acyclic.plugin.BasePluginPhase.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package acyclic.plugin
import acyclic.plugin.Compat._
import scala.collection.{mutable, SortedSet}
trait BasePluginPhase[CompilationUnit, Tree, Symbol] { self: GraphAnalysis[Tree] =>
protected val cycleReporter: Seq[(Value, SortedSet[Int])] => Unit
protected def force: Boolean
protected def fatal: Boolean
def treeLine(tree: Tree): Int
def treeSymbolString(tree: Tree): String
def reportError(msg: String): Unit
def reportWarning(msg: String): Unit
def reportInform(msg: String): Unit
def reportEcho(msg: String, tree: Tree): Unit
def units: Seq[CompilationUnit]
def unitTree(unit: CompilationUnit): Tree
def unitPath(unit: CompilationUnit): String
def unitPkgName(unit: CompilationUnit): List[String]
def findPkgObjects(tree: Tree): List[Tree]
def pkgObjectName(pkgObject: Tree): String
def hasAcyclicImport(tree: Tree, selector: String): Boolean
def extractDependencies(unit: CompilationUnit): Seq[(Symbol, Tree)]
def symbolPath(sym: Symbol): String
def isValidSymbol(sym: Symbol): Boolean
final def findAcyclics(): (Seq[Value.File], Seq[Value.File], Seq[Value.Pkg]) = {
val acyclicNodePaths = for {
unit <- units if hasAcyclicImport(unitTree(unit), "file")
} yield {
Value.File(unitPath(unit), unitPkgName(unit))
val skipNodePaths = for {
unit <- units if hasAcyclicImport(unitTree(unit), "skipped")
} yield {
Value.File(unitPath(unit), unitPkgName(unit))
val acyclicPkgNames = for {
unit <- units
pkgObject <- findPkgObjects(unitTree(unit))
if hasAcyclicImport(pkgObject, "pkg")
} yield Value.Pkg(pkgObjectName(pkgObject).split('.').toList)
(skipNodePaths, acyclicNodePaths, acyclicPkgNames)
final def runAllUnits(): Unit = {
val unitMap = => unitPath(u) -> u).toMap
val nodes = for (unit <- units) yield {
val deps = extractDependencies(unit)
val connections = for {
(sym, tree) <- deps
if isValidSymbol(sym)
if symbolPath(sym) != unitPath(unit)
if unitMap.contains(symbolPath(sym))
} yield (symbolPath(sym), tree)
Node[Value.File, Tree](
Value.File(unitPath(unit), unitPkgName(unit)),
connections.groupBy(c => Value.File(c._1, unitPkgName(unitMap(c._1))): Value)
val nodeMap = => n.value -> n).toMap
val (skipNodePaths, acyclicFiles, acyclicPkgs) = findAcyclics()
val allAcyclics = acyclicFiles ++ acyclicPkgs
// synthetic nodes for packages, which aggregate the dependencies of
// their contents
val pkgNodes = { value =>
val linkedNodes: Seq[DepNode] = (nodes ++ pkgNodes).map { d =>
val extraLinks = d.dependencies.flatMap {
case (value: Value.File, pos) =>
for {
acyclicPkg <- acyclicPkgs
if nodeMap(value).value.pkg.startsWith(acyclicPkg.pkg)
if !d.value.pkg.startsWith(acyclicPkg.pkg)
} yield (acyclicPkg, pos)
case (_: Value.Pkg, _) => Nil
d.copy(dependencies = d.dependencies ++ extraLinks)
// only care about cycles with size > 1 here
val components = DepNode.stronglyConnectedComponents(linkedNodes).filter(_.size > 1)
val usedNodes = mutable.Set.empty[DepNode]
for {
c <- components
n <- c
if !usedNodes.contains(n)
if (!force && allAcyclics.contains(n.value)) || (force && !skipNodePaths.contains(n.value))
} {
val cycle = DepNode.smallestCycle(n, c)
val cycleInfo =
(cycle :+ cycle.head).sliding(2)
.map { case Seq(a, b) => (a.value, a.dependencies(b.value)) }
cycleReporter( { case (a, b) => a -> }
val msg = "Unwanted cyclic dependency"
if (fatal) {
} else {
for (Seq((value, locs), (nextValue, _)) <- (cycleInfo :+ cycleInfo.head).sliding(2)) {
value match {
case Value.Pkg(pkg) => reportInform(s"package ${pkg.mkString(".")}")
case Value.File(_, _) =>
reportEcho("", locs.head)
val otherLines = locs.tail
.filter(_ != treeLine(locs.head))
reportInform("symbol: " + treeSymbolString(locs.head))
if (!otherLines.isEmpty) {
reportInform("More dependencies at lines " + otherLines.mkString(" "))
usedNodes ++= cycle