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* Copyright (c) 2015, Haiyang Li.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.landawn.abacus.jdbc;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.sql.Blob;
import java.sql.CallableStatement;
import java.sql.Clob;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
import java.sql.Driver;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.Types;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import com.landawn.abacus.annotation.Beta;
import com.landawn.abacus.annotation.Internal;
import com.landawn.abacus.cache.Cache;
import com.landawn.abacus.exception.UncheckedSQLException;
import com.landawn.abacus.jdbc.Jdbc.BiParametersSetter;
import com.landawn.abacus.jdbc.Jdbc.BiResultExtractor;
import com.landawn.abacus.jdbc.Jdbc.BiRowFilter;
import com.landawn.abacus.jdbc.Jdbc.BiRowMapper;
import com.landawn.abacus.jdbc.Jdbc.OutParam;
import com.landawn.abacus.jdbc.Jdbc.OutParamResult;
import com.landawn.abacus.jdbc.Jdbc.ResultExtractor;
import com.landawn.abacus.jdbc.Jdbc.RowExtractor;
import com.landawn.abacus.jdbc.Jdbc.RowFilter;
import com.landawn.abacus.jdbc.Jdbc.RowMapper;
import com.landawn.abacus.jdbc.SQLTransaction.CreatedBy;
import com.landawn.abacus.jdbc.dao.CrudDao;
import com.landawn.abacus.jdbc.dao.Dao;
import com.landawn.abacus.logging.Logger;
import com.landawn.abacus.logging.LoggerFactory;
import com.landawn.abacus.parser.ParserUtil;
import com.landawn.abacus.parser.ParserUtil.BeanInfo;
import com.landawn.abacus.parser.ParserUtil.PropInfo;
import com.landawn.abacus.type.Type;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.AsyncExecutor;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.Charsets;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.ClassUtil;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.ContinuableFuture;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.DataSet;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.EntityId;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.Fn;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.Fn.BiConsumers;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.Holder;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.IOUtil;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.ImmutableMap;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.InternalUtil;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.N;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.NamingPolicy;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.ObjectPool;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.ParsedSql;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.QueryUtil;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.RowDataSet;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.SQLBuilder;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.SQLBuilder.SP;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.SQLMapper;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.SQLOperation;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.Seid;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.Splitter;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.Strings;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.Throwables;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.Tuple;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.Tuple.Tuple2;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.Tuple.Tuple3;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.u.Optional;
import com.landawn.abacus.util.function.TriConsumer;
* Performance Tips:
Avoid unnecessary/repeated database calls.
Only fetch the columns you need or update the columns you want.
Index is the key point in a lot of database performance issues.
* @see {@link com.landawn.abacus.condition .ConditionFactory}
* @see {@link com.landawn.abacus.condition.ConditionFactory.CF}
* @see {@link com.landawn.abacus.annotation.ReadOnly}
* @see {@link com.landawn.abacus.annotation.ReadOnlyId}
* @see {@link com.landawn.abacus.annotation.NonUpdatable}
* @see {@link com.landawn.abacus.annotation.Transient}
* @see {@link com.landawn.abacus.annotation.Table}
* @see {@link com.landawn.abacus.annotation.Column}
* @see Connection
* @see Statement
* @see PreparedStatement
* @see ResultSet
@SuppressWarnings({ "java:S1192", "java:S6539" })
public final class JdbcUtil {
static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JdbcUtil.class);
static final Logger sqlLogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("com.landawn.abacus.SQL");
static final char CHAR_ZERO = 0;
public static final int DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE = 200;
// static final int MAX_BATCH_SIZE = 1000;
public static final int DEFAULT_FETCH_SIZE_FOR_BIG_RESULT = 1000;
public static final int DEFAULT_FETCH_SIZE_FOR_STREAM = 100;
public static final Throwables.Function DEFAULT_SQL_EXTRACTOR = stmt -> {
Statement stmtToUse = stmt;
String clsName = stmtToUse.getClass().getName();
if ((clsName.startsWith("com.zaxxer.hikari") || clsName.startsWith("com.mchange.v2.c3p0")) && stmt.isWrapperFor(Statement.class)) {
stmtToUse = stmt.unwrap(Statement.class);
clsName = stmtToUse.getClass().getName();
if (clsName.startsWith("oracle.jdbc") && (stmtToUse instanceof oracle.jdbc.internal.OraclePreparedStatement)) { //NOSONAR
try {
return ((oracle.jdbc.internal.OraclePreparedStatement) stmtToUse).getOriginalSql();
} catch (final SQLException e) {
// ignore.
return stmtToUse.toString();
static Throwables.Function _sqlExtractor = DEFAULT_SQL_EXTRACTOR; //NOSONAR
// TODO is it right to do it?
// static final KeyedObjectPool> stmtPoolForSql = PoolFactory.createKeyedObjectPool(1000, 3000);
// ...
static final String CURRENT_DIR_PATH = "./";
static final AsyncExecutor asyncExecutor = new AsyncExecutor(//
N.max(64, IOUtil.CPU_CORES * 8), // coreThreadPoolSize
N.max(128, IOUtil.CPU_CORES * 16), // maxThreadPoolSize
180L, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
static final BiParametersSetter super PreparedQuery, ? super Object[]> DEFAULT_STMT_SETTER = (stmt, parameters) -> {
for (int i = 0, len = parameters.length; i < len; i++) {
stmt.setObject(i + 1, parameters[i]);
private static final Set sqlStateForTableNotExists = N.newHashSet();
static {
sqlStateForTableNotExists.add("42S02"); // for MySQCF.
sqlStateForTableNotExists.add("42P01"); // for PostgreSQCF.
sqlStateForTableNotExists.add("42501"); // for HSQLDB.
private JdbcUtil() {
// singleton
* Retrieves the database product information from the given DataSource.
* @param ds The DataSource from which to retrieve the database product information.
* @return The database product information.
* @throws UncheckedSQLException If a SQL exception occurs while retrieving the database product information.
public static DBProductInfo getDBProductInfo(final javax.sql.DataSource ds) throws UncheckedSQLException {
Connection conn = null;
try {
conn = ds.getConnection();
return getDBProductInfo(conn);
} catch (final SQLException e) {
throw new UncheckedSQLException(e);
} finally {
JdbcUtil.releaseConnection(conn, ds);
* Retrieves the database product information from the given connection.
* @param conn The connection to the database.
* @return The database product information.
* @throws UncheckedSQLException If a SQL exception occurs while retrieving the database product information.
public static DBProductInfo getDBProductInfo(final Connection conn) throws UncheckedSQLException {
try {
final DatabaseMetaData metaData = conn.getMetaData();
final String dbProductName = metaData.getDatabaseProductName();
final String dbProductVersion = metaData.getDatabaseProductVersion();
final String upperCaseProductName = dbProductName.toUpperCase();
DBVersion dbVersion = DBVersion.OTHERS;
if (upperCaseProductName.contains("H2")) {
dbVersion = DBVersion.H2;
} else if (upperCaseProductName.contains("HSQL")) {
dbVersion = DBVersion.HSQLDB;
} else if (upperCaseProductName.contains("MYSQL")) {
if (dbProductVersion.startsWith("5.5")) {
dbVersion = DBVersion.MYSQL_5_5;
} else if (dbProductVersion.startsWith("5.6")) {
dbVersion = DBVersion.MYSQL_5_6;
} else if (dbProductVersion.startsWith("5.7")) {
dbVersion = DBVersion.MYSQL_5_7;
} else if (dbProductVersion.startsWith("5.8")) {
dbVersion = DBVersion.MYSQL_5_8;
} else if (dbProductVersion.startsWith("5.9")) {
dbVersion = DBVersion.MYSQL_5_9;
} else if (dbProductVersion.startsWith("6")) {
dbVersion = DBVersion.MYSQL_6;
} else if (dbProductVersion.startsWith("7")) {
dbVersion = DBVersion.MYSQL_7;
} else if (dbProductVersion.startsWith("8")) {
dbVersion = DBVersion.MYSQL_8;
} else if (dbProductVersion.startsWith("9")) {
dbVersion = DBVersion.MYSQL_9;
} else if (dbProductVersion.startsWith("10")) {
dbVersion = DBVersion.MYSQL_10;
} else {
dbVersion = DBVersion.MYSQL_OTHERS;
} else if (upperCaseProductName.contains("POSTGRESQL")) {
if (dbProductVersion.startsWith("9.2")) {
dbVersion = DBVersion.POSTGRESQL_9_2;
} else if (dbProductVersion.startsWith("9.3")) {
dbVersion = DBVersion.POSTGRESQL_9_3;
} else if (dbProductVersion.startsWith("9.4")) {
dbVersion = DBVersion.POSTGRESQL_9_4;
} else if (dbProductVersion.startsWith("9.5")) {
dbVersion = DBVersion.POSTGRESQL_9_5;
} else if (dbProductVersion.startsWith("10")) {
dbVersion = DBVersion.POSTGRESQL_10;
} else if (dbProductVersion.startsWith("11")) {
dbVersion = DBVersion.POSTGRESQL_11;
} else if (dbProductVersion.startsWith("12")) {
dbVersion = DBVersion.POSTGRESQL_12;
} else {
dbVersion = DBVersion.POSTGRESQL_OTHERS;
} else if (upperCaseProductName.contains("ORACLE")) {
dbVersion = DBVersion.ORACLE;
} else if (upperCaseProductName.contains("DB2")) {
dbVersion = DBVersion.DB2;
} else if (upperCaseProductName.contains("SQL SERVER")) {
dbVersion = DBVersion.SQL_SERVER;
return new DBProductInfo(dbProductName, dbProductName, dbVersion);
} catch (final SQLException e) {
throw new UncheckedSQLException(e);
* Creates a HikariCP DataSource with the specified database connection details.
* @param url The JDBC URL for the database connection.
* @param user The username for the database connection.
* @param password The password for the database connection.
* @return A DataSource configured with the specified connection details.
public static javax.sql.DataSource createHikariDataSource(final String url, final String user, final String password) {
try {
final com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariConfig config = new com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariConfig();
return new com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource(config);
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw N.toRuntimeException(e);
* Creates a C3P0 DataSource with the specified database connection details.
* @param url The JDBC URL for the database connection.
* @param user The username for the database connection.
* @param password The password for the database connection.
* @return A DataSource configured with the specified connection details.
public static javax.sql.DataSource createC3p0DataSource(final String url, final String user, final String password) {
try {
final com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource cpds = new com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource();
return cpds;
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw N.toRuntimeException(e);
* Creates a connection to the database using the specified URL, username, and password.
* @param url The JDBC URL for the database connection.
* @param user The username for the database connection.
* @param password The password for the database connection.
* @return A Connection object that represents a connection to the database.
* @throws UncheckedSQLException If a SQL exception occurs while creating the connection.
public static Connection createConnection(final String url, final String user, final String password) throws UncheckedSQLException {
return createConnection(getDriverClasssByUrl(url), url, user, password);
* Creates a connection to the database using the specified driver class, URL, username, and password.
* @param driverClass The fully qualified name of the JDBC driver class.
* @param url The JDBC URL for the database connection.
* @param user The username for the database connection.
* @param password The password for the database connection.
* @return A Connection object that represents a connection to the database.
* @throws UncheckedSQLException If a SQL exception occurs while creating the connection.
public static Connection createConnection(final String driverClass, final String url, final String user, final String password)
throws UncheckedSQLException {
final Class extends Driver> cls = ClassUtil.forClass(driverClass);
return createConnection(cls, url, user, password);
* Creates a connection to the database using the specified driver class, URL, username, and password.
* @param driverClass The fully qualified name of the JDBC driver class.
* @param url The JDBC URL for the database connection.
* @param user The username for the database connection.
* @param password The password for the database connection.
* @return A Connection object that represents a connection to the database.
* @throws UncheckedSQLException If a SQL exception occurs while creating the connection.
public static Connection createConnection(final Class extends Driver> driverClass, final String url, final String user, final String password)
throws UncheckedSQLException {
try {
return DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password);
} catch (final SQLException e) {
throw new UncheckedSQLException("Failed to close create connection", e);
* Gets the driver classs by url.
* @param url
* @return
private static Class extends Driver> getDriverClasssByUrl(final String url) {
N.checkArgNotEmpty(url, s.url);
Class extends Driver> driverClass = null;
// jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/abacustest
if (Strings.indexOfIgnoreCase(url, "mysql") >= 0) {
driverClass = ClassUtil.forClass("com.mysql.Driver");
// jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/abacustest
} else if (Strings.indexOfIgnoreCase(url, "postgresql") >= 0) {
driverClass = ClassUtil.forClass("org.postgresql.Driver");
// jdbc:h2:hsql://:/
} else if (Strings.indexOfIgnoreCase(url, "h2") >= 0) {
driverClass = ClassUtil.forClass("org.h2.Driver");
// jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/abacustest
} else if (Strings.indexOfIgnoreCase(url, "hsqldb") >= 0) {
driverClass = ClassUtil.forClass("org.hsqldb.JDBCDriver");
// url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:abacustest
} else if (Strings.indexOfIgnoreCase(url, "oracle") >= 0) {
driverClass = ClassUtil.forClass("oracle.driver.OracleDriver");
// url=jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;Database=abacustest
} else if (Strings.indexOfIgnoreCase(url, "sqlserver") >= 0) {
driverClass = ClassUtil.forClass("");
// jdbc:db2://localhost:50000/abacustest
} else if (Strings.indexOfIgnoreCase(url, "db2") >= 0) {
driverClass = ClassUtil.forClass("");
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Can not identity the driver class by url: " + url + ". Only mysql, postgresql, hsqldb, sqlserver, oracle and db2 are supported currently");
return driverClass;
private static boolean isInSpring = true;
static {
try {
isInSpring = ClassUtil.forClass("org.springframework.datasource.DataSourceUtils") != null;
} catch (final Throwable e) {
isInSpring = false;
* Retrieves a connection from the specified DataSource.
* If Spring transaction management is enabled and a transaction is active,
* it will return the connection associated with the current transaction.
* Otherwise, it will return a new connection from the DataSource.
* @param ds The DataSource from which to retrieve the connection.
* @return A Connection object that represents a connection to the database.
* @throws UncheckedSQLException If a SQL exception occurs while retrieving the connection.
public static Connection getConnection(final javax.sql.DataSource ds) throws UncheckedSQLException {
if (isInSpring && !isSpringTransactionalDisabled_TL.get()) { //NOSONAR
try {
return org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceUtils.getConnection(ds);
} catch (final NoClassDefFoundError e) {
isInSpring = false;
try {
return ds.getConnection();
} catch (final SQLException e1) {
throw new UncheckedSQLException(e1);
} else {
try {
return ds.getConnection();
} catch (final SQLException e) {
throw new UncheckedSQLException(e);
* Releases the given connection back to the DataSource.
* If Spring transaction management is enabled and a transaction is active,
* it will release the connection associated with the current transaction.
* Otherwise, it will close the connection directly.
* @param conn The Connection to be released.
* @param ds The DataSource from which the connection was obtained.
public static void releaseConnection(final Connection conn, final javax.sql.DataSource ds) {
if (conn == null) {
if (isInSpring && ds != null && !isSpringTransactionalDisabled_TL.get()) { //NOSONAR
try {
org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceUtils.releaseConnection(conn, ds);
} catch (final NoClassDefFoundError e) {
isInSpring = false;
} else {
* Creates the close handler.
* @param conn
* @param ds
* @return
static Runnable createCloseHandler(final Connection conn, final javax.sql.DataSource ds) {
return () -> releaseConnection(conn, ds);
* @param rs
* @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
public static void close(final ResultSet rs) throws UncheckedSQLException {
if (rs != null) {
try {
} catch (final SQLException e) {
throw new UncheckedSQLException(e);
* @param rs
* @param closeStatement
* @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
public static void close(final ResultSet rs, final boolean closeStatement) throws UncheckedSQLException {
close(rs, closeStatement, false);
* @param rs
* @param closeStatement
* @param closeConnection
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code closeStatement = false} while {@code closeConnection = true}.
* @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
public static void close(final ResultSet rs, final boolean closeStatement, final boolean closeConnection)
throws IllegalArgumentException, UncheckedSQLException {
if (closeConnection && !closeStatement) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("'closeStatement' can't be false while 'closeConnection' is true");
if (rs == null) {
Connection conn = null;
Statement stmt = null;
try {
if (closeStatement) {
stmt = rs.getStatement();
if (closeConnection && stmt != null) {
conn = stmt.getConnection();
} catch (final SQLException e) {
throw new UncheckedSQLException(e);
} finally {
close(rs, stmt, conn);
* @param stmt
* @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
public static void close(final Statement stmt) throws UncheckedSQLException {
if (stmt != null) {
try {
} catch (final SQLException e) {
throw new UncheckedSQLException(e);
* @param conn
* @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
* @deprecated consider using {@link #releaseConnection(Connection, javax.sql.DataSource)}
public static void close(final Connection conn) throws UncheckedSQLException {
if (conn != null) {
try {
} catch (final SQLException e) {
throw new UncheckedSQLException(e);
* @param rs
* @param stmt
* @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
public static void close(final ResultSet rs, final Statement stmt) throws UncheckedSQLException {
try {
if (rs != null) {
} catch (final SQLException e) {
throw new UncheckedSQLException(e);
} finally {
try {
if (stmt != null) {
} catch (final SQLException e) {
throw new UncheckedSQLException(e); //NOSONAR
* @param stmt
* @param conn
* @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
public static void close(final Statement stmt, final Connection conn) throws UncheckedSQLException {
try {
if (stmt != null) {
} catch (final SQLException e) {
throw new UncheckedSQLException(e);
} finally {
try {
if (conn != null) {
} catch (final SQLException e) {
throw new UncheckedSQLException(e); //NOSONAR
* @param rs
* @param stmt
* @param conn
* @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
public static void close(final ResultSet rs, final Statement stmt, final Connection conn) throws UncheckedSQLException {
try {
if (rs != null) {
} catch (final SQLException e) {
throw new UncheckedSQLException(e);
} finally {
try {
if (stmt != null) {
} catch (final SQLException e) {
throw new UncheckedSQLException(e); //NOSONAR
} finally {
try {
if (conn != null) {
} catch (final SQLException e) {
throw new UncheckedSQLException(e); //NOSONAR
* Unconditionally close an {@code ResultSet}.
* Equivalent to {@link ResultSet#close()}, except any exceptions will be ignored.
* This is typically used in finally blocks.
* @param rs
public static void closeQuietly(final ResultSet rs) {
closeQuietly(rs, null, null);
* @param rs
* @param closeStatement
* @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
public static void closeQuietly(final ResultSet rs, final boolean closeStatement) throws UncheckedSQLException {
closeQuietly(rs, closeStatement, false);
* @param rs
* @param closeStatement
* @param closeConnection
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code closeStatement = false} while {@code closeConnection = true}.
public static void closeQuietly(final ResultSet rs, final boolean closeStatement, final boolean closeConnection) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (closeConnection && !closeStatement) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("'closeStatement' can't be false while 'closeConnection' is true");
if (rs == null) {
Connection conn = null;
Statement stmt = null;
try {
if (closeStatement) {
stmt = rs.getStatement();
if (closeConnection && stmt != null) {
conn = stmt.getConnection();
} catch (final SQLException e) {
logger.error("Failed to get Statement or Connection by ResultSet", e);
} finally {
closeQuietly(rs, stmt, conn);
* Unconditionally close an {@code Statement}.
* Equivalent to {@link Statement#close()}, except any exceptions will be ignored.
* This is typically used in finally blocks.
* @param stmt
public static void closeQuietly(final Statement stmt) {
closeQuietly(null, stmt, null);
* Unconditionally close an {@code Connection}.
* Equivalent to {@link Connection#close()}, except any exceptions will be ignored.
* This is typically used in finally blocks.
* @param conn
* @deprecated consider using {@link #releaseConnection(Connection, javax.sql.DataSource)}
public static void closeQuietly(final Connection conn) {
closeQuietly(null, null, conn);
* Unconditionally close the ResultSet, Statement.
* Equivalent to {@link ResultSet#close()}, {@link Statement#close()}, except any exceptions will be ignored.
* This is typically used in finally blocks.
* @param rs
* @param stmt
public static void closeQuietly(final ResultSet rs, final Statement stmt) {
closeQuietly(rs, stmt, null);
* Unconditionally close the Statement, Connection.
* Equivalent to {@link Statement#close()}, {@link Connection#close()}, except any exceptions will be ignored.
* This is typically used in finally blocks.
* @param stmt
* @param conn
public static void closeQuietly(final Statement stmt, final Connection conn) {
closeQuietly(null, stmt, conn);
* Unconditionally close the ResultSet, Statement, Connection.
* Equivalent to {@link ResultSet#close()}, {@link Statement#close()}, {@link Connection#close()}, except any exceptions will be ignored.
* This is typically used in finally blocks.
* @param rs
* @param stmt
* @param conn
public static void closeQuietly(final ResultSet rs, final Statement stmt, final Connection conn) {
if (rs != null) {
try {
} catch (final Exception e) {
logger.error("Failed to close ResultSet", e);
if (stmt != null) {
try {
} catch (final Exception e) {
logger.error("Failed to close Statement", e);
if (conn != null) {
try {
} catch (final Exception e) {
logger.error("Failed to close Connection", e);
* Skips the specified number of rows in the given ResultSet.
* @param rs The ResultSet to skip rows in.
* @param n The number of rows to skip.
* @return The number of rows actually skipped.
* @throws SQLException If a SQL exception occurs while skipping rows.
public static int skip(final ResultSet rs, final int n) throws SQLException {
return skip(rs, (long) n);
private static final Set> resultSetClassNotSupportAbsolute = ConcurrentHashMap.newKeySet();
* Skips the specified number of rows in the given ResultSet.
* @param rs The ResultSet to skip rows in.
* @param n The number of rows to skip.
* @return The number of rows actually skipped.
* @throws SQLException If a SQL exception occurs while skipping rows.
* @see ResultSet#absolute(int)
public static int skip(final ResultSet rs, long n) throws SQLException {
if (n <= 0) {
return 0;
} else if (n == 1) {
return ? 1 : 0;
} else {
final int currentRow = rs.getRow();
if ((n > Integer.MAX_VALUE) || (n > Integer.MAX_VALUE - currentRow
|| (resultSetClassNotSupportAbsolute.size() > 0 && resultSetClassNotSupportAbsolute.contains(rs.getClass())))) {
while (n-- > 0L && {
// continue.
} else {
try {
rs.absolute((int) n + currentRow);
} catch (final SQLException e) {
while (n-- > 0L && {
// continue.
return rs.getRow() - currentRow;
* Gets the column count.
* @param rs
* @return
* @throws SQLException
public static int getColumnCount(final ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
return rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount();
* Gets the column name list.
* @param conn
* @param tableName
* @return
* @throws SQLException
public static List getColumnNameList(final Connection conn, final String tableName) throws SQLException {
final String query = "SELECT * FROM " + tableName + " WHERE 1 > 2";
PreparedStatement stmt = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
try {
stmt = prepareStatement(conn, query);
rs = executeQuery(stmt);
final ResultSetMetaData metaData = rs.getMetaData();
final int columnCount = metaData.getColumnCount();
final List columnNameList = new ArrayList<>(columnCount);
for (int i = 1, n = columnCount + 1; i < n; i++) {
return columnNameList;
} finally {
closeQuietly(rs, stmt);
* @param rs
* @return
* @throws SQLException
public static List getColumnLabelList(final ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
final ResultSetMetaData metaData = rs.getMetaData();
final int columnCount = metaData.getColumnCount();
final List labelList = new ArrayList<>(columnCount);
for (int i = 1, n = columnCount + 1; i < n; i++) {
labelList.add(getColumnLabel(metaData, i));
return labelList;
* Gets the column label.
* @param rsmd
* @param columnIndex
* @return
* @throws SQLException
public static String getColumnLabel(final ResultSetMetaData rsmd, final int columnIndex) throws SQLException {
final String result = rsmd.getColumnLabel(columnIndex);
return Strings.isEmpty(result) ? rsmd.getColumnName(columnIndex) : result;
* Returns the column index starts with from 1, not 0.
* @param resultSet
* @param columnName
* @return
* @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
public static int getColumnIndex(final ResultSet resultSet, final String columnName) throws UncheckedSQLException {
try {
return getColumnIndex(resultSet.getMetaData(), columnName);
} catch (final SQLException e) {
throw new UncheckedSQLException(e);
* Returns the column index starts with from 1, not 0.
* @param rsmd
* @param columnName
* @return
* @throws SQLException
public static int getColumnIndex(final ResultSetMetaData rsmd, final String columnName) throws SQLException {
final int columnCount = rsmd.getColumnCount();
String columnLabel = null;
for (int columnIndex = 1; columnIndex <= columnCount; columnIndex++) {
columnLabel = rsmd.getColumnLabel(columnIndex);
if (columnLabel != null && columnLabel.equalsIgnoreCase(columnName)) {
return columnIndex;
columnLabel = rsmd.getColumnName(columnIndex);
if (columnLabel != null && columnLabel.equalsIgnoreCase(columnName)) {
return columnIndex;
return -1;
interface ColumnConverterByIndex {
Object apply(ResultSet rs, int columnIndex, Object columnValue) throws SQLException;
interface ColumnConverterByLabel {
Object apply(ResultSet rs, String columnLabel, Object columnValue) throws SQLException;
private static final Throwables.Function
* It's incorrect to use flag to identity the transaction should be committed or rolled back.
* Don't write below code:
* public void doSomethingA() {
* ...
* final SQLTransaction tranA = JdbcUtil.beginTransaction(dataSource1, isolation);
* boolean flagToCommit = false;
* try {
* // do your work with the conn...
* ...
* flagToCommit = true;
* } finally {
* if (flagToCommit) {
* tranA.commit();
* } else {
* tranA.rollbackIfNotCommitted();
* }
* }
* }
* @param dataSource
* @param isolationLevel
* @param isForUpdateOnly
* @return
* @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
* @see {@link #getConnection(javax.sql.DataSource)}
* @see {@link #releaseConnection(Connection, javax.sql.DataSource)}
public static SQLTransaction beginTransaction(final javax.sql.DataSource dataSource, final IsolationLevel isolationLevel, final boolean isForUpdateOnly)
throws UncheckedSQLException {
N.checkArgNotNull(dataSource, s.dataSource);
N.checkArgNotNull(isolationLevel, s.isolationLevel);
SQLTransaction tran = SQLTransaction.getTransaction(dataSource, CreatedBy.JDBC_UTIL);
if (tran == null) {
Connection conn = null;
boolean noException = false;
try { //NOSONAR
conn = getConnection(dataSource);
tran = new SQLTransaction(dataSource, conn, isolationLevel, CreatedBy.JDBC_UTIL, true); //NOSONAR
tran.incrementAndGetRef(isolationLevel, isForUpdateOnly);
noException = true;
} catch (final SQLException e) {
throw new UncheckedSQLException(e);
} finally {
if (!noException) {
releaseConnection(conn, dataSource);
}"Create a new SQLTransaction(id={})",;
} else {"Reusing the existing SQLTransaction(id={})",;
tran.incrementAndGetRef(isolationLevel, isForUpdateOnly);
return tran;
* Executes the given command within a transaction for the specified DataSource.
* If the command completes successfully, the transaction is committed.
* If an exception occurs, the transaction is rolled back.
* @param The type of the result returned by the command.
* @param The type of exception that the command may throw.
* @param dataSource The DataSource for which to begin the transaction.
* @param cmd The command to execute within the transaction.
* @return The result of the command execution.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the dataSource or cmd is {@code null}.
* @throws E If the command throws an exception.
public static T callInTransaction(final javax.sql.DataSource dataSource, final Throwables.Callable cmd)
throws IllegalArgumentException, E {
N.checkArgNotNull(dataSource, s.dataSource);
N.checkArgNotNull(cmd, s.cmd);
final SQLTransaction tran = JdbcUtil.beginTransaction(dataSource);
T result = null;
try {
result =;
} finally {
return result;
* Executes the given command within a transaction for the specified DataSource.
* If the command completes successfully, the transaction is committed.
* If an exception occurs, the transaction is rolled back.
* @param The type of the result returned by the command.
* @param The type of exception that the command may throw.
* @param dataSource The DataSource for which to begin the transaction.
* @param cmd The command to execute within the transaction.
* @return The result of the command execution.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the dataSource or cmd is {@code null}.
* @throws E If the command throws an exception.
public static T callInTransaction(final javax.sql.DataSource dataSource, final Throwables.Function cmd)
throws E {
N.checkArgNotNull(dataSource, s.dataSource);
N.checkArgNotNull(cmd, s.cmd);
final SQLTransaction tran = JdbcUtil.beginTransaction(dataSource);
T result = null;
try {
result = cmd.apply(tran.connection());
} finally {
return result;
* Executes the given command within a transaction for the specified DataSource.
* If the command completes successfully, the transaction is committed.
* If an exception occurs, the transaction is rolled back.
* @param The type of exception that the command may throw.
* @param dataSource The DataSource for which to begin the transaction.
* @param cmd The command to execute within the transaction.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the dataSource or cmd is {@code null}.
* @throws E If the command throws an exception.
public static void runInTransaction(final javax.sql.DataSource dataSource, final Throwables.Runnable cmd)
throws IllegalArgumentException, E {
N.checkArgNotNull(dataSource, s.dataSource);
N.checkArgNotNull(cmd, s.cmd);
final SQLTransaction tran = JdbcUtil.beginTransaction(dataSource);
try {;
} finally {
* Executes the given command within a transaction for the specified DataSource.
* If the command completes successfully, the transaction is committed.
* If an exception occurs, the transaction is rolled back.
* @param The type of exception that the command may throw.
* @param dataSource The DataSource for which to begin the transaction.
* @param cmd The command to execute within the transaction.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the dataSource or cmd is {@code null}.
* @throws E If the command throws an exception.
public static void runInTransaction(final javax.sql.DataSource dataSource, final Throwables.Consumer cmd)
throws IllegalArgumentException, E {
N.checkArgNotNull(dataSource, s.dataSource);
N.checkArgNotNull(cmd, s.cmd);
final SQLTransaction tran = JdbcUtil.beginTransaction(dataSource);
try {
} finally {
* Executes the given command outside any started transaction for the specified DataSource.
* If a transaction is already started in current thread, a new connection which is not used to started transaction will be used to execute the command.
* @param The type of the result returned by the command.
* @param The type of exception that the command may throw.
* @param dataSource The DataSource for which to execute the command.
* @param cmd The command to execute outside any started transaction.
* @return The result of the command execution.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the dataSource or cmd is {@code null}.
* @throws E If the command throws an exception.
public static T callNotInStartedTransaction(final javax.sql.DataSource dataSource, final Throwables.Callable cmd)
throws IllegalArgumentException, E {
N.checkArgNotNull(dataSource, s.dataSource);
N.checkArgNotNull(cmd, s.cmd);
if (isInSpring && !isSpringTransactionalDisabled_TL.get()) { //NOSONAR
final SQLTransaction tran = SQLTransaction.getTransaction(dataSource, CreatedBy.JDBC_UTIL);
try {
if (tran == null) {
} else {
return tran.callNotInMe(cmd);
} finally {
} else {
final SQLTransaction tran = SQLTransaction.getTransaction(dataSource, CreatedBy.JDBC_UTIL);
if (tran == null) {
} else {
return tran.callNotInMe(cmd);
* Executes the given command outside any started transaction for the specified DataSource.
* If a transaction is already started in current thread, a new connection which is not used to started transaction will be used to execute the command.
* @param The type of the result returned by the command.
* @param The type of exception that the command may throw.
* @param dataSource The DataSource for which to execute the command.
* @param cmd The command to execute outside any started transaction.
* @return The result of the command execution.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the dataSource or cmd is {@code null}.
* @throws E If the command throws an exception.
public static T callNotInStartedTransaction(final javax.sql.DataSource dataSource,
final Throwables.Function cmd) throws IllegalArgumentException, E {
N.checkArgNotNull(dataSource, s.dataSource);
N.checkArgNotNull(cmd, s.cmd);
if (isInSpring && !isSpringTransactionalDisabled_TL.get()) { //NOSONAR
final SQLTransaction tran = SQLTransaction.getTransaction(dataSource, CreatedBy.JDBC_UTIL);
try {
if (tran == null) {
return cmd.apply(dataSource);
} else {
return tran.callNotInMe(() -> cmd.apply(dataSource));
} finally {
} else {
final SQLTransaction tran = SQLTransaction.getTransaction(dataSource, CreatedBy.JDBC_UTIL);
if (tran == null) {
return cmd.apply(dataSource);
} else {
return tran.callNotInMe(() -> cmd.apply(dataSource));
* Executes the given command outside any started transaction for the specified DataSource.
* If a transaction is already started in current thread, a new connection which is not used to started transaction will be used to execute the command.
* @param The type of exception that the command may throw.
* @param dataSource The DataSource for which to execute the command.
* @param cmd The command to execute outside any started transaction.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the dataSource or cmd is {@code null}.
* @throws E If the command throws an exception.
public static void runNotInStartedTransaction(final javax.sql.DataSource dataSource, final Throwables.Runnable cmd)
throws IllegalArgumentException, E {
N.checkArgNotNull(dataSource, s.dataSource);
N.checkArgNotNull(cmd, s.cmd);
if (isInSpring && !isSpringTransactionalDisabled_TL.get()) { //NOSONAR
final SQLTransaction tran = SQLTransaction.getTransaction(dataSource, CreatedBy.JDBC_UTIL);
try {
if (tran == null) {;
} else {
} finally {
} else {
final SQLTransaction tran = SQLTransaction.getTransaction(dataSource, CreatedBy.JDBC_UTIL);
if (tran == null) {;
} else {
* Executes the given command outside any started transaction for the specified DataSource.
* If a transaction is already started in current thread, a new connection which is not used to started transaction will be used to execute the command.
* @param The type of exception that the command may throw.
* @param dataSource The DataSource for which to execute the command.
* @param cmd The command to execute outside any started transaction.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the dataSource or cmd is {@code null}.
* @throws E If the command throws an exception.
public static void runNotInStartedTransaction(final javax.sql.DataSource dataSource,
final Throwables.Consumer cmd) throws IllegalArgumentException, E {
N.checkArgNotNull(dataSource, s.dataSource);
N.checkArgNotNull(cmd, s.cmd);
if (isInSpring && !isSpringTransactionalDisabled_TL.get()) { //NOSONAR
final SQLTransaction tran = SQLTransaction.getTransaction(dataSource, CreatedBy.JDBC_UTIL);
try {
if (tran == null) {
} else {
tran.runNotInMe(() -> cmd.accept(dataSource));
} finally {
} else {
final SQLTransaction tran = SQLTransaction.getTransaction(dataSource, CreatedBy.JDBC_UTIL);
if (tran == null) {
} else {
tran.runNotInMe(() -> cmd.accept(dataSource));
* Gets the SQL operation.
* @param sql
* @return
static SQLOperation getSQLOperation(final String sql) {
if (Strings.startsWithIgnoreCase(sql.trim(), "select ")) {
return SQLOperation.SELECT;
} else if (Strings.startsWithIgnoreCase(sql.trim(), "update ")) {
return SQLOperation.UPDATE;
} else if (Strings.startsWithIgnoreCase(sql.trim(), "insert ")) {
return SQLOperation.INSERT;
} else if (Strings.startsWithIgnoreCase(sql.trim(), "delete ")) {
return SQLOperation.DELETE;
} else if (Strings.startsWithIgnoreCase(sql.trim(), "merge ")) {
return SQLOperation.MERGE;
} else {
for (final SQLOperation so : SQLOperation.values()) {
if (Strings.startsWithIgnoreCase(sql.trim(), {
return so;
return SQLOperation.UNKNOWN;
static final Throwables.Consumer stmtSetterForBigQueryResult = stmt -> {
// stmt.setFetchDirectionToForward().setFetchSize(JdbcUtil.DEFAULT_FETCH_SIZE_FOR_BIG_RESULT);
if (stmt.getFetchSize() < JdbcUtil.DEFAULT_FETCH_SIZE_FOR_BIG_RESULT) {
static final Throwables.Consumer stmtSetterForStream = stmt -> {
if (stmt.getFetchSize() < JdbcUtil.DEFAULT_FETCH_SIZE_FOR_STREAM) {
* Prepares a SQL query using the provided DataSource and SQL string.
* If this method is called where a transaction is started by {@code JdbcUtil.beginTransaction}
* or in {@code Spring} with the same {@code DataSource} in the same thread,
* the {@code Connection} started the Transaction will be used here.
* Otherwise, a {@code Connection} directly from the specified {@code DataSource} (Connection pool) will be borrowed and used.
* @param ds the DataSource to use for the query
* @param sql the SQL string to prepare
* @return a PreparedQuery object representing the prepared SQL query
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the DataSource or SQL string is {@code null} or empty
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while preparing the query
* @see #getConnection(javax.sql.DataSource)
* @see #releaseConnection(Connection, javax.sql.DataSource)
public static PreparedQuery prepareQuery(final javax.sql.DataSource ds, final String sql) throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
N.checkArgNotNull(ds, s.dataSource);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(sql, s.sql);
final SQLTransaction tran = getTransaction(ds, sql, CreatedBy.JDBC_UTIL);
if (tran != null) {
return prepareQuery(tran.connection(), sql);
} else {
PreparedQuery result = null;
Connection conn = null;
try {
conn = getConnection(ds);
result = prepareQuery(conn, sql).onClose(createCloseHandler(conn, ds));
} finally {
if (result == null) {
releaseConnection(conn, ds);
return result;
* Prepares a SQL query using the provided DataSource and SQL string.
* If this method is called where a transaction is started by {@code JdbcUtil.beginTransaction}
* or in {@code Spring} with the same {@code DataSource} in the same thread,
* the {@code Connection} started the Transaction will be used here.
* Otherwise, a {@code Connection} directly from the specified {@code DataSource} (Connection pool) will be borrowed and used.
* @param ds the DataSource to use for the query
* @param sql the SQL string to prepare
* @param autoGeneratedKeys whether auto-generated keys should be returned
* @return a PreparedQuery object representing the prepared SQL query
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the DataSource or SQL string is {@code null} or empty
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while preparing the query
* @see #getConnection(javax.sql.DataSource)
* @see #releaseConnection(Connection, javax.sql.DataSource)
public static PreparedQuery prepareQuery(final javax.sql.DataSource ds, final String sql, final boolean autoGeneratedKeys)
throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
N.checkArgNotNull(ds, s.dataSource);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(sql, s.sql);
final SQLTransaction tran = getTransaction(ds, sql, CreatedBy.JDBC_UTIL);
if (tran != null) {
return prepareQuery(tran.connection(), sql, autoGeneratedKeys);
} else {
PreparedQuery result = null;
Connection conn = null;
try {
conn = getConnection(ds);
result = prepareQuery(conn, sql, autoGeneratedKeys).onClose(createCloseHandler(conn, ds));
} finally {
if (result == null) {
releaseConnection(conn, ds);
return result;
* Prepares a SQL query using the provided DataSource, SQL string, and column indexes for auto-generated keys.
* If this method is called where a transaction is started by {@code JdbcUtil.beginTransaction}
* or in {@code Spring} with the same {@code DataSource} in the same thread,
* the {@code Connection} started the Transaction will be used here.
* Otherwise, a {@code Connection} directly from the specified {@code DataSource} (Connection pool) will be borrowed and used.
* @param ds the DataSource to use for the query
* @param sql the SQL string to prepare
* @param returnColumnIndexes the column indexes for which auto-generated keys should be returned
* @return a PreparedQuery object representing the prepared SQL query
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the DataSource or SQL string is {@code null} or empty
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while preparing the query
* @see #getConnection(javax.sql.DataSource)
* @see #releaseConnection(Connection, javax.sql.DataSource)
public static PreparedQuery prepareQuery(final javax.sql.DataSource ds, final String sql, final int[] returnColumnIndexes)
throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
N.checkArgNotNull(ds, s.dataSource);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(sql, s.sql);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(returnColumnIndexes, s.returnColumnIndexes);
final SQLTransaction tran = getTransaction(ds, sql, CreatedBy.JDBC_UTIL);
if (tran != null) {
return prepareQuery(tran.connection(), sql, returnColumnIndexes);
} else {
PreparedQuery result = null;
Connection conn = null;
try {
conn = getConnection(ds);
result = prepareQuery(conn, sql, returnColumnIndexes).onClose(createCloseHandler(conn, ds));
} finally {
if (result == null) {
releaseConnection(conn, ds);
return result;
* Prepares a SQL query using the provided DataSource, SQL string, and column names for auto-generated keys.
* If this method is called where a transaction is started by {@code JdbcUtil.beginTransaction}
* or in {@code Spring} with the same {@code DataSource} in the same thread,
* the {@code Connection} started the Transaction will be used here.
* Otherwise, a {@code Connection} directly from the specified {@code DataSource} (Connection pool) will be borrowed and used.
* @param ds the DataSource to use for the query
* @param sql the SQL string to prepare
* @param returnColumnNames the column names for which auto-generated keys should be returned
* @return a PreparedQuery object representing the prepared SQL query
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the DataSource or SQL string is {@code null} or empty
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while preparing the query
* @see #getConnection(javax.sql.DataSource)
* @see #releaseConnection(Connection, javax.sql.DataSource)
public static PreparedQuery prepareQuery(final javax.sql.DataSource ds, final String sql, final String[] returnColumnNames)
throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
N.checkArgNotNull(ds, s.dataSource);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(sql, s.sql);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(returnColumnNames, s.returnColumnNames);
final SQLTransaction tran = getTransaction(ds, sql, CreatedBy.JDBC_UTIL);
if (tran != null) {
return prepareQuery(tran.connection(), sql, returnColumnNames);
} else {
PreparedQuery result = null;
Connection conn = null;
try {
conn = getConnection(ds);
result = prepareQuery(conn, sql, returnColumnNames).onClose(createCloseHandler(conn, ds));
} finally {
if (result == null) {
releaseConnection(conn, ds);
return result;
* Prepares a SQL query using the provided DataSource, SQL string, and a custom statement creator.
* If this method is called where a transaction is started by {@code JdbcUtil.beginTransaction}
* or in {@code Spring} with the same {@code DataSource} in the same thread,
* the {@code Connection} started the Transaction will be used here.
* Otherwise, a {@code Connection} directly from the specified {@code DataSource} (Connection pool) will be borrowed and used.
* @param ds the DataSource to use for the query
* @param sql the SQL string to prepare
* @param stmtCreator a function to create a PreparedStatement
* @return a PreparedQuery object representing the prepared SQL query
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the DataSource or SQL string is {@code null} or empty
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while preparing the query
* @see #getConnection(javax.sql.DataSource)
* @see #releaseConnection(Connection, javax.sql.DataSource)
public static PreparedQuery prepareQuery(final javax.sql.DataSource ds, final String sql,
final Throwables.BiFunction stmtCreator) throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
N.checkArgNotNull(ds, s.dataSource);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(sql, s.sql);
N.checkArgNotNull(stmtCreator, s.stmtCreator);
final SQLTransaction tran = getTransaction(ds, sql, CreatedBy.JDBC_UTIL);
if (tran != null) {
return prepareQuery(tran.connection(), sql, stmtCreator);
} else {
PreparedQuery result = null;
Connection conn = null;
try {
conn = getConnection(ds);
result = prepareQuery(conn, sql, stmtCreator).onClose(createCloseHandler(conn, ds));
} finally {
if (result == null) {
releaseConnection(conn, ds);
return result;
* Prepares a SQL query using the provided Connection and SQL string.
* This method does not close the provided Connection after the query is executed.
* Never write below code because it will definitely cause {@code Connection} leak:
* @param conn the Connection to use for the query
* @param sql the SQL string to prepare
* @return a PreparedQuery object representing the prepared SQL query
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the Connection or SQL string is {@code null} or empty
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while preparing the query
public static PreparedQuery prepareQuery(final Connection conn, final String sql) throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
N.checkArgNotNull(conn, s.conn);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(sql, s.sql);
return new PreparedQuery(prepareStatement(conn, sql));
* Prepares a SQL query using the provided Connection and SQL string.
* This method does not close the provided Connection after the query is executed.
* Never write below code because it will definitely cause {@code Connection} leak:
* @param conn the Connection to use for the query
* @param sql the SQL string to prepare
* @param autoGeneratedKeys whether auto-generated keys should be returned
* @return a PreparedQuery object representing the prepared SQL query
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the Connection or SQL string is {@code null} or empty
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while preparing the query
public static PreparedQuery prepareQuery(final Connection conn, final String sql, final boolean autoGeneratedKeys)
throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
N.checkArgNotNull(conn, s.conn);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(sql, s.sql);
return new PreparedQuery(prepareStatement(conn, sql, autoGeneratedKeys));
* Prepares a SQL query using the provided Connection, SQL string, and column indexes for auto-generated keys.
* This method does not close the provided Connection after the query is executed.
* Never write below code because it will definitely cause {@code Connection} leak:
* @param conn the Connection to use for the query
* @param sql the SQL string to prepare
* @param returnColumnIndexes the column indexes for which auto-generated keys should be returned
* @return a PreparedQuery object representing the prepared SQL query
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the Connection, SQL string, or returnColumnIndexes is {@code null} or empty
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while preparing the query
public static PreparedQuery prepareQuery(final Connection conn, final String sql, final int[] returnColumnIndexes)
throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
N.checkArgNotNull(conn, s.conn);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(sql, s.sql);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(returnColumnIndexes, s.returnColumnIndexes);
return new PreparedQuery(prepareStatement(conn, sql, returnColumnIndexes));
* Prepares a SQL query using the provided Connection, SQL string, and column names for auto-generated keys.
* This method does not close the provided Connection after the query is executed.
* Never write below code because it will definitely cause {@code Connection} leak:
* @param conn the Connection to use for the query
* @param sql the SQL string to prepare
* @param returnColumnNames the column names for which auto-generated keys should be returned
* @return a PreparedQuery object representing the prepared SQL query
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the Connection, SQL string, or returnColumnNames is {@code null} or empty
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while preparing the query
public static PreparedQuery prepareQuery(final Connection conn, final String sql, final String[] returnColumnNames)
throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
N.checkArgNotNull(conn, s.conn);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(sql, s.sql);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(returnColumnNames, s.returnColumnNames);
return new PreparedQuery(prepareStatement(conn, sql, returnColumnNames));
* Prepares a SQL query using the provided Connection and SQL string.
* This method does not close the provided Connection after the query is executed.
* Never write below code because it will definitely cause {@code Connection} leak:
* @param conn the Connection to use for the query
* @param sql the SQL string to prepare
* @param stmtCreator a function to create a PreparedStatement
* @return a PreparedQuery object representing the prepared SQL query
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the Connection, SQL string, or stmtCreator is {@code null} or empty
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while preparing the query
public static PreparedQuery prepareQuery(final Connection conn, final String sql,
final Throwables.BiFunction stmtCreator) throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
N.checkArgNotNull(conn, s.conn);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(sql, s.sql);
N.checkArgNotNull(stmtCreator, s.stmtCreator);
return new PreparedQuery(prepareStatement(conn, sql, stmtCreator));
* Prepares a SQL query for a large result set using the provided DataSource and SQL string.
* This method sets the fetch direction to {@code FetchDirection.FORWARD} and the fetch size to {@code DEFAULT_FETCH_SIZE_FOR_BIG_RESULT=1000}.
* @param ds the DataSource to use for the query
* @param sql the SQL string to prepare
* @return a PreparedQuery object representing the prepared SQL query
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while preparing the query
public static PreparedQuery prepareQueryForBigResult(final javax.sql.DataSource ds, final String sql) throws SQLException {
return prepareQuery(ds, sql).configStmt(stmtSetterForBigQueryResult);
* Prepares a SQL query for a large result set using the provided Connection and SQL string.
* This method sets the fetch direction to {@code FetchDirection.FORWARD} and the fetch size to {@code DEFAULT_FETCH_SIZE_FOR_BIG_RESULT=1000}.
* @param conn the Connection to use for the query
* @param sql the SQL string to prepare
* @return a PreparedQuery object representing the prepared SQL query
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while preparing the query
public static PreparedQuery prepareQueryForBigResult(final Connection conn, final String sql) throws SQLException {
return prepareQuery(conn, sql).configStmt(stmtSetterForBigQueryResult);
* Prepares a named SQL query using the provided DataSource and named SQL string.
* If this method is called where a transaction is started by {@code JdbcUtil.beginTransaction}
* or in {@code Spring} with the same {@code DataSource} in the same thread,
* the {@code Connection} started the Transaction will be used here.
* Otherwise, a {@code Connection} directly from the specified {@code DataSource} (Connection pool) will be borrowed and used.
* @param ds the DataSource to use for the query
* @param namedSql the named SQL string to prepare, for example {@code SELECT first_name, last_name FROM account where id = :id}
* @return a NamedQuery object representing the prepared named SQL query
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the DataSource or named SQL string is {@code null} or empty
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while preparing the query
* @see #getConnection(javax.sql.DataSource)
* @see #releaseConnection(Connection, javax.sql.DataSource)
public static NamedQuery prepareNamedQuery(final javax.sql.DataSource ds, final String namedSql) throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
N.checkArgNotNull(ds, s.dataSource);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(namedSql, s.namedSql);
final SQLTransaction tran = getTransaction(ds, namedSql, CreatedBy.JDBC_UTIL);
if (tran != null) {
return prepareNamedQuery(tran.connection(), namedSql);
} else {
NamedQuery result = null;
Connection conn = null;
try {
conn = getConnection(ds);
result = prepareNamedQuery(conn, namedSql).onClose(createCloseHandler(conn, ds));
} finally {
if (result == null) {
releaseConnection(conn, ds);
return result;
* Prepares a named SQL query using the provided DataSource and named SQL string.
* If this method is called where a transaction is started by {@code JdbcUtil.beginTransaction}
* or in {@code Spring} with the same {@code DataSource} in the same thread,
* the {@code Connection} started the Transaction will be used here.
* Otherwise, a {@code Connection} directly from the specified {@code DataSource} (Connection pool) will be borrowed and used.
* @param ds the DataSource to use for the query
* @param namedSql the named SQL string to prepare, for example {@code SELECT first_name, last_name FROM account where id = :id}
* @param autoGeneratedKeys whether auto-generated keys should be returned
* @return a NamedQuery object representing the prepared named SQL query
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the DataSource or named SQL string is {@code null} or empty
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while preparing the query
* @see #getConnection(javax.sql.DataSource)
* @see #releaseConnection(Connection, javax.sql.DataSource)
public static NamedQuery prepareNamedQuery(final javax.sql.DataSource ds, final String namedSql, final boolean autoGeneratedKeys)
throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
N.checkArgNotNull(ds, s.dataSource);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(namedSql, s.namedSql);
final SQLTransaction tran = getTransaction(ds, namedSql, CreatedBy.JDBC_UTIL);
if (tran != null) {
return prepareNamedQuery(tran.connection(), namedSql, autoGeneratedKeys);
} else {
NamedQuery result = null;
Connection conn = null;
try {
conn = getConnection(ds);
result = prepareNamedQuery(conn, namedSql, autoGeneratedKeys).onClose(createCloseHandler(conn, ds));
} finally {
if (result == null) {
releaseConnection(conn, ds);
return result;
* Prepares a named SQL query using the provided DataSource, named SQL string, and column indexes for auto-generated keys.
* If this method is called where a transaction is started by {@code JdbcUtil.beginTransaction}
* or in {@code Spring} with the same {@code DataSource} in the same thread,
* the {@code Connection} started the Transaction will be used here.
* Otherwise, a {@code Connection} directly from the specified {@code DataSource} (Connection pool) will be borrowed and used.
* @param ds the DataSource to use for the query
* @param namedSql the named SQL string to prepare, for example {@code SELECT first_name, last_name FROM account where id = :id}
* @param returnColumnIndexes the column indexes for which auto-generated keys should be returned
* @return a NamedQuery object representing the prepared named SQL query
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the DataSource, named SQL string, or returnColumnIndexes is {@code null} or empty
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while preparing the query
* @see #getConnection(javax.sql.DataSource)
* @see #releaseConnection(Connection, javax.sql.DataSource)
public static NamedQuery prepareNamedQuery(final javax.sql.DataSource ds, final String namedSql, final int[] returnColumnIndexes)
throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
N.checkArgNotNull(ds, s.dataSource);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(namedSql, s.namedSql);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(returnColumnIndexes, s.returnColumnIndexes);
final SQLTransaction tran = getTransaction(ds, namedSql, CreatedBy.JDBC_UTIL);
if (tran != null) {
return prepareNamedQuery(tran.connection(), namedSql, returnColumnIndexes);
} else {
NamedQuery result = null;
Connection conn = null;
try {
conn = getConnection(ds);
result = prepareNamedQuery(conn, namedSql, returnColumnIndexes).onClose(createCloseHandler(conn, ds));
} finally {
if (result == null) {
releaseConnection(conn, ds);
return result;
* Prepares a named SQL query using the provided DataSource, named SQL string, and column names for auto-generated keys.
* If this method is called where a transaction is started by {@code JdbcUtil.beginTransaction}
* or in {@code Spring} with the same {@code DataSource} in the same thread,
* the {@code Connection} started the Transaction will be used here.
* Otherwise, a {@code Connection} directly from the specified {@code DataSource} (Connection pool) will be borrowed and used.
* @param ds the DataSource to use for the query
* @param namedSql the named SQL string to prepare, for example {@code SELECT first_name, last_name FROM account where id = :id}
* @param returnColumnNames the column names for which auto-generated keys should be returned
* @return a NamedQuery object representing the prepared named SQL query
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the DataSource, named SQL string, or returnColumnNames is {@code null} or empty
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while preparing the query
* @see #getConnection(javax.sql.DataSource)
* @see #releaseConnection(Connection, javax.sql.DataSource)
public static NamedQuery prepareNamedQuery(final javax.sql.DataSource ds, final String namedSql, final String[] returnColumnNames)
throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
N.checkArgNotNull(ds, s.dataSource);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(namedSql, s.namedSql);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(returnColumnNames, s.returnColumnNames);
final SQLTransaction tran = getTransaction(ds, namedSql, CreatedBy.JDBC_UTIL);
if (tran != null) {
return prepareNamedQuery(tran.connection(), namedSql, returnColumnNames);
} else {
NamedQuery result = null;
Connection conn = null;
try {
conn = getConnection(ds);
result = prepareNamedQuery(conn, namedSql, returnColumnNames).onClose(createCloseHandler(conn, ds));
} finally {
if (result == null) {
releaseConnection(conn, ds);
return result;
* Prepares a named SQL query using the provided DataSource, named SQL string, and a custom statement creator.
* If this method is called where a transaction is started by {@code JdbcUtil.beginTransaction}
* or in {@code Spring} with the same {@code DataSource} in the same thread,
* the {@code Connection} started the Transaction will be used here.
* Otherwise, a {@code Connection} directly from the specified {@code DataSource} (Connection pool) will be borrowed and used.
* @param ds the DataSource to use for the query
* @param namedSql the named SQL string to prepare, for example {@code SELECT first_name, last_name FROM account where id = :id}
* @param stmtCreator a function to create a PreparedStatement
* @return a NamedQuery object representing the prepared named SQL query
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the DataSource, named SQL string, or stmtCreator is {@code null} or empty
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while preparing the query
* @see #getConnection(javax.sql.DataSource)
* @see #releaseConnection(Connection, javax.sql.DataSource)
public static NamedQuery prepareNamedQuery(final javax.sql.DataSource ds, final String namedSql,
final Throwables.BiFunction stmtCreator) throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
N.checkArgNotNull(ds, s.dataSource);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(namedSql, s.namedSql);
N.checkArgNotNull(stmtCreator, s.stmtCreator);
final SQLTransaction tran = getTransaction(ds, namedSql, CreatedBy.JDBC_UTIL);
if (tran != null) {
return prepareNamedQuery(tran.connection(), namedSql, stmtCreator);
} else {
NamedQuery result = null;
Connection conn = null;
try {
conn = getConnection(ds);
result = prepareNamedQuery(conn, namedSql, stmtCreator).onClose(createCloseHandler(conn, ds));
} finally {
if (result == null) {
releaseConnection(conn, ds);
return result;
* Prepares a named SQL query using the provided Connection and named SQL string.
* This method does not close the provided Connection after the query is executed.
* Never write below code because it will definitely cause {@code Connection} leak:
* @param conn the Connection to use for the query
* @param namedSql the named SQL string to prepare, for example {@code SELECT first_name, last_name FROM account where id = :id}
* @return a NamedQuery object representing the prepared named SQL query
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the Connection or named SQL string is {@code null} or empty
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while preparing the query
public static NamedQuery prepareNamedQuery(final Connection conn, final String namedSql) throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
N.checkArgNotNull(conn, s.conn);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(namedSql, s.namedSql);
final ParsedSql parsedSql = parseNamedSql(namedSql);
return new NamedQuery(prepareStatement(conn, parsedSql), parsedSql);
* Prepares a named SQL query using the provided Connection, named SQL string, and a flag for auto-generated keys.
* This method does not close the provided Connection after the query is executed.
* Never write below code because it will definitely cause {@code Connection} leak:
* @param conn the Connection to use for the query
* @param namedSql the named SQL string to prepare, for example {@code SELECT first_name, last_name FROM account where id = :id}
* @param autoGeneratedKeys whether auto-generated keys should be returned
* @return a NamedQuery object representing the prepared named SQL query
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the Connection or named SQL string is {@code null} or empty
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while preparing the query
public static NamedQuery prepareNamedQuery(final Connection conn, final String namedSql, final boolean autoGeneratedKeys)
throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
N.checkArgNotNull(conn, s.conn);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(namedSql, s.namedSql);
final ParsedSql parsedSql = parseNamedSql(namedSql);
return new NamedQuery(prepareStatement(conn, parsedSql, autoGeneratedKeys), parsedSql);
* Prepares a named SQL query using the provided Connection, named SQL string, and column indexes for auto-generated keys.
* This method does not close the provided Connection after the query is executed.
* Never write below code because it will definitely cause {@code Connection} leak:
* @param conn the Connection to use for the query
* @param namedSql the named SQL string to prepare, for example {@code SELECT first_name, last_name FROM account where id = :id}
* @param returnColumnIndexes the column indexes for which auto-generated keys should be returned
* @return a NamedQuery object representing the prepared named SQL query
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the Connection, named SQL string, or returnColumnIndexes is {@code null} or empty
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while preparing the query
public static NamedQuery prepareNamedQuery(final Connection conn, final String namedSql, final int[] returnColumnIndexes)
throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
N.checkArgNotNull(conn, s.conn);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(namedSql, s.namedSql);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(returnColumnIndexes, s.returnColumnIndexes);
final ParsedSql parsedSql = parseNamedSql(namedSql);
return new NamedQuery(prepareStatement(conn, parsedSql, returnColumnIndexes), parsedSql);
* Prepares a named SQL query using the provided Connection, named SQL string, and column names for auto-generated keys.
* This method does not close the provided Connection after the query is executed.
* Never write below code because it will definitely cause {@code Connection} leak:
* @param conn the Connection to use for the query
* @param namedSql the named SQL string to prepare, for example {@code SELECT first_name, last_name FROM account where id = :id}
* @param returnColumnNames the column names for which auto-generated keys should be returned
* @return a NamedQuery object representing the prepared named SQL query
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the Connection, named SQL string, or returnColumnNames is {@code null} or empty
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while preparing the query
public static NamedQuery prepareNamedQuery(final Connection conn, final String namedSql, final String[] returnColumnNames)
throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
N.checkArgNotNull(conn, s.conn);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(namedSql, s.namedSql);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(returnColumnNames, s.returnColumnNames);
final ParsedSql parsedSql = parseNamedSql(namedSql);
return new NamedQuery(prepareStatement(conn, parsedSql, returnColumnNames), parsedSql);
* Prepares a named SQL query using the provided Connection and named SQL string.
* This method does not close the provided Connection after the query is executed.
* Never write below code because it will definitely cause {@code Connection} leak:
* @param conn the Connection to use for the query
* @param namedSql the named SQL string to prepare, for example {@code SELECT first_name, last_name FROM account where id = :id}
* @param stmtCreator a function to create a PreparedStatement
* @return a NamedQuery object representing the prepared named SQL query
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the Connection, named SQL string, or stmtCreator is {@code null} or empty
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while preparing the query
public static NamedQuery prepareNamedQuery(final Connection conn, final String namedSql,
final Throwables.BiFunction stmtCreator) throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
N.checkArgNotNull(conn, s.conn);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(namedSql, s.namedSql);
N.checkArgNotNull(stmtCreator, s.stmtCreator);
final ParsedSql parsedSql = parseNamedSql(namedSql);
return new NamedQuery(prepareStatement(conn, parsedSql, stmtCreator), parsedSql);
* Prepares a named SQL query using the provided DataSource and ParsedSql object.
* If this method is called where a transaction is started by {@code JdbcUtil.beginTransaction}
* or in {@code Spring} with the same {@code DataSource} in the same thread,
* the {@code Connection} started the Transaction will be used here.
* Otherwise, a {@code Connection} directly from the specified {@code DataSource} (Connection pool) will be borrowed and used.
* @param ds the DataSource to use for the query
* @param namedSql the named SQL string to prepare, for example {@code SELECT first_name, last_name FROM account where id = :id}
* @return a NamedQuery object representing the prepared named SQL query
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the DataSource or named SQL string is {@code null} or empty
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while preparing the query
* @see #getConnection(javax.sql.DataSource)
* @see #releaseConnection(Connection, javax.sql.DataSource)
public static NamedQuery prepareNamedQuery(final javax.sql.DataSource ds, final ParsedSql namedSql) throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
N.checkArgNotNull(ds, s.dataSource);
N.checkArgNotNull(namedSql, s.namedSql);
final SQLTransaction tran = getTransaction(ds, namedSql.getParameterizedSql(), CreatedBy.JDBC_UTIL);
if (tran != null) {
return prepareNamedQuery(tran.connection(), namedSql);
} else {
NamedQuery result = null;
Connection conn = null;
try {
conn = getConnection(ds);
result = prepareNamedQuery(conn, namedSql).onClose(createCloseHandler(conn, ds));
} finally {
if (result == null) {
releaseConnection(conn, ds);
return result;
* Prepares a named SQL query using the provided DataSource, ParsedSql object, and a flag for auto-generated keys.
* If this method is called where a transaction is started by {@code JdbcUtil.beginTransaction}
* or in {@code Spring} with the same {@code DataSource} in the same thread,
* the {@code Connection} started the Transaction will be used here.
* Otherwise, a {@code Connection} directly from the specified {@code DataSource} (Connection pool) will be borrowed and used.
* @param ds the DataSource to use for the query
* @param namedSql the named SQL string to prepare, for example {@code SELECT first_name, last_name FROM account where id = :id}
* @param autoGeneratedKeys whether auto-generated keys should be returned
* @return a NamedQuery object representing the prepared named SQL query
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the DataSource or named SQL string is {@code null} or empty
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while preparing the query
* @see #getConnection(javax.sql.DataSource)
* @see #releaseConnection(Connection, javax.sql.DataSource)
public static NamedQuery prepareNamedQuery(final javax.sql.DataSource ds, final ParsedSql namedSql, final boolean autoGeneratedKeys)
throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
N.checkArgNotNull(ds, s.dataSource);
N.checkArgNotNull(namedSql, s.namedSql);
final SQLTransaction tran = getTransaction(ds, namedSql.getParameterizedSql(), CreatedBy.JDBC_UTIL);
if (tran != null) {
return prepareNamedQuery(tran.connection(), namedSql, autoGeneratedKeys);
} else {
NamedQuery result = null;
Connection conn = null;
try {
conn = getConnection(ds);
result = prepareNamedQuery(conn, namedSql, autoGeneratedKeys).onClose(createCloseHandler(conn, ds));
} finally {
if (result == null) {
releaseConnection(conn, ds);
return result;
* Prepares a named SQL query using the provided DataSource, ParsedSql object, and column indexes for auto-generated keys.
* If this method is called where a transaction is started by {@code JdbcUtil.beginTransaction}
* or in {@code Spring} with the same {@code DataSource} in the same thread,
* the {@code Connection} started the Transaction will be used here.
* Otherwise, a {@code Connection} directly from the specified {@code DataSource} (Connection pool) will be borrowed and used.
* @param ds the DataSource to use for the query
* @param namedSql the named SQL string to prepare, for example {@code SELECT first_name, last_name FROM account where id = :id}
* @param returnColumnIndexes the column indexes for which auto-generated keys should be returned
* @return a NamedQuery object representing the prepared named SQL query
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the DataSource, named SQL string, or returnColumnIndexes is {@code null} or empty
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while preparing the query
* @see #getConnection(javax.sql.DataSource)
* @see #releaseConnection(Connection, javax.sql.DataSource)
public static NamedQuery prepareNamedQuery(final javax.sql.DataSource ds, final ParsedSql namedSql, final int[] returnColumnIndexes)
throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
N.checkArgNotNull(ds, s.dataSource);
N.checkArgNotNull(namedSql, s.namedSql);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(returnColumnIndexes, s.returnColumnIndexes);
final SQLTransaction tran = getTransaction(ds, namedSql.getParameterizedSql(), CreatedBy.JDBC_UTIL);
if (tran != null) {
return prepareNamedQuery(tran.connection(), namedSql, returnColumnIndexes);
} else {
NamedQuery result = null;
Connection conn = null;
try {
conn = getConnection(ds);
result = prepareNamedQuery(conn, namedSql, returnColumnIndexes).onClose(createCloseHandler(conn, ds));
} finally {
if (result == null) {
releaseConnection(conn, ds);
return result;
* Prepares a named SQL query using the provided DataSource, ParsedSql object, and column names for auto-generated keys.
* If this method is called where a transaction is started by {@code JdbcUtil.beginTransaction}
* or in {@code Spring} with the same {@code DataSource} in the same thread,
* the {@code Connection} started the Transaction will be used here.
* Otherwise, a {@code Connection} directly from the specified {@code DataSource} (Connection pool) will be borrowed and used.
* @param ds the DataSource to use for the query
* @param namedSql the named SQL string to prepare, for example {@code SELECT first_name, last_name FROM account where id = :id}
* @param returnColumnNames the column names for which auto-generated keys should be returned
* @return a NamedQuery object representing the prepared named SQL query
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the DataSource, named SQL string, or returnColumnNames is {@code null} or empty
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while preparing the query
* @see #getConnection(javax.sql.DataSource)
* @see #releaseConnection(Connection, javax.sql.DataSource)
public static NamedQuery prepareNamedQuery(final javax.sql.DataSource ds, final ParsedSql namedSql, final String[] returnColumnNames)
throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
N.checkArgNotNull(ds, s.dataSource);
N.checkArgNotNull(namedSql, s.namedSql);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(returnColumnNames, s.returnColumnNames);
final SQLTransaction tran = getTransaction(ds, namedSql.getParameterizedSql(), CreatedBy.JDBC_UTIL);
if (tran != null) {
return prepareNamedQuery(tran.connection(), namedSql, returnColumnNames);
} else {
NamedQuery result = null;
Connection conn = null;
try {
conn = getConnection(ds);
result = prepareNamedQuery(conn, namedSql, returnColumnNames).onClose(createCloseHandler(conn, ds));
} finally {
if (result == null) {
releaseConnection(conn, ds);
return result;
* Prepares a named SQL query using the provided DataSource, ParsedSql object, and a custom statement creator.
* If this method is called where a transaction is started by {@code JdbcUtil.beginTransaction}
* or in {@code Spring} with the same {@code DataSource} in the same thread,
* the {@code Connection} started the Transaction will be used here.
* Otherwise, a {@code Connection} directly from the specified {@code DataSource} (Connection pool) will be borrowed and used.
* @param ds the DataSource to use for the query
* @param namedSql the named SQL string to prepare, for example {@code SELECT first_name, last_name FROM account where id = :id}
* @param stmtCreator a function to create a PreparedStatement
* @return a NamedQuery object representing the prepared named SQL query
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the DataSource, named SQL string, or stmtCreator is {@code null} or empty
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while preparing the query
* @see #getConnection(javax.sql.DataSource)
* @see #releaseConnection(Connection, javax.sql.DataSource)
public static NamedQuery prepareNamedQuery(final javax.sql.DataSource ds, final ParsedSql namedSql,
final Throwables.BiFunction stmtCreator) throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
N.checkArgNotNull(ds, s.dataSource);
N.checkArgNotNull(namedSql, s.namedSql);
N.checkArgNotNull(stmtCreator, s.stmtCreator);
final SQLTransaction tran = getTransaction(ds, namedSql.getParameterizedSql(), CreatedBy.JDBC_UTIL);
if (tran != null) {
return prepareNamedQuery(tran.connection(), namedSql, stmtCreator);
} else {
NamedQuery result = null;
Connection conn = null;
try {
conn = getConnection(ds);
result = prepareNamedQuery(conn, namedSql, stmtCreator).onClose(createCloseHandler(conn, ds));
} finally {
if (result == null) {
releaseConnection(conn, ds);
return result;
* Prepares a named SQL query using the provided Connection and ParsedSql object.
* This method does not close the provided Connection after the query is executed.
* Never write below code because it will definitely cause {@code Connection} leak:
* @param conn the Connection to use for the query
* @param namedSql the named SQL string to prepare, for example {@code SELECT first_name, last_name FROM account where id = :id}
* @return a NamedQuery object representing the prepared named SQL query
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the Connection or named SQL string is {@code null} or empty
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while preparing the query
public static NamedQuery prepareNamedQuery(final Connection conn, final ParsedSql namedSql) throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
N.checkArgNotNull(conn, s.conn);
N.checkArgNotNull(namedSql, s.namedSql);
return new NamedQuery(prepareStatement(conn, namedSql), namedSql);
* Prepares a named SQL query using the provided Connection, ParsedSql object, and a flag for auto-generated keys.
* This method does not close the provided Connection after the query is executed.
* Never write below code because it will definitely cause {@code Connection} leak:
* @param conn the Connection to use for the query
* @param namedSql the named SQL string to prepare, for example {@code SELECT first_name, last_name FROM account where id = :id}
* @param autoGeneratedKeys whether auto-generated keys should be returned
* @return a NamedQuery object representing the prepared named SQL query
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the Connection or named SQL string is {@code null} or empty
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while preparing the query
public static NamedQuery prepareNamedQuery(final Connection conn, final ParsedSql namedSql, final boolean autoGeneratedKeys)
throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
N.checkArgNotNull(conn, s.conn);
N.checkArgNotNull(namedSql, s.namedSql);
return new NamedQuery(prepareStatement(conn, namedSql, autoGeneratedKeys), namedSql);
* Prepares a named SQL query using the provided Connection, ParsedSql object, and column indexes for auto-generated keys.
* This method does not close the provided Connection after the query is executed.
* Never write below code because it will definitely cause {@code Connection} leak:
* @param conn the Connection to use for the query
* @param namedSql the named SQL string to prepare, for example {@code SELECT first_name, last_name FROM account where id = :id}
* @param returnColumnIndexes the column indexes for which auto-generated keys should be returned
* @return a NamedQuery object representing the prepared named SQL query
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the Connection, named SQL string, or returnColumnIndexes is {@code null} or empty
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while preparing the query
public static NamedQuery prepareNamedQuery(final Connection conn, final ParsedSql namedSql, final int[] returnColumnIndexes)
throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
N.checkArgNotNull(conn, s.conn);
N.checkArgNotNull(namedSql, s.namedSql);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(returnColumnIndexes, s.returnColumnIndexes);
return new NamedQuery(prepareStatement(conn, namedSql, returnColumnIndexes), namedSql);
* Prepares a named SQL query using the provided Connection, ParsedSql object, and column names for auto-generated keys.
* This method does not close the provided Connection after the query is executed.
* Never write below code because it will definitely cause {@code Connection} leak:
* @param conn the Connection to use for the query
* @param namedSql the named SQL string to prepare, for example {@code SELECT first_name, last_name FROM account where id = :id}
* @param returnColumnNames the column names for which auto-generated keys should be returned
* @return a NamedQuery object representing the prepared named SQL query
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the Connection, named SQL string, or returnColumnNames is {@code null} or empty
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while preparing the query
public static NamedQuery prepareNamedQuery(final Connection conn, final ParsedSql namedSql, final String[] returnColumnNames)
throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
N.checkArgNotNull(conn, s.conn);
N.checkArgNotNull(namedSql, s.namedSql);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(returnColumnNames, s.returnColumnNames);
return new NamedQuery(prepareStatement(conn, namedSql, returnColumnNames), namedSql);
* Prepares a named SQL query using the provided Connection and ParsedSql object.
* This method does not close the provided Connection after the query is executed.
* Never write below code because it will definitely cause {@code Connection} leak:
* @param conn the Connection to use for the query
* @param namedSql the named SQL string to prepare, for example {@code SELECT first_name, last_name FROM account where id = :id}
* @param stmtCreator a function to create a PreparedStatement
* @return a NamedQuery object representing the prepared named SQL query
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the Connection, named SQL string, or stmtCreator is {@code null} or empty
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while preparing the query
public static NamedQuery prepareNamedQuery(final Connection conn, final ParsedSql namedSql,
final Throwables.BiFunction stmtCreator) throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
N.checkArgNotNull(conn, s.conn);
N.checkArgNotNull(namedSql, s.namedSql);
N.checkArgNotNull(stmtCreator, s.stmtCreator);
return new NamedQuery(prepareStatement(conn, namedSql, stmtCreator), namedSql);
* Prepares a named SQL query for a big result set using the provided DataSource and named SQL string.
* This method configures the fetch direction to {@code FetchDirection.FORWARD} and sets the fetch size to {@code DEFAULT_FETCH_SIZE_FOR_BIG_RESULT=1000}.
* @param ds the DataSource to use for the query
* @param namedSql the named SQL string to prepare
* @return a NamedQuery object representing the prepared named SQL query
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while preparing the query
public static NamedQuery prepareNamedQueryForBigResult(final javax.sql.DataSource ds, final String namedSql) throws SQLException {
return prepareNamedQuery(ds, namedSql).configStmt(stmtSetterForBigQueryResult);
* Prepares a named SQL query for a big result set using the provided DataSource and ParsedSql object.
* This method configures the fetch direction to {@code FetchDirection.FORWARD} and sets the fetch size to {@code DEFAULT_FETCH_SIZE_FOR_BIG_RESULT=1000}.
* @param ds the DataSource to use for the query
* @param namedSql the named SQL string to prepare, for example {@code SELECT first_name, last_name FROM account where id = :id}
* @return a NamedQuery object representing the prepared named SQL query
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while preparing the query
public static NamedQuery prepareNamedQueryForBigResult(final javax.sql.DataSource ds, final ParsedSql namedSql) throws SQLException {
return prepareNamedQuery(ds, namedSql).configStmt(stmtSetterForBigQueryResult);
* Prepares a named SQL query for a big result set using the provided Connection and named SQL string.
* This method configures the fetch direction to {@code FetchDirection.FORWARD} and sets the fetch size to {@code DEFAULT_FETCH_SIZE_FOR_BIG_RESULT=1000}.
* @param conn the Connection to use for the query
* @param namedSql the named SQL string to prepare
* @return a NamedQuery object representing the prepared named SQL query
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while preparing the query
public static NamedQuery prepareNamedQueryForBigResult(final Connection conn, final String namedSql) throws SQLException {
return prepareNamedQuery(conn, namedSql).configStmt(stmtSetterForBigQueryResult);
* Prepares a callable SQL query using the provided DataSource and SQL Stored Procedure.
* If this method is called where a transaction is started by {@code JdbcUtil.beginTransaction}
* or in {@code Spring} with the same {@code DataSource} in the same thread,
* the {@code Connection} started the Transaction will be used here.
* Otherwise, a {@code Connection} directly from the specified {@code DataSource} (Connection pool) will be borrowed and used.
* @param ds the DataSource to use for the query
* @param sql the SQL string to prepare
* @return a CallableQuery object representing the prepared callable SQL query
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the DataSource or SQL string is {@code null} or empty
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while preparing the query
* @see #getConnection(javax.sql.DataSource)
* @see #releaseConnection(Connection, javax.sql.DataSource)
public static CallableQuery prepareCallableQuery(final javax.sql.DataSource ds, final String sql) throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
N.checkArgNotNull(ds, s.dataSource);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(sql, s.sql);
final SQLTransaction tran = getTransaction(ds, sql, CreatedBy.JDBC_UTIL);
if (tran != null) {
return prepareCallableQuery(tran.connection(), sql);
} else {
CallableQuery result = null;
Connection conn = null;
try {
conn = getConnection(ds);
result = prepareCallableQuery(conn, sql).onClose(createCloseHandler(conn, ds));
} finally {
if (result == null) {
releaseConnection(conn, ds);
return result;
* Prepares a callable SQL query using the provided DataSource and SQL Stored Procedure.
* If this method is called where a transaction is started by {@code JdbcUtil.beginTransaction}
* or in {@code Spring} with the same {@code DataSource} in the same thread,
* the {@code Connection} started the Transaction will be used here.
* Otherwise, a {@code Connection} directly from the specified {@code DataSource} (Connection pool) will be borrowed and used.
* @param ds the DataSource to use for the query
* @param sql the SQL string to prepare
* @return a CallableQuery object representing the prepared callable SQL query
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the DataSource or SQL string is {@code null} or empty
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while preparing the query
* @see #getConnection(javax.sql.DataSource)
* @see #releaseConnection(Connection, javax.sql.DataSource)
public static CallableQuery prepareCallableQuery(final javax.sql.DataSource ds, final String sql,
final Throwables.BiFunction stmtCreator) throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
N.checkArgNotNull(ds, s.dataSource);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(sql, s.sql);
N.checkArgNotNull(stmtCreator, s.stmtCreator);
final SQLTransaction tran = getTransaction(ds, sql, CreatedBy.JDBC_UTIL);
if (tran != null) {
return prepareCallableQuery(tran.connection(), sql, stmtCreator);
} else {
CallableQuery result = null;
Connection conn = null;
try {
conn = getConnection(ds);
result = prepareCallableQuery(conn, sql, stmtCreator).onClose(createCloseHandler(conn, ds));
} finally {
if (result == null) {
releaseConnection(conn, ds);
return result;
* Prepares a callable SQL query using the provided Connection and SQL Stored Procedure.
* This method does not close the provided Connection after the query is executed.
* Never write below code because it will definitely cause {@code Connection} leak:
* @param conn the Connection to use for the query
* @param sql the SQL string to prepare
* @return a CallableQuery object representing the prepared callable SQL query
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the Connection or SQL string is {@code null} or empty
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while preparing the query
public static CallableQuery prepareCallableQuery(final Connection conn, final String sql) throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
N.checkArgNotNull(conn, s.conn);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(sql, s.sql);
return new CallableQuery(prepareCallable(conn, sql));
* Prepares a callable SQL query using the provided Connection and SQL Stored Procedure.
* This method does not close the provided Connection after the query is executed.
* Never write below code because it will definitely cause {@code Connection} leak:
* @param conn the Connection to use for the query
* @param sql the SQL string to prepare
* @param stmtCreator a function to create a CallableStatement
* @return a CallableQuery object representing the prepared callable SQL query
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the Connection, SQL string, or stmtCreator is {@code null} or empty
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while preparing the query
public static CallableQuery prepareCallableQuery(final Connection conn, final String sql,
final Throwables.BiFunction stmtCreator) throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
N.checkArgNotNull(conn, s.conn);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(sql, s.sql);
N.checkArgNotNull(stmtCreator, s.stmtCreator);
return new CallableQuery(prepareCallable(conn, sql, stmtCreator));
static PreparedStatement prepareStatement(final Connection conn, final String sql) throws SQLException {
return conn.prepareStatement(sql);
static PreparedStatement prepareStatement(final Connection conn, final String sql, final boolean autoGeneratedKeys) throws SQLException {
return conn.prepareStatement(sql, autoGeneratedKeys ? Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS : Statement.NO_GENERATED_KEYS);
static PreparedStatement prepareStatement(final Connection conn, final String sql, final int[] returnColumnIndexes) throws SQLException {
return conn.prepareStatement(sql, returnColumnIndexes);
static PreparedStatement prepareStatement(final Connection conn, final String sql, final String[] returnColumnNames) throws SQLException {
return conn.prepareStatement(sql, returnColumnNames);
static PreparedStatement prepareStatement(final Connection conn, final String sql, final int resultSetType, final int resultSetConcurrency)
throws SQLException {
return conn.prepareStatement(sql, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency);
static PreparedStatement prepareStatement(final Connection conn, final String sql, final int resultSetType, final int resultSetConcurrency,
final int resultSetHoldability) throws SQLException {
return conn.prepareStatement(sql, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency, resultSetHoldability);
static PreparedStatement prepareStatement(final Connection conn, final String sql,
final Throwables.BiFunction stmtCreator) throws SQLException {
return stmtCreator.apply(conn, sql);
static PreparedStatement prepareStatement(final Connection conn, final ParsedSql parsedSql) throws SQLException {
return conn.prepareStatement(parsedSql.getParameterizedSql());
static PreparedStatement prepareStatement(final Connection conn, final ParsedSql parsedSql, final boolean autoGeneratedKeys) throws SQLException {
return conn.prepareStatement(parsedSql.getParameterizedSql(), autoGeneratedKeys ? Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS : Statement.NO_GENERATED_KEYS);
static PreparedStatement prepareStatement(final Connection conn, final ParsedSql parsedSql, final int[] returnColumnIndexes) throws SQLException {
return conn.prepareStatement(parsedSql.getParameterizedSql(), returnColumnIndexes);
static PreparedStatement prepareStatement(final Connection conn, final ParsedSql parsedSql, final String[] returnColumnNames) throws SQLException {
return conn.prepareStatement(parsedSql.getParameterizedSql(), returnColumnNames);
static PreparedStatement prepareStatement(final Connection conn, final ParsedSql parsedSql, final int resultSetType, final int resultSetConcurrency)
throws SQLException {
return conn.prepareStatement(parsedSql.getParameterizedSql(), resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency);
static PreparedStatement prepareStatement(final Connection conn, final ParsedSql parsedSql, final int resultSetType, final int resultSetConcurrency,
final int resultSetHoldability) throws SQLException {
return conn.prepareStatement(parsedSql.getParameterizedSql(), resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency, resultSetHoldability);
static PreparedStatement prepareStatement(final Connection conn, final ParsedSql parsedSql,
final Throwables.BiFunction stmtCreator) throws SQLException {
return stmtCreator.apply(conn, parsedSql.getParameterizedSql());
static CallableStatement prepareCallable(final Connection conn, final String sql) throws SQLException {
return conn.prepareCall(sql);
static CallableStatement prepareCallable(final Connection conn, final String sql,
final Throwables.BiFunction stmtCreator) throws SQLException {
return stmtCreator.apply(conn, sql);
static CallableStatement prepareCallable(final Connection conn, final ParsedSql parsedSql) throws SQLException {
return conn.prepareCall(parsedSql.getParameterizedSql());
static CallableStatement prepareCallable(final Connection conn, final ParsedSql parsedSql,
final Throwables.BiFunction stmtCreator) throws SQLException {
return stmtCreator.apply(conn, parsedSql.getParameterizedSql());
* @param conn
* @param sql
* @param parameters
* @return
* @throws SQLException
static PreparedStatement prepareStmt(final Connection conn, final String sql, final Object... parameters) throws SQLException {
N.checkArgNotNull(conn, s.conn);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(sql, s.sql);
final ParsedSql parsedSql = ParsedSql.parse(sql);
final PreparedStatement stmt = prepareStatement(conn, parsedSql);
if (N.notEmpty(parameters)) {
setParameters(parsedSql, stmt, parameters);
return stmt;
* @param conn
* @param sql
* @param parameters
* @return
* @throws SQLException
static CallableStatement prepareCall(final Connection conn, final String sql, final Object... parameters) throws SQLException {
N.checkArgNotNull(conn, s.conn);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(sql, s.sql);
final ParsedSql parsedSql = ParsedSql.parse(sql);
final CallableStatement stmt = prepareCallable(conn, parsedSql);
if (N.notEmpty(parameters)) {
setParameters(parsedSql, stmt, parameters);
return stmt;
* Batch prepare statement.
* @param conn
* @param sql
* @param parametersList
* @return
* @throws SQLException
static PreparedStatement prepareBatchStmt(final Connection conn, final String sql, final List> parametersList) throws SQLException {
N.checkArgNotNull(conn, s.conn);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(sql, s.sql);
final ParsedSql parsedSql = ParsedSql.parse(sql);
final PreparedStatement stmt = prepareStatement(conn, parsedSql);
for (final Object parameters : parametersList) {
setParameters(parsedSql, stmt, N.asArray(parameters));
return stmt;
* @param conn
* @param sql
* @param parametersList
* @return
* @throws SQLException
static CallableStatement prepareBatchCall(final Connection conn, final String sql, final List> parametersList) throws SQLException {
N.checkArgNotNull(conn, s.conn);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(sql, s.sql);
final ParsedSql parsedSql = ParsedSql.parse(sql);
final CallableStatement stmt = prepareCallable(conn, parsedSql);
for (final Object parameters : parametersList) {
setParameters(parsedSql, stmt, N.asArray(parameters));
return stmt;
* Creates the named SQL.
* @param namedSql
* @return
private static ParsedSql parseNamedSql(final String namedSql) {
N.checkArgNotEmpty(namedSql, s.namedSql);
final ParsedSql parsedSql = ParsedSql.parse(namedSql);
return parsedSql;
private static void validateNamedSql(final ParsedSql namedSql) {
if (namedSql.getNamedParameters().size() != namedSql.getParameterCount()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("\"" + namedSql.sql() + "\" is not a valid named sql:");
private static SQLTransaction getTransaction(final javax.sql.DataSource ds, final String sql, final CreatedBy createdBy) {
final SQLOperation sqlOperation = JdbcUtil.getSQLOperation(sql);
final SQLTransaction tran = SQLTransaction.getTransaction(ds, createdBy);
if (tran == null || (tran.isForUpdateOnly() && sqlOperation == SQLOperation.SELECT)) {
return null;
} else {
return tran;
* Executes a SQL query using the provided DataSource and SQL string with optional parameters.
* If a transaction is started by {@code JdbcUtil.beginTransaction} or in {@code Spring} with the same {@code DataSource} in the same thread,
* the {@code Connection} started the transaction will be used here.
* Otherwise, a {@code Connection} directly from the specified {@code DataSource} (Connection pool) will be borrowed and used.
* @param ds the DataSource to use for the query
* @param sql the SQL string to execute
* @param parameters optional parameters for the SQL query
* @return a DataSet object containing the result of the query
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the DataSource or SQL string is {@code null} or empty
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while executing the query
public static DataSet executeQuery(final javax.sql.DataSource ds, final String sql, final Object... parameters)
throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
N.checkArgNotNull(ds, s.dataSource);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(sql, s.sql);
final SQLTransaction tran = getTransaction(ds, sql, CreatedBy.JDBC_UTIL);
if (tran != null) {
return executeQuery(tran.connection(), sql, parameters);
} else {
final Connection conn = getConnection(ds);
try {
return executeQuery(conn, sql, parameters);
} finally {
releaseConnection(conn, ds);
* Executes a SQL query using the provided Connection and SQL string with optional parameters.
* This method does not close the provided Connection after the query is executed.
* @param conn the Connection to use for the query
* @param sql the SQL string to execute
* @param parameters optional parameters for the SQL query
* @return a DataSet object containing the result of the query
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the Connection or SQL string is {@code null} or empty
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while executing the query
public static DataSet executeQuery(final Connection conn, final String sql, final Object... parameters) throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
N.checkArgNotNull(conn, s.conn);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(sql, s.sql);
PreparedStatement stmt = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
try {
stmt = prepareStmt(conn, sql, parameters);
rs = executeQuery(stmt);
return extractData(rs);
} finally {
closeQuietly(rs, stmt);
// /**
// *
// * @param stmt
// * @return
// * @throws SQLException
// */
// public static DataSet executeQuery(final PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException {
// ResultSet rs = null;
// try {
// rs = executeQuery(stmt);
// return extractData(rs);
// } finally {
// closeQuietly(rs);
// }
// }
* Executes a SQL update using the provided DataSource and SQL string with optional parameters.
* If a transaction is started by {@code JdbcUtil.beginTransaction} or in {@code Spring} with the same {@code DataSource} in the same thread,
* the {@code Connection} started the transaction will be used here.
* Otherwise, a {@code Connection} directly from the specified {@code DataSource} (Connection pool) will be borrowed and used.
* @param ds the DataSource to use for the update
* @param sql the SQL string to execute
* @param parameters optional parameters for the SQL update
* @return the number of rows affected by the update
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the DataSource or SQL string is {@code null} or empty
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while executing the update
public static int executeUpdate(final javax.sql.DataSource ds, final String sql, final Object... parameters) throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
N.checkArgNotNull(ds, s.dataSource);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(sql, s.sql);
final SQLTransaction tran = getTransaction(ds, sql, CreatedBy.JDBC_UTIL);
if (tran != null) {
return executeUpdate(tran.connection(), sql, parameters);
} else {
final Connection conn = getConnection(ds);
try {
return executeUpdate(conn, sql, parameters);
} finally {
releaseConnection(conn, ds);
* Executes a SQL update using the provided Connection and SQL string with optional parameters.
* This method does not close the provided Connection after the update is executed.
* @param conn the Connection to use for the update
* @param sql the SQL string to execute
* @param parameters optional parameters for the SQL update
* @return the number of rows affected by the update
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the Connection or SQL string is {@code null} or empty
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while executing the update
public static int executeUpdate(final Connection conn, final String sql, final Object... parameters) throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
N.checkArgNotNull(conn, s.conn);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(sql, s.sql);
PreparedStatement stmt = null;
try {
stmt = prepareStmt(conn, sql, parameters);
return executeUpdate(stmt);
} finally {
* Executes a batch SQL update using the provided DataSource, SQL string, and list of parameters.
* If a transaction is started by {@code JdbcUtil.beginTransaction} or in {@code Spring} with the same {@code DataSource} in the same thread,
* the {@code Connection} started the transaction will be used here.
* Otherwise, a {@code Connection} directly from the specified {@code DataSource} (Connection pool) will be borrowed and used.
* @param ds the DataSource to use for the batch update
* @param sql the SQL string to execute
* @param listOfParameters a list of parameter sets for the batch update
* @return the number of rows affected by the batch update
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the DataSource or SQL string is {@code null} or empty
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while executing the batch update
public static int executeBatchUpdate(final javax.sql.DataSource ds, final String sql, final List> listOfParameters)
throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
return executeBatchUpdate(ds, sql, listOfParameters, DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE);
* Executes a batch SQL update using the provided DataSource, SQL string, list of parameters, and batch size.
* If a transaction is started by {@code JdbcUtil.beginTransaction} or in {@code Spring} with the same {@code DataSource} in the same thread,
* the {@code Connection} started the transaction will be used here.
* Otherwise, a {@code Connection} directly from the specified {@code DataSource} (Connection pool) will be borrowed and used.
* @param ds the DataSource to use for the batch update
* @param sql the SQL string to execute
* @param listOfParameters a list of parameter sets for the batch update
* @param batchSize the size of each batch
* @return the number of rows affected by the batch update
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the DataSource or SQL string is {@code null} or empty
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while executing the batch update
public static int executeBatchUpdate(final javax.sql.DataSource ds, final String sql, final List> listOfParameters, final int batchSize)
throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
N.checkArgNotNull(ds, s.dataSource);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(sql, s.sql);
N.checkArgPositive(batchSize, s.batchSize);
final SQLTransaction tran = getTransaction(ds, sql, CreatedBy.JDBC_UTIL);
if (tran != null) {
return executeBatchUpdate(tran.connection(), sql, listOfParameters, batchSize);
} else if (listOfParameters.size() <= batchSize) {
final Connection conn = getConnection(ds);
try {
return executeBatchUpdate(conn, sql, listOfParameters, batchSize);
} finally {
releaseConnection(conn, ds);
} else {
final SQLTransaction tran2 = JdbcUtil.beginTransaction(ds);
int ret = 0;
try {
ret = executeBatchUpdate(tran2.connection(), sql, listOfParameters, batchSize);
} finally {
return ret;
* Executes a batch SQL update using the provided Connection, SQL string, and list of parameters.
* This method does not close the provided Connection after the batch update is executed.
* @param conn the Connection to use for the batch update
* @param sql the SQL string to execute
* @param listOfParameters a list of parameter sets for the batch update
* @return the number of rows affected by the batch update
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the Connection or SQL string is {@code null} or empty
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while executing the batch update
public static int executeBatchUpdate(final Connection conn, final String sql, final List> listOfParameters)
throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
return executeBatchUpdate(conn, sql, listOfParameters, DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE);
* Executes a batch SQL update using the provided Connection, SQL string, list of parameters, and batch size.
* This method does not close the provided Connection after the batch update is executed.
* @param conn the Connection to use for the batch update
* @param sql the SQL string to execute
* @param listOfParameters a list of parameter sets for the batch update
* @param batchSize the size of each batch
* @return the number of rows affected by the batch update
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the Connection or SQL string is {@code null} or empty
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while executing the batch update
public static int executeBatchUpdate(final Connection conn, final String sql, final List> listOfParameters, final int batchSize)
throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
N.checkArgPositive(batchSize, s.batchSize);
if (N.isEmpty(listOfParameters)) {
return 0;
final ParsedSql parsedSql = ParsedSql.parse(sql);
final boolean originalAutoCommit = conn.getAutoCommit();
PreparedStatement stmt = null;
boolean noException = false;
try {
if (originalAutoCommit && listOfParameters.size() > batchSize) {
stmt = prepareStatement(conn, parsedSql);
final Object[] parameters = new Object[1];
int res = 0;
int idx = 0;
for (final Object parameter : listOfParameters) {
parameters[0] = parameter;
setParameters(parsedSql, stmt, parameters);
if (++idx % batchSize == 0) {
res += N.sum(executeBatch(stmt));
if (idx % batchSize != 0) {
res += N.sum(executeBatch(stmt));
noException = true;
return res;
} finally {
if (originalAutoCommit && listOfParameters.size() > batchSize) {
try {
if (noException) {
} else {
} finally {
try {
} finally {
} else {
* Executes a large batch SQL update using the provided DataSource, SQL string, and list of parameters.
* If a transaction is started by {@code JdbcUtil.beginTransaction} or in {@code Spring} with the same {@code DataSource} in the same thread,
* the {@code Connection} started the transaction will be used here.
* Otherwise, a {@code Connection} directly from the specified {@code DataSource} (Connection pool) will be borrowed and used.
* @param ds the DataSource to use for the batch update
* @param sql the SQL string to execute
* @param listOfParameters a list of parameter sets for the batch update
* @return the number of rows affected by the batch update
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the DataSource or SQL string is {@code null} or empty
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while executing the batch update
public static long executeLargeBatchUpdate(final javax.sql.DataSource ds, final String sql, final List> listOfParameters)
throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
return executeLargeBatchUpdate(ds, sql, listOfParameters, DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE);
* Executes a large batch SQL update using the provided DataSource, SQL string, list of parameters, and batch size.
* If a transaction is started by {@code JdbcUtil.beginTransaction} or in {@code Spring} with the same {@code DataSource} in the same thread,
* the {@code Connection} started the transaction will be used here.
* Otherwise, a {@code Connection} directly from the specified {@code DataSource} (Connection pool) will be borrowed and used.
* @param ds the DataSource to use for the batch update
* @param sql the SQL string to execute
* @param listOfParameters a list of parameter sets for the batch update
* @param batchSize the size of each batch
* @return the number of rows affected by the batch update
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the DataSource or SQL string is {@code null} or empty
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while executing the batch update
public static long executeLargeBatchUpdate(final javax.sql.DataSource ds, final String sql, final List> listOfParameters, final int batchSize)
throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
N.checkArgNotNull(ds, s.dataSource);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(sql, s.sql);
N.checkArgPositive(batchSize, s.batchSize);
final SQLTransaction tran = getTransaction(ds, sql, CreatedBy.JDBC_UTIL);
if (tran != null) {
return executeLargeBatchUpdate(tran.connection(), sql, listOfParameters, batchSize);
} else if (listOfParameters.size() <= batchSize) {
final Connection conn = getConnection(ds);
try {
return executeLargeBatchUpdate(conn, sql, listOfParameters, batchSize);
} finally {
releaseConnection(conn, ds);
} else {
final SQLTransaction tran2 = JdbcUtil.beginTransaction(ds);
long ret = 0;
try {
ret = executeLargeBatchUpdate(tran2.connection(), sql, listOfParameters, batchSize);
} finally {
return ret;
* Executes a large batch SQL update using the provided Connection, SQL string, and list of parameters.
* This method does not close the provided Connection after the batch update is executed.
* @param conn the Connection to use for the batch update
* @param sql the SQL string to execute
* @param listOfParameters a list of parameter sets for the batch update
* @return the number of rows affected by the batch update
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the Connection or SQL string is {@code null} or empty
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while executing the batch update
public static long executeLargeBatchUpdate(final Connection conn, final String sql, final List> listOfParameters)
throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
return executeLargeBatchUpdate(conn, sql, listOfParameters, DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE);
* Executes a large batch SQL update using the provided Connection, SQL string, list of parameters, and batch size.
* This method does not close the provided Connection after the batch update is executed.
* @param conn the Connection to use for the batch update
* @param sql the SQL string to execute
* @param listOfParameters a list of parameter sets for the batch update
* @param batchSize the size of each batch
* @return the number of rows affected by the batch update
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the Connection or SQL string is {@code null} or empty
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while executing the batch update
public static long executeLargeBatchUpdate(final Connection conn, final String sql, final List> listOfParameters, final int batchSize)
throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
N.checkArgPositive(batchSize, s.batchSize);
if (N.isEmpty(listOfParameters)) {
return 0;
final ParsedSql parsedSql = ParsedSql.parse(sql);
final boolean originalAutoCommit = conn.getAutoCommit();
PreparedStatement stmt = null;
boolean noException = false;
try {
if (originalAutoCommit && listOfParameters.size() > batchSize) {
stmt = prepareStatement(conn, parsedSql);
final Object[] parameters = new Object[1];
long res = 0;
int idx = 0;
for (final Object parameter : listOfParameters) {
parameters[0] = parameter;
setParameters(parsedSql, stmt, parameters);
if (++idx % batchSize == 0) {
res += N.sum(executeLargeBatch(stmt));
if (idx % batchSize != 0) {
res += N.sum(executeLargeBatch(stmt));
noException = true;
return res;
} finally {
if (originalAutoCommit && listOfParameters.size() > batchSize) {
try {
if (noException) {
} else {
} finally {
try {
} finally {
} else {
* Executes a SQL statement using the provided DataSource, SQL string, and optional parameters.
* If a transaction is started by {@code JdbcUtil.beginTransaction} or in {@code Spring} with the same {@code DataSource} in the same thread,
* the {@code Connection} started the transaction will be used here.
* Otherwise, a {@code Connection} directly from the specified {@code DataSource} (Connection pool) will be borrowed and used.
* @param ds the DataSource to use for the SQL execution
* @param sql the SQL string to execute
* @param parameters optional parameters for the SQL statement
* @return {@code true} if the first result is a ResultSet object; {@code false} if it is an update count or there are no results
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the DataSource or SQL string is {@code null} or empty
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while executing the statement
public static boolean execute(final javax.sql.DataSource ds, final String sql, final Object... parameters) throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
N.checkArgNotNull(ds, s.dataSource);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(sql, s.sql);
final SQLTransaction tran = getTransaction(ds, sql, CreatedBy.JDBC_UTIL);
if (tran != null) {
return execute(tran.connection(), sql, parameters);
} else {
final Connection conn = getConnection(ds);
try {
return execute(conn, sql, parameters);
} finally {
releaseConnection(conn, ds);
* Executes a SQL statement using the provided Connection, SQL string, and optional parameters.
* This method does not close the provided Connection after the statement is executed.
* @param conn the Connection to use for the SQL execution
* @param sql the SQL string to execute
* @param parameters optional parameters for the SQL statement
* @return {@code true} if the first result is a ResultSet object; {@code false} if it is an update count or there are no results
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the Connection or SQL string is {@code null} or empty
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while executing the statement
public static boolean execute(final Connection conn, final String sql, final Object... parameters) throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
N.checkArgNotNull(conn, s.conn);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(sql, s.sql);
PreparedStatement stmt = null;
try {
stmt = prepareStmt(conn, sql, parameters);
return JdbcUtil.execute(stmt);
} finally {
static ResultSet executeQuery(final PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException {
final SqlLogConfig sqlLogConfig = minExecutionTimeForSqlPerfLog_TL.get();
if (isToHandleSqlLog(sqlLogConfig)) {
final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
return stmt.executeQuery();
} finally {
handleSqlLog(stmt, sqlLogConfig, startTime);
} else {
try {
return stmt.executeQuery();
} finally {
static int executeUpdate(final PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException {
final SqlLogConfig sqlLogConfig = minExecutionTimeForSqlPerfLog_TL.get();
if (isToHandleSqlLog(sqlLogConfig)) {
final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
return stmt.executeUpdate();
} finally {
handleSqlLog(stmt, sqlLogConfig, startTime);
} else {
try {
return stmt.executeUpdate();
} finally {
static long executeLargeUpdate(final PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException {
final SqlLogConfig sqlLogConfig = minExecutionTimeForSqlPerfLog_TL.get();
if (isToHandleSqlLog(sqlLogConfig)) {
final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
return stmt.executeLargeUpdate();
} finally {
handleSqlLog(stmt, sqlLogConfig, startTime);
try {
} catch (final SQLException e) {
logger.error("Failed to clear batch parameters after executeLargeUpdate", e);
} else {
try {
return stmt.executeLargeUpdate();
} finally {
try {
} catch (final SQLException e) {
logger.error("Failed to clear batch parameters after executeLargeUpdate", e);
static int[] executeBatch(final Statement stmt) throws SQLException {
final SqlLogConfig sqlLogConfig = minExecutionTimeForSqlPerfLog_TL.get();
if (isToHandleSqlLog(sqlLogConfig)) {
final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
return stmt.executeBatch();
} finally {
handleSqlLog(stmt, sqlLogConfig, startTime);
try {
} catch (final SQLException e) {
logger.error("Failed to clear batch parameters after executeBatch", e);
} else {
try {
return stmt.executeBatch();
} finally {
try {
} catch (final SQLException e) {
logger.error("Failed to clear batch parameters after executeBatch", e);
static long[] executeLargeBatch(final Statement stmt) throws SQLException {
final SqlLogConfig sqlLogConfig = minExecutionTimeForSqlPerfLog_TL.get();
if (isToHandleSqlLog(sqlLogConfig)) {
final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
return stmt.executeLargeBatch();
} finally {
handleSqlLog(stmt, sqlLogConfig, startTime);
try {
} catch (final SQLException e) {
logger.error("Failed to clear batch parameters after executeLargeBatch", e);
} else {
try {
return stmt.executeLargeBatch();
} finally {
try {
} catch (final SQLException e) {
logger.error("Failed to clear batch parameters after executeLargeBatch", e);
static boolean execute(final PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException {
final SqlLogConfig sqlLogConfig = minExecutionTimeForSqlPerfLog_TL.get();
if (isToHandleSqlLog(sqlLogConfig)) {
final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
return stmt.execute();
} finally {
handleSqlLog(stmt, sqlLogConfig, startTime);
} else {
try {
return stmt.execute();
} finally {
private static boolean isToHandleSqlLog(final SqlLogConfig sqlLogConfig) {
return _sqlLogHandler != null || (isSqlPerfLogAllowed && sqlLogConfig.minExecutionTimeForSqlPerfLog >= 0 && sqlLogger.isInfoEnabled());
static void clearParameters(final PreparedStatement stmt) {
// calling clearParameters() will impact/remove registered out parameters in CallableStatement.
if (stmt == null || stmt instanceof CallableStatement) {
// no
} else {
try {
} catch (final SQLException e) {
logger.error("Failed to clear parameters after execution", e);
static void setParameters(final ParsedSql parsedSql, final PreparedStatement stmt, final Object[] parameters) throws SQLException {
final int parameterCount = parsedSql.getParameterCount();
if (parameterCount == 0) {
} else if (N.isEmpty(parameters)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The count of parameter in sql is: " + parsedSql.getParameterCount() + ". But the specified parameters is null or empty");
Type[] parameterTypes = null;
Object[] parameterValues = null;
if (isEntityOrMapParameter(parsedSql, parameters)) {
final List namedParameters = parsedSql.getNamedParameters();
final Object parameter_0 = parameters[0];
final Class> cls = parameter_0.getClass();
parameterValues = new Object[parameterCount];
if (ClassUtil.isBeanClass(cls)) {
final Object entity = parameter_0;
final BeanInfo entityInfo = ParserUtil.getBeanInfo(cls);
parameterTypes = new Type[parameterCount];
PropInfo propInfo = null;
for (int i = 0; i < parameterCount; i++) {
propInfo = entityInfo.getPropInfo(namedParameters.get(i));
if (propInfo == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"No property found with name: " + namedParameters.get(i) + " in class: " + ClassUtil.getCanonicalClassName(cls));
parameterValues[i] = propInfo.getPropValue(entity);
parameterTypes[i] = propInfo.dbType;
} else if (parameter_0 instanceof Map) {
final Map m = (Map) parameter_0;
for (int i = 0; i < parameterCount; i++) {
parameterValues[i] = m.get(namedParameters.get(i));
if ((parameterValues[i] == null) && !m.containsKey(namedParameters.get(i))) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter for property '" + namedParameters.get(i) + "' is missed");
} else {
final EntityId entityId = (EntityId) parameter_0;
for (int i = 0; i < parameterCount; i++) {
parameterValues[i] = entityId.get(namedParameters.get(i));
if ((parameterValues[i] == null) && !entityId.containsKey(namedParameters.get(i))) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter for property '" + namedParameters.get(i) + "' is missed");
} else {
parameterValues = getParameterValues(parsedSql, parameters);
setParameters(stmt, parameterCount, parameterValues, parameterTypes);
static void setParameters(final PreparedStatement stmt, final int parameterCount, final Object[] parameters, final Type[] parameterTypes)
throws SQLException {
if (N.notEmpty(parameterTypes) && parameterTypes.length >= parameterCount) {
for (int i = 0; i < parameterCount; i++) {
parameterTypes[i].set(stmt, i + 1, parameters[i]);
} else if (N.notEmpty(parameters) && parameters.length >= parameterCount) {
for (int i = 0; i < parameterCount; i++) {
if (parameters[i] == null) {
stmt.setObject(i + 1, parameters[i]);
} else {
N.typeOf(parameters[i].getClass()).set(stmt, i + 1, parameters[i]);
* Gets the parameter values.
* @param parsedSql
* @param parameters
* @return
static Object[] getParameterValues(final ParsedSql parsedSql, final Object... parameters) {
if ((parameters.length == 1) && (parameters[0] != null)) {
if (parameters[0] instanceof Object[] && ((((Object[]) parameters[0]).length) >= parsedSql.getParameterCount())) {
return (Object[]) parameters[0];
} else if (parameters[0] instanceof Collection> c && (((List>) parameters[0]).size() >= parsedSql.getParameterCount())) {
return c.toArray(new Object[0]);
return parameters;
static boolean isEntityOrMapParameter(final ParsedSql parsedSql, final Object... parameters) {
if (N.isEmpty(parsedSql.getNamedParameters()) || N.isEmpty(parameters) || (parameters.length != 1) || (parameters[0] == null)) {
return false;
final Class> cls = parameters[0].getClass();
return ClassUtil.isBeanClass(cls) || ClassUtil.isRecordClass(cls) || Map.class.isAssignableFrom(cls) || EntityId.class.isAssignableFrom(cls);
static final RowFilter INTERNAL_DUMMY_ROW_FILTER = RowFilter.ALWAYS_TRUE;
static final RowExtractor INTERNAL_DUMMY_ROW_EXTRACTOR = (rs, outputRow) -> {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("DO NOT CALL ME.");
* Extracts data from the provided ResultSet and returns it as a DataSet.
* @param rs the ResultSet to extract data from
* @return a DataSet containing the extracted data
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while extracting data
public static DataSet extractData(final ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
return extractData(rs, false);
* Extracts data from the provided ResultSet starting from the specified offset and up to the specified count.
* @param rs the ResultSet to extract data from
* @param offset the starting position in the ResultSet
* @param count the number of rows to extract
* @return a DataSet containing the extracted data
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while extracting data
public static DataSet extractData(final ResultSet rs, final int offset, final int count) throws SQLException {
return extractData(rs, offset, count, false);
* Extracts data from the provided ResultSet using the specified RowFilter.
* @param rs the ResultSet to extract data from
* @param filter the RowFilter to apply while extracting data
* @return a DataSet containing the extracted data
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while extracting data
public static DataSet extractData(final ResultSet rs, final RowFilter filter) throws SQLException {
return extractData(rs, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, filter, INTERNAL_DUMMY_ROW_EXTRACTOR, false);
* Extracts data from the provided ResultSet using the specified RowExtractor.
* @param rs the ResultSet to extract data from
* @param rowExtractor the RowExtractor to apply while extracting data
* @return a DataSet containing the extracted data
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while extracting data
public static DataSet extractData(final ResultSet rs, final RowExtractor rowExtractor) throws SQLException {
return extractData(rs, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, INTERNAL_DUMMY_ROW_FILTER, rowExtractor, false);
* Extracts data from the provided ResultSet using the specified RowFilter and RowExtractor.
* @param rs the ResultSet to extract data from
* @param filter the RowFilter to apply while extracting data
* @param rowExtractor the RowExtractor to apply while extracting data
* @return a DataSet containing the extracted data
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while extracting data
public static DataSet extractData(final ResultSet rs, final RowFilter filter, final RowExtractor rowExtractor) throws SQLException {
return extractData(rs, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, filter, rowExtractor, false);
* Extracts data from the provided ResultSet and returns it as a DataSet.
* This method allows specifying whether to close the ResultSet after extraction.
* @param rs the ResultSet to extract data from
* @param closeResultSet whether to close the ResultSet after extraction
* @return a DataSet containing the extracted data
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while extracting data
public static DataSet extractData(final ResultSet rs, final boolean closeResultSet) throws SQLException {
return extractData(rs, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, closeResultSet);
* Extracts data from the provided ResultSet starting from the specified offset and up to the specified count.
* This method allows specifying whether to close the ResultSet after extraction.
* @param rs the ResultSet to extract data from
* @param offset the starting position in the ResultSet
* @param count the number of rows to extract
* @param closeResultSet whether to close the ResultSet after extraction
* @return a DataSet containing the extracted data
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while extracting data
public static DataSet extractData(final ResultSet rs, final int offset, final int count, final boolean closeResultSet) throws SQLException {
return extractData(rs, offset, count, INTERNAL_DUMMY_ROW_FILTER, INTERNAL_DUMMY_ROW_EXTRACTOR, closeResultSet);
* Extracts data from the provided ResultSet starting from the specified offset and up to the specified count.
* This method allows specifying a RowFilter to apply while extracting data and whether to close the ResultSet after extraction.
* @param rs the ResultSet to extract data from
* @param offset the starting position in the ResultSet
* @param count the number of rows to extract
* @param filter the RowFilter to apply while extracting data
* @param closeResultSet whether to close the ResultSet after extraction
* @return a DataSet containing the extracted data
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while extracting data
public static DataSet extractData(final ResultSet rs, final int offset, final int count, final RowFilter filter, final boolean closeResultSet)
throws SQLException {
return extractData(rs, offset, count, filter, INTERNAL_DUMMY_ROW_EXTRACTOR, closeResultSet);
* Extracts data from the provided ResultSet starting from the specified offset and up to the specified count.
* This method allows specifying a RowExtractor to apply while extracting data and whether to close the ResultSet after extraction.
* @param rs the ResultSet to extract data from
* @param offset the starting position in the ResultSet
* @param count the number of rows to extract
* @param rowExtractor the RowExtractor to apply while extracting data
* @param closeResultSet whether to close the ResultSet after extraction
* @return a DataSet containing the extracted data
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while extracting data
public static DataSet extractData(final ResultSet rs, final int offset, final int count, final RowExtractor rowExtractor, final boolean closeResultSet)
throws SQLException {
return extractData(rs, offset, count, INTERNAL_DUMMY_ROW_FILTER, rowExtractor, closeResultSet);
* Extracts data from the provided ResultSet starting from the specified offset and up to the specified count.
* This method allows specifying a RowFilter and a RowExtractor to apply while extracting data and whether to close the ResultSet after extraction.
* @param rs the ResultSet to extract data from
* @param offset the starting position in the ResultSet
* @param count the number of rows to extract
* @param filter the RowFilter to apply while extracting data
* @param rowExtractor the RowExtractor to apply while extracting data
* @param closeResultSet whether to close the ResultSet after extraction
* @return a DataSet containing the extracted data
* @throws SQLException if a SQL exception occurs while extracting data
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provided arguments are invalid
public static DataSet extractData(final ResultSet rs, final int offset, final int count, final RowFilter filter, final RowExtractor rowExtractor,
final boolean closeResultSet) throws IllegalArgumentException, SQLException {
N.checkArgNotNull(rs, s.ResultSet);
N.checkArgNotNegative(offset, s.offset);
N.checkArgNotNegative(count, s.count);
N.checkArgNotNull(filter, s.filter);
N.checkArgNotNull(rowExtractor, s.rowExtractor);
final boolean checkDateType = checkDateType(rs);
try {
return JdbcUtil.extractResultSetToDataSet(rs, offset, count, filter, rowExtractor, checkDateType);
} finally {
if (closeResultSet) {
static DataSet extractResultSetToDataSet(final ResultSet rs, final int offset, int count, final RowFilter filter, final RowExtractor rowExtractor,
final boolean checkDateType) throws SQLException {
final ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
final int columnCount = rsmd.getColumnCount();
final List columnNameList = new ArrayList<>(columnCount);
final List> columnList = new ArrayList<>(columnCount);
for (int i = 0; i < columnCount;) {
columnNameList.add(JdbcUtil.getColumnLabel(rsmd, ++i));
columnList.add(new ArrayList<>());
JdbcUtil.skip(rs, offset);
while (count > 0 && {
for (int i = 0; i < columnCount;) {
columnList.get(i).add(JdbcUtil.getColumnValue(rs, ++i, checkDateType));
} else {
final Object[] outputRow = new Object[columnCount];
while (count > 0 && {
rowExtractor.accept(rs, outputRow);
for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
} else {
while (count > 0 && {
if (filter.test(rs)) {
for (int i = 0; i < columnCount;) {
columnList.get(i).add(JdbcUtil.getColumnValue(rs, ++i, checkDateType));
} else {
final Object[] outputRow = new Object[columnCount];
while (count > 0 && {
if (filter.test(rs)) {
rowExtractor.accept(rs, outputRow);
for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
// return new RowDataSet(null, entityClass, columnNameList, columnList);
return new RowDataSet(columnNameList, columnList);
static R extractAndCloseResultSet(final ResultSet rs, final ResultExtractor extends R> resultExtractor) throws SQLException {
try {
return checkNotResultSet(resultExtractor.apply(rs));
} finally {
static R extractAndCloseResultSet(final ResultSet rs, final BiResultExtractor extends R> resultExtractor) throws SQLException {
try {
return checkNotResultSet(resultExtractor.apply(rs, getColumnLabelList(rs)));
} finally {
* Creates a stream from the provided ResultSet.
* It's the user's responsibility to close the input {@code resultSet} after the stream is finished, or call:
* {@code}
* @param resultSet the ResultSet to create a stream from
* @return a Stream of Object arrays containing the data from the ResultSet
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provided ResultSet is null
public static Stream stream(final ResultSet resultSet) {
return stream(resultSet, Object[].class);
* Creates a stream from the provided ResultSet.
* It's the user's responsibility to close the input {@code resultSet} after the stream is finished, or call:
* {@code}
* @param the type of the result extracted from the ResultSet
* @param resultSet the ResultSet to create a stream from
* @param targetClass the class of the result type
* @return a Stream of the extracted results
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provided arguments are invalid
public static Stream stream(final ResultSet resultSet, final Class extends T> targetClass) throws IllegalArgumentException {
N.checkArgNotNull(targetClass, s.targetClass);
N.checkArgNotNull(resultSet, s.resultSet);
return stream(resultSet,;
* Creates a stream from the provided ResultSet using the specified RowMapper.
* It's the user's responsibility to close the input {@code resultSet} after the stream is finished, or call:
* {@code, rowMapper).onClose(Fn.closeQuietly(resultSet))...}
* @param the type of the result extracted from the ResultSet
* @param resultSet the ResultSet to create a stream from
* @param rowMapper the RowMapper to apply while extracting data
* @return a Stream of the extracted results
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provided arguments are invalid
public static Stream stream(final ResultSet resultSet, final RowMapper extends T> rowMapper) throws IllegalArgumentException {
N.checkArgNotNull(resultSet, s.resultSet);
N.checkArgNotNull(rowMapper, s.rowMapper);
return Stream.of(iterate(resultSet, rowMapper, null));
static ObjIteratorEx iterate(final ResultSet resultSet, final RowMapper extends T> rowMapper, final Runnable onClose) {
return new ObjIteratorEx<>() {
private boolean hasNext;
public boolean hasNext() {
if (!hasNext) {
try {
hasNext =;
} catch (final SQLException e) {
throw new UncheckedSQLException(e);
return hasNext;
public T next() {
if (!hasNext()) {
throw new NoSuchElementException(InternalUtil.ERROR_MSG_FOR_NO_SUCH_EX);
hasNext = false;
try {
return rowMapper.apply(resultSet);
} catch (final SQLException e) {
throw new UncheckedSQLException(e);
public void advance(final long n) throws IllegalArgumentException {
N.checkArgNotNegative(n, s.n);
final long m = hasNext ? n - 1 : n;
try {
JdbcUtil.skip(resultSet, m);
} catch (final SQLException e) {
throw new UncheckedSQLException(e);
hasNext = false;
public long count() {
long cnt = hasNext ? 1 : 0;
hasNext = false;
try {
while ( {
} catch (final SQLException e) {
throw new UncheckedSQLException(e);
return cnt;
private boolean isClosed = false;
public void close() {
if (isClosed) {
isClosed = true;
if (onClose != null) {;
* Creates a stream from the provided ResultSet using the specified RowFilter and RowMapper.
* It's the user's responsibility to close the input {@code resultSet} after the stream is finished, or call:
* {@code, rowFilter, rowMapper).onClose(Fn.closeQuietly(resultSet))...}
* @param the type of the result extracted from the ResultSet
* @param resultSet the ResultSet to create a stream from
* @param rowFilter the RowFilter to apply while filtering rows
* @param rowMapper the RowMapper to apply while extracting data
* @return a Stream of the extracted results
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provided arguments are invalid
public static Stream stream(final ResultSet resultSet, final RowFilter rowFilter, final RowMapper extends T> rowMapper)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
N.checkArgNotNull(resultSet, s.resultSet);
N.checkArgNotNull(rowFilter, s.rowFilter);
N.checkArgNotNull(rowMapper, s.rowMapper);
return Stream.of(iterate(resultSet, rowFilter, rowMapper, null));
static ObjIteratorEx iterate(final ResultSet resultSet, final RowFilter rowFilter, final RowMapper extends T> rowMapper, final Runnable onClose) {
N.checkArgNotNull(resultSet, s.resultSet);
N.checkArgNotNull(rowFilter, s.rowFilter);
N.checkArgNotNull(rowMapper, s.rowMapper);
return new ObjIteratorEx<>() {
private boolean hasNext;
public boolean hasNext() {
if (!hasNext) {
try {
while ( {
if (rowFilter.test(resultSet)) {
hasNext = true;
} catch (final SQLException e) {
throw new UncheckedSQLException(e);
return hasNext;
public T next() {
if (!hasNext()) {
throw new NoSuchElementException(InternalUtil.ERROR_MSG_FOR_NO_SUCH_EX);
hasNext = false;
try {
return rowMapper.apply(resultSet);
} catch (final SQLException e) {
throw new UncheckedSQLException(e);
private boolean isClosed = false;
public void close() {
if (isClosed) {
isClosed = true;
if (onClose != null) {;
* Creates a stream from the provided ResultSet using the specified BiRowMapper.
* It's the user's responsibility to close the input {@code resultSet} after the stream is finished, or call:
* {@code, rowMapper).onClose(Fn.closeQuietly(resultSet))...}
* @param the type of the result extracted from the ResultSet
* @param resultSet the ResultSet to create a stream from
* @param rowMapper the BiRowMapper to apply while extracting data
* @return a Stream of the extracted results
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provided arguments are invalid
public static Stream stream(final ResultSet resultSet, final BiRowMapper extends T> rowMapper) throws IllegalArgumentException {
N.checkArgNotNull(resultSet, s.resultSet);
N.checkArgNotNull(rowMapper, s.rowMapper);
return Stream.of(iterate(resultSet, rowMapper, null));
static ObjIteratorEx iterate(final ResultSet resultSet, final BiRowMapper extends T> rowMapper, final Runnable onClose) {
return new ObjIteratorEx<>() {
private List columnLabels = null;
private boolean hasNext;
public boolean hasNext() {
if (!hasNext) {
try {
hasNext =;
} catch (final SQLException e) {
throw new UncheckedSQLException(e);
return hasNext;
public T next() {
if (!hasNext()) {
throw new NoSuchElementException(InternalUtil.ERROR_MSG_FOR_NO_SUCH_EX);
hasNext = false;
if (columnLabels == null) {
try {
columnLabels = getColumnLabelList(resultSet);
} catch (final SQLException e) {
throw new UncheckedSQLException(e);
try {
return rowMapper.apply(resultSet, columnLabels);
} catch (final SQLException e) {
throw new UncheckedSQLException(e);
public void advance(final long n) {
N.checkArgNotNegative(n, s.n);
final long m = hasNext ? n - 1 : n;
try {
JdbcUtil.skip(resultSet, m);
} catch (final SQLException e) {
throw new UncheckedSQLException(e);
hasNext = false;
public long count() {
long cnt = hasNext ? 1 : 0;
hasNext = false;
try {
while ( {
} catch (final SQLException e) {
throw new UncheckedSQLException(e);
return cnt;
private boolean isClosed = false;
public void close() {
if (isClosed) {
isClosed = true;
if (onClose != null) {;
* Creates a stream from the provided ResultSet using the specified BiRowFilter and BiRowMapper.
* It's the user's responsibility to close the input {@code resultSet} after the stream is finished, or call:
* {@code, rowFilter, rowMapper).onClose(Fn.closeQuietly(resultSet))...}
* @param the type of the result extracted from the ResultSet
* @param resultSet the ResultSet to create a stream from
* @param rowFilter the BiRowFilter to apply while filtering rows
* @param rowMapper the BiRowMapper to apply while extracting data
* @return a Stream of the extracted results
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provided arguments are invalid
public static Stream stream(final ResultSet resultSet, final BiRowFilter rowFilter, final BiRowMapper extends T> rowMapper)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
N.checkArgNotNull(resultSet, s.resultSet);
N.checkArgNotNull(rowFilter, s.rowFilter);
N.checkArgNotNull(rowMapper, s.rowMapper);
return Stream.of(iterate(resultSet, rowFilter, rowMapper));
static ObjIteratorEx iterate(final ResultSet resultSet, final BiRowFilter rowFilter, final BiRowMapper extends T> rowMapper) {
return new ObjIteratorEx<>() {
private List columnLabels = null;
private boolean hasNext;
public boolean hasNext() {
if (columnLabels == null) {
try {
columnLabels = JdbcUtil.getColumnLabelList(resultSet);
} catch (final SQLException e) {
throw new UncheckedSQLException(e);
if (!hasNext) {
try {
while ( {
if (rowFilter.test(resultSet, columnLabels)) {
hasNext = true;
} catch (final SQLException e) {
throw new UncheckedSQLException(e);
return hasNext;
public T next() {
if (!hasNext()) {
throw new NoSuchElementException(InternalUtil.ERROR_MSG_FOR_NO_SUCH_EX);
hasNext = false;
try {
return rowMapper.apply(resultSet, columnLabels);
} catch (final SQLException e) {
throw new UncheckedSQLException(e);
* Creates a stream from the provided ResultSet using the specified column index.
* It's the user's responsibility to close the input {@code resultSet} after the stream is finished, or call:
* {@code, columnIndex).onClose(Fn.closeQuietly(resultSet))...}
* @param the type of the result extracted from the ResultSet
* @param resultSet the ResultSet to create a stream from
* @param columnIndex the index of the column to extract data from, starting from 1
* @return a Stream of the extracted results
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provided arguments are invalid
public static Stream stream(final ResultSet resultSet, final int columnIndex) throws IllegalArgumentException {
N.checkArgNotNull(resultSet, s.resultSet);
N.checkArgPositive(columnIndex, s.columnIndex);
final boolean checkDateType = JdbcUtil.checkDateType(resultSet);
final RowMapper extends T> rowMapper = rs -> (T) getColumnValue(resultSet, columnIndex, checkDateType);
return stream(resultSet, rowMapper);
* Creates a stream from the provided ResultSet using the specified column name.
* It's the user's responsibility to close the input {@code resultSet} after the stream is finished, or call:
* {@code, columnName).onClose(Fn.closeQuietly(resultSet))...}
* @param the type of the result extracted from the ResultSet
* @param resultSet the ResultSet to create a stream from
* @param columnName the name of the column to extract data from
* @return a Stream of the extracted results
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provided arguments are invalid
public static Stream stream(final ResultSet resultSet, final String columnName) throws IllegalArgumentException {
N.checkArgNotNull(resultSet, s.resultSet);
N.checkArgNotEmpty(columnName, s.columnName);
final RowMapper extends T> rowMapper = new RowMapper<>() {
private int columnIndex = -1;
private boolean checkDateType = true;
public T apply(final ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
if (columnIndex == -1) {
columnIndex = getColumnIndex(resultSet, columnName);
checkDateType = JdbcUtil.checkDateType(resultSet);
return (T) getColumnValue(resultSet, columnIndex, checkDateType);
return stream(resultSet, rowMapper);
// /**
// * Creates a stream of all result sets from the provided Statement.
// *
// * It's the user's responsibility to close the input {@code stmt} after the stream is finished, or call:
// *
// * {@code JdbcUtil.streamAllResultSets(stmt, targetClass).onClose(Fn.closeQuietly(stmt))...}
// *
// *
// * @param the type of the result extracted from each ResultSet
// * @param stmt the Statement to create streams from
// * @param targetClass the class of the result type
// * @return a Stream of Streams of the extracted results
// * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provided arguments are invalid
// */
// @SuppressWarnings("resource")
// public static Stream> streamAllResultSets(final Statement stmt, final Class extends T> targetClass) throws IllegalArgumentException {
// N.checkArgNotNull(stmt, s.stmt);
// N.checkArgNotNull(targetClass, s.targetClass);
// JdbcUtil.checkDateType(stmt);
// final Supplier> supplier = Fn.memoize(() -> iterateAllResultSets(stmt, true));
// return Stream.just(supplier) //
// .onClose(() -> supplier.get().close())
// .flatMap(it -> Stream.of(it.get()))
// .map(rs -> {
// final BiRowMapper rowMapper =;
// return JdbcUtil. stream(rs, rowMapper).onClose(() -> JdbcUtil.closeQuietly(rs));
// });
// }
// /**
// * Creates a stream of all result sets from the provided Statement.
// *
// * It's the user's responsibility to close the input {@code stmt} after the stream is finished, or call:
// *
// * {@code JdbcUtil.streamAllResultSets(stmt, rowMapper).onClose(Fn.closeQuietly(stmt))...}
// *
// *
// * @param the type of the result extracted from each ResultSet
// * @param stmt the Statement to create streams from
// * @param rowMapper the RowMapper to map each row of the ResultSet to the desired type
// * @return a Stream of Streams of the extracted results
// * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provided arguments are invalid
// */
// @SuppressWarnings("resource")
// public static Stream> streamAllResultSets(final Statement stmt, final RowMapper extends T> rowMapper) throws IllegalArgumentException {
// N.checkArgNotNull(stmt, s.stmt);
// N.checkArgNotNull(rowMapper, s.rowMapper);
// JdbcUtil.checkDateType(stmt);
// final Supplier> supplier = Fn.memoize(() -> iterateAllResultSets(stmt, true));
// return Stream.just(supplier)
// .onClose(() -> supplier.get().close())
// .flatMap(it -> Stream.of(it.get()))
// .map(rs -> JdbcUtil. stream(rs, rowMapper).onClose(() -> JdbcUtil.closeQuietly(rs)));
// }
// /**
// * Creates a stream of all result sets from the provided Statement.
// *
// * It's the user's responsibility to close the input {@code stmt} after the stream is finished, or call:
// *
// * {@code JdbcUtil.streamAllResultSets(stmt, rowFilter, rowMapper).onClose(Fn.closeQuietly(stmt))...}
// *
// *
// * @param the type of the result extracted from each ResultSet
// * @param stmt the Statement to create streams from
// * @param rowFilter the RowFilter to filter rows of the ResultSet
// * @param rowMapper the RowMapper to map each row of the ResultSet to the desired type
// * @return a Stream of Streams of the extracted results
// * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provided arguments are invalid
// */
// @SuppressWarnings("resource")
// public static Stream> streamAllResultSets(final Statement stmt, final RowFilter rowFilter, final RowMapper extends T> rowMapper)
// throws IllegalArgumentException {
// N.checkArgNotNull(stmt, s.stmt);
// N.checkArgNotNull(rowFilter, s.rowFilter);
// N.checkArgNotNull(rowMapper, s.rowMapper);
// JdbcUtil.checkDateType(stmt);
// final Supplier> supplier = Fn.memoize(() -> iterateAllResultSets(stmt, true));
// return Stream.just(supplier)
// .onClose(() -> supplier.get().close())
// .flatMap(it -> Stream.of(it.get()))
// .map(rs -> JdbcUtil. stream(rs, rowFilter, rowMapper).onClose(() -> JdbcUtil.closeQuietly(rs)));
// }
// /**
// * Creates a stream of all result sets from the provided Statement.
// *
// * It's the user's responsibility to close the input {@code stmt} after the stream is finished, or call:
// *
// * {@code JdbcUtil.streamAllResultSets(stmt, rowMapper).onClose(Fn.closeQuietly(stmt))...}
// *
// *
// * @param the type of the result extracted from each ResultSet
// * @param stmt the Statement to create streams from
// * @return a Stream of Streams of the extracted results
// * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provided arguments are invalid
// */
// @SuppressWarnings("resource")
// public static Stream> streamAllResultSets(final Statement stmt, final BiRowMapper extends T> rowMapper) throws IllegalArgumentException {
// N.checkArgNotNull(stmt, s.stmt);
// N.checkArgNotNull(rowMapper, s.rowMapper);
// JdbcUtil.checkDateType(stmt);
// final Supplier> supplier = Fn.memoize(() -> iterateAllResultSets(stmt, true));
// return Stream.just(supplier)
// .onClose(() -> supplier.get().close())
// .flatMap(it -> Stream.of(it.get()))
// .map(rs -> JdbcUtil. stream(rs, rowMapper).onClose(() -> JdbcUtil.closeQuietly(rs)));
// }
// /**
// * Creates a stream of all result sets from the provided Statement.
// *
// * It's the user's responsibility to close the input {@code stmt} after the stream is finished, or call:
// *
// * {@code JdbcUtil.streamAllResultSets(stmt, rowFilter, rowMapper).onClose(Fn.closeQuietly(stmt))...}
// *
// *
// * @param the type of the result extracted from each ResultSet
// * @param stmt the Statement to create streams from
// * @param rowFilter the BiRowFilter to filter rows of the ResultSet
// * @param rowMapper the BiRowMapper to map each row of the ResultSet to the desired type
// * @return a Stream of Streams of the extracted results
// * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provided arguments are invalid
// */
// @SuppressWarnings("resource")
// public static Stream> streamAllResultSets(final Statement stmt, final BiRowFilter rowFilter, final BiRowMapper extends T> rowMapper)
// throws IllegalArgumentException {
// N.checkArgNotNull(stmt, s.stmt);
// N.checkArgNotNull(rowFilter, s.rowFilter);
// N.checkArgNotNull(rowMapper, s.rowMapper);
// JdbcUtil.checkDateType(stmt);
// final Supplier> supplier = Fn.memoize(() -> iterateAllResultSets(stmt, true));
// return Stream.just(supplier)
// .onClose(() -> supplier.get().close())
// .flatMap(it -> Stream.of(it.get()))
// .map(rs -> JdbcUtil. stream(rs, rowFilter, rowMapper).onClose(() -> JdbcUtil.closeQuietly(rs)));
// }
* Extracts all ResultSets from the provided Statement and returns them as a Stream of DataSet.
* It's the user's responsibility to close the input {@code stmt} after the stream is finished, or call:
* {@code JdbcUtil.extractAllResultSets(stmt).onClose(Fn.closeQuietly(stmt))...}
* @param stmt the Statement to extract ResultSets from
* @return a Stream of DataSet containing the extracted ResultSets
public static Stream streamAllResultSets(final Statement stmt) {
return streamAllResultSets(stmt, ResultExtractor.TO_DATA_SET);
* Extracts all ResultSets from the provided Statement and returns them as a Stream.
* It's the user's responsibility to close the input {@code stmt} after the stream is finished, or call:
* {@code JdbcUtil.extractAllResultSets(stmt, resultExtractor).onClose(Fn.closeQuietly(stmt))...}
* @param the type of the result extracted from the ResultSet
* @param stmt the Statement to extract ResultSets from
* @param resultExtractor the ResultExtractor to apply while extracting data
* @return a Stream of the extracted results
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provided arguments are invalid
public static Stream streamAllResultSets(final Statement stmt, final ResultExtractor resultExtractor) throws IllegalArgumentException {
N.checkArgNotNull(stmt, s.stmt);
N.checkArgNotNull(resultExtractor, s.resultExtractor);
final Supplier> supplier = Fn.memoize(() -> iterateAllResultSets(stmt, true));
return Stream.just(supplier)
.onClose(() -> supplier.get().close())
.flatMap(it -> Stream.of(it.get()))
.map(Fn.ff(rs -> extractAndCloseResultSet(rs, resultExtractor)));
* Extracts all ResultSets from the provided Statement and returns them as a Stream.
* It's the user's responsibility to close the input {@code stmt} after the stream is finished, or call:
* {@code JdbcUtil.extractAllResultSets(stmt, resultExtractor).onClose(Fn.closeQuietly(stmt))...}
* @param the type of the result extracted from the ResultSet
* @param stmt the Statement to extract ResultSets from
* @param resultExtractor the BiResultExtractor to apply while extracting data
* @return a Stream of the extracted results
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provided arguments are invalid
public static Stream streamAllResultSets(final Statement stmt, final BiResultExtractor resultExtractor) throws IllegalArgumentException {
N.checkArgNotNull(stmt, s.stmt);
N.checkArgNotNull(resultExtractor, s.resultExtractor);
final Supplier> supplier = Fn.memoize(() -> iterateAllResultSets(stmt, true));
return Stream.just(supplier)
.onClose(() -> supplier.get().close())
.flatMap(it -> Stream.of(it.get()))
.map(Fn.ff(rs -> extractAndCloseResultSet(rs, resultExtractor)));
static ObjIteratorEx iterateAllResultSets(final Statement stmt, final boolean isFirstResultSet) { //NOSONAR
return new ObjIteratorEx<>() {
private final Holder resultSetHolder = new Holder<>();
private boolean isNextResultSet = isFirstResultSet;
private boolean noMoreResult = false;
public boolean hasNext() {
if (resultSetHolder.isNull() && !noMoreResult) {
try {
while (true) {
if (isNextResultSet) {
isNextResultSet = false;
} else if (stmt.getUpdateCount() != -1) {
isNextResultSet = stmt.getMoreResults();
} else {
noMoreResult = true;
} catch (final SQLException e) {
throw new UncheckedSQLException(e);
return resultSetHolder.isNotNull();
public ResultSet next() {
if (!hasNext()) {
throw new NoSuchElementException(InternalUtil.ERROR_MSG_FOR_NO_SUCH_EX);
return resultSetHolder.getAndSet(null);
private boolean isClosed = false;
public void close() {
if (isClosed) {
isClosed = true;
if (resultSetHolder.isNotNull()) {
* Runs a {@code Stream} with each element (page) loaded from the database table by running the specified SQL {@code query}.
* The query must be ordered by at least one key/id and have a result size limitation, for example, {@code LIMIT pageSize} or {@code ROWS FETCH NEXT pageSize ROWS ONLY}.
* @param ds the DataSource to get the connection from
* @param query the SQL query to run for each page
* @param pageSize the number of rows to fetch per page
* @param paramSetter the BiParametersSetter to set parameters for the query; the second parameter is the result set for the previous page, and it's {@code null} for the first page
* @return a Stream of DataSet, each representing a page of results
* @throws SQLException if a database access error occurs
public static Stream queryByPage(final javax.sql.DataSource ds, final String query, final int pageSize,
final Jdbc.BiParametersSetter super AbstractQuery, DataSet> paramSetter) {
return queryByPage(ds, query, pageSize, paramSetter, Jdbc.ResultExtractor.TO_DATA_SET);
* Runs a {@code Stream} with each element (page) loaded from the database table by running the specified SQL {@code query}.
* The query must be ordered by at least one key/id and have a result size limitation, for example, {@code LIMIT pageSize} or {@code ROWS FETCH NEXT pageSize ROWS ONLY}.
* @param the type of the result extracted from each page
* @param ds the DataSource to get the connection from
* @param query the SQL query to run for each page
* @param pageSize the number of rows to fetch per page
* @param paramSetter the BiParametersSetter to set parameters for the query; the second parameter is the result set for the previous page, and it's {@code null} for the first page
* @param resultExtractor the ResultExtractor to extract results from the ResultSet
* @return a Stream of the extracted results
* @throws SQLException if a database access error occurs
public static Stream queryByPage(final javax.sql.DataSource ds, final String query, final int pageSize,
final Jdbc.BiParametersSetter super AbstractQuery, R> paramSetter, final Jdbc.ResultExtractor resultExtractor) {
final boolean isNamedQuery = ParsedSql.parse(query).getNamedParameters().size() > 0;
return Stream.of(Holder.of((R) null)) //
.map(it -> {
try {
final R ret = (isNamedQuery ? JdbcUtil.prepareNamedQuery(ds, query) : JdbcUtil.prepareQuery(ds, query)) //
.settParameters(it.value(), paramSetter)
return ret;
} catch (final SQLException e) {
throw new UncheckedSQLException(e);
* Runs a {@code Stream} with each element (page) loaded from the database table by running the specified SQL {@code query}.
* The query must be ordered by at least one key/id and have a result size limitation, for example, {@code LIMIT pageSize} or {@code ROWS FETCH NEXT pageSize ROWS ONLY}.
* @param the type of the result extracted from each page
* @param ds the DataSource to get the connection from
* @param query the SQL query to run for each page
* @param pageSize the number of rows to fetch per page
* @param paramSetter the BiParametersSetter to set parameters for the query; the second parameter is the result set for the previous page, and it's {@code null} for the first page
* @param resultExtractor the ResultExtractor to extract results from the ResultSet
* @return a Stream of the extracted results
* @throws SQLException if a database access error occurs
public static Stream queryByPage(final javax.sql.DataSource ds, final String query, final int pageSize,
final Jdbc.BiParametersSetter super AbstractQuery, R> paramSetter, final Jdbc.BiResultExtractor resultExtractor) {
final boolean isNamedQuery = ParsedSql.parse(query).getNamedParameters().size() > 0;
return Stream.of(Holder.of((R) null)) //
.map(it -> {
try {
final R ret = (isNamedQuery ? JdbcUtil.prepareNamedQuery(ds, query) : JdbcUtil.prepareQuery(ds, query)) //
.settParameters(it.value(), paramSetter)
return ret;
} catch (final SQLException e) {
throw new UncheckedSQLException(e);
* Runs a {@code Stream} with each element (page) loaded from the database table by running the specified SQL {@code query}.
* The query must be ordered by at least one key/id and have a result size limitation, for example, {@code LIMIT pageSize} or {@code ROWS FETCH NEXT pageSize ROWS ONLY}.
* @param conn the Connection to get the connection from
* @param query the SQL query to run for each page
* @param pageSize the number of rows to fetch per page
* @param paramSetter the BiParametersSetter to set parameters for the query; the second parameter is the result set for the previous page, and it's {@code null} for the first page
* @return a Stream of DataSet, each representing a page of results
* @throws SQLException if a database access error occurs
public static Stream queryByPage(final Connection conn, final String query, final int pageSize,
final Jdbc.BiParametersSetter super AbstractQuery, DataSet> paramSetter) {
return queryByPage(conn, query, pageSize, paramSetter, Jdbc.ResultExtractor.TO_DATA_SET);
* Runs a {@code Stream} with each element (page) loaded from the database table by running the specified SQL {@code query}.
* The query must be ordered by at least one key/id and have a result size limitation, for example, {@code LIMIT pageSize} or {@code ROWS FETCH NEXT pageSize ROWS ONLY}.
* @param the type of the result extracted from each page
* @param conn the Connection to get the connection from
* @param query the SQL query to run for each page
* @param pageSize the number of rows to fetch per page
* @param paramSetter the BiParametersSetter to set parameters for the query; the second parameter is the result set for the previous page, and it's {@code null} for the first page
* @param resultExtractor the ResultExtractor to extract results from the ResultSet
* @return a Stream of the extracted results
* @throws SQLException if a database access error occurs
public static Stream queryByPage(final Connection conn, final String query, final int pageSize,
final Jdbc.BiParametersSetter super AbstractQuery, R> paramSetter, final Jdbc.ResultExtractor resultExtractor) {
final boolean isNamedQuery = ParsedSql.parse(query).getNamedParameters().size() > 0;
return Stream.of(Holder.of((R) null)) //
.map(it -> {
try {
final R ret = (isNamedQuery ? JdbcUtil.prepareNamedQuery(conn, query) : JdbcUtil.prepareQuery(conn, query)) //
.settParameters(it.value(), paramSetter)
return ret;
} catch (final SQLException e) {
throw new UncheckedSQLException(e);
* Runs a {@code Stream} with each element (page) loaded from the database table by running the specified SQL {@code query}.
* The query must be ordered by at least one key/id and have a result size limitation, for example, {@code LIMIT pageSize} or {@code ROWS FETCH NEXT pageSize ROWS ONLY}.