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com.legstar.cobol.CobolStructureLexer Maven / Gradle / Ivy

// $ANTLR 3.5.2 com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g 2015-02-26 16:23:21

package com.legstar.cobol;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import org.antlr.runtime.*;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;

 * Copyright (c) 2009 LegSem.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License v2.1
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors:
 *     LegSem - initial API and implementation
public class CobolStructureLexer extends Lexer {
	public static final int EOF=-1;
	public static final int ALL_CONSTANT=4;
	public static final int ALPHANUM_LITERAL_FRAGMENT=5;
	public static final int ALPHANUM_LITERAL_STRING=6;
	public static final int APOST=7;
	public static final int ARE_KEYWORD=8;
	public static final int ASCENDING_KEYWORD=9;
	public static final int BINARY_KEYWORD=10;
	public static final int BLANK_KEYWORD=11;
	public static final int BY_KEYWORD=12;
	public static final int CHARACTER_KEYWORD=13;
	public static final int CONDITION_LEVEL=14;
	public static final int CONTINUATION_CHAR=15;
	public static final int CONTINUED_ALPHANUM_LITERAL_FRAGMENT=16;
	public static final int DATA_ITEM_LEVEL=17;
	public static final int DATA_NAME=18;
	public static final int DATE_FORMAT_KEYWORD=19;
	public static final int DATE_KEYWORD=20;
	public static final int DATE_PATTERN=21;
	public static final int DBCS_LITERAL_STRING=22;
	public static final int DECIMAL_POINT=23;
	public static final int DEPENDING_KEYWORD=24;
	public static final int DESCENDING_KEYWORD=25;
	public static final int DISPLAY_1_KEYWORD=26;
	public static final int DISPLAY_KEYWORD=27;
	public static final int DOUBLE_FLOAT_KEYWORD=28;
	public static final int EXTERNAL_KEYWORD=29;
	public static final int FLOAT_PART2=30;
	public static final int FUNCTION_POINTER_KEYWORD=31;
	public static final int GLOBAL_KEYWORD=32;
	public static final int GROUP_USAGE_KEYWORD=33;
	public static final int HEX_LITERAL_STRING=34;
	public static final int HIGH_VALUE_CONSTANT=35;
	public static final int INDEXED_KEYWORD=36;
	public static final int INDEX_KEYWORD=37;
	public static final int INT=38;
	public static final int IS_KEYWORD=39;
	public static final int JUSTIFIED_KEYWORD=40;
	public static final int KEY_KEYWORD=41;
	public static final int LEFT_KEYWORD=42;
	public static final int LETTER=43;
	public static final int LOW_VALUE_CONSTANT=44;
	public static final int NATIONAL_HEX_LITERAL_STRING=45;
	public static final int NATIONAL_KEYWORD=46;
	public static final int NATIONAL_LITERAL_STRING=47;
	public static final int NATIVE_BINARY_KEYWORD=48;
	public static final int NEWLINE=49;
	public static final int NULL_CONSTANT=50;
	public static final int OCCURS_KEYWORD=51;
	public static final int ON_KEYWORD=52;
	public static final int PACKED_DECIMAL_KEYWORD=53;
	public static final int PERIOD=54;
	public static final int PICTURE_CHAR=55;
	public static final int PICTURE_KEYWORD=56;
	public static final int PICTURE_PART=57;
	public static final int POINTER_KEYWORD=58;
	public static final int PROCEDURE_POINTER_KEYWORD=59;
	public static final int QUOTE=60;
	public static final int QUOTE_CONSTANT=61;
	public static final int REDEFINES_KEYWORD=62;
	public static final int RENAMES_KEYWORD=63;
	public static final int RENAMES_LEVEL=64;
	public static final int RIGHT_KEYWORD=65;
	public static final int SEPARATE_KEYWORD=66;
	public static final int SIGNED_INT=67;
	public static final int SIGN_KEYWORD=68;
	public static final int SIGN_LEADING_KEYWORD=69;
	public static final int SIGN_TRAILING_KEYWORD=70;
	public static final int SINGLE_FLOAT_KEYWORD=71;
	public static final int SPACE=72;
	public static final int SPACE_CONSTANT=73;
	public static final int SYNCHRONIZED_KEYWORD=74;
	public static final int THROUGH_KEYWORD=75;
	public static final int TIMES_KEYWORD=76;
	public static final int TO_KEYWORD=77;
	public static final int USAGE_KEYWORD=78;
	public static final int VALUE_KEYWORD=79;
	public static final int WHEN_KEYWORD=80;
	public static final int WHITESPACE=81;
	public static final int ZERO_CONSTANT=82;
	public static final int ZERO_LITERAL_STRING=83;

	    /** Keeps track of the last COBOL keyword recognized. This helps
	        disambiguate lexing rules. */
	    private int lastKeyword = PERIOD;
	    /** True when a picture string is being built (potentially from multiple parts). */
	    private boolean pictureStarted;

	    /** Map to help with COBOL keyword recognition.*/
	    private static Map  KEYWORDS_MAP = new HashMap ()
	        put("THRU", THROUGH_KEYWORD);
	        put("BLANK", BLANK_KEYWORD);
	        put("WHEN", Token.SKIP_TOKEN.getType());
	        put("GLOBAL", GLOBAL_KEYWORD);
	        put("IS", Token.SKIP_TOKEN.getType());
	        put("ARE", Token.SKIP_TOKEN.getType());
	        put("JUST", JUSTIFIED_KEYWORD);
	        put("RIGHT", RIGHT_KEYWORD);
	        put("OCCURS", OCCURS_KEYWORD);
	        put("TIMES", Token.SKIP_TOKEN.getType());
	        put("TO", TO_KEYWORD);
	        put("KEY", KEY_KEYWORD);
	        put("BY", Token.SKIP_TOKEN.getType());
	        put("PIC", PICTURE_KEYWORD);
	        put("ON", Token.SKIP_TOKEN.getType());
	        put("SIGN", Token.SKIP_TOKEN.getType());
	        put("CHARACTER", Token.SKIP_TOKEN.getType());
	        put("LEFT", LEFT_KEYWORD);
	        put("USAGE", USAGE_KEYWORD);
	        put("COMP-1", SINGLE_FLOAT_KEYWORD);
	        put("COMP-2", DOUBLE_FLOAT_KEYWORD);
	        put("COMP-5", NATIVE_BINARY_KEYWORD);
	        put("COMP", BINARY_KEYWORD);
	        put("COMP-4", BINARY_KEYWORD);
	        put("BINARY", BINARY_KEYWORD);
	        put("DISPLAY-1", DISPLAY_1_KEYWORD);
	        put("INDEX", INDEX_KEYWORD);
	        put("VALUES", VALUE_KEYWORD);
	        put("VALUE", VALUE_KEYWORD);
	        put("DATE", DATE_KEYWORD);
	        put("ZEROES", ZERO_CONSTANT);
	        put("ZEROS", ZERO_CONSTANT);
	        put("ZERO", ZERO_CONSTANT);
	        put("SPACES", SPACE_CONSTANT);
	        put("SPACE", SPACE_CONSTANT);
	        put("QUOTES", QUOTE_CONSTANT);
	        put("QUOTE", QUOTE_CONSTANT);
	        put("ALL", ALL_CONSTANT);
	        put("NULLS", NULL_CONSTANT);
	        put("NULL", NULL_CONSTANT);
	     * Adding all the COBOL keywords directly generates too much code. It
	     * is more efficient, with the current release of ANTLR, to recognize
	     * keywords manually.
	     * @param text the text to match with keywords
	     * @param originalType the initial token type
	     * @return the keyword type if a match is found otherwise the original type
	    public int matchKeywords(
	            final String text,
	            final int originalType) {
	        Integer type = KEYWORDS_MAP.get(text.toUpperCase());
	        if (type == null) {
	            return originalType;
	        if (type == Token.SKIP_TOKEN.getType()) {
	            return type;
	        } else if(type == PICTURE_KEYWORD) {
	            /* Just found a PICTURE keyword, start collecting picture string parts */
	            pictureStarted = true;
	        } else if(type == DATE_KEYWORD) {
	        } else if(type == DATE_FORMAT_KEYWORD) {
	            /* Format is a date format only if preceded by date */
	            if (lastKeyword != DATE_KEYWORD) {
	                type = DATA_NAME;
	        lastKeyword = type;
	        return type;
	     * Check that a string is a valid data name.
	     * @param string a proposed data name
	     * @throws FailedPredicateException if this is not a valid data name
	    public void checkDataName(final String string) throws FailedPredicateException {
	        if (!string.matches("[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]*")) {
	            throw new FailedPredicateException(
	                    input, "DATA_NAME", "Syntax error in last clause");

	     * Check that a string is a valid part of a picture string.

* Check that we are in the context of collecting picture string parts. *

* When string is a valid picture part, close picture string sequence * if the next character is space or new line. * * @param string a picture string or part of a picture string * @throws FailedPredicateException if this is not a valid picture string part */ public void checkPicture(final String string) throws FailedPredicateException { if (!pictureStarted) { throw new FailedPredicateException( input, "PICTURE_PART", "Syntax error in last picture clause"); } if (input.LA(1) == ' ' || input.LA(1) == '\r' || input.LA(1) == '\n' || input.LA(1) == -1) { pictureStarted = false; } } // delegates // delegators public Lexer[] getDelegates() { return new Lexer[] {}; } public CobolStructureLexer() {} public CobolStructureLexer(CharStream input) { this(input, new RecognizerSharedState()); } public CobolStructureLexer(CharStream input, RecognizerSharedState state) { super(input,state); } @Override public String getGrammarFileName() { return "com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g"; } // $ANTLR start "PERIOD" public final void mPERIOD() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = PERIOD; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:262:5: ( '.' ) // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:263:5: '.' { /* If this period is not followed by a space or a newline, then we consider * it is a decimal point and not to be used as a sentence delimiter.*/ if (input.LA(2) != ' ' && input.LA(2) != '\r' && input.LA(2) != '\n' && input.LA(2) != -1) { _type = DECIMAL_POINT; } else { /* This will set the context as the end of a data entry */ lastKeyword = PERIOD; } match('.'); } state.type = _type; = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "PERIOD" // $ANTLR start "INT" public final void mINT() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = INT; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:280:5: ( ( '0' .. '9' )+ ) // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:280:9: ( '0' .. '9' )+ { // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:280:9: ( '0' .. '9' )+ int cnt1=0; loop1: while (true) { int alt1=2; int LA1_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA1_0 >= '0' && LA1_0 <= '9')) ) { alt1=1; } switch (alt1) { case 1 : // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g: { if ( (input.LA(1) >= '0' && input.LA(1) <= '9') ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse; } } break; default : if ( cnt1 >= 1 ) break loop1; EarlyExitException eee = new EarlyExitException(1, input); throw eee; } cnt1++; } if (lastKeyword == PICTURE_KEYWORD) { checkPicture(getText()); _type = PICTURE_PART; } if (lastKeyword == PERIOD) { int level = Integer.parseInt(getText()); if (level == 66) { _type = RENAMES_LEVEL; } else if (level == 88) { _type = CONDITION_LEVEL; } else { _type = DATA_ITEM_LEVEL; } } } state.type = _type; = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "INT" // $ANTLR start "SIGNED_INT" public final void mSIGNED_INT() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = SIGNED_INT; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:300:5: ( ( '+' | '-' ) ( '0' .. '9' )+ ) // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:300:7: ( '+' | '-' ) ( '0' .. '9' )+ { if ( input.LA(1)=='+'||input.LA(1)=='-' ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse; } // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:300:19: ( '0' .. '9' )+ int cnt2=0; loop2: while (true) { int alt2=2; int LA2_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA2_0 >= '0' && LA2_0 <= '9')) ) { alt2=1; } switch (alt2) { case 1 : // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g: { if ( (input.LA(1) >= '0' && input.LA(1) <= '9') ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse; } } break; default : if ( cnt2 >= 1 ) break loop2; EarlyExitException eee = new EarlyExitException(2, input); throw eee; } cnt2++; } if (lastKeyword == PICTURE_KEYWORD) { checkPicture(getText()); _type = PICTURE_PART; } } state.type = _type; = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "SIGNED_INT" // $ANTLR start "FLOAT_PART2" public final void mFLOAT_PART2() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = FLOAT_PART2; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:317:5: ( ( '0' .. '9' )+ 'E' ( '+' | '-' )? ( '0' .. '9' )+ ) // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:317:7: ( '0' .. '9' )+ 'E' ( '+' | '-' )? ( '0' .. '9' )+ { // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:317:7: ( '0' .. '9' )+ int cnt3=0; loop3: while (true) { int alt3=2; int LA3_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA3_0 >= '0' && LA3_0 <= '9')) ) { alt3=1; } switch (alt3) { case 1 : // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g: { if ( (input.LA(1) >= '0' && input.LA(1) <= '9') ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse; } } break; default : if ( cnt3 >= 1 ) break loop3; EarlyExitException eee = new EarlyExitException(3, input); throw eee; } cnt3++; } match('E'); // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:317:21: ( '+' | '-' )? int alt4=2; int LA4_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA4_0=='+'||LA4_0=='-') ) { alt4=1; } switch (alt4) { case 1 : // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g: { if ( input.LA(1)=='+'||input.LA(1)=='-' ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse; } } break; } // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:317:34: ( '0' .. '9' )+ int cnt5=0; loop5: while (true) { int alt5=2; int LA5_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA5_0 >= '0' && LA5_0 <= '9')) ) { alt5=1; } switch (alt5) { case 1 : // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g: { if ( (input.LA(1) >= '0' && input.LA(1) <= '9') ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse; } } break; default : if ( cnt5 >= 1 ) break loop5; EarlyExitException eee = new EarlyExitException(5, input); throw eee; } cnt5++; } if (lastKeyword == PICTURE_KEYWORD) { checkPicture(getText()); _type = PICTURE_PART; } } state.type = _type; = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "FLOAT_PART2" // $ANTLR start "DATE_PATTERN" public final void mDATE_PATTERN() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = DATE_PATTERN; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:335:5: ( ( 'X' | 'Y' )+ ) // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:335:7: ( 'X' | 'Y' )+ { // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:335:7: ( 'X' | 'Y' )+ int cnt6=0; loop6: while (true) { int alt6=2; int LA6_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA6_0 >= 'X' && LA6_0 <= 'Y')) ) { alt6=1; } switch (alt6) { case 1 : // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g: { if ( (input.LA(1) >= 'X' && input.LA(1) <= 'Y') ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse; } } break; default : if ( cnt6 >= 1 ) break loop6; EarlyExitException eee = new EarlyExitException(6, input); throw eee; } cnt6++; } if (lastKeyword != DATE_FORMAT_KEYWORD) { if (lastKeyword == PICTURE_KEYWORD) { checkPicture(getText()); _type = PICTURE_PART; } else { _type = DATA_NAME; } } } state.type = _type; = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "DATE_PATTERN" // $ANTLR start "DATA_NAME" public final void mDATA_NAME() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = DATA_NAME; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:357:5: ( ( LETTER | '0' .. '9' ) ( LETTER | '0' .. '9' | '-' | '_' )* ) // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:357:7: ( LETTER | '0' .. '9' ) ( LETTER | '0' .. '9' | '-' | '_' )* { if ( (input.LA(1) >= '0' && input.LA(1) <= '9')||(input.LA(1) >= 'A' && input.LA(1) <= 'Z')||(input.LA(1) >= 'a' && input.LA(1) <= 'z') ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse; } // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:357:25: ( LETTER | '0' .. '9' | '-' | '_' )* loop7: while (true) { int alt7=2; int LA7_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA7_0=='-'||(LA7_0 >= '0' && LA7_0 <= '9')||(LA7_0 >= 'A' && LA7_0 <= 'Z')||LA7_0=='_'||(LA7_0 >= 'a' && LA7_0 <= 'z')) ) { alt7=1; } switch (alt7) { case 1 : // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g: { if ( input.LA(1)=='-'||(input.LA(1) >= '0' && input.LA(1) <= '9')||(input.LA(1) >= 'A' && input.LA(1) <= 'Z')||input.LA(1)=='_'||(input.LA(1) >= 'a' && input.LA(1) <= 'z') ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse; } } break; default : break loop7; } } _type = matchKeywords(getText(), _type); if (_type == DATA_NAME) { if (lastKeyword == PICTURE_KEYWORD) { checkPicture(getText()); _type = PICTURE_PART; } } } state.type = _type; = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "DATA_NAME" // $ANTLR start "PICTURE_PART" public final void mPICTURE_PART() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = PICTURE_PART; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:378:5: ( ( PICTURE_CHAR )+ ) // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:378:7: ( PICTURE_CHAR )+ { // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:378:7: ( PICTURE_CHAR )+ int cnt8=0; loop8: while (true) { int alt8=2; int LA8_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA8_0 >= '\u0000' && LA8_0 <= '\b')||(LA8_0 >= '\u000B' && LA8_0 <= '\f')||(LA8_0 >= '\u000E' && LA8_0 <= '\u001F')||LA8_0=='!'||(LA8_0 >= '#' && LA8_0 <= '&')||(LA8_0 >= '(' && LA8_0 <= '-')||(LA8_0 >= '/' && LA8_0 <= '\uFFFF')) ) { alt8=1; } switch (alt8) { case 1 : // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g: { if ( (input.LA(1) >= '\u0000' && input.LA(1) <= '\b')||(input.LA(1) >= '\u000B' && input.LA(1) <= '\f')||(input.LA(1) >= '\u000E' && input.LA(1) <= '\u001F')||input.LA(1)=='!'||(input.LA(1) >= '#' && input.LA(1) <= '&')||(input.LA(1) >= '(' && input.LA(1) <= '-')||(input.LA(1) >= '/' && input.LA(1) <= '\uFFFF') ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse; } } break; default : if ( cnt8 >= 1 ) break loop8; EarlyExitException eee = new EarlyExitException(8, input); throw eee; } cnt8++; } if (lastKeyword != PICTURE_KEYWORD) { checkDataName(getText()); _type = DATA_NAME; } else { checkPicture(getText()); } } state.type = _type; = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "PICTURE_PART" // $ANTLR start "PICTURE_CHAR" public final void mPICTURE_CHAR() throws RecognitionException { try { // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:399:5: (~ ( QUOTE | APOST | SPACE | '\\r' | '\\n' | '.' ) ) // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g: { if ( (input.LA(1) >= '\u0000' && input.LA(1) <= '\b')||(input.LA(1) >= '\u000B' && input.LA(1) <= '\f')||(input.LA(1) >= '\u000E' && input.LA(1) <= '\u001F')||input.LA(1)=='!'||(input.LA(1) >= '#' && input.LA(1) <= '&')||(input.LA(1) >= '(' && input.LA(1) <= '-')||(input.LA(1) >= '/' && input.LA(1) <= '\uFFFF') ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse; } } } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "PICTURE_CHAR" // $ANTLR start "ALPHANUM_LITERAL_STRING" public final void mALPHANUM_LITERAL_STRING() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = ALPHANUM_LITERAL_STRING; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:414:5: ( ( ALPHANUM_LITERAL_FRAGMENT )+ ) // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:414:9: ( ALPHANUM_LITERAL_FRAGMENT )+ { // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:414:9: ( ALPHANUM_LITERAL_FRAGMENT )+ int cnt9=0; loop9: while (true) { int alt9=2; int LA9_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA9_0=='\"'||LA9_0=='\'') ) { alt9=1; } switch (alt9) { case 1 : // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:414:9: ALPHANUM_LITERAL_FRAGMENT { mALPHANUM_LITERAL_FRAGMENT(); } break; default : if ( cnt9 >= 1 ) break loop9; EarlyExitException eee = new EarlyExitException(9, input); throw eee; } cnt9++; } setText(getText().replaceAll("(\\r)?\\n(\\s)*\\-(\\s)*(\"|\')","")); } state.type = _type; = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "ALPHANUM_LITERAL_STRING" // $ANTLR start "ALPHANUM_LITERAL_FRAGMENT" public final void mALPHANUM_LITERAL_FRAGMENT() throws RecognitionException { try { // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:420:5: ( QUOTE ( options {greedy=false; } : . )* ( QUOTE | CONTINUED_ALPHANUM_LITERAL_FRAGMENT ) | APOST ( options {greedy=false; } : . )* ( APOST | CONTINUED_ALPHANUM_LITERAL_FRAGMENT ) ) int alt14=2; int LA14_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA14_0=='\"') ) { alt14=1; } else if ( (LA14_0=='\'') ) { alt14=2; } else { NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 14, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt14) { case 1 : // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:420:9: QUOTE ( options {greedy=false; } : . )* ( QUOTE | CONTINUED_ALPHANUM_LITERAL_FRAGMENT ) { mQUOTE(); // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:420:15: ( options {greedy=false; } : . )* loop10: while (true) { int alt10=2; alt10 = dfa10.predict(input); switch (alt10) { case 1 : // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:420:42: . { matchAny(); } break; default : break loop10; } } // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:420:46: ( QUOTE | CONTINUED_ALPHANUM_LITERAL_FRAGMENT ) int alt11=2; int LA11_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA11_0=='\"') ) { alt11=1; } else if ( (LA11_0=='\n'||LA11_0=='\r') ) { alt11=2; } else { NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 11, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt11) { case 1 : // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:420:48: QUOTE { mQUOTE(); } break; case 2 : // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:420:56: CONTINUED_ALPHANUM_LITERAL_FRAGMENT { mCONTINUED_ALPHANUM_LITERAL_FRAGMENT(); } break; } } break; case 2 : // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:421:9: APOST ( options {greedy=false; } : . )* ( APOST | CONTINUED_ALPHANUM_LITERAL_FRAGMENT ) { mAPOST(); // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:421:15: ( options {greedy=false; } : . )* loop12: while (true) { int alt12=2; alt12 = dfa12.predict(input); switch (alt12) { case 1 : // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:421:42: . { matchAny(); } break; default : break loop12; } } // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:421:46: ( APOST | CONTINUED_ALPHANUM_LITERAL_FRAGMENT ) int alt13=2; int LA13_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA13_0=='\'') ) { alt13=1; } else if ( (LA13_0=='\n'||LA13_0=='\r') ) { alt13=2; } else { NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 13, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt13) { case 1 : // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:421:48: APOST { mAPOST(); } break; case 2 : // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:421:56: CONTINUED_ALPHANUM_LITERAL_FRAGMENT { mCONTINUED_ALPHANUM_LITERAL_FRAGMENT(); } break; } } break; } } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "ALPHANUM_LITERAL_FRAGMENT" // $ANTLR start "CONTINUED_ALPHANUM_LITERAL_FRAGMENT" public final void mCONTINUED_ALPHANUM_LITERAL_FRAGMENT() throws RecognitionException { try { // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:426:3: ( ( ( '\\r' )? '\\n' ) ( SPACE )+ CONTINUATION_CHAR ( SPACE )* ( ALPHANUM_LITERAL_FRAGMENT )+ ) // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:426:6: ( ( '\\r' )? '\\n' ) ( SPACE )+ CONTINUATION_CHAR ( SPACE )* ( ALPHANUM_LITERAL_FRAGMENT )+ { // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:426:6: ( ( '\\r' )? '\\n' ) // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:426:7: ( '\\r' )? '\\n' { // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:426:7: ( '\\r' )? int alt15=2; int LA15_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA15_0=='\r') ) { alt15=1; } switch (alt15) { case 1 : // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:426:7: '\\r' { match('\r'); } break; } match('\n'); } // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:426:19: ( SPACE )+ int cnt16=0; loop16: while (true) { int alt16=2; int LA16_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA16_0=='\t'||LA16_0==' ') ) { alt16=1; } switch (alt16) { case 1 : // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g: { if ( input.LA(1)=='\t'||input.LA(1)==' ' ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse; } } break; default : if ( cnt16 >= 1 ) break loop16; EarlyExitException eee = new EarlyExitException(16, input); throw eee; } cnt16++; } mCONTINUATION_CHAR(); // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:426:44: ( SPACE )* loop17: while (true) { int alt17=2; int LA17_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA17_0=='\t'||LA17_0==' ') ) { alt17=1; } switch (alt17) { case 1 : // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g: { if ( input.LA(1)=='\t'||input.LA(1)==' ' ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse; } } break; default : break loop17; } } // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:426:51: ( ALPHANUM_LITERAL_FRAGMENT )+ int cnt18=0; loop18: while (true) { int alt18=2; int LA18_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA18_0=='\"'||LA18_0=='\'') ) { alt18=1; } switch (alt18) { case 1 : // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:426:51: ALPHANUM_LITERAL_FRAGMENT { mALPHANUM_LITERAL_FRAGMENT(); } break; default : if ( cnt18 >= 1 ) break loop18; EarlyExitException eee = new EarlyExitException(18, input); throw eee; } cnt18++; } } } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "CONTINUED_ALPHANUM_LITERAL_FRAGMENT" // $ANTLR start "CONTINUATION_CHAR" public final void mCONTINUATION_CHAR() throws RecognitionException { try { // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:431:5: ({...}? => '-' ) // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:431:9: {...}? => '-' { if ( !((getCharPositionInLine() == 6)) ) { throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "CONTINUATION_CHAR", "getCharPositionInLine() == 6"); } match('-'); } } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "CONTINUATION_CHAR" // $ANTLR start "HEX_LITERAL_STRING" public final void mHEX_LITERAL_STRING() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = HEX_LITERAL_STRING; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:438:5: ( 'X' ALPHANUM_LITERAL_STRING ) // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:438:9: 'X' ALPHANUM_LITERAL_STRING { match('X'); mALPHANUM_LITERAL_STRING(); } state.type = _type; = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "HEX_LITERAL_STRING" // $ANTLR start "ZERO_LITERAL_STRING" public final void mZERO_LITERAL_STRING() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = ZERO_LITERAL_STRING; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:445:5: ( 'Z' ALPHANUM_LITERAL_STRING ) // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:445:9: 'Z' ALPHANUM_LITERAL_STRING { match('Z'); mALPHANUM_LITERAL_STRING(); } state.type = _type; = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "ZERO_LITERAL_STRING" // $ANTLR start "DBCS_LITERAL_STRING" public final void mDBCS_LITERAL_STRING() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = DBCS_LITERAL_STRING; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:452:5: ( 'G' ALPHANUM_LITERAL_STRING ) // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:452:9: 'G' ALPHANUM_LITERAL_STRING { match('G'); mALPHANUM_LITERAL_STRING(); } state.type = _type; = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "DBCS_LITERAL_STRING" // $ANTLR start "NATIONAL_LITERAL_STRING" public final void mNATIONAL_LITERAL_STRING() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = NATIONAL_LITERAL_STRING; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:459:5: ( 'N' ALPHANUM_LITERAL_STRING ) // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:459:9: 'N' ALPHANUM_LITERAL_STRING { match('N'); mALPHANUM_LITERAL_STRING(); } state.type = _type; = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "NATIONAL_LITERAL_STRING" // $ANTLR start "NATIONAL_HEX_LITERAL_STRING" public final void mNATIONAL_HEX_LITERAL_STRING() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = NATIONAL_HEX_LITERAL_STRING; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:466:5: ( 'NX' ALPHANUM_LITERAL_STRING ) // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:466:9: 'NX' ALPHANUM_LITERAL_STRING { match("NX"); mALPHANUM_LITERAL_STRING(); } state.type = _type; = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "NATIONAL_HEX_LITERAL_STRING" // $ANTLR start "WHITESPACE" public final void mWHITESPACE() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = WHITESPACE; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:474:5: ( ( SPACE )+ ) // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:474:9: ( SPACE )+ { // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:474:9: ( SPACE )+ int cnt19=0; loop19: while (true) { int alt19=2; int LA19_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA19_0=='\t'||LA19_0==' ') ) { alt19=1; } switch (alt19) { case 1 : // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g: { if ( input.LA(1)=='\t'||input.LA(1)==' ' ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse; } } break; default : if ( cnt19 >= 1 ) break loop19; EarlyExitException eee = new EarlyExitException(19, input); throw eee; } cnt19++; } skip(); } state.type = _type; = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "WHITESPACE" // $ANTLR start "NEWLINE" public final void mNEWLINE() throws RecognitionException { try { int _type = NEWLINE; int _channel = DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL; // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:481:5: ( ( ( '\\r' )? '\\n' )+ ) // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:481:9: ( ( '\\r' )? '\\n' )+ { // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:481:9: ( ( '\\r' )? '\\n' )+ int cnt21=0; loop21: while (true) { int alt21=2; int LA21_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA21_0=='\n'||LA21_0=='\r') ) { alt21=1; } switch (alt21) { case 1 : // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:481:10: ( '\\r' )? '\\n' { // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:481:10: ( '\\r' )? int alt20=2; int LA20_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA20_0=='\r') ) { alt20=1; } switch (alt20) { case 1 : // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:481:10: '\\r' { match('\r'); } break; } match('\n'); } break; default : if ( cnt21 >= 1 ) break loop21; EarlyExitException eee = new EarlyExitException(21, input); throw eee; } cnt21++; } skip(); } state.type = _type; = _channel; } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "NEWLINE" // $ANTLR start "LETTER" public final void mLETTER() throws RecognitionException { try { // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:488:21: ( 'A' .. 'Z' | 'a' .. 'z' ) // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g: { if ( (input.LA(1) >= 'A' && input.LA(1) <= 'Z')||(input.LA(1) >= 'a' && input.LA(1) <= 'z') ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse; } } } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "LETTER" // $ANTLR start "SPACE" public final void mSPACE() throws RecognitionException { try { // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:489:21: ( ' ' | '\\t' ) // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g: { if ( input.LA(1)=='\t'||input.LA(1)==' ' ) { input.consume(); } else { MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recover(mse); throw mse; } } } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "SPACE" // $ANTLR start "QUOTE" public final void mQUOTE() throws RecognitionException { try { // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:490:21: ( '\"' ) // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:490:23: '\"' { match('\"'); } } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "QUOTE" // $ANTLR start "APOST" public final void mAPOST() throws RecognitionException { try { // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:491:21: ( '\\'' ) // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:491:23: '\\'' { match('\''); } } finally { // do for sure before leaving } } // $ANTLR end "APOST" @Override public void mTokens() throws RecognitionException { // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:1:8: ( PERIOD | INT | SIGNED_INT | FLOAT_PART2 | DATE_PATTERN | DATA_NAME | PICTURE_PART | ALPHANUM_LITERAL_STRING | HEX_LITERAL_STRING | ZERO_LITERAL_STRING | DBCS_LITERAL_STRING | NATIONAL_LITERAL_STRING | NATIONAL_HEX_LITERAL_STRING | WHITESPACE | NEWLINE ) int alt22=15; alt22 = dfa22.predict(input); switch (alt22) { case 1 : // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:1:10: PERIOD { mPERIOD(); } break; case 2 : // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:1:17: INT { mINT(); } break; case 3 : // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:1:21: SIGNED_INT { mSIGNED_INT(); } break; case 4 : // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:1:32: FLOAT_PART2 { mFLOAT_PART2(); } break; case 5 : // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:1:44: DATE_PATTERN { mDATE_PATTERN(); } break; case 6 : // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:1:57: DATA_NAME { mDATA_NAME(); } break; case 7 : // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:1:67: PICTURE_PART { mPICTURE_PART(); } break; case 8 : // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:1:80: ALPHANUM_LITERAL_STRING { mALPHANUM_LITERAL_STRING(); } break; case 9 : // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:1:104: HEX_LITERAL_STRING { mHEX_LITERAL_STRING(); } break; case 10 : // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:1:123: ZERO_LITERAL_STRING { mZERO_LITERAL_STRING(); } break; case 11 : // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:1:143: DBCS_LITERAL_STRING { mDBCS_LITERAL_STRING(); } break; case 12 : // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:1:163: NATIONAL_LITERAL_STRING { mNATIONAL_LITERAL_STRING(); } break; case 13 : // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:1:187: NATIONAL_HEX_LITERAL_STRING { mNATIONAL_HEX_LITERAL_STRING(); } break; case 14 : // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:1:215: WHITESPACE { mWHITESPACE(); } break; case 15 : // com\\legstar\\cobol\\CobolStructureLexer.g:1:226: NEWLINE { mNEWLINE(); } break; } } protected DFA10 dfa10 = new DFA10(this); protected DFA12 dfa12 = new DFA12(this); protected DFA22 dfa22 = new DFA22(this); static final String DFA10_eotS = "\7\uffff"; static final String DFA10_eofS = "\7\uffff"; static final String DFA10_minS = "\1\0\2\uffff\1\0\1\uffff\1\0\1\uffff"; static final String DFA10_maxS = "\1\uffff\2\uffff\1\uffff\1\uffff\1\uffff\1\uffff"; static final String DFA10_acceptS = "\1\uffff\2\2\1\uffff\1\1\1\uffff\1\2"; static final String DFA10_specialS = "\1\2\2\uffff\1\1\1\uffff\1\0\1\uffff}>"; static final String[] DFA10_transitionS = { "\12\4\1\3\2\4\1\2\24\4\1\1\uffdd\4", "", "", "\11\4\1\5\26\4\1\5\uffdf\4", "", "\11\4\1\5\26\4\1\5\14\4\1\6\uffd2\4", "" }; static final short[] DFA10_eot = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA10_eotS); static final short[] DFA10_eof = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA10_eofS); static final char[] DFA10_min = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA10_minS); static final char[] DFA10_max = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA10_maxS); static final short[] DFA10_accept = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA10_acceptS); static final short[] DFA10_special = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA10_specialS); static final short[][] DFA10_transition; static { int numStates = DFA10_transitionS.length; DFA10_transition = new short[numStates][]; for (int i=0; i= '\u0000' && LA10_5 <= '\b')||(LA10_5 >= '\n' && LA10_5 <= '\u001F')||(LA10_5 >= '!' && LA10_5 <= ',')||(LA10_5 >= '.' && LA10_5 <= '\uFFFF')) ) {s = 4;} if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 1 : int LA10_3 = input.LA(1); s = -1; if ( (LA10_3=='\t'||LA10_3==' ') ) {s = 5;} else if ( ((LA10_3 >= '\u0000' && LA10_3 <= '\b')||(LA10_3 >= '\n' && LA10_3 <= '\u001F')||(LA10_3 >= '!' && LA10_3 <= '\uFFFF')) ) {s = 4;} if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 2 : int LA10_0 = input.LA(1); s = -1; if ( (LA10_0=='\"') ) {s = 1;} else if ( (LA10_0=='\r') ) {s = 2;} else if ( (LA10_0=='\n') ) {s = 3;} else if ( ((LA10_0 >= '\u0000' && LA10_0 <= '\t')||(LA10_0 >= '\u000B' && LA10_0 <= '\f')||(LA10_0 >= '\u000E' && LA10_0 <= '!')||(LA10_0 >= '#' && LA10_0 <= '\uFFFF')) ) {s = 4;} if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; } NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException(getDescription(), 10, _s, input); error(nvae); throw nvae; } } static final String DFA12_eotS = "\7\uffff"; static final String DFA12_eofS = "\7\uffff"; static final String DFA12_minS = "\1\0\2\uffff\1\0\1\uffff\1\0\1\uffff"; static final String DFA12_maxS = "\1\uffff\2\uffff\1\uffff\1\uffff\1\uffff\1\uffff"; static final String DFA12_acceptS = "\1\uffff\2\2\1\uffff\1\1\1\uffff\1\2"; static final String DFA12_specialS = "\1\1\2\uffff\1\0\1\uffff\1\2\1\uffff}>"; static final String[] DFA12_transitionS = { "\12\4\1\3\2\4\1\2\31\4\1\1\uffd8\4", "", "", "\11\4\1\5\26\4\1\5\uffdf\4", "", "\11\4\1\5\26\4\1\5\14\4\1\6\uffd2\4", "" }; static final short[] DFA12_eot = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA12_eotS); static final short[] DFA12_eof = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA12_eofS); static final char[] DFA12_min = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA12_minS); static final char[] DFA12_max = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA12_maxS); static final short[] DFA12_accept = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA12_acceptS); static final short[] DFA12_special = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA12_specialS); static final short[][] DFA12_transition; static { int numStates = DFA12_transitionS.length; DFA12_transition = new short[numStates][]; for (int i=0; i= '\u0000' && LA12_3 <= '\b')||(LA12_3 >= '\n' && LA12_3 <= '\u001F')||(LA12_3 >= '!' && LA12_3 <= '\uFFFF')) ) {s = 4;} if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 1 : int LA12_0 = input.LA(1); s = -1; if ( (LA12_0=='\'') ) {s = 1;} else if ( (LA12_0=='\r') ) {s = 2;} else if ( (LA12_0=='\n') ) {s = 3;} else if ( ((LA12_0 >= '\u0000' && LA12_0 <= '\t')||(LA12_0 >= '\u000B' && LA12_0 <= '\f')||(LA12_0 >= '\u000E' && LA12_0 <= '&')||(LA12_0 >= '(' && LA12_0 <= '\uFFFF')) ) {s = 4;} if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 2 : int LA12_5 = input.LA(1); s = -1; if ( (LA12_5=='-') ) {s = 6;} else if ( (LA12_5=='\t'||LA12_5==' ') ) {s = 5;} else if ( ((LA12_5 >= '\u0000' && LA12_5 <= '\b')||(LA12_5 >= '\n' && LA12_5 <= '\u001F')||(LA12_5 >= '!' && LA12_5 <= ',')||(LA12_5 >= '.' && LA12_5 <= '\uFFFF')) ) {s = 4;} if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; } NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException(getDescription(), 12, _s, input); error(nvae); throw nvae; } } static final String DFA22_eotS = "\2\uffff\1\16\1\6\1\23\1\26\2\uffff\1\23\3\26\3\uffff\1\16\2\26\1\36\1"+ "\uffff\1\23\4\uffff\1\26\1\uffff\1\26\1\40\1\6\3\uffff\1\40"; static final String DFA22_eofS = "\42\uffff"; static final String DFA22_minS = "\1\0\1\uffff\1\0\1\60\2\0\2\uffff\4\0\3\uffff\4\0\1\uffff\1\0\4\uffff"+ "\1\0\1\uffff\2\0\1\60\3\uffff\1\0"; static final String DFA22_maxS = "\1\uffff\1\uffff\1\uffff\1\71\2\uffff\2\uffff\4\uffff\3\uffff\4\uffff"+ "\1\uffff\1\uffff\4\uffff\1\uffff\1\uffff\2\uffff\1\71\3\uffff\1\uffff"; static final String DFA22_acceptS = "\1\uffff\1\1\4\uffff\1\7\1\10\4\uffff\1\16\1\17\1\2\4\uffff\1\5\1\uffff"+ "\1\11\1\6\1\12\1\13\1\uffff\1\14\3\uffff\1\3\1\15\1\4\1\uffff"; static final String DFA22_specialS = "\1\2\1\uffff\1\20\1\uffff\1\3\1\4\2\uffff\1\14\1\11\1\5\1\7\3\uffff\1"+ "\1\1\13\1\0\1\17\1\uffff\1\12\4\uffff\1\16\1\uffff\1\10\1\15\4\uffff\1"+ "\6}>"; static final String[] DFA22_transitionS = { "\11\6\1\14\1\15\2\6\1\15\22\6\1\14\1\6\1\7\4\6\1\7\3\6\1\3\1\6\1\3\1"+ "\1\1\6\12\2\7\6\6\13\1\11\6\13\1\12\11\13\1\4\1\10\1\5\6\6\32\13\uff85"+ "\6", "", "\11\6\2\uffff\2\6\1\uffff\22\6\1\uffff\1\6\1\uffff\4\6\1\uffff\5\6\1"+ "\21\1\uffff\1\6\12\17\7\6\4\21\1\20\25\21\4\6\1\21\1\6\32\21\uff85\6", "\12\22", "\11\6\2\uffff\2\6\1\uffff\22\6\1\uffff\1\6\1\25\4\6\1\25\5\6\1\21\1"+ "\uffff\1\6\12\21\7\6\27\21\2\24\1\21\4\6\1\21\1\6\32\21\uff85\6", "\11\6\2\uffff\2\6\1\uffff\22\6\1\uffff\1\6\1\27\4\6\1\27\5\6\1\21\1"+ "\uffff\1\6\12\21\7\6\32\21\4\6\1\21\1\6\32\21\uff85\6", "", "", "\11\6\2\uffff\2\6\1\uffff\22\6\1\uffff\1\6\1\uffff\4\6\1\uffff\5\6\1"+ "\21\1\uffff\1\6\12\21\7\6\27\21\2\24\1\21\4\6\1\21\1\6\32\21\uff85\6", "\11\6\2\uffff\2\6\1\uffff\22\6\1\uffff\1\6\1\30\4\6\1\30\5\6\1\21\1"+ "\uffff\1\6\12\21\7\6\32\21\4\6\1\21\1\6\32\21\uff85\6", "\11\6\2\uffff\2\6\1\uffff\22\6\1\uffff\1\6\1\32\4\6\1\32\5\6\1\21\1"+ "\uffff\1\6\12\21\7\6\27\21\1\31\2\21\4\6\1\21\1\6\32\21\uff85\6", "\11\6\2\uffff\2\6\1\uffff\22\6\1\uffff\1\6\1\uffff\4\6\1\uffff\5\6\1"+ "\21\1\uffff\1\6\12\21\7\6\32\21\4\6\1\21\1\6\32\21\uff85\6", "", "", "", "\11\6\2\uffff\2\6\1\uffff\22\6\1\uffff\1\6\1\uffff\4\6\1\uffff\5\6\1"+ "\21\1\uffff\1\6\12\17\7\6\4\21\1\20\25\21\4\6\1\21\1\6\32\21\uff85\6", "\11\6\2\uffff\2\6\1\uffff\22\6\1\uffff\1\6\1\uffff\4\6\1\uffff\3\6\1"+ "\35\1\6\1\33\1\uffff\1\6\12\34\7\6\32\21\4\6\1\21\1\6\32\21\uff85\6", "\11\6\2\uffff\2\6\1\uffff\22\6\1\uffff\1\6\1\uffff\4\6\1\uffff\5\6\1"+ "\21\1\uffff\1\6\12\21\7\6\32\21\4\6\1\21\1\6\32\21\uff85\6", "\11\6\2\uffff\2\6\1\uffff\22\6\1\uffff\1\6\1\uffff\4\6\1\uffff\6\6\1"+ "\uffff\1\6\12\22\uffc6\6", "", "\11\6\2\uffff\2\6\1\uffff\22\6\1\uffff\1\6\1\uffff\4\6\1\uffff\5\6\1"+ "\21\1\uffff\1\6\12\21\7\6\27\21\2\24\1\21\4\6\1\21\1\6\32\21\uff85\6", "", "", "", "", "\11\6\2\uffff\2\6\1\uffff\22\6\1\uffff\1\6\1\37\4\6\1\37\5\6\1\21\1"+ "\uffff\1\6\12\21\7\6\32\21\4\6\1\21\1\6\32\21\uff85\6", "", "\11\6\2\uffff\2\6\1\uffff\22\6\1\uffff\1\6\1\uffff\4\6\1\uffff\5\6\1"+ "\21\1\uffff\1\6\12\34\7\6\32\21\4\6\1\21\1\6\32\21\uff85\6", "\11\6\2\uffff\2\6\1\uffff\22\6\1\uffff\1\6\1\uffff\4\6\1\uffff\5\6\1"+ "\21\1\uffff\1\6\12\34\7\6\32\21\4\6\1\21\1\6\32\21\uff85\6", "\12\41", "", "", "", "\11\6\2\uffff\2\6\1\uffff\22\6\1\uffff\1\6\1\uffff\4\6\1\uffff\6\6\1"+ "\uffff\1\6\12\41\uffc6\6" }; static final short[] DFA22_eot = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA22_eotS); static final short[] DFA22_eof = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA22_eofS); static final char[] DFA22_min = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA22_minS); static final char[] DFA22_max = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(DFA22_maxS); static final short[] DFA22_accept = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA22_acceptS); static final short[] DFA22_special = DFA.unpackEncodedString(DFA22_specialS); static final short[][] DFA22_transition; static { int numStates = DFA22_transitionS.length; DFA22_transition = new short[numStates][]; for (int i=0; i= '0' && LA22_17 <= '9')||(LA22_17 >= 'A' && LA22_17 <= 'Z')||LA22_17=='_'||(LA22_17 >= 'a' && LA22_17 <= 'z')) ) {s = 17;} else if ( ((LA22_17 >= '\u0000' && LA22_17 <= '\b')||(LA22_17 >= '\u000B' && LA22_17 <= '\f')||(LA22_17 >= '\u000E' && LA22_17 <= '\u001F')||LA22_17=='!'||(LA22_17 >= '#' && LA22_17 <= '&')||(LA22_17 >= '(' && LA22_17 <= ',')||LA22_17=='/'||(LA22_17 >= ':' && LA22_17 <= '@')||(LA22_17 >= '[' && LA22_17 <= '^')||LA22_17=='`'||(LA22_17 >= '{' && LA22_17 <= '\uFFFF')) ) {s = 6;} else s = 22; if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 1 : int LA22_15 = input.LA(1); s = -1; if ( ((LA22_15 >= '0' && LA22_15 <= '9')) ) {s = 15;} else if ( (LA22_15=='E') ) {s = 16;} else if ( (LA22_15=='-'||(LA22_15 >= 'A' && LA22_15 <= 'D')||(LA22_15 >= 'F' && LA22_15 <= 'Z')||LA22_15=='_'||(LA22_15 >= 'a' && LA22_15 <= 'z')) ) {s = 17;} else if ( ((LA22_15 >= '\u0000' && LA22_15 <= '\b')||(LA22_15 >= '\u000B' && LA22_15 <= '\f')||(LA22_15 >= '\u000E' && LA22_15 <= '\u001F')||LA22_15=='!'||(LA22_15 >= '#' && LA22_15 <= '&')||(LA22_15 >= '(' && LA22_15 <= ',')||LA22_15=='/'||(LA22_15 >= ':' && LA22_15 <= '@')||(LA22_15 >= '[' && LA22_15 <= '^')||LA22_15=='`'||(LA22_15 >= '{' && LA22_15 <= '\uFFFF')) ) {s = 6;} else s = 14; if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 2 : int LA22_0 = input.LA(1); s = -1; if ( (LA22_0=='.') ) {s = 1;} else if ( ((LA22_0 >= '0' && LA22_0 <= '9')) ) {s = 2;} else if ( (LA22_0=='+'||LA22_0=='-') ) {s = 3;} else if ( (LA22_0=='X') ) {s = 4;} else if ( (LA22_0=='Z') ) {s = 5;} else if ( ((LA22_0 >= '\u0000' && LA22_0 <= '\b')||(LA22_0 >= '\u000B' && LA22_0 <= '\f')||(LA22_0 >= '\u000E' && LA22_0 <= '\u001F')||LA22_0=='!'||(LA22_0 >= '#' && LA22_0 <= '&')||(LA22_0 >= '(' && LA22_0 <= '*')||LA22_0==','||LA22_0=='/'||(LA22_0 >= ':' && LA22_0 <= '@')||(LA22_0 >= '[' && LA22_0 <= '`')||(LA22_0 >= '{' && LA22_0 <= '\uFFFF')) ) {s = 6;} else if ( (LA22_0=='\"'||LA22_0=='\'') ) {s = 7;} else if ( (LA22_0=='Y') ) {s = 8;} else if ( (LA22_0=='G') ) {s = 9;} else if ( (LA22_0=='N') ) {s = 10;} else if ( ((LA22_0 >= 'A' && LA22_0 <= 'F')||(LA22_0 >= 'H' && LA22_0 <= 'M')||(LA22_0 >= 'O' && LA22_0 <= 'W')||(LA22_0 >= 'a' && LA22_0 <= 'z')) ) {s = 11;} else if ( (LA22_0=='\t'||LA22_0==' ') ) {s = 12;} else if ( (LA22_0=='\n'||LA22_0=='\r') ) {s = 13;} if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 3 : int LA22_4 = input.LA(1); s = -1; if ( ((LA22_4 >= 'X' && LA22_4 <= 'Y')) ) {s = 20;} else if ( (LA22_4=='-'||(LA22_4 >= '0' && LA22_4 <= '9')||(LA22_4 >= 'A' && LA22_4 <= 'W')||LA22_4=='Z'||LA22_4=='_'||(LA22_4 >= 'a' && LA22_4 <= 'z')) ) {s = 17;} else if ( ((LA22_4 >= '\u0000' && LA22_4 <= '\b')||(LA22_4 >= '\u000B' && LA22_4 <= '\f')||(LA22_4 >= '\u000E' && LA22_4 <= '\u001F')||LA22_4=='!'||(LA22_4 >= '#' && LA22_4 <= '&')||(LA22_4 >= '(' && LA22_4 <= ',')||LA22_4=='/'||(LA22_4 >= ':' && LA22_4 <= '@')||(LA22_4 >= '[' && LA22_4 <= '^')||LA22_4=='`'||(LA22_4 >= '{' && LA22_4 <= '\uFFFF')) ) {s = 6;} else if ( (LA22_4=='\"'||LA22_4=='\'') ) {s = 21;} else s = 19; if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 4 : int LA22_5 = input.LA(1); s = -1; if ( (LA22_5=='-'||(LA22_5 >= '0' && LA22_5 <= '9')||(LA22_5 >= 'A' && LA22_5 <= 'Z')||LA22_5=='_'||(LA22_5 >= 'a' && LA22_5 <= 'z')) ) {s = 17;} else if ( ((LA22_5 >= '\u0000' && LA22_5 <= '\b')||(LA22_5 >= '\u000B' && LA22_5 <= '\f')||(LA22_5 >= '\u000E' && LA22_5 <= '\u001F')||LA22_5=='!'||(LA22_5 >= '#' && LA22_5 <= '&')||(LA22_5 >= '(' && LA22_5 <= ',')||LA22_5=='/'||(LA22_5 >= ':' && LA22_5 <= '@')||(LA22_5 >= '[' && LA22_5 <= '^')||LA22_5=='`'||(LA22_5 >= '{' && LA22_5 <= '\uFFFF')) ) {s = 6;} else if ( (LA22_5=='\"'||LA22_5=='\'') ) {s = 23;} else s = 22; if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 5 : int LA22_10 = input.LA(1); s = -1; if ( (LA22_10=='X') ) {s = 25;} else if ( (LA22_10=='-'||(LA22_10 >= '0' && LA22_10 <= '9')||(LA22_10 >= 'A' && LA22_10 <= 'W')||(LA22_10 >= 'Y' && LA22_10 <= 'Z')||LA22_10=='_'||(LA22_10 >= 'a' && LA22_10 <= 'z')) ) {s = 17;} else if ( ((LA22_10 >= '\u0000' && LA22_10 <= '\b')||(LA22_10 >= '\u000B' && LA22_10 <= '\f')||(LA22_10 >= '\u000E' && LA22_10 <= '\u001F')||LA22_10=='!'||(LA22_10 >= '#' && LA22_10 <= '&')||(LA22_10 >= '(' && LA22_10 <= ',')||LA22_10=='/'||(LA22_10 >= ':' && LA22_10 <= '@')||(LA22_10 >= '[' && LA22_10 <= '^')||LA22_10=='`'||(LA22_10 >= '{' && LA22_10 <= '\uFFFF')) ) {s = 6;} else if ( (LA22_10=='\"'||LA22_10=='\'') ) {s = 26;} else s = 22; if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 6 : int LA22_33 = input.LA(1); s = -1; if ( ((LA22_33 >= '0' && LA22_33 <= '9')) ) {s = 33;} else if ( ((LA22_33 >= '\u0000' && LA22_33 <= '\b')||(LA22_33 >= '\u000B' && LA22_33 <= '\f')||(LA22_33 >= '\u000E' && LA22_33 <= '\u001F')||LA22_33=='!'||(LA22_33 >= '#' && LA22_33 <= '&')||(LA22_33 >= '(' && LA22_33 <= '-')||LA22_33=='/'||(LA22_33 >= ':' && LA22_33 <= '\uFFFF')) ) {s = 6;} else s = 32; if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 7 : int LA22_11 = input.LA(1); s = -1; if ( (LA22_11=='-'||(LA22_11 >= '0' && LA22_11 <= '9')||(LA22_11 >= 'A' && LA22_11 <= 'Z')||LA22_11=='_'||(LA22_11 >= 'a' && LA22_11 <= 'z')) ) {s = 17;} else if ( ((LA22_11 >= '\u0000' && LA22_11 <= '\b')||(LA22_11 >= '\u000B' && LA22_11 <= '\f')||(LA22_11 >= '\u000E' && LA22_11 <= '\u001F')||LA22_11=='!'||(LA22_11 >= '#' && LA22_11 <= '&')||(LA22_11 >= '(' && LA22_11 <= ',')||LA22_11=='/'||(LA22_11 >= ':' && LA22_11 <= '@')||(LA22_11 >= '[' && LA22_11 <= '^')||LA22_11=='`'||(LA22_11 >= '{' && LA22_11 <= '\uFFFF')) ) {s = 6;} else s = 22; if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 8 : int LA22_27 = input.LA(1); s = -1; if ( ((LA22_27 >= '0' && LA22_27 <= '9')) ) {s = 28;} else if ( (LA22_27=='-'||(LA22_27 >= 'A' && LA22_27 <= 'Z')||LA22_27=='_'||(LA22_27 >= 'a' && LA22_27 <= 'z')) ) {s = 17;} else if ( ((LA22_27 >= '\u0000' && LA22_27 <= '\b')||(LA22_27 >= '\u000B' && LA22_27 <= '\f')||(LA22_27 >= '\u000E' && LA22_27 <= '\u001F')||LA22_27=='!'||(LA22_27 >= '#' && LA22_27 <= '&')||(LA22_27 >= '(' && LA22_27 <= ',')||LA22_27=='/'||(LA22_27 >= ':' && LA22_27 <= '@')||(LA22_27 >= '[' && LA22_27 <= '^')||LA22_27=='`'||(LA22_27 >= '{' && LA22_27 <= '\uFFFF')) ) {s = 6;} else s = 22; if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 9 : int LA22_9 = input.LA(1); s = -1; if ( (LA22_9=='-'||(LA22_9 >= '0' && LA22_9 <= '9')||(LA22_9 >= 'A' && LA22_9 <= 'Z')||LA22_9=='_'||(LA22_9 >= 'a' && LA22_9 <= 'z')) ) {s = 17;} else if ( ((LA22_9 >= '\u0000' && LA22_9 <= '\b')||(LA22_9 >= '\u000B' && LA22_9 <= '\f')||(LA22_9 >= '\u000E' && LA22_9 <= '\u001F')||LA22_9=='!'||(LA22_9 >= '#' && LA22_9 <= '&')||(LA22_9 >= '(' && LA22_9 <= ',')||LA22_9=='/'||(LA22_9 >= ':' && LA22_9 <= '@')||(LA22_9 >= '[' && LA22_9 <= '^')||LA22_9=='`'||(LA22_9 >= '{' && LA22_9 <= '\uFFFF')) ) {s = 6;} else if ( (LA22_9=='\"'||LA22_9=='\'') ) {s = 24;} else s = 22; if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 10 : int LA22_20 = input.LA(1); s = -1; if ( ((LA22_20 >= 'X' && LA22_20 <= 'Y')) ) {s = 20;} else if ( (LA22_20=='-'||(LA22_20 >= '0' && LA22_20 <= '9')||(LA22_20 >= 'A' && LA22_20 <= 'W')||LA22_20=='Z'||LA22_20=='_'||(LA22_20 >= 'a' && LA22_20 <= 'z')) ) {s = 17;} else if ( ((LA22_20 >= '\u0000' && LA22_20 <= '\b')||(LA22_20 >= '\u000B' && LA22_20 <= '\f')||(LA22_20 >= '\u000E' && LA22_20 <= '\u001F')||LA22_20=='!'||(LA22_20 >= '#' && LA22_20 <= '&')||(LA22_20 >= '(' && LA22_20 <= ',')||LA22_20=='/'||(LA22_20 >= ':' && LA22_20 <= '@')||(LA22_20 >= '[' && LA22_20 <= '^')||LA22_20=='`'||(LA22_20 >= '{' && LA22_20 <= '\uFFFF')) ) {s = 6;} else s = 19; if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 11 : int LA22_16 = input.LA(1); s = -1; if ( (LA22_16=='-') ) {s = 27;} else if ( ((LA22_16 >= '0' && LA22_16 <= '9')) ) {s = 28;} else if ( (LA22_16=='+') ) {s = 29;} else if ( ((LA22_16 >= 'A' && LA22_16 <= 'Z')||LA22_16=='_'||(LA22_16 >= 'a' && LA22_16 <= 'z')) ) {s = 17;} else if ( ((LA22_16 >= '\u0000' && LA22_16 <= '\b')||(LA22_16 >= '\u000B' && LA22_16 <= '\f')||(LA22_16 >= '\u000E' && LA22_16 <= '\u001F')||LA22_16=='!'||(LA22_16 >= '#' && LA22_16 <= '&')||(LA22_16 >= '(' && LA22_16 <= '*')||LA22_16==','||LA22_16=='/'||(LA22_16 >= ':' && LA22_16 <= '@')||(LA22_16 >= '[' && LA22_16 <= '^')||LA22_16=='`'||(LA22_16 >= '{' && LA22_16 <= '\uFFFF')) ) {s = 6;} else s = 22; if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 12 : int LA22_8 = input.LA(1); s = -1; if ( ((LA22_8 >= 'X' && LA22_8 <= 'Y')) ) {s = 20;} else if ( (LA22_8=='-'||(LA22_8 >= '0' && LA22_8 <= '9')||(LA22_8 >= 'A' && LA22_8 <= 'W')||LA22_8=='Z'||LA22_8=='_'||(LA22_8 >= 'a' && LA22_8 <= 'z')) ) {s = 17;} else if ( ((LA22_8 >= '\u0000' && LA22_8 <= '\b')||(LA22_8 >= '\u000B' && LA22_8 <= '\f')||(LA22_8 >= '\u000E' && LA22_8 <= '\u001F')||LA22_8=='!'||(LA22_8 >= '#' && LA22_8 <= '&')||(LA22_8 >= '(' && LA22_8 <= ',')||LA22_8=='/'||(LA22_8 >= ':' && LA22_8 <= '@')||(LA22_8 >= '[' && LA22_8 <= '^')||LA22_8=='`'||(LA22_8 >= '{' && LA22_8 <= '\uFFFF')) ) {s = 6;} else s = 19; if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 13 : int LA22_28 = input.LA(1); s = -1; if ( ((LA22_28 >= '0' && LA22_28 <= '9')) ) {s = 28;} else if ( (LA22_28=='-'||(LA22_28 >= 'A' && LA22_28 <= 'Z')||LA22_28=='_'||(LA22_28 >= 'a' && LA22_28 <= 'z')) ) {s = 17;} else if ( ((LA22_28 >= '\u0000' && LA22_28 <= '\b')||(LA22_28 >= '\u000B' && LA22_28 <= '\f')||(LA22_28 >= '\u000E' && LA22_28 <= '\u001F')||LA22_28=='!'||(LA22_28 >= '#' && LA22_28 <= '&')||(LA22_28 >= '(' && LA22_28 <= ',')||LA22_28=='/'||(LA22_28 >= ':' && LA22_28 <= '@')||(LA22_28 >= '[' && LA22_28 <= '^')||LA22_28=='`'||(LA22_28 >= '{' && LA22_28 <= '\uFFFF')) ) {s = 6;} else s = 32; if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 14 : int LA22_25 = input.LA(1); s = -1; if ( (LA22_25=='\"'||LA22_25=='\'') ) {s = 31;} else if ( (LA22_25=='-'||(LA22_25 >= '0' && LA22_25 <= '9')||(LA22_25 >= 'A' && LA22_25 <= 'Z')||LA22_25=='_'||(LA22_25 >= 'a' && LA22_25 <= 'z')) ) {s = 17;} else if ( ((LA22_25 >= '\u0000' && LA22_25 <= '\b')||(LA22_25 >= '\u000B' && LA22_25 <= '\f')||(LA22_25 >= '\u000E' && LA22_25 <= '\u001F')||LA22_25=='!'||(LA22_25 >= '#' && LA22_25 <= '&')||(LA22_25 >= '(' && LA22_25 <= ',')||LA22_25=='/'||(LA22_25 >= ':' && LA22_25 <= '@')||(LA22_25 >= '[' && LA22_25 <= '^')||LA22_25=='`'||(LA22_25 >= '{' && LA22_25 <= '\uFFFF')) ) {s = 6;} else s = 22; if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 15 : int LA22_18 = input.LA(1); s = -1; if ( ((LA22_18 >= '0' && LA22_18 <= '9')) ) {s = 18;} else if ( ((LA22_18 >= '\u0000' && LA22_18 <= '\b')||(LA22_18 >= '\u000B' && LA22_18 <= '\f')||(LA22_18 >= '\u000E' && LA22_18 <= '\u001F')||LA22_18=='!'||(LA22_18 >= '#' && LA22_18 <= '&')||(LA22_18 >= '(' && LA22_18 <= '-')||LA22_18=='/'||(LA22_18 >= ':' && LA22_18 <= '\uFFFF')) ) {s = 6;} else s = 30; if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; case 16 : int LA22_2 = input.LA(1); s = -1; if ( ((LA22_2 >= '0' && LA22_2 <= '9')) ) {s = 15;} else if ( (LA22_2=='E') ) {s = 16;} else if ( (LA22_2=='-'||(LA22_2 >= 'A' && LA22_2 <= 'D')||(LA22_2 >= 'F' && LA22_2 <= 'Z')||LA22_2=='_'||(LA22_2 >= 'a' && LA22_2 <= 'z')) ) {s = 17;} else if ( ((LA22_2 >= '\u0000' && LA22_2 <= '\b')||(LA22_2 >= '\u000B' && LA22_2 <= '\f')||(LA22_2 >= '\u000E' && LA22_2 <= '\u001F')||LA22_2=='!'||(LA22_2 >= '#' && LA22_2 <= '&')||(LA22_2 >= '(' && LA22_2 <= ',')||LA22_2=='/'||(LA22_2 >= ':' && LA22_2 <= '@')||(LA22_2 >= '[' && LA22_2 <= '^')||LA22_2=='`'||(LA22_2 >= '{' && LA22_2 <= '\uFFFF')) ) {s = 6;} else s = 14; if ( s>=0 ) return s; break; } NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException(getDescription(), 22, _s, input); error(nvae); throw nvae; } } }

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