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* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: (c) 2000 Liferay, Inc.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later OR LicenseRef-Liferay-DXP-EULA-2.0.0-2023-06
import com.liferay.petra.sql.dsl.DSLFunctionFactoryUtil;
import com.liferay.petra.sql.dsl.DSLQueryFactoryUtil;
import com.liferay.petra.sql.dsl.Table;
import com.liferay.petra.sql.dsl.expression.Predicate;
import com.liferay.petra.string.StringPool;
import com.liferay.portal.aop.AopService;
import com.liferay.portal.dao.orm.custom.sql.CustomSQL;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.QueryUtil;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.log.Log;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.log.LogFactoryUtil;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ServiceContext;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.workflow.WorkflowConstants;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Reference;
* Provides the remote service for accessing, adding, deleting, and updating
* dynamic data mapping (DDM) structures. Its methods include permission checks.
* @author Brian Wing Shun Chan
* @author Bruno Basto
* @author Marcellus Tavares
* @see DDMStructureLocalServiceImpl
property = {
service = AopService.class
public class DDMStructureServiceImpl extends DDMStructureServiceBaseImpl {
public DDMStructure addStructure(
long groupId, long parentStructureId, long classNameId,
String structureKey, Map nameMap,
Map descriptionMap, DDMForm ddmForm,
DDMFormLayout ddmFormLayout, String storageType, int type,
ServiceContext serviceContext)
throws PortalException {
getPermissionChecker(), groupId, classNameId);
return ddmStructureLocalService.addStructure(
null, getUserId(), groupId, parentStructureId, classNameId,
structureKey, nameMap, descriptionMap, ddmForm, ddmFormLayout,
storageType, type, serviceContext);
public DDMStructure addStructure(
long groupId, long classNameId, Map nameMap,
Map descriptionMap, DDMForm ddmForm,
DDMFormLayout ddmFormLayout, String storageType,
ServiceContext serviceContext)
throws PortalException {
getPermissionChecker(), groupId, classNameId);
return ddmStructureLocalService.addStructure(
getUserId(), groupId, classNameId, nameMap, descriptionMap, ddmForm,
ddmFormLayout, storageType, serviceContext);
public DDMStructure addStructure(
long groupId, String parentStructureKey, long classNameId,
String structureKey, Map nameMap,
Map descriptionMap, DDMForm ddmForm,
DDMFormLayout ddmFormLayout, String storageType, int type,
ServiceContext serviceContext)
throws PortalException {
getPermissionChecker(), groupId, classNameId);
return ddmStructureLocalService.addStructure(
getUserId(), groupId, parentStructureKey, classNameId, structureKey,
nameMap, descriptionMap, ddmForm, ddmFormLayout, storageType, type,
* Copies a structure, creating a new structure with all the values
* extracted from the original one. The new structure supports a new name
* and description.
* @param sourceStructureId the primary key of the structure to be copied
* @param nameMap the new structure's locales and localized names
* @param descriptionMap the new structure's locales and localized
* descriptions
* @param serviceContext the service context to be applied. Can set the
* UUID, creation date, modification date, guest permissions, and
* group permissions for the structure.
* @return the new structure
public DDMStructure copyStructure(
long sourceStructureId, Map nameMap,
Map descriptionMap, ServiceContext serviceContext)
throws PortalException {
DDMStructure sourceStructure = ddmStructurePersistence.findByPrimaryKey(
getPermissionChecker(), sourceStructure, ActionKeys.VIEW);
getPermissionChecker(), serviceContext.getScopeGroupId(),
return ddmStructureLocalService.copyStructure(
getUserId(), sourceStructureId, nameMap, descriptionMap,
public DDMStructure copyStructure(
long sourceStructureId, ServiceContext serviceContext)
throws PortalException {
DDMStructure sourceStructure = ddmStructurePersistence.findByPrimaryKey(
getPermissionChecker(), sourceStructure, ActionKeys.VIEW);
getPermissionChecker(), serviceContext.getScopeGroupId(),
return ddmStructureLocalService.copyStructure(
getUserId(), sourceStructureId, serviceContext);
* Deletes the structure and its resources.
* Before deleting the structure, the system verifies whether the structure
* is required by another entity. If it is needed, an exception is thrown.
* @param structureId the primary key of the structure to be deleted
public void deleteStructure(long structureId) throws PortalException {
getPermissionChecker(), structureId, ActionKeys.DELETE);
* Returns the structure matching the class name ID, structure key, and
* group.
* @param groupId the primary key of the group
* @param classNameId the primary key of the class name for the structure's
* related model
* @param structureKey the unique string identifying the structure
* @return the matching structure, or null
if a matching
* structure could not be found
public DDMStructure fetchStructure(
long groupId, long classNameId, String structureKey)
throws PortalException {
DDMStructure ddmStructure = ddmStructurePersistence.fetchByG_C_S(
groupId, classNameId, structureKey);
if (ddmStructure != null) {
getPermissionChecker(), ddmStructure, ActionKeys.VIEW);
return ddmStructure;
public DDMStructure fetchStructure(
long groupId, long classNameId, String structureKey,
boolean includeAncestorStructures)
throws PortalException {
DDMStructure ddmStructure = ddmStructureLocalService.fetchStructure(
groupId, classNameId, structureKey, includeAncestorStructures);
if (ddmStructure != null) {
getPermissionChecker(), ddmStructure, ActionKeys.VIEW);
return ddmStructure;
public DDMStructure fetchStructureByExternalReferenceCode(
String externalReferenceCode, long groupId, long classNameId)
throws PortalException {
DDMStructure ddmStructure =
externalReferenceCode, groupId, classNameId);
if (ddmStructure != null) {
getPermissionChecker(), ddmStructure, ActionKeys.VIEW);
return ddmStructure;
* Returns the structure with the ID.
* @param structureId the primary key of the structure
* @return the structure with the ID
public DDMStructure getStructure(long structureId) throws PortalException {
getPermissionChecker(), structureId, ActionKeys.VIEW);
return ddmStructurePersistence.findByPrimaryKey(structureId);
* Returns the structure matching the class name ID, structure key, and
* group.
* @param groupId the primary key of the structure's group
* @param classNameId the primary key of the class name for the structure's
* related model
* @param structureKey the unique string identifying the structure
* @return the matching structure
public DDMStructure getStructure(
long groupId, long classNameId, String structureKey)
throws PortalException {
DDMStructure structure = ddmStructureLocalService.getStructure(
groupId, classNameId, structureKey);
getPermissionChecker(), structure, ActionKeys.VIEW);
return structure;
* Returns the structure matching the class name ID, structure key, and
* group, optionally searching ancestor sites (that have sharing enabled)
* and global scoped sites.
* This method first searches in the group. If the structure is still not
* found and includeAncestorStructures
is set to
* true
, this method searches the group's ancestor sites (that
* have sharing enabled) and lastly searches global scoped sites.
* @param groupId the primary key of the structure's group
* @param classNameId the primary key of the class name for the structure's
* related model
* @param structureKey the unique string identifying the structure
* @param includeAncestorStructures whether to include ancestor sites (that
* have sharing enabled) and include global scoped sites in the
* search
* @return the matching structure
public DDMStructure getStructure(
long groupId, long classNameId, String structureKey,
boolean includeAncestorStructures)
throws PortalException {
DDMStructure structure = ddmStructureLocalService.getStructure(
groupId, classNameId, structureKey, includeAncestorStructures);
getPermissionChecker(), structure, ActionKeys.VIEW);
return structure;
public DDMStructure getStructureByExternalReferenceCode(
String externalReferenceCode, long groupId, long classNameId)
throws PortalException {
DDMStructure structure =
externalReferenceCode, groupId, classNameId);
getPermissionChecker(), structure, ActionKeys.VIEW);
return structure;
public List getStructures(
long companyId, long[] groupIds, long classNameId, int status) {
try {
SearchContext searchContext =
_ddmPermissionSupport, companyId, groupIds, getUserId(),
classNameId, null, StringPool.BLANK, StringPool.BLANK,
StringPool.BLANK, null, status, QueryUtil.ALL_POS,
QueryUtil.ALL_POS, null);
return DDMSearchUtil.doSearch(
searchContext, DDMStructure.class,
catch (PrincipalException principalException) {
if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) {
return Collections.emptyList();
public List getStructures(
long companyId, long[] groupIds, long classNameId, int status,
int start, int end, OrderByComparator orderByComparator) {
try {
SearchContext searchContext =
_ddmPermissionSupport, companyId, groupIds, getUserId(),
classNameId, null, StringPool.BLANK, StringPool.BLANK,
StringPool.BLANK, null, status, start, end,
return DDMSearchUtil.doSearch(
searchContext, DDMStructure.class,
catch (PrincipalException principalException) {
if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) {
return Collections.emptyList();
public List getStructures(
long companyId, long[] groupIds, long classNameId, int start, int end,
OrderByComparator orderByComparator) {
return getStructures(
companyId, groupIds, classNameId, StringPool.BLANK,
WorkflowConstants.STATUS_ANY, start, end, orderByComparator);
public List getStructures(
long companyId, long[] groupIds, long classNameId, String keywords,
int status, int start, int end,
OrderByComparator orderByComparator) {
Table> tempDDMStructureTable = DSLQueryFactoryUtil.selectDistinct(
_getPredicate(companyId, groupIds, classNameId, keywords)
"tempDDMStructure", DDMStructureTable.INSTANCE
return ddmStructurePersistence.dslQuery(
tempDDMStructureTable.getColumn("structureId", Long.class))
DDMStructureTable.INSTANCE, orderByComparator
start, end
public int getStructuresCount(
long companyId, long[] groupIds, long classNameId) {
return getStructuresCount(
companyId, groupIds, classNameId, StringPool.BLANK,
public int getStructuresCount(
long companyId, long[] groupIds, long classNameId, String keywords,
int status) {
return ddmStructurePersistence.dslQueryCount(
_getPredicate(companyId, groupIds, classNameId, keywords)
public void revertStructure(
long structureId, String version, ServiceContext serviceContext)
throws PortalException {
getPermissionChecker(), structureId, ActionKeys.UPDATE);
getUserId(), structureId, version, serviceContext);
public List search(
long companyId, long[] groupIds, long classNameId, long classPK,
String keywords, int status, int start, int end,
OrderByComparator orderByComparator)
throws PortalException {
try {
SearchContext searchContext =
_ddmPermissionSupport, companyId, groupIds, getUserId(),
classNameId, classPK, keywords, keywords, StringPool.BLANK,
null, status, start, end, orderByComparator);
return DDMSearchUtil.doSearch(
searchContext, DDMStructure.class,
catch (PrincipalException principalException) {
if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) {
return Collections.emptyList();
* Returns an ordered range of all the structures matching the groups and
* class name IDs, and matching the keywords in the structure names and
* descriptions.
* Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end -
* start
instances. start
and end
are not
* primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0
* refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start
* and end
to {@link QueryUtil#ALL_POS} will return the full
* result set.
* @param companyId the primary key of the structure's company
* @param groupIds the primary keys of the groups
* @param classNameId the primary key of the class name of the model the
* structure is related to
* @param keywords the keywords (space separated), which may occur in the
* structure's name or description (optionally null
* @param type the structure's type. For more information, see {@link
* @param status the workflow's status.
* @param start the lower bound of the range of structures to return
* @param end the upper bound of the range of structures to return (not
* inclusive)
* @param orderByComparator the comparator to order the structures
* (optionally null
* @return the range of matching structures ordered by the comparator
public List search(
long companyId, long[] groupIds, long classNameId, String keywords,
int type, int status, int start, int end,
OrderByComparator orderByComparator) {
try {
SearchContext searchContext =
_ddmPermissionSupport, companyId, groupIds, getUserId(),
classNameId, null, keywords, keywords, StringPool.BLANK,
type, status, start, end, orderByComparator);
return DDMSearchUtil.doSearch(
searchContext, DDMStructure.class,
catch (PrincipalException principalException) {
if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) {
return Collections.emptyList();
* Returns an ordered range of all the structures matching the groups and
* class name IDs, and matching the keywords in the structure names and
* descriptions.
* Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end -
* start
instances. start
and end
are not
* primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0
* refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start
* and end
to {@link QueryUtil#ALL_POS} will return the full
* result set.
* @param companyId the primary key of the structure's company
* @param groupIds the primary keys of the groups
* @param classNameId the primary key of the class name of the model the
* structure is related to
* @param keywords the keywords (space separated), which may occur in the
* structure's name or description (optionally null
* @param status the workflow's status.
* @param start the lower bound of the range of structures to return
* @param end the upper bound of the range of structures to return (not
* inclusive)
* @param orderByComparator the comparator to order the structures
* (optionally null
* @return the range of matching structures ordered by the comparator
public List search(
long companyId, long[] groupIds, long classNameId, String keywords,
int status, int start, int end,
OrderByComparator orderByComparator) {
try {
SearchContext searchContext =
_ddmPermissionSupport, companyId, groupIds, getUserId(),
classNameId, null, keywords, keywords, StringPool.BLANK,
null, status, start, end, orderByComparator);
return DDMSearchUtil.doSearch(
searchContext, DDMStructure.class,
catch (PrincipalException principalException) {
if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) {
return Collections.emptyList();
* Returns an ordered range of all the structures matching the groups, class
* name IDs, name keyword, description keyword, storage type, and type.
* Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end -
* start
instances. start
and end
are not
* primary keys, they are indexes in the result set. Thus, 0
* refers to the first result in the set. Setting both start
* and end
to {@link QueryUtil#ALL_POS} will return the full
* result set.
* @param companyId the primary key of the structure's company
* @param groupIds the primary keys of the groups
* @param classNameId the primary key of the class name of the model the
* structure is related to
* @param name the name keywords
* @param description the description keywords
* @param storageType the structure's storage type. It can be "xml" or
* "expando". For more information, see {@link
* @param type the structure's type. For more information, see {@link
* @param status the workflow's status.
* @param andOperator whether every field must match its keywords, or just
* one field
* @param start the lower bound of the range of structures to return
* @param end the upper bound of the range of structures to return (not
* inclusive)
* @param orderByComparator the comparator to order the structures
* (optionally null
* @return the range of matching structures ordered by the comparator
public List search(
long companyId, long[] groupIds, long classNameId, String name,
String description, String storageType, int type, int status,
boolean andOperator, int start, int end,
OrderByComparator orderByComparator) {
try {
SearchContext searchContext =
_ddmPermissionSupport, companyId, groupIds, getUserId(),
classNameId, null, name, description, storageType, type,
status, start, end, orderByComparator);
return DDMSearchUtil.doSearch(
searchContext, DDMStructure.class,
catch (PrincipalException principalException) {
if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) {
return Collections.emptyList();
public int searchCount(
long companyId, long[] groupIds, long classNameId, long classPK,
String keywords, int status)
throws PortalException {
try {
SearchContext searchContext =
_ddmPermissionSupport, companyId, groupIds, getUserId(),
classNameId, classPK, keywords, keywords, StringPool.BLANK,
null, status, QueryUtil.ALL_POS, QueryUtil.ALL_POS, null);
return DDMSearchUtil.doSearchCount(
searchContext, DDMStructure.class);
catch (PrincipalException principalException) {
if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) {
return 0;
* Returns the number of structures matching the groups and class name IDs,
* and matching the keywords in the structure names and descriptions.
* @param companyId the primary key of the structure's company
* @param groupIds the primary keys of the groups
* @param classNameId the primary key of the class name of the model the
* structure is related to
* @param keywords the keywords (space separated), which may occur in the
* structure's name or description (optionally null
* @param status the workflow's status.
* @return the number of matching structures
public int searchCount(
long companyId, long[] groupIds, long classNameId, String keywords,
int status) {
try {
SearchContext searchContext =
_ddmPermissionSupport, companyId, groupIds, getUserId(),
classNameId, null, keywords, keywords, StringPool.BLANK,
null, status, QueryUtil.ALL_POS, QueryUtil.ALL_POS, null);
return DDMSearchUtil.doSearchCount(
searchContext, DDMStructure.class);
catch (PrincipalException principalException) {
if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) {
return 0;
* Returns the number of structures matching the groups and class name IDs,
* and matching the keywords in the structure names and descriptions.
* @param companyId the primary key of the structure's company
* @param groupIds the primary keys of the groups
* @param classNameId the primary key of the class name of the model the
* structure is related to
* @param keywords the keywords (space separated), which may occur in the
* structure's name or description (optionally null
* @param type the structure's type. For more information, see {@link
* @param status the workflow's status.
* @return the number of matching structures
public int searchCount(
long companyId, long[] groupIds, long classNameId, String keywords,
int type, int status) {
try {
SearchContext searchContext =
_ddmPermissionSupport, companyId, groupIds, getUserId(),
classNameId, null, keywords, keywords, StringPool.BLANK,
type, status, QueryUtil.ALL_POS, QueryUtil.ALL_POS, null);
return DDMSearchUtil.doSearchCount(
searchContext, DDMStructure.class);
catch (PrincipalException principalException) {
if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) {
return 0;
* Returns the number of structures matching the groups, class name IDs,
* name keyword, description keyword, storage type, and type
* @param companyId the primary key of the structure's company
* @param groupIds the primary keys of the groups
* @param classNameId the primary key of the class name of the model the
* structure is related to
* @param name the name keywords
* @param description the description keywords
* @param storageType the structure's storage type. It can be "xml" or
* "expando". For more information, see {@link
* @param type the structure's type. For more information, see {@link
* @param andOperator whether every field must match its keywords, or just
* one field
* @return the number of matching structures
public int searchCount(
long companyId, long[] groupIds, long classNameId, String name,
String description, String storageType, int type, int status,
boolean andOperator) {
try {
SearchContext searchContext =
_ddmPermissionSupport, companyId, groupIds, getUserId(),
classNameId, null, name, description, storageType, type,
status, QueryUtil.ALL_POS, QueryUtil.ALL_POS, null);
return DDMSearchUtil.doSearchCount(
searchContext, DDMStructure.class);
catch (PrincipalException principalException) {
if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) {
return 0;
public DDMStructure updateStructure(
long groupId, long parentStructureId, long classNameId,
String structureKey, Map nameMap,
Map descriptionMap, DDMForm ddmForm,
DDMFormLayout ddmFormLayout, ServiceContext serviceContext)
throws PortalException {
DDMStructure structure = ddmStructurePersistence.findByG_C_S(
groupId, classNameId, structureKey);
getPermissionChecker(), structure, ActionKeys.UPDATE);
return ddmStructureLocalService.updateStructure(
getUserId(), groupId, parentStructureId, classNameId, structureKey,
nameMap, descriptionMap, ddmForm, ddmFormLayout, serviceContext);
public DDMStructure updateStructure(
long structureId, long parentStructureId,
Map nameMap, Map descriptionMap,
DDMForm ddmForm, DDMFormLayout ddmFormLayout,
ServiceContext serviceContext)
throws PortalException {
getPermissionChecker(), structureId, ActionKeys.UPDATE);
return ddmStructureLocalService.updateStructure(
getUserId(), structureId, parentStructureId, nameMap,
descriptionMap, ddmForm, ddmFormLayout, serviceContext);
private Predicate _getPredicate(
long companyId, long[] groupIds, long classNameId, String keywords) {
Predicate predicate = DDMStructureTable.INSTANCE.companyId.eq(
DDMStructureTable.INSTANCE.structureId, groupIds)
Predicate groupIdsPredicate = null;
for (long groupId : groupIds) {
Predicate groupIdPredicate = DDMStructureTable.INSTANCE.groupId.eq(
if (groupIdsPredicate == null) {
groupIdsPredicate = groupIdPredicate;
else {
groupIdsPredicate = groupIdsPredicate.or(groupIdPredicate);
if (groupIdsPredicate != null) {
predicate = predicate.and(groupIdsPredicate.withParentheses());
Predicate keywordsPredicate = null;
for (String keyword : _customSQL.keywords(keywords, true)) {
if (keyword == null) {
Predicate keywordPredicate = DSLFunctionFactoryUtil.lower(
if (keywordsPredicate == null) {
keywordsPredicate = keywordPredicate;
else {
keywordsPredicate = keywordsPredicate.or(keywordPredicate);
if (keywordsPredicate != null) {
predicate = predicate.and(keywordsPredicate.withParentheses());
return predicate;
private static final Log _log = LogFactoryUtil.getLog(
private CustomSQL _customSQL;
private DDMPermissionSupport _ddmPermissionSupport;
target = "("
private ModelResourcePermission
private InlineSQLHelper _inlineSQLHelper;