com.lightbend.paradox.markdown.Directive.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Paradox is a markdown documentation tool for software projects.
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* Copyright © 2015 - 2019 Lightbend, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.lightbend.paradox.markdown
import com.lightbend.paradox.tree.Tree.Location
import{ File, FileNotFoundException }
import java.util.Optional
import org.pegdown.ast._
import org.pegdown.ast.DirectiveNode.Format._
import org.pegdown.plugins.ToHtmlSerializerPlugin
import org.pegdown.{ Printer, ToHtmlSerializer }
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
* Serialize directives, checking the name and format against registered directives.
class DirectiveSerializer(directives: Seq[Directive]) extends ToHtmlSerializerPlugin {
val directiveMap = directives.flatMap(d => => (n, d))).toMap
def visit(node: Node, visitor: Visitor, printer: Printer): Boolean = node match {
case dnode: DirectiveNode =>
directiveMap.get( match {
case Some(directive) if directive.format(dnode.format) =>
directive.render(dnode, visitor, printer)
case _ => // printer.print(s"")
case _ => false
// Directive plugins
* Base directive class, for directive specific serialization.
abstract class Directive {
def names: Seq[String]
def format: Set[DirectiveNode.Format]
def render(node: DirectiveNode, visitor: Visitor, printer: Printer): Unit
* Inline directive.
abstract class InlineDirective(val names: String*) extends Directive {
val format = Set(Inline)
* Leaf block directive.
abstract class LeafBlockDirective(val names: String*) extends Directive {
val format = Set(LeafBlock)
* Container block directive.
abstract class ContainerBlockDirective(val names: String*) extends Directive {
val format = Set(ContainerBlock)
* Directives with defined "source" semantics.
trait SourceDirective { this: Directive =>
def page: Page
def variables: Map[String, String]
protected def resolvedSource(node: DirectiveNode, page: Page): String = {
def ref(key: String) =
throw new RefDirective.LinkException(s"Undefined reference key [$key] in [${page.path}]"))
Writer.substituteVarsInString(node.source match {
case x: DirectiveNode.Source.Direct => x.value
case x: DirectiveNode.Source.Ref => ref(x.value)
case DirectiveNode.Source.Empty => ref(node.label)
}, variables)
protected def resolveFile(propPrefix: String, source: String, page: Page, variables: Map[String, String]): File =
SourceDirective.resolveFile(propPrefix, source, page.file, variables)
private lazy val referenceMap: Map[String, ReferenceNode] = {
val tempRoot = new RootNode
var result = Map.empty[String, ReferenceNode]
new ToHtmlSerializer(null) {
result = references.asScala.toMap
object SourceDirective {
def resolveFile(propPrefix: String, source: String, pageFile: File, variables: Map[String, String]): File =
source match {
case s if s startsWith "$" =>
val baseKey = s.drop(1).takeWhile(_ != '$')
val base = new File(PropertyUrl(s"$propPrefix.$baseKey.base_dir", variables.get).base.trim)
val effectiveBase = if (base.isAbsolute) base else new File(pageFile.getParentFile, base.toString)
new File(effectiveBase, s.drop(baseKey.length + 2))
case s if s startsWith "/" =>
val base = new File(PropertyUrl(SnipDirective.buildBaseDir, variables.get).base.trim)
new File(base, s)
case s =>
new File(pageFile.getParentFile, s)
// Default directives
* Ref directive.
* Refs are for links to internal pages. The file extension is replaced when rendering.
* Links are validated to ensure they point to a known page.
case class RefDirective(page: Page, pathExists: String => Boolean, convertPath: String => String, variables: Map[String, String])
extends InlineDirective("ref", "ref:") with SourceDirective {
def render(node: DirectiveNode, visitor: Visitor, printer: Printer): Unit =
new ExpLinkNode("", check(convertPath(resolvedSource(node, page))), node.contentsNode).accept(visitor)
private def check(path: String): String = {
if (!pathExists(Path.resolve(page.path, path)))
throw new RefDirective.LinkException(s"Unknown page [$path] referenced from [${page.path}]")
object RefDirective {
* Exception thrown for unknown pages in reference links.
class LinkException(message: String) extends RuntimeException(message)
* Link to external sites using URI templates.
abstract class ExternalLinkDirective(names: String*)
extends InlineDirective(names: _*) with SourceDirective {
import ExternalLinkDirective._
def resolveLink(node: DirectiveNode, location: String): Url
def render(node: DirectiveNode, visitor: Visitor, printer: Printer): Unit =
new ExpLinkNode("", resolvedSource(node, page), node.contentsNode).accept(visitor)
override protected def resolvedSource(node: DirectiveNode, page: Page): String = {
val link = super.resolvedSource(node, page)
try {
val resolvedLink = resolveLink(node: DirectiveNode, link).base.normalize.toString
if (resolvedLink startsWith (".../")) page.base + resolvedLink.drop(4) else resolvedLink
} catch {
case Url.Error(reason) =>
throw new LinkException(s"Failed to resolve [$link] referenced from [${page.path}] because $reason")
case e: FileNotFoundException =>
throw new LinkException(s"Failed to resolve [$link] referenced from [${page.path}] to a file: ${e.getMessage}")
case e: Snippet.SnippetException =>
throw new LinkException(s"Failed to resolve [$link] referenced from [${page.path}]: ${e.getMessage}")
object ExternalLinkDirective {
* Exception thrown for unknown or invalid links.
class LinkException(reason: String) extends RuntimeException(reason)
* ExtRef directive.
* Link to external pages using URL templates.
case class ExtRefDirective(page: Page, variables: Map[String, String])
extends ExternalLinkDirective("extref", "extref:") {
def resolveLink(node: DirectiveNode, link: String): Url = {
link.split(":", 2) match {
case Array(scheme, expr) => PropertyUrl(s"extref.$scheme.base_url", variables.get).format(expr)
case _ => throw Url.Error("URL has no scheme")
* API doc directive.
* Link to javadoc and scaladoc based on package prefix. Will match the
* configured base URL with the longest package prefix. For example,
* given:
* - `scaladoc.akka.base_url=`
* - `scaladoc.akka.http.base_url=`
* Then `@scaladoc[Http](akka.http.scaladsl.Http)` will match the latter.
abstract class ApiDocDirective(name: String, page: Page, variables: Map[String, String])
extends ExternalLinkDirective(name, name + ":") {
def resolveApiLink(base: Url, link: String): Url
val defaultBaseUrl = PropertyUrl(name + ".base_url", variables.get)
val ApiDocProperty = raw"""$name\.(.*)\.base_url""".r
val baseUrls = variables.collect {
case (property @ ApiDocProperty(pkg), url) => (pkg, PropertyUrl(property, variables.get))
def resolveLink(node: DirectiveNode, link: String): Url = {
val levels = link.split("[.]")
val packages = (1 to levels.init.size).map(levels.take(_).mkString("."))
val baseUrl = packages.reverse.collectFirst(baseUrls).getOrElse(defaultBaseUrl).resolve()
val resolvedLink = resolveApiLink(baseUrl, link)
val resolvedPath = resolvedLink.base.getPath
if (resolvedPath startsWith ".../") resolvedLink.copy(path = page.base + resolvedPath.drop(4)) else resolvedLink
case class ScaladocDirective(page: Page, variables: Map[String, String])
extends ApiDocDirective("scaladoc", page, variables) {
def resolveApiLink(baseUrl: Url, link: String): Url = {
val url = Url(link).base
val path = url.getPath.replace('.', '/') + ".html"
(baseUrl / path) withFragment (url.getFragment)
case class JavadocDirective(page: Page, variables: Map[String, String])
extends ApiDocDirective("javadoc", page, variables) {
def resolveApiLink(baseUrl: Url, link: String): Url = {
val url = Url(link).base
val path = url.getPath.replace('.', '/') + ".html"
object GitHubResolver {
val baseUrl = "github.base_url"
trait GitHubResolver {
def variables: Map[String, String]
val IssuesLink = """([^/]+/[^/]+)?#([0-9]+)""".r
val CommitLink = """(([^/]+/[^/]+)?@)?(\p{XDigit}{5,40})""".r
val TreeUrl = """(.*[^/]+/[^/]+/tree/[^/]+)""".r
val ProjectUrl = """(.*[^/]+/[^/]+).*""".r
val baseUrl = PropertyUrl(GitHubResolver.baseUrl, variables.get)
protected def resolvePath(page: Page, source: String, labelOpt: Option[String]): Url = {
val pathUrl = Url.parse(source, "path is invalid")
val path = pathUrl.base.getPath
val root = variables.get("github.root.base_dir") match {
case None => throw Url.Error("[github.root.base_dir] is not defined")
case Some(dir) => new File(dir)
val file = path match {
case p if p.startsWith(Path.toUnixStyleRootPath(root.getAbsolutePath)) => new File(p)
case p if p.startsWith("/") => new File(root, path.drop(1))
case p => new File(page.file.getParentFile, path)
val labelFragment =
for {
label <- labelOpt
(min, max) <- Snippet.extractLabelRange(file, label)
} yield {
if (min == max)
val fragment = labelFragment.getOrElse(pathUrl.base.getFragment)
val treePath = Path.relativeLocalPath(root.getAbsolutePath, file.getAbsolutePath)
(treeUrl / treePath) withFragment fragment
protected def resolveProject(project: String) = {
Option(project) match {
case Some(path) => Url("") / path
case None => projectUrl
protected def projectUrl = baseUrl.collect {
case ProjectUrl(url) => url
case _ => throw Url.Error(s"[${GitHubResolver.baseUrl}] is not a project URL")
protected def treeUrl = baseUrl.collect {
case TreeUrl(url) => url
case ProjectUrl(url) => url + "/tree/master"
case _ => throw Url.Error(s"[${GitHubResolver.baseUrl}] is not a project or versioned tree URL")
* GitHub directive.
* Link to GitHub project entities like issues, commits and source code.
* Supports most of the references documented in:
case class GitHubDirective(page: Page, variables: Map[String, String])
extends ExternalLinkDirective("github", "github:") with GitHubResolver {
def resolveLink(node: DirectiveNode, link: String): Url = {
link match {
case IssuesLink(project, issue) => resolveProject(project) / "issues" / issue
case CommitLink(_, project, commit) => resolveProject(project) / "commit" / commit
case path => resolvePath(page, path, Option(node.attributes.identifier()))
* Snip directive.
* Extracts snippets from source files into verbatim blocks.
case class SnipDirective(page: Page, variables: Map[String, String])
extends LeafBlockDirective("snip") with SourceDirective with GitHubResolver {
def render(node: DirectiveNode, visitor: Visitor, printer: Printer): Unit = {
try {
val labels = node.attributes.values("identifier").asScala
val source = resolvedSource(node, page)
val filterLabels = node.attributes.booleanValue("filterLabels", variables.get("snip.filterLabels").forall(_ == "true"))
val file = resolveFile("snip", source, page, variables)
val (text, snippetLang) = Snippet(file, labels, filterLabels)
val lang = Option(node.attributes.value("type")).getOrElse(snippetLang)
val group = Option(node.attributes.value("group")).getOrElse("")
val sourceUrl = if (variables.contains(GitHubResolver.baseUrl) && variables.getOrElse(SnipDirective.showGithubLinks, "false") == "true") {
Optional.of(resolvePath(page, Path.toUnixStyleRootPath(file.getAbsolutePath), labels.headOption).base.normalize.toString)
} else Optional.empty[String]()
new VerbatimGroupNode(text, lang, group, node.attributes.classes, sourceUrl).accept(visitor)
} catch {
case e: FileNotFoundException =>
throw new SnipDirective.LinkException(s"Unknown snippet [${e.getMessage}] referenced from [${page.path}]")
object SnipDirective {
val showGithubLinks = "snip.github_link"
val buildBaseDir = ""
* Exception thrown for unknown snip links.
class LinkException(message: String) extends RuntimeException(message)
* Fiddle directive.
* Extracts fiddles from source files into fiddle blocks.
case class FiddleDirective(page: Page, variables: Map[String, String])
extends LeafBlockDirective("fiddle") with SourceDirective {
def render(node: DirectiveNode, visitor: Visitor, printer: Printer): Unit = {
try {
val labels = node.attributes.values("identifier").asScala
val integrationScriptUrl =
node.attributes.value("integrationScriptUrl", "")
// integration params as listed here:
// 'selector' is excluded on purpose to not complicate logic and increase maintainability
val validParams = Seq("prefix", "dependency", "scalaversion", "template", "theme", "minheight", "layout")
val params = => Option(node.attributes.value(k)).map(x => s"data-$k=$x").getOrElse("")).mkString(" ")
val source = resolvedSource(node, page)
val file = resolveFile("fiddle", source, page, variables)
val filterLabels = node.attributes.booleanValue("filterLabels", variables.get("fiddle.filterLabels").forall(_ == "true"))
val (code, _) = Snippet(file, labels, filterLabels)
} catch {
case e: FileNotFoundException =>
throw new FiddleDirective.LinkException(s"Unknown fiddle [${e.getMessage}] referenced from [${page.path}]")
object FiddleDirective {
* Exception thrown for unknown snip links.
class LinkException(message: String) extends RuntimeException(message)
* Table of contents directive.
* Placeholder to insert a serialized table of contents, using the page and header trees.
* Depth and whether to include pages or headers can be specified in directive attributes.
case class TocDirective(location: Location[Page], includeIndexes: List[Int]) extends LeafBlockDirective("toc") {
def render(node: DirectiveNode, visitor: Visitor, printer: Printer): Unit = {
val classes = node.attributes.classesString
val depth = node.attributes.intValue("depth", 6)
val pages = node.attributes.booleanValue("pages", true)
val headers = node.attributes.booleanValue("headers", true)
val ordered = node.attributes.booleanValue("ordered", false)
val toc = new TableOfContents(pages, headers, ordered, depth)
toc.markdown(location, node.getStartIndex, includeIndexes).accept(visitor)
* Var directive.
* Looks up property values and renders escaped text.
case class VarDirective(variables: Map[String, String]) extends InlineDirective("var", "var:") {
def render(node: DirectiveNode, visitor: Visitor, printer: Printer): Unit = {
new SpecialTextNode(variables.get(node.label).getOrElse(s"<${node.label}>")).accept(visitor)
* Vars directive.
* Replaces property values in verbatim blocks.
case class VarsDirective(variables: Map[String, String]) extends ContainerBlockDirective("vars") {
def render(node: DirectiveNode, visitor: Visitor, printer: Printer): Unit = {
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
node.contentsNode.getChildren.asScala.headOption match {
case Some(verbatim: VerbatimNode) =>
val startDelimiter = node.attributes.value("start-delimiter", "$")
val stopDelimiter = node.attributes.value("stop-delimiter", "$")
val text = variables.foldLeft(verbatim.getText) {
case (str, (key, value)) =>
str.replace(startDelimiter + key + stopDelimiter, value)
new VerbatimNode(text, verbatim.getType).accept(visitor)
case _ => node.contentsNode.accept(visitor)
* Callout directive.
* Renders call-out divs.
case class CalloutDirective(name: String, defaultTitle: String) extends ContainerBlockDirective(Array(name): _*) {
def render(node: DirectiveNode, visitor: Visitor, printer: Printer): Unit = {
val classes = node.attributes.classesString
val title = node.attributes.value("title", defaultTitle)
* Wrap directive.
* Wraps inner content in a `div` or `p`, optionally with custom `id` and/or `class` attributes.
case class WrapDirective(typ: String) extends ContainerBlockDirective(Array(typ, typ.toUpperCase): _*) {
def render(node: DirectiveNode, visitor: Visitor, printer: Printer): Unit = {
val id =
node.attributes.identifier match {
case null => ""
case x => s""" id="$x""""
val classes =
node.attributes.classesString match {
case "" => ""
case x => s""" class="$x""""
* Inline wrap directive
* Wraps inner contents in a `span`, optionally with custom `id` and/or `class` attributes.
case class InlineWrapDirective(typ: String) extends InlineDirective(Array(typ, typ.toUpperCase): _*) {
def render(node: DirectiveNode, visitor: Visitor, printer: Printer): Unit = {
val id =
node.attributes.identifier match {
case null => ""
case x => s""" id="$x""""
val classes =
node.attributes.classesString match {
case "" => ""
case x => s""" class="$x""""
case class InlineGroupDirective(groups: Seq[String]) extends InlineDirective(groups: _*) {
def render(node: DirectiveNode, visitor: Visitor, printer: Printer): Unit = {
* Dependency directive.
case class DependencyDirective(variables: Map[String, String]) extends LeafBlockDirective("dependency") {
val ScalaVersion = variables.get("scala.version")
val ScalaBinaryVersion = variables.get("scala.binary.version")
def render(node: DirectiveNode, visitor: Visitor, printer: Printer): Unit = {
node.contentsNode.getChildren.asScala.headOption match {
case Some(text: TextNode) => renderDependency(text.getText, node, printer)
case _ => node.contentsNode.accept(visitor)
def renderDependency(tools: String, node: DirectiveNode, printer: Printer): Unit = {
val classes = Seq("dependency", node.attributes.classesString).filter(_.nonEmpty)
val dependencyPostfixes = node.attributes.keys().asScala.toSeq
.filter(_.startsWith("group"))"group", ""))
val startDelimiter = node.attributes.value("start-delimiter", "$")
val stopDelimiter = node.attributes.value("stop-delimiter", "$")
def coordinate(name: String): Option[String] =
Option(node.attributes.value(name)).map { value =>
variables.foldLeft(value) {
case (str, (key, value)) =>
str.replace(startDelimiter + key + stopDelimiter, value)
def requiredCoordinate(name: String): String =
coordinate(name).getOrElse(throw DependencyDirective.UndefinedVariable(name))
def sbt(group: String, artifact: String, version: String, scope: Option[String], classifier: Option[String]): String = {
val scopeString = {
case s @ ("runtime" | "compile" | "test") => " % " + s.capitalize
case s => s""" % "$s""""
val classifierString =" classifier " + '"' + _ + '"')
val extra = (scopeString ++ classifierString).mkString
(ScalaVersion, ScalaBinaryVersion) match {
case (Some(scalaVersion), _) if artifact.endsWith("_" + scalaVersion) =>
val strippedArtifact = artifact.substring(0, artifact.length - 1 - scalaVersion.length)
s""""$group" % "$strippedArtifact" % "$version"$extra cross CrossVersion.full"""
case (_, Some(scalaBinVersion)) if artifact.endsWith("_" + scalaBinVersion) =>
val strippedArtifact = artifact.substring(0, artifact.length - 1 - scalaBinVersion.length)
s""""$group" %% "$strippedArtifact" % "$version"$extra"""
case _ =>
s""""$group" % "$artifact" % "$version"$extra"""
def gradle(group: String, artifact: String, version: String, scope: Option[String], classifier: Option[String]): String = {
val conf = scope.getOrElse("compile")
val extra = => s", classifier: '$c'").getOrElse("")
s"""$conf group: '$group', name: '$artifact', version: '$version'$extra""".stripMargin
def mvn(group: String, artifact: String, version: String, scope: Option[String], classifier: Option[String]): String = {
val elements =
Seq("groupId" -> group, "artifactId" -> artifact, "version" -> version) ++"classifier" -> _) ++"scope" -> _) {
case (element, value) => s" <$element>$value$element>"
}.mkString("\n", "\n", "\n ").replace("<", "<").replace(">", ">")
tools.split("[,]").map(_.trim).filter(_.nonEmpty).foreach { tool =>
val (lang, code) = tool match {
case "sbt" =>
val artifacts = { dp =>
val libraryDependencies = artifacts match {
case Seq(artifact) => s"libraryDependencies += $artifact"
case artifacts =>
Seq("libraryDependencies ++= Seq(", => s" $a").mkString(",\n"), ")").mkString("\n")
("scala", libraryDependencies)
case "gradle" | "Gradle" =>
val artifacts = { dp =>
val libraryDependencies =
Seq("dependencies {", => s" $a").mkString(",\n"), "}").mkString("\n")
("gradle", libraryDependencies)
case "maven" | "Maven" | "mvn" =>
val artifacts = { dp =>
("xml", artifacts.mkString("\n"))
printer.print(s"""- $tool
printer.print(s"""- """)
printer.print(s""" """)
object DependencyDirective {
case class UndefinedVariable(name: String) extends RuntimeException(s"'$name' is not defined")
case class IncludeDirective(page: Page, variables: Map[String, String]) extends LeafBlockDirective("include") with SourceDirective {
override def render(node: DirectiveNode, visitor: Visitor, printer: Printer): Unit = {
throw new IllegalStateException("Include directive should have been handled in markdown preprocessing before render, but wasn't.")
object IncludeDirective {
case class IncludeSourceException(source: DirectiveNode.Source) extends RuntimeException(s"Only explicit links are supported by the include directive, reference links are not: " + source)
case class IncludeFormatException(format: String) extends RuntimeException(s"Don't know how to include '*.$format' content.")
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