit(ch) && ch != ' ') {
return false;
return true;
* Checks if the CharSequence contains only Unicode digits. A decimal point
* is not a Unicode digit and returns {@code false}.
* {@code null} will return {@code false}. An empty CharSequence
* (length()=0) will return {@code false}.
* Note that the method does not allow for a leading sign, either positive
* or negative. Also, if a String passes the numeric test, it may still
* generate a NumberFormatException when parsed by Integer.parseInt or
* Long.parseLong, e.g. if the value is outside the range for int or long
* respectively.
* Strings.isNumeric(null) = false
* Strings.isNumeric("") = false
* Strings.isNumeric(" ") = false
* Strings.isNumeric("123") = true
* Strings.isNumeric("12 3") = false
* Strings.isNumeric("ab2c") = false
* Strings.isNumeric("12-3") = false
* Strings.isNumeric("12.3") = false
* Strings.isNumeric("-123") = false
* Strings.isNumeric("+123") = false
* @param cs
* the CharSequence to check, may be null
* @return {@code true} if only contains digits, and is {@code non-null}. {@code false} is returned if the specified {@code CharSequence} is {@code null} or empty.
* isNumeric(CharSequence)
public static boolean isNumeric(final CharSequence cs) {
if (isEmpty(cs)) {
return false;
final int len = cs.length();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (!Character.isDigit(cs.charAt(i))) {
return false;
return true;
* Checks if the CharSequence contains only Unicode digits or space
* ({@code ' '}).
* A decimal point is not a Unicode digit and returns {@code false}.
* {@code null} will return {@code false}.
* An empty CharSequence (length()=0) will return {@code true}.
* Strings.isNumericSpace(null) = false
* Strings.isNumericSpace("") = true
* Strings.isNumericSpace(" ") = true
* Strings.isNumericSpace("123") = true
* Strings.isNumericSpace("12 3") = true
* Strings.isNumericSpace("\u0967\u0968\u0969") = true
* Strings.isNumericSpace("\u0967\u0968 \u0969") = true
* Strings.isNumericSpace("ab2c") = false
* Strings.isNumericSpace("12-3") = false
* Strings.isNumericSpace("12.3") = false
* @param cs
* the CharSequence to check, may be null
* @return {@code true} if only contains digits or space, and is {@code non-null}. {@code false} is returned if the specified {@code CharSequence} is {@code null}.
* isNumericSpace(CharSequence)
public static boolean isNumericSpace(final CharSequence cs) {
if (cs == null) {
return false;
final int len = cs.length();
char ch = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
ch = cs.charAt(i);
if (!Character.isDigit(ch) && ch != ' ') {
return false;
return true;
* Checks if the CharSequence contains only whitespace.
* Whitespace is defined by {@link Character#isWhitespace(char)}.
* {@code null} will return {@code false}.
* An empty CharSequence (length()=0) will return {@code true}.
* Strings.isWhitespace(null) = false
* Strings.isWhitespace("") = true
* Strings.isWhitespace(" ") = true
* Strings.isWhitespace("abc") = false
* Strings.isWhitespace("ab2c") = false
* Strings.isWhitespace("ab-c") = false
* @param cs
* the CharSequence to check, may be null
* @return {@code true} if only contains whitespace, and is {@code non-null}. {@code false} is returned if the specified {@code CharSequence} is {@code null}.
* isWhitespace(CharSequence)
public static boolean isWhitespace(final CharSequence cs) {
if (cs == null) {
return false;
final int len = cs.length();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (!Character.isWhitespace(cs.charAt(i))) {
return false;
return true;
* Note: It's copied from NumberUtils in Apache Commons Lang under Apache
* License 2.0
* Checks whether the String a valid Java number. {@code true} is
* returned if there is a number which can be initialized by
* {@code createNumber} with specified String.
* {@code Null} and empty String will return {@code false}.
* @param str the {@code String} to check
* @return {@code true} if the string is a correctly formatted number
* @see Numbers#isNumber(String)
* @see Numbers#isCreatable(String)
* @see Numbers#isParsable(String)
* validation
* @deprecated use {@link Numbers#isNumber(String)} instead
public static boolean isNumber(final String str) {
return Numbers.isNumber(str);
* {@code true} is returned if the specified {@code str} only
* includes characters ('0' ~ '9', '.', '-', '+', 'e').
* {@code false} is return if the specified String is null/empty, or contains empty chars.
* "0" => true
* " 0.1 " => false
* "abc" => false
* "1 a" => false
* "2e10" => true
* "2E-10" => true
* @param str
* @return {@code true} if is ascii digital number
public static boolean isAsciiDigitalNumber(final String str) {
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
return false;
int count = 0;
final int len = str.length();
char ch = str.charAt(0);
int i = 0;
if (ch == '+' || ch == '-') {
for (; i < len; i++) {
ch = str.charAt(i);
if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
} else {
if (i < len && str.charAt(i) == '.') {
if (count == 0) {
return false;
} else {
count = 0;
for (; i < len; i++) {
ch = str.charAt(i);
if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
} else {
if (count == 0) {
return false;
if (i == len) {
return true;
ch = str.charAt(i);
if (ch != 'e' && ch != 'E') {
return false;
} else {
count = 0;
if (i < len && (str.charAt(i) == '+' || str.charAt(i) == '-')) {
for (; i < len; i++) {
ch = str.charAt(i);
if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
} else {
return (count != 0) && (i == len);
* {@code true} is returned if the specified {@code str} only
* includes characters ('0' ~ '9', '-', '+' ).
* {@code false} is return if the specified String is null/empty, or contains empty chars.
* "-123" => true
* "+123" => true
* "123" => true
* "+0" => true
* "-0" => true
* "0" => true
* " 0.1 " => false
* "abc" => false
* "1 a" => false
* "2e10" => false
* @param str
* @return {@code true} if is ascii digital integer
public static boolean isAsciiDigitalInteger(final String str) {
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
return false;
int count = 0;
final int len = str.length();
char ch = str.charAt(0);
int i = 0;
if (ch == '+' || ch == '-') {
for (; i < len; i++) {
ch = str.charAt(i);
if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
} else {
if (count == 0) {
return false;
return i == len;
* Returns the index within this string of the first occurrence of the specified character.
* If a character with value {@code charValueToFind} occurs in the character sequence represented by
* this {@code String} object, then the index of the first such occurrence is returned.
* @param str The string to be checked. May be {@code null} or empty.
* @param charValueToFind The Unicode code of the character to be found.
* @return The index of the first occurrence of the character in the character sequence represented by this object,
* or -1 if the character does not occur.
public static int indexOf(final String str, final int charValueToFind) {
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
return str.indexOf(charValueToFind);
* Returns the index within the input string of the first occurrence of the specified character, starting the search at the specified index.
* If a character with value {@code charValueToFind} occurs in the character sequence represented by the input {@code String} object,
* then the index of the first such occurrence is returned.
* @param str The string to be checked. May be {@code null} or empty.
* @param charValueToFind The Unicode code of the character to be found.
* @param fromIndex The index to start the search from.
* @return The index of the first occurrence of the character in the character sequence represented by this object,
* or -1 if the character does not occur.
public static int indexOf(final String str, final int charValueToFind, final int fromIndex) {
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
return str.indexOf(charValueToFind, fromIndex);
* Returns the index within the input string of the first occurrence of the specified substring.
* If a substring with value {@code valueToFind} occurs in the character sequence represented by the input {@code String} object,
* then the index of the first such occurrence is returned.
* @param str The string to be checked. May be {@code null} or empty.
* @param valueToFind The substring to be found.
* @return The index of the first occurrence of the substring in the character sequence represented by this object,
* or -1 if the substring does not occur.
public static int indexOf(final String str, final String valueToFind) {
if (str == null || valueToFind == null || valueToFind.length() > str.length()) {
return str.indexOf(valueToFind);
* Returns the index within the input string of the first occurrence of the specified substring, starting the search at the specified index.
* If a substring with value {@code valueToFind} occurs in the character sequence represented by the input {@code String} object,
* then the index of the first such occurrence is returned.
* @param str The string to be checked. May be {@code null} or empty.
* @param valueToFind The substring to be found.
* @param fromIndex The index to start the search from.
* @return The index of the first occurrence of the substring in the character sequence represented by this object,
* or -1 if the substring does not occur.
public static int indexOf(final String str, final String valueToFind, final int fromIndex) {
if (str == null || valueToFind == null || valueToFind.length() > str.length() - fromIndex) {
return str.indexOf(valueToFind, fromIndex);
* Returns the index within the input string of the first occurrence of any specified character.
* If a character within the array {@code valuesToFind} occurs in the character sequence represented by the input {@code String} object,
* then the index of the first such occurrence is returned.
* @param str The string to be checked. May be {@code null} or empty.
* @param valuesToFind The array of characters to be found.
* @return The index of the first occurrence of any character in the character sequence represented by this object,
* or -1 if none of the characters occur.
public static int indexOfAny(final String str, final char... valuesToFind) {
return indexOfAny(str, 0, valuesToFind);
* Returns the index within the input string of the first occurrence of any specified character, starting the search at the specified index.
* If a character within the array {@code valuesToFind} occurs in the character sequence represented by the input {@code String} object,
* then the index of the first such occurrence is returned.
* @param str The string to be checked. May be {@code null} or empty.
* @param fromIndex The index to start the search from.
* @param valuesToFind The array of characters to be found.
* @return The index of the first occurrence of any character in the character sequence represented by this object,
* or -1 if none of the characters occur.
public static int indexOfAny(final String str, final int fromIndex, final char... valuesToFind) {
checkInputChars(valuesToFind, cs.valuesToFind, true);
if (isEmpty(str) || N.isEmpty(valuesToFind)) {
final int strLen = str.length();
char ch = 0;
for (int i = Math.max(fromIndex, 0); i < strLen; i++) {
ch = str.charAt(i);
for (final char c : valuesToFind) {
if (c == ch) {
// checked by checkInputChars
// if (i < strLast && j < chsLast && Character.isHighSurrogate(ch)) {
// // ch is a supplementary character
// if (valuesToFind[j + 1] == str.charAt(i + 1)) {
// return i;
// }
// } else {
// return i;
// }
return i;
* Returns the index within the input string of the first occurrence of any specified substring.
* If a substring within the array {@code valuesToFind} occurs in the character sequence represented by the input {@code String} object,
* then the index of the first such occurrence is returned.
* @param str The string to be checked. May be {@code null} or empty.
* @param valuesToFind The array of substrings to be found.
* @return The index of the first occurrence of any substring in the character sequence represented by this object,
* or -1 if none of the substrings occur.
public static int indexOfAny(final String str, final String... valuesToFind) {
return indexOfAny(str, 0, valuesToFind);
* Returns the index within the input string of the first occurrence of any specified substring, starting the search at the specified index.
* If a substring within the array {@code valuesToFind} occurs in the character sequence represented by the input {@code String} object,
* then the index of the first such occurrence is returned.
* @param str The string to be checked. May be {@code null} or empty.
* @param fromIndex The index to start the search from.
* @param valuesToFind The array of substrings to be found.
* @return The index of the first occurrence of any substring in the character sequence represented by this object,
* or -1 if none of the substrings occur.
public static int indexOfAny(final String str, final int fromIndex, final String... valuesToFind) {
if (str == null || N.isEmpty(valuesToFind)) {
int idx = 0;
for (final String element : valuesToFind) {
if (isEmpty(element)) {
idx = indexOf(str, element, fromIndex);
if (idx != N.INDEX_NOT_FOUND) {
return idx;
* Returns the index within the input string of the first occurrence of any character
* that is not in the specified array of characters to exclude.
* If a character not within the array {@code valuesToExclude} occurs in the character
* sequence represented by the input {@code String} object, then the index of the first
* such occurrence is returned.
* @param str The string to be checked. May be {@code null} or empty.
* @param valuesToExclude The array of characters to exclude from the search.
* @return The index of the first occurrence of any character not in the array of characters
* to exclude, or -1 if all characters are in the array or the string is {@code null} or empty.
public static int indexOfAnyBut(final String str, final char... valuesToExclude) {
return indexOfAnyBut(str, 0, valuesToExclude);
* Returns the index within the input string of the first occurrence of any character
* that is not in the specified array of characters to exclude, starting the search at the specified index.
* If a character not within the array {@code valuesToExclude} occurs in the character
* sequence represented by the input {@code String} object, then the index of the first
* such occurrence is returned.
* @param str The string to be checked. May be {@code null} or empty.
* @param fromIndex The index to start the search from.
* @param valuesToExclude The array of characters to exclude from the search.
* @return The index of the first occurrence of any character not in the array of characters
* to exclude, or -1 if all characters are in the array or the string is {@code null} or empty.
public static int indexOfAnyBut(final String str, final int fromIndex, final char... valuesToExclude) {
checkInputChars(valuesToExclude, cs.valuesToExclude, true);
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
if (N.isEmpty(valuesToExclude)) {
return 0;
final int strLen = str.length();
char ch = 0;
outer: for (int i = Math.max(fromIndex, 0); i < strLen; i++) {//NOSONAR
ch = str.charAt(i);
for (final char c : valuesToExclude) {
if (c == ch) {
// checked by checkInputChars
// if (i < strLast && j < chsLast && Character.isHighSurrogate(ch)) {
// if (valuesToExclude[j + 1] == str.charAt(i + 1)) {
// continue outer;
// }
// } else {
// continue outer;
// }
continue outer;
return i;
* Returns the index within the input string of the first occurrence of the specified substring,
* using the specified delimiter to separate the search.
* If a substring with value {@code valueToFind} occurs in the character sequence represented by the input {@code String} object,
* then the index of the first such occurrence is returned.
* @param str The string to be checked. May be {@code null} or empty.
* @param valueToFind The substring to be found.
* @param delimiter The delimiter to separate the search.
* @return The index of the first occurrence of the substring in the character sequence represented by this object,
* or -1 if the substring does not occur.
public static int indexOf(final String str, final String valueToFind, final String delimiter) {
return indexOf(str, valueToFind, delimiter, 0);
* Returns the index within the input string of the first occurrence of the specified substring,
* using the specified delimiter to separate the search, starting the search at the specified index.
* If a substring with value {@code valueToFind} occurs in the character sequence represented by the input {@code String} object,
* then the index of the first such occurrence is returned.
* @param str The string to be checked. May be {@code null} or empty.
* @param valueToFind The substring to be found.
* @param delimiter The delimiter to separate the search.
* @param fromIndex The index to start the search from.
* @return The index of the first occurrence of the substring in the character sequence represented by this object,
* or -1 if the substring does not occur.
public static int indexOf(final String str, final String valueToFind, final String delimiter, final int fromIndex) {
if (isEmpty(delimiter)) {
return indexOf(str, valueToFind, fromIndex);
if (str == null || valueToFind == null) {
final int len = str.length();
final int targetLen = fromIndex > 0 ? len - fromIndex : len;
final int substrLen = valueToFind.length();
final int delimiterLen = delimiter.length();
if (targetLen < substrLen || (targetLen > substrLen && targetLen - substrLen < delimiterLen)) {
final int index = str.indexOf(valueToFind, fromIndex);
if (index < 0) {
if ((index == fromIndex || (index - fromIndex >= delimiterLen && delimiter.equals(str.substring(index - delimiterLen, index))))
&& (index + substrLen == len
|| (len >= index + substrLen + delimiterLen && delimiter.equals(str.substring(index + substrLen, index + substrLen + delimiterLen))))) {
return index;
int idx = str.indexOf(delimiter + valueToFind + delimiter, index);
if (idx >= 0) {
return idx + delimiterLen;
} else {
idx = str.indexOf(delimiter + valueToFind, index);
if (idx >= 0 && idx + delimiterLen + substrLen == len) {
return idx + delimiterLen;
* Returns the index within the input string of the first occurrence of the specified substring, ignoring case considerations.
* If a substring with value {@code valueToFind} occurs in the character sequence represented by the input {@code String} object,
* then the index of the first such occurrence is returned.
* @param str The string to be checked. May be {@code null} or empty.
* @param valueToFind The substring to be found.
* @return The index of the first occurrence of the substring in the character sequence represented by this object,
* or -1 if the substring does not occur.
public static int indexOfIgnoreCase(final String str, final String valueToFind) {
return indexOfIgnoreCase(str, valueToFind, 0);
* Returns the index within the input string of the first occurrence of the specified substring, ignoring case considerations,
* starting the search at the specified index.
* If a substring with value {@code valueToFind} occurs in the character sequence represented by the input {@code String} object,
* then the index of the first such occurrence is returned.
* @param str The string to be checked. May be {@code null} or empty.
* @param valueToFind The substring to be found.
* @param fromIndex The index to start the search from.
* @return The index of the first occurrence of the substring in the character sequence represented by this object,
* or -1 if the substring does not occur.
public static int indexOfIgnoreCase(final String str, final String valueToFind, final int fromIndex) {
if (str == null || valueToFind == null || valueToFind.length() > str.length() - fromIndex) {
for (int i = fromIndex, len = str.length(), substrLen = valueToFind.length(), end = len - substrLen + 1; i < end; i++) {
if (str.regionMatches(true, i, valueToFind, 0, substrLen)) {
return i;
* Returns the index within the input string of the first occurrence of the specified substring, ignoring case considerations.
* If a substring with value {@code valueToFind} occurs in the character sequence represented by the input {@code String} object,
* then the index of the first such occurrence is returned.
* @param str The string to be checked. May be {@code null} or empty.
* @param valueToFind The substring to be found.
* @param delimiter The delimiter to be used for the search.
* @return The index of the first occurrence of the substring in the character sequence represented by this object, or -1 if the substring does not occur.
public static int indexOfIgnoreCase(final String str, final String valueToFind, final String delimiter) {
return indexOfIgnoreCase(str, valueToFind, delimiter, 0);
* Returns the index within the input string of the first occurrence of the specified substring, ignoring case considerations.
* If a substring with value {@code valueToFind} occurs in the character sequence represented by the input {@code String} object,
* then the index of the first such occurrence is returned.
* @param str The string to be checked. May be {@code null} or empty.
* @param valueToFind The substring to be found.
* @param delimiter The delimiter to be used for the search.
* @param fromIndex The index to start the search from.
* @return The index of the first occurrence of the substring in the character sequence represented by this object, or -1 if the substring does not occur.
public static int indexOfIgnoreCase(final String str, final String valueToFind, final String delimiter, final int fromIndex) {
if (isEmpty(delimiter)) {
return indexOfIgnoreCase(str, valueToFind, fromIndex);
if (str == null || valueToFind == null) {
final int len = str.length();
final int targetLen = fromIndex > 0 ? len - fromIndex : len;
final int substrLen = valueToFind.length();
final int delimiterLen = delimiter.length();
if (targetLen < substrLen || (targetLen > substrLen && targetLen - substrLen < delimiterLen)) {
final int index = indexOfIgnoreCase(str, valueToFind, fromIndex);
if (index < 0) {
if ((index == fromIndex || (index - fromIndex >= delimiterLen && delimiter.equalsIgnoreCase(str.substring(index - delimiterLen, index))))
&& (index + substrLen == len || (len >= index + substrLen + delimiterLen
&& delimiter.equalsIgnoreCase(str.substring(index + substrLen, index + substrLen + delimiterLen))))) {
return index;
int idx = indexOfIgnoreCase(str, delimiter + valueToFind + delimiter, index);
if (idx >= 0) {
return idx + delimiterLen;
} else {
idx = indexOfIgnoreCase(str, delimiter + valueToFind, index);
if (idx >= 0 && idx + delimiterLen + substrLen == len) {
return idx + delimiterLen;
* Returns the index within this string of the last occurrence of the specified character.
* If a character with value {@code charValueToFind} occurs in the character sequence represented by
* this {@code String} object, then the index of the last such occurrence is returned.
* @param str The string to be checked. May be {@code null} or empty.
* @param charValueToFind The Unicode code of the character to be found.
* @return The index of the last occurrence of the character in the character sequence represented by this object, or -1 if the character does not occur.
public static int lastIndexOf(final String str, final int charValueToFind) {
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
return str.lastIndexOf(charValueToFind);
* Returns the index within this string of the last occurrence of the
* specified character, searching backward starting at the specified index.
* For values of {@code ch} in the range from 0 to 0xFFFF (inclusive),
* the index returned is the largest value k such that:
* {@code (this.charAt(k ) == ch) && (k <= fromIndex)}
* is {@code true}. For other values of {@code ch}, it is the
* largest value k such that:
* {@code (this.codePointAt(k ) == ch) && (k <= fromIndex)}
* is {@code true}. In either case, if no such character occurs in
* this string at or before position {@code fromIndex}, then
* {@code -1} is returned.
* All indices are specified in {@code char} values (Unicode code
* units).
* @param str
* @param charValueToFind a character (Unicode code point).
* @param startIndexFromBack the index to start the search from. There is no restriction on
* the value of {@code fromIndex}. If it is greater than or
* equal to the length of this string, it has the same effect as
* if it were equal to one less than the length of this string:
* this entire string may be searched. If it is negative, it has
* the same effect as if it were -1: -1 is returned.
* @return
* character sequence represented by this object that is less than
* or equal to {@code fromIndex}, or {@code -1} if the
* character does not occur before that point.
public static int lastIndexOf(final String str, final int charValueToFind, final int startIndexFromBack) {
if (str == null || str.isEmpty() || startIndexFromBack < 0) {
return str.lastIndexOf(charValueToFind, startIndexFromBack);
* Last index of.
* @param str
* @param valueToFind
* @return
public static int lastIndexOf(final String str, final String valueToFind) {
if (str == null || valueToFind == null || valueToFind.length() > str.length()) {
return str.lastIndexOf(valueToFind);
* Returns the index within {@code str} of the last occurrence of the
* specified {@code substr}, searching backward starting at the
* specified index.
* The returned index is the largest value k for which:
* {@code k <= fromIndex && str.startsWith(substr, k )}
* If no such value of k exists, then {@code -1} is
* returned.
* @param str
* @param valueToFind
* @param startIndexFromBack The index to start the search from, searching backward.
* @return
public static int lastIndexOf(final String str, final String valueToFind, final int startIndexFromBack) {
if (str == null || valueToFind == null || startIndexFromBack < 0 || valueToFind.length() > str.length()) {
return str.lastIndexOf(valueToFind, startIndexFromBack);
* Returns the index within the input string of the last occurrence of the specified substring,
* using the specified delimiter to separate the search.
* If a substring with value {@code valueToFind} occurs in the character sequence represented by the input {@code String} object,
* then the index of the last such occurrence is returned.
* @param str The string to be checked. May be {@code null} or empty.
* @param valueToFind The substring to be found.
* @param delimiter The delimiter to separate the search.
* @return The index of the last occurrence of the substring in the character sequence represented by this object,
* or -1 if the substring does not occur.
public static int lastIndexOf(final String str, final String valueToFind, final String delimiter) {
return lastIndexOf(str, valueToFind, delimiter, str.length());
* Returns the index within the input string of the last occurrence of the specified substring,
* using the specified delimiter to separate the search, starting the search at the specified index.
* If a substring with value {@code valueToFind} occurs in the character sequence represented by the input {@code String} object,
* then the index of the last such occurrence is returned.
* @param str The string to be checked. May be {@code null} or empty.
* @param valueToFind The substring to be found.
* @param delimiter The delimiter to separate the search.
* @param startIndexFromBack The index to start the search from, searching backward.
* @return The index of the last occurrence of the substring in the character sequence represented by this object,
* or -1 if the substring does not occur.
public static int lastIndexOf(final String str, final String valueToFind, final String delimiter, final int startIndexFromBack) {
if (isEmpty(delimiter)) {
return lastIndexOf(str, valueToFind, startIndexFromBack);
} else if (str == null || valueToFind == null || startIndexFromBack < 0) {
final int len = str.length();
final int substrLen = valueToFind.length();
final int delimiterLen = delimiter.length();
if (len < substrLen || (len > substrLen && len - substrLen < delimiterLen)) {
int index = str.lastIndexOf(delimiter + valueToFind, startIndexFromBack);
if (index >= 0 && index + delimiter.length() + valueToFind.length() == len) {
return index + delimiter.length();
index = str.lastIndexOf(delimiter + valueToFind + delimiter, startIndexFromBack);
if (index >= 0) {
return index + delimiter.length();
index = str.lastIndexOf(valueToFind, startIndexFromBack);
if (index < 0) {
//noinspection DuplicateExpressions
if (index == 0 && (index + valueToFind.length() == len || (len >= index + valueToFind.length() + delimiter.length()
&& delimiter.equals(str.substring(index + valueToFind.length(), index + valueToFind.length() + delimiter.length()))))) {
return index;
* Returns the index within the input string of the last occurrence of the specified substring, ignoring case considerations.
* If a substring with value {@code valueToFind} occurs in the character sequence represented by the input {@code String} object,
* then the index of the last such occurrence is returned.
* @param str The string to be checked. May be {@code null} or empty.
* @param valueToFind The substring to be found.
* @return The index of the last occurrence of the substring in the character sequence represented by this object,
* or -1 if the substring does not occur.
public static int lastIndexOfIgnoreCase(final String str, final String valueToFind) {
if (str == null || valueToFind == null || valueToFind.length() > str.length()) {
return lastIndexOfIgnoreCase(str, valueToFind, str.length());
* Returns the index within the input string of the last occurrence of the specified substring, ignoring case considerations,
* searching backward starting at the specified index.
* If a substring with value {@code valueToFind} occurs in the character sequence represented by the input {@code String} object,
* then the index of the last such occurrence is returned.
* @param str The string to be checked. May be {@code null} or empty.
* @param valueToFind The substring to be found.
* @param startIndexFromBack The index to start the search from, searching backward.
* @return The index of the last occurrence of the substring in the character sequence represented by this object,
* or -1 if the substring does not occur.
public static int lastIndexOfIgnoreCase(final String str, final String valueToFind, final int startIndexFromBack) {
if (str == null || valueToFind == null || startIndexFromBack < 0 || valueToFind.length() > str.length()) {
for (int i = N.min(startIndexFromBack, str.length() - valueToFind.length()), substrLen = valueToFind.length(); i >= 0; i--) {
if (str.regionMatches(true, i, valueToFind, 0, substrLen)) {
return i;
* Returns the index within the input string of the last occurrence of any specified character.
* If a character within the array {@code valuesToFind} occurs in the character sequence represented by the input {@code String} object,
* then the index of the last such occurrence is returned.
* @param str The string to be checked. May be {@code null} or empty.
* @param valuesToFind The array of characters to be found.
* @return The index of the last occurrence of any character in the character sequence represented by this object,
* or -1 if none of the characters occur.
public static int lastIndexOfAny(final String str, final char... valuesToFind) {
checkInputChars(valuesToFind, cs.valuesToFind, true);
if (isEmpty(str) || N.isEmpty(valuesToFind)) {
int idx = 0;
for (final char ch : valuesToFind) {
idx = str.lastIndexOf(ch);
if (idx != N.INDEX_NOT_FOUND) {
return idx;
final int strLen = str.length();
final int chsLen = valuesToFind.length;
char ch = 0;
for (int i = strLen - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
ch = str.charAt(i);
for (int j = chsLen - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
if (valuesToFind[j] == ch) {
// checked by checkInputChars
// if (i > 0 && j > 0 && Character.isHighSurrogate(ch = str.charAt(i - 1))) {
// // ch is a supplementary character
// if (valuesToFind[j - 1] == ch) {
// return i - 1;
// }
// } else {
// return i;
// }
return i;
* Returns the index within the input string of the last occurrence of any specified substring.
* If a substring within the array {@code valuesToFind} occurs in the character sequence represented by the input {@code String} object,
* then the index of the last such occurrence is returned.
* @param str The string to be checked. May be {@code null} or empty.
* @param valuesToFind The array of substrings to be found.
* @return The index of the last occurrence of any substring in the character sequence represented by this object,
* or -1 if none of the substrings occur.
public static int lastIndexOfAny(final String str, final String... valuesToFind) {
if (str == null || N.isEmpty(valuesToFind)) {
int idx = 0;
for (final String substr : valuesToFind) {
if (substr == null) {
idx = str.lastIndexOf(substr);
if (idx != N.INDEX_NOT_FOUND) {
return idx;
// Shared code between ordinalIndexOf(String,String,int) and
* Ordinal index of.
* @param str
* @param substr
* @param ordinal
* @param isLastIndex
* @return
// lastOrdinalIndexOf(String,String,int)
private static int ordinalIndexOf(final String str, final String substr, final int ordinal, final boolean isLastIndex) {
if (ordinal < 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("ordinal(" + ordinal + ") must be >= 1");
if (str == null || substr == null || substr.length() > str.length()) {
int fromIndex = isLastIndex ? str.length() : 0;
for (int found = 0; fromIndex >= 0;) {
fromIndex = isLastIndex ? str.lastIndexOf(substr, fromIndex) : str.indexOf(substr, fromIndex);
if (fromIndex < 0) {
if (++found >= ordinal) {
fromIndex = isLastIndex ? (fromIndex - substr.length()) : (fromIndex + substr.length());
return fromIndex;
* Returns the smallest index of any specified substring within the input string.
* If a substring within the array {@code valuesToFind} occurs in the character sequence represented by the input {@code String} object,
* then the smallest index of such occurrences is returned.
* @param str The string to be checked. May be {@code null} or empty.
* @param valuesToFind The array of substrings to be found.
* @return The smallest index of any substring in the character sequence represented by this object,
* or -1 if none of the substrings occur.
public static int smallestIndicesOfAll(final String str, final String... valuesToFind) {
return smallestIndicesOfAll(str, 0, valuesToFind);
* Find the smallest index of any substrings in {@code valuesToFind} from {@code fromIndex}.
* @param str
* @param fromIndex
* @param valuesToFind
* @return
* @see #indexOfAny(String, int, String[])
public static int smallestIndicesOfAll(final String str, final int fromIndex, final String... valuesToFind) {
if (str == null || N.isEmpty(valuesToFind)) {
final int len = str.length();
int result = N.INDEX_NOT_FOUND;
for (final String substr : valuesToFind) {
if (substr == null || (fromIndex + substr.length() > len)) {
final int tmp = str.indexOf(substr, fromIndex);
result = tmp >= 0 && (result == N.INDEX_NOT_FOUND || tmp < result) ? tmp : result;
if (result == fromIndex) {
return result;
* Find the largest index of any substrings in {@code valuesToFind}.
* @param str
* @param valuesToFind
* @return
* @see #indexOfAny(String, String...)
public static int largestIndicesOfAll(final String str, final String... valuesToFind) {
return largestIndicesOfAll(str, 0, valuesToFind);
* Find the largest index of any substrings in {@code valuesToFind}.
* @param str
* @param fromIndex
* @param valuesToFind
* @return
* @see #indexOfAny(String, int, String[])
public static int largestIndicesOfAll(final String str, final int fromIndex, final String... valuesToFind) {
if (str == null || N.isEmpty(valuesToFind)) {
final int len = str.length();
final List sortedSubstrs = Stream.of(valuesToFind) //
.filter(it -> !(it == null || (fromIndex + it.length() > len)))
int result = N.INDEX_NOT_FOUND;
for (final String substr : sortedSubstrs) {
result = N.max(result, str.indexOf(substr, fromIndex));
if (result == len - substr.length()) {
return result;
* Find the smallest last index of any substrings in {@code valuesToFind}.
* This method starts searching from the end of the string towards the beginning.
* @param str The string to search within. It may be {@code null}.
* @param valuesToFind The substrings to find within the string. These may be empty or {@code null}.
* @return The smallest last index where any of the provided substrings is found in the string.
* If none of the substrings are found, it returns -1.
* @see #indexOfAny(String, String...)
public static int smallestLastIndicesOfAll(final String str, final String... valuesToFind) {
return smallestLastIndicesOfAll(str, N.len(str), valuesToFind);
* Find the smallest last index of any substrings in {@code valuesToFind} from {@code fromIndex}.
* @param str
* @param fromIndex
* @param valuesToFind
* @return
* @see #indexOfAny(String, int, String[])
public static int smallestLastIndicesOfAll(final String str, final int fromIndex, final String... valuesToFind) {
if (str == null || N.isEmpty(valuesToFind)) {
final int len = str.length();
int result = N.INDEX_NOT_FOUND;
for (final String substr : valuesToFind) {
if (substr == null || substr.length() > len) {
final int tmp = str.lastIndexOf(substr, fromIndex);
result = tmp >= 0 && (result == N.INDEX_NOT_FOUND || tmp < result) ? tmp : result;
if (result == 0) {
return result;
* Find the largest index among the first index of any substrings in {@code valuesToFind}.
* @param str
* @param valuesToFind
* @return
* @see #indexOfAny(String, String...)
public static int largestLastIndicesOfAll(final String str, final String... valuesToFind) {
return largestLastIndicesOfAll(str, N.len(str), valuesToFind);
* Find the largest index among the first index of any substrings in {@code valuesToFind}.
* @param str
* @param fromIndex
* @param valuesToFind
* @return
* @see #indexOfAny(String, int, String[])
public static int largestLastIndicesOfAll(final String str, final int fromIndex, final String... valuesToFind) {
if (str == null || N.isEmpty(valuesToFind)) {
final int len = str.length();
int result = N.INDEX_NOT_FOUND;
for (final String substr : valuesToFind) {
if (substr == null || substr.length() > len) {
result = N.max(result, str.lastIndexOf(substr, fromIndex));
if (result == fromIndex) {
return result;
* Finds the n-th occurrence of the specified value within the input string.
* @param str The string to be checked. May be {@code null} or empty.
* @param valueToFind The value to be found.
* @param ordinal The n-th occurrence to find.
* @return The index of the n-th occurrence of the specified value within the input string,
* or -1 if the value does not occur as many times as requested.
public static int ordinalIndexOf(final String str, final String valueToFind, final int ordinal) {
return ordinalIndexOf(str, valueToFind, ordinal, false);
* Finds the n-th last occurrence of the specified value within the input string.
* @param str The string to be checked. May be {@code null} or empty.
* @param valueToFind The value to be found.
* @param ordinal The n-th last occurrence to find.
* @return The index of the n-th last occurrence of the specified value within the input string,
* or -1 if the value does not occur as many times as requested.
public static int lastOrdinalIndexOf(final String str, final String valueToFind, final int ordinal) {
return ordinalIndexOf(str, valueToFind, ordinal, true);
* Counts the number of occurrences of the specified character in the given string.
* @param str the string to be checked, may be {@code null} or empty
* @param charValueToFind the character to be counted
* @return the number of occurrences of the specified character in the string, or 0 if the string is {@code null} or empty
* @see N#occurrencesOf(String, char)
public static int countMatches(final String str, final char charValueToFind) {
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
return 0;
int occurrences = 0;
for (final char e : InternalUtil.getCharsForReadOnly(str)) {
if (e == charValueToFind) {
return occurrences;
* Counts the number of occurrences of the specified substring in the given string.
* @param str the string to be checked, may be {@code null} or empty
* @param valueToFind the substring to be counted
* @return the number of occurrences of the specified substring in the string, or 0 if the string is {@code null} or empty
* @see N#occurrencesOf(String, String)
public static int countMatches(final String str, final String valueToFind) {
if (str == null || valueToFind == null) {
return 0;
int occurrences = 0;
for (int len = N.len(str), substrLen = N.len(valueToFind), index = 0, fromIndex = 0, toIndex = len - substrLen; fromIndex <= toIndex;) {
index = str.indexOf(valueToFind, fromIndex);
if (index < 0) {
} else {
fromIndex = index + substrLen;
return occurrences;
* Checks if the specified character is present in the given string.
* @param str the string to be checked, may be {@code null} or empty
* @param charValueToFind the character to be found
* @return {@code true} if the character is found in the string, {@code false} otherwise
public static boolean contains(final String str, final char charValueToFind) {
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
return false;
return indexOf(str, charValueToFind) != N.INDEX_NOT_FOUND;
* Checks if the specified substring is present in the given string.
* @param str the string to be checked, may be {@code null} or empty
* @param valueToFind the substring to be found
* @return {@code true} if the substring is found in the string, {@code false} otherwise
public static boolean contains(final String str, final String valueToFind) {
if (str == null || valueToFind == null) {
return false;
return indexOf(str, valueToFind) != N.INDEX_NOT_FOUND;
* Checks if the specified substring is present in the given string, considering the specified delimiter.
* @param str the string to be checked, may be {@code null} or empty
* @param valueToFind the substring to be found
* @param delimiter the delimiter to be considered
* @return {@code true} if the substring is found in the string considering the delimiter, {@code false} otherwise
public static boolean contains(final String str, final String valueToFind, final String delimiter) {
if (str == null || valueToFind == null) {
return false;
return indexOf(str, valueToFind, delimiter) != N.INDEX_NOT_FOUND;
* Checks if the specified substring is present in the given string, ignoring case considerations.
* @param str the string to be checked, may be {@code null} or empty
* @param valueToFind the substring to be found
* @return {@code true} if the substring is found in the string, ignoring case considerations, {@code false} otherwise
public static boolean containsIgnoreCase(final String str, final String valueToFind) {
if (str == null || valueToFind == null) {
return false;
return indexOfIgnoreCase(str, valueToFind) != N.INDEX_NOT_FOUND;
* Checks if the specified substring is present in the given string, considering the specified delimiter and ignoring case considerations.
* @param str the string to be checked, may be {@code null} or empty
* @param valueToFind the substring to be found
* @param delimiter the delimiter to be considered
* @return {@code true} if the substring is found in the string considering the delimiter and ignoring case considerations, {@code false} otherwise
public static boolean containsIgnoreCase(final String str, final String valueToFind, final String delimiter) {
if (str == null || valueToFind == null) {
return false;
return indexOfIgnoreCase(str, valueToFind, delimiter) != N.INDEX_NOT_FOUND;
* Checks if all the specified characters are present in the given string.
* The method returns {@code true} if the specified character array is empty.
* @param str the string to be checked, may be {@code null} or empty
* @param valuesToFind the array of characters to be found
* @return {@code true} if all the characters are found in the given string or the specified {@code valuesToFind} char array is {@code null} or empty, {@code false} otherwise.
public static boolean containsAll(final String str, final char... valuesToFind) {
checkInputChars(valuesToFind, cs.valuesToFind, true);
if (N.isEmpty(valuesToFind)) {
return true;
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
return false;
for (final char ch : valuesToFind) {
if (str.indexOf(ch) < 0) {
return false;
return true;
* Checks if all the specified substrings are present in the given string.
* The method returns {@code true} if the specified substring array is empty.
* @param str the string to be checked, may be {@code null} or empty
* @param valuesToFind the array of substrings to be found
* @return {@code true} if all the substrings are found in the given string or the specified substring array is {@code null} or empty, {@code false} otherwise
public static boolean containsAll(final String str, final String... valuesToFind) {
if (N.isEmpty(valuesToFind)) {
return true;
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
return false;
for (final String searchStr : valuesToFind) {
if (!Strings.contains(str, searchStr)) {
return false;
return true;
* Checks if all the specified substrings are present in the given string, ignoring case considerations.
* The method returns {@code true} if the specified substring array is empty.
* @param str the string to be checked, may be {@code null} or empty
* @param valuesToFind the array of substrings to be found
* @return {@code true} if all the substrings are found in the given string or the specified substring array is {@code null} or empty, ignoring case considerations, {@code false} otherwise
public static boolean containsAllIgnoreCase(final String str, final String... valuesToFind) {
if (N.isEmpty(valuesToFind)) {
return true;
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
return false;
for (final String searchStr : valuesToFind) {
if (!Strings.containsIgnoreCase(str, searchStr)) {
return false;
return true;
* Checks if any of the specified characters are present in the given string.
* @param str the string to be checked, may be {@code null} or empty
* @param valuesToFind the array of characters to be found
* @return {@code true} if any of the characters are found in the given string, {@code false} otherwise if not or if the specified {@code valuesToFind} char array is {@code null} or empty
* @see #containsNone(String, char...)
public static boolean containsAny(final String str, final char... valuesToFind) {
if (isEmpty(str) || N.isEmpty(valuesToFind)) {
return false;
return indexOfAny(str, valuesToFind) != N.INDEX_NOT_FOUND;
* Checks if any of the specified substrings are present in the given string.
* @param str the string to be checked, may be {@code null} or empty
* @param valuesToFind the array of substrings to be found
* @return {@code true} if any of the substrings are found in the given string, {@code false} otherwise if not or if the specified substrings array is {@code null} or empty
* @see #containsNone(String, String...)
public static boolean containsAny(final String str, final String... valuesToFind) {
if (isEmpty(str) || N.isEmpty(valuesToFind)) {
return false;
return indexOfAny(str, valuesToFind) != N.INDEX_NOT_FOUND;
* Checks if any of the specified substrings are present in the given string, ignoring case considerations.
* @param str the string to be checked, may be {@code null} or empty
* @param valuesToFind the array of substrings to be found
* @return {@code true} if any of the substrings are found in the given string, ignoring case considerations, {@code false} otherwise if not or if the specified substrings array is {@code null} or empty
* @see #containsNoneIgnoreCase(String, String...)
public static boolean containsAnyIgnoreCase(final String str, final String... valuesToFind) {
if (isEmpty(str) || N.isEmpty(valuesToFind)) {
return false;
if (valuesToFind.length == 1) {
return containsIgnoreCase(str, valuesToFind[0]);
} else if (valuesToFind.length == 2) {
if (containsIgnoreCase(str, valuesToFind[0])) {
return true;
return containsIgnoreCase(str, valuesToFind[1]);
final String sourceText = str.toLowerCase();
for (final String searchStr : valuesToFind) {
if (isNotEmpty(searchStr) && indexOf(sourceText, searchStr.toLowerCase()) != N.INDEX_NOT_FOUND) {
return true;
return false;
* Checks if none of the specified characters are present in the given string.
* The method returns {@code true} if the string is {@code null} or empty, or if the specified character array is empty.
* @param str the string to be checked, may be {@code null} or empty
* @param valuesToFind the array of characters to be checked
* @return {@code true} if none of the characters are found in the given string or if the given string is {@code null} or empty, or if the specified {@code valuesToFind} char array is {@code null} or empty, {@code false} otherwise
* @see #containsAny(String, char...)
public static boolean containsNone(final String str, final char... valuesToFind) {
checkInputChars(valuesToFind, cs.valuesToFind, true);
if (isEmpty(str) || N.isEmpty(valuesToFind)) {
return true;
final int strLen = str.length();
char ch = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < strLen; i++) {
ch = str.charAt(i);
for (final char c : valuesToFind) {
if (c == ch) {
// checked by checkInputChars
// if (Character.isHighSurrogate(ch)) {
// if ((j == chsLast) || (i < strLast && valuesToFind[j + 1] == str.charAt(i + 1))) {
// return false;
// }
// } else {
// // ch is in the Basic Multilingual Plane
// return false;
// }
return false;
return true;
* Checks if none of the specified substrings are present in the given string.
* The method returns {@code true} if the string is {@code null} or empty, or if the specified substring array is empty.
* @param str the string to be checked, may be {@code null} or empty
* @param valuesToFind the array of substrings to be checked
* @return {@code true} if none of the substrings are found in the given string or if the given string is {@code null} or empty, or if the specified {@code valuesToFind} char array is {@code null} or empty, {@code false} otherwise
* @see #containsAny(String, String...)
public static boolean containsNone(final String str, final String... valuesToFind) {
if (isEmpty(str) || N.isEmpty(valuesToFind)) {
return true;
return !containsAny(str, valuesToFind);
* Checks if none of the specified substrings are present in the given string, ignoring case considerations.
* The method returns {@code true} if the string is {@code null} or empty, or if the specified substring array is empty.
* @param str the string to be checked, may be {@code null} or empty
* @param valuesToFind the array of substrings to be checked
* @return {@code true} if none of the substrings are found in the given string or if the given string is {@code null} or empty, or if the specified {@code valuesToFind} char array is {@code null} or empty, ignoring case considerations, {@code false} otherwise
* @see #containsAnyIgnoreCase(String, String...)
public static boolean containsNoneIgnoreCase(final String str, final String... valuesToFind) {
if (isEmpty(str) || N.isEmpty(valuesToFind)) {
return true;
return !containsAnyIgnoreCase(str, valuesToFind);
* Checks if the given string contains only the specified character.
* The method returns {@code true} if the string is {@code null} or empty.
* @param str the string to be checked, may be {@code null} or empty
* @param valuesToFind the character to be checked
* @return {@code true} if the given string contains only the specified character or the given string is {@code null} or empty, {@code false} otherwise
public static boolean containsOnly(final String str, final char... valuesToFind) {
if (isEmpty(str)) {
return true;
} else if (N.isEmpty(valuesToFind)) {
return false;
return indexOfAnyBut(str, valuesToFind) == N.INDEX_NOT_FOUND;
* Checks if the given string contains any whitespace characters.
* @param str the string to be checked, may be {@code null} or empty
* @return {@code true} if the string contains any whitespace characters, {@code false} otherwise
// From org.springframework.util.StringUtils, under Apache License 2.0
public static boolean containsWhitespace(final String str) {
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
return false;
for (int i = 0, len = str.length(); i < len; i++) {
if (Character.isWhitespace(str.charAt(i))) {
return true;
return false;
* Checks if the given string starts with the specified prefix.
* @param str the string to be checked, may be {@code null} or empty
* @param prefix the prefix to be checked
* @return {@code true} if the string starts with the specified prefix, {@code false} otherwise
public static boolean startsWith(final String str, final String prefix) {
return startsWith(str, prefix, false);
* Checks if the given string starts with the specified prefix, ignoring case considerations.
* @param str the string to be checked, may be {@code null} or empty
* @param prefix the prefix to be checked
* @return {@code true} if the string starts with the specified prefix, ignoring case considerations, {@code false} otherwise
public static boolean startsWithIgnoreCase(final String str, final String prefix) {
return startsWith(str, prefix, true);
* Checks if the given string starts with the specified prefix, with an option to ignore case considerations.
* @param str the string to be checked, may be {@code null} or empty
* @param prefix the prefix to be checked
* @param ignoreCase if {@code true}, the comparison is case-insensitive
* @return {@code true} if the string starts with the specified prefix, considering the case sensitivity option, {@code false} otherwise
private static boolean startsWith(final String str, final String prefix, final boolean ignoreCase) {
if (str == null || prefix == null || prefix.length() > str.length()) {
return false;
return ignoreCase ? str.regionMatches(true, 0, prefix, 0, prefix.length()) : str.startsWith(prefix);
* Checks if the given string starts with any of the specified substrings.
* @param str the string to be checked, may be {@code null} or empty
* @param substrs the array of substrings to be checked
* @return {@code true} if the string starts with any of the specified substrings, {@code false} otherwise
public static boolean startsWithAny(final String str, final String... substrs) {
if (str == null || N.isEmpty(substrs)) {
return false;
for (final String substr : substrs) {
if (startsWith(str, substr)) {
return true;
return false;
* Checks if the given string starts with any of the specified substrings, ignoring case considerations.
* @param str the string to be checked, may be {@code null} or empty
* @param substrs the array of substrings to be checked
* @return {@code true} if the string starts with any of the specified substrings, ignoring case considerations, {@code false} otherwise
public static boolean startsWithAnyIgnoreCase(final String str, final String... substrs) {
if (str == null || N.isEmpty(substrs)) {
return false;
for (final String substr : substrs) {
if (startsWithIgnoreCase(str, substr)) {
return true;
return false;
* Checks if the given string ends with the specified suffix.
* @param str the string to be checked, may be {@code null} or empty
* @param suffix the suffix to be checked
* @return {@code true} if the string ends with the specified suffix, {@code false} otherwise
public static boolean endsWith(final String str, final String suffix) {
return endsWith(str, suffix, false);
* Checks if the given string ends with the specified suffix, ignoring case considerations.
* @param str the string to be checked, may be {@code null} or empty
* @param suffix the suffix to be checked
* @return {@code true} if the string ends with the specified suffix, ignoring case considerations, {@code false} otherwise
public static boolean endsWithIgnoreCase(final String str, final String suffix) {
return endsWith(str, suffix, true);
* Checks if the given string ends with any of the specified substrings.
* @param str the string to be checked, may be {@code null} or empty
* @param substrs the array of substrings to be checked
* @return {@code true} if the string ends with any of the specified substrings, {@code false} otherwise
public static boolean endsWithAny(final String str, final String... substrs) {
if (str == null || N.isEmpty(substrs)) {
return false;
for (final String searchString : substrs) {
if (endsWith(str, searchString)) {
return true;
return false;
* Checks if the given string ends with any of the specified substrings, ignoring case considerations.
* @param str the string to be checked, may be {@code null} or empty
* @param substrs the array of substrings to be checked
* @return {@code true} if the string ends with any of the specified substrings, ignoring case considerations, {@code false} otherwise
public static boolean endsWithAnyIgnoreCase(final String str, final String... substrs) {
if (str == null || N.isEmpty(substrs)) {
return false;
for (final String searchString : substrs) {
if (endsWithIgnoreCase(str, searchString)) {
return true;
return false;
* Checks if the given string ends with the specified suffix, with an option to ignore case considerations.
* @param str the string to be checked, may be {@code null} or empty
* @param suffix the suffix to be checked
* @param ignoreCase if {@code true}, the comparison is case-insensitive
* @return {@code true} if the string ends with the specified suffix, considering the case sensitivity option, {@code false} otherwise
private static boolean endsWith(final String str, final String suffix, final boolean ignoreCase) {
if (str == null || suffix == null || suffix.length() > str.length()) {
return false;
final int strOffset = str.length() - suffix.length();
return ignoreCase ? str.regionMatches(true, strOffset, suffix, 0, suffix.length()) : str.endsWith(suffix);
* Compares two strings for equality.
* @param a the first string to compare, may be null
* @param b the second string to compare, may be null
* @return {@code true} if the strings are equal, {@code false} otherwise
public static boolean equals(final String a, final String b) {
return (a == null) ? b == null : (b != null && a.length() == b.length() && a.equals(b));
* Compares two strings for equality, ignoring case considerations.
* @param a the first string to compare, may be null
* @param b the second string to compare, may be null
* @return {@code true} if the strings are equal, ignoring case considerations, {@code false} otherwise
public static boolean equalsIgnoreCase(final String a, final String b) {
return (a == null) ? b == null : (a.equalsIgnoreCase(b));
* Checks if the given string is equal to any of the specified search strings.
* @param str the string to be checked, may be null
* @param searchStrings the array of strings to compare against, may be {@code null} or empty
* @return {@code true} if the string is equal to any of the specified search strings, {@code false} otherwise
public static boolean equalsAny(final String str, final String... searchStrings) {
if (N.isEmpty(searchStrings)) {
return false;
for (final String searchString : searchStrings) {
if (equals(str, searchString)) {
return true;
return false;
* Checks if the given string is equal to any of the specified search strings, ignoring case considerations.
* @param str the string to be checked, may be null
* @param searchStrs the array of strings to compare against, may be {@code null} or empty
* @return {@code true} if the string is equal to any of the specified search strings, ignoring case considerations, {@code false} otherwise
public static boolean equalsAnyIgnoreCase(final String str, final String... searchStrs) {
if (N.isEmpty(searchStrs)) {
return false;
} else if (searchStrs.length == 1) {
return equalsIgnoreCase(str, searchStrs[0]);
} else if (searchStrs.length == 2) {
if (equalsIgnoreCase(str, searchStrs[0])) {
return true;
return equalsIgnoreCase(str, searchStrs[1]);
final String sourceText = str.toLowerCase();
for (final String searchStr : searchStrs) {
if (equals(sourceText, searchStr.toLowerCase())) {
return true;
return false;
* Compares two strings lexicographically, ignoring case considerations. Null is considered less than any string.
* @param a the first string to compare, may be null
* @param b the second string to compare, may be null
* @return a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the first string is less than, equal to, or greater than the second string, ignoring case considerations
public static int compareIgnoreCase(final String a, final String b) {
return a == null ? (b == null ? 0 : -1) : (b == null ? 1 : a.compareToIgnoreCase(b));
* Compares two Strings, and returns the index at which the Strings begin
* to differ.
* For example,
* {@code indexOfDifference("i am a machine", "i am a robot") -> 7}
* Strings.indexOfDifference(null, null) = -1
* Strings.indexOfDifference("", "") = -1
* Strings.indexOfDifference("", "abc") = 0
* Strings.indexOfDifference("abc", "") = 0
* Strings.indexOfDifference("abc", "abc") = -1
* Strings.indexOfDifference("ab", "abxyz") = 2
* Strings.indexOfDifference("abcde", "abxyz") = 2
* Strings.indexOfDifference("abcde", "xyz") = 0
* @param a
* the first String, may be null
* @param b
* the second String, may be null
* @return
public static int indexOfDifference(final String a, final String b) {
if (N.equals(a, b) || (isEmpty(a) && isEmpty(b))) {
if (isEmpty(a) || isEmpty(b)) {
return 0;
int i = 0;
for (final int len = N.min(a.length(), b.length()); i < len; i++) {
if (a.charAt(i) != b.charAt(i)) {
if (i < b.length() || i < a.length()) {
return i;
* Compares all Strings in an array and returns the index at which the
* Strings begin to differ.
* For example,
* indexOfDifference(new String[] {"i am a machine", "i am a robot"}) -> 7
* Strings.indexOfDifference(null) = -1
* Strings.indexOfDifference(new String[] {}) = -1
* Strings.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"abc"}) = -1
* Strings.indexOfDifference(new String[] {null, null}) = -1
* Strings.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"", ""}) = -1
* Strings.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"", null}) = -1
* Strings.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"abc", {@code null}, null}) = 0
* Strings.indexOfDifference(new String[] {null, {@code null}, "abc"}) = 0
* Strings.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"", "abc"}) = 0
* Strings.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"abc", ""}) = 0
* Strings.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"abc", "abc"}) = -1
* Strings.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"abc", "a"}) = 1
* Strings.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"ab", "abxyz"}) = 2
* Strings.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"abcde", "abxyz"}) = 2
* Strings.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"abcde", "xyz"}) = 0
* Strings.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"xyz", "abcde"}) = 0
* Strings.indexOfDifference(new String[] {"i am a machine", "i am a robot"}) = 7
* @param strs
* array of Strings, entries may be null
* @return
* equal or null/empty
public static int indexOfDifference(final String... strs) {
if (N.isEmpty(strs) || strs.length == 1) {
final int arrayLen = strs.length;
int shortestStrLen = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int longestStrLen = 0;
// find the min and max string lengths; this avoids checking to make
// sure we are not exceeding the length of the string each time through
// the bottom loop.
for (final String str : strs) {
if (str == null) {
shortestStrLen = 0;
} else {
shortestStrLen = Math.min(str.length(), shortestStrLen);
longestStrLen = Math.max(str.length(), longestStrLen);
// handle lists containing all nulls or all empty strings
if (longestStrLen == 0) {
if (shortestStrLen == 0) {
return 0;
// find the position with the first difference across all strings
int firstDiff = -1;
char comparisonChar = 0;
for (int stringPos = 0; stringPos < shortestStrLen; stringPos++) {
comparisonChar = strs[0].charAt(stringPos);
for (int arrayPos = 1; arrayPos < arrayLen; arrayPos++) {
if (strs[arrayPos].charAt(stringPos) != comparisonChar) {
firstDiff = stringPos;
if (firstDiff != -1) {
if (firstDiff == -1 && shortestStrLen != longestStrLen) {
// we compared all the characters up to the length of the
// shortest string and didn't find a match, but the string lengths
// vary, so return the length of the shortest string.
return shortestStrLen;
return firstDiff;
// --------- from Google Guava
* Returns the length of the common prefix between two CharSequences.
* If either CharSequence is empty, returns 0.
* @param a the first CharSequence to compare, may be null
* @param b the second CharSequence to compare, may be null
* @return the length of the common prefix, or 0 if either CharSequence is empty
public static int lengthOfCommonPrefix(final CharSequence a, final CharSequence b) {
if (isEmpty(a) || isEmpty(b)) {
return 0;
final int maxPrefixLength = Math.min(a.length(), b.length());
int cnt = 0;
while (cnt < maxPrefixLength && a.charAt(cnt) == b.charAt(cnt)) {
if (validSurrogatePairAt(a, cnt - 1) || validSurrogatePairAt(b, cnt - 1)) {
return cnt;
* Returns the length of the common suffix between two CharSequences.
* If either CharSequence is empty, returns 0.
* @param a the first CharSequence to compare, may be null
* @param b the second CharSequence to compare, may be null
* @return the length of the common suffix, or 0 if either CharSequence is empty
public static int lengthOfCommonSuffix(final CharSequence a, final CharSequence b) {
if (isEmpty(a) || isEmpty(b)) {
return 0;
final int aLength = a.length();
final int bLength = b.length();
final int maxSuffixLength = Math.min(aLength, bLength);
int cnt = 0;
while (cnt < maxSuffixLength && a.charAt(aLength - cnt - 1) == b.charAt(bLength - cnt - 1)) {
if (validSurrogatePairAt(a, aLength - cnt - 1) || validSurrogatePairAt(b, bLength - cnt - 1)) {
return cnt;
* Note: copy from Google Guava under Apache License v2
* Returns the longest string {@code prefix} such that
* {@code a.toString().startsWith(prefix) && b.toString().startsWith(prefix)}
* , taking care not to split surrogate pairs. If {@code a} and {@code b}
* have no common prefix, returns the empty string.
* @param a the first CharSequence to compare
* @param b the second CharSequence to compare
* @return the longest common prefix, or an empty string if there is no common prefix
public static String commonPrefix(final CharSequence a, final CharSequence b) {
if (isEmpty(a) || isEmpty(b)) {
final int commonPrefixLen = lengthOfCommonPrefix(a, b);
if (commonPrefixLen == a.length()) {
return a.toString();
} else if (commonPrefixLen == b.length()) {
return b.toString();
} else {
return a.subSequence(0, commonPrefixLen).toString();
* Returns the longest common prefix among an array of CharSequences.
* If the array is empty, the method will return an empty string.
* If any CharSequence is empty or {@code null}, the method will return an empty string.
* @param strs The array of CharSequences to compare.
* @return The longest common prefix among the given CharSequences. Returns an empty string if the array is empty or any CharSequence is empty or {@code null}.
public static String commonPrefix(final CharSequence... strs) {
if (N.isEmpty(strs)) {
if (strs.length == 1) {
return isEmpty(strs[0]) ? EMPTY_STRING : strs[0].toString();
} else if (isAnyEmpty(strs)) {
String commonPrefix = commonPrefix(strs[0], strs[1]);
if (isEmpty(commonPrefix)) {
for (int i = 2, len = strs.length; i < len; i++) {
commonPrefix = commonPrefix(commonPrefix, strs[i]);
if (isEmpty(commonPrefix)) {
return commonPrefix;
return commonPrefix;
* Note: copy from Google Guava under Apache License v2
* Returns the longest string {@code suffix} such that
* {@code a.toString().endsWith(suffix) && b.toString().endsWith(suffix)},
* taking care not to split surrogate pairs. If {@code a} and {@code b} have
* no common suffix, returns the empty string.
* @param a the first CharSequence to compare
* @param b the second CharSequence to compare
* @return the longest common suffix, or an empty string if there is no common suffix
public static String commonSuffix(final CharSequence a, final CharSequence b) {
if (isEmpty(a) || isEmpty(b)) {
final int aLength = a.length();
final int commonSuffixLen = lengthOfCommonSuffix(a, b);
if (commonSuffixLen == aLength) {
return a.toString();
} else if (commonSuffixLen == b.length()) {
return b.toString();
} else {
return a.subSequence(aLength - commonSuffixLen, aLength).toString();
* Returns the longest common suffix between the given CharSequences.
* If any CharSequence is empty or {@code null}, the method will return an empty string.
* @param strs The CharSequences to compare.
* @return The longest common suffix between the given CharSequences. Returns an empty string if any CharSequence is empty or {@code null}.
public static String commonSuffix(final CharSequence... strs) {
if (N.isEmpty(strs)) {
if (strs.length == 1) {
return isEmpty(strs[0]) ? EMPTY_STRING : strs[0].toString();
} else if (isAnyEmpty(strs)) {
String commonSuffix = commonSuffix(strs[0], strs[1]);
if (isEmpty(commonSuffix)) {
for (int i = 2, len = strs.length; i < len; i++) {
commonSuffix = commonSuffix(commonSuffix, strs[i]);
if (isEmpty(commonSuffix)) {
return commonSuffix;
return commonSuffix;
// --------- from Google Guava
* Note: copy from Google Guava under Apache License v2
* True when a valid surrogate pair starts at the given {@code index} in the
* given {@code string}. Out-of-range indexes return {@code false}.
* @param str
* @param index
* @return
static boolean validSurrogatePairAt(final CharSequence str, final int index) {
return index >= 0 && index <= (str.length() - 2) && Character.isHighSurrogate(str.charAt(index)) && Character.isLowSurrogate(str.charAt(index + 1));
* Returns the longest common substring between two given CharSequences.
* If either CharSequence is empty or {@code null}, the method will return an empty string.
* @param a The first CharSequence.
* @param b The second CharSequence.
* @return an empty String {@code ""} is {@code a} or {@code b} is empty or {@code null}.
public static String longestCommonSubstring(final CharSequence a, final CharSequence b) {
if (isEmpty(a) || isEmpty(b)) {
final int lenA = N.len(a);
final int lenB = N.len(b);
char[] charsToCheck = null;
if (lenA < lenB) {
charsToCheck = a.toString().toCharArray();
} else {
charsToCheck = b.toString().toCharArray();
checkInputChars(charsToCheck, lenA < lenB ? "a" : "b", true);
final int[] dp = new int[lenB + 1];
int endIndex = 0;
int maxLen = 0;
if (lenA > 16 || lenB > 16) {
final char[] chsA = lenA < lenB ? charsToCheck : a.toString().toCharArray();
final char[] chsB = lenA < lenB ? b.toString().toCharArray() : charsToCheck;
for (int i = 1; i <= lenA; i++) {
for (int j = lenB; j > 0; j--) {
if (chsA[i - 1] == chsB[j - 1]) {
dp[j] = 1 + dp[j - 1];
if (dp[j] > maxLen) {
maxLen = dp[j];
endIndex = i;
} else {
dp[j] = 0;
} else {
for (int i = 1; i <= lenA; i++) {
for (int j = lenB; j > 0; j--) {
if (a.charAt(i - 1) == b.charAt(j - 1)) {
dp[j] = 1 + dp[j - 1];
if (dp[j] > maxLen) {
maxLen = dp[j];
endIndex = i;
} else {
dp[j] = 0;
if (maxLen == 0) {
return a.subSequence(endIndex - maxLen, endIndex).toString();
* Returns {@code null} which means it doesn't exist if {@code (str == {@code null} || inclusiveBeginIndex < 0 || inclusiveBeginIndex > str.length())},
* otherwise returns: {@code str.substring(inclusiveBeginIndex)}.
* @param str
* @param inclusiveBeginIndex
* @return
* @see StrUtil#substring(String, int)
* @see #substring(String, int, int)
* @see #substringAfter(String, char)
public static String substring(final String str, final int inclusiveBeginIndex) {
if (str == null || inclusiveBeginIndex < 0 || inclusiveBeginIndex > str.length()) {
return null;
return str.substring(inclusiveBeginIndex);
// /**
// * Returns {@code null} which means it doesn't exist if {@code (str == null || inclusiveBeginIndex < 0 || inclusiveBeginIndex > str.length())},
// * otherwise returns: {@code str.substring(inclusiveBeginIndex)}.
// *
// * @param str
// * @param inclusiveBeginIndex
// * @return
// * @see #substring(String, int)
// * @see StrUtil#substring(String, int)
// * @see #substring(String, int, int)
// * @see #largestSubstring(String, int, int)
// */
// @MayReturnNull
// public static String substringAfter(String str, int inclusiveBeginIndex) {
// if (str == null || inclusiveBeginIndex < 0 || inclusiveBeginIndex > str.length()) {
// return null;
// }
// return str.substring(inclusiveBeginIndex);
// }
* Returns {@code null} which means it doesn't exist if {@code (str == {@code null} || inclusiveBeginIndex < 0 || exclusiveEndIndex < 0 || inclusiveBeginIndex > exclusiveEndIndex || inclusiveBeginIndex > str.length())},
* otherwise returns: {@code str.substring(inclusiveBeginIndex, min(exclusiveEndIndex, str.length()))}.
* @param str
* @param inclusiveBeginIndex
* @param exclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see StrUtil#substring(String, int, int)
public static String substring(final String str, final int inclusiveBeginIndex, final int exclusiveEndIndex) {
if (str == null || inclusiveBeginIndex < 0 || exclusiveEndIndex < 0 || inclusiveBeginIndex > exclusiveEndIndex || inclusiveBeginIndex > str.length()) {
return null;
return str.substring(inclusiveBeginIndex, N.min(exclusiveEndIndex, str.length()));
* Returns {@code null} which means it doesn't exist if {@code (str == {@code null} || inclusiveBeginIndex < 0)}, or {@code funcOfExclusiveEndIndex.applyAsInt(inclusiveBeginIndex) < 0}.
* @param str
* @param inclusiveBeginIndex
* @param funcOfExclusiveEndIndex {@code exclusiveEndIndex <- funcOfExclusiveEndIndex.applyAsInt(inclusiveBeginIndex) if inclusiveBeginIndex >= 0}
* @return
* @see StrUtil#substring(String, int, IntUnaryOperator)
* @see #substring(String, int, int)
public static String substring(final String str, final int inclusiveBeginIndex, final IntUnaryOperator funcOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
if (str == null || inclusiveBeginIndex < 0) {
return null;
return substring(str, inclusiveBeginIndex, funcOfExclusiveEndIndex.applyAsInt(inclusiveBeginIndex));
// /**
// * Returns {@code null} which means it doesn't exist if {@code (str == null || inclusiveBeginIndex < 0)}, or {@code funcOfExclusiveEndIndex.apply(str, inclusiveBeginIndex) < 0}.
// *
// * @param str
// * @param inclusiveBeginIndex
// * @param funcOfExclusiveEndIndex {@code exclusiveEndIndex <- funcOfExclusiveEndIndex.apply(str, inclusiveBeginIndex) if inclusiveBeginIndex >= 0}
// * @return {@code null} if {@code (str == null || inclusiveBeginIndex < 0)}. (auto-generated java doc for return)
// * @see #substring(String, int, int)
// */
// @MayReturnNull
// @Beta
// public static String substring(final String str, final int inclusiveBeginIndex, final BiFunction super String, Integer, Integer> funcOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
// if (str == null || inclusiveBeginIndex < 0) {
// return null;
// }
// return substring(str, inclusiveBeginIndex, funcOfExclusiveEndIndex.apply(str, inclusiveBeginIndex));
// }
* Returns {@code null} which means it doesn't exist if {@code (str == {@code null} || exclusiveEndIndex < 0)}, or {@code funcOfInclusiveBeginIndex.applyAsInt(exclusiveEndIndex) < 0}.
* @param str
* @param funcOfInclusiveBeginIndex {@code inclusiveBeginIndex <- funcOfInclusiveBeginIndex.applyAsInt(exclusiveEndIndex)) if exclusiveEndIndex > 0}
* @param exclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see StrUtil#substring(String, IntUnaryOperator, int)
* @see #substring(String, int, int)
public static String substring(final String str, final IntUnaryOperator funcOfInclusiveBeginIndex, final int exclusiveEndIndex) {
if (str == null || exclusiveEndIndex < 0) {
return null;
return substring(str, funcOfInclusiveBeginIndex.applyAsInt(exclusiveEndIndex), exclusiveEndIndex);
// /**
// * Returns {@code null} which means it doesn't exist if {@code (str == null || exclusiveEndIndex < 0)}, or {@code funcOfInclusiveBeginIndex.apply(str, exclusiveEndIndex) < 0}.
// *
// *
// * @param str
// * @param funcOfInclusiveBeginIndex {@code inclusiveBeginIndex <- funcOfInclusiveBeginIndex.apply(str, exclusiveEndIndex)) if exclusiveEndIndex > 0}
// * @param exclusiveEndIndex
// * @return {@code null} if {@code (str == null || exclusiveEndIndex < 0)}. (auto-generated java doc for return)
// * @see #substring(String, int, int)
// */
// @MayReturnNull
// @Beta
// public static String substring(final String str, final BiFunction super String, Integer, Integer> funcOfInclusiveBeginIndex, final int exclusiveEndIndex) {
// if (str == null || exclusiveEndIndex < 0) {
// return null;
// }
// return substring(str, funcOfInclusiveBeginIndex.apply(str, exclusiveEndIndex), exclusiveEndIndex);
// }
* Returns {@code null} which means it doesn't exist if {@code (str == {@code null} || str.length() == 0)}, or {@code str.indexOf(delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex) < 0},
* otherwise returns: {@code str.substring(str.indexOf(delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex))}.
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex {@code inclusiveBeginIndex <- str.indexOf(delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex)}
* @return
* @see #substringAfter(String, char)
* @deprecated
public static String substring(final String str, final char delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex) {
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
return null;
return substring(str, str.indexOf(delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex));
* Returns {@code null} which means it doesn't exist if {@code (str == {@code null} || delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex == null)}, or {@code str.indexOf(delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex) < 0},
* otherwise returns: {@code str.substring(str.indexOf(delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex))}.
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex {@code inclusiveBeginIndex <- str.indexOf(delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex)}
* @return
* @see #substringAfter(String, String)
* @deprecated
public static String substring(final String str, final String delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex) {
if (str == null || delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex == null) {
return null;
if (delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex.isEmpty()) {
return str;
return substring(str, str.indexOf(delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex));
* Returns {@code null} which means it doesn't exist if {@code (str == {@code null} || str.length() == 0 || inclusiveBeginIndex < 0 || inclusiveBeginIndex > str.length())}, or {@code str.indexOf(delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex, inclusiveBeginIndex + 1)}.
* @param str
* @param inclusiveBeginIndex
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex {@code str.indexOf(delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex, inclusiveBeginIndex + 1)}
* @return
* @see #substring(String, int, int)
* @deprecated
public static String substring(final String str, final int inclusiveBeginIndex, final char delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
if (str == null || str.isEmpty() || inclusiveBeginIndex < 0 || inclusiveBeginIndex > str.length()) {
return null;
final int index = str.indexOf(delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex, inclusiveBeginIndex + 1);
// inconsistant behavior
// if (index < 0 && str.charAt(inclusiveBeginIndex) == delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
// return EMPTY_STRING;
// }
return substring(str, inclusiveBeginIndex, index);
* Returns {@code null} which means it doesn't exist if {@code (str == {@code null} || delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex == {@code null} || inclusiveBeginIndex < 0 || inclusiveBeginIndex > str.length())}, or {@code str.indexOf(delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex, inclusiveBeginIndex + 1) < 0}.
* @param str
* @param inclusiveBeginIndex
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex {@code exclusiveEndIndex <- str.indexOf(delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex, inclusiveBeginIndex + 1) if inclusiveBeginIndex >= 0}
* @return
* @see #substring(String, int, int)
* @deprecated
public static String substring(final String str, final int inclusiveBeginIndex, final String delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
if (str == null || delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex == null || inclusiveBeginIndex < 0 || inclusiveBeginIndex > str.length()) {
return null;
if (delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex.isEmpty()) {
return substring(str, inclusiveBeginIndex, str.indexOf(delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex, inclusiveBeginIndex + 1));
* Returns {@code null} which means it doesn't exist if {@code (str == {@code null} || str.length() == 0 || exclusiveEndIndex < 0)}, or {@code str.lastIndexOf(delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex, exclusiveEndIndex - 1) < 0}.
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex {@code inclusiveBeginIndex <- str.lastIndexOf(delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex, exclusiveEndIndex - 1) if exclusiveEndIndex > 0}
* @param exclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see #substring(String, int, int)
* @deprecated
public static String substring(final String str, final char delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex, final int exclusiveEndIndex) {
if (str == null || str.isEmpty() || exclusiveEndIndex < 0) {
return null;
return substring(str, str.lastIndexOf(delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex, exclusiveEndIndex - 1), exclusiveEndIndex);
* Returns {@code null} which means it doesn't exist if {@code (str == {@code null} || delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex == {@code null} || exclusiveEndIndex < 0)}, or {@code str.lastIndexOf(delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex, exclusiveEndIndex - 1) < 0}.
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex {@code inclusiveBeginIndex <- str.lastIndexOf(delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex, exclusiveEndIndex - exclusiveEndIndex - delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex.length()) if exclusiveEndIndex > 0}
* @param exclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see #substring(String, int, int)
* @deprecated
public static String substring(final String str, final String delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex, final int exclusiveEndIndex) {
if (str == null || delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex == null || exclusiveEndIndex < 0) {
return null;
if (delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex.isEmpty()) {
return substring(str, str.lastIndexOf(delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex, exclusiveEndIndex - delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex.length()), exclusiveEndIndex);
* Returns the substring after first {@code delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex} if it exists, otherwise return {@code null} String.
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex
* @return
public static String substringAfter(final String str, final char delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex) {
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
return null;
final int index = str.indexOf(delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex);
if (index < 0) {
return null;
return str.substring(index + 1);
* Returns the substring after first {@code delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex} if it exists, otherwise return {@code null} String.
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex
* @return
public static String substringAfter(final String str, final String delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex) {
if (str == null || delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex == null) {
return null;
if (delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex.isEmpty()) {
return str;
final int index = str.indexOf(delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex);
if (index < 0) {
return null;
return str.substring(index + delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex.length());
* Returns {@code null} which means it doesn't exist if {@code str == {@code null} || delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex == {@code null} || exclusiveEndIndex < 0}, or {@code str.indexOf(delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex) < 0 || str.indexOf(delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex) + delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex.length() > exclusiveEndIndex}
* otherwise returns {@code substring(str, index + delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex.length(), exclusiveEndIndex)};
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex
* @param exclusiveEndIndex
* @return
public static String substringAfter(final String str, final String delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex, final int exclusiveEndIndex) {
if (str == null || delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex == null || exclusiveEndIndex < 0) {
return null;
if (delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex.isEmpty()) {
return substring(str, 0, exclusiveEndIndex);
} else if (exclusiveEndIndex == 0) {
return null;
final int index = str.indexOf(delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex);
if (index < 0 || index + delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex.length() > exclusiveEndIndex) {
return null;
return substring(str, index + delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex.length(), exclusiveEndIndex);
* Returns the substring after last {@code delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex} if it exists, otherwise return {@code null} String.
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex
* @return
public static String substringAfterLast(final String str, final char delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex) {
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
return null;
final int index = str.lastIndexOf(delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex);
if (index < 0) {
return null;
return str.substring(index + 1);
* Returns the substring after last {@code delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex} if it exists, otherwise return {@code null} String.
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex
* @return
public static String substringAfterLast(final String str, final String delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex) {
if (str == null || delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex == null) {
return null;
if (delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex.isEmpty()) {
final int index = str.lastIndexOf(delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex);
if (index < 0) {
return null;
return str.substring(index + delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex.length());
* Returns the substring after last {@code delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex} if it exists, otherwise return {@code null} String.
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex
* @param exclusiveEndIndex
* @return
public static String substringAfterLast(final String str, final String delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex, final int exclusiveEndIndex) {
if (str == null || delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex == null || exclusiveEndIndex < 0) {
return null;
if (delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex.isEmpty()) {
} else if (exclusiveEndIndex == 0) {
return null;
final int index = str.lastIndexOf(delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex, exclusiveEndIndex - delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex.length());
if (index < 0 || index + delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex.length() > exclusiveEndIndex) {
return null;
return str.substring(index + delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex.length(), exclusiveEndIndex);
* Returns the substring before any of {@code delimitersOfExclusiveBeginIndex} if it exists, otherwise return {@code null} String.
* @param str
* @param delimitersOfExclusiveBeginIndex
* @return
* @see #substringAfter(String, String)
public static String substringAfterAny(final String str, final char... delimitersOfExclusiveBeginIndex) {
checkInputChars(delimitersOfExclusiveBeginIndex, cs.delimitersOfExclusiveBeginIndex, true);
if (str == null || N.isEmpty(delimitersOfExclusiveBeginIndex)) {
return null;
int index = -1;
for (final char delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex : delimitersOfExclusiveBeginIndex) {
index = str.indexOf(delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex);
if (index >= 0) {
return str.substring(index + 1);
return null;
* Returns the substring before any of {@code delimitersOfExclusiveBeginIndex} if it exists, otherwise return {@code null} String.
* @param str
* @param delimitersOfExclusiveBeginIndex
* @return
* @see #substringAfter(String, String)
public static String substringAfterAny(final String str, final String... delimitersOfExclusiveBeginIndex) {
if (str == null || N.isEmpty(delimitersOfExclusiveBeginIndex)) {
return null;
String substr = null;
for (final String delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex : delimitersOfExclusiveBeginIndex) {
substr = substringAfter(str, delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex);
if (substr != null) {
return substr;
return null;
* Returns the substring before first {@code delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex} if it exists, otherwise return {@code null} String.
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex
* @return
public static String substringBefore(final String str, final char delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
if (str == null) {
return null;
final int index = str.indexOf(delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex);
if (index < 0) {
return null;
return str.substring(0, index);
* Returns the substring before first {@code delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex} if it exists, otherwise return {@code null} String.
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex
* @return
public static String substringBefore(final String str, final String delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
if (str == null || delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex == null) {
return null;
if (delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex.isEmpty()) {
final int endIndex = str.indexOf(delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex);
if (endIndex < 0) {
return null;
return str.substring(0, endIndex);
* Returns the substring before first {@code delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex} if it exists, otherwise return {@code null} String.
* @param str
* @param inclusiveBeginIndex
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex
* @return
public static String substringBefore(final String str, final int inclusiveBeginIndex, final String delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
if (str == null || delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex == null || inclusiveBeginIndex < 0 || inclusiveBeginIndex > str.length()) {
return null;
if (delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex.isEmpty()) {
} else if (inclusiveBeginIndex == str.length()) {
return null;
final int index = str.indexOf(delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex, inclusiveBeginIndex + 1);
if (index < 0) {
return null;
return str.substring(inclusiveBeginIndex, index);
* Returns the substring before last {@code delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex} if it exists, otherwise return {@code null} String.
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex
* @return
public static String substringBeforeLast(final String str, final char delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
return null;
final int index = str.lastIndexOf(delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex);
if (index < 0) {
return null;
return str.substring(0, index);
* Returns the substring before last {@code delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex} if it exists, otherwise return {@code null} String.
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex
* @return
public static String substringBeforeLast(final String str, final String delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
if (str == null || delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex == null) {
return null;
if (delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex.isEmpty()) {
return str;
final int index = str.lastIndexOf(delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex);
if (index < 0) {
return null;
return str.substring(0, index);
* Returns the substring before last {@code delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex} if it exists, otherwise return {@code null} String.
* @param str
* @param inclusiveBeginIndex
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex
* @return
public static String substringBeforeLast(final String str, final int inclusiveBeginIndex, final String delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
if (str == null || delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex == null || inclusiveBeginIndex < 0 || inclusiveBeginIndex > str.length()) {
return null;
if (delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex.isEmpty()) {
return str.substring(inclusiveBeginIndex);
} else if (inclusiveBeginIndex == str.length()) {
return null;
final int index = str.lastIndexOf(delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex);
if (index < 0 || index < inclusiveBeginIndex) {
return null;
return str.substring(inclusiveBeginIndex, index);
* Returns the substring before any of {@code delimitersOfExclusiveEndIndex} if it exists, otherwise return {@code null} String.
* @param str
* @param delimitersOfExclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see #substringBefore(String, String)
public static String substringBeforeAny(final String str, final char... delimitersOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
checkInputChars(delimitersOfExclusiveEndIndex, cs.delimitersOfExclusiveEndIndex, true);
if (str == null || N.isEmpty(delimitersOfExclusiveEndIndex)) {
return null;
int index = -1;
for (final char delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex : delimitersOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
index = str.indexOf(delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex);
if (index >= 0) {
return str.substring(0, index);
return null;
* Returns the substring before any of {@code delimitersOfExclusiveEndIndex} if it exists, otherwise return {@code null} String.
* @param str
* @param delimitersOfExclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see #substringBefore(String, String)
public static String substringBeforeAny(final String str, final String... delimitersOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
if (str == null || N.isEmpty(delimitersOfExclusiveEndIndex)) {
return null;
String substr = null;
for (final String delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex : delimitersOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
substr = substringBefore(str, delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex);
if (substr != null) {
return substr;
return null;
* Returns {@code null} which means it doesn't exist if {@code str == {@code null} || exclusiveBeginIndex < 0 || exclusiveEndIndex < 0 || exclusiveBeginIndex >= exclusiveEndIndex || exclusiveBeginIndex >= str.length()},
* Otherwise returns: {@code str.substring(exclusiveBeginIndex + 1, min(exclusiveEndIndex, str.length()))}.
* @param str
* @param exclusiveBeginIndex
* @param exclusiveEndIndex
* @return
public static String substringBetween(final String str, final int exclusiveBeginIndex, final int exclusiveEndIndex) {
if (str == null || exclusiveBeginIndex < 0 || exclusiveEndIndex < 0 || exclusiveBeginIndex >= exclusiveEndIndex
|| exclusiveBeginIndex >= str.length()) {
return null;
return str.substring(exclusiveBeginIndex + 1, N.min(exclusiveEndIndex, str.length()));
* @param str
* @param exclusiveBeginIndex
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see #substringBetween(String, int, int)
public static String substringBetween(final String str, final int exclusiveBeginIndex, final char delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
if (str == null || exclusiveBeginIndex < 0 || exclusiveBeginIndex >= str.length()) {
return null;
return substringBetween(str, exclusiveBeginIndex, str.indexOf(delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex, exclusiveBeginIndex + 1));
* @param str
* @param exclusiveBeginIndex
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see #substringBetween(String, int, int)
public static String substringBetween(final String str, final int exclusiveBeginIndex, final String delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
if (str == null || delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex == null || exclusiveBeginIndex < 0 || exclusiveBeginIndex >= str.length()) {
return null;
return substringBetween(str, exclusiveBeginIndex, str.indexOf(delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex, exclusiveBeginIndex + 1));
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex
* @param exclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see #substringBetween(String, int, int)
public static String substringBetween(final String str, final char delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex, final int exclusiveEndIndex) {
if (str == null || exclusiveEndIndex <= 0) {
return null;
return substringBetween(str, str.indexOf(delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex), exclusiveEndIndex);
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex
* @param exclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see #substringBetween(String, int, int)
public static String substringBetween(final String str, final String delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex, final int exclusiveEndIndex) {
if (str == null || delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex == null || exclusiveEndIndex < 0) {
return null;
final int index = str.indexOf(delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex);
if (index < 0) {
return null;
final int exclusiveBeginIndex = index + delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex.length();
if (exclusiveBeginIndex > exclusiveEndIndex) {
return null;
return str.substring(exclusiveBeginIndex, exclusiveEndIndex);
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see #substringBetween(String, int, int)
public static String substringBetween(final String str, final char delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex, final char delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
if (str == null || str.length() <= 1) {
return null;
int startIndex = str.indexOf(delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex);
if (startIndex < 0) {
return null;
// even delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex and delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex are equal, but should consider them as different chars. see: substringBetween(String str, String tag)
// if (delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex == delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
// return EMPTY_STRING;
// }
startIndex += 1;
final int endIndex = str.indexOf(delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex, startIndex);
if (endIndex < 0) {
return null;
return str.substring(startIndex, endIndex);
* @param str
* @param tag
* @return
* @see #substringBetween(String, String, String)
* @see #substringBetween(String, int, int)
public static String substringBetween(final String str, final String tag) {
return substringBetween(str, tag, tag);
* Returns a substring from the given string that is between the two specified delimiters.
* The substring does not include the delimiters themselves.
* If the delimiters are not found, this method will return {@code null}.
* @param str The string from which to extract the substring.
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex The delimiter after which the substring starts.
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex The delimiter before which the substring ends.
* @return The substring between the two delimiters. Returns {@code null} if the delimiters are not found.
public static String substringBetween(final String str, final String delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex, final String delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
return substringBetween(str, 0, delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex, delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex);
* @param str
* @param fromIndex start index for {@code delimiterOfExclusive}. {@code str.indexOf(delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex, fromIndex)}
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see #substringBetween(String, int, int)
public static String substringBetween(final String str, final int fromIndex, final String delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex,
final String delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
if (str == null || delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex == null || delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex == null || fromIndex < 0 || fromIndex > str.length()) {
return null;
int startIndex = fromIndex == 0 ? str.indexOf(delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex) : str.indexOf(delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex, fromIndex);
if (startIndex < 0) {
return null;
startIndex += delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex.length();
final int endIndex = str.indexOf(delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex, startIndex);
if (endIndex < 0) {
return null;
return str.substring(startIndex, endIndex);
* substringsBetween("3[a2[c]]2[a]", '[', ']') = [a2[c], a]
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex
* @return
public static List substringsBetween(final String str, final char delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex, final char delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
return isEmpty(str) ? new ArrayList<>() : substringsBetween(str, 0, str.length(), delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex, delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex);
* Returns a list of substrings within the given string that are between the specified delimiters.
* The substrings are found within the range specified by the fromIndex and toIndex parameters.
* substringsBetween("3[a2[c]]2[a]", '[', ']') = [a2[c], a]
* @param str The string to be checked. May be {@code null} or empty.
* @param fromIndex The starting index from where to check the string.
* @param toIndex The ending index until where to check the string.
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex The character that marks the beginning of a substring.
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex The character that marks the ending of a substring.
* @return A list of substrings found between the specified delimiters. Returns an empty list if no such substrings are found.
public static List substringsBetween(final String str, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final char delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex,
final char delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
final List substringIndices = substringIndicesBetween(str, fromIndex, toIndex, delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex, delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex);
final List res = new ArrayList<>(substringIndices.size());
for (final int[] e : substringIndices) {
res.add(str.substring(e[0], e[1]));
return res;
* substringsBetween("3[a2[c]]2[a]", '[', ']') = [a2[c], a]
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex
* @return
public static List substringsBetween(final String str, final String delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex, final String delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
return isEmpty(str) ? new ArrayList<>() : substringsBetween(str, 0, str.length(), delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex, delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex);
* substringsBetween("3[a2[c]]2[a]", '[', ']') = [a2[c], a]
* @param str
* @param fromIndex
* @param toIndex
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex
* @return
public static List substringsBetween(final String str, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final String delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex,
final String delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
final List substringIndices = substringIndicesBetween(str, fromIndex, toIndex, delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex, delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex);
final List res = new ArrayList<>(substringIndices.size());
for (final int[] e : substringIndices) {
res.add(str.substring(e[0], e[1]));
return res;
* @param str
* @param exclusiveBeginIndex
* @param funcOfExclusiveEndIndex {@code exclusiveEndIndex <- funcOfExclusiveEndIndex.applyAsInt(inclusiveBeginIndex) if inclusiveBeginIndex >= 0}
* @return
* @see #substringBetween(String, int, int)
public static String substringBetween(final String str, final int exclusiveBeginIndex, final IntUnaryOperator funcOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
if (str == null || exclusiveBeginIndex < 0 || exclusiveBeginIndex >= str.length()) {
return null;
return substringBetween(str, exclusiveBeginIndex, funcOfExclusiveEndIndex.applyAsInt(exclusiveBeginIndex));
// /**
// *
// * @param str
// * @param exclusiveBeginIndex
// * @param funcOfExclusiveEndIndex {@code exclusiveEndIndex <- funcOfExclusiveEndIndex.apply(str, exclusiveBeginIndex) if inclusiveBeginIndex >= 0}
// * @return {@code null} if {@code (str == null || exclusiveBeginIndex < 0 || exclusiveBeginIndex >= str.length())}. (auto-generated java doc for return)
// * @see #substringBetween(String, int, int)
// */
// @MayReturnNull
// @Beta
// public static String substringBetween(String str, int exclusiveBeginIndex, final BiFunction super String, Integer, Integer> funcOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
// if (str == null || exclusiveBeginIndex < 0 || exclusiveBeginIndex >= str.length()) {
// return null;
// }
// return substringBetween(str, exclusiveBeginIndex, funcOfExclusiveEndIndex.apply(str, exclusiveBeginIndex));
// }
* @param str
* @param funcOfExclusiveBeginIndex {@code exclusiveBeginIndex <- funcOfExclusiveBeginIndex.applyAsInt(exclusiveEndIndex)) if exclusiveEndIndex >= 0}
* @param exclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see #substringBetween(String, int, int)
public static String substringBetween(final String str, final IntUnaryOperator funcOfExclusiveBeginIndex, final int exclusiveEndIndex) {
if (str == null || exclusiveEndIndex < 0) {
return null;
return substringBetween(str, funcOfExclusiveBeginIndex.applyAsInt(exclusiveEndIndex), exclusiveEndIndex);
// /**
// *
// * @param str
// * @param funcOfExclusiveBeginIndex {@code exclusiveBeginIndex <- funcOfExclusiveBeginIndex.apply(str, exclusiveEndIndex)) if exclusiveEndIndex >= 0}
// * @param exclusiveEndIndex
// * @return {@code null} if {@code (str == null || exclusiveEndIndex < 0)}. (auto-generated java doc for return)
// * @see #substringBetween(String, int, int)
// */
// @MayReturnNull
// @Beta
// public static String substringBetween(String str, final BiFunction super String, Integer, Integer> funcOfExclusiveBeginIndex, int exclusiveEndIndex) {
// if (str == null || exclusiveEndIndex < 0) {
// return null;
// }
// return substringBetween(str, funcOfExclusiveBeginIndex.apply(str, exclusiveEndIndex), exclusiveEndIndex);
// }
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex
* @param funcOfExclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see #substringBetween(String, int, int)
public static String substringBetween(final String str, final String delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex, final IntUnaryOperator funcOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
if (str == null || delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex == null || delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex.length() > str.length()) {
return null;
final int index = str.indexOf(delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex);
if (index < 0) {
return null;
final int exclusiveBeginIndex = index + delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex.length();
return substringBetween(str, exclusiveBeginIndex, funcOfExclusiveEndIndex.applyAsInt(exclusiveBeginIndex));
* Returns a substring from the given string, starting from a specified index and ending before a specified delimiter.
* The starting index is determined by applying the provided IntUnaryOperator function on the ending index of the substring.
* The ending index is the last occurrence of the specified delimiter in the string.
* If the string or the delimiter is {@code null}, or if the delimiter's length is greater than the string's length, or if the ending index is less than 0, the method returns {@code null}.
* @param str The string from which to extract the substring. It can be {@code null}.
* @param funcOfExclusiveBeginIndex The function to determine the starting index of the substring. It should not be {@code null}.
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex The delimiter before which the substring ends. It should not be {@code null}.
* @return The extracted substring. Returns {@code null} if the input string is {@code null}, the function is {@code null}, the delimiter is {@code null}, the delimiter's length is greater than the string's length, or the ending index is less than 0.
* @see #substringBetween(String, int, int)
public static String substringBetween(final String str, final IntUnaryOperator funcOfExclusiveBeginIndex, final String delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
if (str == null || delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex == null || delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex.length() > str.length()) {
return null;
final int exclusiveEndIndex = str.lastIndexOf(delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex);
if (exclusiveEndIndex < 0) {
return null;
return substringBetween(str, funcOfExclusiveBeginIndex.applyAsInt(exclusiveEndIndex), exclusiveEndIndex);
* substringIndicesBetween("3[a2[c]]2[a]", '[', ']') = [[2, 7], [10, 11]]
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex
* @return
public static List substringIndicesBetween(final String str, final char delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex, final char delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
return new ArrayList<>();
return substringIndicesBetween(str, 0, str.length(), delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex, delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex);
* substringIndicesBetween("3[a2[c]]2[a]", '[', ']') = [[2, 7], [10, 11]]
* @param str
* @param fromIndex
* @param toIndex
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
public static List substringIndicesBetween(final String str, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final char delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex,
final char delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
N.checkFromToIndex(fromIndex, toIndex, N.len(str));
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
return new ArrayList<>();
final List res = new ArrayList<>();
final int idx = str.indexOf(delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex, fromIndex);
if (idx < 0) {
return res;
final Deque queue = new LinkedList<>();
char ch = 0;
for (int i = idx; i < toIndex; i++) {
ch = str.charAt(i);
if (ch == delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex) {
queue.push(i + 1);
} else if (ch == delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex && queue.size() > 0) {
final int startIndex = queue.pop();
if (res.size() > 0 && startIndex < res.get(res.size() - 1)[0]) {
while (res.size() > 0 && startIndex < res.get(res.size() - 1)[0]) {
res.remove(res.size() - 1);//NOSONAR
res.add(new int[] { startIndex, i });
return res;
* substringIndicesBetween("3[a2[c]]2[a]", '[', ']') = [[2, 7], [10, 11]]
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex
* @return
public static List substringIndicesBetween(final String str, final String delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex,
final String delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
if (str == null || isEmpty(delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex) || isEmpty(delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex)) {
return new ArrayList<>();
return substringIndicesBetween(str, 0, str.length(), delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex, delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex);
* substringIndicesBetween("3[a2[c]]2[a]", '[', ']') = [[2, 7], [10, 11]]
* @param str
* @param fromIndex
* @param toIndex
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
public static List substringIndicesBetween(final String str, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final String delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex,
final String delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
N.checkFromToIndex(fromIndex, toIndex, N.len(str));
if (str == null || isEmpty(delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex) || isEmpty(delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex)) {
return new ArrayList<>();
final List res = new ArrayList<>();
int idx = str.indexOf(delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex, fromIndex);
if (idx < 0) {
return res;
final Deque queue = new LinkedList<>();
queue.add(idx + delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex.length());
int next = -1;
for (int i = idx + delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex.length(); i < toIndex;) {
if (queue.size() == 0) {
idx = next >= i ? next : str.indexOf(delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex, i);
if (idx < 0) {
} else {
queue.add(idx + delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex.length());
i = idx + delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex.length();
idx = str.indexOf(delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex, i);
if (idx < 0) {
} else {
final int endIndex = idx;
//noinspection DataFlowIssue
idx = res.size() > 0 ? Math.max(res.get(res.size() - 1)[1] + delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex.length(), queue.peekLast()) : queue.peekLast();
while ((idx = str.indexOf(delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex, idx)) >= 0 && idx < endIndex) {
queue.push(idx + delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex.length());
idx = idx + delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex.length();
if (idx > 0) {
next = idx;
final int startIndex = queue.pop();
if (res.size() > 0 && startIndex < res.get(res.size() - 1)[0]) {
while (res.size() > 0 && startIndex < res.get(res.size() - 1)[0]) {
res.remove(res.size() - 1);
res.add(new int[] { startIndex, endIndex });
i = endIndex + delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex.length();
return res;
* Returns a new String with the specified range replaced with the replacement String.
* The original String remains unchanged.
* @param str the original string
* @param fromIndex the initial index of the range to be replaced, inclusive
* @param toIndex the final index of the range to be replaced, exclusive
* @param replacement the string to replace the specified range in the original string
* @return a new string with the specified range replaced by the replacement string.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the range is out of the string bounds
* @see N#replaceRange(String, int, int, String)
public static String replaceRange(final String str, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final String replacement) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
N.checkFromToIndex(fromIndex, toIndex, N.len(str));
if (N.isEmpty(str)) {
return replacement == null ? EMPTY_STRING : replacement;
} else if (fromIndex == toIndex && N.isEmpty(replacement)) {
return str;
if (N.isEmpty(replacement)) {
return str.substring(0, fromIndex) + str.substring(toIndex);
} else {
return str.substring(0, fromIndex) + N.nullToEmpty(replacement) + str.substring(toIndex);
* Returns a new string with the specified range moved to the new position.
* The original String remains unchanged.
* @param str the original string to be modified
* @param fromIndex the initial index of the range to be moved, inclusive
* @param toIndex the final index of the range to be moved, exclusive
* @param newPositionStartIndex must in the range: [0, String.length - (toIndex - fromIndex)]
* @return a new string with the specified range moved to the new position. An empty String is returned if the specified String is {@code null} or empty.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the range is out of the string bounds or newPositionStartIndex is invalid
* @see N#moveRange(String, int, int, int)
public static String moveRange(final String str, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final int newPositionStartIndex) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
final int len = N.len(str);
N.checkIndexAndStartPositionForMoveRange(fromIndex, toIndex, newPositionStartIndex, len);
if (N.isEmpty(str)) {
if (fromIndex == toIndex || fromIndex == newPositionStartIndex) {
return str;
if (newPositionStartIndex < fromIndex) {
return Strings.concat(str.substring(0, newPositionStartIndex), str.substring(fromIndex, toIndex), str.substring(newPositionStartIndex, fromIndex),
} else {
final int m = toIndex + (newPositionStartIndex - fromIndex);
return Strings.concat(str.substring(0, fromIndex), str.substring(toIndex, m), str.substring(fromIndex, toIndex), str.substring(m));
* Returns a new String with the specified range of chars removed
* The original String remains unchanged.
* @param str the input string from which a range of characters are to be deleted
* @param fromIndex the initial index of the range to be deleted, inclusive
* @param toIndex the final index of the range to be deleted, exclusive
* @return a new string with the specified range of characters deleted. An empty String is returned if the specified String is {@code null} or empty.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the range is out of the string bounds
* @see N#deleteRange(String, int, int)
public static String deleteRange(final String str, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
final int len = N.len(str);
N.checkFromToIndex(fromIndex, toIndex, len);
if (N.isEmpty(str)) {
if (fromIndex == toIndex || fromIndex >= len) {
return str;
} else if (toIndex - fromIndex >= len) {
return Strings.EMPTY_STRING;
return Strings.concat(str.substring(0, fromIndex) + str.substring(toIndex));
* Returns the first character of the given string as an OptionalChar.
* If the string is {@code null} or empty, an empty OptionalChar is returned.
* @param str the input string
* @return an OptionalChar containing the first character of the string, or an empty OptionalChar if the string is {@code null} or empty
public static OptionalChar firstChar(final String str) {
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
return OptionalChar.empty();
return OptionalChar.of(str.charAt(0));
* Returns the last character of the given string as an OptionalChar.
* If the string is {@code null} or empty, an empty OptionalChar is returned.
* @param str the input string
* @return an OptionalChar containing the last character of the string, or an empty OptionalChar if the string is {@code null} or empty
public static OptionalChar lastChar(final String str) {
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
return OptionalChar.empty();
return OptionalChar.of(str.charAt(str.length() - 1));
* Returns at most first {@code n} chars of the specified {@code String} if its length is bigger than {@code n},
* or an empty String {@code ""} if {@code str} is empty or {@code null}, or itself it's length equal to or less than {@code n}.
* @param str
* @param n
* @return
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
public static String firstChars(final String str, final int n) throws IllegalArgumentException {
N.checkArgNotNegative(n, cs.n);
if (str == null || str.isEmpty() || n == 0) {
} else if (str.length() <= n) {
return str;
} else {
return str.substring(0, n);
* Returns at most last {@code n} chars of the specified {@code String} if its length is bigger than {@code n},
* or an empty String {@code ""} if {@code str} is empty or {@code null}, or itself it's length equal to or less than {@code n}.
* @param str
* @param n
* @return
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
public static String lastChars(final String str, final int n) throws IllegalArgumentException {
N.checkArgNotNegative(n, cs.n);
if (str == null || str.isEmpty() || n == 0) {
} else if (str.length() <= n) {
return str;
} else {
return str.substring(str.length() - n);
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty
* @see #join(boolean[], int, int, String, String, String)
public static String join(final boolean[] a) {
return join(a, Strings.ELEMENT_SEPARATOR);
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty
* @see #join(boolean[], int, int, String, String, String)
public static String join(final boolean[] a, final char delimiter) {
if (N.isEmpty(a)) {
return join(a, 0, a.length, delimiter);
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element. It can be empty, in which case the elements are concatenated without any delimiter.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty
* @see #join(boolean[], int, int, String, String, String)
public static String join(final boolean[] a, final String delimiter) {
if (N.isEmpty(a)) {
return join(a, 0, a.length, delimiter);
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a
* @param fromIndex The start index in the array from which to start joining elements. It must be a non-negative integer.
* @param toIndex The end index in the array up to which to join elements. It must be a non-negative integer and not less than fromIndex.
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty, or {@code fromIndex == toIndex}.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* @see #join(boolean[], int, int, String, String, String)
public static String join(final boolean[] a, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final char delimiter) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
N.checkFromToIndex(fromIndex, toIndex, N.len(a));
if (N.isEmpty(a) || fromIndex == toIndex) {
} else if (toIndex - fromIndex == 1) {
return N.toString(a[fromIndex]);
final StringBuilder sb = Objectory.createStringBuilder(calculateBufferSize(toIndex - fromIndex, 6));
try {
for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
if (i > fromIndex) {
return sb.toString();
} finally {
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a
* @param fromIndex The start index in the array from which to start joining elements. It must be a non-negative integer.
* @param toIndex The end index in the array up to which to join elements. It must be a non-negative integer and not less than fromIndex.
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element. It can be empty, in which case the elements are concatenated without any delimiter.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty, or {@code fromIndex == toIndex}.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* @see #join(boolean[], int, int, String, String, String)
public static String join(final boolean[] a, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final String delimiter) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
N.checkFromToIndex(fromIndex, toIndex, N.len(a));
if (N.isEmpty(a) || fromIndex == toIndex) {
} else if (toIndex - fromIndex == 1) {
return N.toString(a[fromIndex]);
final StringBuilder sb = Objectory.createStringBuilder(calculateBufferSize(toIndex - fromIndex, 5 + N.len(delimiter)));
try {
if (isEmpty(delimiter)) {
for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
} else {
for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
if (i > fromIndex) {
return sb.toString();
} finally {
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* The elements are selected from the specified range of the array.
* @param a The array containing the elements to join together. It can be empty.
* @param fromIndex The start index in the array from which to start joining elements. It must be a non-negative integer.
* @param toIndex The end index in the array up to which to join elements. It must be a non-negative integer and not less than fromIndex.
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element. It can be empty, in which case the elements are concatenated without any delimiter.
* @param prefix The prefix to be added at the beginning. It can be empty.
* @param suffix The suffix to be added at the end. It can be empty.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty or {@code fromIndex == toIndex} and prefix, suffix are empty.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the fromIndex or toIndex is out of the range of the array size.
public static String join(final boolean[] a, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final String delimiter, final String prefix, final String suffix)
throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
N.checkFromToIndex(fromIndex, toIndex, N.len(a));
if (N.isEmpty(a) || fromIndex == toIndex) {
if (isEmpty(prefix) && isEmpty(suffix)) {
} else if (isEmpty(prefix)) {
return suffix;
} else if (isEmpty(suffix)) {
return prefix;
} else {
return concat(prefix, suffix);
} else if (toIndex - fromIndex == 1 && isEmpty(prefix) && isEmpty(suffix)) {
return N.toString(a[fromIndex]);
final StringBuilder sb = Objectory.createStringBuilder(calculateBufferSize(toIndex - fromIndex, 5 + N.len(delimiter), N.len(prefix), N.len(suffix)));
try {
if (isNotEmpty(prefix)) {
if (isEmpty(delimiter)) {
for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
} else {
for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
if (i > fromIndex) {
if (isNotEmpty(suffix)) {
return sb.toString();
} finally {
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty
* @see #join(char[], int, int, String, String, String)
public static String join(final char[] a) {
return join(a, Strings.ELEMENT_SEPARATOR);
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty
* @see #join(char[], int, int, String, String, String)
public static String join(final char[] a, final char delimiter) {
if (N.isEmpty(a)) {
return join(a, 0, a.length, delimiter);
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element. It can be empty, in which case the elements are concatenated without any delimiter.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty
* @see #join(char[], int, int, String, String, String)
public static String join(final char[] a, final String delimiter) {
if (N.isEmpty(a)) {
return join(a, 0, a.length, delimiter);
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a
* @param fromIndex The start index in the array from which to start joining elements. It must be a non-negative integer.
* @param toIndex The end index in the array up to which to join elements. It must be a non-negative integer and not less than fromIndex.
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty, or {@code fromIndex == toIndex}.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* @see #join(char[], int, int, String, String, String)
public static String join(final char[] a, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final char delimiter) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
N.checkFromToIndex(fromIndex, toIndex, N.len(a));
if (N.isEmpty(a) || fromIndex == toIndex) {
} else if (toIndex - fromIndex == 1) {
return N.toString(a[fromIndex]);
final StringBuilder sb = Objectory.createStringBuilder(calculateBufferSize(toIndex - fromIndex, 2));
try {
for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
if (i > fromIndex) {
return sb.toString();
} finally {
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a
* @param fromIndex The start index in the array from which to start joining elements. It must be a non-negative integer.
* @param toIndex The end index in the array up to which to join elements. It must be a non-negative integer and not less than fromIndex.
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element. It can be empty, in which case the elements are concatenated without any delimiter.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty, or {@code fromIndex == toIndex}.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* @see #join(char[], int, int, String, String, String)
public static String join(final char[] a, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final String delimiter) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
N.checkFromToIndex(fromIndex, toIndex, N.len(a));
if (N.isEmpty(a) || fromIndex == toIndex) {
} else if (toIndex - fromIndex == 1) {
return N.toString(a[fromIndex]);
final StringBuilder sb = Objectory.createStringBuilder(calculateBufferSize(toIndex - fromIndex, 1 + N.len(delimiter)));
try {
if (isEmpty(delimiter)) {
for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
} else {
for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
if (i > fromIndex) {
return sb.toString();
} finally {
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* The elements are selected from the specified range of the array.
* @param a The array containing the elements to join together. It can be empty.
* @param fromIndex The start index in the array from which to start joining elements. It must be a non-negative integer.
* @param toIndex The end index in the array up to which to join elements. It must be a non-negative integer and not less than fromIndex.
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element. It can be empty, in which case the elements are concatenated without any delimiter.
* @param prefix The prefix to be added at the beginning. It can be empty.
* @param suffix The suffix to be added at the end. It can be empty.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty or {@code fromIndex == toIndex} and prefix, suffix are empty.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the fromIndex or toIndex is out of the range of the array size.
public static String join(final char[] a, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final String delimiter, final String prefix, final String suffix)
throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
N.checkFromToIndex(fromIndex, toIndex, N.len(a));
if (N.isEmpty(a) || fromIndex == toIndex) {
if (isEmpty(prefix) && isEmpty(suffix)) {
} else if (isEmpty(prefix)) {
return suffix;
} else if (isEmpty(suffix)) {
return prefix;
} else {
return concat(prefix, suffix);
} else if (toIndex - fromIndex == 1 && isEmpty(prefix) && isEmpty(suffix)) {
return N.toString(a[fromIndex]);
final StringBuilder sb = Objectory.createStringBuilder(calculateBufferSize(toIndex - fromIndex, 1 + N.len(delimiter), N.len(prefix), N.len(suffix)));
try {
if (isNotEmpty(prefix)) {
if (isEmpty(delimiter)) {
for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
} else {
for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
if (i > fromIndex) {
if (isNotEmpty(suffix)) {
return sb.toString();
} finally {
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty
* @see #join(byte[], int, int, String, String, String)
public static String join(final byte[] a) {
return join(a, Strings.ELEMENT_SEPARATOR);
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty
* @see #join(byte[], int, int, String, String, String)
public static String join(final byte[] a, final char delimiter) {
if (N.isEmpty(a)) {
return join(a, 0, a.length, delimiter);
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element. It can be empty, in which case the elements are concatenated without any delimiter.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty
* @see #join(byte[], int, int, String, String, String)
public static String join(final byte[] a, final String delimiter) {
if (N.isEmpty(a)) {
return join(a, 0, a.length, delimiter);
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a
* @param fromIndex The start index in the array from which to start joining elements. It must be a non-negative integer.
* @param toIndex The end index in the array up to which to join elements. It must be a non-negative integer and not less than fromIndex.
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty, or {@code fromIndex == toIndex}.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* @see #join(byte[], int, int, String, String, String)
public static String join(final byte[] a, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final char delimiter) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
N.checkFromToIndex(fromIndex, toIndex, N.len(a));
if (N.isEmpty(a) || fromIndex == toIndex) {
} else if (toIndex - fromIndex == 1) {
return N.toString(a[fromIndex]);
final StringBuilder sb = Objectory.createStringBuilder(calculateBufferSize(toIndex - fromIndex, 5));
try {
for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
if (i > fromIndex) {
return sb.toString();
} finally {
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a
* @param fromIndex The start index in the array from which to start joining elements. It must be a non-negative integer.
* @param toIndex The end index in the array up to which to join elements. It must be a non-negative integer and not less than fromIndex.
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element. It can be empty, in which case the elements are concatenated without any delimiter.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty, or {@code fromIndex == toIndex}.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* @see #join(byte[], int, int, String, String, String)
public static String join(final byte[] a, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final String delimiter) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
N.checkFromToIndex(fromIndex, toIndex, N.len(a));
if (N.isEmpty(a) || fromIndex == toIndex) {
} else if (toIndex - fromIndex == 1) {
return N.toString(a[fromIndex]);
final StringBuilder sb = Objectory.createStringBuilder(calculateBufferSize(toIndex - fromIndex, 4 + N.len(delimiter)));
try {
if (isEmpty(delimiter)) {
for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
} else {
for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
if (i > fromIndex) {
return sb.toString();
} finally {
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* The elements are selected from the specified range of the array.
* @param a The array containing the elements to join together. It can be empty.
* @param fromIndex The start index in the array from which to start joining elements. It must be a non-negative integer.
* @param toIndex The end index in the array up to which to join elements. It must be a non-negative integer and not less than fromIndex.
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element. It can be empty, in which case the elements are concatenated without any delimiter.
* @param prefix The prefix to be added at the beginning. It can be empty.
* @param suffix The suffix to be added at the end. It can be empty.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty or {@code fromIndex == toIndex} and prefix, suffix are empty.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the fromIndex or toIndex is out of the range of the array size.
public static String join(final byte[] a, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final String delimiter, final String prefix, final String suffix)
throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
N.checkFromToIndex(fromIndex, toIndex, N.len(a));
if (N.isEmpty(a) || fromIndex == toIndex) {
if (isEmpty(prefix) && isEmpty(suffix)) {
} else if (isEmpty(prefix)) {
return suffix;
} else if (isEmpty(suffix)) {
return prefix;
} else {
return concat(prefix, suffix);
} else if (toIndex - fromIndex == 1 && isEmpty(prefix) && isEmpty(suffix)) {
return N.toString(a[fromIndex]);
final StringBuilder sb = Objectory.createStringBuilder(calculateBufferSize(toIndex - fromIndex, 4 + N.len(delimiter), N.len(prefix), N.len(suffix)));
try {
if (isNotEmpty(prefix)) {
if (isEmpty(delimiter)) {
for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
} else {
for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
if (i > fromIndex) {
if (isNotEmpty(suffix)) {
return sb.toString();
} finally {
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty
* @see #join(short[], int, int, String, String, String)
public static String join(final short[] a) {
return join(a, Strings.ELEMENT_SEPARATOR);
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty
* @see #join(short[], int, int, String, String, String)
public static String join(final short[] a, final char delimiter) {
if (N.isEmpty(a)) {
return join(a, 0, a.length, delimiter);
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element. It can be empty, in which case the elements are concatenated without any delimiter.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty
* @see #join(short[], int, int, String, String, String)
public static String join(final short[] a, final String delimiter) {
if (N.isEmpty(a)) {
return join(a, 0, a.length, delimiter);
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a
* @param fromIndex The start index in the array from which to start joining elements. It must be a non-negative integer.
* @param toIndex The end index in the array up to which to join elements. It must be a non-negative integer and not less than fromIndex.
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty, or {@code fromIndex == toIndex}.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* @see #join(short[], int, int, String, String, String)
public static String join(final short[] a, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final char delimiter) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
N.checkFromToIndex(fromIndex, toIndex, N.len(a));
if (N.isEmpty(a) || fromIndex == toIndex) {
} else if (toIndex - fromIndex == 1) {
return N.toString(a[fromIndex]);
final StringBuilder sb = Objectory.createStringBuilder(calculateBufferSize(toIndex - fromIndex, 6));
try {
for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
if (i > fromIndex) {
return sb.toString();
} finally {
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a
* @param fromIndex The start index in the array from which to start joining elements. It must be a non-negative integer.
* @param toIndex The end index in the array up to which to join elements. It must be a non-negative integer and not less than fromIndex.
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element. It can be empty, in which case the elements are concatenated without any delimiter.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty, or {@code fromIndex == toIndex}.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* @see #join(short[], int, int, String, String, String)
public static String join(final short[] a, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final String delimiter) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
N.checkFromToIndex(fromIndex, toIndex, N.len(a));
if (N.isEmpty(a) || fromIndex == toIndex) {
} else if (toIndex - fromIndex == 1) {
return N.toString(a[fromIndex]);
final StringBuilder sb = Objectory.createStringBuilder(calculateBufferSize(toIndex - fromIndex, 5 + N.len(delimiter)));
try {
if (isEmpty(delimiter)) {
for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
} else {
for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
if (i > fromIndex) {
return sb.toString();
} finally {
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* The elements are selected from the specified range of the array.
* @param a The array containing the elements to join together. It can be empty.
* @param fromIndex The start index in the array from which to start joining elements. It must be a non-negative integer.
* @param toIndex The end index in the array up to which to join elements. It must be a non-negative integer and not less than fromIndex.
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element. It can be empty, in which case the elements are concatenated without any delimiter.
* @param prefix The prefix to be added at the beginning. It can be empty.
* @param suffix The suffix to be added at the end. It can be empty.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty or {@code fromIndex == toIndex} and prefix, suffix are empty.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the fromIndex or toIndex is out of the range of the array size.
public static String join(final short[] a, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final String delimiter, final String prefix, final String suffix)
throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
N.checkFromToIndex(fromIndex, toIndex, N.len(a));
if (N.isEmpty(a) || fromIndex == toIndex) {
if (isEmpty(prefix) && isEmpty(suffix)) {
} else if (isEmpty(prefix)) {
return suffix;
} else if (isEmpty(suffix)) {
return prefix;
} else {
return concat(prefix, suffix);
} else if (toIndex - fromIndex == 1 && isEmpty(prefix) && isEmpty(suffix)) {
return N.toString(a[fromIndex]);
final StringBuilder sb = Objectory.createStringBuilder(calculateBufferSize(toIndex - fromIndex, 5 + N.len(delimiter), N.len(prefix), N.len(suffix)));
try {
if (isNotEmpty(prefix)) {
if (isEmpty(delimiter)) {
for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
} else {
for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
if (i > fromIndex) {
if (isNotEmpty(suffix)) {
return sb.toString();
} finally {
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty
* @see #join(int[], int, int, String, String, String)
public static String join(final int[] a) {
return join(a, Strings.ELEMENT_SEPARATOR);
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty
* @see #join(int[], int, int, String, String, String)
public static String join(final int[] a, final char delimiter) {
if (N.isEmpty(a)) {
return join(a, 0, a.length, delimiter);
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element. It can be empty, in which case the elements are concatenated without any delimiter.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty
* @see #join(int[], int, int, String, String, String)
public static String join(final int[] a, final String delimiter) {
if (N.isEmpty(a)) {
return join(a, 0, a.length, delimiter);
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a
* @param fromIndex The start index in the array from which to start joining elements. It must be a non-negative integer.
* @param toIndex The end index in the array up to which to join elements. It must be a non-negative integer and not less than fromIndex.
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty, or {@code fromIndex == toIndex}.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* @see #join(int[], int, int, String, String, String)
public static String join(final int[] a, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final char delimiter) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
N.checkFromToIndex(fromIndex, toIndex, N.len(a));
if (N.isEmpty(a) || fromIndex == toIndex) {
} else if (toIndex - fromIndex == 1) {
return N.toString(a[fromIndex]);
final StringBuilder sb = Objectory.createStringBuilder(calculateBufferSize(toIndex - fromIndex, 7));
try {
for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
if (i > fromIndex) {
return sb.toString();
} finally {
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a
* @param fromIndex The start index in the array from which to start joining elements. It must be a non-negative integer.
* @param toIndex The end index in the array up to which to join elements. It must be a non-negative integer and not less than fromIndex.
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element. It can be empty, in which case the elements are concatenated without any delimiter.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty, or {@code fromIndex == toIndex}.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* @see #join(int[], int, int, String, String, String)
public static String join(final int[] a, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final String delimiter) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
N.checkFromToIndex(fromIndex, toIndex, N.len(a));
if (N.isEmpty(a) || fromIndex == toIndex) {
} else if (toIndex - fromIndex == 1) {
return N.toString(a[fromIndex]);
final StringBuilder sb = Objectory.createStringBuilder(calculateBufferSize(toIndex - fromIndex, 6 + N.len(delimiter)));
try {
if (isEmpty(delimiter)) {
for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
} else {
for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
if (i > fromIndex) {
return sb.toString();
} finally {
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* The elements are selected from the specified range of the array.
* @param a The array containing the elements to join together. It can be empty.
* @param fromIndex The start index in the array from which to start joining elements. It must be a non-negative integer.
* @param toIndex The end index in the array up to which to join elements. It must be a non-negative integer and not less than fromIndex.
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element. It can be empty, in which case the elements are concatenated without any delimiter.
* @param prefix The prefix to be added at the beginning. It can be empty.
* @param suffix The suffix to be added at the end. It can be empty.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty or {@code fromIndex == toIndex} and prefix, suffix are empty.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the fromIndex or toIndex is out of the range of the array size.
public static String join(final int[] a, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final String delimiter, final String prefix, final String suffix)
throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
N.checkFromToIndex(fromIndex, toIndex, N.len(a));
if (N.isEmpty(a) || fromIndex == toIndex) {
if (isEmpty(prefix) && isEmpty(suffix)) {
} else if (isEmpty(prefix)) {
return suffix;
} else if (isEmpty(suffix)) {
return prefix;
} else {
return concat(prefix, suffix);
} else if (toIndex - fromIndex == 1 && isEmpty(prefix) && isEmpty(suffix)) {
return N.toString(a[fromIndex]);
final StringBuilder sb = Objectory.createStringBuilder(calculateBufferSize(toIndex - fromIndex, 6 + N.len(delimiter), N.len(prefix), N.len(suffix)));
try {
if (isNotEmpty(prefix)) {
if (isEmpty(delimiter)) {
for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
} else {
for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
if (i > fromIndex) {
if (isNotEmpty(suffix)) {
return sb.toString();
} finally {
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty
* @see #join(long[], int, int, String, String, String)
public static String join(final long[] a) {
return join(a, Strings.ELEMENT_SEPARATOR);
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty
* @see #join(long[], int, int, String, String, String)
public static String join(final long[] a, final char delimiter) {
if (N.isEmpty(a)) {
return join(a, 0, a.length, delimiter);
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element. It can be empty, in which case the elements are concatenated without any delimiter.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty
* @see #join(long[], int, int, String, String, String)
public static String join(final long[] a, final String delimiter) {
if (N.isEmpty(a)) {
return join(a, 0, a.length, delimiter);
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a
* @param fromIndex The start index in the array from which to start joining elements. It must be a non-negative integer.
* @param toIndex The end index in the array up to which to join elements. It must be a non-negative integer and not less than fromIndex.
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty, or {@code fromIndex == toIndex}.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* @see #join(long[], int, int, String, String, String)
public static String join(final long[] a, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final char delimiter) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
N.checkFromToIndex(fromIndex, toIndex, N.len(a));
if (N.isEmpty(a) || fromIndex == toIndex) {
} else if (toIndex - fromIndex == 1) {
return N.toString(a[fromIndex]);
final StringBuilder sb = Objectory.createStringBuilder(calculateBufferSize(toIndex - fromIndex, 7));
try {
for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
if (i > fromIndex) {
return sb.toString();
} finally {
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a
* @param fromIndex The start index in the array from which to start joining elements. It must be a non-negative integer.
* @param toIndex The end index in the array up to which to join elements. It must be a non-negative integer and not less than fromIndex.
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element. It can be empty, in which case the elements are concatenated without any delimiter.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty, or {@code fromIndex == toIndex}.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* @see #join(long[], int, int, String, String, String)
public static String join(final long[] a, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final String delimiter) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
N.checkFromToIndex(fromIndex, toIndex, N.len(a));
if (N.isEmpty(a) || fromIndex == toIndex) {
} else if (toIndex - fromIndex == 1) {
return N.toString(a[fromIndex]);
final StringBuilder sb = Objectory.createStringBuilder(calculateBufferSize(toIndex - fromIndex, 6 + N.len(delimiter)));
try {
if (isEmpty(delimiter)) {
for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
} else {
for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
if (i > fromIndex) {
return sb.toString();
} finally {
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* The elements are selected from the specified range of the array.
* @param a The array containing the elements to join together. It can be empty.
* @param fromIndex The start index in the array from which to start joining elements. It must be a non-negative integer.
* @param toIndex The end index in the array up to which to join elements. It must be a non-negative integer and not less than fromIndex.
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element. It can be empty, in which case the elements are concatenated without any delimiter.
* @param prefix The prefix to be added at the beginning. It can be empty.
* @param suffix The suffix to be added at the end. It can be empty.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty or {@code fromIndex == toIndex} and prefix, suffix are empty.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the fromIndex or toIndex is out of the range of the array size.
public static String join(final long[] a, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final String delimiter, final String prefix, final String suffix)
throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
N.checkFromToIndex(fromIndex, toIndex, N.len(a));
if (N.isEmpty(a) || fromIndex == toIndex) {
if (isEmpty(prefix) && isEmpty(suffix)) {
} else if (isEmpty(prefix)) {
return suffix;
} else if (isEmpty(suffix)) {
return prefix;
} else {
return concat(prefix, suffix);
} else if (toIndex - fromIndex == 1 && isEmpty(prefix) && isEmpty(suffix)) {
return N.toString(a[fromIndex]);
final StringBuilder sb = Objectory.createStringBuilder(calculateBufferSize(toIndex - fromIndex, 6 + N.len(delimiter), N.len(prefix), N.len(suffix)));
try {
if (isNotEmpty(prefix)) {
if (isEmpty(delimiter)) {
for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
} else {
for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
if (i > fromIndex) {
if (isNotEmpty(suffix)) {
return sb.toString();
} finally {
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty
* @see #join(float[], int, int, String, String, String)
public static String join(final float[] a) {
return join(a, Strings.ELEMENT_SEPARATOR);
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty
* @see #join(float[], int, int, String, String, String)
public static String join(final float[] a, final char delimiter) {
if (N.isEmpty(a)) {
return join(a, 0, a.length, delimiter);
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element. It can be empty, in which case the elements are concatenated without any delimiter.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty
* @see #join(float[], int, int, String, String, String)
public static String join(final float[] a, final String delimiter) {
if (N.isEmpty(a)) {
return join(a, 0, a.length, delimiter);
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a
* @param fromIndex The start index in the array from which to start joining elements. It must be a non-negative integer.
* @param toIndex The end index in the array up to which to join elements. It must be a non-negative integer and not less than fromIndex.
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty, or {@code fromIndex == toIndex}.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* @see #join(float[], int, int, String, String, String)
public static String join(final float[] a, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final char delimiter) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
N.checkFromToIndex(fromIndex, toIndex, N.len(a));
if (N.isEmpty(a) || fromIndex == toIndex) {
} else if (toIndex - fromIndex == 1) {
return N.toString(a[fromIndex]);
final StringBuilder sb = Objectory.createStringBuilder(calculateBufferSize(toIndex - fromIndex, 7));
try {
for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
if (i > fromIndex) {
return sb.toString();
} finally {
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a
* @param fromIndex The start index in the array from which to start joining elements. It must be a non-negative integer.
* @param toIndex The end index in the array up to which to join elements. It must be a non-negative integer and not less than fromIndex.
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element. It can be empty, in which case the elements are concatenated without any delimiter.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty, or {@code fromIndex == toIndex}.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* @see #join(float[], int, int, String, String, String)
public static String join(final float[] a, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final String delimiter) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
N.checkFromToIndex(fromIndex, toIndex, N.len(a));
if (N.isEmpty(a) || fromIndex == toIndex) {
} else if (toIndex - fromIndex == 1) {
return N.toString(a[fromIndex]);
final StringBuilder sb = Objectory.createStringBuilder(calculateBufferSize(toIndex - fromIndex, 6 + N.len(delimiter)));
try {
if (isEmpty(delimiter)) {
for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
} else {
for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
if (i > fromIndex) {
return sb.toString();
} finally {
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* The elements are selected from the specified range of the array.
* @param a The array containing the elements to join together. It can be empty.
* @param fromIndex The start index in the array from which to start joining elements. It must be a non-negative integer.
* @param toIndex The end index in the array up to which to join elements. It must be a non-negative integer and not less than fromIndex.
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element. It can be empty, in which case the elements are concatenated without any delimiter.
* @param prefix The prefix to be added at the beginning. It can be empty.
* @param suffix The suffix to be added at the end. It can be empty.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty and prefix'/'suffix are empty.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the fromIndex or toIndex is out of the range of the array size.
public static String join(final float[] a, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final String delimiter, final String prefix, final String suffix)
throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
N.checkFromToIndex(fromIndex, toIndex, N.len(a));
if (N.isEmpty(a) || fromIndex == toIndex) {
if (isEmpty(prefix) && isEmpty(suffix)) {
} else if (isEmpty(prefix)) {
return suffix;
} else if (isEmpty(suffix)) {
return prefix;
} else {
return concat(prefix, suffix);
} else if (toIndex - fromIndex == 1 && isEmpty(prefix) && isEmpty(suffix)) {
return N.toString(a[fromIndex]);
final StringBuilder sb = Objectory.createStringBuilder(calculateBufferSize(toIndex - fromIndex, 6 + N.len(delimiter), N.len(prefix), N.len(suffix)));
try {
if (isNotEmpty(prefix)) {
if (isEmpty(delimiter)) {
for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
} else {
for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
if (i > fromIndex) {
if (isNotEmpty(suffix)) {
return sb.toString();
} finally {
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty
* @see #join(double[], int, int, String, String, String)
public static String join(final double[] a) {
return join(a, Strings.ELEMENT_SEPARATOR);
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty
* @see #join(double[], int, int, String, String, String)
public static String join(final double[] a, final char delimiter) {
if (N.isEmpty(a)) {
return join(a, 0, a.length, delimiter);
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element. It can be empty, in which case the elements are concatenated without any delimiter.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty
* @see #join(double[], int, int, String, String, String)
public static String join(final double[] a, final String delimiter) {
if (N.isEmpty(a)) {
return join(a, 0, a.length, delimiter);
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a
* @param fromIndex The start index in the array from which to start joining elements. It must be a non-negative integer.
* @param toIndex The end index in the array up to which to join elements. It must be a non-negative integer and not less than fromIndex.
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty, or {@code fromIndex == toIndex}.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* @see #join(double[], int, int, String, String, String)
public static String join(final double[] a, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final char delimiter) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
N.checkFromToIndex(fromIndex, toIndex, N.len(a));
if (N.isEmpty(a) || fromIndex == toIndex) {
} else if (toIndex - fromIndex == 1) {
return N.toString(a[fromIndex]);
final StringBuilder sb = Objectory.createStringBuilder(calculateBufferSize(toIndex - fromIndex, 7));
try {
for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
if (i > fromIndex) {
return sb.toString();
} finally {
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a
* @param fromIndex The start index in the array from which to start joining elements. It must be a non-negative integer.
* @param toIndex The end index in the array up to which to join elements. It must be a non-negative integer and not less than fromIndex.
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element. It can be empty, in which case the elements are concatenated without any delimiter.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty, or {@code fromIndex == toIndex}.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* @see #join(double[], int, int, String, String, String)
public static String join(final double[] a, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final String delimiter) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
N.checkFromToIndex(fromIndex, toIndex, N.len(a));
if (N.isEmpty(a) || fromIndex == toIndex) {
} else if (toIndex - fromIndex == 1) {
return N.toString(a[fromIndex]);
final StringBuilder sb = Objectory.createStringBuilder(calculateBufferSize(toIndex - fromIndex, 6 + N.len(delimiter)));
try {
if (isEmpty(delimiter)) {
for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
} else {
for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
if (i > fromIndex) {
return sb.toString();
} finally {
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* The elements are selected from the specified range of the array.
* @param a The array containing the elements to join together. It can be empty.
* @param fromIndex The start index in the array from which to start joining elements. It must be a non-negative integer.
* @param toIndex The end index in the array up to which to join elements. It must be a non-negative integer and not less than fromIndex.
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element. It can be empty, in which case the elements are concatenated without any delimiter.
* @param prefix The prefix to be added at the beginning. It can be empty.
* @param suffix The suffix to be added at the end. It can be empty.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty or {@code fromIndex == toIndex} and prefix, suffix are empty.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the fromIndex or toIndex is out of the range of the array size.
public static String join(final double[] a, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final String delimiter, final String prefix, final String suffix)
throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
N.checkFromToIndex(fromIndex, toIndex, N.len(a));
if (N.isEmpty(a) || fromIndex == toIndex) {
if (isEmpty(prefix) && isEmpty(suffix)) {
} else if (isEmpty(prefix)) {
return suffix;
} else if (isEmpty(suffix)) {
return prefix;
} else {
return concat(prefix, suffix);
} else if (toIndex - fromIndex == 1 && isEmpty(prefix) && isEmpty(suffix)) {
return N.toString(a[fromIndex]);
final StringBuilder sb = Objectory.createStringBuilder(calculateBufferSize(toIndex - fromIndex, 6 + N.len(delimiter), N.len(prefix), N.len(suffix)));
try {
if (isNotEmpty(prefix)) {
if (isEmpty(delimiter)) {
for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
} else {
for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
if (i > fromIndex) {
if (isNotEmpty(suffix)) {
return sb.toString();
} finally {
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty
* @see #join(Object[], String, String, String, boolean)
public static String join(final Object[] a) {
return join(a, Strings.ELEMENT_SEPARATOR);
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty
* @see #join(Object[], String, String, String, boolean)
public static String join(final Object[] a, final char delimiter) {
if (N.isEmpty(a)) {
return join(a, 0, a.length, delimiter);
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element. It can be empty, in which case the elements are concatenated without any delimiter.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty
* @see #join(Object[], String, String, String, boolean)
public static String join(final Object[] a, final String delimiter) {
if (N.isEmpty(a)) {
return join(a, 0, a.length, delimiter);
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element. It can be empty, in which case the elements are concatenated without any delimiter.
* @param prefix
* @param suffix
* @return
* @see #join(Object[], String, String, String, boolean)
public static String join(final Object[] a, final String delimiter, final String prefix, final String suffix) {
return join(a, 0, N.len(a), delimiter, prefix, suffix, false);
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a The array containing the elements to join together. It can be {@code null}.
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element. It can be empty, in which case the elements are concatenated without any delimiter.
* @param prefix The prefix to be added at the beginning. It can be empty.
* @param suffix The suffix to be added at the end. It can be empty.
* @param trim If {@code true}, trims the string representations of each element.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty or {@code fromIndex == toIndex} and prefix, suffix are empty.
public static String join(final Object[] a, final String delimiter, final String prefix, final String suffix, final boolean trim) {
return join(a, 0, N.len(a), delimiter, prefix, suffix, trim);
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a
* @param fromIndex The start index in the array from which to start joining elements. It must be a non-negative integer.
* @param toIndex The end index in the array up to which to join elements. It must be a non-negative integer and not less than fromIndex.
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty, or {@code fromIndex == toIndex}.
* @see #join(Object[], int, int, String, String, String, boolean)
public static String join(final Object[] a, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final char delimiter) {
return join(a, fromIndex, toIndex, delimiter, false);
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a
* @param fromIndex The start index in the array from which to start joining elements. It must be a non-negative integer.
* @param toIndex The end index in the array up to which to join elements. It must be a non-negative integer and not less than fromIndex.
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element.
* @param trim If {@code true}, trims the string representations of each element.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty, or {@code fromIndex == toIndex}.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* @see #join(Object[], int, int, String, String, String, boolean)
public static String join(final Object[] a, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final char delimiter, final boolean trim)
throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
// N.checkFromToIndex(fromIndex, toIndex, N.len(a));
// if (N.isEmpty(a) || fromIndex == toIndex) {
// return EMPTY_STRING;
// } else if (toIndex - fromIndex == 1) {
// return toString(a[fromIndex], trim);
// }
// final StringBuilder sb = Objectory.createStringBuilder(calculateBufferSize(toIndex - fromIndex, 16));
// try {
// for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
// if (i > fromIndex) {
// sb.append(delimiter);
// }
// sb.append(toString(a[i], trim));
// }
// return sb.toString();
// } finally {
// Objectory.recycle(sb);
// }
return join(a, fromIndex, toIndex, N.stringOf(delimiter), trim);
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a
* @param fromIndex The start index in the array from which to start joining elements. It must be a non-negative integer.
* @param toIndex The end index in the array up to which to join elements. It must be a non-negative integer and not less than fromIndex.
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element. It can be empty, in which case the elements are concatenated without any delimiter.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty, or {@code fromIndex == toIndex}.
* @see #join(Object[], int, int, String, String, String, boolean)
public static String join(final Object[] a, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final String delimiter) {
return join(a, fromIndex, toIndex, delimiter, false);
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* @param a
* @param fromIndex The start index in the array from which to start joining elements. It must be a non-negative integer.
* @param toIndex The end index in the array up to which to join elements. It must be a non-negative integer and not less than fromIndex.
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element. It can be empty, in which case the elements are concatenated without any delimiter.
* @param trim If {@code true}, trims the string representations of each element.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty, or {@code fromIndex == toIndex}.
* @see #join(Object[], int, int, String, String, String, boolean)
public static String join(final Object[] a, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final String delimiter, final boolean trim) {
return join(a, fromIndex, toIndex, delimiter, null, null, trim);
* Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String.
* The elements are selected from the specified range of the array.
* @param a The array containing the elements to join together. It can be {@code null}.
* @param fromIndex The start index in the array from which to start joining elements. It must be a non-negative integer.
* @param toIndex The end index in the array up to which to join elements. It must be a non-negative integer and not less than fromIndex.
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element. It can be empty, in which case the elements are concatenated without any delimiter.
* @param prefix The prefix to be added at the beginning. It can be empty.
* @param suffix The suffix to be added at the end. It can be empty.
* @param trim If {@code true}, trims the string representations of each element.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty or {@code fromIndex == toIndex} and prefix, suffix are empty.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the fromIndex or toIndex is out of the range of the array size.
public static String join(final Object[] a, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final String delimiter, final String prefix, final String suffix,
final boolean trim) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
N.checkFromToIndex(fromIndex, toIndex, N.len(a));
if (N.isEmpty(a) || fromIndex == toIndex) {
if (isEmpty(prefix) && isEmpty(suffix)) {
} else if (isEmpty(prefix)) {
return suffix;
} else if (isEmpty(suffix)) {
return prefix;
} else {
return concat(prefix, suffix);
} else if (toIndex - fromIndex == 1 && isEmpty(prefix) && isEmpty(suffix)) {
return toString(a[fromIndex], trim);
// final StringBuilder sb = Objectory.createStringBuilder(calculateBufferSize(toIndex - fromIndex, 16 + N.len(delimiter), N.len(prefix), N.len(suffix)));
// try {
// if (isNotEmpty(prefix)) {
// sb.append(prefix);
// }
// if (isEmpty(delimiter)) {
// for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
// sb.append(toString(a[i], trim));
// }
// } else {
// for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
// if (i > fromIndex) {
// sb.append(delimiter);
// }
// sb.append(toString(a[i], trim));
// }
// }
// if (isNotEmpty(suffix)) {
// sb.append(suffix);
// }
// return sb.toString();
// } finally {
// Objectory.recycle(sb);
// }
final int len = toIndex - fromIndex;
final String[] elements = new String[len];
for (int i = fromIndex, j = 0; i < toIndex; i++, j++) {
elements[j] = toString(a[i], trim);
elements[0] = concat(prefix, elements[0]);
elements[len - 1] = concat(elements[len - 1], suffix);
return String.join(nullToEmpty(delimiter), elements);
* Joins the elements of the provided Iterable into a single String.
* @param c
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified Iterable is {@code null} or empty
* @see #join(Iterable, String, String, String, boolean)
public static String join(final Iterable> c) {
return join(c, Strings.ELEMENT_SEPARATOR);
* Joins the elements of the provided Iterable into a single String.
* @param c
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified Iterable is {@code null} or empty
* @see #join(Iterable, String, String, String, boolean)
public static String join(final Iterable> c, final char delimiter) {
return join(c == null ? null : c.iterator(), delimiter);
* Joins the elements of the provided Iterable into a single String.
* @param c
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element. It can be empty, in which case the elements are concatenated without any delimiter.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified Iterable is {@code null} or empty
* @see #join(Iterable, String, String, String, boolean)
public static String join(final Iterable> c, final String delimiter) {
return join(c == null ? null : c.iterator(), delimiter);
* Joins the elements of the provided Iterable into a single String.
* @param c
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element. It can be empty, in which case the elements are concatenated without any delimiter.
* @param prefix
* @param suffix
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified Iterable is {@code null} or empty and prefix, suffix are empty.
* @see #join(Iterable, String, String, String, boolean)
public static String join(final Iterable> c, final String delimiter, final String prefix, final String suffix) {
return join(c == null ? null : c.iterator(), delimiter, prefix, suffix);
* Joins the elements of the provided Iterable into a single String.
* @param c The Iterable containing the elements to join together. It can be {@code null}.
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element. It can be empty, in which case the elements are concatenated without any delimiter.
* @param prefix The prefix to be added at the beginning. It can be empty.
* @param suffix The suffix to be added at the end. It can be empty.
* @param trim If {@code true}, trims the string representations of each element.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified Iterable is {@code null} or empty and prefix, suffix are empty.
public static String join(final Iterable> c, final String delimiter, final String prefix, final String suffix, final boolean trim) {
if (c instanceof final Collection> coll) { // NOSONAR
return join(coll, 0, coll.size(), delimiter, prefix, suffix, trim);
} else {
return join(c == null ? null : c.iterator(), delimiter, prefix, suffix, trim);
* Joins the elements of the provided Collection into a single String.
* @param c
* @param fromIndex
* @param toIndex
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified Collection is {@code null} or empty, or {@code fromIndex == toIndex}.
* @see #join(Collection, int, int, String, String, String, boolean)
public static String join(final Collection> c, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final char delimiter) {
return join(c, fromIndex, toIndex, delimiter, false);
* Joins the elements of the provided Collection into a single String.
* @param c
* @param fromIndex
* @param toIndex
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element.
* @param trim If {@code true}, trims the string representations of each element.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified Collection is {@code null} or empty, or {@code fromIndex == toIndex}.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* @see #join(Collection, int, int, String, String, String, boolean)
public static String join(final Collection> c, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final char delimiter, final boolean trim)
throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
N.checkFromToIndex(fromIndex, toIndex, N.size(c));
if (N.isEmpty(c) || fromIndex == toIndex) {
// final StringBuilder sb = Objectory.createStringBuilder(calculateBufferSize(toIndex - fromIndex, 16));
// try {
// int i = 0;
// for (final Object e : c) {
// if (i++ > fromIndex) {
// sb.append(delimiter);
// }
// if (i > fromIndex) {
// sb.append(toString(e, trim));
// }
// if (i >= toIndex) {
// break;
// }
// }
// return sb.toString();
// } finally {
// Objectory.recycle(sb);
// }
return join(c, fromIndex, toIndex, N.stringOf(delimiter), trim);
* Joins the elements of the provided Collection into a single String.
* @param c
* @param fromIndex
* @param toIndex
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element. It can be empty, in which case the elements are concatenated without any delimiter.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified Collection is {@code null} or empty, or {@code fromIndex == toIndex}.
* @see #join(Collection, int, int, String, String, String, boolean)
public static String join(final Collection> c, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final String delimiter) {
return join(c, fromIndex, toIndex, delimiter, false);
* Joins the elements of the provided Collection into a single String.
* @param c
* @param fromIndex
* @param toIndex
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element. It can be empty, in which case the elements are concatenated without any delimiter.
* @param trim If {@code true}, trims the string representations of each element.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified Collection is {@code null} or empty, or {@code fromIndex == toIndex}.
* @see #join(Collection, int, int, String, String, String, boolean)
public static String join(final Collection> c, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final String delimiter, final boolean trim) {
return join(c, fromIndex, toIndex, delimiter, null, null, trim);
* Joins the elements of the provided Collection into a single String.
* The elements are selected from the specified range of the Collection.
* @param c The Collection containing the elements to join together. It can be {@code null}.
* @param fromIndex The start index in the Collection from which to start joining elements. It must be a non-negative integer.
* @param toIndex The end index in the Collection up to which to join elements. It must be a non-negative integer and not less than fromIndex.
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element. It can be empty, in which case the elements are concatenated without any delimiter.
* @param prefix The prefix to be added at the beginning. It can be empty.
* @param suffix The suffix to be added at the end. It can be empty.
* @param trim If {@code true}, trims the string representations of each element.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified array is {@code null} or empty or {@code fromIndex == toIndex} and prefix, suffix are empty.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the fromIndex or toIndex is out of the range of the Collection size.
public static String join(final Collection> c, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final String delimiter, final String prefix, final String suffix,
final boolean trim) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
N.checkFromToIndex(fromIndex, toIndex, N.size(c));
if (N.isEmpty(c) || fromIndex == toIndex) {
if (isEmpty(prefix) && isEmpty(suffix)) {
} else if (isEmpty(prefix)) {
return suffix;
} else if (isEmpty(suffix)) {
return prefix;
} else {
return concat(prefix, suffix);
// final StringBuilder sb = Objectory.createStringBuilder(calculateBufferSize(toIndex - fromIndex, 16 + N.len(delimiter), N.len(prefix), N.len(suffix)));
// try {
// if (isNotEmpty(prefix)) {
// sb.append(prefix);
// }
// if (c instanceof List && c instanceof RandomAccess) {
// final List> list = (List>) c;
// if (isEmpty(delimiter)) {
// for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
// sb.append(toString(list.get(i), trim));
// }
// } else {
// for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
// if (i > fromIndex) {
// sb.append(delimiter);
// }
// sb.append(toString(list.get(i), trim));
// }
// }
// } else {
// int i = 0;
// if (isEmpty(delimiter)) {
// for (final Object e : c) {
// if (i++ >= fromIndex) {
// sb.append(toString(e, trim));
// }
// if (i >= toIndex) {
// break;
// }
// }
// } else {
// for (final Object e : c) {
// if (i++ > fromIndex) {
// sb.append(delimiter);
// }
// if (i > fromIndex) {
// sb.append(toString(e, trim));
// }
// if (i >= toIndex) {
// break;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// if (isNotEmpty(suffix)) {
// sb.append(suffix);
// }
// return sb.toString();
// } finally {
// Objectory.recycle(sb);
// }
final int len = toIndex - fromIndex;
final String[] elements = new String[len];
if (c instanceof final List> list && c instanceof RandomAccess) {
for (int i = fromIndex, j = 0; i < toIndex; i++, j++) {
elements[j] = toString(list.get(i), trim);
} else {
int i = 0, j = 0;
for (final Object e : c) {
if (i++ >= fromIndex) {
elements[j++] = toString(e, trim);
if (i >= toIndex) {
elements[0] = concat(prefix, elements[0]);
elements[len - 1] = concat(elements[len - 1], suffix);
return String.join(nullToEmpty(delimiter), elements);
* Joins the elements of the provided Iterator into a single String.
* @param iter
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified Iterator is {@code null} or empty
* @see #join(Iterator, String, String, String, boolean)
public static String join(final Iterator> iter) {
return join(iter, Strings.ELEMENT_SEPARATOR);
* Joins the elements of the provided Iterator into a single String.
* @param iter
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified Iterator is {@code null} or empty
* @see #join(Iterator, String, String, String, boolean)
public static String join(final Iterator> iter, final char delimiter) {
if (iter == null) {
// final StringBuilder sb = Objectory.createStringBuilder();
// try {
// if (iter.hasNext()) {
// sb.append(N.toString(;
// }
// while (iter.hasNext()) {
// sb.append(delimiter);
// sb.append(N.toString(;
// }
// return sb.toString();
// } finally {
// Objectory.recycle(sb);
// }
return join(iter, N.stringOf(delimiter));
* Joins the elements of the provided Iterator into a single String.
* @param iter
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element. It can be empty, in which case the elements are concatenated without any delimiter.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified Iterator is {@code null} or empty
* @see #join(Iterator, String, String, String, boolean)
public static String join(final Iterator> iter, final String delimiter) {
return join(iter, delimiter, EMPTY_STRING, EMPTY_STRING, false);
* Joins the elements of the provided Iterator into a single String.
* @param iter The Iterator containing the elements to join together. It can be {@code null}.
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element. It can be empty, in which case the elements are concatenated without any delimiter.
* @param prefix The prefix to be added at the beginning. It can be empty.
* @param suffix The suffix to be added at the end. It can be empty.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified Iterator is {@code null} or empty and prefix, suffix are empty.
* @see #join(Iterator, String, String, String, boolean)
public static String join(final Iterator> iter, final String delimiter, final String prefix, final String suffix) {
return join(iter, delimiter, prefix, suffix, false);
* Joins the elements of the provided Iterator into a single String.
* @param iter The Iterator containing the elements to join together. It can be {@code null}.
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates each element. It can be empty, in which case the elements are concatenated without any delimiter.
* @param prefix The prefix to be added at the beginning. It can be empty.
* @param suffix The suffix to be added at the end. It can be empty.
* @param trim If {@code true}, trims the string representations of each element.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if the specified Iterator is {@code null} or empty and prefix, suffix are empty.
public static String join(final Iterator> iter, final String delimiter, final String prefix, final String suffix, final boolean trim) {
if (iter == null) {
if (isEmpty(prefix) && isEmpty(suffix)) {
} else if (isEmpty(prefix)) {
return suffix;
} else if (isEmpty(suffix)) {
return prefix;
} else {
return concat(prefix, suffix);
// final StringBuilder sb = Objectory.createStringBuilder();
// try {
// if (isNotEmpty(prefix)) {
// sb.append(prefix);
// }
// if (isEmpty(delimiter)) {
// while (iter.hasNext()) {
// if (trim) {
// sb.append(N.toString(;
// } else {
// sb.append(N.toString(;
// }
// }
// } else {
// if (iter.hasNext()) {
// sb.append(N.toString(;
// }
// while (iter.hasNext()) {
// sb.append(delimiter);
// if (trim) {
// sb.append(N.toString(;
// } else {
// sb.append(N.toString(;
// }
// }
// }
// if (isNotEmpty(suffix)) {
// sb.append(suffix);
// }
// return sb.toString();
// } finally {
// Objectory.recycle(sb);
// }
final List> list = N.toList(iter);
return join(list, 0, list.size(), delimiter, prefix, suffix, trim);
* Joins the entries of the provided Map into a single String.
* @param m
* @return
* @see #joinEntries(Map, String, String, String, String, boolean)
public static String joinEntries(final Map, ?> m) {
return joinEntries(m, Strings.ELEMENT_SEPARATOR);
* Joins the entries of the provided Map into a single String.
* @param m
* @param entryDelimiter The delimiter that separates each entry
* @return
* @see #joinEntries(Map, String, String, String, String, boolean)
public static String joinEntries(final Map, ?> m, final char entryDelimiter) {
if (N.isEmpty(m)) {
return joinEntries(m, 0, m.size(), entryDelimiter);
* Joins the entries of the provided Map into a single String.
* @param m
* @param entryDelimiter The delimiter that separates each entry
* @return
* @see #joinEntries(Map, String, String, String, String, boolean)
public static String joinEntries(final Map, ?> m, final String entryDelimiter) {
if (N.isEmpty(m)) {
return joinEntries(m, 0, m.size(), entryDelimiter);
* Joins the entries of the provided Map into a single String.
* @param m
* @param entryDelimiter The delimiter that separates each entry
* @param keyValueDelimiter
* @return
* @see #joinEntries(Map, String, String, String, String, boolean)
public static String joinEntries(final Map, ?> m, final char entryDelimiter, final char keyValueDelimiter) {
if (N.isEmpty(m)) {
return joinEntries(m, 0, m.size(), entryDelimiter, keyValueDelimiter);
* Joins the entries of the provided Map into a single String.
* @param m
* @param keyValueDelimiter The delimiter that separates the key and value within each entry. It can be empty, in which case the key and value are concatenated without any delimiter.
* @param keyValueDelimiter
* @return
* @see #joinEntries(Map, String, String, String, String, boolean)
public static String joinEntries(final Map, ?> m, final String entryDelimiter, final String keyValueDelimiter) {
if (N.isEmpty(m)) {
return joinEntries(m, 0, m.size(), entryDelimiter, keyValueDelimiter);
* Joins the entries of the provided Map into a single String.
* @param m
* @param keyValueDelimiter The delimiter that separates the key and value within each entry. It can be empty, in which case the key and value are concatenated without any delimiter.
* @param keyValueDelimiter
* @param prefix
* @param suffix
* @return
* @see #joinEntries(Map, String, String, String, String, boolean)
public static String joinEntries(final Map, ?> m, final String entryDelimiter, final String keyValueDelimiter, final String prefix, final String suffix) {
return joinEntries(m, 0, N.size(m), entryDelimiter, keyValueDelimiter, prefix, suffix, false);
* Joins the entries of the provided Map into a single String.
* The entryDelimiter separates each entry and keyValueDelimiter separates the key and value within each entry.
* The prefix and suffix are added to each entry before joining.
* @param m The Map containing the entries to join together. It can be empty.
* @param entryDelimiter The delimiter that separates each entry. It can be empty, in which case the entries are concatenated without any delimiter.
* @param keyValueDelimiter The delimiter that separates the key and value within each entry. It can be empty, in which case the key and value are concatenated without any delimiter.
* @param prefix The prefix to be added at the beginning. It can be empty.
* @param suffix The suffix to be added at the end. It can be empty.
* @param trim If {@code true}, trims the string representations of each element.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if 'm' is {@code null} or empty and prefix'/'suffix are empty.
public static String joinEntries(final Map, ?> m, final String entryDelimiter, final String keyValueDelimiter, final String prefix, final String suffix,
final boolean trim) {
return joinEntries(m, 0, N.size(m), entryDelimiter, keyValueDelimiter, prefix, suffix, trim);
* Joins the entries of the provided map into a string, using the specified delimiters.
* Each entry is represented as "key + keyValueDelimiter + value".
* The entries are joined with the specified entryDelimiter.
* If the trim flag is set to {@code true}, the leading and trailing whitespace of each entry will be removed.
* The keys and values are transformed using the provided keyExtractor and valueExtractor functions respectively.
* @param m The Map containing the entries to join together. It can be empty.
* @param entryDelimiter The delimiter that separates each entry. It can be empty, in which case the entries are concatenated without any delimiter.
* @param keyValueDelimiter The delimiter that separates the key and value within each entry. It can be empty, in which case the key and value are concatenated without any delimiter.
* @param prefix The prefix to be added at the beginning. It can be empty.
* @param suffix The suffix to be added at the end. It can be empty.
* @param trim If {@code true}, leading and trailing whitespace of each entry will be removed.
* @param keyExtractor The function to be used to transform the keys. It should not be {@code null}.
* @param valueExtractor The function to be used to transform the values. It should not be {@code null}.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if 'm' is {@code null} or empty and prefix'/'suffix are empty.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the map is {@code null}, either delimiter is {@code null}, or the mapper functions are {@code null}.
public static String joinEntries(final Map m, final String entryDelimiter, final String keyValueDelimiter, final String prefix,
final String suffix, final boolean trim, final Function super K, ?> keyExtractor, final Function super V, ?> valueExtractor)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
N.checkArgNotNull(keyExtractor, cs.keyExtractor);
N.checkArgNotNull(valueExtractor, cs.valueExtractor);
if (N.isEmpty(m)) {
if (isEmpty(prefix) && isEmpty(suffix)) {
} else if (isEmpty(prefix)) {
return suffix;
} else if (isEmpty(suffix)) {
return prefix;
} else {
return concat(prefix, suffix);
final StringBuilder sb = Objectory
.createStringBuilder(calculateBufferSize(m.size(), 32 + N.len(entryDelimiter) + N.len(keyValueDelimiter), N.len(prefix), N.len(suffix)));
try {
if (isNotEmpty(prefix)) {
int i = 0;
for (final Map.Entry entry : m.entrySet()) {
if (i++ > 0) {
if (trim) {
} else {
if (isNotEmpty(suffix)) {
return sb.toString();
} finally {
* Joins the entries of the provided map into a string, using the specified delimiters.
* @param m
* @param fromIndex
* @param toIndex
* @param entryDelimiter The delimiter that separates each entry
* @return
* @see #joinEntries(Map, int, int, String, String, String, String, boolean)
public static String joinEntries(final Map, ?> m, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final char entryDelimiter) {
return joinEntries(m, fromIndex, toIndex, entryDelimiter, false);
* Joins the entries of the provided map into a string, using the specified delimiters.
* @param m
* @param fromIndex
* @param toIndex
* @param entryDelimiter The delimiter that separates each entry
* @param trim
* @return
* @see #joinEntries(Map, int, int, String, String, String, String, boolean)
public static String joinEntries(final Map, ?> m, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final char entryDelimiter, final boolean trim) {
return joinEntries(m, fromIndex, toIndex, entryDelimiter, WD._EQUAL, trim);
* Joins the entries of the provided map into a string, using the specified delimiters.
* @param m
* @param fromIndex
* @param toIndex
* @param entryDelimiter The delimiter that separates each entry
* @return
* @see #joinEntries(Map, int, int, String, String, String, String, boolean)
public static String joinEntries(final Map, ?> m, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final String entryDelimiter) {
return joinEntries(m, fromIndex, toIndex, entryDelimiter, false);
* Joins the entries of the provided map into a string, using the specified delimiters.
* @param m
* @param fromIndex
* @param toIndex
* @param entryDelimiter The delimiter that separates each entry
* @param trim
* @return
* @see #joinEntries(Map, int, int, String, String, String, String, boolean)
public static String joinEntries(final Map, ?> m, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final String entryDelimiter, final boolean trim) {
return joinEntries(m, fromIndex, toIndex, entryDelimiter, WD.EQUAL, null, null, trim);
* Joins the entries of the provided map into a string, using the specified delimiters.
* @param m
* @param fromIndex
* @param toIndex
* @param entryDelimiter The delimiter that separates each entry
* @param keyValueDelimiter
* @return
* @see #joinEntries(Map, int, int, String, String, String, String, boolean)
public static String joinEntries(final Map, ?> m, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final char entryDelimiter, final char keyValueDelimiter) {
return joinEntries(m, fromIndex, toIndex, entryDelimiter, keyValueDelimiter, false);
* Joins the entries of the provided map into a string, using the specified delimiters.
* @param m
* @param fromIndex
* @param toIndex
* @param entryDelimiter The delimiter that separates each entry
* @param keyValueDelimiter
* @param trim
* @return
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* @see #joinEntries(Map, int, int, String, String, String, String, boolean)
public static String joinEntries(final Map, ?> m, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final char entryDelimiter, final char keyValueDelimiter,
final boolean trim) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
N.checkFromToIndex(fromIndex, toIndex, N.size(m));
if (N.isEmpty(m) || fromIndex == toIndex) {
final StringBuilder sb = Objectory.createStringBuilder(calculateBufferSize(toIndex - fromIndex, 32));
try {
int i = 0;
for (final Map.Entry, ?> entry : m.entrySet()) {
if (i++ > fromIndex) {
if (i > fromIndex) {
sb.append(toString(entry.getKey(), trim));
sb.append(toString(entry.getValue(), trim));
if (i >= toIndex) {
return sb.toString();
} finally {
* Joins the entries of the provided map into a string, using the specified delimiters.
* @param m
* @param fromIndex
* @param toIndex
* @param keyValueDelimiter The delimiter that separates the key and value within each entry. It can be empty, in which case the key and value are concatenated without any delimiter.
* @param keyValueDelimiter
* @return
* @see #joinEntries(Map, int, int, String, String, String, String, boolean)
public static String joinEntries(final Map, ?> m, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final String entryDelimiter, final String keyValueDelimiter) {
return joinEntries(m, fromIndex, toIndex, entryDelimiter, keyValueDelimiter, null, null, false);
* Joins the entries of the provided map into a string, using the specified delimiters.
* The entries are taken from the specified range of the map's entry set (fromIndex, inclusive, to toIndex, exclusive).
* Each entry is represented as "key + keyValueDelimiter + value".
* The entries are joined with the specified entryDelimiter.
* If the trim flag is set to {@code true}, the leading and trailing whitespace of each entry will be removed.
* @param m The Map containing the entries to join together. It can be empty.
* @param fromIndex The start index in the entry set from which to start joining entries. It should be non-negative and no larger than the size of the map.
* @param toIndex The end index in the entry set up to which to join entries. It should be non-negative, no larger than the size of the map, and not less than fromIndex.
* @param entryDelimiter The delimiter that separates each entry. It can be empty, in which case the entries are concatenated without any delimiter.
* @param keyValueDelimiter The delimiter that separates the key and value within each entry. It can be empty, in which case the key and value are concatenated without any delimiter.
* @param prefix The prefix to be added at the beginning. It can be empty.
* @param suffix The suffix to be added at the end. It can be empty.
* @param trim If {@code true}, leading and trailing whitespace of each entry will be removed.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns an empty string if 'm' is {@code null} or empty and prefix'/'suffix are empty.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if fromIndex or toIndex is out of range.
public static String joinEntries(final Map, ?> m, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex, final String entryDelimiter, final String keyValueDelimiter,
final String prefix, final String suffix, final boolean trim) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
N.checkFromToIndex(fromIndex, toIndex, N.size(m));
if (N.isEmpty(m) || fromIndex == toIndex) {
if (isEmpty(prefix) && isEmpty(suffix)) {
} else if (isEmpty(prefix)) {
return suffix;
} else if (isEmpty(suffix)) {
return prefix;
} else {
return concat(prefix, suffix);
final StringBuilder sb = Objectory.createStringBuilder(
calculateBufferSize(toIndex - fromIndex, 32 + N.len(entryDelimiter) + N.len(keyValueDelimiter), N.len(prefix), N.len(suffix)));
try {
if (isNotEmpty(prefix)) {
int i = 0;
for (final Map.Entry, ?> entry : m.entrySet()) {
if (i++ > fromIndex) {
if (i > fromIndex) {
if (trim) {
} else {
if (i >= toIndex) {
if (isNotEmpty(suffix)) {
return sb.toString();
} finally {
* Concatenates the given strings into a single string.
* {@code Null} strings are converted to empty strings before concatenation.
* @param a
* @param b
* @return
public static String concat(final String a, final String b) {
if (N.isEmpty(a)) {
return N.isEmpty(b) ? Strings.EMPTY_STRING : b;
} else {
return N.isEmpty(b) ? a : a.concat(b);
* Concatenates the given strings into a single string.
* {@code Null} strings are converted to empty strings before concatenation.
* @param a
* @param b
* @param c
* @return
public static String concat(final String a, final String b, final String c) {
return String.join(Strings.EMPTY_STRING, nullToEmpty(a), nullToEmpty(b), nullToEmpty(c));
* Concatenates the given strings into a single string.
* {@code Null} strings are converted to empty strings before concatenation.
* @param a
* @param b
* @param c
* @param d
* @return
public static String concat(final String a, final String b, final String c, final String d) {
return String.join(Strings.EMPTY_STRING, nullToEmpty(a), nullToEmpty(b), nullToEmpty(c), nullToEmpty(d));
* Concatenates the given strings into a single string.
* {@code Null} strings are converted to empty strings before concatenation.
* @param a
* @param b
* @param c
* @param d
* @param e
* @return
public static String concat(final String a, final String b, final String c, final String d, final String e) {
return String.join(Strings.EMPTY_STRING, nullToEmpty(a), nullToEmpty(b), nullToEmpty(c), nullToEmpty(d), nullToEmpty(e));
* Concatenates the given strings into a single string.
* {@code Null} strings are converted to empty strings before concatenation.
* @param a
* @param b
* @param c
* @param d
* @param e
* @param f
* @return
public static String concat(final String a, final String b, final String c, final String d, final String e, final String f) {
return String.join(Strings.EMPTY_STRING, nullToEmpty(a), nullToEmpty(b), nullToEmpty(c), nullToEmpty(d), nullToEmpty(e), nullToEmpty(f));
* Concatenates the given strings into a single string.
* {@code Null} strings are converted to empty strings before concatenation.
* @param a
* @param b
* @param c
* @param d
* @param e
* @param f
* @param g
* @return
public static String concat(final String a, final String b, final String c, final String d, final String e, final String f, final String g) {
return String.join(Strings.EMPTY_STRING, nullToEmpty(a), nullToEmpty(b), nullToEmpty(c), nullToEmpty(d), nullToEmpty(e), nullToEmpty(f),
* Concatenates the given strings into a single string.
* {@code Null} strings are converted to empty strings before concatenation.
* @param a
* @param b
* @param c
* @param d
* @param e
* @param f
* @param g
* @param h
* @return
public static String concat(final String a, final String b, final String c, final String d, final String e, final String f, final String g,
final String h) {
return String.join(Strings.EMPTY_STRING, nullToEmpty(a), nullToEmpty(b), nullToEmpty(c), nullToEmpty(d), nullToEmpty(e), nullToEmpty(f), nullToEmpty(g),
* Concatenates the given strings into a single string.
* {@code Null} strings are converted to empty strings before concatenation.
* @param a
* @param b
* @param c
* @param d
* @param e
* @param f
* @param g
* @param h
* @param i
* @return The concatenated string. Returns {@code ""} if all input Strings are {@code null} or empty..
public static String concat(final String a, final String b, final String c, final String d, final String e, final String f, final String g, final String h,
final String i) {
return String.join(Strings.EMPTY_STRING, nullToEmpty(a), nullToEmpty(b), nullToEmpty(c), nullToEmpty(d), nullToEmpty(e), nullToEmpty(f), nullToEmpty(g),
nullToEmpty(h), nullToEmpty(i));
* Concatenates the given strings into a single string.
* {@code Null} strings are converted to empty strings before concatenation.
* @param a
* @return
public static String concat(final String... a) {
final int len = N.len(a);
switch (len) {
case 0:
case 1:
return nullToEmpty(a[0]);
case 2:
return concat(a[0], a[1]);
case 3:
return concat(a[0], a[1], a[2]);
case 4:
return concat(a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3]);
case 5:
return concat(a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4]);
case 6:
return concat(a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4], a[5]);
case 7:
return concat(a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4], a[5], a[6]);
default: {
final String[] b = N.copyThenReplaceAll(a, Fn.nullToEmpty());
return String.join(Strings.EMPTY_STRING, b);
* Concatenates the string representations of the provided objects into a single string.
* {@code Null} objects are converted to empty "" strings before concatenation.
* @param a
* @param b
* @return
public static String concat(final Object a, final Object b) {
return Strings.concat(N.toString(a), N.toString(b));
* Concatenates the string representations of the provided objects into a single string.
* {@code Null} objects are converted to empty "" strings before concatenation.
* @param a
* @param b
* @param c
* @return
* @see #concat(Object, Object)
public static String concat(final Object a, final Object b, final Object c) {
return Strings.concat(N.toString(a), N.toString(b), N.toString(c));
* Concatenates the string representations of the provided objects into a single string.
* {@code Null} objects are converted to empty "" strings before concatenation.
* @param a
* @param b
* @param c
* @param d
* @return
* @see #concat(Object, Object)
public static String concat(final Object a, final Object b, final Object c, final Object d) {
return Strings.concat(N.toString(a), N.toString(b), N.toString(c), N.toString(d));
* Concatenates the string representations of the provided objects into a single string.
* {@code Null} objects are converted to empty "" strings before concatenation.
* @param a
* @param b
* @param c
* @param d
* @param e
* @return
* @see #concat(Object, Object)
public static String concat(final Object a, final Object b, final Object c, final Object d, final Object e) {
return Strings.concat(N.toString(a), N.toString(b), N.toString(c), N.toString(d), N.toString(e));
* Concatenates the string representations of the provided objects into a single string.
* {@code Null} objects are converted to empty "" strings before concatenation.
* @param a
* @param b
* @param c
* @param d
* @param e
* @param f
* @return
* @see #concat(Object, Object)
public static String concat(final Object a, final Object b, final Object c, final Object d, final Object e, final Object f) {
return Strings.concat(N.toString(a), N.toString(b), N.toString(c), N.toString(d), N.toString(e), N.toString(f));
* Concatenates the string representations of the provided objects into a single string.
* {@code Null} objects are converted to empty "" strings before concatenation.
* @param a
* @param b
* @param c
* @param d
* @param e
* @param f
* @param g
* @return
* @see #concat(Object, Object)
public static String concat(final Object a, final Object b, final Object c, final Object d, final Object e, final Object f, final Object g) {
return Strings.concat(N.toString(a), N.toString(b), N.toString(c), N.toString(d), N.toString(e), N.toString(f), N.toString(g));
* Concatenates the string representations of the provided objects into a single string.
* {@code Null} objects are converted to empty "" strings before concatenation.
* @param a
* @param b
* @param c
* @param d
* @param e
* @param f
* @param g
* @param h
* @return
* @see #concat(Object, Object)
public static String concat(final Object a, final Object b, final Object c, final Object d, final Object e, final Object f, final Object g,
final Object h) {
return Strings.concat(N.toString(a), N.toString(b), N.toString(c), N.toString(d), N.toString(e), N.toString(f), N.toString(g), N.toString(h));
* Concatenates the string representations of the provided objects into a single string.
* {@code Null} objects are converted to empty "" strings before concatenation.
* @param a The first object to concatenate. It can be {@code null}.
* @param b The second object to concatenate. It can be {@code null}.
* @param c The third object to concatenate. It can be {@code null}.
* @param d The fourth object to concatenate. It can be {@code null}.
* @param e The fifth object to concatenate. It can be {@code null}.
* @param f The sixth object to concatenate. It can be {@code null}.
* @param g The seventh object to concatenate. It can be {@code null}.
* @param h The eighth object to concatenate. It can be {@code null}.
* @return The concatenated string. Returns {@code ""} if all input objects are {@code null} or empty.
public static String concat(final Object a, final Object b, final Object c, final Object d, final Object e, final Object f, final Object g, final Object h,
final Object i) {
return Strings.concat(N.toString(a), N.toString(b), N.toString(c), N.toString(d), N.toString(e), N.toString(f), N.toString(g), N.toString(h),
// /**
// *
// * @param a
// * @return
// * @see #concat(Object, Object)
// * @deprecated
// */
// @Deprecated
// @SafeVarargs
// public static String concat(final Object... a) {
// if (N.isEmpty(a)) {
// return EMPTY_STRING;
// } else if (a.getClass().equals(String[].class)) {
// return Strings.concat((String[]) a);
// }
// final StringBuilder sb = ObjectFactory.createStringBuilder();
// try {
// for (Object e : a) {
// sb.append(N.toString(e));
// }
// return sb.toString();
// } finally {
// ObjectFactory.recycle(sb);
// }
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param c
// * @return
// * @deprecated
// */
// @Deprecated
// public static String concat(final Collection> c) {
// if (N.isEmpty(c)) {
// return EMPTY_STRING;
// }
// final StringBuilder sb = ObjectFactory.createStringBuilder();
// try {
// for (Object e : c) {
// sb.append(N.toString(e));
// }
// return sb.toString();
// } finally {
// ObjectFactory.recycle(sb);
// }
// }
private static String toString(final Object e, final boolean trim) {
if (e == null) {
if (trim) {
return N.toString(e).trim();
} else {
return N.toString(e);
* Copied from Google Guava
* Returns the given {@code template} string with each occurrence of {@code "%s"} replaced by
* the corresponding argument value from {@code args}; or, if the placeholder and argument counts
* do not match, returns a best-effort form of that string. Will not throw an exception under
* normal conditions.
* Note: For most string-formatting needs, use {@link String#format String.format},
* {@link PrintWriter.format}, and related methods. These support the
* full range of format
* specifiers , and alert you to usage errors by throwing {@link
* java.util.IllegalFormatException}.
In certain cases, such as outputting debugging information or constructing a message to be
* used for another unchecked exception, an exception during string formatting would serve little
* purpose except to supplant the real information you were trying to provide. These are the cases
* this method is made for; it instead generates a best-effort string with all supplied argument
* values present. This method is also useful in environments such as GWT where {@code
* String.format} is not available. As an example, method implementations of the {@code Preconditions} class use this formatter, for both of the reasons just discussed.
Warning: Only the exact two-character placeholder sequence {@code "%s"} is
* recognized.
* @param template a string containing zero or more {@code "%s"} placeholder sequences. {@code
* null} is treated as the four-character string {@code "null"}.
* @param args the arguments to be substituted into the message template. The first argument
* specified is substituted for the first occurrence of {@code "%s"} in the template, and so
* forth. A {@code null} argument is converted to the four-character string {@code "null"};
* {@code non-null} values are converted to strings using {@link Object#toString()}.
* @return
// TODO(diamondm) consider using Arrays.toString() for array parameters
public static String lenientFormat(String template, Object... args) {
template = String.valueOf(template); // null -> "null"
if (args == null) {
args = new Object[] { "(Object[])null" };
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
args[i] = lenientToString(args[i]);
// start substituting the arguments into the '%s' placeholders
final StringBuilder sb = Objectory.createStringBuilder(template.length() + 16 * args.length);
int templateStart = 0;
int i = 0;
while (i < args.length) {
final int placeholderStart = template.indexOf("%s", templateStart);
if (placeholderStart == -1) {
sb.append(template, templateStart, placeholderStart);
templateStart = placeholderStart + 2;
sb.append(template, templateStart, template.length());
// if we run out of placeholders, append the extra args in square braces
if (i < args.length) {
sb.append(" [");
while (i < args.length) {
sb.append(", ");
final String result = sb.toString();
return result;
* Lenient to string.
* @param obj
* @return
private static String lenientToString(final Object obj) {
try {
return String.valueOf(obj);
} catch (final Exception e) {
// Default toString() behavior - see Object.toString()
final String objectToString = obj.getClass().getName() + '@' + Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(obj));
// Logger is created inline with fixed name to avoid forcing Proguard to create another class.
// Logger.getLogger("").log(WARNING, "Exception during lenientFormat for " + objectToString, e);
LOGGER.warn("Exception during lenientFormat for " + objectToString, e); //NOSONAR
return "<" + objectToString + " threw " + e.getClass().getName() + ">";
* Reverses the characters in the given string.
* @param str The string to be reversed. May be {@code null} or empty.
* @return A new string with the characters reversed. If the input string is {@code null} or empty or its length <= 1, the input string is returned.
public static String reverse(final String str) {
if (N.len(str) <= 1) {
return str;
final StringBuilder sb = Objectory.createStringBuilder(str.length());
try {
return sb.reverse().toString();
} finally {
* Reverses a String that is delimited by a specific character.
* The Strings between the delimiters are not reversed. Thus
* java.lang.String becomes (if the delimiter is
* {@code '.'}).
* Strings.reverseDelimited(null, *) = null
* Strings.reverseDelimited("", *) = ""
* Strings.reverseDelimited("a.b.c", 'x') = "a.b.c"
* Strings.reverseDelimited("a.b.c", ".") = "c.b.a"
* @param str
* the String to reverse, may be null
* @param delimiter
* the delimiter character to use
* @return the specified String if it's {@code null} or empty. If the input string is {@code null} or empty or its length <= 1, the input string is returned.
public static String reverseDelimited(final String str, final char delimiter) {
if (N.len(str) <= 1) {
return str;
// could implement manually, but simple way is to reuse other,
// probably slower, methods.
final String[] strs = split(str, delimiter);
return join(strs, delimiter);
* Reverses the order of delimited elements in a string.
* @param str The string to be reversed. May be {@code null} or empty.
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates the elements in the string.
* @return The reversed string. If the input string is {@code null} or empty or its length <= 1, the input string is returned.
public static String reverseDelimited(final String str, final String delimiter) {
if (N.len(str) <= 1) {
return str;
// could implement manually, but simple way is to reuse other,
// probably slower, methods.
final String[] strs = split(str, delimiter);
return join(strs, delimiter);
* Returns a new sorted String if the specified {@code str} is not {@code null} or empty, otherwise the specified {@code str} is returned.
* @param str
* @return the specified String if it's {@code null} or empty. If the input string is {@code null} or empty or its length <= 1, the input string is returned.
public static String sort(final String str) {
if (N.len(str) <= 1) {
return str;
final char[] chs = str.toCharArray();
return String.valueOf(chs);
// Rotating (circular shift)
* Rotate (circular shift) a String of {@code shift} characters.
* If {@code shift > 0}, right circular shift (ex : ABCDEF => FABCDE)
* If {@code shift < 0}, left circular shift (ex : ABCDEF => BCDEFA)
* Strings.rotate(null, *) = null
* Strings.rotate("", *) = ""
* Strings.rotate("abcdefg", 0) = "abcdefg"
* Strings.rotate("abcdefg", 2) = "fgabcde"
* Strings.rotate("abcdefg", -2) = "cdefgab"
* Strings.rotate("abcdefg", 7) = "abcdefg"
* Strings.rotate("abcdefg", -7) = "abcdefg"
* Strings.rotate("abcdefg", 9) = "fgabcde"
* Strings.rotate("abcdefg", -9) = "cdefgab"
* @param str the String to rotate, may be null
* @param shift number of time to shift (positive : right shift, negative : left shift)
* @return the rotated String,
* or the original String if {@code shift == 0},
* or {@code null} if {@code null} String input
public static String rotate(final String str, final int shift) {
final int strLen = N.len(str);
if (strLen <= 1 || shift == 0 || shift % strLen == 0) {
return str;
int offset = -(shift % strLen);
if (offset < 0) {
offset = str.length() + offset;
if (offset < 0) {
offset = 0;
return substring(str, offset) + Strings.substring(str, 0, offset);
* Shuffles the characters in the given string.
* @param str The string to be shuffled. May be {@code null} or empty.
* @return A new string with the characters shuffled. If the input string is {@code null} or empty, the input string is returned.
public static String shuffle(final String str) {
return shuffle(str, N.RAND);
* Shuffles the characters in the given string using the provided Random instance.
* @param str The string to be shuffled. May be {@code null} or empty.
* @param rnd The Random instance used to shuffle the characters.
* @return A new string with the characters shuffled. If the input string is {@code null} or empty, the input string is returned.
public static String shuffle(final String str, final Random rnd) {
final int strLen = N.len(str);
if (strLen <= 1) {
return str;
final char[] chars = str.toCharArray();
N.shuffle(chars, rnd);
return String.valueOf(chars);
// Overlay
* Overlays part of a String with another String.
* Strings.overlay(null, "abc", 0, 0) = "abc"
* Strings.overlay("", "abc", 0, 0) = "abc"
* Strings.overlay("abcdef", {@code null}, 2, 4) = "abef"
* Strings.overlay("abcdef", "", 2, 4) = "abef"
* Strings.overlay("abcdef", "zzzz", 2, 4) = "abzzzzef"
* @param str the String to do overlaying in, may be null
* @param overlay the String to overlay, may be null
* @param start the position to start overlaying at
* @param end the position to stop overlaying before
* @return overlayed String, {@code ""} if {@code null} String input
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* @see #replace(String, int, int, String)
* @see N#replaceRange(String, int, int, String)
* @deprecated replaced by {@code replace(String, int, int, String)}
public static String overlay(final String str, final String overlay, final int start, final int end) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {
return replace(str, start, end, overlay);
* Parses the string argument as a boolean.
* The boolean returned represents a {@code true} value if the string argument is not {@code null} and is equal, ignoring case, to the string "true".
* @param str The string to be parsed. May be {@code null}.
* @return The boolean represented by the string argument.
* @see Boolean#parseBoolean(String)
public static boolean parseBoolean(final String str) {
return !Strings.isEmpty(str) && Boolean.parseBoolean(str);
* Parses the string argument as a char.
* If the specified String is {@code null} or empty, Returns the char represented by the string argument is {@code '\0'}.
* Else if the length of the specified String is 1, it returns the char represented by the string argument.
* Otherwise, it returns the char represented by the integer value of the string argument.
* @param str The string to be parsed. May be {@code null}.
* @return The char represented by the string argument.
public static char parseChar(final String str) {
return Strings.isEmpty(str) ? CHAR_ZERO : ((str.length() == 1) ? str.charAt(0) : (char) Integer.parseInt(str));
* Returns the value by calling {@code Byte.valueOf(String)} if {@code str}
* is not {@code null}, otherwise, the default value 0 for {@code byte} is
* returned.
* @param str
* @return
* @throws NumberFormatException If the string is not a parsable {@code byte}.
* @see Numbers#toByte(String)
* @deprecated replaced by {@code Numbers.toByte(String)}
public static byte parseByte(final String str) throws NumberFormatException {
return Numbers.toByte(str);
* Returns the value by calling {@code Short.valueOf(String)} if {@code str}
* is not {@code null}, otherwise, the default value 0 for {@code short} is
* returned.
* @param str
* @return
* @throws NumberFormatException If the string is not a parsable {@code short}.
* @see Numbers#toShort(String)
* @deprecated replaced by {@code Numbers.toShort(String)}
public static short parseShort(final String str) throws NumberFormatException {
return Numbers.toShort(str);
* Returns the value by calling {@code Integer.valueOf(String)} if
* {@code str} is not {@code null}, otherwise, the default value 0 for
* {@code int} is returned.
* @param str
* @return
* @throws NumberFormatException If the string is not a parsable {@code int}.
* @see Numbers#toInt(String)
* @deprecated replaced by {@code Numbers.toInt(String)}
public static int parseInt(final String str) throws NumberFormatException {
return Numbers.toInt(str);
* Returns the value by calling {@code Long.valueOf(String)} if {@code str}
* is not {@code null}, otherwise, the default value 0 for {@code long} is
* returned.
* @param str
* @return
* @throws NumberFormatException If the string is not a parsable {@code long}.
* @see Numbers#toLong(String)
* @deprecated replaced by {@code Numbers.toLong(String)}
public static long parseLong(final String str) throws NumberFormatException {
return Numbers.toLong(str);
* Returns the value by calling {@code Float.valueOf(String)} if {@code str}
* is not {@code null}, otherwise, the default value 0f for {@code float} is
* returned.
* @param str
* @return
* @throws NumberFormatException If the string is not a parsable {@code float}.
* @see Numbers#toFloat(String)
* @deprecated replaced by {@code Numbers.toFloat(String)}
public static float parseFloat(final String str) throws NumberFormatException {
return Numbers.toFloat(str);
* Returns the value by calling {@code Double.valueOf(String)} if {@code str}
* is not {@code null}, otherwise, the default value 0d for {@code double} is
* returned.
* @param str
* @return
* @throws NumberFormatException If the string is not a parsable {@code double}.
* @see Numbers#toDouble(String)
* @deprecated replaced by {@code Numbers.toDouble(String)}
public static double parseDouble(final String str) throws NumberFormatException {
return Numbers.toDouble(str);
* Encodes the given binary data into a Base64 encoded string.
* @param binaryData The byte array to be encoded.
* @return The Base64 encoded string, or an empty String {@code ""} if the input byte array is {@code null} or empty.
public static String base64Encode(final byte[] binaryData) {
if (N.isEmpty(binaryData)) {
return Strings.EMPTY_STRING;
return BASE64_ENCODER.encodeToString(binaryData);
* Encodes the given string into a Base64 encoded string.
* @param str The string to be encoded.
* @return The Base64 encoded string, or an empty String {@code ""} if the input string is {@code null} or empty.
public static String base64EncodeString(final String str) {
if (Strings.isEmpty(str)) {
return Strings.EMPTY_STRING;
return BASE64_ENCODER.encodeToString(str.getBytes()); // NOSONAR
* Encodes the given string into a Base64 encoded string using UTF-8 encoding.
* @param str The string to be encoded.
* @return The Base64 encoded string, or an empty String {@code ""} if the input string is {@code null} or empty.
* @see #base64EncodeString(String, Charset)
public static String base64EncodeUtf8String(final String str) {
return base64EncodeString(str, Charsets.UTF_8);
* Encodes the given string to a Base64 encoded string using the specified charset.
* @param str The string to be encoded.
* @param charset The charset to be used to encode the input string.
* @return The Base64 encoded string.
* @see String#getBytes(Charset)
public static String base64EncodeString(final String str, final Charset charset) {
if (Strings.isEmpty(str)) {
return Strings.EMPTY_STRING;
return BASE64_ENCODER.encodeToString(str.getBytes(charset)); // NOSONAR
* Decodes the given Base64 encoded string to a byte array.
* @param base64String The Base64 encoded string to be decoded.
* @return The decoded byte array, or an empty byte array if the input string is {@code null} or empty.
public static byte[] base64Decode(final String base64String) {
if (Strings.isEmpty(base64String)) {
return BASE64_DECODER.decode(base64String);
* Decodes the given Base64 encoded string to its original string representation.
* @param base64String The Base64 encoded string to be decoded.
* @return The decoded string, or an empty String {@code ""} if the input string is {@code null} or empty.
public static String base64DecodeToString(final String base64String) {
if (Strings.isEmpty(base64String)) {
return Strings.EMPTY_STRING;
return new String(base64Decode(base64String)); // NOSONAR
* Decodes the given Base64 URL encoded string to a UTF-8 string.
* @param base64String The Base64 URL encoded string to be decoded.
* @return The decoded UTF-8 string, or an empty String {@code ""} if the input string is {@code null} or empty.
public static String base64DecodeToUtf8String(final String base64String) {
return base64DecodeToString(base64String, Charsets.UTF_8);
* Decodes the given Base64 encoded string to a string using the specified charset.
* @param base64String The Base64 encoded string to be decoded.
* @param charset The charset to be used to decode the resulting byte array.
* @return The decoded string.
* @see String#String(byte[], Charset)
public static String base64DecodeToString(final String base64String, final Charset charset) {
if (Strings.isEmpty(base64String)) {
return Strings.EMPTY_STRING;
return new String(base64Decode(base64String), charset); // NOSONAR
* Encodes the given byte array to a Base64 URL encoded string.
* @param binaryData The byte array to be encoded.
* @return The Base64 URL encoded string, or an empty String {@code ""} if the input byte array is {@code null} or empty.
public static String base64UrlEncode(final byte[] binaryData) {
if (N.isEmpty(binaryData)) {
return Strings.EMPTY_STRING;
return BASE64_URL_ENCODER.encodeToString(binaryData);
* Decodes the given Base64 URL encoded string to a byte array.
* @param base64String The Base64 URL encoded string to be decoded.
* @return The decoded byte array, an empty byte array if the input string is {@code null} or empty.
public static byte[] base64UrlDecode(final String base64String) {
if (Strings.isEmpty(base64String)) {
return BASE64_URL_DECODER.decode(base64String);
* Decodes the given Base64 URL encoded string to a regular string.
* @param base64String The Base64 URL encoded string to be decoded.
* @return The decoded string, or an empty String {@code ""} if the input string is {@code null} or empty.
public static String base64UrlDecodeToString(final String base64String) {
if (Strings.isEmpty(base64String)) {
return Strings.EMPTY_STRING;
return new String(BASE64_URL_DECODER.decode(base64String)); // NOSONAR
* Decodes the given Base64 URL encoded string to a UTF-8 string.
* @param base64String The Base64 URL encoded string to be decoded.
* @return The decoded UTF-8 string, or an empty String {@code ""} if the input string is {@code null} or empty.
public static String base64UrlDecodeToUtf8String(final String base64String) {
return base64UrlDecodeToString(base64String, Charsets.UTF_8);
* Decodes the given Base64 URL encoded string to a string using the specified charset.
* @param base64String The Base64 URL encoded string to be decoded.
* @param charset The charset to be used to decode the based decoded {@code bytes}
* @return The decoded string, or an empty String {@code ""} if the input string is {@code null} or empty.
public static String base64UrlDecodeToString(final String base64String, final Charset charset) {
if (Strings.isEmpty(base64String)) {
return Strings.EMPTY_STRING;
return new String(BASE64_URL_DECODER.decode(base64String), charset);
* Encodes the given parameters into a URL-encoded string.
* @param parameters The parameters to be URL-encoded.
* @return The URL-encoded string representation of the parameters.
* @see URLEncodedUtil#encode(Object)
public static String urlEncode(final Object parameters) {
return URLEncodedUtil.encode(parameters);
* Encodes the given parameters into a URL-encoded string using the specified charset.
* @param parameters The parameters to be URL-encoded.
* @param charset The charset to be used for encoding.
* @return The URL-encoded string representation of the parameters.
* @see URLEncodedUtil#encode(Object, Charset)
public static String urlEncode(final Object parameters, final Charset charset) {
return URLEncodedUtil.encode(parameters, charset);
* Decodes the given URL query string into a map of key-value pairs.
* @param urlQuery The URL query string to be decoded.
* @return A map containing the decoded key-value pairs from the URL query string.
* @see URLEncodedUtil#decode(String)
public static Map urlDecode(final String urlQuery) {
return URLEncodedUtil.decode(urlQuery);
* Decodes the given URL query string into a map of key-value pairs using the specified charset.
* @param urlQuery The URL query string to be decoded.
* @param charset The charset to be used for decoding.
* @return A map containing the decoded key-value pairs from the URL query string.
* @see URLEncodedUtil#decode(String, Charset)
public static Map urlDecode(final String urlQuery, final Charset charset) {
return URLEncodedUtil.decode(urlQuery, charset);
* Decodes the given URL query string into an object of the specified type.
* @param The type of the object to be returned.
* @param urlQuery The URL query string to be decoded.
* @param targetType The class of the object to be returned.
* @return An object of the specified type containing the decoded data from the URL query string.
* @see URLEncodedUtil#decode(String, Class)
public static T urlDecode(final String urlQuery, final Class extends T> targetType) {
return URLEncodedUtil.decode(urlQuery, targetType);
* Decodes a URL query string into an object of the specified type.
* The query string is expected to be in application/x-www-form-urlencoded format.
* @param The type of the object to be returned.
* @param urlQuery The URL query string to be decoded.
* @param charset The charset to be used for decoding.
* @param targetType The class of the object to be returned.
* @return An object of type T that represents the decoded URL query string.
* @see URLEncodedUtil#decode(String, Charset, Class)
public static T urlDecode(final String urlQuery, final Charset charset, final Class extends T> targetType) {
return URLEncodedUtil.decode(urlQuery, charset, targetType);
* This array is a lookup table that translates Unicode characters drawn from the "Base64 Alphabet" (as specified
* in Table 1 of RFC 2045) into their 6-bit positive integer equivalents. Characters that are not in the Base64
* alphabet but fall within the bounds of the array are translated to -1.
* Note: '+' and '-' both decode to 62. '/' and '_' both decode to 63. This means decoder seamlessly handles both
* URL_SAFE and STANDARD base64. (The encoder, on the other hand, needs to know ahead of time what to emit).
* Thanks to "commons" project in for this code.
private static final byte[] DECODE_TABLE = {
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 00-0f
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 10-1f
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 62, -1, 62, -1, 63, // 20-2f + - /
52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 30-3f 0-9
-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, // 40-4f A-O
15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, -1, -1, -1, -1, 63, // 50-5f P-Z _
-1, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, // 60-6f a-o
41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51 // 70-7a p-z
* Byte used to pad output.
protected static final byte PAD_DEFAULT = '='; // Allow static access to default
* Returns whether the {@code octet} is in the base 64 alphabet.
* @param octet
* The value to test
* @return {@code true} if the value is defined in the base 64 alphabet, {@code false} otherwise.
public static boolean isBase64(final byte octet) {
return octet == PAD_DEFAULT || (octet >= 0 && octet < DECODE_TABLE.length && DECODE_TABLE[octet] != -1);
* Tests a given byte array to see if it contains only valid characters within the Base64 alphabet. Currently the
* method treats whitespace as valid.
* @param arrayOctet
* byte array to test
* @return {@code true} if all bytes are valid characters in the Base64 alphabet or if the byte array is empty;
* {@code false}, otherwise
public static boolean isBase64(final byte[] arrayOctet) {
for (final byte element : arrayOctet) {
if (!isBase64(element) && !Character.isWhitespace(element)) {
return false;
return true;
* Tests a given String to see if it contains only valid characters within the Base64 alphabet. Currently the
* method treats whitespace as valid.
* @param base64
* String to test
* @return {@code true} if all characters in the String are valid characters in the Base64 alphabet or if
* the String is empty; {@code false}, otherwise
public static boolean isBase64(final String base64) {
return isBase64(getBytes(base64, Charsets.DEFAULT));
* Searches for the first occurrence of an email address within the given CharSequence.
* This method uses a regular expression to find an email address in the input CharSequence.
* If an email address is found, it is returned; otherwise, the method returns {@code null}.
* @param cs The CharSequence to be searched. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @return The first email address found in the CharSequence, or {@code null} if no email address is found.
* @see #isValidEmailAddress(CharSequence)
* @see #findAllEmailAddresses(CharSequence)
public static String findFirstEmailAddress(final CharSequence cs) {
if (isEmpty(cs)) {
return null;
final Matcher matcher = EMAIL_ADDRESS_RFC_5322_PATTERN.matcher(cs);
// ^[a-zA-Z0-9_!#$%&’*+/=?`{|}~^.-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+$"
// Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\\.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+").matcher(str);
if (matcher.find()) {
return null;
* Finds all the email addresses in the given CharSequence.
* This method uses a regular expression to find all occurrences of email addresses in the input CharSequence.
* It returns a list of all found email addresses. If no email address is found, it returns an empty list.
* @param cs The CharSequence to be searched. It can be {@code null} or empty.
* @return A list of all found email addresses, or an empty list if no email address is found.
* @see #isValidEmailAddress(CharSequence)
* @see #findFirstEmailAddress(CharSequence)
public static List findAllEmailAddresses(final CharSequence cs) {
if (isEmpty(cs)) {
return new ArrayList<>();
final Matcher matcher = EMAIL_ADDRESS_RFC_5322_PATTERN.matcher(cs);
final List result = new ArrayList<>();
while (matcher.find()) {
return result;
// /**
// * Applies the given function to each element of the provided array of CharSequences.
// * The function should take a CharSequence as input and return a CharSequence.
// *
// * @param The type of the elements in the array, which extends CharSequence.
// * @param a The array of CharSequences to which the function will be applied.
// * @param converter The function to apply to each element of the array.
// * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the converter function is {@code null}.
// * @see #copyThenTrim(String[])
// * @see #copyThenStrip(String[])
// * @see #copyThenSetAll(CharSequence[], Function)
// * @see N#setAll(Object[], java.util.function.IntFunction)
// * @see N#setAll(Object[], Throwables.IntObjFunction)
// * @see N#replaceAll(Object[], java.util.function.UnaryOperator)
// */
// @Beta
// public static void setAll(final T[] a, final Function super T, ? extends T> converter) throws IllegalArgumentException {
// N.checkArgNotNull(converter);
// if (N.isEmpty(a)) {
// return;
// }
// for (int i = 0, len = a.length; i < len; i++) {
// a[i] = converter.apply(a[i]);
// }
// }
// /**
// * Creates a copy of the given array and sets all elements in the copy using the provided converter function.
// * If the specified array is {@code null}, returns {@code null}.
// * If the specified array is empty, returns itself.
// *
// * @param The type of the elements in the array, which extends CharSequence.
// * @param a The array of CharSequences to which the function will be applied. May be {@code null}.
// * @param converter The function to apply to each element of the array.
// * @return A new array with the transformed elements. Returns {@code null} if the input array is {@code null}.
// * @see #copyThenTrim(String[])
// * @see #copyThenStrip(String[])
// * @see N#copyThenSetAll(Object[], java.util.function.IntFunction)
// * @see N#copyThenSetAll(Object[], Throwables.IntObjFunction)
// */
// @Beta
// @MayReturnNull
// public static T[] copyThenSetAll(final T[] a, final Function super T, ? extends T> converter) {
// N.checkArgNotNull(converter);
// if (a == null) {
// return null; // NOSONAR
// } else if (a.length == 0) {
// return a.clone();
// }
// final T[] copy = a.clone();
// for (int i = 0, len = a.length; i < len; i++) {
// copy[i] = converter.apply(a[i]);
// }
// return a;
// }
* Creates a copy of the given array of strings and trims each string in the array.
* Trimming a string removes any leading or trailing whitespace.
* @param strs The array of strings to be copied and trimmed. May be {@code null}.
* @return A new array with the trimmed strings. Returns {@code null} if the input array is {@code null}.
* @see N#copyThenReplaceAll(Object[], java.util.function.UnaryOperator)
* @see Fn#trim()
* @see Fn#trimToEmpty()
* @see Fn#trimToNull()
public static String[] copyThenTrim(final String[] strs) {
return N.copyThenReplaceAll(strs, Fn.trim());
* Creates a copy of the given array of strings and strips each string in the array.
* Stripping a string removes any leading or trailing whitespace.
* @param strs The array of strings to be copied and stripped. May be {@code null}.
* @return A new array with the stripped strings. Returns {@code null} if the input array is {@code null}.
* @see N#copyThenReplaceAll(Object[], java.util.function.UnaryOperator)
* @see Fn#strip()
* @see Fn#stripToEmpty()
* @see Fn#stripToNull()
public static String[] copyThenStrip(final String[] strs) {
return N.copyThenReplaceAll(strs, Fn.strip());
static void checkInputChars(final char[] chs, final String parameterName, final boolean canBeNullOrEmpty) {
if (!canBeNullOrEmpty && N.isEmpty(chs)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input char array or String parameter '" + parameterName + "' can't be null or empty");
for (final char ch : chs) {
if (Character.isLowSurrogate(ch) || Character.isHighSurrogate(ch)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Element char in the input char array or String parameter '" + parameterName
+ "' can't be low-surrogate or high-surrogate code unit. Please consider using String or String array instead if input parameter is char array");
static int calculateBufferSize(final int len, final int elementPlusDelimiterLen) {
return len > Integer.MAX_VALUE / elementPlusDelimiterLen ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : len * elementPlusDelimiterLen;
static int calculateBufferSize(final int len, final int elementPlusDelimiterLen, final int prefixLen, final int suffixLen) {
return len > (Integer.MAX_VALUE - prefixLen - suffixLen) / elementPlusDelimiterLen ? Integer.MAX_VALUE
: len * elementPlusDelimiterLen + prefixLen + suffixLen;
* @deprecated replaced by {@code Strings}
public static final class StringUtil extends Strings {
private StringUtil() {
// Utility class.
public static final class StrUtil {
private StrUtil() {
// Utility class.
* Returns {@code Optional} with value of the substring if it exists, otherwise returns an empty {@code Optional}.
* @param str
* @param inclusiveBeginIndex
* @return
* @see Strings#substring(String, int)
public static Optional substring(final String str, final int inclusiveBeginIndex) {
return Optional.ofNullable(Strings.substring(str, inclusiveBeginIndex));
* Returns {@code Optional} with value of the substring if it exists, otherwise returns an empty {@code Optional}.
* @param str
* @param inclusiveBeginIndex
* @param exclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see Strings#substring(String, int, int)
public static Optional substring(final String str, final int inclusiveBeginIndex, final int exclusiveEndIndex) {
return Optional.ofNullable(Strings.substring(str, inclusiveBeginIndex, exclusiveEndIndex));
* Returns {@code Optional} with value of the substring if it exists, otherwise returns an empty {@code Optional}.
* @param str
* @param inclusiveBeginIndex
* @param funcOfExclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see Strings#substring(String, int, IntUnaryOperator)
public static Optional substring(final String str, final int inclusiveBeginIndex, final IntUnaryOperator funcOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
return Optional.ofNullable(Strings.substring(str, inclusiveBeginIndex, funcOfExclusiveEndIndex));
// /**
// * Returns {@code Optional} with value of the substring if it exists, otherwise returns an empty {@code Optional}
// *
// * @param str
// * @param inclusiveBeginIndex
// * @param funcOfExclusiveEndIndex
// * @return
// * @see #substring(String, int, int)
// */
// @Beta
// public static Optional substring(final String str, final int inclusiveBeginIndex,
// final BiFunction super String, Integer, Integer> funcOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
// return Optional.ofNullable(Strings.substring(str, inclusiveBeginIndex, funcOfExclusiveEndIndex));
// }
* Returns {@code Optional} with value of the substring if it exists, otherwise returns an empty {@code Optional}.
* @param str
* @param funcOfInclusiveBeginIndex
* @param exclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see Strings#substring(String, IntUnaryOperator, int)
public static Optional substring(final String str, final IntUnaryOperator funcOfInclusiveBeginIndex, final int exclusiveEndIndex) {
return Optional.ofNullable(Strings.substring(str, funcOfInclusiveBeginIndex, exclusiveEndIndex));
// /**
// * Returns {@code Optional} with value of the substring if it exists, otherwise returns an empty {@code Optional}
// *
// * @param str
// * @param funcOfInclusiveBeginIndex
// * @param exclusiveEndIndex
// * @return
// * @see #substring(String, int, int)
// */
// @Beta
// public static Optional substring(final String str, final BiFunction super String, Integer, Integer> funcOfInclusiveBeginIndex,
// final int exclusiveEndIndex) {
// return Optional.ofNullable(Strings.substring(str, funcOfInclusiveBeginIndex, exclusiveEndIndex));
// }
// /**
// * Returns {@code Optional} with value of the substring if it exists, otherwise returns an empty {@code Optional}
// *
// * @param str
// * @param delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex
// * @return
// * @see Strings#substring(String, char)
// * @deprecated
// */
// @Deprecated
// public static Optional substring(String str, char delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex) {
// return Optional.ofNullable(Strings.substring(str, delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex));
// }
// /**
// * Returns {@code Optional} with value of the substring if it exists, otherwise returns an empty {@code Optional}
// *
// * @param str
// * @param delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex
// * @return
// * @see Strings#substring(String, String)
// * @deprecated
// */
// @Deprecated
// public static Optional substring(String str, String delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex) {
// return Optional.ofNullable(Strings.substring(str, delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex));
// }
// /**
// * Returns {@code Optional} with value of the substring if it exists, otherwise returns an empty {@code Optional}
// *
// * @param str
// * @param inclusiveBeginIndex
// * @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex
// * @return
// * @see Strings#substring(String, int, char)
// * @deprecated
// */
// @Deprecated
// public static Optional substring(String str, int inclusiveBeginIndex, char delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
// return Optional.ofNullable(Strings.substring(str, inclusiveBeginIndex, delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex));
// }
// /**
// * Returns {@code Optional} with value of the substring if it exists, otherwise returns an empty {@code Optional}
// *
// * @param str
// * @param inclusiveBeginIndex
// * @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex
// * @return
// * @see Strings#substring(String, int, String)
// * @deprecated
// */
// @Deprecated
// public static Optional substring(String str, int inclusiveBeginIndex, String delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
// return Optional.ofNullable(Strings.substring(str, inclusiveBeginIndex, delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex));
// }
// /**
// * Returns {@code Optional} with value of the substring if it exists, otherwise returns an empty {@code Optional}
// *
// * @param str
// * @param delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex
// * @param exclusiveEndIndex
// * @return
// * @see Strings#substring(String, char, int)
// * @deprecated
// */
// @Deprecated
// public static Optional substring(String str, char delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex, int exclusiveEndIndex) {
// return Optional.ofNullable(Strings.substring(str, delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex, exclusiveEndIndex));
// }
// /**
// * Returns {@code Optional} with value of the substring if it exists, otherwise returns an empty {@code Optional}
// *
// * @param str
// * @param delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex
// * @param exclusiveEndIndex
// * @return
// * @see Strings#substring(String, String, int)
// * @deprecated
// */
// @Deprecated
// public static Optional substring(String str, String delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex, int exclusiveEndIndex) {
// return Optional.ofNullable(Strings.substring(str, delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex, exclusiveEndIndex));
// }
* Returns the substring if it exists, otherwise returns {@code defaultStr}.
* @param str
* @param inclusiveBeginIndex
* @param defaultStr
* @return
* @see Strings#substringAfter(String, char)
public static String substringOrElse(final String str, final int inclusiveBeginIndex, final String defaultStr) {
final String ret = Strings.substring(str, inclusiveBeginIndex);
return ret == null ? defaultStr : ret;
* Returns the substring if it exists, otherwise returns {@code defaultStr}.
* @param str
* @param inclusiveBeginIndex
* @param exclusiveEndIndex
* @param defaultStr
* @return
* @see Strings#substring(String, int, int)
public static String substringOrElse(final String str, final int inclusiveBeginIndex, final int exclusiveEndIndex, final String defaultStr) {
final String ret = Strings.substring(str, inclusiveBeginIndex, exclusiveEndIndex);
return ret == null ? defaultStr : ret;
* Returns the substring if it exists, otherwise returns {@code defaultStr}.
* @param str
* @param inclusiveBeginIndex
* @param funcOfExclusiveEndIndex
* @param defaultStr
* @return
* @see Strings#substring(String, int, IntUnaryOperator)
public static String substringOrElse(final String str, final int inclusiveBeginIndex, final IntUnaryOperator funcOfExclusiveEndIndex,
final String defaultStr) {
final String ret = Strings.substring(str, inclusiveBeginIndex, funcOfExclusiveEndIndex);
return ret == null ? defaultStr : ret;
* Returns the substring if it exists, otherwise returns {@code defaultStr}.
* @param str
* @param funcOfInclusiveBeginIndex
* @param exclusiveEndIndex
* @param defaultStr
* @return
* @see Strings#substring(String, IntUnaryOperator, int)
public static String substringOrElse(final String str, final IntUnaryOperator funcOfInclusiveBeginIndex, final int exclusiveEndIndex,
final String defaultStr) {
final String ret = Strings.substring(str, funcOfInclusiveBeginIndex, exclusiveEndIndex);
return ret == null ? defaultStr : ret;
// /**
// * Returns the substring if it exists, otherwise returns {@code defaultStr}.
// *
// * @param str
// * @param delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex
// * @param defaultStr
// * @return
// * @see Strings#substring(String, char)
// * @deprecated
// */
// @Deprecated
// @Beta
// public static String substringOrElse(String str, char delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex, final String defaultStr) {
// final String ret = Strings.substring(str, delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex);
// return ret == null ? defaultStr : ret;
// }
// /**
// * Returns the substring if it exists, otherwise returns {@code defaultStr}.
// *
// * @param str
// * @param delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex
// * @param defaultStr
// * @return
// * @see Strings#substring(String, String)
// * @deprecated
// */
// @Deprecated
// @Beta
// public static String substringOrElse(String str, String delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex, final String defaultStr) {
// final String ret = Strings.substring(str, delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex);
// return ret == null ? defaultStr : ret;
// }
// /**
// * Returns the substring if it exists, otherwise returns {@code defaultStr}.
// *
// * @param str
// * @param inclusiveBeginIndex
// * @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex
// * @param defaultStr
// * @return
// * @see Strings#substring(String, int, char)
// * @deprecated
// */
// @Deprecated
// @Beta
// public static String substringOrElse(String str, int inclusiveBeginIndex, char delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex, final String defaultStr) {
// final String ret = Strings.substring(str, inclusiveBeginIndex, delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex);
// return ret == null ? defaultStr : ret;
// }
// /**
// * Returns the substring if it exists, otherwise returns {@code defaultStr}.
// *
// * @param str
// * @param inclusiveBeginIndex
// * @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex
// * @param defaultStr
// * @return
// * @see Strings#substring(String, int, String)
// * @deprecated
// */
// @Deprecated
// @Beta
// public static String substringOrElse(String str, int inclusiveBeginIndex, String delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex, final String defaultStr) {
// final String ret = Strings.substring(str, inclusiveBeginIndex, delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex);
// return ret == null ? defaultStr : ret;
// }
// /**
// * Returns the substring if it exists, otherwise returns {@code defaultStr}.
// *
// * @param str
// * @param delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex
// * @param exclusiveEndIndex
// * @param defaultStr
// * @return
// * @see Strings#substring(String, char, int)
// * @deprecated
// */
// @Beta
// public static String substringOrElse(String str, char delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex, int exclusiveEndIndex, final String defaultStr) {
// final String ret = Strings.substring(str, delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex, exclusiveEndIndex);
// return ret == null ? defaultStr : ret;
// }
// /**
// * Returns the substring if it exists, otherwise returns {@code defaultStr}.
// *
// * @param str
// * @param delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex
// * @param exclusiveEndIndex
// * @param defaultStr
// * @return
// * @see Strings#substring(String, String, int)
// * @deprecated
// */
// @Deprecated
// @Beta
// public static String substringOrElse(String str, String delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex, int exclusiveEndIndex, final String defaultStr) {
// final String ret = Strings.substring(str, delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex, exclusiveEndIndex);
// return ret == null ? defaultStr : ret;
// }
* Returns the substring if it exists, otherwise returns {@code str} itself.
* @param str
* @param inclusiveBeginIndex
* @return
* @see Strings#substringAfter(String, char)
public static String substringOrElseItself(final String str, final int inclusiveBeginIndex) {
final String ret = Strings.substring(str, inclusiveBeginIndex);
return ret == null ? str : ret;
* Returns the substring if it exists, otherwise returns {@code str} itself.
* @param str
* @param inclusiveBeginIndex
* @param exclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see Strings#substring(String, int, int)
public static String substringOrElseItself(final String str, final int inclusiveBeginIndex, final int exclusiveEndIndex) {
final String ret = Strings.substring(str, inclusiveBeginIndex, exclusiveEndIndex);
return ret == null ? str : ret;
* Returns the substring if it exists, otherwise returns {@code str} itself.
* @param str
* @param inclusiveBeginIndex
* @param funcOfExclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see Strings#substring(String, int, IntUnaryOperator)
public static String substringOrElseItself(final String str, final int inclusiveBeginIndex, final IntUnaryOperator funcOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
final String ret = Strings.substring(str, inclusiveBeginIndex, funcOfExclusiveEndIndex);
return ret == null ? str : ret;
* Returns the substring if it exists, otherwise returns {@code str} itself.
* @param str
* @param funcOfInclusiveBeginIndex
* @param exclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see Strings#substring(String, IntUnaryOperator, int)
public static String substringOrElseItself(final String str, final IntUnaryOperator funcOfInclusiveBeginIndex, final int exclusiveEndIndex) {
final String ret = Strings.substring(str, funcOfInclusiveBeginIndex, exclusiveEndIndex);
return ret == null ? str : ret;
// /**
// * Returns the substring if it exists, otherwise returns {@code str} itself.
// *
// * @param str
// * @param delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex
// * @return
// * @see Strings#substring(String, char)
// * @deprecated
// */
// @Deprecated
// @Beta
// public static String substringOrElseItself(String str, char delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex) {
// final String ret = Strings.substring(str, delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex);
// return ret == null ? str : ret;
// }
// /**
// * Returns the substring if it exists, otherwise returns {@code str} itself.
// *
// * @param str
// * @param delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex
// * @return
// * @see Strings#substring(String, String)
// * @deprecated
// */
// @Deprecated
// @Beta
// public static String substringOrElseItself(String str, String delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex) {
// final String ret = Strings.substring(str, delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex);
// return ret == null ? str : ret;
// }
// /**
// * Returns the substring if it exists, otherwise returns {@code str} itself.
// *
// * @param str
// * @param inclusiveBeginIndex
// * @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex
// * @return
// * @see Strings#substring(String, int, char)
// * @deprecated
// */
// @Deprecated
// @Beta
// public static String substringOrElseItself(String str, int inclusiveBeginIndex, char delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
// final String ret = Strings.substring(str, inclusiveBeginIndex, delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex);
// return ret == null ? str : ret;
// }
// /**
// * Returns the substring if it exists, otherwise returns {@code str} itself.
// *
// * @param str
// * @param inclusiveBeginIndex
// * @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex
// * @return
// * @see Strings#substring(String, int, String)
// * @deprecated
// */
// @Deprecated
// @Beta
// public static String substringOrElseItself(String str, int inclusiveBeginIndex, String delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
// final String ret = Strings.substring(str, inclusiveBeginIndex, delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex);
// return ret == null ? str : ret;
// }
// /**
// * Returns the substring if it exists, otherwise returns {@code str} itself.
// *
// * @param str
// * @param delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex
// * @param exclusiveEndIndex
// * @return
// * @see Strings#substring(String, char, int)
// * @deprecated
// */
// @Deprecated
// @Beta
// public static String substringOrElseItself(String str, char delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex, int exclusiveEndIndex) {
// final String ret = Strings.substring(str, delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex, exclusiveEndIndex);
// return ret == null ? str : ret;
// }
// /**
// * Returns the substring if it exists, otherwise returns {@code str} itself.
// *
// * @param str
// * @param delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex
// * @param exclusiveEndIndex
// * @return
// * @see Strings#substring(String, String, int)
// * @deprecated
// */
// @Deprecated
// @Beta
// public static String substringOrElseItself(String str, String delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex, int exclusiveEndIndex) {
// final String ret = Strings.substring(str, delimiterOfInclusiveBeginIndex, exclusiveEndIndex);
// return ret == null ? str : ret;
// }
* Returns {@code Optional} with value of the substring if it exists, otherwise returns an empty {@code Optional}.
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex
* @return
* @see Strings#substringAfter(String, char)
public static Optional substringAfter(final String str, final char delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex) {
return Optional.ofNullable(Strings.substringAfter(str, delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex));
* Returns {@code Optional} with value of the substring if it exists, otherwise returns an empty {@code Optional}.
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex
* @return
* @see Strings#substringAfter(String, String)
public static Optional substringAfter(final String str, final String delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex) {
return Optional.ofNullable(Strings.substringAfter(str, delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex));
* Returns {@code Optional} with value of the substring if it exists, otherwise returns an empty {@code Optional}.
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex
* @param exclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see Strings#substringAfter(String, String, int)
public static Optional substringAfter(final String str, final String delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex, final int exclusiveEndIndex) {
return Optional.ofNullable(Strings.substringAfter(str, delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex, exclusiveEndIndex));
* Returns {@code Optional} with value of the substring if it exists, otherwise returns an empty {@code Optional}.
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex
* @return
* @see Strings#substringAfterLast(String, String)
public static Optional substringAfterLast(final String str, final char delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex) {
return Optional.ofNullable(Strings.substringAfterLast(str, delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex));
* Returns {@code Optional} with value of the substring if it exists, otherwise returns an empty {@code Optional}.
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex
* @return
* @see Strings#substringAfterLast(String, String)
public static Optional substringAfterLast(final String str, final String delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex) {
return Optional.ofNullable(Strings.substringAfterLast(str, delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex));
* Returns {@code Optional} with value of the substring if it exists, otherwise returns an empty {@code Optional}.
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex
* @param exclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see Strings#substringAfterLast(String, String, int)
public static Optional substringAfterLast(final String str, final String delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex, final int exclusiveEndIndex) {
return Optional.ofNullable(Strings.substringAfterLast(str, delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex, exclusiveEndIndex));
* Returns {@code Optional} with value of the substring if it exists, otherwise returns an empty {@code Optional}.
* @param str
* @param delimitersOfExclusiveBeginIndex
* @return
* @see Strings#substringAfterAny(String, char...)
public static Optional substringAfterAny(final String str, final char... delimitersOfExclusiveBeginIndex) {
return Optional.ofNullable(Strings.substringAfterAny(str, delimitersOfExclusiveBeginIndex));
* Returns {@code Optional} with value of the substring if it exists, otherwise returns an empty {@code Optional}.
* @param str
* @param delimitersOfExclusiveBeginIndex
* @return
* @see Strings#substringAfterAny(String, String...)
public static Optional substringAfterAny(final String str, final String... delimitersOfExclusiveBeginIndex) {
return Optional.ofNullable(Strings.substringAfterAny(str, delimitersOfExclusiveBeginIndex));
* Returns {@code Optional} with value of the substring if it exists, otherwise returns an empty {@code Optional}.
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see Strings#substringBefore(String, String)
public static Optional substringBefore(final String str, final char delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
return Optional.ofNullable(Strings.substringBefore(str, delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex));
* Returns {@code Optional} with value of the substring if it exists, otherwise returns an empty {@code Optional}.
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see Strings#substringBefore(String, String)
public static Optional substringBefore(final String str, final String delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
return Optional.ofNullable(Strings.substringBefore(str, delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex));
* Returns {@code Optional} with value of the substring if it exists, otherwise returns an empty {@code Optional}.
* @param str
* @param inclusiveBeginIndex
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see Strings#substringBefore(String, int, String)
public static Optional substringBefore(final String str, final int inclusiveBeginIndex, final String delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
return Optional.ofNullable(Strings.substringBefore(str, inclusiveBeginIndex, delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex));
* Returns {@code Optional} with value of the substring if it exists, otherwise returns an empty {@code Optional}.
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see Strings#substringBeforeLast(String, String)
public static Optional substringBeforeLast(final String str, final char delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
return Optional.ofNullable(Strings.substringBeforeLast(str, delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex));
* Returns {@code Optional} with value of the substring if it exists, otherwise returns an empty {@code Optional}.
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see Strings#substringBeforeLast(String, String)
public static Optional substringBeforeLast(final String str, final String delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
return Optional.ofNullable(Strings.substringBeforeLast(str, delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex));
* Returns {@code Optional} with value of the substring if it exists, otherwise returns an empty {@code Optional}.
* @param str
* @param inclusiveBeginIndex
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see Strings#substringBeforeLast(String, int, String)
public static Optional substringBeforeLast(final String str, final int inclusiveBeginIndex, final String delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
return Optional.ofNullable(Strings.substringBeforeLast(str, inclusiveBeginIndex, delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex));
* Returns {@code Optional} with value of the substring if it exists, otherwise returns an empty {@code Optional}.
* @param str
* @param delimitersOfExclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see Strings#substringBeforeAny(String, char...)
public static Optional substringBeforeAny(final String str, final char... delimitersOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
return Optional.ofNullable(Strings.substringBeforeAny(str, delimitersOfExclusiveEndIndex));
* Returns {@code Optional} with value of the substring if it exists, otherwise returns an empty {@code Optional}.
* @param str
* @param delimitersOfExclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see Strings#substringBeforeAny(String, String...)
public static Optional substringBeforeAny(final String str, final String... delimitersOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
return Optional.ofNullable(Strings.substringBeforeAny(str, delimitersOfExclusiveEndIndex));
* Returns the substring if it exists, otherwise returns {@code defaultStr}.
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex
* @param defaultStr
* @return
* @see Strings#substringAfter(String, String)
public static String substringAfterOrElse(final String str, final String delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex, final String defaultStr) {
final String ret = Strings.substringAfter(str, delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex);
return ret == null ? defaultStr : ret;
* Returns the substring if it exists, otherwise returns {@code defaultStr}.
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex
* @param defaultStr
* @return
* @see Strings#substringAfterLast(String, String)
public static String substringAfterLastOrElse(final String str, final String delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex, final String defaultStr) {
final String ret = Strings.substringAfterLast(str, delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex);
return ret == null ? defaultStr : ret;
* Returns the substring if it exists, otherwise returns {@code defaultStr}.
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex
* @param defaultStr
* @return
* @see Strings#substringBefore(String, String)
public static String substringBeforeOrElse(final String str, final String delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex, final String defaultStr) {
final String ret = Strings.substringBefore(str, delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex);
return ret == null ? defaultStr : ret;
* Returns the substring if it exists, otherwise returns {@code defaultStr}.
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex
* @param defaultStr
* @return
* @see Strings#substringBeforeLast(String, String)
public static String substringBeforeLastOrElse(final String str, final String delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex, final String defaultStr) {
final String ret = Strings.substringBeforeLast(str, delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex);
return ret == null ? defaultStr : ret;
* Returns the substring if it exists, otherwise returns {@code str} itself.
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex
* @return
* @see Strings#substringAfter(String, char)
public static String substringAfterOrElseItself(final String str, final char delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex) {
final String ret = Strings.substringAfter(str, delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex);
return ret == null ? str : ret;
* Returns the substring if it exists, otherwise returns {@code str} itself.
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex
* @return
* @see Strings#substringAfter(String, String)
public static String substringAfterOrElseItself(final String str, final String delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex) {
final String ret = Strings.substringAfter(str, delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex);
return ret == null ? str : ret;
* Returns the substring if it exists, otherwise returns {@code str} itself.
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex
* @param exclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see Strings#substringAfter(String, String)
public static String substringAfterOrElseItself(final String str, final String delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex, final int exclusiveEndIndex) {
final String ret = Strings.substringAfter(str, delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex, exclusiveEndIndex);
return ret == null ? str : ret;
* Returns the substring if it exists, otherwise returns {@code str} itself.
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex
* @return
* @see Strings#substringAfterLast(String, String)
public static String substringAfterLastOrElseItself(final String str, final char delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex) {
final String ret = Strings.substringAfterLast(str, delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex);
return ret == null ? str : ret;
* Returns the substring if it exists, otherwise returns {@code str} itself.
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex
* @return
* @see Strings#substringAfterLast(String, String)
public static String substringAfterLastOrElseItself(final String str, final String delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex) {
final String ret = Strings.substringAfterLast(str, delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex);
return ret == null ? str : ret;
* Returns the substring if it exists, otherwise returns {@code str} itself.
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex
* @param exclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see Strings#substringAfterLast(String, String)
public static String substringAfterLastOrElseItself(final String str, final String delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex, final int exclusiveEndIndex) {
final String ret = Strings.substringAfterLast(str, delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex, exclusiveEndIndex);
return ret == null ? str : ret;
* Returns the substring if it exists, otherwise returns {@code str} itself.
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see Strings#substringBefore(String, String)
public static String substringBeforeOrElseItself(final String str, final char delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
final String ret = Strings.substringBefore(str, delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex);
return ret == null ? str : ret;
* Returns the substring if it exists, otherwise returns {@code str} itself.
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see Strings#substringBefore(String, String)
public static String substringBeforeOrElseItself(final String str, final String delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
final String ret = Strings.substringBefore(str, delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex);
return ret == null ? str : ret;
* Returns the substring if it exists, otherwise returns {@code str} itself.
* @param str
* @param inclusiveBeginIndex
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see Strings#substringBefore(String, String)
public static String substringBeforeOrElseItself(final String str, final int inclusiveBeginIndex, final String delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
final String ret = Strings.substringBefore(str, inclusiveBeginIndex, delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex);
return ret == null ? str : ret;
* Returns the substring if it exists, otherwise returns {@code str} itself.
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see Strings#substringBeforeLast(String, String)
public static String substringBeforeLastOrElseItself(final String str, final char delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
final String ret = Strings.substringBeforeLast(str, delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex);
return ret == null ? str : ret;
* Returns the substring if it exists, otherwise returns {@code str} itself.
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see Strings#substringBeforeLast(String, String)
public static String substringBeforeLastOrElseItself(final String str, final String delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
final String ret = Strings.substringBeforeLast(str, delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex);
return ret == null ? str : ret;
* Returns the substring if it exists, otherwise returns {@code str} itself.
* @param str
* @param exclusiveEndIndex
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see Strings#substringBeforeLast(String, String)
public static String substringBeforeLastOrElseItself(final String str, final int exclusiveEndIndex, final String delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
final String ret = Strings.substringBeforeLast(str, exclusiveEndIndex, delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex);
return ret == null ? str : ret;
* Returns {@code Optional} with value of the substring if it exists, otherwise returns an empty {@code Optional}.
* @param str
* @param exclusiveBeginIndex
* @param exclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see Strings#substringBetween(String, int, int)
public static Optional substringBetween(final String str, final int exclusiveBeginIndex, final int exclusiveEndIndex) {
return Optional.ofNullable(Strings.substringBetween(str, exclusiveBeginIndex, exclusiveEndIndex));
* Returns {@code Optional} with value of the substring if it exists, otherwise returns an empty {@code Optional}.
* @param str
* @param exclusiveBeginIndex
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see Strings#substringBetween(String, int, char)
public static Optional substringBetween(final String str, final int exclusiveBeginIndex, final char delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
return Optional.ofNullable(Strings.substringBetween(str, exclusiveBeginIndex, delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex));
* Returns {@code Optional} with value of the substring if it exists, otherwise returns an empty {@code Optional}.
* @param str
* @param exclusiveBeginIndex
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see Strings#substringBetween(String, int, String)
public static Optional substringBetween(final String str, final int exclusiveBeginIndex, final String delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
return Optional.ofNullable(Strings.substringBetween(str, exclusiveBeginIndex, delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex));
* Returns {@code Optional} with value of the substring if it exists, otherwise returns an empty {@code Optional}.
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex
* @param exclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see Strings#substringBetween(String, char, int)
public static Optional substringBetween(final String str, final char delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex, final int exclusiveEndIndex) {
return Optional.ofNullable(Strings.substringBetween(str, delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex, exclusiveEndIndex));
* Returns {@code Optional} with value of the substring if it exists, otherwise returns an empty {@code Optional}.
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex
* @param exclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see Strings#substringBetween(String, String, int)
public static Optional substringBetween(final String str, final String delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex, final int exclusiveEndIndex) {
return Optional.ofNullable(Strings.substringBetween(str, delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex, exclusiveEndIndex));
* Returns {@code Optional} with value of the substring if it exists, otherwise returns an empty {@code Optional}.
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see Strings#substringBetween(String, char, char)
public static Optional substringBetween(final String str, final char delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex, final char delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
return Optional.ofNullable(Strings.substringBetween(str, delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex, delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex));
* Returns {@code Optional} with value of the substring if it exists, otherwise returns an empty {@code Optional}.
* @param str
* @param tag
* @return
* @see #substringBetween(String, String, String)
* @see #substringBetween(String, int, int)
public static Optional substringBetween(final String str, final String tag) {
return substringBetween(str, tag, tag);
* Returns {@code Optional} with value of the substring if it exists, otherwise returns an empty {@code Optional}.
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see Strings#substringBetween(String, String, String)
public static Optional substringBetween(final String str, final String delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex,
final String delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
return Optional.ofNullable(Strings.substringBetween(str, delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex, delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex));
* Returns {@code Optional} with value of the substring if it exists, otherwise returns an empty {@code Optional}.
* @param str
* @param fromIndex
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see #substringBetween(String, int, int)
public static Optional substringBetween(final String str, final int fromIndex, final String delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex,
final String delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
return Optional.ofNullable(Strings.substringBetween(str, fromIndex, delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex, delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex));
* Returns {@code Optional} with value of the substring if it exists, otherwise returns an empty {@code Optional}.
* @param str
* @param exclusiveBeginIndex
* @param funcOfExclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see Strings#substringBetween(String, int, IntUnaryOperator)
public static Optional substringBetween(final String str, final int exclusiveBeginIndex, final IntUnaryOperator funcOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
return Optional.ofNullable(Strings.substringBetween(str, exclusiveBeginIndex, funcOfExclusiveEndIndex));
// /**
// * Returns {@code Optional} with value of the substring if it exists, otherwise returns an empty {@code Optional}
// *
// * @param str
// * @param exclusiveBeginIndex
// * @param funcOfExclusiveEndIndex {@code exclusiveEndIndex <- funcOfExclusiveEndIndex.apply(str, exclusiveBeginIndex) if inclusiveBeginIndex >= 0}
// * @return
// * @see #substringBetween(String, int, int)
// */
// @Beta
// public static Optional substringBetween(final String str, final int exclusiveBeginIndex,
// final BiFunction super String, Integer, Integer> funcOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
// return Optional.ofNullable(Strings.substringBetween(str, exclusiveBeginIndex, funcOfExclusiveEndIndex));
// }
* Returns {@code Optional} with value of the substring if it exists, otherwise returns an empty {@code Optional}.
* @param str
* @param funcOfExclusiveBeginIndex
* @param exclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see Strings#substringBetween(String, IntUnaryOperator, int)
public static Optional substringBetween(final String str, final IntUnaryOperator funcOfExclusiveBeginIndex, final int exclusiveEndIndex) {
return Optional.ofNullable(Strings.substringBetween(str, funcOfExclusiveBeginIndex, exclusiveEndIndex));
// /**
// * Returns {@code Optional} with value of the substring if it exists, otherwise returns an empty {@code Optional}
// *
// * @param str
// * @param funcOfExclusiveBeginIndex {@code exclusiveBeginIndex <- funcOfExclusiveBeginIndex.apply(str, exclusiveEndIndex)) if exclusiveEndIndex >= 0}
// * @param exclusiveEndIndex
// * @return
// * @see #substringBetween(String, int, int)
// */
// @Beta
// public static Optional substringBetween(final String str, final BiFunction super String, Integer, Integer> funcOfExclusiveBeginIndex,
// final int exclusiveEndIndex) {
// return Optional.ofNullable(Strings.substringBetween(str, funcOfExclusiveBeginIndex, exclusiveEndIndex));
// }
* Returns {@code Optional} with value of the substring if it exists, otherwise returns an empty {@code Optional}.
* @param str
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex
* @param funcOfExclusiveEndIndex
* @return
* @see #substringBetween(String, int, int)
public static Optional substringBetween(final String str, final String delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex,
final IntUnaryOperator funcOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
return Optional.ofNullable(Strings.substringBetween(str, delimiterOfExclusiveBeginIndex, funcOfExclusiveEndIndex));
* @param str
* @param funcOfExclusiveBeginIndex (exclusiveBeginIndex <- funcOfExclusiveBeginIndex.applyAsInt(exclusiveEndIndex))
* @param delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex (exclusiveEndIndex <- str.lastIndexOf(delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex))
* @return
* @see #substringBetween(String, int, int)
public static Optional substringBetween(final String str, final IntUnaryOperator funcOfExclusiveBeginIndex,
final String delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex) {
return Optional.ofNullable(Strings.substringBetween(str, funcOfExclusiveBeginIndex, delimiterOfExclusiveEndIndex));
* Returns an Optional containing the first non-empty CharSequence from the given two CharSequences.
* If both CharSequences are empty, returns an empty Optional.
* @param the type of the CharSequence
* @param a the first CharSequence to check
* @param b the second CharSequence to check
* @return an Optional containing the first non-empty CharSequence, or an empty Optional if both are empty
public static Optional firstNonEmpty(final T a, final T b) {
return Strings.isNotEmpty(a) ? Optional.of(a) : (Strings.isNotEmpty(b) ? Optional.of(b) : Optional.empty());
* Returns an Optional containing the first non-empty CharSequence from the given three CharSequences.
* If all CharSequences are empty, returns an empty Optional.
* @param the type of the CharSequence
* @param a the first CharSequence to check
* @param b the second CharSequence to check
* @param c the third CharSequence to check
* @return an Optional containing the first non-empty CharSequence, or an empty Optional if all are empty
public static Optional firstNonEmpty(final T a, final T b, final T c) {
return Strings.isNotEmpty(a) ? Optional.of(a)
: (Strings.isNotEmpty(b) ? Optional.of(b) : (Strings.isNotEmpty(c) ? Optional.of(c) : Optional.empty()));
* Returns an Optional containing the first non-empty CharSequence from the given array of CharSequences.
* If all CharSequences are empty or the array is empty, returns an empty Optional.
* @param the type of the CharSequence
* @param a the array of CharSequences to check, may be {@code null} or empty
* @return an Optional containing the first non-empty CharSequence, or an empty Optional if all are empty or the array is empty
public static Optional firstNonEmpty(final T... a) {
if (N.isEmpty(a)) {
return Optional.empty();
for (final T e : a) {
if (Strings.isNotEmpty(e)) {
return Optional.of(e);
return Optional.empty();
* Returns an Optional containing the first non-blank CharSequence from the given two CharSequences.
* If both CharSequences are blank, returns an empty Optional.
* @param the type of the CharSequence
* @param a the first CharSequence to check
* @param b the second CharSequence to check
* @return an Optional containing the first non-blank CharSequence, or an empty Optional if both are blank
public static Optional firstNonBlank(final T a, final T b) {
return Strings.isNotBlank(a) ? Optional.of(a) : (Strings.isNotBlank(b) ? Optional.of(b) : Optional.empty());
* Returns an Optional containing the first non-blank CharSequence from the given three CharSequences.
* If all CharSequences are blank, returns an empty Optional.
* @param the type of the CharSequence
* @param a the first CharSequence to check
* @param b the second CharSequence to check
* @param c the third CharSequence to check
* @return an Optional containing the first non-blank CharSequence, or an empty Optional if all are blank
public static Optional firstNonBlank(final T a, final T b, final T c) {
return Strings.isNotBlank(a) ? Optional.of(a)
: (Strings.isNotBlank(b) ? Optional.of(b) : (Strings.isNotBlank(c) ? Optional.of(c) : Optional.empty()));
* Returns an Optional containing the first non-blank CharSequence from the given array of CharSequences.
* If all CharSequences are blank or the array is empty, returns an empty Optional.
* @param the type of the CharSequence
* @param a the array of CharSequences to check, may be {@code null} or empty
* @return an Optional containing the first non-blank CharSequence, or an empty Optional if all are blank or the array is empty
public static Optional firstNonBlank(final T... a) {
if (N.isEmpty(a)) {
return Optional.empty();
for (final T e : a) {
if (Strings.isNotBlank(e)) {
return Optional.of(e);
return Optional.empty();
* Returns an empty {@code OptionalInt} if the specified string is blank or a invalid integer string. Otherwise returns {@code OptionalInt} with value converted from the specified String.
* @param str
* @return
* @see Numbers#createInteger(String)
public static u.OptionalInt createInteger(final String str) {
if (!Numbers.quickCheckForIsCreatable(str)) {
return u.OptionalInt.empty();
try {
return u.OptionalInt.of(Numbers.createInteger(str));
} catch (final NumberFormatException e) {
return u.OptionalInt.empty();
* Returns an empty {@code OptionalLong} if the specified string is blank or a invalid long string. Otherwise returns {@code OptionalLong} with value converted from the specified String.
* @param str
* @return
* @see Numbers#createLong(String)
public static u.OptionalLong createLong(final String str) {
if (!Numbers.quickCheckForIsCreatable(str)) {
return u.OptionalLong.empty();
try {
return u.OptionalLong.of(Numbers.createLong(str));
} catch (final NumberFormatException e) {
return u.OptionalLong.empty();
* Returns an empty {@code OptionalFloat} if the specified string is blank or a invalid float string. Otherwise returns {@code OptionalFloat} with value converted from the specified String.
* @param str
* @return
* @see Numbers#createFloat(String)
public static u.OptionalFloat createFloat(final String str) {
if (!Numbers.quickCheckForIsCreatable(str)) {
return u.OptionalFloat.empty();
try {
return u.OptionalFloat.of(Numbers.createFloat(str));
} catch (final NumberFormatException e) {
return u.OptionalFloat.empty();
* Returns an empty {@code OptionalDouble} if the specified string is blank or a invalid double string. Otherwise returns {@code OptionalDouble} with value converted from the specified String.
* @param str
* @return
* @see Numbers#createDouble(String)
public static u.OptionalDouble createDouble(final String str) {
if (!Numbers.quickCheckForIsCreatable(str)) {
return u.OptionalDouble.empty();
try {
return u.OptionalDouble.of(Numbers.createDouble(str));
} catch (final NumberFormatException e) {
return u.OptionalDouble.empty();
* Returns an empty {@code Optional} if the specified string is blank or a invalid {@code BigInteger} string. Otherwise returns {@code Optional} with value converted from the specified String.
* @param str
* @return
* @see Numbers#createBigInteger(String)
public static u.Optional createBigInteger(final String str) {
if (!Numbers.quickCheckForIsCreatable(str)) {
return u.Optional.empty();
try {
return u.Optional.of(Numbers.createBigInteger(str));
} catch (final NumberFormatException e) {
return u.Optional.empty();
* Returns an empty {@code Optional} if the specified string is blank or a invalid {@code BigDecimal} string. Otherwise returns {@code Optional} with value converted from the specified String.
* @param str
* @return
* @see Numbers#createBigDecimal(String)
public static u.Optional createBigDecimal(final String str) {
if (!Numbers.quickCheckForIsCreatable(str)) {
return u.Optional.empty();
try {
return u.Optional.of(Numbers.createBigDecimal(str));
} catch (final NumberFormatException e) {
return u.Optional.empty();
* Returns an empty {@code Optional} if the specified string is blank or a invalid number string. Otherwise returns {@code Optional} with value converted from the specified String.
* @param str
* @return
* @see Numbers#createNumber(String)
public static u.Optional createNumber(final String str) {
if (!Numbers.quickCheckForIsCreatable(str)) {
return u.Optional.empty();
try {
return u.Optional.of(Numbers.createNumber(str));
} catch (final NumberFormatException e) {
return u.Optional.empty();