com.launchdarkly.client.FeatureStoreCacheConfig Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package com.launchdarkly.client;
import com.google.common.cache.CacheBuilder;
import com.launchdarkly.client.utils.CachingStoreWrapper;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
* Parameters that can be used for {@link FeatureStore} implementations that support local caching.
* If a store implementation uses this class, then it is using the standard caching mechanism that
* is built into the SDK, and is guaranteed to support all the properties defined in this class.
* This is an immutable class that uses a fluent interface. Obtain an instance by calling the static
* methods {@link #disabled()} or {@link #enabled()}; then, if desired, you can use chained methods
* to set other properties:
* new RedisFeatureStoreBuilder()
* .caching(
* FeatureStoreCacheConfig.enabled()
* .ttlSeconds(30)
* .staleValuesPolicy(FeatureStoreCacheConfig.StaleValuesPolicy.REFRESH)
* )
* @see RedisFeatureStoreBuilder#caching(FeatureStoreCacheConfig)
* @see CachingStoreWrapper.Builder#caching(FeatureStoreCacheConfig)
* @since 4.6.0
public final class FeatureStoreCacheConfig {
* The default TTL, in seconds, used by {@link #DEFAULT}.
public static final long DEFAULT_TIME_SECONDS = 15;
* The caching parameters that feature store should use by default. Caching is enabled, with a
* TTL of {@link #DEFAULT_TIME_SECONDS} and the {@link StaleValuesPolicy#EVICT} policy.
public static final FeatureStoreCacheConfig DEFAULT =
new FeatureStoreCacheConfig(DEFAULT_TIME_SECONDS, TimeUnit.SECONDS, StaleValuesPolicy.EVICT);
private static final FeatureStoreCacheConfig DISABLED =
new FeatureStoreCacheConfig(0, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, StaleValuesPolicy.EVICT);
private final long cacheTime;
private final TimeUnit cacheTimeUnit;
private final StaleValuesPolicy staleValuesPolicy;
* Possible values for {@link FeatureStoreCacheConfig#staleValuesPolicy(StaleValuesPolicy)}.
public enum StaleValuesPolicy {
* Indicates that when the cache TTL expires for an item, it is evicted from the cache. The next
* attempt to read that item causes a synchronous read from the underlying data store; if that
* fails, no value is available. This is the default behavior.
* @see CacheBuilder#expireAfterWrite(long, TimeUnit)
* Indicates that the cache should refresh stale values instead of evicting them.
* In this mode, an attempt to read an expired item causes a synchronous read from the underlying
* data store, like {@link #EVICT}--but if an error occurs during this refresh, the cache will
* continue to return the previously cached values (if any). This is useful if you prefer the most
* recently cached feature rule set to be returned for evaluation over the default value when
* updates go wrong.
* See: CacheBuilder
* for more specific information on cache semantics. This mode is equivalent to {@code expireAfterWrite}.
* Indicates that the cache should refresh stale values asynchronously instead of evicting them.
* This is the same as {@link #REFRESH}, except that the attempt to refresh the value is done
* on another thread (using a {@link java.util.concurrent.Executor}). In the meantime, the cache
* will continue to return the previously cached value (if any) in a non-blocking fashion to threads
* requesting the stale key. Any exception encountered during the asynchronous reload will cause
* the previously cached value to be retained.
* This setting is ideal to enable when you desire high performance reads and can accept returning
* stale values for the period of the async refresh. For example, configuring this feature store
* with a very low cache time and enabling this feature would see great performance benefit by
* decoupling calls from network I/O.
* See: CacheBuilder for
* more specific information on cache semantics.
* Returns a parameter object indicating that caching should be disabled. Specifying any additional
* properties on this object will have no effect.
* @return a {@link FeatureStoreCacheConfig} instance
public static FeatureStoreCacheConfig disabled() {
return DISABLED;
* Returns a parameter object indicating that caching should be enabled, using the default TTL of
* {@link #DEFAULT_TIME_SECONDS}. You can further modify the cache properties using the other
* methods of this class.
* @return a {@link FeatureStoreCacheConfig} instance
public static FeatureStoreCacheConfig enabled() {
return DEFAULT;
private FeatureStoreCacheConfig(long cacheTime, TimeUnit cacheTimeUnit, StaleValuesPolicy staleValuesPolicy) {
this.cacheTime = cacheTime;
this.cacheTimeUnit = cacheTimeUnit;
this.staleValuesPolicy = staleValuesPolicy;
* Returns true if caching will be enabled.
* @return true if the cache TTL is greater than 0
public boolean isEnabled() {
return getCacheTime() > 0;
* Returns the cache TTL. Caching is enabled if this is greater than zero.
* @return the cache TTL in whatever units were specified
* @see #getCacheTimeUnit()
public long getCacheTime() {
return cacheTime;
* Returns the time unit for the cache TTL.
* @return the time unit
public TimeUnit getCacheTimeUnit() {
return cacheTimeUnit;
* Returns the cache TTL converted to milliseconds.
* @return the TTL in milliseconds
public long getCacheTimeMillis() {
return cacheTimeUnit.toMillis(cacheTime);
* Returns the {@link StaleValuesPolicy} setting.
* @return the expiration policy
public StaleValuesPolicy getStaleValuesPolicy() {
return staleValuesPolicy;
* Specifies the cache TTL. Items will be evicted or refreshed (depending on {@link #staleValuesPolicy(StaleValuesPolicy)})
* after this amount of time from the time when they were originally cached. If the time is less
* than or equal to zero, caching is disabled.
* @param cacheTime the cache TTL in whatever units you wish
* @param timeUnit the time unit
* @return an updated parameters object
public FeatureStoreCacheConfig ttl(long cacheTime, TimeUnit timeUnit) {
return new FeatureStoreCacheConfig(cacheTime, timeUnit, staleValuesPolicy);
* Shortcut for calling {@link #ttl(long, TimeUnit)} with {@link TimeUnit#MILLISECONDS}.
* @param millis the cache TTL in milliseconds
* @return an updated parameters object
public FeatureStoreCacheConfig ttlMillis(long millis) {
return ttl(millis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
* Shortcut for calling {@link #ttl(long, TimeUnit)} with {@link TimeUnit#SECONDS}.
* @param seconds the cache TTL in seconds
* @return an updated parameters object
public FeatureStoreCacheConfig ttlSeconds(long seconds) {
return ttl(seconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
* Specifies how the cache (if any) should deal with old values when the cache TTL expires. The default
* is {@link StaleValuesPolicy#EVICT}. This property has no effect if caching is disabled.
* @param policy a {@link StaleValuesPolicy} constant
* @return an updated parameters object
public FeatureStoreCacheConfig staleValuesPolicy(StaleValuesPolicy policy) {
return new FeatureStoreCacheConfig(cacheTime, cacheTimeUnit, policy);
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (other instanceof FeatureStoreCacheConfig) {
FeatureStoreCacheConfig o = (FeatureStoreCacheConfig) other;
return o.cacheTime == this.cacheTime && o.cacheTimeUnit == this.cacheTimeUnit &&
o.staleValuesPolicy == this.staleValuesPolicy;
return false;
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(cacheTime, cacheTimeUnit, staleValuesPolicy);