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META-INF.resources.index.d.ts Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: (c) 2000 Liferay, Inc.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later OR LicenseRef-Liferay-DXP-EULA-2.0.0-2023-06

interface Region {
	bottom: number;
	height: number;
	left: number;
	right: number;
	top: number;
	width: number;

interface DefaultFunction {
	(): void;

interface AppendFunction {
	(scriptElement: HTMLScriptElement): void;

 * Add URLSearchParams recursively to a given string representing an URL
export function addParams(params: String | Object, baseUrl: String): string;

 * Aligns the element with the best region around alignElement. The best
 * region is defined by clockwise rotation starting from the specified
 * `position`. The element is always aligned in the middle of alignElement
 * axis.
export function align(
	element: HTMLElement,
	alignElement: HTMLElement,
	position: number,
	autoBestAlign: boolean
): string;

/* Cancels the scheduled debounced function. */
export function cancelDebounce(debounced: (...args: any[]) => void): void;

export function createActionURL(
	basePortletURL: string,
	parameters?: Object
): URL;

export function createPortletURL(
	basePortletURL: string,
	parameters?: Object
): URL;

export function createRenderURL(
	basePortletURL: string,
	parameters?: Object
): URL;

export function createResourceURL(
	basePortletURL: string,
	parameters?: Object
): URL;

/* Debounces function execution. */
export function debounce(
	fn: (...args: any[]) => void,
	delay: number
): (...args: any[]) => void;

 * Decodes the update strings.
 * The update string is a JSON object containing the entire page state.
 * This decoder returns an object containing the portlet data for portlets whose
 * state has changed as compared to the current page state.
export function decodeUpdateString(
	pageRenderState: object,
	updateString: string
): object;

 * Listens to the specified event on the given DOM element, but only calls the
 * given callback listener when it's triggered by elements that match the
 * given selector or target element.
export function delegate(
	element: Element,
	eventName: string,
	selector: string,
	callback: (event: any) => void
): {dispose: () => void};

 * Function to extract data from form and encode
 * it as an 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' string.
export function encodeFormAsString(
	portletId: string,
	form: HTMLFormElement
): string;

 * Fetches a resource. A thin wrapper around ES6 Fetch API, with standardized
 * default configuration.
export function fetch(
	input: RequestInfo,
	init?: RequestInit
): Promise;

 * Generates the required options for an action URL request
 * according to the portletId, action URL and optional form element.
export function generateActionUrl(
	portletId: string,
	url: string,
	form: HTMLFormElement
): object;

 * Helper for generating portlet mode & window state strings for the URL.
export function generatePortletModeAndWindowStateString(
	pageRenderState: object,
	portletId: string
): string;

 * Returns the best region to align element with alignElement. This is similar
 * to `suggestAlignBestRegion`, but it only returns the region information,
 * while `suggestAlignBestRegion` also returns the chosen position.
export function getAlignBestRegion(
	element: HTMLElement,
	alignElement: HTMLElement,
	position: number
): {
	position: number;
	region: Region;

 * Returns the region to align element with alignElement. The element is
 * always aligned in the middle of alignElement axis.
export function getAlignRegion(
	element: HTMLElement,
	alignElement: HTMLElement,
	position: number
): Region;

export function getCheckedCheckboxes(
	form: HTMLFormElement,
	except: string,
	name?: string
): Array | '';

export function getCountries(callback?: () => void): Promise;

export function getOpener(): any;

export function getRegions(
	callback?: () => void,
	selectKey?: string
): Promise;

export function getTop(): Window;

export function getUncheckedCheckboxes(
	form: HTMLFormElement,
	except: string,
	name?: string
): Array | '';

 * Gets the updated public parameters for the given portlet ID and new render state.
 * Returns an object whose properties are the group indexes of the
 * updated public parameters. The values are the new public parameter values.
export function getUpdatedPublicRenderParameters(
	pageRenderState: object,
	portletId: string,
	state: RenderState
): object;

 * Returns a URL of the specified type.
export function getUrl(
	pageRenderState: object,
	type: string,
	portletId: string,
	parameters: object,
	cache: string,
	resourceId: string
): Promise;

 * Minimizes portlet
export function minimizePortlet(
	portletSelector: string,
	trigger: HTMLElement,
	options?: object
): void;

 * Performs navigation to the given url. If SPA is enabled, it will route the
 * request through the SPA engine. If not, it will simple change the document
 * location.
export function navigate(url: string | URL, listeners?: Object): void;

export function objectToFormData(
	objectOrNamespace: object | string,
	formData?: FormData,
	namespace?: string
): FormData;

export function openAlertModal({message}: {message: string}): void;

export function openConfirmModal({
}: {
	message: string;
	onConfirm: (confirmed: boolean) => void;
	status?: string;
	title?: string;
}): void;

export function openModal(props: Object): void;

export function openSelectionModal(init: {
	buttonAddLabel?: string;
	buttonCancelLabel?: string;
	containerProps?: Object;
	customSelectEvent?: boolean;
	height?: string;
	id?: string;
	iframeBodyCssClass?: string;
	multiple?: boolean;
	onClose?: () => void;
	onSelect?: (item: T) => void;
	selectEventName?: string;
	selectedData?: any;
	size?: 'full-screen' | 'lg' | 'md' | 'sm';
	title?: string;
	url?: string;
	zIndex?: number;
}): void;

export function openToast({
}: {
	autoClose?: number | boolean;
	container?: HTMLElement;
	containerId?: string;
	message?: string;
	onClick?: () => void;
	onClose?: () => void;
	renderData?: {portletId: string};
	title?: string;
	toastProps?: Object;
	type?: string;
	variant?: string;
}): void;

export function openWindow(config: object, callback?: Function): void;

export {default as openCategorySelectionModal} from './liferay/modal/commands/openCategorySelectionModal';
export {default as openTagSelectionModal} from './liferay/modal/commands/openTagSelectionModal';

 * Registers a portlet client with the portlet hub.
export function register(portletId: string): Promise;

 * Executes the content of script tags inside a HTMLElement
export function runScriptsInElement(
	element: HTMLElement,
	defaultFn?: DefaultFunction,
	appendFn?: AppendFunction
): void;

export function sub(
	string: string,
	data: string | number | string[] | number[] | Array | Array,
	...args: string[] | number[]
): string;

 * Looks for the best region for aligning the given element. The best
 * region is defined by clockwise rotation starting from the specified
 * `position`. The element is always aligned in the middle of alignElement
 * axis.
export function suggestAlignBestRegion(
	element: HTMLElement,
	alignElement: HTMLElement,
	position: number
): {
	position: number;
	region: Region;

 * Throttle implementation that fires on the leading and trailing edges.
 * If multiple calls come in during the throttle interval, the last call's
 * arguments and context are used, replacing those of any previously pending
 * calls.
export function throttle(
	fn: (event: any) => void,
	interval: number
): () => void;

export function toggleBoxes(
	checkBoxId: string,
	toggleBoxId: string,
	displayWhenUnchecked?: boolean,
	toggleChildCheckboxes?: boolean
): void;

export function toggleRadio(
	radioId: string,
	showBoxIds: string | string[],
	hideBoxIds?: string | string[]
): void;

export function toggleSelectBox(
	selectBoxId: string,
	value: any,
	toggleBoxId: string
): void;

 * Used by the portlet hub methods to check the number and types of the
 * arguments.
export function validateArguments(
	args: string[],
	min: number,
	max: number,
	types: string[]
): void;

 * Validates an HTMLFormElement
export function validateForm(form: HTMLFormElement): void;

 * Verifies that the input parameters are in valid format.
 * Parameters must be an object containing parameter names. It may also
 * contain no property names which represents the case of having no
 * parameters.
 * If properties are present, each property must refer to an array of string
 * values. The array length must be at least 1, because each parameter must
 * have a value. However, a value of 'null' may appear in any array entry.
 * To represent a null value, the property value must equal [null].
export function validateParameters(parameters: object): void;

 * Validates the specificed portletId against the list
 * of current portlet in the pageRenderState.
export function validatePortletId(
	portletId: string,
	pageRenderState: object
): boolean;

 * Verifies that the input parameters are in valid format, that the portlet
 * mode and window state values are allowed for the portlet.
export function validateState(state: RenderState, portletData: object): void;

export class AOP {

	 * Constructor for AOP class.
	constructor(object: object, fnName: string);

	 * Array of listeners that will invoke after the displaced function.
	after_: string[];

	 * Array of listeners that will invoke before the displaced function.
	before_: string[];

	 * The name of the displaced function.
	fnName_: string;

	 * The displaced function.
	fn_: () => void;

	 * The object hosting the method to displace.
	obj_: object;

	 * Creates handle for detaching listener from displaced function.
	createHandle(fn: () => void, before: boolean): object;

	 * Detaches listener from displaced function.
	detach_(fn: () => void, before: boolean): void;

	exec(...args: any[]): any;

	 * Registers an AOP listener.
	register(fn: () => void, before: boolean): EventHandle;

	 * Executes the supplied method after the specified function.
	static after(fn: () => void, object: object, fnName: string): EventHandle;

	 * Return an alterReturn object when you want to change the result returned
	 * from the core method to the caller.
	static alterReturn(value: any): {type: string; value: any};

	 * Executes the supplied method before the specified function.
	static before(fn: () => void, object: object, fnName: string): EventHandle;

	 * Return a halt object when you want to terminate the execution
	 * of all subsequent subscribers as well as the wrapped method
	 * if it has not executed yet.
	static halt(value: any): {type: string; value: any};

	 * Executes the supplied method before or after the specified function.
	static inject(
		before: boolean,
		fn: () => void,
		object: object,
		fnName: string
	): EventHandle;

	 * Returns object which instructs `exec` method to modify the return
	 * value or prevent default behavior of wrapped function.
	static modify_(type: string, value: any): {type: string; value: any};

	 * Return a prevent object when you want to prevent the wrapped function
	 * from executing, but want the remaining listeners to execute.
	static prevent(): {type: string; value: any};

export class AutoSize {
	constructor(inputElement: HTMLElement);

	createTemplate(computedStyle: {
		fontFamily: string;
		fontSize: string;
		fontStyle: string;
		fontWeight: string;
		letterSpacing: string;
		lineHeight: string;
		textTransform: string;
	}): HTMLPreElement;

	handleInput(event: string): void;

 * Adds compatibility for YUI events, re-emitting events according to YUI naming
 * and adding the capability of adding targets to bubble events to them.
export class CompatibilityEventProxy {
	constructor(config: object, element: HTMLElement);

	 * Registers another event target as a bubble target.
	addTarget(target: object): void;

export class Disposable {

	 * Disposes of this instance's object references. Calls `disposeInternal`.
	dispose(): void;

	 * Checks if this instance has already been disposed.
	isDisposed(): boolean;

 * Appends list item elements to dropdown menus with inline-scrollers on scroll
 * events to improve page loading performance.
export class DynamicInlineScroll {
	attached(): void;

	created(): void;

	detached(): void;

export class DynamicSelect {
	constructor(array: object[]);

export class EventEmitter {

	 * Adds a listener to the end of the listeners array for the specified events.
		event: string | string[],
		listener: () => void,
		defaultListener: boolean
	): EventHandle;

export class EventHandle {

	 * EventHandle constructor
	constructor(emitter: EventEmitter, event: string, listener: () => void);

	disposeInternal(): void;

	 * Removes the listener subscription from the emitter.
	removeListener(): void;

 * EventHandler utility. It's useful for easily removing a group of
 * listeners from different EventEmitter instances.
export class EventHandler {

	 * Adds a listener to the end of the listeners array for the specified events.
		event: string | string[],
		listener: () => void,
		defaultListener: boolean
	): EventHandle;

	 * Disposes of this instance's object references.
	disposeInternal(): void;

	 * Execute each of the listeners in order with the supplied arguments.
	emit(event: string, ...opt_args: any[]): boolean;

	 * Gets the configuration option which determines if an event facade should
	 * be sent as a param of listeners when emitting events. If set to true, the
	 * facade will be passed as the first argument of the listener.
	getShouldUseFacade(): boolean;

	 * Returns an array of listeners for the specified event.
	listeners(event: string): any[];

	 * Adds a listener that will be invoked a fixed number of times for the
	 * events. After each event is triggered the specified amount of times, the
	 * listener is removed for it.
		event: string | string[],
		amount: number,
		listener: () => void
	): EventHandle;

	 * Removes a listener for the specified events.
	 * Caution: changes array indices in the listener array behind the listener.
	off(event: string | string[], listener: () => void): EventEmitter;

	 * Adds a listener to the end of the listeners array for the specified events.
	on(events: string | string[], listener: () => void): EventHandle;

	 * Adds handler that gets triggered when an event is listened to on this
	 * instance.
	onListener(handler: () => void): void;

	 * Adds a one time listener for the events. This listener is invoked only the
	 * next time each event is fired, after which it is removed.
	once(event: string | string[], listener: () => void): EventHandle;

	 * Removes all listeners, or those of the specified events. It's not a good
	 * idea to remove listeners that were added elsewhere in the code,
	 * especially when it's on an emitter that you didn't create.
	removeAllListeners(event?: string | string[]): EventEmitter;

	 * Removes a listener for the specified events.
	 * Caution: changes array indices in the listener array behind the listener.
		events: string | string[],
		listener: () => void
	): EventEmitter;

	 * Sets the configuration option which determines if an event facade should
	 * be sent as a param of listeners when emitting events. If set to true, the
	 * facade will be passed as the first argument of the listener.
	setShouldUseFacade(shouldUseFacade: boolean): EventEmitter;

export class PortletInit {
	constructor(portletId: string);

	 * Initiates a portlet action using the specified action parameters and
	 * element arguments.
	action(...args: any[]): Promise;

	 * Adds a listener function for specified event type.
	addEventListener(type: string, handler: () => void): object;

	 * Returns a promise for a resource URL with parameters set appropriately
	 * for the page state according to the resource parameters, cacheability
	 * option, and resource ID provided.
		parameters: object,
		cache: string,
		resourceId: string
	): Promise;

	 * Dispatches a client event.
	dispatchClientEvent(type: string, payload: any): number;

	 * Tests whether a blocking operation is in progress.
	isInProgress(): boolean;

	 * Creates and returns a new PortletParameters object.
	newParameters(optParameters?: object): object;

	 * Creates and returns a new RenderState object.
	newState(optState?: RenderState): RenderState;

	 * Removes a previously added listener function designated by the handle.
	 * The handle must be the same object previously returned by the
	 * addEventListener function.
	removeEventListener(handle: any): void;

	 * Sets the render state, which consists of the public and private render
	 * parameters, the portlet mode, and the window state.

	setRenderState(state: RenderState): void;

	 * Starts partial action processing and returns a promise for the result.
	startPartialAction(actionParameters: object): Promise;

export class PortletBase {

	 * Returns a Node List containing all the matching element nodes within the
	 * subtrees of the root object, in tree order. If there are no matching
	 * nodes, the method returns an empty Node List.
	all(selector: string, root?: string | HTMLElement): HTMLElement[];

	 * Appends the portlet's namespace to the given string or object properties.
	ns(object: object | string): object | string;

	 * Returns the first matching Element node within the subtrees of the
	 * root object. If there is no matching Element, the method returns null.
	one(selectors: string, root?: string | HTMLElement): HTMLElement | null;

export class RenderState {
	constructor(state: any);

	 * Clone returns a copy of this RenderState instance.
	clone(): RenderState;

	 * Set the properties of a RenderState instance based on another RenderState
	from(renderState: RenderState): void;

	 * Returns the portletMode for this RenderState.
	getPortletMode(): string;

	 * Returns the string parameter value for the given name.
	 * If name designates a multi-valued parameter this function returns
	 * the first value in the values array. If the parameter is undefined
	 * this function returns the optional default parameter defaultValue.
	getValue(name: string, defaultValue?: string): string;

	 * Gets the string array parameter value for the given name.
	 * If the parameter for the given name is undefined, this function
	 * returns the optional default value array def.
	getValues(name: string, defaultValue?: string[]): string[];

	 * Returns the windowState for this RenderState.
	getWindowState(): string;

	 * Removes the parameter with the given name.
	remove(name: string): void;

	 * Sets the portletMode to the specified value.
	setPortletMode(portletMode: string): void;

	 * Sets a parameter with a given name and value.
	 * The value may be a string or an array.
	setValue(name: string, value: string | string[]): void;

	 * Sets the windowState to the specified value.
	setWindowState(windowState: string): void;

export function sub(
	string: string,
	data: string | number | string[] | number[] | Array | Array,
	...args: string[] | number[]
): string;

/* Returns the stored value of a cookie, undefined if not present */
export function getCookie(name: string, type: TYPE_VALUES): string | undefined;

/* Sets a cookie of a specific type if user has consented */
export function setCookie(
	name: string,
	value: string,
	options?: {
		'domain'?: string;
		'expires'?: string;
		'max-age'?: string;
		'path'?: string;
		'samesite'?: string;
		'secure'?: boolean;
): boolean;

/* Removes a cookie by expiring it */
export function removeCookie(name: string): void;

 * Object with consent types as keys and corresponding cookie names as values
export const TYPES: {[key: string]: TYPE_VALUES};

export type TYPE_VALUES =

type Storage = {
	clear(): void;

	getItem(key: string, type: TYPE_VALUES): string | undefined;

	key(index: number, type: TYPE_VALUES): string | undefined;

	removeItem(key: string): void;

		key: string,
		value: string | boolean,
		type: TYPE_VALUES,
		options?: {
			'domain'?: string;
			'expires'?: string;
			'max-age'?: string;
			'path'?: string;
			'samesite'?: string;
			'secure'?: boolean;
	): boolean;

	TYPES: typeof TYPES;

	length: number;

export const localStorage: Storage;

export const sessionStorage: Storage;

export const COOKIE_TYPES: {

export function checkConsent(type: TYPE_VALUES): boolean;

export function setSessionValue(
	key: string,
	value: Record | string | boolean,
	options?: {useHttpSession: boolean}
): Promise;

export function isReducedMotion(): boolean;

 * Client Extensions API
export {default as loadClientExtensions} from './utils/client_extensions/loadClientExtensions';
export {default as loadEditorClientExtensions} from './utils/client_extensions/loadEditorClientExtensions';
export {loadModule} from './utils/client_extensions/loadModule';

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