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package ammonite.compiler
// Originally adapted from
// compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/printing/SyntaxHighlighting.scala
import dotc.CompilationUnit
import dotc.ast.untpd
import dotc.core.Contexts._
import dotc.core.StdNames._
import dotc.parsing.Parsers.Parser
import dotc.parsing.Scanners.Scanner
import dotc.parsing.Tokens._
import dotc.reporting.Reporter
import dotc.util.Spans.Span
import dotc.util.SourceFile
import java.util.Arrays
/** This object provides functions for syntax highlighting in the REPL */
class SyntaxHighlighting(
noAttrs: fansi.Attrs,
commentAttrs: fansi.Attrs,
keywordAttrs: fansi.Attrs,
valDefAttrs: fansi.Attrs,
literalAttrs: fansi.Attrs,
typeAttrs: fansi.Attrs,
annotationAttrs: fansi.Attrs,
notImplementedAttrs: fansi.Attrs
) {
def highlight(in: String)(using Context): String = {
def freshCtx = ctx.fresh.setReporter(Reporter.NoReporter)
if (in.isEmpty || ctx.settings.color.value == "never") in
else {
val source = SourceFile.virtual("", in)
given Context = freshCtx
.setCompilationUnit(CompilationUnit(source, mustExist = false)(using freshCtx))
val colors = Array.fill(in.length)(0L)
def highlightRange(from: Int, to: Int, attr: fansi.Attrs) =
Arrays.fill(colors, from, to, attr.applyMask)
def highlightPosition(span: Span, attr: fansi.Attrs) =
if (span.exists && span.start >= 0 && span.end <= in.length)
highlightRange(span.start, span.end, attr)
val scanner = new Scanner(source)
while (scanner.token != EOF) {
val start = scanner.offset
val token = scanner.token
val name =
val isSoftModifier = scanner.isSoftModifierInModifierPosition
val end = scanner.lastOffset
// Branch order is important. For example,
// `true` is at the same time a keyword and a literal
token match {
case _ if literalTokens.contains(token) =>
highlightRange(start, end, literalAttrs)
// String interpolation parts include `$` but
// we don't highlight it, hence the `-1`
highlightRange(start, end - 1, literalAttrs)
case _ if alphaKeywords.contains(token) || isSoftModifier =>
highlightRange(start, end, keywordAttrs)
case IDENTIFIER if name == nme.??? =>
highlightRange(start, end, notImplementedAttrs)
case _ =>
for {
comment <- scanner.comments
span = comment.span
} highlightPosition(span, commentAttrs)
object TreeHighlighter extends untpd.UntypedTreeTraverser {
import untpd._
def ignored(tree: NameTree) = {
val name =
// trees named and have weird positions
name == nme.ERROR || name == nme.CONSTRUCTOR
def highlightAnnotations(tree: MemberDef): Unit =
for (annotation <- tree.mods.annotations)
highlightPosition(annotation.span, annotationAttrs)
def highlight(trees: List[Tree])(using Context): Unit =
def traverse(tree: Tree)(using Context): Unit = {
tree match {
case tree: NameTree if ignored(tree) =>
case tree: ValOrDefDef =>
highlightPosition(tree.nameSpan, valDefAttrs)
case tree: MemberDef /* ModuleDef | TypeDef */ =>
highlightPosition(tree.nameSpan, typeAttrs)
case tree: Ident if tree.isType =>
highlightPosition(tree.span, typeAttrs)
case _: TypTree =>
highlightPosition(tree.span, typeAttrs)
case _ =>
val parser = new DottyParser(source)
val trees = parser.blockStatSeq()
// if (colorAt.last != NoColor)
// highlighted.append(NoColor)
fansi.Str.fromArrays(in.toCharArray, colors).render