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import ammonite.terminal._
import Filter._
import ammonite.repl.FrontEndUtils
import ammonite.util.Colors
import ammonite.compiler.{Highlighter, Parsers}
import ammonite.terminal._
import ammonite.terminal.LazyList.~:
* Logic to find path "literals" so we can attempt to autocomplete them based
* on what's actually on the filesystem.
object PathComplete {
* @param base An identifier representing the absolute path which this
* path literal is based on. If `None`, then we've only
* found a relative path
* @param body The various path segments, as `String`s. `None` means it
* is an `up` instead of a literal path segment
* @param frag The last, potentially incomplete section of the path
* just before the cursor
* @param offset
case class PathLiteralInfo(base: Option[String],
body: Seq[Option[String]],
frag: Option[String],
offset: Int)
* Searches the current snippet for path-like forms ending at the
* current cursor. Doesn't actually go to the filesystem to see what
* exists, just returns a [[PathLiteralInfo]] representing the
* structure of the path-like-syntax it found
* The overall approach is somewhat convoluted, but roughly:
* - Use `highlightIndices` to search for all syntactic instances of
* strings, identifiers or symbols within the text, since those are
* the forms that can comprise path literals
* - Convert the raw index-tuples into a sequence of objects representing
* each found form
* - Search backwards from the end of the that list. Take up any initial
* (possibly half-complete) Symbol/String literal to become the `frag`,
* gobble up any `/`s followed by `ups` or Symbol/String literals to
* form the path, and stop if you reach a absolute path "literal"
* `wd`/`pwd`/`home`/`root` or if you can't parse anything anymore.
* @param snippet The entire code snippet in which we are requesting
* autocomplete
* @param cursor The position of the cursor when the user hits Tab
* @return `None` if no autocomplete is possible, otherwise a [[PathLiteralInfo]]
def findPathLiteral(snippet: String, cursor: Int): Option[PathLiteralInfo] = {
val indices = Highlighter.highlightIndices(
case "Id" => Interval.Id
case "String" => Interval.String
case "Symbol" => Interval.Symbol
val spans =
// Weird hack to get around other weird hack in Highlighter, where it
// uses 999999 to represent incomplete input
.map{case (a, b) if a > 9999 => (cursor, b) case x => x}
case Seq((s, Interval.Id), (e, Interval.End)) => Span.Id(s, e)
case Seq((s, Interval.String), (e, Interval.End)) => Span.String(s, e)
case Seq((s, Interval.Symbol), (e, Interval.End)) => Span.Symbol(s, e)
spans.headOption match{
case None => None
case Some(head) =>
// None means we're not in a path autocomplete, Some(None) means
// we are but there is no incomplete segment before the cursor
val (frag: Option[Option[String]], prev0: Int) =
head match{
case span: Span.Id =>
if (snippet.substring(span.start, span.end) == "/") (Some(None), cursor)
else (None, 0)
case span: Span.String if span.end == cursor =>
(Some(Some(snippet.slice(span.start, span.end))), span.start)
case span: Span.Symbol if span.end == cursor =>
(Some(Some(snippet.slice(span.start, span.end))), span.start)
case _ => (None, 0)
def rec(prev: Int,
spans: List[Span],
segments: List[Option[String]]): (Seq[Option[String]], Option[String]) = {
spans match{
case Span.Id(start, end) :: next :: rest
if snippet.slice(start, end) == "/"
&& snippet.slice(end, prev).trim() == ""
&& snippet.slice(next.end, start).trim() == "" =>
(next, snippet.slice(next.start, next.end)) match{
case (_: Span.Id, "up") => rec(next.start, rest, None :: segments)
case (_: Span.Id, x) if rootMap.keySet.flatten.contains(x) => (segments, Some(x))
case (_: Span.String, v) =>
val mangled = v.drop(1).dropRight(1).replace("\\\"", "\"").replace("\\\\", "\\")
rec(next.start, rest, Some(mangled) :: segments)
case (_: Span.Symbol, v) => rec(next.start, rest, Some(v.drop(1)) :: segments)
case _ => (segments, None)
case _ => (segments, None)
for {
frag <- frag
(body, base) = rec(
if (frag.isDefined) spans.toList.drop(1) else spans.toList,
if !(body ++ frag ++ base).isEmpty
} yield PathLiteralInfo(base, body, frag, cursor - prev0)
import ammonite.ops._
* Small hard-coded list of how to convert the names of various
* path-literal-roots into actual Paths. Some depend on the REPL's
* `wd`, others don't
val rootMap = Map[Option[String], Path => Path](
None -> (wd => wd),
Some("wd") -> (wd => wd),
Some("pwd") -> (wd => pwd),
Some("root") -> (wd => root),
Some("home") -> (wd => home)
def colorPath(path: Path) = {
stat(path).fileType match{
case ammonite.ops.FileType.Dir => fansi.Color.Cyan
case ammonite.ops.FileType.File => fansi.Color.Green
case ammonite.ops.FileType.SymLink => fansi.Color.Yellow
case ammonite.ops.FileType.Other => fansi.Color.Red
def pathCompleteFilter(wd: => Path,
colors: => Colors): Filter = partial{
case TermInfo(TermState(9 ~: rest, b, c, _), width)
if PathComplete.findPathLiteral(b.mkString, c).isDefined =>
val Some(PathComplete.PathLiteralInfo(base, seq, frag, cursorOffset)) =
PathComplete.findPathLiteral(b.mkString, c)
val path = rootMap(base)(wd) / { case None => os.up; case Some(s) => s: RelPath }
if (!exists(path)) TermState(rest, b, c)
else {
val fragPrefix = frag.getOrElse("")
def wrap(s: String) =
if(fragPrefix.startsWith("\"")) Parsers.stringWrap(s)
else Parsers.stringSymWrap(s)
val options = (
ls ! path | (x => (x, wrap(x.last)))
|? (_._2.startsWith(fragPrefix))
val (completions, details) = options.partition(_._2 != fragPrefix)
val coloredCompletions = for((path, name) <- completions) yield{
val color = colorPath(path)
val details2 = => pprint.tokenize(stat(x._1)).mkString)
val stdout =
FrontEndUtils.printCompletions(coloredCompletions, details2)
if (details.length != 0 || completions.length == 0)
Printing(TermState(rest, b, c), stdout)
else {
val common = FrontEndUtils.findPrefix(, 0)
val newBuffer = b.take(c - cursorOffset) ++ common ++ b.drop(c)
Printing(TermState(rest, newBuffer, c - cursorOffset + common.length + 1), stdout)
* Enum used to tag the indices being returned by [[Highlighter]]
sealed trait Interval
object Interval{
object Id extends Interval
object String extends Interval
object Symbol extends Interval
object End extends Interval
* More-convenient data-structures to work with, compared to the raw
* tuple-output of [[Highlighter]]
sealed trait Span{
def parseStart: Int;
def end: Int
* Different from [[parseStart]], because [[Span.Symbol]] starts
* parsing one-character late.
def start: Int = parseStart
object Span{
case class Id(parseStart: Int, end: Int) extends Span
case class String(parseStart: Int, end: Int) extends Span
case class Symbol(parseStart: Int, end: Int) extends Span{
override def start = parseStart - 1