akka.persistence.r2dbc.state.scaladsl.R2dbcDurableStateStore.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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An Akka Persistence backed by SQL database with R2DBC
* Copyright (C) 2022 - 2023 Lightbend Inc.
package akka.persistence.r2dbc.state.scaladsl
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.concurrent.Future
import akka.Done
import akka.NotUsed
import akka.actor.ExtendedActorSystem
import akka.actor.typed.scaladsl.LoggerOps
import akka.actor.typed.scaladsl.adapter._
import akka.persistence.Persistence
import akka.persistence.query.DeletedDurableState
import akka.persistence.query.DurableStateChange
import akka.persistence.query.Offset
import akka.persistence.query.TimestampOffset
import akka.persistence.query.UpdatedDurableState
import akka.persistence.query.scaladsl.DurableStateStorePagedPersistenceIdsQuery
import akka.persistence.query.typed.scaladsl.DurableStateStoreBySliceQuery
import akka.persistence.r2dbc.ConnectionFactoryProvider
import akka.persistence.r2dbc.R2dbcSettings
import akka.persistence.r2dbc.internal.BySliceQuery
import akka.persistence.r2dbc.internal.ContinuousQuery
import akka.persistence.r2dbc.internal.DurableStateDao
import akka.persistence.r2dbc.internal.DurableStateDao.SerializedStateRow
import akka.persistence.state.scaladsl.DurableStateUpdateStore
import akka.persistence.state.scaladsl.GetObjectResult
import akka.serialization.SerializationExtension
import akka.serialization.Serializers
import akka.stream.scaladsl.Source
import com.typesafe.config.Config
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
object R2dbcDurableStateStore {
val Identifier = "akka.persistence.r2dbc.state"
private final case class PersistenceIdsQueryState(
queryCount: Int,
rowCount: Int,
latestPid: String,
tables: List[String])
class R2dbcDurableStateStore[A](system: ExtendedActorSystem, config: Config, cfgPath: String)
extends DurableStateUpdateStore[A]
with DurableStateStoreBySliceQuery[A]
with DurableStateStorePagedPersistenceIdsQuery[A] {
import R2dbcDurableStateStore.PersistenceIdsQueryState
private val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass)
private val sharedConfigPath = cfgPath.replaceAll("""\.state$""", "")
private val settings = R2dbcSettings(system.settings.config.getConfig(sharedConfigPath))
log.debug("R2DBC journal starting up with dialect [{}]", settings.dialectName)
private val typedSystem = system.toTyped
private val serialization = SerializationExtension(system)
private val persistenceExt = Persistence(system)
private val stateDao = settings.connectionFactorySettings.dialect.createDurableStateDao(
.connectionFactoryFor(sharedConfigPath + ".connection-factory"))(typedSystem)
private val bySlice: BySliceQuery[SerializedStateRow, DurableStateChange[A]] = {
val createEnvelope: (TimestampOffset, SerializedStateRow) => DurableStateChange[A] = (offset, row) => {
row.payload match {
case null =>
// payload = null => lazy loaded for backtracking (ugly, but not worth changing UpdatedDurableState in Akka)
new UpdatedDurableState(
case Some(bytes) =>
val payload = serialization.deserialize(bytes, row.serId, row.serManifest).get.asInstanceOf[A]
new UpdatedDurableState(row.persistenceId, row.revision, payload, offset, row.dbTimestamp.toEpochMilli)
case None =>
new DeletedDurableState(row.persistenceId, row.revision, offset, row.dbTimestamp.toEpochMilli)
val extractOffset: DurableStateChange[A] => TimestampOffset = env => env.offset.asInstanceOf[TimestampOffset]
new BySliceQuery(stateDao, createEnvelope, extractOffset, settings, log)(typedSystem.executionContext)
override def getObject(persistenceId: String): Future[GetObjectResult[A]] = {
implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = system.dispatcher
stateDao.readState(persistenceId).map {
case None => GetObjectResult(None, 0L)
case Some(serializedRow) =>
val payload =
serializedRow.payload.map { bytes =>
.deserialize(bytes, serializedRow.serId, serializedRow.serManifest)
GetObjectResult(payload, serializedRow.revision)
* Insert the value if `revision` is 1, which will fail with `IllegalStateException` if there is already a stored
* value for the given `persistenceId`. Otherwise update the value, which will fail with `IllegalStateException` if
* the existing stored `revision` + 1 isn't equal to the given `revision`. This optimistic locking check can be
* disabled with configuration `assert-single-writer`.
override def upsertObject(persistenceId: String, revision: Long, value: A, tag: String): Future[Done] = {
val valueAnyRef = value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
val serialized = serialization.serialize(valueAnyRef).get
val serializer = serialization.findSerializerFor(valueAnyRef)
val manifest = Serializers.manifestFor(serializer, valueAnyRef)
val serializedRow = SerializedStateRow(
if (tag.isEmpty) Set.empty else Set(tag))
stateDao.upsertState(serializedRow, value)
@deprecated(message = "Use the deleteObject overload with revision instead.", since = "1.0.0")
override def deleteObject(persistenceId: String): Future[Done] =
deleteObject(persistenceId, revision = 0)
* Delete the value, which will fail with `IllegalStateException` if the existing stored `revision` + 1 isn't equal to
* the given `revision`. This optimistic locking check can be disabled with configuration `assert-single-writer`. The
* stored revision for the persistenceId is updated and next call to [[getObject]] will return the revision, but with
* no value.
* If the given revision is `0` it will fully delete the value and revision from the database without any optimistic
* locking check. Next call to [[getObject]] will then return revision 0 and no value.
override def deleteObject(persistenceId: String, revision: Long): Future[Done] = {
stateDao.deleteState(persistenceId, revision)
override def sliceForPersistenceId(persistenceId: String): Int =
override def sliceRanges(numberOfRanges: Int): immutable.Seq[Range] =
override def currentChangesBySlices(
entityType: String,
minSlice: Int,
maxSlice: Int,
offset: Offset): Source[DurableStateChange[A], NotUsed] =
bySlice.currentBySlices("currentChangesBySlices", entityType, minSlice, maxSlice, offset)
override def changesBySlices(
entityType: String,
minSlice: Int,
maxSlice: Int,
offset: Offset): Source[DurableStateChange[A], NotUsed] =
bySlice.liveBySlices("changesBySlices", entityType, minSlice, maxSlice, offset)
* Note: If you have configured `custom-table` this query will look in both the default table and the custom tables.
* If you are only interested in ids for a specific entity type it's more efficient to use `currentPersistenceIds`
* with `entityType` parameter.
override def currentPersistenceIds(afterId: Option[String], limit: Long): Source[String, NotUsed] =
stateDao.persistenceIds(afterId, limit)
* Get the current persistence ids.
* Note: to reuse existing index, the actual query filters entity types based on persistence_id column and sql LIKE
* operator. Hence the persistenceId must start with an entity type followed by default separator ("|") from
* [[akka.persistence.typed.PersistenceId]].
* @param entityType
* The entity type name.
* @param afterId
* The ID to start returning results from, or [[None]] to return all ids. This should be an id returned from a
* previous invocation of this command. Callers should not assume that ids are returned in sorted order.
* @param limit
* The maximum results to return. Use Long.MaxValue to return all results. Must be greater than zero.
* @return
* A source containing all the persistence ids, limited as specified.
def currentPersistenceIds(entityType: String, afterId: Option[String], limit: Long): Source[String, NotUsed] =
stateDao.persistenceIds(entityType, afterId, limit)
def currentPersistenceIds(): Source[String, NotUsed] = {
import settings.querySettings.persistenceIdsBufferSize
def updateState(state: PersistenceIdsQueryState, pid: String): PersistenceIdsQueryState =
state.copy(rowCount = state.rowCount + 1, latestPid = pid)
def nextQuery(state: PersistenceIdsQueryState): (PersistenceIdsQueryState, Option[Source[String, NotUsed]]) = {
def next(newState: PersistenceIdsQueryState) = {
val newState2 = newState.copy(rowCount = 0, queryCount = newState.queryCount + 1)
if (newState.queryCount != 0 && log.isDebugEnabled())
"persistenceIds query [{}] after [{}]. Found [{}] rows in previous query.",
val afterPid = if (newState.latestPid == "") None else Some(newState.latestPid)
newState2 -> Some(
.persistenceIds(afterPid, persistenceIdsBufferSize, newState.tables.head))
if (state.queryCount == 0L || state.rowCount >= persistenceIdsBufferSize) {
} else if (state.tables.tail.nonEmpty) {
// continue with next custom table
next(state.copy(tables = state.tables.tail, latestPid = ""))
} else {
if (log.isDebugEnabled)
"persistenceIds query [{}] completed. Found [{}] rows in previous query.",
state -> None
val customTables = settings.durableStateTableByEntityTypeWithSchema.toList.sortBy(_._1).map(_._2)
val tables = settings.durableStateTableWithSchema :: customTables
ContinuousQuery[PersistenceIdsQueryState, String](
initialState = PersistenceIdsQueryState(0, 0, "", tables),
updateState = updateState,
delayNextQuery = _ => None,
nextQuery = state => nextQuery(state))
.mapMaterializedValue(_ => NotUsed)