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package akka.projection.internal
import java.util.Base64
import java.util.UUID
import scala.collection.immutable
import akka.annotation.InternalApi
import akka.persistence.query
import akka.projection.MergeableOffset
import akka.projection.ProjectionId
import akka.serialization.SerializationExtension
import akka.serialization.Serializers
@InternalApi private[projection] object OffsetSerialization {
sealed trait StorageRepresentation
final case class SingleOffset(id: ProjectionId, manifest: String, offsetStr: String, mergeable: Boolean = false)
extends StorageRepresentation
final case class MultipleOffsets(reps: immutable.Seq[SingleOffset]) extends StorageRepresentation
final val StringManifest = "STR"
final val LongManifest = "LNG"
final val IntManifest = "INT"
final val SequenceManifest = "SEQ"
final val TimeBasedUUIDManifest = "TBU"
@InternalApi private[projection] class OffsetSerialization(system: ActorSystem[_]) {
import OffsetSerialization._
private val serialization = SerializationExtension(system)
* Deserialize an offset from a storage representation of one or more offsets.
* The offset is converted from its string representation to its real type.
def fromStorageRepresentation[Offset, Inner](rep: StorageRepresentation): Offset = {
val offset: Offset = rep match {
case SingleOffset(_, manifest, offsetStr, _) => fromStorageRepresentation[Offset](offsetStr, manifest)
case MultipleOffsets(reps) =>
val offsets: Map[String, Inner] = {
case SingleOffset(id, manifest, offsetStr, _) =>
id.key -> fromStorageRepresentation[Inner](offsetStr, manifest)
* Deserialize an offset from a stored string representation and manifest.
* The offset is converted from its string representation to its real type.
def fromStorageRepresentation[Offset](offsetStr: String, manifest: String): Offset =
(manifest match {
case StringManifest => offsetStr
case LongManifest => offsetStr.toLong
case IntManifest => offsetStr.toInt
case SequenceManifest => query.Offset.sequence(offsetStr.toLong)
case TimeBasedUUIDManifest => query.Offset.timeBasedUUID(UUID.fromString(offsetStr))
case _ =>
val parts = manifest.split(':')
val serializerId = parts(0).toInt
val serializerManifest = parts(1)
val bytes = Base64.getDecoder.decode(offsetStr)
serialization.deserialize(bytes, serializerId, serializerManifest).get
* Convert the offset to a tuple (String, String) where the first element is
* the String representation of the offset and the second its manifest
def toStorageRepresentation[Offset](
id: ProjectionId,
offset: Offset,
mergeable: Boolean = false): StorageRepresentation = {
val reps = offset match {
case s: String => SingleOffset(id, StringManifest, s, mergeable)
case l: Long => SingleOffset(id, LongManifest, l.toString, mergeable)
case i: Int => SingleOffset(id, IntManifest, i.toString, mergeable)
case seq: query.Sequence => SingleOffset(id, SequenceManifest, seq.value.toString, mergeable)
case tbu: query.TimeBasedUUID => SingleOffset(id, TimeBasedUUIDManifest, tbu.value.toString, mergeable)
case mrg: MergeableOffset[_] =>
val list = {
case (key, innerOffset) =>
toStorageRepresentation(ProjectionId(, key), innerOffset, mergeable = true)
case _ =>
val obj = offset.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
val serializer = serialization.findSerializerFor(obj)
val serializerId = serializer.identifier
val serializerManifest = Serializers.manifestFor(serializer, obj)
val bytes = serializer.toBinary(obj)
val offsetStr = Base64.getEncoder.encodeToString(bytes)
SingleOffset(id, s"$serializerId:$serializerManifest", offsetStr)