com.lightbend.lagom.internal.api.ServiceReader.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2016 Lightbend Inc.
package com.lightbend.lagom.internal.api
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles
import java.lang.reflect.{ InvocationHandler, Method, ParameterizedType, Type, Proxy => JProxy }
import com.lightbend.lagom.javadsl.api._
import com.lightbend.lagom.javadsl.api.Descriptor._
import com.lightbend.lagom.javadsl.api.deser._
import akka.NotUsed
import org.pcollections.TreePVector
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.compat.java8.OptionConverters._
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
* Reads a service interface
object ServiceReader {
final val DescriptorMethodName = "descriptor"
* In order to invoke default methods of a proxy in Java 8 reflectively, we need to create a MethodHandles.Lookup
* instance that is allowed to lookup private methods. The only way to do that is via reflection.
private val methodHandlesLookupConstructor = classOf[MethodHandles.Lookup].getDeclaredConstructor(classOf[Class[_]], classOf[Int])
if (!methodHandlesLookupConstructor.isAccessible) {
def readServiceDescriptor(classLoader: ClassLoader, serviceInterface: Class[_ <: Service]): Descriptor = {
val invocationHandler = new ServiceInvocationHandler(classLoader, serviceInterface)
val serviceStub = JProxy.newProxyInstance(classLoader, Array(serviceInterface), invocationHandler).asInstanceOf[Service]
def resolveServiceDescriptor(descriptor: Descriptor, classLoader: ClassLoader,
builtInSerializerFactories: Map[PlaceholderSerializerFactory, SerializerFactory],
builtInExceptionSerializers: Map[PlaceholderExceptionSerializer, ExceptionSerializer]): Descriptor = {
val builtInIdSerializers: Map[Type, PathParamSerializer[_]] = Map(
classOf[String] -> PathParamSerializers.STRING,
classOf[java.lang.Long] -> PathParamSerializers.LONG,
classOf[java.lang.Integer] -> PathParamSerializers.INTEGER,
classOf[java.lang.Boolean] -> PathParamSerializers.BOOLEAN,
classOf[java.util.Optional[_]] -> PathParamSerializers.OPTIONAL
val builtInMessageSerializers: Map[Type, MessageSerializer[_, _]] = Map(
classOf[NotUsed] -> MessageSerializers.NOT_USED,
classOf[String] -> MessageSerializers.STRING
val serializerFactory = descriptor.serializerFactory() match {
case placeholder: PlaceholderSerializerFactory =>
builtInSerializerFactories.getOrElse(placeholder, {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("PlaceholderSerializerFactory " + placeholder + " not found")
case other => other
val exceptionSerializer = descriptor.exceptionSerializer() match {
case placeholder: PlaceholderExceptionSerializer =>
builtInExceptionSerializers.getOrElse(placeholder, {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("PlaceholderExceptionSerializer " + placeholder + " not found")
case other => other
val serviceResolver = new ServiceCallResolver(
builtInIdSerializers ++ descriptor.pathParamSerializers().asScala,
builtInMessageSerializers ++ descriptor.messageSerializers().asScala, serializerFactory
val endpoints = descriptor.calls() { ep =>
val endpoint = ep.asInstanceOf[Call[Any, Any]]
val methodRefServiceCallHolder = ep.serviceCallHolder() match {
case methodRef: MethodRefServiceCallHolder => methodRef
case other => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown ServiceCallHolder type: " + other)
val method = methodRefServiceCallHolder.methodReference match {
case preResolved: Method => preResolved
case lambda =>
try {
} catch {
case NonFatal(e) =>
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to resolve method for service call with ID " + ep.callId() +
". Ensure that the you have passed a method reference (ie, this::someMethod). Passing anything else, " +
"for example lambdas, anonymous classes or actual implementation classes, is forbidden in declaring a " +
"service descriptor.", e)
val serviceCallType = TypeToken.of(method.getGenericReturnType)
.asInstanceOf[TypeToken[ServiceCall[_, _]]]
.getSupertype(classOf[ServiceCall[_, _]])
.getType match {
case param: ParameterizedType => param
case _ => throw new IllegalStateException("ServiceCall is not a parameterized type?")
// Now get the type arguments
val (request, response) = serviceCallType.getActualTypeArguments match {
case Array(request, response) =>
if (method.getReturnType == classOf[ServiceCall[_, _]]) {
(request, response)
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Service calls must return ServiceCall, subtypes are not allowed")
case _ => throw new IllegalStateException("ServiceCall does not have 2 type arguments?")
val serviceCallHolder = constructServiceCallHolder(serviceResolver, method)
val endpointWithCallId = endpoint.callId() match {
case named: NamedCallId if == "__unresolved__" => endpoint.withCallId(new NamedCallId(method.getName))
case other => endpoint // todo validate paths against method arguments
val endpointWithCircuitBreaker = if (endpointWithCallId.circuitBreaker().isPresent) {
} else {
.withRequestSerializer(serviceResolver.resolveMessageSerializer(endpoint.requestSerializer(), request))
.withResponseSerializer(serviceResolver.resolveMessageSerializer(endpoint.responseSerializer(), response))
val acls = descriptor.acls.asScala ++ endpoints.collect {
case autoAclCall if =>
val pathSpec = Path.fromCallId(autoAclCall.callId).regex.regex
val method = autoAclCall.callId match {
case named: NamedCallId => methodFromSerializer(autoAclCall.requestSerializer, autoAclCall.responseSerializer)
case path: PathCallId => methodFromSerializer(autoAclCall.requestSerializer, autoAclCall.responseSerializer)
case rest: RestCallId => rest.method
ServiceAcl.methodAndPath(method, pathSpec)
descriptor.replaceAllCalls(TreePVector.from(endpoints.asJava.asInstanceOf[java.util.List[Call[_, _]]]))
private def constructServiceCallHolder[Request, Response](serviceCallResolver: ServiceCallResolver, method: Method): ServiceCallHolder = {
val serializers = { arg =>
serviceCallResolver.resolvePathParamSerializer(new UnresolvedTypePathParamSerializer[AnyRef], arg)
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
val theMethod = method
new MethodServiceCallHolder {
override def invoke(arguments: Seq[AnyRef]): Seq[Seq[String]] = {
if (arguments == null) {
} else { {
case (arg, serializer) => serializer.serialize(arg).asScala
override def create(service: Any, parameters: Seq[Seq[String]]): ServiceCall[_, _] = {
val args = {
case (params, serializer) => serializer.deserialize(TreePVector.from(params.asJavaCollection))
theMethod.invoke(service, args: _*).asInstanceOf[ServiceCall[_, _]]
override val method: Method = theMethod
class ServiceInvocationHandler(classLoader: ClassLoader, serviceInterface: Class[_ <: Service]) extends InvocationHandler {
override def invoke(proxy: scala.Any, method: Method, args: Array[AnyRef]): AnyRef = {
// If it's a default method, invoke it
if (method.isDefault) {
// This is the way to invoke default methods via reflection, using the JDK7 method handles API
val declaringClass = method.getDeclaringClass
// We create a MethodHandles.Lookup that is allowed to look up private methods
methodHandlesLookupConstructor.newInstance(declaringClass, new Integer(MethodHandles.Lookup.PRIVATE))
// Now using unreflect special, we get the default method from the declaring class, rather than the proxy
.unreflectSpecial(method, declaringClass)
// We bind to the proxy so that we end up invoking on the proxy
// And now we actually invoke it
.invokeWithArguments(args: _*)
} else if (method.getName == DescriptorMethodName && method.getParameterCount == 0) {
if (ScalaSig.isScala(serviceInterface)) {
if (serviceInterface.isInterface()) {
val implClass = Class.forName(serviceInterface.getName + "$class", false, classLoader)
val method = implClass.getMethod(DescriptorMethodName, serviceInterface)
method.invoke(null, proxy.asInstanceOf[AnyRef])
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Service.descriptor must be implemented in a trait")
} else {
// If this is the descriptor method, and it doesn't have a default implementation, throw an exception
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Service.descriptor must be implemented as a default method")
} else if (classOf[ServiceCall[_, _]].isAssignableFrom(method.getReturnType)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Service call method " + method + " was invoked on self describing service " +
serviceInterface + " while loading descriptor, which is not allowed.")
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Abstract method " + method + " invoked on self describing service " +
serviceInterface + " while loading descriptor, which is not allowed.")
private def methodFromSerializer(requestSerializer: MessageSerializer[_, _], responseSerializer: MessageSerializer[_, _]) = {
if (requestSerializer.isStreamed || responseSerializer.isStreamed) {
} else if (requestSerializer.isUsed) {
} else {
* Internal API.
* Service call holder that holds the original method reference that was passed to the descriptor when the service
* descriptor was defined.
* @param methodReference The method reference (a lambda object).
private[lagom] case class MethodRefServiceCallHolder(methodReference: Any) extends ServiceCallHolder
* Internal API.
* Service call holder that's used by the service router and client implementor to essentially the raw id to and from
* invocations of the service call method.
private[lagom] trait MethodServiceCallHolder extends ServiceCallHolder {
val method: Method
def create(service: Any, parameters: Seq[Seq[String]]): ServiceCall[_, _]
def invoke(arguments: Seq[AnyRef]): Seq[Seq[String]]
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