com.helger.commons.io.file.FileOperations Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Philip Helger (www.helger.com)
* philip[at]helger[dot]com
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.helger.commons.io.file;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.nio.channels.FileLock;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.ThreadSafe;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.helger.commons.CGlobal;
import com.helger.commons.ValueEnforcer;
import com.helger.commons.annotation.PresentForCodeCoverage;
import com.helger.commons.equals.EqualsHelper;
import com.helger.commons.io.EAppend;
import com.helger.commons.io.channel.ChannelHelper;
import com.helger.commons.io.stream.StreamHelper;
import com.helger.commons.state.ESuccess;
* Wraps file operations.
* @author Philip Helger
public final class FileOperations
* The default value for warning if we're about to delete the root directory.
public static final boolean DEFAULT_EXCEPTION_ON_DELETE_ROOT = true;
private static final Logger s_aLogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger (FileOperations.class);
private static volatile boolean s_bExceptionOnDeleteRoot = DEFAULT_EXCEPTION_ON_DELETE_ROOT;
private static final FileOperations s_aInstance = new FileOperations ();
private FileOperations ()
public static boolean isExceptionOnDeleteRoot ()
return s_bExceptionOnDeleteRoot;
public static void setExceptionOnDeleteRoot (final boolean bExceptionOnDeleteRoot)
s_bExceptionOnDeleteRoot = bExceptionOnDeleteRoot;
* Create a new directory. The direct parent directory already needs to exist.
* @param aDir
* The directory to be created. May not be null
* @return A non-null
error code.
public static FileIOError createDir (@Nonnull final File aDir)
ValueEnforcer.notNull (aDir, "Directory");
// Does the directory already exist?
if (aDir.exists ())
return EFileIOErrorCode.TARGET_ALREADY_EXISTS.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.CREATE_DIR, aDir);
// Is the parent directory writable?
final File aParentDir = aDir.getParentFile ();
if (aParentDir != null && aParentDir.exists () && !FileHelper.canWrite (aParentDir))
return EFileIOErrorCode.SOURCE_PARENT_NOT_WRITABLE.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.CREATE_DIR, aDir);
final EFileIOErrorCode eError = aDir.mkdir () ? EFileIOErrorCode.NO_ERROR : EFileIOErrorCode.OPERATION_FAILED;
return eError.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.CREATE_DIR, aDir);
catch (final SecurityException ex)
return EFileIOErrorCode.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.CREATE_DIR, ex);
* Create a new directory if it does not exist. The direct parent directory
* already needs to exist.
* @param aDir
* The directory to be created if it does not exist. May not be
* null
* @return A non-null
error code.
public static FileIOError createDirIfNotExisting (@Nonnull final File aDir)
final FileIOError aError = createDir (aDir);
if (aError.getErrorCode ().equals (EFileIOErrorCode.TARGET_ALREADY_EXISTS))
return EFileIOErrorCode.NO_ERROR.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.CREATE_DIR, aDir);
return aError;
* Create a new directory. The parent directories are created if they are
* missing.
* @param aDir
* The directory to be created. May not be null
* @return A non-null
error code.
public static FileIOError createDirRecursive (@Nonnull final File aDir)
ValueEnforcer.notNull (aDir, "Directory");
// Does the directory already exist?
if (aDir.exists ())
// Is the parent directory writable?
final File aParentDir = aDir.getParentFile ();
if (aParentDir != null && aParentDir.exists () && !FileHelper.canWrite (aParentDir))
final EFileIOErrorCode eError = aDir.mkdirs () ? EFileIOErrorCode.NO_ERROR : EFileIOErrorCode.OPERATION_FAILED;
return eError.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.CREATE_DIR_RECURSIVE, aDir);
catch (final SecurityException ex)
return EFileIOErrorCode.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.CREATE_DIR_RECURSIVE, ex);
* Create a new directory if it does not exist. The direct parent directory
* already needs to exist.
* @param aDir
* The directory to be created if it does not exist. May not be
* null
* @return A non-null
error code.
* @see #createDirRecursive(File)
public static FileIOError createDirRecursiveIfNotExisting (@Nonnull final File aDir)
final FileIOError aError = createDirRecursive (aDir);
if (aError.getErrorCode ().equals (EFileIOErrorCode.TARGET_ALREADY_EXISTS))
return EFileIOErrorCode.NO_ERROR.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.CREATE_DIR_RECURSIVE, aDir);
return aError;
* Delete an existing directory. The directory needs to be empty before it can
* be deleted.
* @param aDir
* The directory to be deleted. May not be null
* @return A non-null
error code.
public static FileIOError deleteDir (@Nonnull final File aDir)
ValueEnforcer.notNull (aDir, "Directory");
// Does the directory not exist?
if (!FileHelper.existsDir (aDir))
return EFileIOErrorCode.SOURCE_DOES_NOT_EXIST.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.DELETE_DIR, aDir);
if (isExceptionOnDeleteRoot ())
// Check that we're not deleting the complete hard drive...
if (aDir.getAbsoluteFile ().getParent () == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Aren't we deleting the full drive: '" + aDir.getAbsolutePath () + "'");
// Is the parent directory writable?
final File aParentDir = aDir.getParentFile ();
if (aParentDir != null && !FileHelper.canWrite (aParentDir))
return EFileIOErrorCode.SOURCE_PARENT_NOT_WRITABLE.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.DELETE_DIR, aDir);
// delete may return true even so it internally failed!
final EFileIOErrorCode eError = aDir.delete () && !aDir.exists () ? EFileIOErrorCode.NO_ERROR
return eError.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.DELETE_DIR, aDir);
catch (final SecurityException ex)
return EFileIOErrorCode.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.DELETE_DIR, ex);
* Delete an existing directory if it is existing. The directory needs to be
* empty before it can be deleted.
* @param aDir
* The directory to be deleted. May not be null
* @return A non-null
error code.
* @see #deleteDir(File)
public static FileIOError deleteDirIfExisting (@Nonnull final File aDir)
final FileIOError aError = deleteDir (aDir);
if (aError.getErrorCode ().equals (EFileIOErrorCode.SOURCE_DOES_NOT_EXIST))
return EFileIOErrorCode.NO_ERROR.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.DELETE_DIR, aDir);
return aError;
* Delete an existing directory including all child objects.
* @param aDir
* The directory to be deleted. May not be null
* @return A non-null
error code.
public static FileIOError deleteDirRecursive (@Nonnull final File aDir)
ValueEnforcer.notNull (aDir, "Directory");
// Non-existing directory?
if (!FileHelper.existsDir (aDir))
return EFileIOErrorCode.SOURCE_DOES_NOT_EXIST.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.DELETE_DIR_RECURSIVE, aDir);
if (isExceptionOnDeleteRoot ())
// Check that we're not deleting the complete hard drive...
if (aDir.getAbsoluteFile ().getParent () == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Aren't we deleting the full drive: '" + aDir.getAbsolutePath () + "'");
// Is the parent directory writable?
final File aParentDir = aDir.getParentFile ();
if (aParentDir != null && !FileHelper.canWrite (aParentDir))
// iterate directory
for (final File aChild : FileHelper.getDirectoryContent (aDir))
// is it a file or a directory or ...
if (aChild.isDirectory ())
// Ignore "." and ".." directory
if (FilenameHelper.isSystemInternalDirectory (aChild.getName ()))
// recursive call
final FileIOError eCode = deleteDirRecursive (aChild);
if (eCode.isFailure ())
return eCode;
if (aChild.isFile ())
// delete file
final FileIOError eCode = deleteFile (aChild);
if (eCode.isFailure ())
return eCode;
// Neither directory no file - don't know how to handle
return EFileIOErrorCode.OBJECT_CANNOT_BE_HANDLED.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.DELETE_DIR_RECURSIVE, aChild);
// Now this directory should be empty -> delete as if empty
return deleteDir (aDir);
* Delete an existing directory including all child objects if it is existing.
* @param aDir
* The directory to be deleted. May not be null
* @return A non-null
error code.
public static FileIOError deleteDirRecursiveIfExisting (@Nonnull final File aDir)
final FileIOError aError = deleteDirRecursive (aDir);
if (aError.getErrorCode ().equals (EFileIOErrorCode.SOURCE_DOES_NOT_EXIST))
return EFileIOErrorCode.NO_ERROR.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.DELETE_DIR_RECURSIVE, aDir);
return aError;
* Delete an existing file.
* @param aFile
* The file to be deleted. May not be null
* @return A non-null
error code.
public static FileIOError deleteFile (@Nonnull final File aFile)
ValueEnforcer.notNull (aFile, "File");
if (!FileHelper.existsFile (aFile))
return EFileIOErrorCode.SOURCE_DOES_NOT_EXIST.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.DELETE_FILE, aFile);
// Is the parent directory writable?
final File aParentDir = aFile.getParentFile ();
if (aParentDir != null && !FileHelper.canWrite (aParentDir))
return EFileIOErrorCode.SOURCE_PARENT_NOT_WRITABLE.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.DELETE_FILE, aFile);
// delete may return true even so it internally failed!
final EFileIOErrorCode eError = aFile.delete () && !aFile.exists () ? EFileIOErrorCode.NO_ERROR
return eError.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.DELETE_FILE, aFile);
catch (final SecurityException ex)
return EFileIOErrorCode.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.DELETE_FILE, ex);
* Delete a file if it is existing.
* @param aFile
* The file to be deleted. May not be null
* @return A non-null
error code.
public static FileIOError deleteFileIfExisting (@Nonnull final File aFile)
final FileIOError aError = deleteFile (aFile);
if (aError.getErrorCode ().equals (EFileIOErrorCode.SOURCE_DOES_NOT_EXIST))
return EFileIOErrorCode.NO_ERROR.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.DELETE_FILE, aFile);
return aError;
* Rename a file.
* @param aSourceFile
* The original file name. May not be null
* @param aTargetFile
* The destination file name. May not be null
* @return A non-null
error code.
public static FileIOError renameFile (@Nonnull final File aSourceFile, @Nonnull final File aTargetFile)
ValueEnforcer.notNull (aSourceFile, "SourceFile");
ValueEnforcer.notNull (aTargetFile, "TargetFile");
// Does the source file exist?
if (!FileHelper.existsFile (aSourceFile))
return EFileIOErrorCode.SOURCE_DOES_NOT_EXIST.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.RENAME_FILE, aSourceFile);
// Are source and target different?
if (EqualsHelper.equals (aSourceFile, aTargetFile))
return EFileIOErrorCode.SOURCE_EQUALS_TARGET.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.RENAME_FILE, aSourceFile);
// Does the target file already exist?
if (aTargetFile.exists ())
return EFileIOErrorCode.TARGET_ALREADY_EXISTS.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.RENAME_FILE, aTargetFile);
// Is the source parent directory writable?
final File aSourceParentDir = aSourceFile.getParentFile ();
if (aSourceParentDir != null && !FileHelper.canWrite (aSourceParentDir))
return EFileIOErrorCode.SOURCE_PARENT_NOT_WRITABLE.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.RENAME_FILE, aSourceFile);
// Is the target parent directory writable?
final File aTargetParentDir = aTargetFile.getParentFile ();
if (aTargetParentDir != null && aTargetParentDir.exists () && !FileHelper.canWrite (aTargetParentDir))
return EFileIOErrorCode.TARGET_PARENT_NOT_WRITABLE.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.RENAME_FILE, aTargetFile);
// Ensure parent of target directory is present
FileHelper.ensureParentDirectoryIsPresent (aTargetFile);
final EFileIOErrorCode eError = aSourceFile.renameTo (aTargetFile) ? EFileIOErrorCode.NO_ERROR
return eError.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.RENAME_FILE, aSourceFile, aTargetFile);
catch (final SecurityException ex)
return EFileIOErrorCode.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.RENAME_FILE, ex);
* Rename a directory.
* @param aSourceDir
* The original directory name. May not be null
* @param aTargetDir
* The destination directory name. May not be null
* @return A non-null
error code.
public static FileIOError renameDir (@Nonnull final File aSourceDir, @Nonnull final File aTargetDir)
ValueEnforcer.notNull (aSourceDir, "SourceDirectory");
ValueEnforcer.notNull (aTargetDir, "TargetDirectory");
// Does the source directory exist?
if (!FileHelper.existsDir (aSourceDir))
return EFileIOErrorCode.SOURCE_DOES_NOT_EXIST.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.RENAME_DIR, aSourceDir);
// Are source and target different?
if (EqualsHelper.equals (aSourceDir, aTargetDir))
return EFileIOErrorCode.SOURCE_EQUALS_TARGET.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.RENAME_DIR, aSourceDir);
// Does the target directory already exist?
if (aTargetDir.exists ())
return EFileIOErrorCode.TARGET_ALREADY_EXISTS.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.RENAME_DIR, aTargetDir);
// Is the source a parent of target?
if (FileHelper.isParentDirectory (aSourceDir, aTargetDir))
return EFileIOErrorCode.TARGET_IS_CHILD_OF_SOURCE.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.RENAME_DIR,
// Is the source parent directory writable?
final File aSourceParentDir = aSourceDir.getParentFile ();
if (aSourceParentDir != null && !FileHelper.canWrite (aSourceParentDir))
return EFileIOErrorCode.SOURCE_PARENT_NOT_WRITABLE.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.RENAME_DIR, aSourceDir);
// Is the target parent directory writable?
final File aTargetParentDir = aTargetDir.getParentFile ();
if (aTargetParentDir != null && aTargetParentDir.exists () && !FileHelper.canWrite (aTargetParentDir))
return EFileIOErrorCode.TARGET_PARENT_NOT_WRITABLE.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.RENAME_DIR, aTargetDir);
// Ensure parent of target directory is present
FileHelper.ensureParentDirectoryIsPresent (aTargetDir);
final EFileIOErrorCode eError = aSourceDir.renameTo (aTargetDir) ? EFileIOErrorCode.NO_ERROR
return eError.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.RENAME_DIR, aSourceDir, aTargetDir);
catch (final SecurityException ex)
return EFileIOErrorCode.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.RENAME_DIR, ex);
* Copy the content of the source file to the destination file using
* {@link FileChannel}. This version seems to fail with UNC paths.
* @param aSrcFile
* Source file. May not be null
* @param aDestFile
* Destination file. May not be null
* @return {@link ESuccess}
private static ESuccess _copyFileViaChannel (@Nonnull final File aSrcFile, @Nonnull final File aDestFile)
final FileChannel aSrcChannel = FileHelper.getFileReadChannel (aSrcFile);
if (aSrcChannel == null)
return ESuccess.FAILURE;
final FileChannel aDstChannel = FileHelper.getFileWriteChannel (aDestFile, EAppend.TRUNCATE);
if (aDstChannel == null)
return ESuccess.FAILURE;
FileLock aSrcLock = null;
FileLock aDestLock = null;
final long nBytesToRead = aSrcChannel.size ();
// Shared read lock and exclusive write lock
aSrcLock = aSrcChannel.lock (0, nBytesToRead, true);
aDestLock = aDstChannel.lock ();
// Main copying - the loop version is much quicker than then
// transferTo with full size!
long nBytesWritten = 0;
final long nChunkSize = 1 * CGlobal.BYTES_PER_MEGABYTE;
while (nBytesWritten < nBytesToRead)
nBytesWritten += aSrcChannel.transferTo (nBytesWritten, nChunkSize, aDstChannel);
if (nBytesToRead != nBytesWritten)
s_aLogger.error ("Failed to copy file. Meant to read " +
nBytesToRead +
" bytes but wrote " +
return ESuccess.FAILURE;
return ESuccess.SUCCESS;
catch (final IOException ex)
throw new IllegalStateException ("Failed to copy from " + aSrcFile + " to " + aDestFile, ex);
// Unlock
ChannelHelper.release (aDestLock);
ChannelHelper.release (aSrcLock);
ChannelHelper.close (aDstChannel);
ChannelHelper.close (aSrcChannel);
* Copy the content of the source file to the destination file using
* {@link InputStream} and {@link OutputStream}.
* @param aSrcFile
* Source file. May not be null
* @param aDestFile
* Destination file. May not be null
* @return {@link ESuccess}
private static ESuccess _copyFileViaStreams (@Nonnull final File aSrcFile, @Nonnull final File aDestFile)
final InputStream aSrcIS = FileHelper.getInputStream (aSrcFile);
if (aSrcIS == null)
return ESuccess.FAILURE;
final OutputStream aDstOS = FileHelper.getOutputStream (aDestFile, EAppend.TRUNCATE);
if (aDstOS == null)
return ESuccess.FAILURE;
return StreamHelper.copyInputStreamToOutputStream (aSrcIS, aDstOS);
StreamHelper.close (aDstOS);
StreamHelper.close (aSrcIS);
* Copies the source file to the target file.
* @param aSourceFile
* The source file to use. May not be null
. Needs to be an
* existing file.
* @param aTargetFile
* The destination files. May not be null
and may not be
* an existing file.
* @return A non-null
error code.
public static FileIOError copyFile (@Nonnull final File aSourceFile, @Nonnull final File aTargetFile)
ValueEnforcer.notNull (aSourceFile, "SourceFile");
ValueEnforcer.notNull (aTargetFile, "TargetFile");
// Does the source file exist?
if (!FileHelper.existsFile (aSourceFile))
return EFileIOErrorCode.SOURCE_DOES_NOT_EXIST.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.COPY_FILE, aSourceFile);
// Are source and target different?
if (EqualsHelper.equals (aSourceFile, aTargetFile))
return EFileIOErrorCode.SOURCE_EQUALS_TARGET.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.COPY_FILE, aSourceFile);
// Does the target file already exist?
if (aTargetFile.exists ())
return EFileIOErrorCode.TARGET_ALREADY_EXISTS.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.COPY_FILE, aTargetFile);
// Is the source file readable?
if (!FileHelper.canRead (aSourceFile))
return EFileIOErrorCode.SOURCE_NOT_READABLE.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.COPY_FILE, aSourceFile);
// Is the target parent directory writable?
final File aTargetParentDir = aTargetFile.getParentFile ();
if (aTargetParentDir != null && aTargetParentDir.exists () && !FileHelper.canWrite (aTargetParentDir))
return EFileIOErrorCode.TARGET_PARENT_NOT_WRITABLE.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.COPY_FILE, aTargetFile);
// Ensure the targets parent directory is present
FileHelper.ensureParentDirectoryIsPresent (aTargetFile);
ESuccess eSuccess;
if (false)
// Used FileChannel for better performance
// But they make problems when using UNC paths
eSuccess = _copyFileViaChannel (aSourceFile, aTargetFile);
// Streams are slower but more interoperable
eSuccess = _copyFileViaStreams (aSourceFile, aTargetFile);
final EFileIOErrorCode eError = eSuccess.isSuccess () ? EFileIOErrorCode.NO_ERROR
return eError.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.COPY_FILE, aSourceFile, aTargetFile);
* Copy a directory including all child objects.
* @param aSourceDir
* The source directory to be copied. May not be null
* @param aTargetDir
* The destination directory where to be copied. This directory may not
* be existing. May not be null
* @return A non-null
error code.
public static FileIOError copyDirRecursive (@Nonnull final File aSourceDir, @Nonnull final File aTargetDir)
ValueEnforcer.notNull (aSourceDir, "SourceDirectory");
ValueEnforcer.notNull (aTargetDir, "TargetDirectory");
// Does the source directory exist?
if (!FileHelper.existsDir (aSourceDir))
return EFileIOErrorCode.SOURCE_DOES_NOT_EXIST.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.COPY_DIR_RECURSIVE, aSourceDir);
// Are source and target different?
if (EqualsHelper.equals (aSourceDir, aTargetDir))
return EFileIOErrorCode.SOURCE_EQUALS_TARGET.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.COPY_DIR_RECURSIVE, aSourceDir);
// Is the source a parent of target?
if (FileHelper.isParentDirectory (aSourceDir, aTargetDir))
// Does the target directory already exist?
if (aTargetDir.exists ())
return EFileIOErrorCode.TARGET_ALREADY_EXISTS.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.COPY_DIR_RECURSIVE, aTargetDir);
// Is the source directory readable?
if (!FileHelper.canRead (aSourceDir))
return EFileIOErrorCode.SOURCE_NOT_READABLE.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.COPY_DIR_RECURSIVE, aSourceDir);
// Is the target parent directory writable?
final File aTargetParentDir = aTargetDir.getParentFile ();
if (aTargetParentDir != null && aTargetParentDir.exists () && !FileHelper.canWrite (aTargetParentDir))
return EFileIOErrorCode.TARGET_PARENT_NOT_WRITABLE.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.COPY_DIR_RECURSIVE, aTargetDir);
FileIOError eCode;
// Ensure the targets parent directory is present
eCode = createDirRecursive (aTargetDir);
if (eCode.isFailure ())
return eCode;
for (final File aChild : FileHelper.getDirectoryContent (aSourceDir))
if (aChild.isDirectory ())
// Skip "." and ".."
if (FilenameHelper.isSystemInternalDirectory (aChild.getName ()))
// Copy directory
eCode = copyDirRecursive (aChild, new File (aTargetDir, aChild.getName ()));
if (eCode.isFailure ())
return eCode;
if (aChild.isFile ())
// Copy a file
eCode = copyFile (aChild, new File (aTargetDir, aChild.getName ()));
if (eCode.isFailure ())
return eCode;
// Neither directory not file - don't know how to handle
return EFileIOErrorCode.OBJECT_CANNOT_BE_HANDLED.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.COPY_DIR_RECURSIVE, aChild);
// Done
return EFileIOErrorCode.NO_ERROR.getAsIOError (EFileIOOperation.COPY_DIR_RECURSIVE, aSourceDir, aTargetDir);
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