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1.0liferay-staging the UI section for an alert.alertcom.liferay.staging.taglib.servlet.taglib.AlertTagJSPWhether the alert is dismissible. The default value is false]]>.
dismissiblefalsetruebooleanWhether the alert is fluid. The default value is false]]>.fluidfalsetruebooleanThe alert's type. Available alert types include ERROR]]>, INFO]]>, SUCCESS]]>, and WARNING]]>. The default value is INFO]]>.typetruetruecom.liferay.staging.taglib.servlet.taglib.AlertTypeRenders a checkbox designed specifically for Staging screens.checkboxcom.liferay.staging.taglib.servlet.taglib.CheckboxTagemptyWhether the checkbox is checked. The default is unchecked.checkedfalsetrueThe number of deletions. It is displayed after the label when it is greater than zero.deletionsfalsetrueThe language key of the checkbox's description text. It is displayed after the label.descriptionfalsetrueWhether the checkbox is disabled. The default is enabled.disabledfalsetrueThe HTML input's ID. It is added to the portlet ID when creating the DOM ID.idfalsetrueThe number of items. It is displayed after the label when it is greater than zero.itemsfalsetrueThe language key of the checkbox's label.labeltruetrueThe HTML input's name.nametruetrueThe language key for the optional popover's text.popoverfalsetrueThe language key of the checkbox's suggestion text. It is displayed after the label.suggestionfalsetrueThe language key of the checkbox's warning text. It is displayed after the suggestion.warningfalsetrueRenders the UI section for an exportImportConfiguration]]> object's basic information.configuration-headercom.liferay.staging.taglib.servlet.taglib.ConfigurationHeaderTagJSPThe Export/Import Configuration UI to display.exportImportConfigurationtruetruecom.liferay.exportimport.kernel.model.ExportImportConfigurationThe rendered fieldset's label.labelfalsetrueRenders the Export and Publish UI sections for a site's contents.contentcom.liferay.staging.taglib.servlet.taglib.ContentTagJSPThe command from the calling environment. Typical values for the command are export]]> or publish]]>.cmdfalsetrueWhether to disable all the rendered inputs on the screen.disableInputsfalsetruebooleanThe export/import configuration's ID. If the ID is valid, the content settings are used from the corresponding configuration.exportImportConfigurationIdfalsetruelongWhether to render all the available portlets of the site in the content section; otherwise, only the portlets that currently have content in them are rendered.showAllPortletsfalsetruebooleanThe staging type to be used. The possible values for the staging type are export]]>, publish_to_live]]> or publish_to_remote]]>.typetruetrueSets up basic staging environment information in the pageContext]]> based on the current request, such as staging/live groups and their IDs.defineObjectscom.liferay.staging.taglib.servlet.taglib.DefineObjectsTagcom.liferay.staging.taglib.servlet.taglib.DefineObjectsTeiemptyThe portlet's ID which, when defined, is used to extend setup information with portlet specific information.portletIdfalsetrueRenders the Deletion section for the Export or Publish screen's UI.deletionscom.liferay.staging.taglib.servlet.taglib.DeletionsTagemptyThe command from the calling environment. Typical values for the command are export]]> or publish]]>.cmdtruetrueWhether to disable all the rendered inputs on the screen.disableInputsfalsetruebooleanThe export/import configuration's ID. If the ID is valid, the content settings are used from the corresponding configuration.exportImportConfigurationIdfalsetruelongDisplays the group name suffixed with (Staging)]]> (e.g., Test (Staging)). This is useful for distinguishing a site as a staged group.descriptive-namecom.liferay.staging.taglib.servlet.taglib.DescriptiveNameTagJSPThe group the descriptive name is being display for.grouptruetrueRenders the incomplete processing message for publication.incomplete-process-messagecom.liferay.staging.taglib.servlet.taglib.IncompleteProcessMessageTagemptyWhether the publication is local.localPublishingtruetruebooleanRenders a scheduler for scheduled publications.input-schedulercom.liferay.staging.taglib.servlet.taglib.InputSchedulerTagJSPRenders a Navbar]]> containing a staging menu with page versioning information, if available.menucom.liferay.staging.taglib.servlet.taglib.MenuTagJSPThe CSS class to be applied to the rendered Navitem]]> in the Navbar]]>.cssClassfalsetrueThe layout set branch ID to be used.layoutSetBranchIdfalsetruelongWhether to render the staging actions section; otherwise, the Navbar]]> is rendered.onlyActionsfalsetruebooleanThe selected PLID coming from the caller environment.selPlidfalsetruelongWhether to render the manage layout set branches.showManageBranchesfalsetruebooleanRenders the Permissions section for the Export, Import, or Publish screen's UI.permissionscom.liferay.staging.taglib.servlet.taglib.PermissionsTagemptyThe current action the tag is being used with. Possible examples for the action are export]]>, import]]>, or publish]]>.actiontruetrueThe CSS class used to format the Permissions section's description.descriptionCSSClassfalsetrueWhether to disable all the rendered inputs on the screen.disableInputsfalsetruebooleanThe export/import configuration's ID. If the ID is valid, the content settings are used from the corresponding configuration.exportImportConfigurationIdfalsetruelongWhether to display a global help message.globalfalsetruebooleanThe CSS class used to format the Permissions section's label.labelCSSClassfalsetrueDisplays a popover.popovercom.liferay.staging.taglib.servlet.taglib.PopoverTagemptyThe popover's ID. It is added to the portlet ID when creating the DOM ID.idtruetrueThe language key of the popover's body text. If it is empty, the popover is not displayed.texttruetrueThe language key of the popover's title.titletruetrueRenders a portlet list section in the UI. This is meant to use in conjunction with the content tag.portlet-listcom.liferay.staging.taglib.servlet.taglib.PortletListTagJSPWhether to disable all the rendered inputs on the screen.disableInputsfalsetruebooleanThe export/import configuration's ID. If the ID is valid, the content settings are used from the corresponding configuration.exportImportConfigurationIdfalsetruelongThe list of portlets the tag uses to render the UI. The portlet list can be filtered under certain conditions.portletstruetruejava.util.ListWhether to render all the available portlets in the portlet list; otherwise, only the portlets that currently have content in them are rendered.showAllPortletsfalsetruebooleanThe type of staging to be used. The possible values for the staging type are publish_to_live]]> or publish_to_remote]]>.typetruetrueRenders a labeled date for a publishing process.process-datecom.liferay.staging.taglib.servlet.taglib.ProcessDateTagemptyThe date to display.datetruetruejava.util.DateThe display date label's language key.labelKeytruetrueWhether the title is for a list view or detail view.listViewtruetruebooleanRenders the process duration information for a publishing process.process-durationcom.liferay.staging.taglib.servlet.taglib.ProcessDurationTagemptyThe background task for the publishing process.backgroundTasktruetruecom.liferay.portal.kernel.backgroundtask.BackgroundTaskWhether the title is for a list view or detail view.listViewtruetruebooleanRenders different error messages the publishing process.process-errorcom.liferay.staging.taglib.servlet.taglib.ProcessErrorTagemptyWhether AuthException should be displayed.authExceptionfalsetruebooleanWhether DuplicateLockException should be displayed.duplicateLockExceptionfalsetruebooleanWhether IllegalArgumentException should be displayed.illegalArgumentExceptionfalsetruebooleanWhether LayoutPrototypeException should be displayed.layoutPrototypeExceptionfalsetruebooleanWhether NoSuchGroup, NoSuchLayout, NoSuchRoleException should be displayed.noSuchExceptionsfalsetruebooleanWhether RemoteExportException should be displayed.remoteExportExceptionfalsetruebooleanWhether RemoteOptionsException should be displayed.remoteOptionsExceptionfalsetruebooleanWhether SystemException should be displayed.systemExceptionfalsetruebooleanRenders the status information for an in-progress publishing process.process-in-progresscom.liferay.staging.taglib.servlet.taglib.ProcessInProgressTagemptyThe background task for the publishing process.backgroundTasktruetruecom.liferay.portal.kernel.backgroundtask.BackgroundTaskWhether the background task is displayed in list view or detail view. Default is false (detail view).listViewfalsetruebooleanRenders information about the publishing process in descriptive mode.process-infocom.liferay.staging.taglib.servlet.taglib.ProcessInfoTagemptyThe background task for the publishing process.backgroundTasktruetruecom.liferay.portal.kernel.backgroundtask.BackgroundTaskRenders a process list screen for the staging publication.process-listcom.liferay.staging.taglib.servlet.taglib.ProcessListTagemptyWhether to show the delete menu. The default value is true.deleteMenufalsetruebooleanThe empty results message's language key.emptyResultsMessagetruetrueThe local background task executor's class name. See the com.liferay.exportimport.kernel.background.task.BackgroundTaskExecutorNames]]> class for details.localTaskExecutorClassNametruetrueThe MVC render command's name.mvcRenderCommandNametruetrueWhether to show the relaunch menu. The default value is true.relaunchMenufalsetruebooleanThe remote background task executor's class name. See the com.liferay.exportimport.kernel.background.task.BackgroundTaskExecutorNames]]> class for details.remoteTaskExecutorClassNamefalsetrueThe row splitter for the search container. It should implement ResultRowSplitter]]> to show the summary menu. The default value is true.summaryMenufalsetruebooleanRenders the kebab menu for a staging process list item.process-list-menucom.liferay.staging.taglib.servlet.taglib.ProcessListMenuTagemptyThe background task for the publishing process.backgroundTasktruetruecom.liferay.portal.kernel.backgroundtask.BackgroundTaskWhether to show the delete menu. The default value is true.deleteMenufalsetruebooleanWhether the publication is local.localPublishingtruetruebooleanWhether to show the relaunch menu. The default value is true.relaunchMenufalsetruebooleanWhether to show the summary menu. The default value is true.summaryMenufalsetruebooleanRenders the detailed process message.process-message-task-detailscom.liferay.staging.taglib.servlet.taglib.ProcessMessageTaskDetailsTagemptyThe background task's ID.backgroundTaskIdtruetruelongThe background task's status message (e.g., backgroundTask.getStatusMessage()]]>).backgroundTaskStatusMessagetruetrueThe CSS class for the link to the detailed message.linkClassfalsetrueRenders the start date of a publishing process.process-start-datecom.liferay.staging.taglib.servlet.taglib.ProcessStartDateTagemptyThe background task for the publishing process.backgroundTasktruetruecom.liferay.portal.kernel.backgroundtask.BackgroundTaskWhether the title is for a list view or detail view.listViewtruetruebooleanRenders the short status information for a publishing process.process-statuscom.liferay.staging.taglib.servlet.taglib.ProcessStatusTagemptyThe background task's status (e.g., backgroundTask.getStatus()]]>).backgroundTaskStatustruetrueintThe background task's status label (e.g., backgroundTask.getStatusLabel()]]>).backgroundTaskStatusLabeltruetrueRenders a link to the process' summary. It should be used within a process-list-menu]]> tag.process-summary-linkcom.liferay.staging.taglib.servlet.taglib.ProcessSummaryLinkTagemptyThe background task's ID.backgroundTaskIdtruetruelongRenders the process title information for a publishing process.process-titlecom.liferay.staging.taglib.servlet.taglib.ProcessTitleTagemptyThe background task for the publishing process.backgroundTasktruetruecom.liferay.portal.kernel.backgroundtask.BackgroundTaskWhether the title is for a list view or detail view.listViewtruetruebooleanRenders a radio button designed specifically for Staging screens.radiocom.liferay.staging.taglib.servlet.taglib.RadioTagemptyWhether the radio button is checked. The default is unchecked.checkedfalsetrueThe language key of the radio's description text. It is displayed after the label.descriptionfalsetrueWhether the radio button is disabled. The default is enabled.disabledfalsetrueThe HTML input's ID. It is added to the portlet ID when creating the DOM ID.idfalsetrueWhether to ignore the value saved from the request object. The default value is false.ignoreRequestValuefalsetruebooleanWhether the radio button is displayed inline. The default is false.inlinefalsetrueThe language key of the radio button's label.labeltruetrueThe HTML input's name.nametruetrueThe language key for the optional popover's text.popoverfalsetrueThe radio button's value.valuefalsetrueRenders the remote site options.remote-optionscom.liferay.staging.taglib.servlet.taglib.RemoteOptionsTagJSPWhether to disable all the rendered inputs on the screen.disableInputsfalsetruebooleanThe export/import configuration's ID. If the ID is valid, the content settings are used from the corresponding configuration.exportImportConfigurationIdfalsetruelongWhether to publish the private pages; otherwise, the public pages are published.privateLayouttruetruebooleanRenders a Select section in the UI for an Export or Publish current action the tag is being used with. Possible examples for the action are export]]>, import]]>, or publish]]>.actiontruetrueWhether to disable all the rendered inputs on the screen.disableInputsfalsetruebooleanThe export/import configuration's ID. If the ID is valid, the content settings are used from the corresponding configuration.exportImportConfigurationIdfalsetruelongThe group ID to use for rendering the pages.groupIdtruetruelongWhether to render the private pages; otherwise, the public pages are rendered.privateLayouttruetruebooleanThe tree ID from the caller environment.treeIdtruetrueDisplays a badge UI element on the screen with simple publication information, indicating whether a staged model has been published.statuscom.liferay.staging.taglib.servlet.taglib.StatusTagJSPThe CSS class to use for formatting the badge and tag displays.cssClassfalsetrueThe staged model to use to display the publishing information.stagedModeltruetruecom.liferay.portal.kernel.model.StagedModel