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ammonite.runtime.ClassLoaders.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
package ammonite.runtime

import{URL, URLClassLoader, URLConnection, URLStreamHandler}
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.util.Collections

import ammonite.util.{Imports, Util}

import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable

 * Represents a single "frame" of the ``/`sess.load` stack/tree.
 * Exposes `imports` and `classpath` as readable but only writable
 * in particular ways: `imports` can only be updated via `mergeImports`,
 * while `classpath` can only be added to.
class Frame(
    val classloader: SpecialClassLoader,
    val pluginClassloader: SpecialClassLoader,
    private[this] var imports0: Imports,
    private[this] var classpath0: Seq[],
    private[this] var usedEarlierDefinitions0: Seq[String],
    private[this] var hooks0: Seq[ammonite.util.Frame.Hook]
) extends ammonite.util.Frame {
  private var frozen0 = false
  def frozen = frozen0
  def freeze(): Unit = {
     * Once frozen, a frame won't accept new imports or classpath elements.
     * This is useful in commands that load / save sessions, whose result
     * doesn't need to be kept in the frame.
    frozen0 = true
  private[this] var version0: Int = 0
  def version = version0
  def imports = imports0
  def classpath: Seq[] = classpath0
  def usedEarlierDefinitions = usedEarlierDefinitions0
  def addImports(additional: Imports) = {
    if (!frozen0)
      imports0 = imports0 ++ additional
  def addClasspath(additional: Seq[]) = {
    if (!frozen0) {
      version0 += 1
      val actualAdditional = additional
        .map(url => (url, classloader.add(url)))
      classpath0 = classpath0 ++ additional
  def addPluginClasspath(additional: Seq[]) = {
    if (!frozen0) {
      version0 += 1
  def usedEarlierDefinitions_=(usedEarlierDefinitions: Seq[String]): Unit =
    usedEarlierDefinitions0 = usedEarlierDefinitions
  def hooks: Seq[ammonite.util.Frame.Hook] = hooks0
  def addHook(hook: ammonite.util.Frame.Hook): Unit = {
    hooks0 = hooks0 :+ hook
object Frame {
  def createInitial(baseClassLoader: ClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader) = {

    // *Try* to load the JVM source files and make them available as resources,
    // so that the `source` helper can navigate to the sources within the
    // Java standard library

    val likelyJdkSourceLocation = os.Path(System.getProperty("java.home")) / os.up / ""
    val hash = SpecialClassLoader.initialClasspathSignature(baseClassLoader)
    def special = new SpecialClassLoader(
      new ForkClassLoader(baseClassLoader, getClass.getClassLoader),

    new Frame(special, special, Imports(), Seq(), Seq(), Seq())

case class SessionChanged(
    removedImports: Set[scala.Symbol],
    addedImports: Set[scala.Symbol],
    removedJars: Set[],
    addedJars: Set[]
) extends ammonite.repl.api.SessionChanged
object SessionChanged {

  def delta(oldFrame: Frame, newFrame: Frame): SessionChanged = {
    def frameSymbols(f: Frame) =
    new SessionChanged(
      frameSymbols(oldFrame) -- frameSymbols(newFrame),
      frameSymbols(newFrame) -- frameSymbols(oldFrame),
      oldFrame.classloader.allJars.toSet -- newFrame.classloader.allJars.toSet,
      newFrame.classloader.allJars.toSet -- oldFrame.classloader.allJars.toSet

object SpecialClassLoader {
  val simpleNameRegex = "[a-zA-Z0-9_]+".r

   * Stats all jars on the classpath, and loose class-files in the current
   * classpath that could conceivably be part of some package, and aggregates
   * their names and mtimes as a "signature" of the current classpath
   * When looking for loose class files, we skip folders whose names are not
   * valid java identifiers. Otherwise, the "current classpath" often contains
   * the current directory, which in an SBT or Maven project contains hundreds
   * or thousands of files which are not on the classpath. Empirically, this
   * heuristic improves perf by greatly cutting down on the amount of files we
   * need to mtime in many common cases.
  def initialClasspathSignature(
      classloader: ClassLoader
  ): Seq[(Either[String,], Long)] = {
    val allClassloaders = {
      val all = mutable.Buffer.empty[ClassLoader]
      var current = classloader
      while (current != null && current != ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader) {
        current = current.getParent

    def findMtimes(d: java.nio.file.Path): Seq[(Either[String,], Long)] = {
      def skipSuspicious(path: os.Path) = {
        // Leave out sketchy files which don't look like package names or
        // class files
        (simpleNameRegex.findPrefixOf(path.last) != Some(path.last)) &&
      os.walk(os.Path(d), skip = skipSuspicious).map(x => (Right(x), os.mtime(x))).map {
        case (e, lm) =>
          (, lm)

    val classpathRoots =
        .collect { case cl: => cl.getURLs }

    val bootClasspathRoots = sys.props("java.class.path")

    val mtimes = (bootClasspathRoots ++ classpathRoots).flatMap { p =>
      if (p.getProtocol == "file") {
        val f = java.nio.file.Paths.get(p.toURI)
        if (!java.nio.file.Files.exists(f)) Nil
        else if (java.nio.file.Files.isDirectory(f)) findMtimes(f)
        else Seq(Right(p) -> os.mtime(os.Path(f)))
      } else
        SpecialClassLoader.urlLastModified(p), _))


  def urlLastModified(url: URL): Option[Long] = {
    if (url.getProtocol == "file") {
      val path = os.Path(java.nio.file.Paths.get(url.toURI()).toFile(), os.root)
      if (os.exists(path)) Some(os.mtime(path)) else None
    } else {
      var c: = null
      try {
        c = url.openConnection()
      } catch {
        case e: =>
      } finally {
        if (c != null)

 * Try to load resources from two parents; necessary to get Ammonite's source
 * code browsing to work in SBT projects because SBT messes up the context
 * classloader
class ForkClassLoader(realParent: ClassLoader, fakeParent: ClassLoader)
    extends ClassLoader(realParent) {
  // This delegates to the parent automatically
  override def findResource(name: String) = fakeParent.getResource(name)

 * Classloader used to implement the jar-downloading
 * command-evaluating logic in Ammonite.
class SpecialClassLoader(
    parent: ClassLoader,
    parentSignature: Seq[(Either[String,], Long)],
    var specialLocalClasses: Set[String],
    urls: URL*
) extends ammonite.util.ReplClassLoader(urls.toArray, parent) {

   * Files which have been compiled, stored so that our special
   * classloader can get at them.
  val newFileDict = mutable.Map.empty[String, Array[Byte]]
  def addClassFile(name: String, bytes: Array[Byte]) = {
    val tuple = Left(name) -> bytes.sum.hashCode().toLong
    classpathSignature0 = classpathSignature0 ++ Seq(tuple)
    newFileDict(name) = bytes
  def findClassPublic(name: String) = findClass(name)
  override def findClass(name: String): Class[_] = {
    val loadedClass = this.findLoadedClass(name)
    if (loadedClass != null) loadedClass
    else if (newFileDict.contains(name)) {
      val bytes = newFileDict(name)
      defineClass(name, bytes, 0, bytes.length)
    } else if (specialLocalClasses(name)) {

      val parts = name.split('.')
      val resource = os.resource / parts.dropRight(1) / (parts.last + ".class")

      val bytes =
        try Some(
        catch { case e: os.ResourceNotFoundException => None }

      bytes match {
        case Some(b) => defineClass(name, b, 0, b.length)
        case None => super.findClass(name)

    } else super.findClass(name)
  def hasUrl(url: URL): Boolean = {
    def viaParents(loader: ClassLoader = parent): Boolean = {
      val hasUrl0 = loader match {
        case null => false
        case s: SpecialClassLoader => s.getURLs.contains(url)
        case _ => false
      if (hasUrl0) true
      else if (loader == null) false
      else viaParents(loader.getParent)
    getURLs.contains(url) || viaParents()
  def add(url: URL): Boolean =
    if (hasUrl(url)) false
    else {
      classpathSignature0 = classpathSignature0 ++ Seq(jarSignature(url))

  override def close() = {

    // Works around
    // Which for some reason started mysteriously closing these classloaders in 2.12

  private def jarSignature(url: URL) = {
    val lastModified = SpecialClassLoader.urlLastModified(url).getOrElse(0L)
    Right(url) -> lastModified

  private var classpathSignature0 = parentSignature
  def classpathSignature: Seq[(Either[String,], Long)] = classpathSignature0
  def classpathHash(wd: Option[os.Path]) = {
      // Include the current working directory in the classpath hash, to make
      // sure different scripts cached ++ { case (path, long) =>
          val buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(8)
          path.toString.getBytes ++ buffer.array()

  def allJars: Seq[URL] = {
    this.getURLs ++ (parent match {
      case t: SpecialClassLoader => t.allJars
      case _ => Nil

  override def findResource(name: String) = {

  override def findResources(name: String) = getURLFromFileDict(name) match {
    case Some(u) => Collections.enumeration(Collections.singleton(u))
    case None => super.findResources(name)

  private def getURLFromFileDict(name: String) = {
    val className = name.stripSuffix(".class").replace('/', '.')
    newFileDict.get(className) map { x =>
      new URL(
        new URLStreamHandler {
          override def openConnection(url: URL): URLConnection = new URLConnection(url) {
            override def connect() = ()
            override def getInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(x)

  def cloneClassLoader(parent: ClassLoader = null): SpecialClassLoader = {

    // FIXME Not tailrec

    val newParent =
      if (parent == null)
        getParent match {
          case s: SpecialClassLoader => s.cloneClassLoader()
          case p => p

    val clone =
      new SpecialClassLoader(newParent, parentSignature, specialLocalClasses, getURLs.toSeq: _*)
    clone.newFileDict ++= newFileDict
    clone.classpathSignature0 = classpathSignature0


  def inMemoryClasses: Map[String, Array[Byte]] =


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