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scaloi.syntax.OptionOps.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Copyright 2007 Learning Objects
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package scaloi
package syntax

import java.{lang => jl}
import java.util.Optional

import scalaz.std.option._
import scalaz.syntax.equal._
import scalaz.syntax.validation._
import scalaz.syntax.std.option._
import scalaz.syntax.std.{OptionOps => OptionOpz}
import scalaz.{Monoid, Order, Semigroup, ValidationNel, \/, _}

import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}

  * Enhancements on options.
  * @param self the option value
  * @tparam A the option type
final class OptionOps[A](private val self: Option[A]) extends AnyVal {
  import any._
  import option.{maxMonoid, minMonoid}
  import scalaz.Validation

    * Flatmap over a function to a nullable value.
    * @param f the mapping function
    * @tparam B the result type
    * @return the resulting option
  @inline def flatOpt[B >: Null](f: A => B): Option[B] =
    self.flatMap(a => Option(f(a)))

    * Convert an option into a successful future, if present, else a supplied failure.
    * @param e the exception if this option is absent
    * @return an available future
  @inline def toFuture(e: => Exception): Future[A] =

    * Return this option, if it does not contain the specified value, else None.
    * @param a the value to remove
    * @return this option without the specified value
  @inline def -(a: A)(implicit ev: Equal[A]): Option[A] = self.filter(_ =/= a)

    * Kestrel combinator on the value of an option.
    * @param f the side-effecting function
    * @tparam B the result type
    * @return this option
  @inline def tap[B](f: A => B): Option[A] = self <| { _ foreach f }

    *  An alias for tap.
  @inline def <|?[B](f: A => B): Option[A] = tap(f)

    * Kestrel combinator on the empty option.
    * @param f the side-effecting function
    * @tparam B the result type
    * @return this option
  @inline def tapNone[B](f: => B): Option[A] = self <| { o => if (o.isEmpty) f }

    * Map this value and return the result or the zeroal zero of the target type.
    * @param f the transform
    * @tparam B the result type
    * @return the mapped value or zero
  @inline def foldZ[B : Zero](f: A => B): B = self.fold(Zero[B].zero)(f)

    * Return the contained value or else the evidenced zero of `A`. Contrast
    * with `orZero` which requires monoidal evidence.
    * @param Z zero evidence of `A`
    * @return the contained value or zero
  @inline def orZ(implicit Z: Zero[A]): A = self getOrElse

    * A successful [[scala.util.Try]] of this option if present, or the given failure if empty.
    * @param failure the [[scala.util.Try]] failure if this option is empty
    * @return this option as a [[scala.util.Try]]
  def toTry(failure: => Throwable): Try[A] =

    * An alias for [[toTry]].
  def elseFailure(failure: => Throwable): Try[A] = toTry(failure)

    * An alias for [[toTry]].
  @inline def <@~*(failure: => Throwable): Try[A] = toTry(failure)

    * A successful [[scalaz.Validation]] of this option if present, or the given failure if empty.
    * @param failure the [[scalaz.Failure]] failure if this option is empty
    * @return this option as a [[scalaz.Validation]]
  def elseInvalid[B](failure: => B): Validation[B, A] = self match {
    case None => failure.failure[A]
    case Some(a) => a.success[B]

    * A successful [[scalaz.ValidationNel]] of this option if present, or the given failure if empty.
    * @param failure the [[scalaz.Failure]] failure if this option is empty
    * @return this option as a [[scalaz.ValidationNel]]
  def elseInvalidNel[B](failure: => B): ValidationNel[B, A] =

    * A successful [[scalaz.Validation]] of this option if empty, or the given failure if present.
    * @param fail the [[scalaz.Failure]] failure if this option is present
    * @return this option as a [[scalaz.Validation]]
  def thenInvalid[B](fail: A => B): Validation[B, Unit] = self match {
    case Some(a) => fail(a).failure[Unit]
    case None => ().success[B]

    * A successful [[scalaz.ValidationNel]] of this option if empty, or the given failure if present.
    * @param fail the [[scalaz.Failure]] failure if this option is present
    * @return this option as a [[scalaz.ValidationNel]]
  def thenInvalidNel[B](fail: A => B): ValidationNel[B, Unit] = thenInvalid(fail).toValidationNel

    * The [[scala.util.Try]] contained in this option, or a [[scala.util.Failure]] wrapping the given throwable.
    * @param failure the [[scala.util.Try]] failure if this option is empty
    * @return this option as a [[scala.util.Try]]
  def flatToTry[B](failure: => Throwable)(implicit ev: A <:< Try[B]): Try[B] =
    self.cata(ev, Failure(failure))

    * Transforms `target` with the contained function if it exists,
    * otherwise, returns `target`.
    * @param target the value to be potentially transformed
    * @return target transformed by the contained function, if it exists, otherwise target.
  def transforming[T](target: T)(implicit ev: A <:< (T => T)): T =
    self.fold(target)(f => ev(f)(target))

    * An alias for `transforming`.
  @inline def ~?>[T](target: T)(implicit ev: A <:< (T => T)): T =
    this transforming target

    * Flat to left disjunction. Turns this option into a left disjunction if present,
    * or else returns the supplied disjunction.
    * @param f the disjunction if this option is absent
    * @tparam AA the left type
    * @tparam B the right type
    * @return the resulting disjunction
  @inline def <\/-[AA >: A, B](f: => A \/ B): A \/ B =
    self.toLeftDisjunction(()).flatMap(_ => f)

  /** Turns the contents of this option into a [[scala.util.Failure]] if present,
    * or succeeds with a given value if absent.
    * @param f a function to turn this value into a [[java.lang.Throwable]]
    * @param b the success value
    * @tparam B the success type
    * @return the resulting [[scala.util.Try]]
  @inline def thenFailure[B](f: A => Throwable, b: => B): Try[B] =
    self.cata(a => Failure(f(a)), Success(b))

  /** Turns the contents of this option into a [[scala.util.Failure]] if present,
    * or succeeds with a [[scala.Unit]] value if absent.
    * @param f a function to turn this value into a [[java.lang.Throwable]]
    * @return the resulting [[scala.util.Try]]
  @inline def thenHollowFailure(f: A => Throwable): Try[Unit] =
    self.cata(a => Failure(f(a)), successUnit)

  /** An alias for [[thenHollowFailure]]. */
  @inline def elseHollowVictory(f: A => Throwable): Try[Unit] = thenHollowFailure(f)

    * A [[scalaz.Validation]] version
    * If this option is present, return [[scalaz.Failure]] with the value.
    * Else (if absent), return [[scalaz.Success]] with the `s` value.
    * @param s the success value
    * @tparam S the success type
    * @return scalaz.Failure(e) if present, scalaz.Success(a) if absent
  @inline def thenInvalid[S](s: S): Validation[A, S] =
    self.cata(_.failure, s.success)

    * A [[scalaz.ValidationNel]] version
    * If this option is present, return [[scalaz.Failure]] with value.
    * Else (if absent), return [[scalaz.Success]] with the `s` value.
    * @param s the success value
    * @tparam S the success type
    * @return scalaz.Failure(NonEmptyList)(e) if present, scalaz.Success(NonEmptyList)(a) if absent
  @inline def thenInvalidNel[S](s: S): ValidationNel[A, S] =
    self.cata(_.failureNel, s.successNel)

  /** Turns the [[java.lang.Throwable]] in this option into a [[scala.util.Failure]] if present,
    * or succeeds with a specified value if absent.
    * @param b the success value
    * @tparam B the success type
    * @return the resulting [[scala.util.Try]]
  @inline def toFailure[B](b: => B)(implicit ev: A <:< Throwable): Try[B] =
    thenFailure(ev: A => Throwable, b)

    * Returns this, if present, or else optionally the supplied value if non-zero.
    * @param b the value
    * @tparam B the value type, with zero evidence.
    * return this or else that
  @inline def orNZ[B >: A : Zero](b: => B): Option[B] = self orElse option.OptionNZ(b)

    * Filter the value to be non-zero.
    * @param Z zero evidence for A
    * return this if non-zero
  @inline def filterNZ(implicit Z: Zero[A]): Option[A] = self.filterNot(Z.isZero)

    * Map the contents of this option, filtering out any resulting zero.
    * @param f the map function
    * @tparam B the result type
    * @return the resulting option
  def mapNZ[B : Zero](f: A => B): Option[B] =[B].isZero)

    * Runs the provided function as a side-effect if this is `None`, returns this option.
    * @param action the thing to do if this option is none
    * @return this option
  def -<|[U](action: => U): Option[A] = {
    if (self.isEmpty) action

    * Runs one of the provided functions as a side effect depending on whether
    * it is a Some/None and returns this option
    * @param fSome the thing to do if this is `Some`
    * @param fNone the thing to do if this is `None`
    * @return this options
  def catap[U](fSome: A => U, fNone: => U): Option[A] = {
    self match {
      case Some(value) => fSome(value)
      case None => fNone

    * Similar to foreach, but an additional side effect is provided for the `None`
    * @param fSome thing to do if this is `Some`
    * @param fNone thing to do if this is `None`
  def foreachTheirOwn[U](fSome: A => U, fNone: => U): Unit = self.cata(fSome, fNone)

    * Put `self` on the left, and `right` on the right, of an Eitherneitherboth.
    * @param right the option to put on the right
    * @return an Eitherneitherboth with `self` on the left and `right` on the right
  @inline def \|/[B](right: Option[B]): A \|/ B =
   scaloi.\|/(self, right)

  @inline def \&/[B](right: Option[B]): Option[A \&/ B] =
    PartialFunction.condOpt((self, right)) {
      case (Some(l), Some(r)) => scalaz.\&/.Both(l, r)
      case (Some(l), None   ) => scalaz.\&/.This(l)
      case (None   , Some(r)) => scalaz.\&/.That(r)

    * Append this optional value with another value in a semigroup.
    * @param b the other value
    * @tparam B the other type, with semigroup evidence
    * @return either the other value or the combined values
  private[this] def append[B >: A : Semigroup](b: B): B = self.fold(b)(Semigroup[B].append(_, b))

    * Get the maximum of two optional values.
    * @param b the other optional value
    * @tparam B the other type
    * @return the max of the optional values
  @inline def max[B >: A : Order](b: Option[B]): Option[B] = maxMonoid.append(self, b)

    * Get the maximum of this and a value.
    * @param b the other value
    * @tparam B the other type
    * @return the max of the values
  @inline def max[B >: A : Order](b: B): B = append(b)(misc.Semigroups.maxSemigroup)

    * Get the minimum of two optional values.
    * @param b the other optional value
    * @tparam B the other type
    * @return the min of the optional values
  @inline def min[B >: A : Order](b: Option[B]): Option[B] = minMonoid.append(self, b)

    * Get the minimum of this and a value.
    * @param b the other value
    * @tparam B the other type
    * @return the min of the values
  @inline def min[B >: A : Order](b: B): B = append(b)(misc.Semigroups.minSemigroup)

    * Wrap the contained value in a `Gotten`, or create one with the
    * provided thunk and wrap it in a `Created.`
    * @param b the computation to create a value
    * @tparam B the type of the created value
    * @return the contained gotten value, or the supplied created value
  @inline def orCreate[B >: A](b: => B): GetOrCreate[B] = self match {
    case Some(gotten) => GetOrCreate.gotten(gotten)
    case None         => GetOrCreate.created(b)

    * Filter this option by a boolean condition being true.
    * @param b the condition
    * @return this, if `b`, else `None`
  @inline def when(b: Boolean): Option[A] = if (b) self else None

    * Filter this option by a boolean condition being false.
    * @param b the condition
    * @return this, if not `b`, else `None`
  @inline def unless(b: Boolean): Option[A] = if (b) None else self

    * Accepts the contents of this option if of the specified runtime type.
    * @tparam B the target type
    * @return this option if it contains the target type, or else none
  @inline def accept[B: ClassTag]: Option[B] = self.flatMap(implicitly[ClassTag[B]].unapply)

  /** Map this value to a right, if present, else return a supplied left.
    * @param fa a function to apply to the right value
    * @param c the value to use for a left
    * @tparam B the right type
    * @tparam C the left type
    * @return the resulting disjunction
  @inline def disjunct[B, C](fa: A => B, c: => C): C \/ B =

  /** Divine whether this option contains truth.
    * @param ev evidence that the content type is booleate
    * @return whether this option contains truth
  @inline def isTrue(implicit ev: Booleate[A]): Boolean = self.cata(ev.value, false)

  /** Divine whether this option contains falsity.
    * @param ev evidence that the content type is booleate
    * @return whether this option contains falsity
  @inline def isFalse(implicit ev: Booleate[A]): Boolean = self.cata(ev.unvalue, false)

  /** Returns whether this and the supplied option contain the same value. Aka intersects.
    * @param o the other option
    * @param Equal equality evidence
    * @return equality
  @inline def coequals(o: Option[A])(implicit Equal: Equal[A]): Boolean =
    self.exists(a => o.exists(a === _))

  /** An alias for [[coequals]]. */
  @inline def =&=(o: Option[A])(implicit Equal: Equal[A]): Boolean = coequals(o)

  /** An alias for [[scala.Option.orElse]]. */
  @inline def ||[B >: A](o: => Option[B]): Option[B] = self orElse o

final class OptionAnyOps[A](private val self: A) extends AnyVal {
  /** Wrap this in a java [[java.util.Optional]]. As `.some` is to Scala, this is to Java.  */
  def jome: Optional[A] = Optional.of(self)

  /** Wrap a nullable in an [[scala.Option]]. */
  def option: Option[A] = Option(self)

  /** Wrap a nullable zeroable in a non-zero [[scala.Option]]. */
  def optionNZ(implicit Z: Zero[A]): Option[A] = Option(self).filterNot(Z.isZero)

  * Implicit conversion for option operations.
trait ToOptionOps extends Any {

    * Implicit conversion from option to the option enhancements.
    * @param o the optional thing
    * @tparam A its type
  implicit def toOptionOps[A](o: Option[A]): OptionOps[A] = new OptionOps(o)

    * Implicit conversion from Java optional to the option enhancements.
    * @param o the optional thing
    * @tparam A its type
  implicit def toOptionalOps[A >: Null](o: Optional[A]): OptionOps[A] = new OptionOps(Option(o.orElse(null)))

    * Implicit conversion from Java optional to the option enhancements.
    * @param o the optional thing
    * @tparam A its type
  implicit def toOptionalOpz[A >: Null](o: Optional[A]): OptionOpz[A] = new OptionOpz(Option(o.orElse(null)))

    * Implicit conversion from anything to the option enhancements.
    * @param a the thing
    * @tparam A its type
  implicit def toOptionAnyOps[A](a: A): OptionAnyOps[A] = new OptionAnyOps(a)

  /** Returns some if a value is non-null and non-zero, or else none.
    * Aka the New Zealand option.
    * @param a the value
    * @tparam A the value type with zero evidence
    * @return the option
  def OptionNZ[A: Zero](a: A): Option[A] = Option(a).filterNZ

  /** Returns some if a string is non-null and non-blank, or else none.
    * Aka the New Brunswick option.
    * @param s the string
    * @return the option
  def OptionNB(s: String): Option[String] = Option(s).filter(_.trim.nonEmpty)

  /** Returns `Some` if a value is non-null, or else `None`.
    * This differs from [[scala.Option.apply]] in that the type argument of the
    * returned `Option` changes from the boxed argument type `A` to the
    * unboxed type `U`, reflecting the newly-proved nonnullability of
    * the contained value.
  def Boxtion[A >: Null, U <: AnyVal](a: A)(implicit A: misc.Boxes[U, A]): Option[U] =

  /** Monoid evidence for the minimum over an option of an ordered type. */
  def minMonoid[A: Order]: Monoid[Option[A]] = optionMonoid(misc.Semigroups.minSemigroup)

  /** Monoid evidence for the maximum over an option of an ordered type. */
  def maxMonoid[A: Order]: Monoid[Option[A]] = optionMonoid(misc.Semigroups.maxSemigroup)

  /** Run the given partial function, or `None` if it does not match.
  def flondOpt[A, B](a: A)(f: PartialFunction[A, Option[B]]): Option[B] =
    f.applyOrElse(a, (_: A) => None)

/** Is something boolean like. */
private[syntax] trait Booleate[A] {
  def value(a: A): Boolean
  final def unvalue(a: A): Boolean = !value(a)

/** Boolean implicits. */
private[syntax] object Booleate {
  implicit def booleate: Booleate[Boolean] = b => b
  implicit def jooleate: Booleate[jl.Boolean] = j => j.booleanValue

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