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com.landawn.abacus.util.SQLExecutor Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2015 HaiYang Li
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package com.landawn.abacus.util;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.Date;
import java.sql.Driver;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.Time;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import com.landawn.abacus.DataSet;
import com.landawn.abacus.DataSourceManager;
import com.landawn.abacus.DataSourceSelector;
import com.landawn.abacus.DirtyMarker;
import com.landawn.abacus.EntityId;
import com.landawn.abacus.IsolationLevel;
import com.landawn.abacus.annotation.Beta;
import com.landawn.abacus.condition.Condition;
import com.landawn.abacus.condition.ConditionFactory.CF;
import com.landawn.abacus.core.DirtyMarkerUtil;
import com.landawn.abacus.core.Seid;
import com.landawn.abacus.dataSource.SQLDataSource;
import com.landawn.abacus.exception.DuplicatedResultException;
import com.landawn.abacus.exception.UncheckedSQLException;
import com.landawn.abacus.logging.Logger;
import com.landawn.abacus.logging.LoggerFactory;
import com.landawn.abacus.parser.ParserUtil;
import com.landawn.abacus.parser.ParserUtil.EntityInfo;
import com.landawn.abacus.parser.ParserUtil.PropInfo;
import com.landawn.abacus.type.Type;
import com.landawn.abacus.type.TypeFactory;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.Columns.ColumnOne;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.ExceptionalStream.StreamE;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.Fn.IntFunctions;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.Fn.Suppliers;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.JdbcUtil.BiParametersSetter;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.JdbcUtil.BiRowMapper;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.JdbcUtil.RowExtractor;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.JdbcUtil.RowFilter;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.SQLBuilder.NAC;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.SQLBuilder.NLC;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.SQLBuilder.NSC;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.SQLBuilder.PAC;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.SQLBuilder.PLC;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.SQLBuilder.PSC;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.SQLBuilder.SP;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.SQLTransaction.CreatedBy;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.StringUtil.Strings;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.Tuple.Tuple2;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.Tuple.Tuple3;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.u.Nullable;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.u.Optional;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.u.OptionalBoolean;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.u.OptionalByte;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.u.OptionalChar;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.u.OptionalDouble;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.u.OptionalFloat;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.u.OptionalInt;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.u.OptionalLong;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.u.OptionalShort;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.function.BiConsumer;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.function.BiFunction;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.function.BinaryOperator;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.function.Consumer;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.function.Function;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.function.Predicate;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.function.Supplier;
* SQLExecutor is a simple sql/jdbc utility class. SQL is supported with different format:
* INSERT INTO account (first_name, last_name, gui, last_update_time, create_time) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
* INSERT INTO account (first_name, last_name, gui, last_update_time, create_time) VALUES (#{firstName}, #{lastName}, #{gui}, #{lastUpdateTime}, #{createTime})
* INSERT INTO account (first_name, last_name, gui, last_update_time, create_time) VALUES (:firstName, :lastName, :gui, :lastUpdateTime, :createTime)
* All these kinds of SQLs can be generated by SQLBuilder
conveniently. Parameters with format of Object[]/List parameters are supported for parameterized SQL({@code id = ?}).
* Parameters with format of Object[]/List/Map/Entity are supported for named parameterized SQL({@code id = :id}).
* DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
* Here is sample of CRUD(create/read/update/delete):
* static final DataSource dataSource = JdbcUtil.createDataSource(...);
* static final SQLExecutor sqlExecutor = new SQLExecutor(dataSource);
* ...
* Account account = createAccount();
* // create
* String sql_insert = NE.insert(GUI, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, LAST_UPDATE_TIME, CREATE_TIME).into(Account.class).sql();
* N.println(sql_insert);
* sqlExecutor.insert(sql_insert, account);
* // read
* String sql_selectByGUI = NE.selectFrom(Account.class, N.asSet(DEVICES)).where(L.eq(GUI, L.QME)).sql();
* N.println(sql_selectByGUI);
* Account dbAccount = sqlExecutor.findFirst(Account.class, sql_selectByGUI, account);
* assertEquals(account.getFirstName(), dbAccount.getFirstName());
* // update
* String sql_updateByLastName = NE.update(Account.class).set(FIRST_NAME).where(L.eq(LAST_NAME, L.QME)).sql();
* N.println(sql_updateByLastName);
* dbAccount.setFirstName("newFirstName");
* sqlExecutor.update(sql_updateByLastName, dbAccount);
* // delete
* String sql_deleteByFirstName = NE.deleteFrom(Account.class).where(L.eq(FIRST_NAME, L.QME)).sql();
* N.println(sql_deleteByFirstName);
* sqlExecutor.update(sql_deleteByFirstName, dbAccount);
* dbAccount = sqlExecutor.findFirst(Account.class, sql_selectByGUI, account);
* assertNull(dbAccount);
* ========================================================================
* If {@code conn} argument is null or not specified, {@code SQLExecutor} is responsible to get the connection from the
* internal {@code DataSource}, start and commit/roll back transaction for batch operations if needed, and close the
* connection finally. otherwise it's user's responsibility to do such jobs if {@code conn} is specified and not null.
* Transaction can be started:
* final SQLTransaction tran = sqlExecutor.beginTransaction(IsolationLevel.READ_COMMITTED);
* try {
* // sqlExecutor.insert(...);
* // sqlExecutor.update(...);
* // sqlExecutor.query(...);
* tran.commit();
* } finally {
* // The connection will be automatically closed after the transaction is committed or rolled back.
* tran.rollbackIfNotCommitted();
* }
* Spring Transaction is also supported and Integrated.
* If a method of this class is called where a Spring transaction is started with the {@code DataSource} inside this {@code SQLExecutor}, without {@code Connection} parameter specified,
* the {@code Connection} started the Spring Transaction will be used. Otherwise a {@code Connection} directly from the inside {@code DataSource}(Connection pool) will be borrowed and used.
* SQLExecutor is tread-safe.
* @author Haiyang Li
* @see
* @see com.landawn.abacus.annotation.ReadOnly
* @see com.landawn.abacus.annotation.ReadOnlyId
* @see com.landawn.abacus.annotation.NonUpdatable
* @see com.landawn.abacus.annotation.Transient
* @see com.landawn.abacus.annotation.Table
* @see com.landawn.abacus.annotation.Column
* @see com.landawn.abacus.condition.ConditionFactory
* @see com.landawn.abacus.condition.ConditionFactory.CF
* @see
* @see
* @see
* @see
* @since 0.8
public class SQLExecutor {
/** The Constant logger. */
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SQLExecutor.class);
/** The Constant ID. */
static final String ID = "id";
/** The Constant QUERY_WITH_DATA_SOURCE. */
static final String QUERY_WITH_DATA_SOURCE = "queryWithDataSource";
private static final ResultExtractor
EXISTS_RESULT_SET_EXTRACTOR = new ResultExtractor() {
public Boolean apply(final ResultSet rs, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings) throws SQLException {
JdbcUtil.skip(rs, jdbcSettings.getOffset());
private static final ResultExtractor COUNT_RESULT_SET_EXTRACTOR = new ResultExtractor() {
public Integer apply(final ResultSet rs, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings) throws SQLException {
JdbcUtil.skip(rs, jdbcSettings.getOffset());
int cnt = 0;
while ( {
return cnt;
private static final ResultExtractor SINGLE_BOOLEAN_EXTRACTOR = new ResultExtractor() {
public OptionalBoolean apply(final ResultSet rs, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings) throws SQLException {
JdbcUtil.skip(rs, jdbcSettings.getOffset());
if ( {
return OptionalBoolean.of(rs.getBoolean(1));
return OptionalBoolean.empty();
/** The Constant charType. */
private static final Type charType = TypeFactory.getType(char.class);
/** The Constant SINGLE_CHAR_EXTRACTOR. */
private static final ResultExtractor SINGLE_CHAR_EXTRACTOR = new ResultExtractor() {
public OptionalChar apply(final ResultSet rs, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings) throws SQLException {
JdbcUtil.skip(rs, jdbcSettings.getOffset());
if ( {
return OptionalChar.of(charType.get(rs, 1));
return OptionalChar.empty();
/** The Constant SINGLE_BYTE_EXTRACTOR. */
private static final ResultExtractor SINGLE_BYTE_EXTRACTOR = new ResultExtractor() {
public OptionalByte apply(final ResultSet rs, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings) throws SQLException {
JdbcUtil.skip(rs, jdbcSettings.getOffset());
if ( {
return OptionalByte.of(rs.getByte(1));
return OptionalByte.empty();
private static final ResultExtractor SINGLE_SHORT_EXTRACTOR = new ResultExtractor() {
public OptionalShort apply(final ResultSet rs, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings) throws SQLException {
JdbcUtil.skip(rs, jdbcSettings.getOffset());
if ( {
return OptionalShort.of(rs.getShort(1));
return OptionalShort.empty();
/** The Constant SINGLE_INT_EXTRACTOR. */
private static final ResultExtractor SINGLE_INT_EXTRACTOR = new ResultExtractor() {
public OptionalInt apply(final ResultSet rs, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings) throws SQLException {
JdbcUtil.skip(rs, jdbcSettings.getOffset());
if ( {
return OptionalInt.of(rs.getInt(1));
return OptionalInt.empty();
/** The Constant SINGLE_LONG_EXTRACTOR. */
private static final ResultExtractor SINGLE_LONG_EXTRACTOR = new ResultExtractor() {
public OptionalLong apply(final ResultSet rs, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings) throws SQLException {
JdbcUtil.skip(rs, jdbcSettings.getOffset());
if ( {
return OptionalLong.of(rs.getLong(1));
return OptionalLong.empty();
private static final ResultExtractor SINGLE_FLOAT_EXTRACTOR = new ResultExtractor() {
public OptionalFloat apply(final ResultSet rs, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings) throws SQLException {
JdbcUtil.skip(rs, jdbcSettings.getOffset());
if ( {
return OptionalFloat.of(rs.getFloat(1));
return OptionalFloat.empty();
private static final ResultExtractor SINGLE_DOUBLE_EXTRACTOR = new ResultExtractor() {
public OptionalDouble apply(final ResultSet rs, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings) throws SQLException {
JdbcUtil.skip(rs, jdbcSettings.getOffset());
if ( {
return OptionalDouble.of(rs.getDouble(1));
return OptionalDouble.empty();
private static final ResultExtractor> SINGLE_BIG_DECIMAL_EXTRACTOR = new ResultExtractor>() {
public Nullable apply(final ResultSet rs, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings) throws SQLException {
JdbcUtil.skip(rs, jdbcSettings.getOffset());
if ( {
return Nullable.of(rs.getBigDecimal(1));
return Nullable.empty();
private static final ResultExtractor> SINGLE_STRING_EXTRACTOR = new ResultExtractor>() {
public Nullable apply(final ResultSet rs, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings) throws SQLException {
JdbcUtil.skip(rs, jdbcSettings.getOffset());
if ( {
return Nullable.of(rs.getString(1));
return Nullable.empty();
/** The Constant SINGLE_DATE_EXTRACTOR. */
private static final ResultExtractor> SINGLE_DATE_EXTRACTOR = new ResultExtractor>() {
public Nullable apply(final ResultSet rs, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings) throws SQLException {
JdbcUtil.skip(rs, jdbcSettings.getOffset());
if ( {
return Nullable.of(rs.getDate(1));
return Nullable.empty();
/** The Constant SINGLE_TIME_EXTRACTOR. */
private static final ResultExtractor> SINGLE_TIME_EXTRACTOR = new ResultExtractor>() {
public Nullable apply(final ResultSet rs, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings) throws SQLException {
JdbcUtil.skip(rs, jdbcSettings.getOffset());
if ( {
return Nullable.of(rs.getTime(1));
return Nullable.empty();
private static final ResultExtractor> SINGLE_TIMESTAMP_EXTRACTOR = new ResultExtractor>() {
public Nullable apply(final ResultSet rs, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings) throws SQLException {
JdbcUtil.skip(rs, jdbcSettings.getOffset());
if ( {
return Nullable.of(rs.getTimestamp(1));
return Nullable.empty();
/** The Constant factor. */
private static final int factor = Math.min(Math.max(1, IOUtil.MAX_MEMORY_IN_MB / 1024), 8);
/** The Constant CACHED_SQL_LENGTH. */
private static final int CACHED_SQL_LENGTH = 1024 * factor;
/** The Constant SQL_CACHE_SIZE. */
private static final int SQL_CACHE_SIZE = 1000 * factor;
/** The Constant _sqlColumnLabelPool. */
private static final Map> _sqlColumnLabelPool = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
/** The table column name pool. */
private final Map> _tableColumnNamePool = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
/** The ds. */
private final DataSource _ds;
/** The dsm. */
private final DataSourceManager _dsm;
/** The dss. */
private final DataSourceSelector _dss;
/** The jdbc settings. */
private final JdbcSettings _jdbcSettings;
/** The sql mapper. */
private final SQLMapper _sqlMapper;
/** The naming policy. */
private final NamingPolicy _namingPolicy;
/** The async executor. */
private final AsyncExecutor _asyncExecutor;
/** The is read only. */
private final boolean _isReadOnly;
/** The db proudct name. */
private final String _dbProudctName;
/** The db proudct version. */
private final String _dbProudctVersion;
/** The db version. */
private final DBVersion _dbVersion;
/** The default isolation level. */
private final IsolationLevel _defaultIsolationLevel;
/** The async SQL executor. */
private final AsyncSQLExecutor _asyncSQLExecutor;
private final Map, Mapper> mapperPool = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private final Map, MapperL> mapperLPool = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private final Map, MapperEx> mapperExPool = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private final Map, MapperLEx> mapperExLPool = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
* Instantiates a new SQL executor.
* @param dataSource
* @see JdbcUtil#createDataSource(String)
* @see JdbcUtil#createDataSource(
public SQLExecutor(final DataSource dataSource) {
this(dataSource, null);
* Instantiates a new SQL executor.
* @param dataSource
* @param jdbcSettings
* @see JdbcUtil#createDataSource(String)
* @see JdbcUtil#createDataSource(
public SQLExecutor(final DataSource dataSource, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings) {
this(dataSource, jdbcSettings, null);
* Instantiates a new SQL executor.
* @param dataSource
* @param jdbcSettings
* @param sqlMapper
* @see JdbcUtil#createDataSource(String)
* @see JdbcUtil#createDataSource(
public SQLExecutor(final DataSource dataSource, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final SQLMapper sqlMapper) {
this(dataSource, jdbcSettings, sqlMapper, null);
* Instantiates a new SQL executor.
* @param dataSource
* @param jdbcSettings
* @param sqlMapper
* @param namingPolicy
* @see JdbcUtil#createDataSourceManager(String)
* @see JdbcUtil#createDataSourceManager(
public SQLExecutor(final DataSource dataSource, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final SQLMapper sqlMapper, final NamingPolicy namingPolicy) {
this(dataSource, jdbcSettings, sqlMapper, namingPolicy, null);
* Instantiates a new SQL executor.
* @param dataSource
* @param jdbcSettings
* @param sqlMapper
* @param namingPolicy
* @param asyncExecutor
* @see JdbcUtil#createDataSource(String)
* @see JdbcUtil#createDataSource(
public SQLExecutor(final DataSource dataSource, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final SQLMapper sqlMapper, final NamingPolicy namingPolicy,
final AsyncExecutor asyncExecutor) {
this(null, dataSource, jdbcSettings, sqlMapper, namingPolicy, asyncExecutor, false);
* Instantiates a new SQL executor.
* @param dataSourceManager
* @see JdbcUtil#createDataSourceManager(String)
* @see JdbcUtil#createDataSourceManager(
public SQLExecutor(final DataSourceManager dataSourceManager) {
this(dataSourceManager, null);
* Instantiates a new SQL executor.
* @param dataSourceManager
* @param jdbcSettings
* @see JdbcUtil#createDataSourceManager(String)
* @see JdbcUtil#createDataSourceManager(
public SQLExecutor(final DataSourceManager dataSourceManager, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings) {
this(dataSourceManager, jdbcSettings, null);
* Instantiates a new SQL executor.
* @param dataSourceManager
* @param jdbcSettings
* @param sqlMapper
* @see JdbcUtil#createDataSourceManager(String)
* @see JdbcUtil#createDataSourceManager(
public SQLExecutor(final DataSourceManager dataSourceManager, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final SQLMapper sqlMapper) {
this(dataSourceManager, jdbcSettings, sqlMapper, null);
* Instantiates a new SQL executor.
* @param dataSourceManager
* @param jdbcSettings
* @param sqlMapper
* @param namingPolicy
* @see JdbcUtil#createDataSourceManager(String)
* @see JdbcUtil#createDataSourceManager(
public SQLExecutor(final DataSourceManager dataSourceManager, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final SQLMapper sqlMapper, final NamingPolicy namingPolicy) {
this(dataSourceManager, jdbcSettings, sqlMapper, namingPolicy, null);
* Instantiates a new SQL executor.
* @param dataSourceManager
* @param jdbcSettings
* @param sqlMapper
* @param namingPolicy
* @param asyncExecutor
* @see JdbcUtil#createDataSourceManager(String)
* @see JdbcUtil#createDataSourceManager(
public SQLExecutor(final DataSourceManager dataSourceManager, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final SQLMapper sqlMapper, final NamingPolicy namingPolicy,
final AsyncExecutor asyncExecutor) {
this(dataSourceManager, null, jdbcSettings, sqlMapper, namingPolicy, asyncExecutor, false);
* Instantiates a new SQL executor.
* @param dataSourceManager
* @param dataSource
* @param jdbcSettings
* @param sqlMapper
* @param namingPolicy
* @param asyncExecutor
* @param isReadOnly
protected SQLExecutor(final DataSourceManager dataSourceManager, final DataSource dataSource, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final SQLMapper sqlMapper,
final NamingPolicy namingPolicy, final AsyncExecutor asyncExecutor, final boolean isReadOnly) {
if (dataSourceManager == null) {
this._ds = dataSource;
this._dsm = null;
this._dss = null;
} else {
this._ds = dataSourceManager.getPrimaryDataSource();
this._dsm = dataSourceManager;
this._dss = dataSourceManager.getDataSourceSelector();
this._jdbcSettings = (jdbcSettings == null) ? JdbcSettings.create() : jdbcSettings.copy();
if (_jdbcSettings.getBatchSize() == 0) {
this._sqlMapper = sqlMapper == null ? new SQLMapper() : sqlMapper;
this._namingPolicy = namingPolicy == null ? NamingPolicy.LOWER_CASE_WITH_UNDERSCORE : namingPolicy;
this._asyncExecutor = asyncExecutor == null ? new AsyncExecutor(8, Math.max(32, IOUtil.CPU_CORES), 180L, TimeUnit.SECONDS) : asyncExecutor;
this._isReadOnly = isReadOnly;
int originalIsolationLevel;
Connection conn = getConnection();
try {
_dbProudctName = conn.getMetaData().getDatabaseProductName();
_dbProudctVersion = conn.getMetaData().getDatabaseProductVersion();
_dbVersion = JdbcUtil.getDBVersion(conn);
originalIsolationLevel = conn.getTransactionIsolation();
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new UncheckedSQLException(e);
} finally {
final IsolationLevel tmp = this._ds instanceof SQLDataSource ? ((SQLDataSource) this._ds).getDefaultIsolationLevel() : IsolationLevel.DEFAULT;
_defaultIsolationLevel = tmp == IsolationLevel.DEFAULT ? IsolationLevel.valueOf(originalIsolationLevel) : tmp;
this._asyncSQLExecutor = new AsyncSQLExecutor(this, _asyncExecutor);
// public static SQLExecutor create(final String dataSourceFile) {
// return new SQLExecutor(JdbcUtil.createDataSourceManager(dataSourceFile));
// }
// public static SQLExecutor create(final InputStream dataSourceInputStream) {
// return new SQLExecutor(JdbcUtil.createDataSourceManager(dataSourceInputStream));
// }
// public static SQLExecutor create(final String url, final String user, final String password) {
// return new SQLExecutor(JdbcUtil.createDataSource(url, user, password));
// }
// public static SQLExecutor create(final String driver, final String url, final String user, final String password) {
// return new SQLExecutor(JdbcUtil.createDataSource(driver, url, user, password));
// }
// public static SQLExecutor create(final Class extends Driver> driverClass, final String url, final String user, final String password) {
// return new SQLExecutor(JdbcUtil.createDataSource(driverClass, url, user, password));
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param props refer to Connection.xsd for the supported properties.
// * @return
// */
// public static SQLExecutor create(final Map props) {
// return new SQLExecutor(JdbcUtil.createDataSource(props));
// }
// public static SQLExecutor create(final DataSource sqlDataSource) {
// return new SQLExecutor(JdbcUtil.wrap(sqlDataSource));
// }
// public SQLMapper sqlMapper() {
// return _sqlMapper;
// }
* @param url
* @param user
* @param password
* @return
public static SQLExecutor create(final String url, final String user, final String password) {
return new SQLExecutor(JdbcUtil.createDataSource(url, user, password));
* @param driver
* @param url
* @param user
* @param password
* @return
public static SQLExecutor create(final String driver, final String url, final String user, final String password) {
return new SQLExecutor(JdbcUtil.createDataSource(driver, url, user, password));
* @param driverClass
* @param url
* @param user
* @param password
* @return
public static SQLExecutor create(final Class extends Driver> driverClass, final String url, final String user, final String password) {
return new SQLExecutor(JdbcUtil.createDataSource(driverClass, url, user, password));
* @param driverClass
* @param url
* @param user
* @param password
* @return
public static SQLExecutor create(final DataSource dataSource) {
return new SQLExecutor(dataSource);
* @param
* @param
* @param entityClass the id class
* @param idClass the id class type of target id property.
* It should be {@code Void} class if there is no id property defined for the target entity, or {@code EntityId} class if there is zero or multiple id properties.
* @return
public Mapper mapper(final Class entityClass, final Class idClass) {
synchronized (mapperPool) {
Mapper mapper = mapperPool.get(entityClass);
if (mapper == null) {
mapper = new Mapper<>(entityClass, idClass, this, this._namingPolicy);
mapperPool.put(entityClass, mapper);
} else if (!mapper.idClass.equals(idClass)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Mapper for entity \"" + ClassUtil.getSimpleClassName(entityClass)
+ "\" has already been created with different id class: " + mapper.idClass);
return mapper;
public MapperL mapper(final Class entityClass) {
synchronized (mapperLPool) {
MapperL mapper = mapperLPool.get(entityClass);
if (mapper == null) {
mapper = new MapperL<>(entityClass, this, this._namingPolicy);
mapperLPool.put(entityClass, mapper);
return mapper;
* @param
* @param
* @param entityClass the id class
* @param idClass the id class type of target id property.
* It should be {@code Void} class if there is no id property defined for the target entity, or {@code EntityId} class if there is zero or multiple id properties.
* @return
public MapperEx mapperEx(final Class entityClass, final Class idClass) {
synchronized (mapperExPool) {
MapperEx mapper = mapperExPool.get(entityClass);
if (mapper == null) {
mapper = new MapperEx<>(entityClass, idClass, this, this._namingPolicy);
mapperExPool.put(entityClass, mapper);
} else if (!mapper.idClass.equals(idClass)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("MapperEx for entity \"" + ClassUtil.getSimpleClassName(entityClass)
+ "\" has already been created with different id class: " + mapper.idClass);
return mapper;
public MapperLEx mapperEx(final Class entityClass) {
synchronized (mapperExLPool) {
MapperLEx mapper = mapperExLPool.get(entityClass);
if (mapper == null) {
mapper = new MapperLEx<>(entityClass, this, this._namingPolicy);
mapperExLPool.put(entityClass, mapper);
return mapper;
* @return
public AsyncSQLExecutor async() {
return _asyncSQLExecutor;
* @return
public DataSource dataSource() {
return _ds;
* @return
public JdbcSettings jdbcSettings() {
return _jdbcSettings;
* Db proudct name.
* @return
public String dbProudctName() {
return _dbProudctName;
* Db proudct version.
* @return
public String dbProudctVersion() {
return _dbProudctVersion;
* @return
public DBVersion dbVersion() {
return _dbVersion;
* @param
* @param sql
* @param parameters
* @return
* @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
public final ID insert(final String sql, final Object... parameters) throws UncheckedSQLException {
return insert(sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, parameters);
* @param
* @param sql
* @param statementSetter
* @param parameters
* @return
* @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
public final ID insert(final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final Object... parameters) throws UncheckedSQLException {
return insert(sql, statementSetter, null, parameters);
* @param
* @param sql
* @param jdbcSettings
* @param parameters
* @return
* @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
public final ID insert(final String sql, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final Object... parameters) throws UncheckedSQLException {
return insert(sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, jdbcSettings, parameters);
* @param
* @param sql
* @param statementSetter
* @param jdbcSettings
* @param parameters
* @return
* @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
public final ID insert(final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final Object... parameters)
throws UncheckedSQLException {
return insert(sql, statementSetter, null, jdbcSettings, parameters);
* @param
* @param sql
* @param statementSetter
* @param autoGeneratedKeyExtractor
* @param jdbcSettings
* @param parameters
* @return
* @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
public final ID insert(final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final JdbcUtil.BiRowMapper autoGeneratedKeyExtractor,
final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final Object... parameters) throws UncheckedSQLException {
return insert(null, sql, statementSetter, autoGeneratedKeyExtractor, jdbcSettings, parameters);
* @param
* @param conn
* @param sql
* @param parameters
* @return
* @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
public final ID insert(final Connection conn, final String sql, final Object... parameters) throws UncheckedSQLException {
return insert(conn, sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, parameters);
* @param
* @param conn
* @param sql
* @param statementSetter
* @param parameters
* @return
* @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
public final ID insert(final Connection conn, final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final Object... parameters)
throws UncheckedSQLException {
return insert(conn, sql, statementSetter, null, parameters);
* @param
* @param conn
* @param sql
* @param jdbcSettings
* @param parameters
* @return
* @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
public final ID insert(final Connection conn, final String sql, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final Object... parameters)
throws UncheckedSQLException {
return insert(conn, sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, jdbcSettings, parameters);
* @param
* @param conn
* @param sql
* @param statementSetter
* @param jdbcSettings
* @param parameters
* @return
* @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
public final ID insert(final Connection conn, final String sql, StatementSetter statementSetter, JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final Object... parameters)
throws UncheckedSQLException {
return insert(conn, sql, statementSetter, null, jdbcSettings, parameters);
* @param
* @param conn
* @param sql
* @param statementSetter
* @param autoGeneratedKeyExtractor
* @param jdbcSettings
* @param parameters
* @return
* @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
* @see #batchInsert(Connection, String, StatementSetter, JdbcSettings, String, Object[])
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "deprecation" })
public final ID insert(final Connection conn, final String sql, StatementSetter statementSetter, JdbcUtil.BiRowMapper autoGeneratedKeyExtractor,
JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final Object... parameters) throws UncheckedSQLException {
final ParsedSql parsedSql = getParsedSql(sql);
final boolean isEntityOrMapParameter = isEntityOrMapParameter(parsedSql, parameters);
final boolean isEntity = isEntityOrMapParameter && ClassUtil.isEntity(parameters[0].getClass());
final Collection idPropNames = isEntity ? ClassUtil.getIdFieldNames(parameters[0].getClass()) : null;
final boolean autoGeneratedKeys = isEntity == false || (N.notNullOrEmpty(idPropNames) && !parsedSql.getNamedParameters().containsAll(idPropNames));
statementSetter = checkStatementSetter(parsedSql, statementSetter);
jdbcSettings = checkJdbcSettings(jdbcSettings, parsedSql, _sqlMapper.getAttrs(sql));
autoGeneratedKeyExtractor = checkGeneratedKeysExtractor(autoGeneratedKeyExtractor, jdbcSettings, parameters);
DataSource ds = null;
Connection localConn = null;
Object id = null;
PreparedStatement stmt = null;
try {
ds = getDataSource(parsedSql.getParameterizedSql(), parameters, jdbcSettings);
localConn = getConnection(conn, ds, jdbcSettings, SQLOperation.INSERT);
stmt = prepareStatement(ds, localConn, parsedSql, statementSetter, jdbcSettings, autoGeneratedKeys, false, parameters);
id = executeInsert(parsedSql, stmt, autoGeneratedKeyExtractor, autoGeneratedKeys);
} catch (SQLException e) {
String msg = ExceptionUtil.getMessage(e) + ". [SQL] " + parsedSql.sql();
throw new UncheckedSQLException(msg, e);
} finally {
close(localConn, conn, ds);
if (isEntityOrMapParameter && isEntity) {
final Object entity = parameters[0];
if (id == null) {
id = getIdGetter(entity).apply(entity);
} else {
getIdSetter(entity).accept(id, entity);
if (entity instanceof DirtyMarker) {
DirtyMarkerUtil.dirtyPropNames((DirtyMarker) parameters[0]).clear();
return (ID) id;
static JdbcUtil.BiRowMapper checkGeneratedKeysExtractor(JdbcUtil.BiRowMapper autoGeneratedKeyExtractor, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings,
final Object... parameters) {
if ((autoGeneratedKeyExtractor == null || autoGeneratedKeyExtractor == JdbcUtil.SINGLE_BI_GENERATED_KEY_EXTRACTOR
|| autoGeneratedKeyExtractor == JdbcUtil.MULTI_BI_GENERATED_KEY_EXTRACTOR) //
&& N.notNullOrEmpty(parameters) && parameters.length == 1 && parameters[0] != null && ClassUtil.isEntity(parameters[0].getClass())) {
return (JdbcUtil.BiRowMapper) JdbcUtil.getIdGeneratorGetterSetter(JdbcUtil.CrudDao.class, parameters[0].getClass(),
NamingPolicy.LOWER_CASE_WITH_UNDERSCORE, EntityId.class)._1;
} else if (autoGeneratedKeyExtractor == null) {
if (jdbcSettings != null && ((N.notNullOrEmpty(jdbcSettings.getReturnedColumnIndexes()) && jdbcSettings.getReturnedColumnIndexes().length > 1)
|| (N.notNullOrEmpty(jdbcSettings.getReturnedColumnNames()) && jdbcSettings.getReturnedColumnNames().length > 1))) {
return (JdbcUtil.BiRowMapper) JdbcUtil.MULTI_BI_GENERATED_KEY_EXTRACTOR;
} else {
return (JdbcUtil.BiRowMapper) JdbcUtil.SINGLE_BI_GENERATED_KEY_EXTRACTOR;
return autoGeneratedKeyExtractor;
static Function getIdGetter(final Object entity) {
return (Function) JdbcUtil.getIdGeneratorGetterSetter(JdbcUtil.CrudDao.class, entity == null ? null : entity.getClass(),
NamingPolicy.LOWER_CASE_WITH_UNDERSCORE, EntityId.class)._2;
static BiConsumer getIdSetter(final Object entity) {
return (BiConsumer) JdbcUtil.getIdGeneratorGetterSetter(JdbcUtil.CrudDao.class, entity == null ? null : entity.getClass(),
NamingPolicy.LOWER_CASE_WITH_UNDERSCORE, EntityId.class)._3;
protected ID executeInsert(final ParsedSql parsedSql, final PreparedStatement stmt, final JdbcUtil.BiRowMapper autoGeneratedKeyExtractor,
final boolean autoGeneratedKeys) throws SQLException {
if (_isReadOnly) {
throw new RuntimeException("This SQL Executor is configured for read-only");
ID id = null;
if (autoGeneratedKeys) {
ResultSet rs = null;
try {
rs = stmt.getGeneratedKeys();
id = ? autoGeneratedKeyExtractor.apply(rs, JdbcUtil.getColumnLabelList(rs)) : null;
} catch (SQLException e) {
logger.error("Failed to retrieve the auto-generated Ids", e);
} finally {
return id;
* @param
* @param sql
* @param parametersList
* @return
* @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
public List batchInsert(final String sql, final List> parametersList) throws UncheckedSQLException {
return batchInsert(sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, parametersList);
* @param
* @param sql
* @param statementSetter
* @param parametersList
* @return
* @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
public List batchInsert(final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final List> parametersList) throws UncheckedSQLException {
return batchInsert(sql, statementSetter, null, parametersList);
* @param
* @param sql
* @param jdbcSettings
* @param parametersList
* @return
* @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
public List batchInsert(final String sql, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final List> parametersList) throws UncheckedSQLException {
return batchInsert(sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, jdbcSettings, parametersList);
* @param
* @param sql
* @param statementSetter
* @param jdbcSettings
* @param parametersList
* @return
* @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
public List batchInsert(final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final List> parametersList)
throws UncheckedSQLException {
return batchInsert(sql, statementSetter, null, jdbcSettings, parametersList);
* @param
* @param sql
* @param statementSetter
* @param autoGeneratedKeyExtractor
* @param jdbcSettings
* @param parametersList
* @return
* @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
public List batchInsert(final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final JdbcUtil.BiRowMapper autoGeneratedKeyExtractor,
final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final List> parametersList) throws UncheckedSQLException {
return batchInsert(null, sql, statementSetter, autoGeneratedKeyExtractor, jdbcSettings, parametersList);
* @param
* @param conn
* @param sql
* @param parametersList
* @return
* @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
public List batchInsert(final Connection conn, final String sql, final List> parametersList) throws UncheckedSQLException {
return batchInsert(conn, sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, parametersList);
* @param
* @param conn
* @param sql
* @param statementSetter
* @param parametersList
* @return
* @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
public List batchInsert(final Connection conn, final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final List> parametersList)
throws UncheckedSQLException {
return batchInsert(conn, sql, statementSetter, null, parametersList);
* @param
* @param conn
* @param sql
* @param jdbcSettings
* @param parametersList
* @return
* @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
public List batchInsert(final Connection conn, final String sql, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final List> parametersList)
throws UncheckedSQLException {
return batchInsert(conn, sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, jdbcSettings, parametersList);
* @param
* @param conn
* @param sql
* @param statementSetter
* @param jdbcSettings
* @param parametersList
* @return
* @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
public List batchInsert(final Connection conn, final String sql, StatementSetter statementSetter, JdbcSettings jdbcSettings,
final List> parametersList) throws UncheckedSQLException {
return batchInsert(conn, sql, statementSetter, null, jdbcSettings, parametersList);
* @param
* @param conn
* @param sql
* @param statementSetter
* @param autoGeneratedKeyExtractor
* @param jdbcSettings
* @param parametersList
* @return
* @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
public List batchInsert(final Connection conn, final String sql, StatementSetter statementSetter,
JdbcUtil.BiRowMapper autoGeneratedKeyExtractor, JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final List> parametersList) throws UncheckedSQLException {
N.checkArgNotNullOrEmpty(parametersList, "parametersList");
final ParsedSql parsedSql = getParsedSql(sql);
final Object parameters_0 = parametersList.get(0);
final boolean isEntityOrMapParameter = isEntityOrMapParameter(parsedSql, parameters_0);
final boolean isEntity = isEntityOrMapParameter && ClassUtil.isEntity(parameters_0.getClass());
final Collection idPropNames = isEntity ? ClassUtil.getIdFieldNames(parameters_0.getClass()) : null;
final boolean autoGeneratedKeys = isEntity == false || (N.notNullOrEmpty(idPropNames) && !parsedSql.getNamedParameters().containsAll(idPropNames));
statementSetter = checkStatementSetter(parsedSql, statementSetter);
jdbcSettings = checkJdbcSettings(jdbcSettings, parsedSql, _sqlMapper.getAttrs(sql));
autoGeneratedKeyExtractor = checkGeneratedKeysExtractor(autoGeneratedKeyExtractor, jdbcSettings, parametersList.get(0));
final int len = parametersList.size();
final int batchSize = getBatchSize(jdbcSettings);
List ids = new ArrayList<>(len);
DataSource ds = null;
Connection localConn = null;
PreparedStatement stmt = null;
int originalIsolationLevel = 0;
boolean autoCommit = true;
final Object[] parameters = new Object[1];
try {
ds = getDataSource(parsedSql.getParameterizedSql(), parametersList, jdbcSettings);
localConn = getConnection(conn, ds, jdbcSettings, SQLOperation.INSERT);
try {
originalIsolationLevel = localConn.getTransactionIsolation();
autoCommit = localConn.getAutoCommit();
} catch (SQLException e) {
close(localConn, conn, ds);
throw new UncheckedSQLException(e);
if ((conn == null) && (len > batchSize)) {
setIsolationLevel(jdbcSettings, localConn);
stmt = prepareStatement(ds, localConn, parsedSql, statementSetter, jdbcSettings, autoGeneratedKeys, true, parametersList);
if (len <= batchSize) {
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
parameters[0] = parametersList.get(i);
statementSetter.accept(parsedSql, stmt, parameters);
executeBatchInsert(ids, parsedSql, stmt, autoGeneratedKeyExtractor, autoGeneratedKeys);
} else {
int num = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
parameters[0] = parametersList.get(i);
statementSetter.accept(parsedSql, stmt, parameters);
if ((num % batchSize) == 0) {
executeBatchInsert(ids, parsedSql, stmt, autoGeneratedKeyExtractor, autoGeneratedKeys);
if ((num % batchSize) > 0) {
executeBatchInsert(ids, parsedSql, stmt, autoGeneratedKeyExtractor, autoGeneratedKeys);
if ((conn == null) && (len > batchSize) && autoCommit == true) {
} catch (SQLException e) {
if ((conn == null) && (len > batchSize) && autoCommit == true) {
if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) {
logger.warn("Trying to roll back ...");
try {
if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) {
logger.warn("succeeded to roll back");
} catch (SQLException e1) {
logger.error("Failed to roll back", e1);
String msg = ExceptionUtil.getMessage(e) + ". [SQL] " + parsedSql.sql();
throw new UncheckedSQLException(msg, e);
} finally {
if ((conn == null) && (len > batchSize)) {
try {
} catch (SQLException e) {
logger.error("Failed to reset AutoCommit", e);
close(localConn, conn, ds);
if (N.notNullOrEmpty(ids) && Stream.of(ids).allMatch(Fn.isNull())) {
ids = new ArrayList<>();
if (N.notNullOrEmpty(ids) && ids.size() != parametersList.size()) {
if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) {
logger.warn("The size of returned id list: {} is different from the size of input parameter list: {}", ids.size(), parametersList.size());
if (parametersList.get(0) != null && isEntityOrMapParameter(parsedSql, parametersList.get(0)) && ClassUtil.isEntity(parametersList.get(0).getClass())) {
final Object entity = parametersList.get(0);
if (N.isNullOrEmpty(ids)) {
final Function idGetter = getIdGetter(entity);
ids = Stream.of(parametersList).map(idGetter).toList();
} else {
final BiConsumer idSetter = getIdSetter(entity);
if (ids.size() == len) {
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
idSetter.accept(ids.get(i), parametersList.get(i));
} else {
if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) {
"Failed to set the returned id property to entity/map. because the size of returned key not equals the lenght of the input arrray");
if (entity instanceof DirtyMarker) {
for (Object e : parametersList) {
DirtyMarkerUtil.dirtyPropNames((DirtyMarker) e).clear();
return ids;
* Sets the isolation level.
* @param jdbcSettings
* @param localConn
* @throws SQLException the SQL exception
private void setIsolationLevel(JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, Connection localConn) throws SQLException {
final int isolationLevel = jdbcSettings.getIsolationLevel() == null || jdbcSettings.getIsolationLevel() == IsolationLevel.DEFAULT
? _defaultIsolationLevel.intValue()
: jdbcSettings.getIsolationLevel().intValue();
if (isolationLevel == localConn.getTransactionIsolation()) {
// ignore.
} else {
* Execute batch insert.
* @param
* @param resultIdList
* @param parsedSql
* @param stmt
* @param autoGeneratedKeyExtractor
* @param autoGeneratedKeys
* @throws SQLException the SQL exception
protected void executeBatchInsert(final List resultIdList, final ParsedSql parsedSql, final PreparedStatement stmt,
final JdbcUtil.BiRowMapper autoGeneratedKeyExtractor, final boolean autoGeneratedKeys) throws SQLException {
if (_isReadOnly) {
throw new RuntimeException("This SQL Executor is configured for read-only");
if (autoGeneratedKeys) {
ResultSet rs = null;
try {
rs = stmt.getGeneratedKeys();
final List columnLabels = JdbcUtil.getColumnLabelList(rs);
while ( {
resultIdList.add(autoGeneratedKeyExtractor.apply(rs, columnLabels));
} catch (SQLException e) {
logger.error("Failed to retrieve the auto-generated Ids", e);
} finally {
private int[] executeBatch(final PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException {
return JdbcUtil.executeBatch(stmt);
* @param sql
* @param parameters
* @return
* @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
public final int update(final String sql, final Object... parameters) throws UncheckedSQLException {
return update(sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, parameters);
* @param sql
* @param statementSetter
* @param parameters
* @return
* @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
public final int update(final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final Object... parameters) throws UncheckedSQLException {
return update(sql, statementSetter, null, parameters);
* @param sql
* @param jdbcSettings
* @param parameters
* @return
* @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
public final int update(final String sql, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final Object... parameters) throws UncheckedSQLException {
return update(sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, jdbcSettings, parameters);
* @param sql
* @param statementSetter
* @param jdbcSettings
* @param parameters
* @return
* @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
public final int update(final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final Object... parameters)
throws UncheckedSQLException {
return update(null, sql, statementSetter, jdbcSettings, parameters);
* @param conn
* @param sql
* @param parameters
* @return
* @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
public final int update(final Connection conn, final String sql, final Object... parameters) throws UncheckedSQLException {
return update(conn, sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, parameters);
* @param conn
* @param sql
* @param statementSetter
* @param parameters
* @return
* @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
public final int update(final Connection conn, final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final Object... parameters)
throws UncheckedSQLException {
return update(conn, sql, statementSetter, null, parameters);
* @param conn
* @param sql
* @param jdbcSettings
* @param parameters
* @return
* @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
public final int update(final Connection conn, final String sql, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final Object... parameters) throws UncheckedSQLException {
return update(conn, sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, jdbcSettings, parameters);
* @param conn
* @param sql
* @param statementSetter
* @param jdbcSettings
* @param parameters
* @return
* @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
* @see #batchUpdate(Connection, String, StatementSetter, JdbcSettings, Object[])
public final int update(final Connection conn, final String sql, StatementSetter statementSetter, JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final Object... parameters)
throws UncheckedSQLException {
final ParsedSql parsedSql = getParsedSql(sql);
statementSetter = checkStatementSetter(parsedSql, statementSetter);
jdbcSettings = checkJdbcSettings(jdbcSettings, parsedSql, _sqlMapper.getAttrs(sql));
DataSource ds = null;
Connection localConn = null;
PreparedStatement stmt = null;
try {
ds = getDataSource(parsedSql.getParameterizedSql(), parameters, jdbcSettings);
localConn = getConnection(conn, ds, jdbcSettings, SQLOperation.UPDATE);
stmt = prepareStatement(ds, localConn, parsedSql, statementSetter, jdbcSettings, false, false, parameters);
final int result = executeUpdate(parsedSql, stmt);
if (isEntityOrMapParameter(parsedSql, parameters)) {
if (parameters[0] instanceof DirtyMarker) {
DirtyMarkerUtil.markDirty((DirtyMarker) parameters[0], parsedSql.getNamedParameters(), false);
return result;
} catch (SQLException e) {
String msg = ExceptionUtil.getMessage(e) + ". [SQL] " + parsedSql.sql();
throw new UncheckedSQLException(msg, e);
} finally {
close(localConn, conn, ds);
* @param parsedSql
* @param stmt
* @return
* @throws SQLException the SQL exception
protected int executeUpdate(final ParsedSql parsedSql, final PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException {
if (_isReadOnly) {
throw new RuntimeException("This SQL Executor is configured for read-only");
return JdbcUtil.executeUpdate(stmt);
* @param sql
* @param parametersList
* @return
* @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
public int batchUpdate(final String sql, final List> parametersList) throws UncheckedSQLException {
return batchUpdate(sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, parametersList);
* @param sql
* @param statementSetter
* @param parametersList
* @return
* @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
public int batchUpdate(final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final List> parametersList) throws UncheckedSQLException {
return batchUpdate(sql, statementSetter, null, parametersList);
* @param sql
* @param jdbcSettings
* @param parametersList
* @return
* @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
public int batchUpdate(final String sql, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final List> parametersList) throws UncheckedSQLException {
return batchUpdate(sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, jdbcSettings, parametersList);
* @param sql
* @param statementSetter
* @param jdbcSettings
* @param parametersList
* @return
* @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
public int batchUpdate(final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final List> parametersList)
throws UncheckedSQLException {
return batchUpdate(null, sql, statementSetter, jdbcSettings, parametersList);
* @param conn
* @param sql
* @param parametersList
* @return
* @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
public int batchUpdate(final Connection conn, final String sql, final List> parametersList) throws UncheckedSQLException {
return batchUpdate(conn, sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, parametersList);
* @param conn
* @param sql
* @param statementSetter
* @param parametersList
* @return
* @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
public int batchUpdate(final Connection conn, final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final List> parametersList)
throws UncheckedSQLException {
return batchUpdate(conn, sql, statementSetter, null, parametersList);
* @param conn
* @param sql
* @param jdbcSettings
* @param parametersList
* @return
* @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
public int batchUpdate(final Connection conn, final String sql, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final List> parametersList)
throws UncheckedSQLException {
return batchUpdate(conn, sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, jdbcSettings, parametersList);
* @param conn
* @param sql
* @param statementSetter
* @param jdbcSettings
* @param parametersList
* @return
* @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
* @see #batchUpdate(Connection, String, StatementSetter, JdbcSettings, Object[])
public int batchUpdate(final Connection conn, final String sql, StatementSetter statementSetter, JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final List> parametersList)
throws UncheckedSQLException {
final ParsedSql parsedSql = getParsedSql(sql);
statementSetter = checkStatementSetter(parsedSql, statementSetter);
jdbcSettings = checkJdbcSettings(jdbcSettings, parsedSql, _sqlMapper.getAttrs(sql));
final int len = parametersList.size();
final int batchSize = getBatchSize(jdbcSettings);
DataSource ds = null;
Connection localConn = null;
PreparedStatement stmt = null;
int originalIsolationLevel = 0;
boolean autoCommit = true;
try {
ds = getDataSource(parsedSql.getParameterizedSql(), parametersList, jdbcSettings);
localConn = getConnection(conn, ds, jdbcSettings, SQLOperation.UPDATE);
try {
originalIsolationLevel = localConn.getTransactionIsolation();
autoCommit = localConn.getAutoCommit();
} catch (SQLException e) {
close(localConn, conn, ds);
throw new UncheckedSQLException(e);
if ((conn == null) && (len > batchSize)) {
setIsolationLevel(jdbcSettings, localConn);
stmt = prepareStatement(ds, localConn, parsedSql, statementSetter, jdbcSettings, false, true, parametersList);
int result = 0;
final Object[] parameters = new Object[1];
if (len <= batchSize) {
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
parameters[0] = parametersList.get(i);
statementSetter.accept(parsedSql, stmt, parameters);
result += executeBatchUpdate(parsedSql, stmt);
} else {
int num = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
parameters[0] = parametersList.get(i);
statementSetter.accept(parsedSql, stmt, parameters);
if ((num % batchSize) == 0) {
result += executeBatchUpdate(parsedSql, stmt);
if ((num % batchSize) > 0) {
result += executeBatchUpdate(parsedSql, stmt);
if ((conn == null) && (len > batchSize) && autoCommit == true) {
if (N.firstOrNullIfEmpty(parametersList) instanceof DirtyMarker) {
for (Object e : parametersList) {
DirtyMarkerUtil.markDirty((DirtyMarker) e, parsedSql.getNamedParameters(), false);
return result;
} catch (SQLException e) {
if ((conn == null) && (len > batchSize) && autoCommit == true) {
if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) {
logger.warn("Trying to roll back ...");
try {
if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) {
logger.warn("succeeded to roll back");
} catch (SQLException e1) {
logger.error("Failed to roll back", e1);
String msg = ExceptionUtil.getMessage(e) + ". [SQL] " + parsedSql.sql();
throw new UncheckedSQLException(msg, e);
} finally {
if ((conn == null) && (len > batchSize)) {
try {
} catch (SQLException e) {
logger.error("Failed to reset AutoCommit", e);
close(localConn, conn, ds);
* Execute batch update.
* @param parsedSql
* @param stmt
* @return
* @throws SQLException the SQL exception
protected int executeBatchUpdate(final ParsedSql parsedSql, final PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException {
if (_isReadOnly) {
throw new RuntimeException("This SQL Executor is configured for read-only");
final int[] results = executeBatch(stmt);
if ((results == null) || (results.length == 0)) {
return 0;
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
sum += results[i];
return sum;
// // mess up. To uncomment this method, also need to modify getNamingPolicy/setNamingPolicy in JdbcSettings.
// int update(final EntityId entityId, final Map props) {
// return update(null, entityId, props);
// }
// // mess up. To uncomment this method, also need to modify getNamingPolicy/setNamingPolicy in JdbcSettings.
// int update(final Connection conn, final EntityId entityId, final Map props) {
// final Pair2 pair = generateUpdateSQL(entityId, props);
// return update(conn, sp.sql, sp.parameters);
// }
// private Pair2 generateUpdateSQL(final EntityId entityId, final Map props) {
// final Condition cond = EntityManagerUtil.entityId2Condition(entityId);
// final NamingPolicy namingPolicy = _jdbcSettings.getNamingPolicy();
// if (namingPolicy == null) {
// return NE.update(entityId.entityName()).set(props).where(cond).pair();
// }
// switch (namingPolicy) {
// return NE.update(entityId.entityName()).set(props).where(cond).pair();
// }
// return NE2.update(entityId.entityName()).set(props).where(cond).pair();
// }
// case CAMEL_CASE: {
// return NE3.update(entityId.entityName()).set(props).where(cond).pair();
// }
// default:
// throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported naming policy");
// }
// }
// // mess up. To uncomment this method, also need to modify getNamingPolicy/setNamingPolicy in JdbcSettings.
// int delete(final EntityId entityId) {
// return delete(null, entityId);
// }
// // mess up. To uncomment this method, also need to modify getNamingPolicy/setNamingPolicy in JdbcSettings.
// int delete(final Connection conn, final EntityId entityId) {
// final Pair2 pair = generateDeleteSQL(entityId);
// return update(conn, sp.sql, sp.parameters);
// }
// private Pair2 generateDeleteSQL(final EntityId entityId) {
// final Condition cond = EntityManagerUtil.entityId2Condition(entityId);
// final NamingPolicy namingPolicy = _jdbcSettings.getNamingPolicy();
// if (namingPolicy == null) {
// return NE.deleteFrom(entityId.entityName()).where(cond).pair();
// }
// switch (namingPolicy) {
// return NE.deleteFrom(entityId.entityName()).where(cond).pair();
// }
// return NE2.deleteFrom(entityId.entityName()).where(cond).pair();
// }
// case CAMEL_CASE: {
// return NE3.deleteFrom(entityId.entityName()).where(cond).pair();
// }
// default:
// throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported naming policy");
// }
// }
// // mess up. To uncomment this method, also need to modify getNamingPolicy/setNamingPolicy in JdbcSettings.
// boolean exists(final EntityId entityId) {
// return exists(null, entityId);
// }
// // mess up. To uncomment this method, also need to modify getNamingPolicy/setNamingPolicy in JdbcSettings.
// boolean exists(final Connection conn, final EntityId entityId) {
// final Pair2 pair = generateQuerySQL(entityId, NE._1_list);
// return query(conn, sp.sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, EXISTS_RESULT_SET_EXTRACTOR, null, sp.parameters);
// }
* @param sql
* @param parameters
* @return true, if successful
public final boolean exists(final String sql, final Object... parameters) {
return exists(null, sql, parameters);
* @param conn
* @param sql
* @param parameters
* @return true, if successful
public final boolean exists(final Connection conn, final String sql, final Object... parameters) {
return query(conn, sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, EXISTS_RESULT_SET_EXTRACTOR, null, parameters);
* @param sql
* @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
* DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
* @return
* @deprecated may be misused and it's inefficient.
final int count(final String sql, final Object... parameters) {
return count(null, sql, parameters);
* @param conn
* @param sql
* @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
* DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
* @return
* @deprecated may be misused and it's inefficient.
final int count(final Connection conn, final String sql, final Object... parameters) {
return query(conn, sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, COUNT_RESULT_SET_EXTRACTOR, null, parameters);
* @param
* @param targetClass
* @param sql
* @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
* DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
* @return
* @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
public final Optional get(final Class targetClass, final String sql, final Object... parameters) throws DuplicatedResultException {
return Optional.ofNullable(gett(targetClass, sql, parameters));
* @param
* @param targetClass
* @param sql
* @param statementSetter
* @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
* DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
* @return
* @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
public final Optional get(final Class targetClass, final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final Object... parameters)
throws DuplicatedResultException {
return Optional.ofNullable(gett(targetClass, sql, statementSetter, parameters));
* @param
* @param targetClass
* @param sql
* @param jdbcSettings
* @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
* DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
* @return
* @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
public final Optional get(final Class targetClass, final String sql, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final Object... parameters)
throws DuplicatedResultException {
return Optional.ofNullable(gett(targetClass, sql, jdbcSettings, parameters));
* @param
* @param targetClass
* @param sql
* @param statementSetter
* @param jdbcSettings
* @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
* DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
* @return
* @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
public final Optional get(final Class targetClass, final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings,
final Object... parameters) throws DuplicatedResultException {
return Optional.ofNullable(gett(targetClass, sql, statementSetter, jdbcSettings, parameters));
* @param
* @param targetClass
* @param conn
* @param sql
* @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
* DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
* @return
* @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
public final Optional get(final Class targetClass, final Connection conn, final String sql, final Object... parameters)
throws DuplicatedResultException {
return Optional.ofNullable(gett(targetClass, conn, sql, parameters));
* @param
* @param targetClass
* @param conn
* @param sql
* @param statementSetter
* @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
* DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
* @return
* @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
public final Optional get(final Class targetClass, final Connection conn, final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter,
final Object... parameters) throws DuplicatedResultException {
return Optional.ofNullable(gett(targetClass, conn, sql, statementSetter, parameters));
* @param
* @param targetClass
* @param conn
* @param sql
* @param jdbcSettings
* @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
* DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
* @return
* @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
public final Optional get(final Class targetClass, final Connection conn, final String sql, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings,
final Object... parameters) throws DuplicatedResultException {
return Optional.ofNullable(gett(targetClass, conn, sql, jdbcSettings, parameters));
* @param
* @param targetClass
* @param conn
* @param sql
* @param statementSetter
* @param jdbcSettings
* @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
* DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
* @return
* @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
public final Optional get(final Class targetClass, final Connection conn, final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter,
JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final Object... parameters) throws DuplicatedResultException {
return Optional.ofNullable(gett(targetClass, conn, sql, statementSetter, jdbcSettings, parameters));
* @param
* @param sql
* @param rowMapper
* @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
* DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
* @return
* @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
public final Optional get(final String sql, final JdbcUtil.RowMapper rowMapper, final Object... parameters) throws DuplicatedResultException {
return Optional.ofNullable(gett(sql, rowMapper, parameters));
* @param
* @param sql
* @param statementSetter
* @param rowMapper
* @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
* DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
* @return
* @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
public final Optional get(final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final JdbcUtil.RowMapper rowMapper, final Object... parameters)
throws DuplicatedResultException {
return Optional.ofNullable(gett(sql, statementSetter, rowMapper, parameters));
* @param
* @param sql
* @param rowMapper
* @param jdbcSettings
* @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
* DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
* @return
* @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
public final Optional get(final String sql, final JdbcUtil.RowMapper rowMapper, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final Object... parameters)
throws DuplicatedResultException {
return Optional.ofNullable(gett(sql, rowMapper, jdbcSettings, parameters));
* @param
* @param sql
* @param statementSetter
* @param rowMapper
* @param jdbcSettings
* @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
* DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
* @return
* @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
public final Optional get(final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final JdbcUtil.RowMapper rowMapper,
final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final Object... parameters) throws DuplicatedResultException {
return Optional.ofNullable(gett(sql, statementSetter, rowMapper, jdbcSettings, parameters));
* @param
* @param conn
* @param sql
* @param rowMapper
* @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
* DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
* @return
* @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
public final Optional get(final Connection conn, final String sql, final JdbcUtil.RowMapper rowMapper, final Object... parameters)
throws DuplicatedResultException {
return Optional.ofNullable(gett(conn, sql, rowMapper, parameters));
* @param
* @param conn
* @param sql
* @param statementSetter
* @param rowMapper
* @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
* DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
* @return
* @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
public final Optional get(final Connection conn, final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final JdbcUtil.RowMapper rowMapper,
final Object... parameters) {
return Optional.ofNullable(gett(conn, sql, statementSetter, rowMapper, parameters));
* @param
* @param conn
* @param sql
* @param rowMapper
* @param jdbcSettings
* @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
* DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
* @return
* @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
public final Optional get(final Connection conn, final String sql, final JdbcUtil.RowMapper rowMapper, JdbcSettings jdbcSettings,
final Object... parameters) throws DuplicatedResultException {
return Optional.ofNullable(gett(conn, sql, rowMapper, jdbcSettings, parameters));
* @param
* @param conn
* @param sql
* @param statementSetter
* @param rowMapper
* @param jdbcSettings
* @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
* DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
* @return
* @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
public final Optional get(final Connection conn, final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final JdbcUtil.RowMapper rowMapper,
final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final Object... parameters) throws DuplicatedResultException {
return Optional.ofNullable(gett(conn, sql, statementSetter, rowMapper, jdbcSettings, parameters));
* Gets the t.
* @param
* @param targetClass
* @param sql
* @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
* DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
* @return
* @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
public final T gett(final Class targetClass, final String sql, final Object... parameters) throws DuplicatedResultException {
return gett(targetClass, sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, parameters);
* Gets the t.
* @param
* @param targetClass
* @param sql
* @param statementSetter
* @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
* DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
* @return
* @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
public final T gett(final Class targetClass, final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final Object... parameters)
throws DuplicatedResultException {
return gett(targetClass, sql, statementSetter, null, parameters);
* Gets the t.
* @param
* @param targetClass
* @param sql
* @param jdbcSettings
* @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
* DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
* @return
* @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
public final T gett(final Class targetClass, final String sql, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final Object... parameters)
throws DuplicatedResultException {
return gett(targetClass, sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, jdbcSettings, parameters);
* Gets the t.
* @param
* @param targetClass
* @param sql
* @param statementSetter
* @param jdbcSettings
* @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
* DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
* @return
* @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
public final T gett(final Class targetClass, final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings,
final Object... parameters) throws DuplicatedResultException {
return gett(targetClass, null, sql, statementSetter, jdbcSettings, parameters);
* Gets the t.
* @param
* @param targetClass
* @param conn
* @param sql
* @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
* DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
* @return
* @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
public final T gett(final Class targetClass, final Connection conn, final String sql, final Object... parameters) throws DuplicatedResultException {
return gett(targetClass, conn, sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, parameters);
* Gets the t.
* @param
* @param targetClass
* @param conn
* @param sql
* @param statementSetter
* @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
* DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
* @return
* @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
public final T gett(final Class targetClass, final Connection conn, final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter,
final Object... parameters) throws DuplicatedResultException {
return gett(targetClass, conn, sql, statementSetter, null, parameters);
* Gets the t.
* @param