Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: (c) 2000 Liferay, Inc.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later OR LicenseRef-Liferay-DXP-EULA-2.0.0-2023-06
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.bean.AutoEscape;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.LocaleException;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.model.BaseModel;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.model.ExternalReferenceCodeModel;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.model.LocalizedModel;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.model.MVCCModel;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.model.ShardedModel;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.model.StagedAuditedModel;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.model.WorkflowedModel;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import org.osgi.annotation.versioning.ProviderType;
* The base model interface for the SXPBlueprint service. Represents a row in the "SXPBlueprint" database table, with each column mapped to a property of this class.
* This interface and its corresponding implementation
exist only as a container for the default property accessors generated by ServiceBuilder. Helper methods and all application logic should be put in
* @author Brian Wing Shun Chan
* @see SXPBlueprint
* @generated
public interface SXPBlueprintModel
extends BaseModel, ExternalReferenceCodeModel, LocalizedModel,
MVCCModel, ShardedModel, StagedAuditedModel, WorkflowedModel {
* Never modify or reference this interface directly. All methods that expect a sxp blueprint model instance should use the {@link SXPBlueprint} interface instead.
* Returns the primary key of this sxp blueprint.
* @return the primary key of this sxp blueprint
public long getPrimaryKey();
* Sets the primary key of this sxp blueprint.
* @param primaryKey the primary key of this sxp blueprint
public void setPrimaryKey(long primaryKey);
* Returns the mvcc version of this sxp blueprint.
* @return the mvcc version of this sxp blueprint
public long getMvccVersion();
* Sets the mvcc version of this sxp blueprint.
* @param mvccVersion the mvcc version of this sxp blueprint
public void setMvccVersion(long mvccVersion);
* Returns the uuid of this sxp blueprint.
* @return the uuid of this sxp blueprint
public String getUuid();
* Sets the uuid of this sxp blueprint.
* @param uuid the uuid of this sxp blueprint
public void setUuid(String uuid);
* Returns the external reference code of this sxp blueprint.
* @return the external reference code of this sxp blueprint
public String getExternalReferenceCode();
* Sets the external reference code of this sxp blueprint.
* @param externalReferenceCode the external reference code of this sxp blueprint
public void setExternalReferenceCode(String externalReferenceCode);
* Returns the sxp blueprint ID of this sxp blueprint.
* @return the sxp blueprint ID of this sxp blueprint
public long getSXPBlueprintId();
* Sets the sxp blueprint ID of this sxp blueprint.
* @param sxpBlueprintId the sxp blueprint ID of this sxp blueprint
public void setSXPBlueprintId(long sxpBlueprintId);
* Returns the company ID of this sxp blueprint.
* @return the company ID of this sxp blueprint
public long getCompanyId();
* Sets the company ID of this sxp blueprint.
* @param companyId the company ID of this sxp blueprint
public void setCompanyId(long companyId);
* Returns the user ID of this sxp blueprint.
* @return the user ID of this sxp blueprint
public long getUserId();
* Sets the user ID of this sxp blueprint.
* @param userId the user ID of this sxp blueprint
public void setUserId(long userId);
* Returns the user uuid of this sxp blueprint.
* @return the user uuid of this sxp blueprint
public String getUserUuid();
* Sets the user uuid of this sxp blueprint.
* @param userUuid the user uuid of this sxp blueprint
public void setUserUuid(String userUuid);
* Returns the user name of this sxp blueprint.
* @return the user name of this sxp blueprint
public String getUserName();
* Sets the user name of this sxp blueprint.
* @param userName the user name of this sxp blueprint
public void setUserName(String userName);
* Returns the create date of this sxp blueprint.
* @return the create date of this sxp blueprint
public Date getCreateDate();
* Sets the create date of this sxp blueprint.
* @param createDate the create date of this sxp blueprint
public void setCreateDate(Date createDate);
* Returns the modified date of this sxp blueprint.
* @return the modified date of this sxp blueprint
public Date getModifiedDate();
* Sets the modified date of this sxp blueprint.
* @param modifiedDate the modified date of this sxp blueprint
public void setModifiedDate(Date modifiedDate);
* Returns the configuration json of this sxp blueprint.
* @return the configuration json of this sxp blueprint
public String getConfigurationJSON();
* Sets the configuration json of this sxp blueprint.
* @param configurationJSON the configuration json of this sxp blueprint
public void setConfigurationJSON(String configurationJSON);
* Returns the description of this sxp blueprint.
* @return the description of this sxp blueprint
public String getDescription();
* Returns the localized description of this sxp blueprint in the language. Uses the default language if no localization exists for the requested language.
* @param locale the locale of the language
* @return the localized description of this sxp blueprint
public String getDescription(Locale locale);
* Returns the localized description of this sxp blueprint in the language, optionally using the default language if no localization exists for the requested language.
* @param locale the local of the language
* @param useDefault whether to use the default language if no localization exists for the requested language
* @return the localized description of this sxp blueprint. If useDefault
is false
and no localization exists for the requested language, an empty string will be returned.
public String getDescription(Locale locale, boolean useDefault);
* Returns the localized description of this sxp blueprint in the language. Uses the default language if no localization exists for the requested language.
* @param languageId the ID of the language
* @return the localized description of this sxp blueprint
public String getDescription(String languageId);
* Returns the localized description of this sxp blueprint in the language, optionally using the default language if no localization exists for the requested language.
* @param languageId the ID of the language
* @param useDefault whether to use the default language if no localization exists for the requested language
* @return the localized description of this sxp blueprint
public String getDescription(String languageId, boolean useDefault);
public String getDescriptionCurrentLanguageId();
public String getDescriptionCurrentValue();
* Returns a map of the locales and localized descriptions of this sxp blueprint.
* @return the locales and localized descriptions of this sxp blueprint
public Map getDescriptionMap();
* Sets the description of this sxp blueprint.
* @param description the description of this sxp blueprint
public void setDescription(String description);
* Sets the localized description of this sxp blueprint in the language.
* @param description the localized description of this sxp blueprint
* @param locale the locale of the language
public void setDescription(String description, Locale locale);
* Sets the localized description of this sxp blueprint in the language, and sets the default locale.
* @param description the localized description of this sxp blueprint
* @param locale the locale of the language
* @param defaultLocale the default locale
public void setDescription(
String description, Locale locale, Locale defaultLocale);
public void setDescriptionCurrentLanguageId(String languageId);
* Sets the localized descriptions of this sxp blueprint from the map of locales and localized descriptions.
* @param descriptionMap the locales and localized descriptions of this sxp blueprint
public void setDescriptionMap(Map descriptionMap);
* Sets the localized descriptions of this sxp blueprint from the map of locales and localized descriptions, and sets the default locale.
* @param descriptionMap the locales and localized descriptions of this sxp blueprint
* @param defaultLocale the default locale
public void setDescriptionMap(
Map descriptionMap, Locale defaultLocale);
* Returns the element instances json of this sxp blueprint.
* @return the element instances json of this sxp blueprint
public String getElementInstancesJSON();
* Sets the element instances json of this sxp blueprint.
* @param elementInstancesJSON the element instances json of this sxp blueprint
public void setElementInstancesJSON(String elementInstancesJSON);
* Returns the schema version of this sxp blueprint.
* @return the schema version of this sxp blueprint
public String getSchemaVersion();
* Sets the schema version of this sxp blueprint.
* @param schemaVersion the schema version of this sxp blueprint
public void setSchemaVersion(String schemaVersion);
* Returns the title of this sxp blueprint.
* @return the title of this sxp blueprint
public String getTitle();
* Returns the localized title of this sxp blueprint in the language. Uses the default language if no localization exists for the requested language.
* @param locale the locale of the language
* @return the localized title of this sxp blueprint
public String getTitle(Locale locale);
* Returns the localized title of this sxp blueprint in the language, optionally using the default language if no localization exists for the requested language.
* @param locale the local of the language
* @param useDefault whether to use the default language if no localization exists for the requested language
* @return the localized title of this sxp blueprint. If useDefault
is false
and no localization exists for the requested language, an empty string will be returned.
public String getTitle(Locale locale, boolean useDefault);
* Returns the localized title of this sxp blueprint in the language. Uses the default language if no localization exists for the requested language.
* @param languageId the ID of the language
* @return the localized title of this sxp blueprint
public String getTitle(String languageId);
* Returns the localized title of this sxp blueprint in the language, optionally using the default language if no localization exists for the requested language.
* @param languageId the ID of the language
* @param useDefault whether to use the default language if no localization exists for the requested language
* @return the localized title of this sxp blueprint
public String getTitle(String languageId, boolean useDefault);
public String getTitleCurrentLanguageId();
public String getTitleCurrentValue();
* Returns a map of the locales and localized titles of this sxp blueprint.
* @return the locales and localized titles of this sxp blueprint
public Map getTitleMap();
* Sets the title of this sxp blueprint.
* @param title the title of this sxp blueprint
public void setTitle(String title);
* Sets the localized title of this sxp blueprint in the language.
* @param title the localized title of this sxp blueprint
* @param locale the locale of the language
public void setTitle(String title, Locale locale);
* Sets the localized title of this sxp blueprint in the language, and sets the default locale.
* @param title the localized title of this sxp blueprint
* @param locale the locale of the language
* @param defaultLocale the default locale
public void setTitle(String title, Locale locale, Locale defaultLocale);
public void setTitleCurrentLanguageId(String languageId);
* Sets the localized titles of this sxp blueprint from the map of locales and localized titles.
* @param titleMap the locales and localized titles of this sxp blueprint
public void setTitleMap(Map titleMap);
* Sets the localized titles of this sxp blueprint from the map of locales and localized titles, and sets the default locale.
* @param titleMap the locales and localized titles of this sxp blueprint
* @param defaultLocale the default locale
public void setTitleMap(Map titleMap, Locale defaultLocale);
* Returns the version of this sxp blueprint.
* @return the version of this sxp blueprint
public String getVersion();
* Sets the version of this sxp blueprint.
* @param version the version of this sxp blueprint
public void setVersion(String version);
* Returns the status of this sxp blueprint.
* @return the status of this sxp blueprint
public int getStatus();
* Sets the status of this sxp blueprint.
* @param status the status of this sxp blueprint
public void setStatus(int status);
* Returns the status by user ID of this sxp blueprint.
* @return the status by user ID of this sxp blueprint
public long getStatusByUserId();
* Sets the status by user ID of this sxp blueprint.
* @param statusByUserId the status by user ID of this sxp blueprint
public void setStatusByUserId(long statusByUserId);
* Returns the status by user uuid of this sxp blueprint.
* @return the status by user uuid of this sxp blueprint
public String getStatusByUserUuid();
* Sets the status by user uuid of this sxp blueprint.
* @param statusByUserUuid the status by user uuid of this sxp blueprint
public void setStatusByUserUuid(String statusByUserUuid);
* Returns the status by user name of this sxp blueprint.
* @return the status by user name of this sxp blueprint
public String getStatusByUserName();
* Sets the status by user name of this sxp blueprint.
* @param statusByUserName the status by user name of this sxp blueprint
public void setStatusByUserName(String statusByUserName);
* Returns the status date of this sxp blueprint.
* @return the status date of this sxp blueprint
public Date getStatusDate();
* Sets the status date of this sxp blueprint.
* @param statusDate the status date of this sxp blueprint
public void setStatusDate(Date statusDate);
* Returns true
if this sxp blueprint is approved.
* @return true
if this sxp blueprint is approved; false
public boolean isApproved();
* Returns true
if this sxp blueprint is denied.
* @return true
if this sxp blueprint is denied; false
public boolean isDenied();
* Returns true
if this sxp blueprint is a draft.
* @return true
if this sxp blueprint is a draft; false
public boolean isDraft();
* Returns true
if this sxp blueprint is expired.
* @return true
if this sxp blueprint is expired; false
public boolean isExpired();
* Returns true
if this sxp blueprint is inactive.
* @return true
if this sxp blueprint is inactive; false
public boolean isInactive();
* Returns true
if this sxp blueprint is incomplete.
* @return true
if this sxp blueprint is incomplete; false
public boolean isIncomplete();
* Returns true
if this sxp blueprint is pending.
* @return true
if this sxp blueprint is pending; false
public boolean isPending();
* Returns true
if this sxp blueprint is scheduled.
* @return true
if this sxp blueprint is scheduled; false
public boolean isScheduled();
public String[] getAvailableLanguageIds();
public String getDefaultLanguageId();
public void prepareLocalizedFieldsForImport() throws LocaleException;
public void prepareLocalizedFieldsForImport(Locale defaultImportLocale)
throws LocaleException;
public SXPBlueprint cloneWithOriginalValues();
public default String toXmlString() {
return null;
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