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 * Copyright (c) 2000-present Liferay, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
 * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
 * any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
 * details.


import com.liferay.petra.string.StringPool;
import com.liferay.petra.xml.DocUtil;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.StringUtil;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.Validator;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.xml.Document;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.xml.Element;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.xml.SAXReader;
import com.liferay.portal.util.FileImpl;
import com.liferay.portal.xml.SAXReaderImpl;

import com.thoughtworks.qdox.JavaDocBuilder;
import com.thoughtworks.qdox.model.AbstractJavaEntity;
import com.thoughtworks.qdox.model.DocletTag;
import com.thoughtworks.qdox.model.JavaClass;
import com.thoughtworks.qdox.model.JavaField;
import com.thoughtworks.qdox.model.JavaMethod;
import com.thoughtworks.qdox.model.JavaParameter;
import com.thoughtworks.qdox.model.Type;

import jargs.gnu.CmdLineParser;


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;


 * @author Brian Wing Shun Chan
public class JavadocBuilder {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		try {
			new JavadocBuilder(args);
		catch (Exception e) {

	public JavadocBuilder(String[] args) throws Exception {
		CmdLineParser cmdLineParser = new CmdLineParser();


		CmdLineParser.Option commandOption = cmdLineParser.addStringOption(

		String command = (String)cmdLineParser.getOptionValue(commandOption);

		CmdLineParser.Option limitOption = cmdLineParser.addStringOption(

		String limit = (String)cmdLineParser.getOptionValue(limitOption);

		CmdLineParser.Option ignoreAutogeneratedOption =

		Boolean ignoreAutogenerated = (Boolean)cmdLineParser.getOptionValue(

		_process(command, limit, ignoreAutogenerated);

	private void _addClassCommentElement(
		Element rootElement, JavaClass javaClass) {

		Element commentElement = rootElement.addElement("comment");

		String comment = _getCDATA(javaClass);

		if (comment.startsWith("Copyright (c) 2000-present Liferay, Inc.")) {
			comment = StringPool.BLANK;

		if (comment.startsWith(
				"")) {

			int pos = comment.indexOf("");

			comment = StringUtil.trim(comment.substring(pos + 4));


	private void _addDocletElements(
		Element parentElement, AbstractJavaEntity abstractJavaEntity,
		String name) {

		DocletTag[] docletTags = abstractJavaEntity.getTagsByName(name);

		for (DocletTag docletTag : docletTags) {
			String value = docletTag.getValue();

			if (name.equals("author") || name.equals("see") ||
				name.equals("since") || name.equals("version")) {

				/*if (value.startsWith("Raymond Aug")) {
					value = "Raymond Aug\u00c3\u00a9";

				DocUtil.add(parentElement, name, value);
			else {
				Element element = parentElement.addElement(name);


	private void _addDocletTags(
		Element parentElement, String name, String indent, StringBuilder sb) {

		List elements = parentElement.elements(name);

		for (Element element : elements) {
			sb.append(" * @");
			sb.append(" ");

			Element commentElement = element.element("comment");

			if (commentElement != null) {
				sb.append(" ");
			else {


	private void _addFieldElement(Element rootElement, JavaField javaField) {
		Element fieldElement = rootElement.addElement("field");

		DocUtil.add(fieldElement, "name", javaField.getName());

		Element commentElement = fieldElement.addElement("comment");


		_addDocletElements(fieldElement, javaField, "deprecated");
		_addDocletElements(fieldElement, javaField, "see");
		_addDocletElements(fieldElement, javaField, "since");
		_addDocletElements(fieldElement, javaField, "version");

	private void _addMethodElement(Element rootElement, JavaMethod javaMethod) {
		Element methodElement = rootElement.addElement("method");

		DocUtil.add(methodElement, "name", javaMethod.getName());

		Element commentElement = methodElement.addElement("comment");


		_addDocletElements(methodElement, javaMethod, "deprecated");
		_addParamElements(methodElement, javaMethod);
		_addReturnElement(methodElement, javaMethod);
		_addDocletElements(methodElement, javaMethod, "see");
		_addDocletElements(methodElement, javaMethod, "since");
		_addThrowsElements(methodElement, javaMethod);
		_addDocletElements(methodElement, javaMethod, "version");

	private void _addParamElement(
		Element methodElement, JavaParameter javaParameter,
		DocletTag[] paramDocletTags) {

		String name = javaParameter.getName();

		Type parameterType = javaParameter.getType();

		String type = parameterType.getValue();

		String value = null;

		for (DocletTag paramDocletTag : paramDocletTags) {
			String curValue = paramDocletTag.getValue();

			if (!curValue.startsWith(name)) {

			value = curValue;


		Element paramElement = methodElement.addElement("param");

		DocUtil.add(paramElement, "name", name);
		DocUtil.add(paramElement, "type", type);

		if (value != null) {
			value = value.substring(name.length());

		Element commentElement = paramElement.addElement("comment");


	private void _addParamElements(
		Element methodElement, JavaMethod javaMethod) {

		JavaParameter[] javaParameters = javaMethod.getParameters();

		DocletTag[] paramDocletTags = javaMethod.getTagsByName("param");

		for (JavaParameter javaParameter : javaParameters) {
			_addParamElement(methodElement, javaParameter, paramDocletTags);

	private void _addReturnElement(
		Element methodElement, JavaMethod javaMethod) {

		Type returnType = javaMethod.getReturnType();

		if (returnType == null) {

		String returnTypeValue = returnType.getValue();

		if (!returnTypeValue.equals("void")) {
			_addDocletElements(methodElement, javaMethod, "return");

	private void _addThrowsElement(
		Element methodElement, Type exception, DocletTag[] throwsDocletTags) {

		JavaClass exceptionClass = exception.getJavaClass();

		String name = exceptionClass.getName();

		String value = null;

		for (DocletTag throwsDocletTag : throwsDocletTags) {
			String curValue = throwsDocletTag.getValue();

			if (!curValue.startsWith(name)) {

			value = curValue;


		Element throwsElement = methodElement.addElement("throws");

		DocUtil.add(throwsElement, "name", name);
		DocUtil.add(throwsElement, "type", exception.getValue());

		if (value != null) {
			value = value.substring(name.length());

		Element commentElement = throwsElement.addElement("comment");


	private void _addThrowsElements(
		Element methodElement, JavaMethod javaMethod) {

		Type[] exceptions = javaMethod.getExceptions();

		DocletTag[] throwsDocletTags = javaMethod.getTagsByName("throws");

		for (Type exception : exceptions) {
			_addThrowsElement(methodElement, exception, throwsDocletTags);

	private String _getCDATA(AbstractJavaEntity abstractJavaEntity) {
		return _getCDATA(abstractJavaEntity.getComment());

	private String _getCDATA(String cdata) {
		if (cdata == null) {
			return StringPool.BLANK;

		cdata = StringUtil.replace(
			cdata, new String[] {"\n", "

", "

"}, new String[] {" ", "

", "

"}); while (cdata.contains(" ")) { cdata = StringUtil.replace(cdata, " ", " "); } return cdata.trim(); } private String _getFieldKey(Element fieldElement) { return fieldElement.elementText("name"); } private String _getFieldKey(JavaField javaField) { return javaField.getName(); } private JavaClass _getJavaClass(String fileName) throws Exception { return _getJavaClass(fileName, null); } private JavaClass _getJavaClass(String fileName, Reader reader) throws Exception { int pos = fileName.indexOf("src/"); if (pos == -1) { pos = fileName.indexOf("test/"); } if (pos == -1) { throw new RuntimeException(fileName); } pos = fileName.indexOf("/", pos); String srcFile = fileName.substring(pos + 1); JavaDocBuilder builder = new JavaDocBuilder(); if (reader == null) { File file = new File(fileName); if (!file.exists()) { return null; } builder.addSource(file); } else { builder.addSource(reader); } String className = StringUtil.replace( srcFile.substring(0, srcFile.length() - 5), '/', '.'); return builder.getClassByName(className); } private String _getJavaClassComment(Element rootElement) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("/**\n"); sb.append(" * "); sb.append(_getCDATA(rootElement.elementText("comment"))); sb.append("\n"); sb.append(" *\n"); String indent = StringPool.BLANK; _addDocletTags(rootElement, "author", indent, sb); _addDocletTags(rootElement, "deprecated", indent, sb); _addDocletTags(rootElement, "see", indent, sb); _addDocletTags(rootElement, "serial", indent, sb); _addDocletTags(rootElement, "since", indent, sb); _addDocletTags(rootElement, "version", indent, sb); sb.append(" */\n"); return sb.toString(); } private String _getJavadocXml(JavaClass javaClass) throws Exception { Element rootElement = _saxReader.createElement("javadoc"); Document document = _saxReader.createDocument(rootElement); DocUtil.add(rootElement, "name", javaClass.getName()); DocUtil.add(rootElement, "type", javaClass.getFullyQualifiedName()); _addClassCommentElement(rootElement, javaClass); _addDocletElements(rootElement, javaClass, "author"); _addDocletElements(rootElement, javaClass, "deprecated"); _addDocletElements(rootElement, javaClass, "see"); _addDocletElements(rootElement, javaClass, "serial"); _addDocletElements(rootElement, javaClass, "since"); _addDocletElements(rootElement, javaClass, "version"); JavaMethod[] javaMethods = javaClass.getMethods(); for (JavaMethod javaMethod : javaMethods) { _addMethodElement(rootElement, javaMethod); } JavaField[] javaFields = javaClass.getFields(); for (JavaField javaField : javaFields) { _addFieldElement(rootElement, javaField); } return document.formattedString(); } private String _getJavaFieldComment( String[] lines, Map fieldElementsMap, JavaField javaField) { String fieldKey = _getFieldKey(javaField); Element fieldElement = fieldElementsMap.get(fieldKey); if (fieldElement == null) { return null; } String line = lines[javaField.getLineNumber() - 1]; String indent = StringPool.BLANK; for (char c : line.toCharArray()) { if (Character.isWhitespace(c)) { indent += c; } else { break; } } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(indent); sb.append("/**\n"); sb.append(indent); sb.append(" * "); sb.append(fieldElement.elementText("comment")); sb.append("\n"); sb.append(indent); sb.append(" *\n"); _addDocletTags(fieldElement, "deprecated", indent, sb); _addDocletTags(fieldElement, "see", indent, sb); _addDocletTags(fieldElement, "since", indent, sb); _addDocletTags(fieldElement, "version", indent, sb); sb.append(indent); sb.append(" */\n"); return sb.toString(); } private String _getJavaMethodComment( String[] lines, Map methodElementsMap, JavaMethod javaMethod) { String methodKey = _getMethodKey(javaMethod); Element methodElement = methodElementsMap.get(methodKey); if (methodElement == null) { return null; } String line = lines[javaMethod.getLineNumber() - 1]; String indent = StringPool.BLANK; for (char c : line.toCharArray()) { if (Character.isWhitespace(c)) { indent += c; } else { break; } } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(indent); sb.append("/**\n"); sb.append(indent); sb.append(" * "); sb.append(methodElement.elementText("comment")); sb.append("\n"); sb.append(indent); sb.append(" *\n"); _addDocletTags(methodElement, "deprecated", indent, sb); _addDocletTags(methodElement, "param", indent, sb); _addDocletTags(methodElement, "return", indent, sb); _addDocletTags(methodElement, "see", indent, sb); _addDocletTags(methodElement, "since", indent, sb); _addDocletTags(methodElement, "throws", indent, sb); _addDocletTags(methodElement, "version", indent, sb); sb.append(indent); sb.append(" */\n"); return sb.toString(); } private String _getMethodKey(Element methodElement) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(methodElement.elementText("name")); sb.append(StringPool.OPEN_PARENTHESIS); List paramElements = methodElement.elements("param"); for (Element paramElement : paramElements) { sb.append(paramElement.elementText("name")); sb.append("|"); sb.append(paramElement.elementText("type")); sb.append(","); } sb.append(StringPool.CLOSE_PARENTHESIS); return sb.toString(); } private String _getMethodKey(JavaMethod javaMethod) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(javaMethod.getName()); sb.append(StringPool.OPEN_PARENTHESIS); JavaParameter[] javaParameters = javaMethod.getParameters(); for (JavaParameter javaParameter : javaParameters) { sb.append(javaParameter.getName()); sb.append("|"); Type type = javaParameter.getType(); sb.append(type.getValue()); sb.append(","); } sb.append(StringPool.CLOSE_PARENTHESIS); return sb.toString(); } private boolean _isGenerated(String content) { if (content.contains("")) { return true; } return false; } private void _process( String command, String limit, Boolean ignoreAutogenerated) throws Exception { DirectoryScanner ds = new DirectoryScanner(); ds.setBasedir(_BASEDIR); ds.setExcludes( new String[] { "**\\classes\\**", "**\\portal-client\\**", "**\\portal-web\\**" }); List includes = new ArrayList<>(); if (Validator.isNotNull(limit) && !limit.startsWith("$")) { String[] limitArray = StringUtil.split(limit, '/'); for (String curLimit : limitArray) { includes.add( "**\\" + StringUtil.replace(curLimit, '.', '\\') + "\\**\\*.java"); includes.add("**\\" + curLimit + ".java"); } } else { includes.add("**\\*.java"); } ds.setIncludes(includes.toArray(new String[includes.size()])); ds.scan(); String[] fileNames = ds.getIncludedFiles(); for (String fileName : fileNames) { fileName = StringUtil.replace(fileName, '\\', '/'); /*if (!fileName.endsWith("")) { continue; }*/ if ((ignoreAutogenerated != null) && ignoreAutogenerated.booleanValue()) { File file = new File(_BASEDIR + fileName); if (file.exists()) { String oldContent = _BASEDIR + fileName + "doc"); if (_isGenerated(oldContent)) { continue; } } } if (command.equals("cleanup")) { _processGet(fileName); _processSave(fileName); _processDelete(fileName); } else if (command.equals("commit")) { _processSave(fileName); _processDelete(fileName); } else if (command.equals("delete")) { _processDelete(fileName); } else if (command.equals("get")) { _processGet(fileName); } else if (command.equals("save")) { _processSave(fileName); } } } private void _processDelete(String fileName) throws Exception { _removeJavadocFromJava(fileName, true); } private void _processGet(String fileName) throws Exception { File javadocFile = new File(_BASEDIR + fileName + "doc"); if (!javadocFile.exists()) { _updateJavadocFromJava(fileName); } String javaWithoutJavadoc = _removeJavadocFromJava(fileName, false); _updateJavaFromJavadoc(fileName, javaWithoutJavadoc); } private void _processSave(String fileName) throws Exception { _updateJavadocFromJava(fileName); } private String _removeJavadocFromJava(String fileName, boolean log) throws Exception { File file = new File(_BASEDIR + fileName); String oldContent =; String[] lines = StringUtil.splitLines(oldContent); JavaClass javaClass = _getJavaClass( fileName, new UnsyncStringReader(oldContent)); Set lineNumbers = new HashSet<>(); lineNumbers.add(javaClass.getLineNumber()); JavaMethod[] javaMethods = javaClass.getMethods(); for (JavaMethod javaMethod : javaMethods) { lineNumbers.add(javaMethod.getLineNumber()); } JavaField[] javaFields = javaClass.getFields(); for (JavaField javaField : javaFields) { lineNumbers.add(javaField.getLineNumber()); } for (int lineNumber : lineNumbers) { int pos = lineNumber - 2; String line = lines[pos].trim(); if (line.endsWith("*/")) { while (true) { lines[pos] = null; if (line.startsWith("/**")) { break; } line = lines[--pos].trim(); } } } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(oldContent.length()); for (String line : lines) { if (line != null) { sb.append(line); sb.append("\n"); } } String newContent = StringUtil.trim(sb.toString()); if ((oldContent == null) || !oldContent.equals(newContent)) { _fileUtil.write(file, newContent); if (log) { System.out.println("Writing " + file); } } return newContent; } private void _updateJavadocFromJava(String fileName) throws Exception { File file = new File(_BASEDIR + fileName + "doc"); String oldContent = null; if (file.exists()) { oldContent =; if (_isGenerated(oldContent)) { return; } } JavaClass javaClass = _getJavaClass(fileName); String newContent = _getJavadocXml(javaClass); if ((oldContent == null) || !oldContent.equals(newContent)) { _fileUtil.write(file, newContent.getBytes()); System.out.println("Writing " + file); } } private void _updateJavaFromJavadoc(String fileName, String oldContent) throws Exception { File javadocFile = new File(_BASEDIR + fileName + "doc"); if (!javadocFile.exists()) { return; } File file = new File(_BASEDIR + fileName); if (oldContent == null) { oldContent =; } String[] lines = StringUtil.splitLines(oldContent); JavaClass javaClass = _getJavaClass( fileName, new UnsyncStringReader(oldContent)); Document document =; Element rootElement = document.getRootElement(); Map commentsMap = new TreeMap<>(); commentsMap.put( javaClass.getLineNumber(), _getJavaClassComment(rootElement)); Map methodElementsMap = new HashMap<>(); List methodElements = rootElement.elements("method"); for (Element methodElement : methodElements) { String methodKey = _getMethodKey(methodElement); methodElementsMap.put(methodKey, methodElement); } JavaMethod[] javaMethods = javaClass.getMethods(); for (JavaMethod javaMethod : javaMethods) { if (commentsMap.containsKey(javaMethod.getLineNumber())) { continue; } commentsMap.put( javaMethod.getLineNumber(), _getJavaMethodComment(lines, methodElementsMap, javaMethod)); } Map fieldElementsMap = new HashMap<>(); List fieldElements = rootElement.elements("field"); for (Element fieldElement : fieldElements) { String fieldKey = _getFieldKey(fieldElement); fieldElementsMap.put(fieldKey, fieldElement); } JavaField[] javaFields = javaClass.getFields(); for (JavaField javaField : javaFields) { if (commentsMap.containsKey(javaField.getLineNumber())) { continue; } commentsMap.put( javaField.getLineNumber(), _getJavaFieldComment(lines, fieldElementsMap, javaField)); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(oldContent.length()); for (int lineNumber = 1; lineNumber <= lines.length; lineNumber++) { String line = lines[lineNumber - 1]; String comments = commentsMap.get(lineNumber); if (comments != null) { sb.append(comments); } sb.append(line); sb.append("\n"); } String newContent = StringUtil.trim(sb.toString()); if ((oldContent == null) || !oldContent.equals(newContent)) { _fileUtil.write(file, newContent); System.out.println("Writing " + file); } } private static final String _BASEDIR = "./"; private static final FileImpl _fileUtil = FileImpl.getInstance(); private static final SAXReader _saxReader = new SAXReaderImpl(); }

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