com.legstar.coxb.util.NameUtil Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) 2011 LegSem.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License v2.1
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
* Contributors:
* LegSem - initial API and implementation
package com.legstar.coxb.util;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
* Utilities that are common to the binding API and dependents.
* Part of this code is more or less a clone of Sun's
* com.sun.xml.bind.api.impl.NameUtil
* It's just that dragging the entire jaxb-impl as a dependency just to get the
* naming right is overkill.
* The jaxb-impl dependency is a real pain since it is now included in JRE and
* brings in all forms of version conflicts.
public final class NameUtil {
// the 5-category classification that we use in this code
// to find work breaks
/** Upper case letters. */
private static final int UPPER_LETTER = 0;
/** Lower case letters. */
private static final int LOWER_LETTER = 1;
/** Other letters. */
private static final int OTHER_LETTER = 2;
/** Digits letters. */
private static final int DIGIT = 3;
/** Yet others (Non digit, non letter). */
private static final int OTHER = 4;
/** All reserved keywords of Java. */
private static HashSet < String > reservedKeywords = new HashSet < String >();
static {
// see
// http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/_keywords.html
String[] words = new String[] {
// technically these are not reserved words but they cannot be
// used as identifiers.
// and I believe assert is also a new keyword
// and 5.0 keywords
for (String word : words) {
* A utility class.
private NameUtil() {
* This utility method is used to suppress the need for @SuppressWarnings
* when we cast objects to List < ? >.
* @param the list type
* @param x the object to cast
* @return a list object
public static < T > T cast(final Object x) {
return (T) x;
* Look up table for actions.
* type0*5+type1 would yield the action to be taken.
private static final byte[] ACTION_TABLE = new byte[5 * 5];
/** initialize the action table */
static {
for (int t0 = 0; t0 < 5; t0++) {
for (int t1 = 0; t1 < 5; t1++) {
ACTION_TABLE[t0 * 5 + t1] = decideAction(t0, t1);
/** Need to check if this is a punctuation. */
private static final byte ACTION_CHECK_PUNCT = 0;
/** Need to check if this next character is lower case. */
private static final byte ACTION_CHECK_C2 = 1;
/** Process a break. */
private static final byte ACTION_BREAK = 2;
/** No break action. */
private static final byte ACTION_NOBREAK = 3;
* Decide the action to be taken given
* the classification of the preceding character 't0' and
* the classification of the next character 't1'.
* @param t0 the previous character class
* @param t1 the current character class
* @return what action to perform
private static byte decideAction(final int t0, final int t1) {
if (t0 == OTHER && t1 == OTHER) {
if (!xor(t0 == DIGIT, t1 == DIGIT)) {
if (t0 == LOWER_LETTER && t1 != LOWER_LETTER) {
if (!xor(t0 <= OTHER_LETTER, t1 <= OTHER_LETTER)) {
if (!xor(t0 == OTHER_LETTER, t1 == OTHER_LETTER)) {
if (t0 == UPPER_LETTER && t1 == UPPER_LETTER) {
* XOR function.
* @param x first operand
* @param y second operand
* @return true if both operands are true or both are false,
* false otherwise
private static boolean xor(final boolean x, final boolean y) {
return (x && y) || (!x && !y);
* Determine if character is punctuation.
* @param c the character
* @return true if punctuation
public static boolean isPunct(final char c) {
return c == '-'
|| c == '.'
|| c == ':'
|| c == '_'
|| c == '\u00b7'
|| c == '\u0387'
|| c == '\u06dd'
|| c == '\u06de';
* Determine if character is lowercase.
* @param c the character to test
* @return true if lower case
protected static boolean isLower(final char c) {
return c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' || Character.isLowerCase(c);
* Returns a JAXB compatible variable name.
* @param s the original string
* @return a java variable name
public static String toVariableName(final String s) {
return toMixedCaseName(toWordList(s), false);
* Returns a JAXB compatible class name.
* @param s the original string
* @return a java class name
public static String toClassName(final String s) {
return toMixedCaseName(toWordList(s), true);
* Tokenizes a string into words and capitalizes the first
* character of each word.
* @param s the original word
* @return an array of subwords
* This method uses a change in character type as a splitter of two
* words. For example, "abc100ghi" will be splitted into {"Abc",
* "100","Ghi"}.
public static List < String > toWordList(final String s) {
ArrayList < String > ss = new ArrayList < String >();
int n = s.length();
for (int i = 0; i < n;) {
// Skip punctuation
while (i < n) {
if (!isPunct(s.charAt(i))) {
if (i >= n) {
// Find next break and collect word
int b = nextBreak(s, i);
String w = (b == -1) ? s.substring(i) : s.substring(i, b);
if (b == -1) {
i = b;
// we can't guarantee a valid Java identifier anyway,
// so there's not much point in rejecting things in this way.
// if (ss.size() == 0)
// throw new IllegalArgumentException("Zero-length identifier");
return ss;
* Capitalizes the first character of the specified string,
* and de-capitalize the rest of characters.
* @param s the original word
* @return the capitalized word
public static String capitalize(final String s) {
if (!isLower(s.charAt(0))) {
return s;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(s.length());
return sb.toString();
* Lookup the next break.
* Precondition: s[start] is not punctuation
* @param s the original word
* @param start where to start looking
* @return position of next break
private static int nextBreak(final String s, final int start) {
int n = s.length();
char c1 = s.charAt(start);
int t1 = classify(c1);
for (int i = start + 1; i < n; i++) {
// shift (c1,t1) into (c0,t0)
// char c0 = c1; --- conceptually, but c0 won't be used
int t0 = t1;
c1 = s.charAt(i);
t1 = classify(c1);
switch (ACTION_TABLE[t0 * 5 + t1]) {
if (isPunct(c1)) {
return i;
if (i < n - 1) {
char c2 = s.charAt(i + 1);
if (isLower(c2)) {
return i;
return i;
return -1;
* Concatenates the pieces into a mixed case name.
* @param ss the array of strings to concatenate
* @param startUpper leaves casing unchanged of true, otherwise
* lowercases the first sequence
* @return the combined mixed cas word
public static String toMixedCaseName(
final List < String > ss, final boolean startUpper) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (!ss.isEmpty()) {
sb.append(startUpper ? ss.get(0) : ss.get(0).toLowerCase());
for (int i = 1; i < ss.size(); i++) {
return sb.toString();
* Escapes characters that are unusable as Java identifiers
* by replacing unsafe characters with safe characters.
* @param s the original word
* @return the escaped string
private static String escape(final String s) {
int n = s.length();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(s.charAt(i))) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(s.substring(0, i));
escape(sb, s, i);
return sb.toString();
return s;
* Escapes characters is the given string so that they can be
* printed by only using US-ASCII characters.
* The escaped characters will be appended to the given
* StringBuffer.
* @param sb
* StringBuffer that receives escaped string.
* @param s
* String to be escaped. s.substring(start)
will be
* escaped and copied to the string buffer.
* @param start where to start
private static void escape(
final StringBuilder sb, final String s, final int start) {
int n = s.length();
for (int i = start; i < n; i++) {
char c = s.charAt(i);
if (Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(c)) {
} else {
if (c <= '\u000f') {
} else if (c <= '\u00ff') {
} else if (c <= '\u0fff') {
sb.append(Integer.toString(c, 16));
* Classify a character into 5 categories that determine the word break.
* @param c0 character to classify
* @return the character class
private static int classify(final char c0) {
switch (Character.getType(c0)) {
case Character.UPPERCASE_LETTER:
case Character.LOWERCASE_LETTER:
case Character.TITLECASE_LETTER:
case Character.MODIFIER_LETTER:
case Character.OTHER_LETTER:
return DIGIT;
return OTHER;
* Return the first character as a lower case character.
* @param str the string from which character must be extracted
* @return first character lower cased
public static String lowerFirstChar(final String str) {
if (str == null || str.length() == 0) {
return null;
return str.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault());
* Return the first character as a upper case character.
* @param str the string from which character must be extracted
* @return first character upper cased
public static String upperFirstChar(final String str) {
if (str == null || str.length() == 0) {
return null;
return str.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase(Locale.getDefault());
* Checks if a given string is usable as a Java identifier.
* @param s a character string
* @return true if valid java identifier
public static boolean isJavaIdentifier(final String s) {
if (s.length() == 0) {
return false;
if (reservedKeywords.contains(s)) {
return false;
if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(s.charAt(0))) {
return false;
for (int i = 1; i < s.length(); i++) {
if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(s.charAt(i))) {
return false;
return true;
* -------------------------------------------------------------------
* Clone from com.sun.xml.bind.api.impl.NameConverter#Standard
* -------------------------------------------------------------------
* .
* Computes a Java package name from a namespace URI,
* as specified in the spec.
* @param uri the target namespace
* @return
* null if it fails to derive a package name.
public static String toPackageName(final String uri) {
String nsUri = uri;
// remove scheme and :, if present
// spec only requires us to remove 'http' and 'urn'...
int idx = nsUri.indexOf(':');
String scheme = "";
if (idx >= 0) {
scheme = nsUri.substring(0, idx);
if (scheme.equalsIgnoreCase("http")
|| scheme.equalsIgnoreCase("urn")) {
nsUri = nsUri.substring(idx + 1);
// tokenize string
ArrayList < String > tokens = tokenize(nsUri, "/: ");
if (tokens.size() == 0) {
return null;
// remove trailing file type, if necessary
if (tokens.size() > 1) {
// for uri's like "www.foo.com" and "foo.com", there is no trailing
// file, so there's no need to look at the last '.' and substring
// otherwise, we loose the "com" (which would be wrong)
String lastToken = tokens.get(tokens.size() - 1);
idx = lastToken.lastIndexOf('.');
if (idx > 0) {
lastToken = lastToken.substring(0, idx);
tokens.set(tokens.size() - 1, lastToken);
// tokenize domain name and reverse. Also remove :port if it exists
String domain = tokens.get(0);
idx = domain.indexOf(':');
if (idx >= 0) {
domain = domain.substring(0, idx);
ArrayList < String > r = reverse(tokenize(domain,
scheme.equals("urn") ? ".-" : "."));
if (r.get(r.size() - 1).equalsIgnoreCase("www")) {
// remove leading www
r.remove(r.size() - 1);
// replace the domain name with tokenized items
tokens.addAll(1, r);
// iterate through the tokens and apply xml->java name algorithm
for (int i = 0; i < tokens.size(); i++) {
// get the token and remove illegal chars
String token = tokens.get(i);
token = removeIllegalIdentifierChars(token);
// this will check for reserved keywords
if (!NameUtil.isJavaIdentifier(token)) {
token = '_' + token;
tokens.set(i, token.toLowerCase());
// concat all the pieces and return it
return combine(tokens, '.');
* Tokenize a string where tokens are separated by separator.
* @param str the string to process
* @param sep the separator to look for
* @return a list of tokens
private static ArrayList < String > tokenize(final String str,
final String sep) {
StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(str, sep);
ArrayList < String > r = new ArrayList < String >();
while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) {
return r;
* Reverse order of elements in a list.
* @param the elements type
* @param a a list of elements
* @return a list in reverse order
private static < T > ArrayList < T > reverse(final List < T > a) {
ArrayList < T > r = new ArrayList < T >();
for (int i = a.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
return r;
* Combine elements from a list using separator.
* @param r the elements list
* @param sep the separator
* @return a combined string
private static String combine(final List < ? > r, final char sep) {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(r.get(0).toString());
for (int i = 1; i < r.size(); i++) {
return buf.toString();
* Remove illegal java identifiers.
* @param token the character string to process
* @return a clean string
private static String removeIllegalIdentifierChars(final String token) {
StringBuffer newToken = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < token.length(); i++) {
char c = token.charAt(i);
if (i == 0 && !Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(c)) {
// prefix an '_' if the first char is illegal
} else if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(c)) {
// replace the char with an '_' if it is illegal
} else {
// add the legal char
return newToken.toString();