ammonite.compiler.AmmonitePhase.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package ammonite.compiler
import ammonite.util.{ImportData, Imports, Name => AmmName, Printer, Util}
import dotc.ast.Trees._
import dotc.ast.{tpd, untpd}
import dotc.core.Flags
import dotc.core.Contexts._
import dotc.core.Names.Name
import dotc.core.Phases.Phase
import dotc.core.Symbols.{NoSymbol, Symbol, newSymbol}
import dotc.core.Types.{TermRef, Type, TypeTraverser}
import scala.collection.mutable
class AmmonitePhase(
userCodeNestingLevel: => Int,
needsUsedEarlierDefinitions: => Boolean
) extends Phase:
import tpd._
def phaseName: String = "ammonite"
private var myImports = new mutable.ListBuffer[(Boolean, String, String, Seq[AmmName])]
private var usedEarlierDefinitions0 = new mutable.ListBuffer[String]
def importData: Seq[ImportData] =
val grouped = myImports
.groupBy { case (a, b, c, d) => (b, c, d) }
val open = for {
((fromName, toName, importString), items) <- grouped
if !CompilerUtil.ignoredNames(fromName)
} yield {
val importType = items match{
case Seq(true) => ImportData.Type
case Seq(false) => ImportData.Term
case Seq(_, _) => ImportData.TermType
ImportData(AmmName(fromName), AmmName(toName), importString, importType)
open.toVector.sortBy(x => Util.encodeScalaSourcePath(x.prefix))
def usedEarlierDefinitions: Seq[String] =
private def saneSym(name: Name, sym: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean =
!name.decode.toString.contains('$') &&
sym.exists &&
// ! &&
!scala.util.Try( &&
!scala.util.Try( &&
// &&
!CompilerUtil.ignoredSyms(sym.toString) &&
private def saneSym(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean =
saneSym(, sym)
private def processTree(t: tpd.Tree)(using Context): Unit = {
val sym = t.symbol
val name = t match {
case t: tpd.ValDef =>
case _ =>
if (saneSym(name, sym)) {
val name =
myImports.addOne((sym.isType, name, name, Nil))
private def processImport(i: tpd.Import)(using Context): Unit = {
val expr = i.expr
val selectors = i.selectors
// Most of that logic was adapted from AmmonitePlugin, the Scala 2 counterpart
// of this file.
val prefix =
val (_ :: nameListTail, symbolHead :: _) = {
def rec(expr: tpd.Tree): List[(Name, Symbol)] = {
expr match {
case s @ tpd.Select(lhs, _) => ( -> s.symbol) :: rec(lhs)
case i @ tpd.Ident(name) => List(name -> i.symbol)
case t @ tpd.This(pkg) => List( -> t.symbol)
val headFullPath = symbolHead.fullName.decode.toString.split('.')
.map(n => if (n.endsWith("$")) n.stripSuffix("$") else n) // meh
// prefix package imports with `_root_` to try and stop random
// variables from interfering with them. If someone defines a value
// called `_root_`, this will still break, but that's their problem
val rootPrefix = if( Seq("_root_") else Nil
val tailPath =
(rootPrefix ++ headFullPath ++ tailPath).map(AmmName(_))
def isMask(sel: untpd.ImportSelector) = != nme.WILDCARD && sel.rename == nme.WILDCARD
val renameMap =
* A map of each name importable from `expr`, to a `Seq[Boolean]`
* containing a `true` if there's a type-symbol you can import, `false`
* if there's a non-type symbol and both if there are both type and
* non-type symbols that are importable for that name
val importableIsTypes =
val renamings = for{
t @ untpd.ImportSelector(name, renameTree, _) <- selectors
if !isMask(t)
// getOrElse just in case...
isType <- importableIsTypes.getOrElse(, Nil)
rename <- Option(renameTree).collect{ case Ident(r) => r }
} yield ((isType, rename.decode.toString),
def isUnimportableUnlessRenamed(sym: Symbol): Boolean =
sym eq NoSymbol
def transformImport(selectors: List[untpd.ImportSelector], sym: Symbol): List[Symbol] =
selectors match {
case Nil => Nil
case sel :: Nil if sel.isWildcard =>
if (isUnimportableUnlessRenamed(sym)) Nil
else List(sym)
case (sel @ untpd.ImportSelector(from, to, _)) :: _
if == (if (from.isTerm) else =>
if (isMask(sel)) Nil
else List(
newSymbol(sym.owner, sel.rename, sym.flags,, sym.privateWithin, sym.coord)
case _ :: rest => transformImport(rest, sym)
val symNames =
for {
sym <-, _))
if saneSym(sym)
} yield (sym.isType,
val syms = for {
// For some reason `info.allImportedSymbols` does not show imported
// type aliases when they are imported directly e.g.
// import scala.reflect.macros.Context
// As opposed to via import scala.reflect.macros._.
// Thus we need to combine allImportedSymbols with the renameMap
(isType, sym) <- (symNames.toList ++ renameMap.keys).distinct
} yield (isType, renameMap.getOrElse((isType, sym), sym), sym, prefix)
myImports ++= syms
private def updateUsedEarlierDefinitions(
wrapperSym: Symbol,
stats: List[tpd.Tree]
)(using Context): Unit = {
* We list the variables from the first wrapper
* used from the user code.
* E.g. if, after wrapping, the code looks like
* ```
* class cmd2 {
* val cmd0 = ???
* val cmd1 = ???
* import cmd0.{
* n
* }
* class Helper {
* // user-typed code
* val n0 = n + 1
* }
* }
* ```
* this would process the tree of `val n0 = n + 1`, find `n` as a tree like
* `cmd2.this.cmd0.n`, and put `cmd0` in `uses`.
val typeTraverser: TypeTraverser = new TypeTraverser {
def traverse(tpe: Type) = tpe match {
case tr: TermRef if tr.prefix.typeSymbol == wrapperSym =>
tr.designator match {
case n: Name => usedEarlierDefinitions0 += n.decode.toString
case s: Symbol => usedEarlierDefinitions0 +=
case _ => // can this happen?
case _ =>
val traverser: TreeTraverser = new TreeTraverser {
def traverse(tree: Tree)(using Context) = tree match {
case tpd.Select(node, name) if node.symbol == wrapperSym =>
usedEarlierDefinitions0 += name.decode.toString
case tt @ tpd.TypeTree() =>
case _ =>
for (tree <- stats)
private def unpkg(tree: tpd.Tree): List[tpd.Tree] =
tree match {
case PackageDef(_, elems) => elems.flatMap(unpkg)
case _ => List(tree)
def run(using Context): Unit =
val elems = unpkg(ctx.compilationUnit.tpdTree)
def mainStats(trees: List[tpd.Tree]): List[tpd.Tree] =
.collectFirst {
case TypeDef(name, rhs0: Template) => rhs0.body
val rootStats = mainStats(elems)
val stats = (1 until userCodeNestingLevel)
.foldLeft(rootStats)((trees, _) => mainStats(trees))
if (needsUsedEarlierDefinitions) {
val wrapperSym = elems.last.symbol
updateUsedEarlierDefinitions(wrapperSym, stats)
stats.foreach {
case i: Import => processImport(i)
case t: tpd.DefDef => processTree(t)
case t: tpd.ValDef => processTree(t)
case t: tpd.TypeDef => processTree(t)
case _ =>