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com.liferay.portal.model.impl.AddressModelImpl Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright (c) 2000-present Liferay, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
 * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
 * any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
 * details.

package com.liferay.portal.model.impl;

import aQute.bnd.annotation.ProviderType;

import com.liferay.expando.kernel.model.ExpandoBridge;
import com.liferay.expando.kernel.util.ExpandoBridgeFactoryUtil;
import com.liferay.exportimport.kernel.lar.StagedModelType;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.bean.AutoEscapeBeanHandler;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.json.JSON;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.model.Address;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.model.AddressModel;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.model.AddressSoap;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.model.CacheModel;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.model.ModelWrapper;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.model.User;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.model.impl.BaseModelImpl;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ServiceContext;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.UserLocalServiceUtil;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.DateUtil;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.GetterUtil;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.PortalUtil;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.ProxyUtil;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.StringBundler;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.Validator;


import java.sql.Types;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.Function;

 * The base model implementation for the Address service. Represents a row in the "Address" database table, with each column mapped to a property of this class.

* This implementation and its corresponding interface AddressModel exist only as a container for the default property accessors generated by ServiceBuilder. Helper methods and all application logic should be put in {@link AddressImpl}. *

* * @author Brian Wing Shun Chan * @see AddressImpl * @generated */ @JSON(strict = true) @ProviderType public class AddressModelImpl extends BaseModelImpl
implements AddressModel { /* * NOTE FOR DEVELOPERS: * * Never modify or reference this class directly. All methods that expect a address model instance should use the Address interface instead. */ public static final String TABLE_NAME = "Address"; public static final Object[][] TABLE_COLUMNS = { {"mvccVersion", Types.BIGINT}, {"uuid_", Types.VARCHAR}, {"addressId", Types.BIGINT}, {"companyId", Types.BIGINT}, {"userId", Types.BIGINT}, {"userName", Types.VARCHAR}, {"createDate", Types.TIMESTAMP}, {"modifiedDate", Types.TIMESTAMP}, {"classNameId", Types.BIGINT}, {"classPK", Types.BIGINT}, {"street1", Types.VARCHAR}, {"street2", Types.VARCHAR}, {"street3", Types.VARCHAR}, {"city", Types.VARCHAR}, {"zip", Types.VARCHAR}, {"regionId", Types.BIGINT}, {"countryId", Types.BIGINT}, {"typeId", Types.BIGINT}, {"mailing", Types.BOOLEAN}, {"primary_", Types.BOOLEAN} }; public static final Map TABLE_COLUMNS_MAP = new HashMap(); static { TABLE_COLUMNS_MAP.put("mvccVersion", Types.BIGINT); TABLE_COLUMNS_MAP.put("uuid_", Types.VARCHAR); TABLE_COLUMNS_MAP.put("addressId", Types.BIGINT); TABLE_COLUMNS_MAP.put("companyId", Types.BIGINT); TABLE_COLUMNS_MAP.put("userId", Types.BIGINT); TABLE_COLUMNS_MAP.put("userName", Types.VARCHAR); TABLE_COLUMNS_MAP.put("createDate", Types.TIMESTAMP); TABLE_COLUMNS_MAP.put("modifiedDate", Types.TIMESTAMP); TABLE_COLUMNS_MAP.put("classNameId", Types.BIGINT); TABLE_COLUMNS_MAP.put("classPK", Types.BIGINT); TABLE_COLUMNS_MAP.put("street1", Types.VARCHAR); TABLE_COLUMNS_MAP.put("street2", Types.VARCHAR); TABLE_COLUMNS_MAP.put("street3", Types.VARCHAR); TABLE_COLUMNS_MAP.put("city", Types.VARCHAR); TABLE_COLUMNS_MAP.put("zip", Types.VARCHAR); TABLE_COLUMNS_MAP.put("regionId", Types.BIGINT); TABLE_COLUMNS_MAP.put("countryId", Types.BIGINT); TABLE_COLUMNS_MAP.put("typeId", Types.BIGINT); TABLE_COLUMNS_MAP.put("mailing", Types.BOOLEAN); TABLE_COLUMNS_MAP.put("primary_", Types.BOOLEAN); } public static final String TABLE_SQL_CREATE = "create table Address (mvccVersion LONG default 0 not null,uuid_ VARCHAR(75) null,addressId LONG not null primary key,companyId LONG,userId LONG,userName VARCHAR(75) null,createDate DATE null,modifiedDate DATE null,classNameId LONG,classPK LONG,street1 VARCHAR(75) null,street2 VARCHAR(75) null,street3 VARCHAR(75) null,city VARCHAR(75) null,zip VARCHAR(75) null,regionId LONG,countryId LONG,typeId LONG,mailing BOOLEAN,primary_ BOOLEAN)"; public static final String TABLE_SQL_DROP = "drop table Address"; public static final String ORDER_BY_JPQL = " ORDER BY address.createDate ASC"; public static final String ORDER_BY_SQL = " ORDER BY Address.createDate ASC"; public static final String DATA_SOURCE = "liferayDataSource"; public static final String SESSION_FACTORY = "liferaySessionFactory"; public static final String TX_MANAGER = "liferayTransactionManager"; public static final boolean ENTITY_CACHE_ENABLED = GetterUtil.getBoolean( com.liferay.portal.util.PropsUtil.get( ""), true); public static final boolean FINDER_CACHE_ENABLED = GetterUtil.getBoolean( com.liferay.portal.util.PropsUtil.get( ""), true); public static final boolean COLUMN_BITMASK_ENABLED = GetterUtil.getBoolean( com.liferay.portal.util.PropsUtil.get( ""), true); public static final long CLASSNAMEID_COLUMN_BITMASK = 1L; public static final long CLASSPK_COLUMN_BITMASK = 2L; public static final long COMPANYID_COLUMN_BITMASK = 4L; public static final long MAILING_COLUMN_BITMASK = 8L; public static final long PRIMARY_COLUMN_BITMASK = 16L; public static final long USERID_COLUMN_BITMASK = 32L; public static final long UUID_COLUMN_BITMASK = 64L; public static final long CREATEDATE_COLUMN_BITMASK = 128L; /** * Converts the soap model instance into a normal model instance. * * @param soapModel the soap model instance to convert * @return the normal model instance */ public static Address toModel(AddressSoap soapModel) { if (soapModel == null) { return null; } Address model = new AddressImpl(); model.setMvccVersion(soapModel.getMvccVersion()); model.setUuid(soapModel.getUuid()); model.setAddressId(soapModel.getAddressId()); model.setCompanyId(soapModel.getCompanyId()); model.setUserId(soapModel.getUserId()); model.setUserName(soapModel.getUserName()); model.setCreateDate(soapModel.getCreateDate()); model.setModifiedDate(soapModel.getModifiedDate()); model.setClassNameId(soapModel.getClassNameId()); model.setClassPK(soapModel.getClassPK()); model.setStreet1(soapModel.getStreet1()); model.setStreet2(soapModel.getStreet2()); model.setStreet3(soapModel.getStreet3()); model.setCity(soapModel.getCity()); model.setZip(soapModel.getZip()); model.setRegionId(soapModel.getRegionId()); model.setCountryId(soapModel.getCountryId()); model.setTypeId(soapModel.getTypeId()); model.setMailing(soapModel.isMailing()); model.setPrimary(soapModel.isPrimary()); return model; } /** * Converts the soap model instances into normal model instances. * * @param soapModels the soap model instances to convert * @return the normal model instances */ public static List
toModels(AddressSoap[] soapModels) { if (soapModels == null) { return null; } List
models = new ArrayList
(soapModels.length); for (AddressSoap soapModel : soapModels) { models.add(toModel(soapModel)); } return models; } public static final long LOCK_EXPIRATION_TIME = GetterUtil.getLong( com.liferay.portal.util.PropsUtil.get( "")); public AddressModelImpl() { } @Override public long getPrimaryKey() { return _addressId; } @Override public void setPrimaryKey(long primaryKey) { setAddressId(primaryKey); } @Override public Serializable getPrimaryKeyObj() { return _addressId; } @Override public void setPrimaryKeyObj(Serializable primaryKeyObj) { setPrimaryKey(((Long)primaryKeyObj).longValue()); } @Override public Class getModelClass() { return Address.class; } @Override public String getModelClassName() { return Address.class.getName(); } @Override public Map getModelAttributes() { Map attributes = new HashMap(); Map> attributeGetterFunctions = getAttributeGetterFunctions(); for (Map.Entry> entry : attributeGetterFunctions.entrySet()) { String attributeName = entry.getKey(); Function attributeGetterFunction = entry.getValue(); attributes.put( attributeName, attributeGetterFunction.apply((Address)this)); } attributes.put("entityCacheEnabled", isEntityCacheEnabled()); attributes.put("finderCacheEnabled", isFinderCacheEnabled()); return attributes; } @Override public void setModelAttributes(Map attributes) { Map> attributeSetterBiConsumers = getAttributeSetterBiConsumers(); for (Map.Entry entry : attributes.entrySet()) { String attributeName = entry.getKey(); BiConsumer attributeSetterBiConsumer = attributeSetterBiConsumers.get(attributeName); if (attributeSetterBiConsumer != null) { attributeSetterBiConsumer.accept( (Address)this, entry.getValue()); } } } public Map> getAttributeGetterFunctions() { return _attributeGetterFunctions; } public Map> getAttributeSetterBiConsumers() { return _attributeSetterBiConsumers; } private static final Map> _attributeGetterFunctions; private static final Map> _attributeSetterBiConsumers; static { Map> attributeGetterFunctions = new LinkedHashMap>(); Map> attributeSetterBiConsumers = new LinkedHashMap>(); attributeGetterFunctions.put( "mvccVersion", new Function() { @Override public Object apply(Address address) { return address.getMvccVersion(); } }); attributeSetterBiConsumers.put( "mvccVersion", new BiConsumer() { @Override public void accept(Address address, Object mvccVersion) { address.setMvccVersion((Long)mvccVersion); } }); attributeGetterFunctions.put( "uuid", new Function() { @Override public Object apply(Address address) { return address.getUuid(); } }); attributeSetterBiConsumers.put( "uuid", new BiConsumer() { @Override public void accept(Address address, Object uuid) { address.setUuid((String)uuid); } }); attributeGetterFunctions.put( "addressId", new Function() { @Override public Object apply(Address address) { return address.getAddressId(); } }); attributeSetterBiConsumers.put( "addressId", new BiConsumer() { @Override public void accept(Address address, Object addressId) { address.setAddressId((Long)addressId); } }); attributeGetterFunctions.put( "companyId", new Function() { @Override public Object apply(Address address) { return address.getCompanyId(); } }); attributeSetterBiConsumers.put( "companyId", new BiConsumer() { @Override public void accept(Address address, Object companyId) { address.setCompanyId((Long)companyId); } }); attributeGetterFunctions.put( "userId", new Function() { @Override public Object apply(Address address) { return address.getUserId(); } }); attributeSetterBiConsumers.put( "userId", new BiConsumer() { @Override public void accept(Address address, Object userId) { address.setUserId((Long)userId); } }); attributeGetterFunctions.put( "userName", new Function() { @Override public Object apply(Address address) { return address.getUserName(); } }); attributeSetterBiConsumers.put( "userName", new BiConsumer() { @Override public void accept(Address address, Object userName) { address.setUserName((String)userName); } }); attributeGetterFunctions.put( "createDate", new Function() { @Override public Object apply(Address address) { return address.getCreateDate(); } }); attributeSetterBiConsumers.put( "createDate", new BiConsumer() { @Override public void accept(Address address, Object createDate) { address.setCreateDate((Date)createDate); } }); attributeGetterFunctions.put( "modifiedDate", new Function() { @Override public Object apply(Address address) { return address.getModifiedDate(); } }); attributeSetterBiConsumers.put( "modifiedDate", new BiConsumer() { @Override public void accept(Address address, Object modifiedDate) { address.setModifiedDate((Date)modifiedDate); } }); attributeGetterFunctions.put( "classNameId", new Function() { @Override public Object apply(Address address) { return address.getClassNameId(); } }); attributeSetterBiConsumers.put( "classNameId", new BiConsumer() { @Override public void accept(Address address, Object classNameId) { address.setClassNameId((Long)classNameId); } }); attributeGetterFunctions.put( "classPK", new Function() { @Override public Object apply(Address address) { return address.getClassPK(); } }); attributeSetterBiConsumers.put( "classPK", new BiConsumer() { @Override public void accept(Address address, Object classPK) { address.setClassPK((Long)classPK); } }); attributeGetterFunctions.put( "street1", new Function() { @Override public Object apply(Address address) { return address.getStreet1(); } }); attributeSetterBiConsumers.put( "street1", new BiConsumer() { @Override public void accept(Address address, Object street1) { address.setStreet1((String)street1); } }); attributeGetterFunctions.put( "street2", new Function() { @Override public Object apply(Address address) { return address.getStreet2(); } }); attributeSetterBiConsumers.put( "street2", new BiConsumer() { @Override public void accept(Address address, Object street2) { address.setStreet2((String)street2); } }); attributeGetterFunctions.put( "street3", new Function() { @Override public Object apply(Address address) { return address.getStreet3(); } }); attributeSetterBiConsumers.put( "street3", new BiConsumer() { @Override public void accept(Address address, Object street3) { address.setStreet3((String)street3); } }); attributeGetterFunctions.put( "city", new Function() { @Override public Object apply(Address address) { return address.getCity(); } }); attributeSetterBiConsumers.put( "city", new BiConsumer() { @Override public void accept(Address address, Object city) { address.setCity((String)city); } }); attributeGetterFunctions.put( "zip", new Function() { @Override public Object apply(Address address) { return address.getZip(); } }); attributeSetterBiConsumers.put( "zip", new BiConsumer() { @Override public void accept(Address address, Object zip) { address.setZip((String)zip); } }); attributeGetterFunctions.put( "regionId", new Function() { @Override public Object apply(Address address) { return address.getRegionId(); } }); attributeSetterBiConsumers.put( "regionId", new BiConsumer() { @Override public void accept(Address address, Object regionId) { address.setRegionId((Long)regionId); } }); attributeGetterFunctions.put( "countryId", new Function() { @Override public Object apply(Address address) { return address.getCountryId(); } }); attributeSetterBiConsumers.put( "countryId", new BiConsumer() { @Override public void accept(Address address, Object countryId) { address.setCountryId((Long)countryId); } }); attributeGetterFunctions.put( "typeId", new Function() { @Override public Object apply(Address address) { return address.getTypeId(); } }); attributeSetterBiConsumers.put( "typeId", new BiConsumer() { @Override public void accept(Address address, Object typeId) { address.setTypeId((Long)typeId); } }); attributeGetterFunctions.put( "mailing", new Function() { @Override public Object apply(Address address) { return address.getMailing(); } }); attributeSetterBiConsumers.put( "mailing", new BiConsumer() { @Override public void accept(Address address, Object mailing) { address.setMailing((Boolean)mailing); } }); attributeGetterFunctions.put( "primary", new Function() { @Override public Object apply(Address address) { return address.getPrimary(); } }); attributeSetterBiConsumers.put( "primary", new BiConsumer() { @Override public void accept(Address address, Object primary) { address.setPrimary((Boolean)primary); } }); _attributeGetterFunctions = Collections.unmodifiableMap( attributeGetterFunctions); _attributeSetterBiConsumers = Collections.unmodifiableMap( (Map)attributeSetterBiConsumers); } @JSON @Override public long getMvccVersion() { return _mvccVersion; } @Override public void setMvccVersion(long mvccVersion) { _mvccVersion = mvccVersion; } @JSON @Override public String getUuid() { if (_uuid == null) { return ""; } else { return _uuid; } } @Override public void setUuid(String uuid) { _columnBitmask |= UUID_COLUMN_BITMASK; if (_originalUuid == null) { _originalUuid = _uuid; } _uuid = uuid; } public String getOriginalUuid() { return GetterUtil.getString(_originalUuid); } @JSON @Override public long getAddressId() { return _addressId; } @Override public void setAddressId(long addressId) { _addressId = addressId; } @JSON @Override public long getCompanyId() { return _companyId; } @Override public void setCompanyId(long companyId) { _columnBitmask |= COMPANYID_COLUMN_BITMASK; if (!_setOriginalCompanyId) { _setOriginalCompanyId = true; _originalCompanyId = _companyId; } _companyId = companyId; } public long getOriginalCompanyId() { return _originalCompanyId; } @JSON @Override public long getUserId() { return _userId; } @Override public void setUserId(long userId) { _columnBitmask |= USERID_COLUMN_BITMASK; if (!_setOriginalUserId) { _setOriginalUserId = true; _originalUserId = _userId; } _userId = userId; } @Override public String getUserUuid() { try { User user = UserLocalServiceUtil.getUserById(getUserId()); return user.getUuid(); } catch (PortalException pe) { return ""; } } @Override public void setUserUuid(String userUuid) { } public long getOriginalUserId() { return _originalUserId; } @JSON @Override public String getUserName() { if (_userName == null) { return ""; } else { return _userName; } } @Override public void setUserName(String userName) { _userName = userName; } @JSON @Override public Date getCreateDate() { return _createDate; } @Override public void setCreateDate(Date createDate) { _columnBitmask = -1L; _createDate = createDate; } @JSON @Override public Date getModifiedDate() { return _modifiedDate; } public boolean hasSetModifiedDate() { return _setModifiedDate; } @Override public void setModifiedDate(Date modifiedDate) { _setModifiedDate = true; _modifiedDate = modifiedDate; } @Override public String getClassName() { if (getClassNameId() <= 0) { return ""; } return PortalUtil.getClassName(getClassNameId()); } @Override public void setClassName(String className) { long classNameId = 0; if (Validator.isNotNull(className)) { classNameId = PortalUtil.getClassNameId(className); } setClassNameId(classNameId); } @JSON @Override public long getClassNameId() { return _classNameId; } @Override public void setClassNameId(long classNameId) { _columnBitmask |= CLASSNAMEID_COLUMN_BITMASK; if (!_setOriginalClassNameId) { _setOriginalClassNameId = true; _originalClassNameId = _classNameId; } _classNameId = classNameId; } public long getOriginalClassNameId() { return _originalClassNameId; } @JSON @Override public long getClassPK() { return _classPK; } @Override public void setClassPK(long classPK) { _columnBitmask |= CLASSPK_COLUMN_BITMASK; if (!_setOriginalClassPK) { _setOriginalClassPK = true; _originalClassPK = _classPK; } _classPK = classPK; } public long getOriginalClassPK() { return _originalClassPK; } @JSON @Override public String getStreet1() { if (_street1 == null) { return ""; } else { return _street1; } } @Override public void setStreet1(String street1) { _street1 = street1; } @JSON @Override public String getStreet2() { if (_street2 == null) { return ""; } else { return _street2; } } @Override public void setStreet2(String street2) { _street2 = street2; } @JSON @Override public String getStreet3() { if (_street3 == null) { return ""; } else { return _street3; } } @Override public void setStreet3(String street3) { _street3 = street3; } @JSON @Override public String getCity() { if (_city == null) { return ""; } else { return _city; } } @Override public void setCity(String city) { _city = city; } @JSON @Override public String getZip() { if (_zip == null) { return ""; } else { return _zip; } } @Override public void setZip(String zip) { _zip = zip; } @JSON @Override public long getRegionId() { return _regionId; } @Override public void setRegionId(long regionId) { _regionId = regionId; } @JSON @Override public long getCountryId() { return _countryId; } @Override public void setCountryId(long countryId) { _countryId = countryId; } @JSON @Override public long getTypeId() { return _typeId; } @Override public void setTypeId(long typeId) { _typeId = typeId; } @JSON @Override public boolean getMailing() { return _mailing; } @JSON @Override public boolean isMailing() { return _mailing; } @Override public void setMailing(boolean mailing) { _columnBitmask |= MAILING_COLUMN_BITMASK; if (!_setOriginalMailing) { _setOriginalMailing = true; _originalMailing = _mailing; } _mailing = mailing; } public boolean getOriginalMailing() { return _originalMailing; } @JSON @Override public boolean getPrimary() { return _primary; } @JSON @Override public boolean isPrimary() { return _primary; } @Override public void setPrimary(boolean primary) { _columnBitmask |= PRIMARY_COLUMN_BITMASK; if (!_setOriginalPrimary) { _setOriginalPrimary = true; _originalPrimary = _primary; } _primary = primary; } public boolean getOriginalPrimary() { return _originalPrimary; } @Override public StagedModelType getStagedModelType() { return new StagedModelType( PortalUtil.getClassNameId(Address.class.getName()), getClassNameId()); } public long getColumnBitmask() { return _columnBitmask; } @Override public ExpandoBridge getExpandoBridge() { return ExpandoBridgeFactoryUtil.getExpandoBridge( getCompanyId(), Address.class.getName(), getPrimaryKey()); } @Override public void setExpandoBridgeAttributes(ServiceContext serviceContext) { ExpandoBridge expandoBridge = getExpandoBridge(); expandoBridge.setAttributes(serviceContext); } @Override public Address toEscapedModel() { if (_escapedModel == null) { _escapedModel = (Address)ProxyUtil.newProxyInstance( _classLoader, _escapedModelInterfaces, new AutoEscapeBeanHandler(this)); } return _escapedModel; } @Override public Object clone() { AddressImpl addressImpl = new AddressImpl(); addressImpl.setMvccVersion(getMvccVersion()); addressImpl.setUuid(getUuid()); addressImpl.setAddressId(getAddressId()); addressImpl.setCompanyId(getCompanyId()); addressImpl.setUserId(getUserId()); addressImpl.setUserName(getUserName()); addressImpl.setCreateDate(getCreateDate()); addressImpl.setModifiedDate(getModifiedDate()); addressImpl.setClassNameId(getClassNameId()); addressImpl.setClassPK(getClassPK()); addressImpl.setStreet1(getStreet1()); addressImpl.setStreet2(getStreet2()); addressImpl.setStreet3(getStreet3()); addressImpl.setCity(getCity()); addressImpl.setZip(getZip()); addressImpl.setRegionId(getRegionId()); addressImpl.setCountryId(getCountryId()); addressImpl.setTypeId(getTypeId()); addressImpl.setMailing(isMailing()); addressImpl.setPrimary(isPrimary()); addressImpl.resetOriginalValues(); return addressImpl; } @Override public int compareTo(Address address) { int value = 0; value = DateUtil.compareTo(getCreateDate(), address.getCreateDate()); if (value != 0) { return value; } return 0; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof Address)) { return false; } Address address = (Address)obj; long primaryKey = address.getPrimaryKey(); if (getPrimaryKey() == primaryKey) { return true; } else { return false; } } @Override public int hashCode() { return (int)getPrimaryKey(); } @Override public boolean isEntityCacheEnabled() { return ENTITY_CACHE_ENABLED; } @Override public boolean isFinderCacheEnabled() { return FINDER_CACHE_ENABLED; } @Override public void resetOriginalValues() { AddressModelImpl addressModelImpl = this; addressModelImpl._originalUuid = addressModelImpl._uuid; addressModelImpl._originalCompanyId = addressModelImpl._companyId; addressModelImpl._setOriginalCompanyId = false; addressModelImpl._originalUserId = addressModelImpl._userId; addressModelImpl._setOriginalUserId = false; addressModelImpl._setModifiedDate = false; addressModelImpl._originalClassNameId = addressModelImpl._classNameId; addressModelImpl._setOriginalClassNameId = false; addressModelImpl._originalClassPK = addressModelImpl._classPK; addressModelImpl._setOriginalClassPK = false; addressModelImpl._originalMailing = addressModelImpl._mailing; addressModelImpl._setOriginalMailing = false; addressModelImpl._originalPrimary = addressModelImpl._primary; addressModelImpl._setOriginalPrimary = false; addressModelImpl._columnBitmask = 0; } @Override public CacheModel
toCacheModel() { AddressCacheModel addressCacheModel = new AddressCacheModel(); addressCacheModel.mvccVersion = getMvccVersion(); addressCacheModel.uuid = getUuid(); String uuid = addressCacheModel.uuid; if ((uuid != null) && (uuid.length() == 0)) { addressCacheModel.uuid = null; } addressCacheModel.addressId = getAddressId(); addressCacheModel.companyId = getCompanyId(); addressCacheModel.userId = getUserId(); addressCacheModel.userName = getUserName(); String userName = addressCacheModel.userName; if ((userName != null) && (userName.length() == 0)) { addressCacheModel.userName = null; } Date createDate = getCreateDate(); if (createDate != null) { addressCacheModel.createDate = createDate.getTime(); } else { addressCacheModel.createDate = Long.MIN_VALUE; } Date modifiedDate = getModifiedDate(); if (modifiedDate != null) { addressCacheModel.modifiedDate = modifiedDate.getTime(); } else { addressCacheModel.modifiedDate = Long.MIN_VALUE; } addressCacheModel.classNameId = getClassNameId(); addressCacheModel.classPK = getClassPK(); addressCacheModel.street1 = getStreet1(); String street1 = addressCacheModel.street1; if ((street1 != null) && (street1.length() == 0)) { addressCacheModel.street1 = null; } addressCacheModel.street2 = getStreet2(); String street2 = addressCacheModel.street2; if ((street2 != null) && (street2.length() == 0)) { addressCacheModel.street2 = null; } addressCacheModel.street3 = getStreet3(); String street3 = addressCacheModel.street3; if ((street3 != null) && (street3.length() == 0)) { addressCacheModel.street3 = null; } = getCity(); String city =; if ((city != null) && (city.length() == 0)) { = null; } = getZip(); String zip =; if ((zip != null) && (zip.length() == 0)) { = null; } addressCacheModel.regionId = getRegionId(); addressCacheModel.countryId = getCountryId(); addressCacheModel.typeId = getTypeId(); addressCacheModel.mailing = isMailing(); addressCacheModel.primary = isPrimary(); return addressCacheModel; } @Override public String toString() { Map> attributeGetterFunctions = getAttributeGetterFunctions(); StringBundler sb = new StringBundler( 4 * attributeGetterFunctions.size() + 2); sb.append("{"); for (Map.Entry> entry : attributeGetterFunctions.entrySet()) { String attributeName = entry.getKey(); Function attributeGetterFunction = entry.getValue(); sb.append(attributeName); sb.append("="); sb.append(attributeGetterFunction.apply((Address)this)); sb.append(", "); } if (sb.index() > 1) { sb.setIndex(sb.index() - 1); } sb.append("}"); return sb.toString(); } @Override public String toXmlString() { Map> attributeGetterFunctions = getAttributeGetterFunctions(); StringBundler sb = new StringBundler( 5 * attributeGetterFunctions.size() + 4); sb.append(""); sb.append(getModelClassName()); sb.append(""); for (Map.Entry> entry : attributeGetterFunctions.entrySet()) { String attributeName = entry.getKey(); Function attributeGetterFunction = entry.getValue(); sb.append(""); sb.append(attributeName); sb.append(""); } sb.append(""); return sb.toString(); } private static final ClassLoader _classLoader = Address.class.getClassLoader(); private static final Class[] _escapedModelInterfaces = new Class[] { Address.class, ModelWrapper.class }; private long _mvccVersion; private String _uuid; private String _originalUuid; private long _addressId; private long _companyId; private long _originalCompanyId; private boolean _setOriginalCompanyId; private long _userId; private long _originalUserId; private boolean _setOriginalUserId; private String _userName; private Date _createDate; private Date _modifiedDate; private boolean _setModifiedDate; private long _classNameId; private long _originalClassNameId; private boolean _setOriginalClassNameId; private long _classPK; private long _originalClassPK; private boolean _setOriginalClassPK; private String _street1; private String _street2; private String _street3; private String _city; private String _zip; private long _regionId; private long _countryId; private long _typeId; private boolean _mailing; private boolean _originalMailing; private boolean _setOriginalMailing; private boolean _primary; private boolean _originalPrimary; private boolean _setOriginalPrimary; private long _columnBitmask; private Address _escapedModel; }

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