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com.landawn.abacus.jdbc.SQLExecutor Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2015 HaiYang Li
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package com.landawn.abacus.jdbc;
* SQLExecutor is a simple sql/jdbc utility class. SQL is supported with different format:
* INSERT INTO account (first_name, last_name, gui, last_update_time, create_time) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
* INSERT INTO account (first_name, last_name, gui, last_update_time, create_time) VALUES (#{firstName}, #{lastName}, #{gui}, #{lastUpdateTime}, #{createTime})
* INSERT INTO account (first_name, last_name, gui, last_update_time, create_time) VALUES (:firstName, :lastName, :gui, :lastUpdateTime, :createTime)
* All these kinds of SQLs can be generated by {@code SQLBuilder} conveniently. Parameters with format of Object[]/List parameters are supported for parameterized SQL({@code id = ?}).
* Parameters with format of Object[]/List/Map/Entity are supported for named parameterized SQL({@code id = :id}).
* DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
* Here is sample of CRUD(create/read/update/delete):
* static final DataSource dataSource = JdbcUtil.createDataSource(...);
* static final SQLExecutor sqlExecutor = new SQLExecutor(dataSource);
* ...
* Account account = createAccount();
* // create
* String sql_insert = NE.insert(GUI, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, LAST_UPDATE_TIME, CREATE_TIME).into(Account.class).sql();
* N.println(sql_insert);
* sqlExecutor.insert(sql_insert, account);
* // read
* String sql_selectByGUI = NE.selectFrom(Account.class, N.asSet(DEVICES)).where(L.eq(GUI, L.QME)).sql();
* N.println(sql_selectByGUI);
* Account dbAccount = sqlExecutor.findFirst(Account.class, sql_selectByGUI, account);
* assertEquals(account.getFirstName(), dbAccount.getFirstName());
* // update
* String sql_updateByLastName = NE.update(Account.class).set(FIRST_NAME).where(L.eq(LAST_NAME, L.QME)).sql();
* N.println(sql_updateByLastName);
* dbAccount.setFirstName("newFirstName");
* sqlExecutor.update(sql_updateByLastName, dbAccount);
* // delete
* String sql_deleteByFirstName = NE.deleteFrom(Account.class).where(L.eq(FIRST_NAME, L.QME)).sql();
* N.println(sql_deleteByFirstName);
* sqlExecutor.update(sql_deleteByFirstName, dbAccount);
* dbAccount = sqlExecutor.findFirst(Account.class, sql_selectByGUI, account);
* assertNull(dbAccount);
* ========================================================================
* If {@code conn} argument is {@code null} or not specified, {@code SQLExecutor} is responsible to get the connection from the
* internal {@code DataSource}, start and commit/roll back transaction for batch operations if needed, and close the
* connection finally. otherwise it's user's responsibility to do such jobs if {@code conn} is specified and not {@code null}.
* Transaction can be started:
* final SQLTransaction tran = JdbcUtil.beginTransaction(IsolationLevel.READ_COMMITTED);
* try {
* // sqlExecutor.insert(...);
* // sqlExecutor.update(...);
* // sqlExecutor.query(...);
* tran.commit();
* } finally {
* // The connection will be automatically closed after the transaction is committed or rolled back.
* tran.rollbackIfNotCommitted();
* }
* Spring Transaction is also supported and Integrated.
* If a method of this class is called where a Spring transaction is started with the {@code DataSource} inside this {@code SQLExecutor}, without {@code Connection} parameter specified,
* the {@code Connection} started the Spring Transaction will be used. Otherwise a {@code Connection} directly from the inside {@code DataSource}(Connection pool) will be borrowed and used.
* SQLExecutor is tread-safe.
* @see
* @see com.landawn.abacus.annotation.ReadOnly
* @see com.landawn.abacus.annotation.ReadOnlyId
* @see com.landawn.abacus.annotation.NonUpdatable
* @see com.landawn.abacus.annotation.Transient
* @see com.landawn.abacus.annotation.Table
* @see com.landawn.abacus.annotation.Column
* @see com.landawn.abacus.condition.ConditionFactory
* @see com.landawn.abacus.condition.ConditionFactory.CF
* @see
* @see
* @see
* @see
// Archive for history. Replaced b PreparedQuery and Dao.
public final class SQLExecutor {
private SQLExecutor() throws IllegalArgumentException {
// no use.
// /** The Constant logger. */
// private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SQLExecutor.class);
// /** The Constant ID. */
// static final String ID = "id";
// /** The Constant QUERY_WITH_DATA_SOURCE. */
// static final String QUERY_WITH_DATA_SOURCE = "queryWithDataSource";
// private static final Jdbc.ResultExtractor
// /** The Constant COUNT_RESULT_SET_EXTRACTOR. */
// private static final Jdbc.ResultExtractor COUNT_RESULT_SET_EXTRACTOR = rs -> {
// int cnt = 0;
// while ( {
// cnt++;
// }
// return cnt;
// };
// /** The Constant SINGLE_BOOLEAN_EXTRACTOR. */
// private static final Jdbc.ResultExtractor SINGLE_BOOLEAN_EXTRACTOR = rs -> {
// if ( {
// return OptionalBoolean.of(rs.getBoolean(1));
// }
// return OptionalBoolean.empty();
// };
// /** The Constant charType. */
// private static final Type charType = TypeFactory.getType(char.class);
// /** The Constant SINGLE_CHAR_EXTRACTOR. */
// private static final Jdbc.ResultExtractor SINGLE_CHAR_EXTRACTOR = rs -> {
// if ( {
// return OptionalChar.of(charType.get(rs, 1));
// }
// return OptionalChar.empty();
// };
// /** The Constant SINGLE_BYTE_EXTRACTOR. */
// private static final Jdbc.ResultExtractor SINGLE_BYTE_EXTRACTOR = rs -> {
// if ( {
// return OptionalByte.of(rs.getByte(1));
// }
// return OptionalByte.empty();
// };
// /** The Constant SINGLE_SHORT_EXTRACTOR. */
// private static final Jdbc.ResultExtractor SINGLE_SHORT_EXTRACTOR = rs -> {
// if ( {
// return OptionalShort.of(rs.getShort(1));
// }
// return OptionalShort.empty();
// };
// /** The Constant SINGLE_INT_EXTRACTOR. */
// private static final Jdbc.ResultExtractor SINGLE_INT_EXTRACTOR = rs -> {
// if ( {
// return OptionalInt.of(rs.getInt(1));
// }
// return OptionalInt.empty();
// };
// /** The Constant SINGLE_LONG_EXTRACTOR. */
// private static final Jdbc.ResultExtractor SINGLE_LONG_EXTRACTOR = rs -> {
// if ( {
// return OptionalLong.of(rs.getLong(1));
// }
// return OptionalLong.empty();
// };
// /** The Constant SINGLE_FLOAT_EXTRACTOR. */
// private static final Jdbc.ResultExtractor SINGLE_FLOAT_EXTRACTOR = rs -> {
// if ( {
// return OptionalFloat.of(rs.getFloat(1));
// }
// return OptionalFloat.empty();
// };
// /** The Constant SINGLE_DOUBLE_EXTRACTOR. */
// private static final Jdbc.ResultExtractor SINGLE_DOUBLE_EXTRACTOR = rs -> {
// if ( {
// return OptionalDouble.of(rs.getDouble(1));
// }
// return OptionalDouble.empty();
// };
// private static final Jdbc.ResultExtractor> SINGLE_BIG_DECIMAL_EXTRACTOR = rs -> {
// if ( {
// return Nullable.of(rs.getBigDecimal(1));
// }
// return Nullable.empty();
// };
// /** The Constant SINGLE_STRING_EXTRACTOR. */
// private static final Jdbc.ResultExtractor> SINGLE_STRING_EXTRACTOR = rs -> {
// if ( {
// return Nullable.of(rs.getString(1));
// }
// return Nullable.empty();
// };
// /** The Constant SINGLE_DATE_EXTRACTOR. */
// private static final Jdbc.ResultExtractor> SINGLE_DATE_EXTRACTOR = rs -> {
// if ( {
// return Nullable.of(rs.getDate(1));
// }
// return Nullable.empty();
// };
// /** The Constant SINGLE_TIME_EXTRACTOR. */
// private static final Jdbc.ResultExtractor> SINGLE_TIME_EXTRACTOR = rs -> {
// if ( {
// return Nullable.of(rs.getTime(1));
// }
// return Nullable.empty();
// };
// private static final Jdbc.ResultExtractor> SINGLE_TIMESTAMP_EXTRACTOR = rs -> {
// if ( {
// return Nullable.of(rs.getTimestamp(1));
// }
// return Nullable.empty();
// };
// /** The Constant factor. */
// private static final int factor = Math.min(Math.max(1, IOUtil.MAX_MEMORY_IN_MB / 1024), 8);
// /** The Constant CACHED_SQL_LENGTH. */
// private static final int CACHED_SQL_LENGTH = 1024 * factor;
// /** The Constant SQL_CACHE_SIZE. */
// private static final int SQL_CACHE_SIZE = 1000 * factor;
// /** The Constant _sqlColumnLabelPool. */
// private static final Map> _sqlColumnLabelPool = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
// /** The table column name pool. */
// private final Map> _tableColumnNamePool = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
// /** The ds. */
// private final DataSource _ds;
// /** The jdbc settings. */
// private final JdbcSettings _jdbcSettings;
// /** The sql mapper. */
// private final SQLMapper _sqlMapper;
// /** The default isolation level. */
// private final IsolationLevel _defaultIsolationLevel;
// /**
// * Instantiates a new SQL executor.
// *
// * @param dataSource
// * @see JdbcUtil#createDataSource(String)
// * @see JdbcUtil#createDataSource(
// */
// public SQLExecutor(final DataSource dataSource) {
// this(dataSource, null);
// }
// /**
// * Instantiates a new SQL executor.
// *
// * @param dataSource
// * @param jdbcSettings
// * @see JdbcUtil#createDataSource(String)
// * @see JdbcUtil#createDataSource(
// */
// public SQLExecutor(final DataSource dataSource, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings) {
// this(dataSource, jdbcSettings, null);
// }
// /**
// * Instantiates a new SQL executor.
// *
// * @param dataSource
// * @param jdbcSettings
// * @param sqlMapper
// * @see JdbcUtil#createDataSource(String)
// * @see JdbcUtil#createDataSource(
// */
// public SQLExecutor(final DataSource dataSource, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final SQLMapper sqlMapper) {
// N.checkArgNotNull(dataSource, "dataSource");
// this._ds = dataSource;
// this._jdbcSettings = (jdbcSettings == null) ? JdbcSettings.create() : jdbcSettings.copy();
// if (_jdbcSettings.getBatchSize() == 0) {
// _jdbcSettings.setBatchSize(JdbcSettings.DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE);
// }
// _jdbcSettings.freeze();
// this._sqlMapper = sqlMapper == null ? new SQLMapper() : sqlMapper;
// IsolationLevel defaultIsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.DEFAULT;
// final Connection conn = getConnection();
// try {
// defaultIsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.valueOf(conn.getTransactionIsolation());
// } catch (SQLException e) {
// throw new UncheckedSQLException(e);
// } finally {
// closeConnection(conn);
// }
// _defaultIsolationLevel = defaultIsolationLevel;
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param url
// * @param user
// * @param password
// * @return
// */
// @Beta
// public static SQLExecutor create(final String url, final String user, final String password) {
// return new SQLExecutor(JdbcUtil.createHikariDataSource(url, user, password));
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param driverClass
// * @param url
// * @param user
// * @param password
// * @return
// */
// @Beta
// public static SQLExecutor create(final DataSource dataSource) {
// return new SQLExecutor(dataSource);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @return
// */
// public DataSource dataSource() {
// return _ds;
// }
// /**
// *
// * @return
// * @deprecated should not update the returned {@code JdbcSettings}
// */
// @Deprecated
// @Beta
// public JdbcSettings jdbcSettings() {
// return _jdbcSettings;
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param sql
// * @param parameters
// * @return
// * @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final ID insert(final String sql, final Object... parameters) throws UncheckedSQLException {
// return insert(sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param sql
// * @param statementSetter
// * @param parameters
// * @return
// * @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final ID insert(final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final Object... parameters) throws UncheckedSQLException {
// return insert(sql, statementSetter, null, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param sql
// * @param jdbcSettings
// * @param parameters
// * @return
// * @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final ID insert(final String sql, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final Object... parameters) throws UncheckedSQLException {
// return insert(sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, jdbcSettings, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param sql
// * @param statementSetter
// * @param jdbcSettings
// * @param parameters
// * @return
// * @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final ID insert(final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final Object... parameters)
// throws UncheckedSQLException {
// return insert(sql, statementSetter, null, jdbcSettings, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param sql
// * @param statementSetter
// * @param autoGeneratedKeyExtractor
// * @param jdbcSettings
// * @param parameters
// * @return
// * @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final ID insert(final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final Jdbc.BiRowMapper extends ID> autoGeneratedKeyExtractor,
// final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final Object... parameters) throws UncheckedSQLException {
// return insert(null, sql, statementSetter, autoGeneratedKeyExtractor, jdbcSettings, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param conn
// * @param sql
// * @param parameters
// * @return
// * @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final ID insert(final Connection conn, final String sql, final Object... parameters) throws UncheckedSQLException {
// return insert(conn, sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param conn
// * @param sql
// * @param statementSetter
// * @param parameters
// * @return
// * @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final ID insert(final Connection conn, final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final Object... parameters)
// throws UncheckedSQLException {
// return insert(conn, sql, statementSetter, null, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param conn
// * @param sql
// * @param jdbcSettings
// * @param parameters
// * @return
// * @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
// */
// public final ID insert(final Connection conn, final String sql, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final Object... parameters)
// throws UncheckedSQLException {
// return insert(conn, sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, jdbcSettings, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param conn
// * @param sql
// * @param statementSetter
// * @param jdbcSettings
// * @param parameters
// * @return
// * @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final ID insert(final Connection conn, final String sql, StatementSetter statementSetter, JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final Object... parameters)
// throws UncheckedSQLException {
// return insert(conn, sql, statementSetter, null, jdbcSettings, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param conn
// * @param sql
// * @param statementSetter
// * @param autoGeneratedKeyExtractor
// * @param jdbcSettings
// * @param parameters
// * @return
// * @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
// * @see #batchInsert(Connection, String, StatementSetter, JdbcSettings, String, Object[])
// */
// @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "deprecation" })
// @SafeVarargs
// public final ID insert(final Connection conn, final String sql, StatementSetter statementSetter, Jdbc.BiRowMapper extends ID> autoGeneratedKeyExtractor,
// JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final Object... parameters) throws UncheckedSQLException {
// final ParsedSql parsedSql = getParsedSql(sql);
// final boolean isEntityOrMapParameter = JdbcUtil.isEntityOrMapParameter(parsedSql, parameters);
// final boolean isEntity = isEntityOrMapParameter && ClassUtil.isBeanClass(parameters[0].getClass());
// final Collection idPropNames = isEntity ? QueryUtil.getIdFieldNames(parameters[0].getClass()) : null;
// final boolean autoGeneratedKeys = !isEntity || (N.notEmpty(idPropNames) && !parsedSql.getNamedParameters().containsAll(idPropNames));
// statementSetter = checkStatementSetter(parsedSql, statementSetter);
// jdbcSettings = checkJdbcSettings(jdbcSettings, parsedSql, _sqlMapper.getAttrs(sql));
// autoGeneratedKeyExtractor = checkGeneratedKeysExtractor(autoGeneratedKeyExtractor, jdbcSettings, parameters);
// DataSource ds = null;
// Connection localConn = null;
// Object id = null;
// PreparedStatement stmt = null;
// try {
// ds = getDataSource(parsedSql.getParameterizedSql(), parameters, jdbcSettings);
// localConn = getConnection(conn, ds, jdbcSettings, SQLOperation.INSERT);
// stmt = prepareStatement(ds, localConn, parsedSql, statementSetter, jdbcSettings, autoGeneratedKeys, false, parameters);
// id = executeInsert(parsedSql, stmt, autoGeneratedKeyExtractor, autoGeneratedKeys);
// } catch (SQLException e) {
// String msg = ExceptionUtil.getMessage(e) + ". [SQL] " + parsedSql.sql();
// throw new UncheckedSQLException(msg, e);
// } finally {
// close(stmt);
// close(localConn, conn, ds);
// }
// if (isEntityOrMapParameter && isEntity) {
// final Object entity = parameters[0];
// if (id == null) {
// id = getIdGetter(entity).apply(entity);
// } else {
// getIdSetter(entity).accept(id, entity);
// }
// }
// return (ID) id;
// }
// static Jdbc.BiRowMapper extends ID> checkGeneratedKeysExtractor(Jdbc.BiRowMapper extends ID> autoGeneratedKeyExtractor, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings,
// final Object... parameters) {
// if ((autoGeneratedKeyExtractor == null || autoGeneratedKeyExtractor == JdbcUtil.SINGLE_BI_GENERATED_KEY_EXTRACTOR
// || autoGeneratedKeyExtractor == JdbcUtil.MULTI_BI_GENERATED_KEY_EXTRACTOR) //
// && N.notEmpty(parameters) && parameters.length == 1 && parameters[0] != null && ClassUtil.isBeanClass(parameters[0].getClass())) {
// return (Jdbc.BiRowMapper) JdbcUtil.getIdGeneratorGetterSetter(CrudDao.class, parameters[0].getClass(), NamingPolicy.LOWER_CASE_WITH_UNDERSCORE,
// EntityId.class)._1;
// } else if (autoGeneratedKeyExtractor == null) {
// if (jdbcSettings != null && ((N.notEmpty(jdbcSettings.getReturnedColumnIndexes()) && jdbcSettings.getReturnedColumnIndexes().length > 1)
// || (N.notEmpty(jdbcSettings.getReturnedColumnNames()) && jdbcSettings.getReturnedColumnNames().length > 1))) {
// return (Jdbc.BiRowMapper) JdbcUtil.MULTI_BI_GENERATED_KEY_EXTRACTOR;
// } else {
// return (Jdbc.BiRowMapper) JdbcUtil.SINGLE_BI_GENERATED_KEY_EXTRACTOR;
// }
// }
// return autoGeneratedKeyExtractor;
// }
// static com.landawn.abacus.util.function.Function getIdGetter(final Object entity) {
// return (com.landawn.abacus.util.function.Function) JdbcUtil.getIdGeneratorGetterSetter(CrudDao.class,
// entity == null ? null : entity.getClass(), NamingPolicy.LOWER_CASE_WITH_UNDERSCORE, EntityId.class)._2;
// }
// static BiConsumer getIdSetter(final Object entity) {
// return (BiConsumer) JdbcUtil.getIdGeneratorGetterSetter(CrudDao.class, entity == null ? null : entity.getClass(),
// NamingPolicy.LOWER_CASE_WITH_UNDERSCORE, EntityId.class)._3;
// }
// protected ID executeInsert(@SuppressWarnings("unused") final ParsedSql parsedSql, final PreparedStatement stmt,
// final Jdbc.BiRowMapper extends ID> autoGeneratedKeyExtractor, final boolean autoGeneratedKeys) throws SQLException {
// JdbcUtil.executeUpdate(stmt);
// ID id = null;
// if (autoGeneratedKeys) {
// ResultSet rs = null;
// try {
// rs = stmt.getGeneratedKeys();
// id = ? autoGeneratedKeyExtractor.apply(rs, JdbcUtil.getColumnLabelList(rs)) : null;
// } catch (SQLException e) {
// logger.error("Failed to retrieve the auto-generated Ids", e);
// } finally {
// close(rs);
// }
// }
// return id;
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param sql
// * @param parametersList
// * @return
// * @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
// */
// public List batchInsert(final String sql, final List> parametersList) throws UncheckedSQLException {
// return batchInsert(sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, parametersList);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param sql
// * @param statementSetter
// * @param parametersList
// * @return
// * @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
// */
// public List batchInsert(final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final List> parametersList) throws UncheckedSQLException {
// return batchInsert(sql, statementSetter, null, parametersList);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param sql
// * @param jdbcSettings
// * @param parametersList
// * @return
// * @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
// */
// public List batchInsert(final String sql, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final List> parametersList) throws UncheckedSQLException {
// return batchInsert(sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, jdbcSettings, parametersList);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param sql
// * @param statementSetter
// * @param jdbcSettings
// * @param parametersList
// * @return
// * @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
// */
// public List batchInsert(final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final List> parametersList)
// throws UncheckedSQLException {
// return batchInsert(sql, statementSetter, null, jdbcSettings, parametersList);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param sql
// * @param statementSetter
// * @param autoGeneratedKeyExtractor
// * @param jdbcSettings
// * @param parametersList
// * @return
// * @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
// */
// public List batchInsert(final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final Jdbc.BiRowMapper extends ID> autoGeneratedKeyExtractor,
// final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final List> parametersList) throws UncheckedSQLException {
// return batchInsert(null, sql, statementSetter, autoGeneratedKeyExtractor, jdbcSettings, parametersList);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param conn
// * @param sql
// * @param parametersList
// * @return
// * @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
// */
// public List batchInsert(final Connection conn, final String sql, final List> parametersList) throws UncheckedSQLException {
// return batchInsert(conn, sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, parametersList);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param conn
// * @param sql
// * @param statementSetter
// * @param parametersList
// * @return
// * @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
// */
// public List batchInsert(final Connection conn, final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final List> parametersList)
// throws UncheckedSQLException {
// return batchInsert(conn, sql, statementSetter, null, parametersList);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param conn
// * @param sql
// * @param jdbcSettings
// * @param parametersList
// * @return
// * @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
// */
// public List batchInsert(final Connection conn, final String sql, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final List> parametersList)
// throws UncheckedSQLException {
// return batchInsert(conn, sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, jdbcSettings, parametersList);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param conn
// * @param sql
// * @param statementSetter
// * @param jdbcSettings
// * @param parametersList
// * @return
// * @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
// */
// public List batchInsert(final Connection conn, final String sql, StatementSetter statementSetter, JdbcSettings jdbcSettings,
// final List> parametersList) throws UncheckedSQLException {
// return batchInsert(conn, sql, statementSetter, null, jdbcSettings, parametersList);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param conn
// * @param sql
// * @param statementSetter
// * @param autoGeneratedKeyExtractor
// * @param jdbcSettings
// * @param parametersList
// * @return
// * @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
// */
// @SuppressWarnings({ "deprecation", "null" })
// public List batchInsert(final Connection conn, final String sql, StatementSetter statementSetter, Jdbc.BiRowMapper extends ID> autoGeneratedKeyExtractor,
// JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final List> parametersList) throws UncheckedSQLException {
// N.checkArgNotEmpty(parametersList, "parametersList");
// final ParsedSql parsedSql = getParsedSql(sql);
// final Object parameters_0 = parametersList.get(0);
// final boolean isEntityOrMapParameter = JdbcUtil.isEntityOrMapParameter(parsedSql, parameters_0);
// final boolean isEntity = isEntityOrMapParameter && ClassUtil.isBeanClass(parameters_0.getClass());
// final Collection idPropNames = isEntity ? QueryUtil.getIdFieldNames(parameters_0.getClass()) : null;
// final boolean autoGeneratedKeys = !isEntity || (N.notEmpty(idPropNames) && !parsedSql.getNamedParameters().containsAll(idPropNames));
// statementSetter = checkStatementSetter(parsedSql, statementSetter);
// jdbcSettings = checkJdbcSettings(jdbcSettings, parsedSql, _sqlMapper.getAttrs(sql));
// autoGeneratedKeyExtractor = checkGeneratedKeysExtractor(autoGeneratedKeyExtractor, jdbcSettings, parametersList.get(0));
// final int len = parametersList.size();
// final int batchSize = getBatchSize(jdbcSettings);
// List ids = new ArrayList<>(len);
// DataSource ds = null;
// Connection localConn = null;
// PreparedStatement stmt = null;
// int originalIsolationLevel = 0;
// boolean autoCommit = true;
// final Object[] parameters = new Object[1];
// try {
// ds = getDataSource(parsedSql.getParameterizedSql(), parametersList, jdbcSettings);
// localConn = getConnection(conn, ds, jdbcSettings, SQLOperation.INSERT);
// try {
// originalIsolationLevel = localConn.getTransactionIsolation();
// autoCommit = localConn.getAutoCommit();
// } catch (SQLException e) {
// close(localConn, conn, ds);
// throw new UncheckedSQLException(e);
// }
// if ((conn == null) && (len > batchSize)) {
// localConn.setAutoCommit(false);
// setIsolationLevel(jdbcSettings, localConn);
// }
// stmt = prepareStatement(ds, localConn, parsedSql, statementSetter, jdbcSettings, autoGeneratedKeys, true, parametersList);
// if (len <= batchSize) {
// for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
// parameters[0] = parametersList.get(i);
// statementSetter.accept(parsedSql, stmt, parameters);
// stmt.addBatch();
// }
// executeBatchInsert(ids, parsedSql, stmt, autoGeneratedKeyExtractor, autoGeneratedKeys);
// } else {
// int num = 0;
// for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
// parameters[0] = parametersList.get(i);
// statementSetter.accept(parsedSql, stmt, parameters);
// stmt.addBatch();
// num++;
// if ((num % batchSize) == 0) {
// executeBatchInsert(ids, parsedSql, stmt, autoGeneratedKeyExtractor, autoGeneratedKeys);
// }
// }
// if ((num % batchSize) > 0) {
// executeBatchInsert(ids, parsedSql, stmt, autoGeneratedKeyExtractor, autoGeneratedKeys);
// }
// }
// if ((conn == null) && (len > batchSize) && autoCommit) {
// localConn.commit();
// }
// } catch (SQLException e) {
// if ((conn == null) && (len > batchSize) && autoCommit) {
// if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) {
// logger.warn("Trying to roll back ...");
// }
// try {
// localConn.rollback();
// if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) {
// logger.warn("succeeded to roll back");
// }
// } catch (SQLException e1) {
// logger.error("Failed to roll back", e1);
// }
// }
// String msg = ExceptionUtil.getMessage(e) + ". [SQL] " + parsedSql.sql();
// throw new UncheckedSQLException(msg, e);
// } finally {
// if ((conn == null) && (len > batchSize)) {
// try {
// localConn.setAutoCommit(autoCommit);
// localConn.setTransactionIsolation(originalIsolationLevel);
// } catch (SQLException e) {
// logger.error("Failed to reset AutoCommit", e);
// }
// }
// close(stmt);
// close(localConn, conn, ds);
// }
// if (N.notEmpty(ids) && Stream.of(ids).allMatch(Fn.isNull())) {
// ids = new ArrayList<>();
// }
// if ((N.notEmpty(ids) && ids.size() != parametersList.size()) && logger.isWarnEnabled()) {
// logger.warn("The size of returned id list: {} is different from the size of input parameter list: {}", ids.size(), parametersList.size());
// }
// if (parametersList.get(0) != null && JdbcUtil.isEntityOrMapParameter(parsedSql, parametersList.get(0))
// && ClassUtil.isBeanClass(parametersList.get(0).getClass())) {
// final Object entity = parametersList.get(0);
// if (N.isEmpty(ids)) {
// final com.landawn.abacus.util.function.Function idGetter = getIdGetter(entity);
// ids = Stream.of(parametersList).map(idGetter).toList();
// } else {
// final BiConsumer idSetter = getIdSetter(entity);
// if (ids.size() == len) {
// for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
// idSetter.accept(ids.get(i), parametersList.get(i));
// }
// } else {
// if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) {
// logger.warn(
// "Failed to set the returned id property to entity/map. because the size of returned key not equals the length of the input array");
// }
// }
// }
// }
// return ids;
// }
// /**
// * Sets the isolation level.
// *
// * @param jdbcSettings
// * @param localConn
// * @throws SQLException the SQL exception
// */
// private void setIsolationLevel(JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, Connection localConn) throws SQLException {
// final int isolationLevel = jdbcSettings.getIsolationLevel() == null || jdbcSettings.getIsolationLevel() == IsolationLevel.DEFAULT
// ? _defaultIsolationLevel.intValue()
// : jdbcSettings.getIsolationLevel().intValue();
// if (isolationLevel == localConn.getTransactionIsolation()) {
// // ignore.
// } else {
// localConn.setTransactionIsolation(isolationLevel);
// }
// }
// /**
// * Execute batch insert.
// *
// * @param
// * @param resultIdList
// * @param parsedSql
// * @param stmt
// * @param autoGeneratedKeyExtractor
// * @param autoGeneratedKeys
// * @throws SQLException the SQL exception
// */
// protected void executeBatchInsert(final List resultIdList, @SuppressWarnings("unused") final ParsedSql parsedSql, final PreparedStatement stmt,
// final Jdbc.BiRowMapper extends ID> autoGeneratedKeyExtractor, final boolean autoGeneratedKeys) throws SQLException {
// executeBatch(stmt);
// if (autoGeneratedKeys) {
// ResultSet rs = null;
// try {
// rs = stmt.getGeneratedKeys();
// final List columnLabels = JdbcUtil.getColumnLabelList(rs);
// while ( {
// resultIdList.add(autoGeneratedKeyExtractor.apply(rs, columnLabels));
// }
// } catch (SQLException e) {
// logger.error("Failed to retrieve the auto-generated Ids", e);
// } finally {
// close(rs);
// }
// }
// }
// @SuppressWarnings("static-method")
// private int[] executeBatch(final PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException {
// return JdbcUtil.executeBatch(stmt);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param sql
// * @param parameters
// * @return
// * @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final int update(final String sql, final Object... parameters) throws UncheckedSQLException {
// return update(sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param sql
// * @param statementSetter
// * @param parameters
// * @return
// * @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final int update(final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final Object... parameters) throws UncheckedSQLException {
// return update(sql, statementSetter, null, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param sql
// * @param jdbcSettings
// * @param parameters
// * @return
// * @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final int update(final String sql, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final Object... parameters) throws UncheckedSQLException {
// return update(sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, jdbcSettings, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param sql
// * @param statementSetter
// * @param jdbcSettings
// * @param parameters
// * @return
// * @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final int update(final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final Object... parameters)
// throws UncheckedSQLException {
// return update(null, sql, statementSetter, jdbcSettings, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param conn
// * @param sql
// * @param parameters
// * @return
// * @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final int update(final Connection conn, final String sql, final Object... parameters) throws UncheckedSQLException {
// return update(conn, sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param conn
// * @param sql
// * @param statementSetter
// * @param parameters
// * @return
// * @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final int update(final Connection conn, final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final Object... parameters)
// throws UncheckedSQLException {
// return update(conn, sql, statementSetter, null, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param conn
// * @param sql
// * @param jdbcSettings
// * @param parameters
// * @return
// * @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final int update(final Connection conn, final String sql, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final Object... parameters) throws UncheckedSQLException {
// return update(conn, sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, jdbcSettings, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param conn
// * @param sql
// * @param statementSetter
// * @param jdbcSettings
// * @param parameters
// * @return
// * @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
// * @see #batchUpdate(Connection, String, StatementSetter, JdbcSettings, Object[])
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final int update(final Connection conn, final String sql, StatementSetter statementSetter, JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final Object... parameters)
// throws UncheckedSQLException {
// final ParsedSql parsedSql = getParsedSql(sql);
// statementSetter = checkStatementSetter(parsedSql, statementSetter);
// jdbcSettings = checkJdbcSettings(jdbcSettings, parsedSql, _sqlMapper.getAttrs(sql));
// DataSource ds = null;
// Connection localConn = null;
// PreparedStatement stmt = null;
// try {
// ds = getDataSource(parsedSql.getParameterizedSql(), parameters, jdbcSettings);
// localConn = getConnection(conn, ds, jdbcSettings, SQLOperation.UPDATE);
// stmt = prepareStatement(ds, localConn, parsedSql, statementSetter, jdbcSettings, false, false, parameters);
// return executeUpdate(parsedSql, stmt);
// } catch (SQLException e) {
// String msg = ExceptionUtil.getErrorMessage(e, true) + ". [SQL] " + parsedSql.sql();
// throw new UncheckedSQLException(msg, e);
// } finally {
// close(stmt);
// close(localConn, conn, ds);
// }
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param parsedSql
// * @param stmt
// * @return
// * @throws SQLException the SQL exception
// */
// @SuppressWarnings("static-method")
// protected int executeUpdate(@SuppressWarnings("unused") final ParsedSql parsedSql, final PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException {
// return JdbcUtil.executeUpdate(stmt);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param sql
// * @param parametersList
// * @return
// * @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
// */
// public int batchUpdate(final String sql, final List> parametersList) throws UncheckedSQLException {
// return batchUpdate(sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, parametersList);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param sql
// * @param statementSetter
// * @param parametersList
// * @return
// * @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
// */
// public int batchUpdate(final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final List> parametersList) throws UncheckedSQLException {
// return batchUpdate(sql, statementSetter, null, parametersList);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param sql
// * @param jdbcSettings
// * @param parametersList
// * @return
// * @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
// */
// public int batchUpdate(final String sql, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final List> parametersList) throws UncheckedSQLException {
// return batchUpdate(sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, jdbcSettings, parametersList);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param sql
// * @param statementSetter
// * @param jdbcSettings
// * @param parametersList
// * @return
// * @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
// */
// public int batchUpdate(final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final List> parametersList)
// throws UncheckedSQLException {
// return batchUpdate(null, sql, statementSetter, jdbcSettings, parametersList);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param conn
// * @param sql
// * @param parametersList
// * @return
// * @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
// */
// public int batchUpdate(final Connection conn, final String sql, final List> parametersList) throws UncheckedSQLException {
// return batchUpdate(conn, sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, parametersList);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param conn
// * @param sql
// * @param statementSetter
// * @param parametersList
// * @return
// * @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
// */
// public int batchUpdate(final Connection conn, final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final List> parametersList)
// throws UncheckedSQLException {
// return batchUpdate(conn, sql, statementSetter, null, parametersList);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param conn
// * @param sql
// * @param jdbcSettings
// * @param parametersList
// * @return
// * @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
// */
// public int batchUpdate(final Connection conn, final String sql, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final List> parametersList)
// throws UncheckedSQLException {
// return batchUpdate(conn, sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, jdbcSettings, parametersList);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param conn
// * @param sql
// * @param statementSetter
// * @param jdbcSettings
// * @param parametersList
// * @return
// * @throws UncheckedSQLException the unchecked SQL exception
// * @see #batchUpdate(Connection, String, StatementSetter, JdbcSettings, Object[])
// */
// @SuppressWarnings("null")
// public int batchUpdate(final Connection conn, final String sql, StatementSetter statementSetter, JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final List> parametersList)
// throws UncheckedSQLException {
// final ParsedSql parsedSql = getParsedSql(sql);
// statementSetter = checkStatementSetter(parsedSql, statementSetter);
// jdbcSettings = checkJdbcSettings(jdbcSettings, parsedSql, _sqlMapper.getAttrs(sql));
// final int len = parametersList.size();
// final int batchSize = getBatchSize(jdbcSettings);
// DataSource ds = null;
// Connection localConn = null;
// PreparedStatement stmt = null;
// int originalIsolationLevel = 0;
// boolean autoCommit = true;
// try {
// ds = getDataSource(parsedSql.getParameterizedSql(), parametersList, jdbcSettings);
// localConn = getConnection(conn, ds, jdbcSettings, SQLOperation.UPDATE);
// try {
// originalIsolationLevel = localConn.getTransactionIsolation();
// autoCommit = localConn.getAutoCommit();
// } catch (SQLException e) {
// close(localConn, conn, ds);
// throw new UncheckedSQLException(e);
// }
// if ((conn == null) && (len > batchSize)) {
// localConn.setAutoCommit(false);
// setIsolationLevel(jdbcSettings, localConn);
// }
// stmt = prepareStatement(ds, localConn, parsedSql, statementSetter, jdbcSettings, false, true, parametersList);
// int result = 0;
// final Object[] parameters = new Object[1];
// if (len <= batchSize) {
// for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
// parameters[0] = parametersList.get(i);
// statementSetter.accept(parsedSql, stmt, parameters);
// stmt.addBatch();
// }
// result += executeBatchUpdate(parsedSql, stmt);
// } else {
// int num = 0;
// for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
// parameters[0] = parametersList.get(i);
// statementSetter.accept(parsedSql, stmt, parameters);
// stmt.addBatch();
// num++;
// if ((num % batchSize) == 0) {
// result += executeBatchUpdate(parsedSql, stmt);
// }
// }
// if ((num % batchSize) > 0) {
// result += executeBatchUpdate(parsedSql, stmt);
// }
// }
// if ((conn == null) && (len > batchSize) && autoCommit) {
// localConn.commit();
// }
// return result;
// } catch (SQLException e) {
// if ((conn == null) && (len > batchSize) && autoCommit) {
// if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) {
// logger.warn("Trying to roll back ...");
// }
// try {
// localConn.rollback();
// if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) {
// logger.warn("succeeded to roll back");
// }
// } catch (SQLException e1) {
// logger.error("Failed to roll back", e1);
// }
// }
// String msg = ExceptionUtil.getErrorMessage(e, true) + ". [SQL] " + parsedSql.sql();
// throw new UncheckedSQLException(msg, e);
// } finally {
// if ((conn == null) && (len > batchSize)) {
// try {
// localConn.setAutoCommit(autoCommit);
// localConn.setTransactionIsolation(originalIsolationLevel);
// } catch (SQLException e) {
// logger.error("Failed to reset AutoCommit", e);
// }
// }
// close(stmt);
// close(localConn, conn, ds);
// }
// }
// /**
// * Execute batch update.
// *
// * @param parsedSql
// * @param stmt
// * @return
// * @throws SQLException the SQL exception
// */
// protected int executeBatchUpdate(@SuppressWarnings("unused") final ParsedSql parsedSql, final PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException {
// final int[] results = executeBatch(stmt);
// if ((results == null) || (results.length == 0)) {
// return 0;
// }
// int sum = 0;
// for (int result : results) {
// sum += result;
// }
// return sum;
// }
// // // mess up. To uncomment this method, also need to modify getNamingPolicy/setNamingPolicy in JdbcSettings.
// // int update(final EntityId entityId, final Map props) {
// // return update(null, entityId, props);
// // }
// //
// // // mess up. To uncomment this method, also need to modify getNamingPolicy/setNamingPolicy in JdbcSettings.
// // int update(final Connection conn, final EntityId entityId, final Map props) {
// // final Pair2 pair = generateUpdateSQL(entityId, props);
// //
// // return update(conn, sp.sql, sp.parameters);
// // }
// //
// // private Pair2 generateUpdateSQL(final EntityId entityId, final Map props) {
// // final Condition cond = EntityManagerUtil.entityId2Condition(entityId);
// // final NamingPolicy namingPolicy = _jdbcSettings.getNamingPolicy();
// //
// // if (namingPolicy == null) {
// // return NE.update(entityId.entityName()).set(props).where(cond).pair();
// // }
// //
// // switch (namingPolicy) {
// // return NE.update(entityId.entityName()).set(props).where(cond).pair();
// // }
// //
// // return NE2.update(entityId.entityName()).set(props).where(cond).pair();
// // }
// //
// // case CAMEL_CASE: {
// // return NE3.update(entityId.entityName()).set(props).where(cond).pair();
// // }
// //
// // default:
// // throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported naming policy");
// // }
// // }
// //
// // // mess up. To uncomment this method, also need to modify getNamingPolicy/setNamingPolicy in JdbcSettings.
// // int delete(final EntityId entityId) {
// // return delete(null, entityId);
// // }
// //
// // // mess up. To uncomment this method, also need to modify getNamingPolicy/setNamingPolicy in JdbcSettings.
// // int delete(final Connection conn, final EntityId entityId) {
// // final Pair2 pair = generateDeleteSQL(entityId);
// //
// // return update(conn, sp.sql, sp.parameters);
// // }
// //
// // private Pair2 generateDeleteSQL(final EntityId entityId) {
// // final Condition cond = EntityManagerUtil.entityId2Condition(entityId);
// // final NamingPolicy namingPolicy = _jdbcSettings.getNamingPolicy();
// //
// // if (namingPolicy == null) {
// // return NE.deleteFrom(entityId.entityName()).where(cond).pair();
// // }
// //
// // switch (namingPolicy) {
// // return NE.deleteFrom(entityId.entityName()).where(cond).pair();
// // }
// //
// // return NE2.deleteFrom(entityId.entityName()).where(cond).pair();
// // }
// //
// // case CAMEL_CASE: {
// // return NE3.deleteFrom(entityId.entityName()).where(cond).pair();
// // }
// //
// // default:
// // throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported naming policy");
// // }
// // }
// //
// // // mess up. To uncomment this method, also need to modify getNamingPolicy/setNamingPolicy in JdbcSettings.
// // boolean exists(final EntityId entityId) {
// // return exists(null, entityId);
// // }
// //
// // // mess up. To uncomment this method, also need to modify getNamingPolicy/setNamingPolicy in JdbcSettings.
// // boolean exists(final Connection conn, final EntityId entityId) {
// // final Pair2 pair = generateQuerySQL(entityId, NE._1_list);
// //
// // return query(conn, sp.sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, EXISTS_RESULT_SET_EXTRACTOR, null, sp.parameters);
// // }
// /**
// *
// * @param sql
// * @param parameters
// * @return true, if successful
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final boolean exists(final String sql, final Object... parameters) {
// return exists(null, sql, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param conn
// * @param sql
// * @param parameters
// * @return true, if successful
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final boolean exists(final Connection conn, final String sql, final Object... parameters) {
// return query(conn, sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, EXISTS_RESULT_SET_EXTRACTOR, null, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param sql
// * @param parameters
// * @return true, if successful
// */
// @Beta
// @SafeVarargs
// public final boolean notExists(final String sql, final Object... parameters) {
// return !exists(sql, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param conn
// * @param sql
// * @param parameters
// * @return true, if successful
// */
// @Beta
// @SafeVarargs
// public final boolean notExists(final Connection conn, final String sql, final Object... parameters) {
// return !exists(conn, sql, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param sql
// * @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
// * DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
// * @return
// * @deprecated may be misused and it's inefficient.
// */
// @Deprecated
// @SafeVarargs
// final int count(final String sql, final Object... parameters) {
// return count(null, sql, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param conn
// * @param sql
// * @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
// * DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
// * @return
// * @deprecated may be misused and it's inefficient.
// */
// @Deprecated
// @SafeVarargs
// final int count(final Connection conn, final String sql, final Object... parameters) {
// return query(conn, sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, COUNT_RESULT_SET_EXTRACTOR, null, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param targetClass
// * @param sql
// * @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
// * DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
// * @return
// * @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final Optional get(final Class extends T> targetClass, final String sql, final Object... parameters) throws DuplicatedResultException {
// return Optional.ofNullable(gett(targetClass, sql, parameters));
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param targetClass
// * @param sql
// * @param statementSetter
// * @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
// * DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
// * @return
// * @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final Optional get(final Class extends T> targetClass, final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final Object... parameters)
// throws DuplicatedResultException {
// return Optional.ofNullable(gett(targetClass, sql, statementSetter, parameters));
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param targetClass
// * @param sql
// * @param jdbcSettings
// * @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
// * DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
// * @return
// * @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final Optional get(final Class extends T> targetClass, final String sql, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final Object... parameters)
// throws DuplicatedResultException {
// return Optional.ofNullable(gett(targetClass, sql, jdbcSettings, parameters));
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param targetClass
// * @param sql
// * @param statementSetter
// * @param jdbcSettings
// * @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
// * DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
// * @return
// * @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final Optional get(final Class extends T> targetClass, final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings,
// final Object... parameters) throws DuplicatedResultException {
// return Optional.ofNullable(gett(targetClass, sql, statementSetter, jdbcSettings, parameters));
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param targetClass
// * @param conn
// * @param sql
// * @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
// * DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
// * @return
// * @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final Optional get(final Class extends T> targetClass, final Connection conn, final String sql, final Object... parameters)
// throws DuplicatedResultException {
// return Optional.ofNullable(gett(targetClass, conn, sql, parameters));
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param targetClass
// * @param conn
// * @param sql
// * @param statementSetter
// * @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
// * DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
// * @return
// * @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final Optional get(final Class extends T> targetClass, final Connection conn, final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter,
// final Object... parameters) throws DuplicatedResultException {
// return Optional.ofNullable(gett(targetClass, conn, sql, statementSetter, parameters));
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param targetClass
// * @param conn
// * @param sql
// * @param jdbcSettings
// * @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
// * DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
// * @return
// * @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final Optional get(final Class extends T> targetClass, final Connection conn, final String sql, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings,
// final Object... parameters) throws DuplicatedResultException {
// return Optional.ofNullable(gett(targetClass, conn, sql, jdbcSettings, parameters));
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param targetClass
// * @param conn
// * @param sql
// * @param statementSetter
// * @param jdbcSettings
// * @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
// * DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
// * @return
// * @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final Optional get(final Class extends T> targetClass, final Connection conn, final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter,
// JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final Object... parameters) throws DuplicatedResultException {
// return Optional.ofNullable(gett(targetClass, conn, sql, statementSetter, jdbcSettings, parameters));
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param sql
// * @param rowMapper
// * @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
// * DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
// * @return
// * @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final Optional get(final String sql, final Jdbc.RowMapper extends T> rowMapper, final Object... parameters) throws DuplicatedResultException {
// return Optional.ofNullable(gett(sql, rowMapper, parameters));
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param sql
// * @param statementSetter
// * @param rowMapper
// * @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
// * DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
// * @return
// * @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
// */
// public final Optional get(final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final Jdbc.RowMapper extends T> rowMapper, final Object... parameters)
// throws DuplicatedResultException {
// return Optional.ofNullable(gett(sql, statementSetter, rowMapper, parameters));
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param sql
// * @param rowMapper
// * @param jdbcSettings
// * @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
// * DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
// * @return
// * @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
// */
// public final Optional get(final String sql, final Jdbc.RowMapper extends T> rowMapper, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final Object... parameters)
// throws DuplicatedResultException {
// return Optional.ofNullable(gett(sql, rowMapper, jdbcSettings, parameters));
// }
// /**
// *
// *
// * @param
// * @param sql
// * @param statementSetter
// * @param rowMapper
// * @param jdbcSettings
// * @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
// * DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
// * @return
// * @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final Optional get(final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final Jdbc.RowMapper extends T> rowMapper,
// final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final Object... parameters) throws DuplicatedResultException {
// return Optional.ofNullable(gett(sql, statementSetter, rowMapper, jdbcSettings, parameters));
// }
// /**
// *
// *
// * @param
// * @param conn
// * @param sql
// * @param rowMapper
// * @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
// * DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
// * @return
// * @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final Optional get(final Connection conn, final String sql, final Jdbc.RowMapper extends T> rowMapper, final Object... parameters)
// throws DuplicatedResultException {
// return Optional.ofNullable(gett(conn, sql, rowMapper, parameters));
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param conn
// * @param sql
// * @param statementSetter
// * @param rowMapper
// * @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
// * DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
// * @return
// * @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final Optional get(final Connection conn, final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final Jdbc.RowMapper extends T> rowMapper,
// final Object... parameters) {
// return Optional.ofNullable(gett(conn, sql, statementSetter, rowMapper, parameters));
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param conn
// * @param sql
// * @param rowMapper
// * @param jdbcSettings
// * @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
// * DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
// * @return
// * @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final Optional get(final Connection conn, final String sql, final Jdbc.RowMapper extends T> rowMapper, JdbcSettings jdbcSettings,
// final Object... parameters) throws DuplicatedResultException {
// return Optional.ofNullable(gett(conn, sql, rowMapper, jdbcSettings, parameters));
// }
// /**
// *
// *
// * @param
// * @param conn
// * @param sql
// * @param statementSetter
// * @param rowMapper
// * @param jdbcSettings
// * @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
// * DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
// * @return
// * @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final Optional get(final Connection conn, final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final Jdbc.RowMapper extends T> rowMapper,
// final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final Object... parameters) throws DuplicatedResultException {
// return Optional.ofNullable(gett(conn, sql, statementSetter, rowMapper, jdbcSettings, parameters));
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param targetClass
// * @param sql
// * @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
// * DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
// * @return
// * @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final T gett(final Class extends T> targetClass, final String sql, final Object... parameters) throws DuplicatedResultException {
// return gett(targetClass, sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param targetClass
// * @param sql
// * @param statementSetter
// * @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
// * DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
// * @return
// * @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final T gett(final Class extends T> targetClass, final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final Object... parameters)
// throws DuplicatedResultException {
// return gett(targetClass, sql, statementSetter, null, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param targetClass
// * @param sql
// * @param jdbcSettings
// * @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
// * DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
// * @return
// * @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final T gett(final Class extends T> targetClass, final String sql, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final Object... parameters)
// throws DuplicatedResultException {
// return gett(targetClass, sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, jdbcSettings, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param targetClass
// * @param sql
// * @param statementSetter
// * @param jdbcSettings
// * @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
// * DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
// * @return
// * @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final T gett(final Class extends T> targetClass, final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings,
// final Object... parameters) throws DuplicatedResultException {
// return gett(targetClass, null, sql, statementSetter, jdbcSettings, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param targetClass
// * @param conn
// * @param sql
// * @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
// * DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
// * @return
// * @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final T gett(final Class extends T> targetClass, final Connection conn, final String sql, final Object... parameters) throws DuplicatedResultException {
// return gett(targetClass, conn, sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param targetClass
// * @param conn
// * @param sql
// * @param statementSetter
// * @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
// * DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
// * @return
// * @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final T gett(final Class extends T> targetClass, final Connection conn, final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter,
// final Object... parameters) throws DuplicatedResultException {
// return gett(targetClass, conn, sql, statementSetter, null, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param targetClass
// * @param conn
// * @param sql
// * @param jdbcSettings
// * @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
// * DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
// * @return
// * @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final T gett(final Class extends T> targetClass, final Connection conn, final String sql, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final Object... parameters)
// throws DuplicatedResultException {
// return gett(targetClass, conn, sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, jdbcSettings, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param targetClass
// * @param conn
// * @param sql
// * @param statementSetter
// * @param jdbcSettings
// * @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
// * DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
// * @return
// * @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
// */
// @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
// @SafeVarargs
// public final T gett(final Class extends T> targetClass, final Connection conn, final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter,
// JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final Object... parameters) throws DuplicatedResultException {
// N.checkArgNotNull(targetClass, "targetClass");
// final Jdbc.RowMapper extends T> rowMapper = toRowMapper(targetClass);
// return gett(conn, sql, statementSetter, rowMapper, jdbcSettings, parameters);
// }
// private Jdbc.RowMapper toRowMapper(final Class extends T> targetClass) {
// N.checkArgNotNull(targetClass, "targetClass");
// final Jdbc.BiRowMapper biRowMapper =;
// return new Jdbc.RowMapper<>() {
// private List columnLabels = null;
// @Override
// public T apply(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
// if (columnLabels == null) {
// columnLabels = JdbcUtil.getColumnLabelList(rs);
// }
// return biRowMapper.apply(rs, columnLabels);
// }
// };
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param sql
// * @param rowMapper
// * @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
// * DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
// * @return
// * @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final T gett(final String sql, final Jdbc.RowMapper extends T> rowMapper, final Object... parameters) throws DuplicatedResultException {
// return gett(sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, rowMapper, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param sql
// * @param statementSetter
// * @param rowMapper
// * @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
// * DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
// * @return
// * @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final T gett(final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final Jdbc.RowMapper extends T> rowMapper, final Object... parameters)
// throws DuplicatedResultException {
// return gett(sql, statementSetter, rowMapper, null, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param sql
// * @param rowMapper
// * @param jdbcSettings
// * @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
// * DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
// * @return
// * @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final T gett(final String sql, final Jdbc.RowMapper extends T> rowMapper, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final Object... parameters)
// throws DuplicatedResultException {
// return gett(sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, rowMapper, jdbcSettings, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param sql
// * @param statementSetter
// * @param rowMapper
// * @param jdbcSettings
// * @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
// * DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
// * @return
// * @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final T gett(final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final Jdbc.RowMapper extends T> rowMapper, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings,
// final Object... parameters) throws DuplicatedResultException {
// return gett(null, sql, statementSetter, rowMapper, jdbcSettings, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param conn
// * @param sql
// * @param rowMapper
// * @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
// * DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
// * @return
// * @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final T gett(final Connection conn, final String sql, final Jdbc.RowMapper extends T> rowMapper, final Object... parameters)
// throws DuplicatedResultException {
// return gett(conn, sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, rowMapper, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param conn
// * @param sql
// * @param statementSetter
// * @param rowMapper
// * @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
// * DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
// * @return
// * @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
// */
// public final T gett(final Connection conn, final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final Jdbc.RowMapper extends T> rowMapper,
// final Object... parameters) throws DuplicatedResultException {
// return gett(conn, sql, statementSetter, rowMapper, null, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param conn
// * @param sql
// * @param rowMapper
// * @param jdbcSettings
// * @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
// * DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
// * @return
// * @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
// */
// public final T gett(final Connection conn, final String sql, final Jdbc.RowMapper extends T> rowMapper, JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final Object... parameters)
// throws DuplicatedResultException {
// return gett(conn, sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, rowMapper, jdbcSettings, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param conn
// * @param sql
// * @param statementSetter
// * @param rowMapper
// * @param jdbcSettings
// * @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
// * DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
// * @return
// * @throws DuplicatedResultException if two or more records are found.
// */
// @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
// @SafeVarargs
// public final T gett(final Connection conn, final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final Jdbc.RowMapper extends T> rowMapper,
// JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final Object... parameters) throws DuplicatedResultException {
// N.checkArgNotNull(rowMapper, "rowMapper");
// final Jdbc.ResultExtractor resultExtractor = rs -> {
// T result = null;
// if ( {
// result = Objects.requireNonNull(rowMapper.apply(rs));
// if ( {
// throw new DuplicatedResultException("More than one records found by sql: " + sql);
// }
// }
// return result;
// };
// return query(conn, sql, statementSetter, resultExtractor, jdbcSettings, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param targetClass
// * @param sql
// * @param parameters
// * @return
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final Optional findFirst(final Class extends T> targetClass, final String sql, final Object... parameters) {
// return findFirst(targetClass, sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param targetClass
// * @param sql
// * @param statementSetter
// * @param parameters
// * @return
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final Optional findFirst(final Class extends T> targetClass, final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final Object... parameters) {
// return findFirst(targetClass, sql, statementSetter, null, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param targetClass
// * @param sql
// * @param jdbcSettings
// * @param parameters
// * @return
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final Optional findFirst(final Class extends T> targetClass, final String sql, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final Object... parameters) {
// return findFirst(targetClass, sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, jdbcSettings, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param targetClass
// * @param sql
// * @param statementSetter
// * @param jdbcSettings
// * @param parameters
// * @return
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final Optional findFirst(final Class extends T> targetClass, final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings,
// final Object... parameters) {
// return findFirst(targetClass, null, sql, statementSetter, jdbcSettings, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param targetClass
// * @param conn
// * @param sql
// * @param parameters
// * @return
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final Optional findFirst(final Class extends T> targetClass, final Connection conn, final String sql, final Object... parameters) {
// return findFirst(targetClass, conn, sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param targetClass
// * @param conn
// * @param sql
// * @param statementSetter
// * @param parameters
// * @return
// */
// public final Optional findFirst(final Class extends T> targetClass, final Connection conn, final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter,
// final Object... parameters) {
// return findFirst(targetClass, conn, sql, statementSetter, null, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param targetClass
// * @param conn
// * @param sql
// * @param jdbcSettings
// * @param parameters
// * @return
// */
// public final Optional findFirst(final Class extends T> targetClass, final Connection conn, final String sql, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings,
// final Object... parameters) {
// return findFirst(targetClass, conn, sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, jdbcSettings, parameters);
// }
// /**
// * Just fetch the result in the 1st row. {@code null} is returned if no result is found. This method will try to
// * convert the column value to the type of mapping entity property if the mapping entity property is not assignable
// * from column value.
// *
// * Remember to add {@code limit} condition if big result will be returned by the query.
// *
// * @param
// * @param targetClass
// * @param conn
// * @param sql
// * @param statementSetter
// * @param jdbcSettings
// * @param parameters it can be {@code Object[]/List} for (named) parameterized query, or {@code Map/Entity} for named parameterized query.
// * DO NOT use primitive array {@code boolean[]/char[]/byte[]/short[]/int[]/long[]/float[]/double[]} for passing multiple parameters.
// * @return
// */
// @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
// @SafeVarargs
// public final Optional findFirst(final Class extends T> targetClass, final Connection conn, final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter,
// final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final Object... parameters) {
// N.checkArgNotNull(targetClass, "targetClass");
// final Jdbc.RowMapper extends T> rowMapper = toRowMapper(targetClass);
// return findFirst(conn, sql, statementSetter, rowMapper, jdbcSettings, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param sql
// * @param rowMapper
// * @param parameters
// * @return
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final Optional findFirst(final String sql, final Jdbc.RowMapper extends T> rowMapper, final Object... parameters) {
// return findFirst(sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, rowMapper, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param sql
// * @param statementSetter
// * @param rowMapper
// * @param parameters
// * @return
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final Optional findFirst(final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final Jdbc.RowMapper extends T> rowMapper,
// final Object... parameters) {
// return findFirst(sql, statementSetter, rowMapper, null, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param sql
// * @param rowMapper
// * @param jdbcSettings
// * @param parameters
// * @return
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final Optional findFirst(final String sql, final Jdbc.RowMapper extends T> rowMapper, final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final Object... parameters) {
// return findFirst(sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, rowMapper, jdbcSettings, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param sql
// * @param statementSetter
// * @param rowMapper
// * @param jdbcSettings
// * @param parameters
// * @return
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final Optional findFirst(final String sql, final StatementSetter statementSetter, final Jdbc.RowMapper extends T> rowMapper,
// final JdbcSettings jdbcSettings, final Object... parameters) {
// return findFirst(null, sql, statementSetter, rowMapper, jdbcSettings, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param conn
// * @param sql
// * @param rowMapper
// * @param parameters
// * @return
// */
// @SafeVarargs
// public final Optional findFirst(final Connection conn, final String sql, final Jdbc.RowMapper extends T> rowMapper, final Object... parameters) {
// return findFirst(conn, sql, StatementSetter.DEFAULT, rowMapper, parameters);
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param
// * @param conn
// * @param sql
// * @param statementSetter
// * @param rowMapper
// * @param parameters
// * @return
// */
// public final Optional