akka.projection.internal.Telemetry.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2020-2023 Lightbend Inc.
package akka.projection.internal
import java.util
import scala.collection.immutable
import akka.NotUsed
import akka.actor.typed.ActorSystem
import akka.annotation.InternalApi
import akka.annotation.InternalStableApi
import akka.projection.ProjectionId
import akka.util.ccompat.JavaConverters._
* Service Provider Interface (SPI) for collecting metrics from projections.
* Implementations must include a single constructor with two arguments: [[ProjectionId]]
* and [[ActorSystem]]. To setup your implementation, add a setting on your `application.conf`:
* {{{
* akka.projection.telemetry.implementations += com.example.MyMetrics
* }}}
trait Telemetry {
/** Invoked when a projection is stopped. The reason for stopping is unspecified, can be a
* graceful stop or a failure (see [[Telemetry.failed]]).
def stopped(): Unit
* Invoked when a projection processing an envelope fails (even after all retry attempts). The
* projection may then be restarted by a supervisor.
* @param cause exception thrown by the errored envelope handler.
def failed(cause: Throwable): Unit
* Invoked as soon as the envelope is read, deserialised and ready to be processed.
* @param envelope the envelope that's ready for processing. The type `Envelope` will always
* represent a single item as stored in the event log.
* @param creationTimeInMillis Timestamp (in millis-since-epoch) of the instant when the envelope was created. The
* meaning of "when the envelope was created" is implementation specific and could be
* an instant on the producer machine, or the instant when the database persisted the
* envelope, or other.
* @return an externally-provided context that will propagate with the envelope until [[Telemetry.afterProcess]]
def beforeProcess[Envelope](envelope: Envelope, creationTimeInMillis: Long): AnyRef
* Invoked after processing an event such that it is visible by the read-side threads (data is
* committed). This method is granted to be invoked after the envelope handler has committed but
* may or may not happen after the offset was committed (depending on the projection semantics).
* @param externalContext the context produced by [[Telemetry.beforeProcess]] and attached to the processed envelope.
def afterProcess(externalContext: AnyRef): Unit
* Invoked when the offset is committed.
* @param numberOfEnvelopes number of envelopes marked as committed when committing this offset. This takes
* into consideration both batched processing (only commit one offset every N
* envelopes) and grouped handling (user code processes multiple envelopes at
* once).
def onOffsetStored(numberOfEnvelopes: Int): Unit
* Invoked when processing an envelope errors. When using a [[akka.projection.HandlerRecoveryStrategy]] that
* retries, this method will be invoked as many times as retries. If the error propagates and
* causes the projection to fail [[Telemetry.failed]] will be invoked.
* @param cause exception thrown by the errored envelope handler.
def error(cause: Throwable): Unit
@InternalApi private[projection] object TelemetryProvider {
def start(projectionId: ProjectionId, system: ActorSystem[_]): Telemetry = {
if (!system.settings.config.hasPath("akka.projection.telemetry.implementations")) {
} else {
val telemetryFqcns: util.List[String] =
telemetryFqcns.size() match {
case 0 =>
case 1 =>
val fqcn = telemetryFqcns.get(0)
create(projectionId, system, fqcn)
case _ =>
new EnsembleTelemetry(telemetryFqcns.asScala.toSeq, projectionId, system)
def create(projectionId: ProjectionId, system: ActorSystem[_], fqcn: String) = {
val dynamicAccess = system.dynamicAccess
immutable.Seq((classOf[ProjectionId], projectionId), (classOf[ActorSystem[_]], system)))
@InternalApi private[projection] object NoopTelemetry extends Telemetry {
override def failed(cause: Throwable): Unit = {}
override def stopped(): Unit = {}
override def beforeProcess[Envelope](envelope: Envelope, creationTimeInMillis: Long): AnyRef = NotUsed
override def afterProcess(externalContext: AnyRef): Unit = {}
override def onOffsetStored(numberOfEnvelopes: Int): Unit = {}
override def error(cause: Throwable): Unit = {}
@InternalApi private[projection] class EnsembleTelemetry(
telemetryFqcns: Seq[String],
projectionId: ProjectionId,
system: ActorSystem[_])
extends Telemetry {
val telemetries = telemetryFqcns.map(fqcn => TelemetryProvider.create(projectionId, system, fqcn))
override def stopped(): Unit = telemetries.foreach(_.stopped())
override def failed(cause: Throwable): Unit = telemetries.foreach(_.failed(cause))
override def beforeProcess[Envelope](envelope: Envelope, creationTimeInMillis: Long): AnyRef =
telemetries.map(_.beforeProcess(envelope, creationTimeInMillis))
override def afterProcess(externalContext: AnyRef): Unit = {
val contexts = externalContext.asInstanceOf[Seq[AnyRef]]
contexts.zip(telemetries).foreach { case (ctx, telemetry) => telemetry.afterProcess(ctx) }
override def onOffsetStored(numberOfEnvelopes: Int): Unit = telemetries.foreach(_.onOffsetStored(numberOfEnvelopes))
override def error(cause: Throwable): Unit = telemetries.foreach(_.error(cause))